The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1892, Image 8

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For Sale or Trade.
A choioe farm of 160 acres, 4 miles
from town, good frame house, 80 acres
in cultivation, all tillable but about
10 acres timber Easy terms or will
tradc D. J. Myers.
id Cleud, Nebr.
Special Bates.
Minneapolis, Minn., June 7, 1892; Na
tional Republican Convention.
All agents may sell tickets to Minnea
polis at rate of one lowest riret-class fare
for the round trip. Sell tickets June 1-5,
inclusive, and limit going trip for contin
uous passage from date of sale and re
turn trip for continuous passage from
date of execution at fit Paul with final
limit for return to June 25. Tickets will
be honored out of Minneapolis Jb& -te
turn trip prior to juge 10. .Execution
for return passage WR be made at either
Minneapolis or St. Pa!.'
Chicago 111., June 8,' 1892; National
Democratic Conventiai
All agents may sell f&ta to Ckicago
at rate of one lowest laW class fare for
the round trip. Sell tisksts June 16-20,
inclusive, and limit golgtrip to contin
uous passage from dataV ale, and re
turn trip to continuoiit faasage from
date of execution at CrJaiwo. with final
return limit to July G. Ifoflkets wiH not
pe honored out of Chieiod for return
prior to June 24. $
Omaha, Nebr. July i, -USB; National
AH agents may sell tickets 'to Omaha
at rate of one lowest firstbae fare for
the round trip. Dates of eale: From
Nebraska and Kansas. Jul j'l-i inclusive
with return limit to July 15; uth Da
kota, July 1-2, inclusive, Ywiti return
limit to July 1C; Colorado aidwyoming,
June 29-30, inclusiye, with ntirn limit
to July 17.
Lincoln, Neb., May 16-18, laWAnnual
v xcobivcu, j-iiQcum uraiorie oocieiy,
with CamvaninL L ,
Agents in Nebraska within MOl miles
or iiincoln, may sell'Wjk D rJ5cVete to
Lincoln at rate of or and oae-fowest
fare for the round trip. Sell tickets
May 1G-18, and limit for return1, ttfl May
Helena, Mont, Commencing Jue 15,
1892, Supreme lodge A. O. U. W ajente
may sell round trip tickets to Helecf, at
rate of one lowest first-class fare. JBeft
tickets June 1-14; inclusive, with3trftBsit
limit of ten days in each directioa; nd
final limit of thirty days from datwj of
oaio. xiuKHis may oe routed vw ,811
routes, either via Denver and Ogdea, and
may read for different routes going- ied
returning. Wnen the routes used feeing
and returning carry different oneeej
rates, the round-trip rate will be frai
half of the sum of the one wav rate,
For example: Round trip rate goioafajl
vguau uuu returning airect, wuifo
$44.40 made 824.40 coins via Oeden aarf
820, one half of the one-way rates direst!
Rates on Certiorate Plan.
York, Nob. April 13. 1892: KenuUicsa r
Congressional Convention (4th District) I
Thayer, and York Counties, may sell 7oyed farms at a bargain. Write for
ticketa to york, April 10-13, imdusive4Hcription to D. J. Myers,
a A. McCloud, Secretary, York, Neb.,1. Red Cloud Nebr.
will sign certificates.
Seward, Nebr., April 2G, 1892; 73rd An
niversary Odd Fellowship.
Agents m lorn, .Folk, tiutler, aid Se
ward counties, may sell ticketa to Seward
Apni-a, inclusive. L. K. Cottrell,
Chairman, Seward, Neb., will eSga certif-
Ogden, Utah, April 29-May C, 1892;
Cattlemen's Congress.
All agent may sell tickete to Ogden,
April 26-May 0, inclusive. R. L. Arm
strong, Secretary, Ogcten Utah, will Bign
Omaha, Neb., May, 17-20, 1892; Annual
Convention, Kansas and Nebraska. Juris
diction, International Order of Twelve,
rvnignis ana laughters of Tabor- '
Agents in Kansas and Nebraska, may
seJUL tickets to Omaha, May 14-20, inclu -s'we.
A. W. Hopkins, C. G. 8., Leaye'a
wortb, Kansas, will sign certificatis.
Omaha, Neb., June 7-8, 1892; Annual
Meeting, Nebraska, Funeral DdrecAors'
Agents in Nebraska, may seU ticket to
Omha, June 4-8, inclusive. J;unes Hea
ton,SecretarylI,incom, Neb., will sign
A- Conoveb.
Miles ttcrve and I.Ter Pills. -
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'
pills speedily cure bilousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Un
equaled for men, women, children. Small
est, mildest, surest! BO doses, 26 ota
- Children Cry for
: usher's Castorla.
Save 28 to 60 cents on erery dollar you -ix-im
Write for oar mammoth Catalogue, a roo-pae
book. coatalnlnelllUBtratlon and KivlDglowrtman
Bfactnrern' vricra, with manutacmrcrB' dlKooatr
of mry klna of Roods and applies manufactured
and Imported into the United stale. Groceries,
llosaehold Goods Furniture, Clothing, Ladies
and Gents' Clothing and Fnrnlshlnc Goods, Dreis
Goods. White Good. Dry Goods, Hats, Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Giores, HoUons, Glassware,
fitaUoaery, Watches. Clocks, Jewelry. Silverware.
Babies. Whips, ARricultural lmplem'nt etc
ONLY MUST CLASS GO'Ji. catalogue sent
OB receipt of S5 cents forexpirTiteo. We are the
nly concern which sells at iiminfactnrerV prices,
allowiDc lb buyer the ?anf discount the
Biannfactnrer irives to the wholesale buyer. We
ruarsntee all Roods as represented: If not found
So. money refunded. Good' crut by express or
freight, with pmUege of examination before pay
fog. A. KAKl'KN A CO.,
123Quiocy street, Chicago, ill.
A salary of $23 to SSO per wrek to GOOD agents
toreptu'eninsinev-rTriniiiiT.niiiircii u t-uciiu
liaeof Merchamlintllllllulclres, prices. Osclt
aftlt. Catsliwnc nud particulars reutou receipt
it 25 cests for csirerta e.
128 Qulucy atreel, Chicago, I1L
Terms to suit customers.
aWfi aaaaa, ee7 Haav aaa
aaaaaaaaaattVJv?fi jrV- -ftft-'fc f QtTvIw
The Heart or the Allefhaaies.
Writing of a recent trip across the
mountains of West Wirginia a gifted
journalist says:
"Twilight on the grade is gtand. The
mountain summits look like the busy tops
of treeB. The sun has disappeared in a
ball of fire at his 'jumping-off place,' but
the vivid lightenings of the western sky
by the still upturned illumining face be
low the horizon is in marked contrast to
the gathering shades behind the rushing
train. From shelf to shelf, from crag to
crag, from brink to brink, we almost fly.
Like a flashing transformation, rendering
almost past belief the fact that the bcss
is in the midst of the Allerhsaial, -comes
a bit of landscape ajeaiag with all the
beauU9&lk8 and hedtrMi- And ' hrio-ht
Jtfed flowers, a mountain brooklet 'tumbl
ing throegh the ceiiire Baekhore Wall,
the most aoted and moat admixed view
that earn be had from any kaowa point in
the Alleghany range. To eaaeie'tae road
to spaa the tremeadioas gorge, m massive
wall of eat stono was erected tat a dis
tance ef several hundred feet, and more
tfcaa haadred feet above the foandation
roe. As the river aaakea aa abrupt tarn
at right eagles, a deep canyon is opened
up for miles. Range after range of
moantains disappear behind each, other
The shadowy outlines of single peaks steal
out tnrongn me naze."
This beautiful scene is on the Baltimore
and Ohio B. B.nsar Grafton, W. Ta. The
entire line from the Potomac to the Ohio
is a majestic panorama of the grandest
views oa me continent and all endowed
with historic interest. 89-2
A National Event.
xne noiaing or tue world's fair ia a
my scarcely ou years om wui be s re
markable event, oat whether it will really
oenens tnis nation as mach as toe dis
covery of the Restorative Itervine by Dr.
Franklin Miles is donbtfal. This is last
what the American people aeed to care
their excessive nervoasnees, .dyspepsia,
headaebe dizziness, sleeplessness neural
gia, nerrous debility, dallness, confusion.
of rated etc It acts like a charm. Trial
bottles and fine book on "Nervosa sad
Heart Diseases," with unequale testimon
ials free at, Cotting's dreg store. It is
warranto? to contain no opinan. morphine
or dangerous drags.
For Sale or Trade.
A good timber claia ia Hates
coamty, Nebraska. AIL perfectly level
lead, some good young trecp, 40 fee.
to water, 12 acres under omltivation,
10 miles from a good R. B. town.
Will sell as claim or give daed cheap
far cash or trade for most an y thing.
D, J. '.Myers,
354 Bed Clomd, Neb.
It is a truth in medicine that -the mall-
rest does that oerfoma the em in triA
J "beet De Witt's Little Early itieers are
be smallest pills. wiU perform, the cure
a80 - re " best. C L. Cottiiig.
m i -
Some choice improved :ind uoiai-
s to salt castoasers
TltI:QE0wXHT if iNl3MimTR7af UtTIM
vkh vitinaUv
umm '. xw stun of tits cr tw
! 'Cbicaeo, Rock laM & Paciic By.
'"The Direct Route wliiltw ChleaM. Jollet. Ottawa.
.Pesrla, La Salle, Mate VJtock Iibnd. la ILUXOIS;
.Eartwport, Mn sasLhothaawa, Oskalasaa. Dra
loiaes. Winters? t. iwtabea, Harlan aad Comcfl
UstuSk. in IOWA: 3SMolta and St mi, la 3JIK
UTESOTA; Wat crtowjahC Sioux Falls, la DAKOTA;
Ciaieron. SL Josrpliiai Vjaasaa City, la 3IIS80TJU;
Omaha. Lincoln. Fmltaan aba MakiM lvtodict-..
f -AtchUon, Leavcnwory Inswu u, Tnpeka, natchlasoa!
f Wlehlta. BeileTille, AMaLADedM CKr. Caldwell, la
I KANSAS; Klngflnherjl ajw and Mlnco, la ISDUS
. TERRITORY: Titnr&Clfmto SpriBfs aad Pueblo.
i an COIX)R.lM. TravsaMVitw anas of rich fanalnf
; and grazing laud. affiMOJW eit ftriUUes or later
; vooimunicatlcn to sll emtlwd cJMts east aad Wtat,
iorthrstandiuliwcJefiti-oaad to ieifle mM
. . J-VWIIIWOCUJ"ril".
r.. . .. tA r,
3iilrg all comprtl
-Ktwiwti CHICAGO aat Da MOfXZS, COTJKCtt
.lU'FFH and OMAHA, and bttwwn CHICAGO and
.'AR. and I'htace Slttpen, with Dialac Car Btrrke.
Clo rnnnrdinns at Prnrrr and Colorado SpciDfi with
lirtrRlng nxllwar lines, now forBlsc tbe BCW aoJ
j plrturwqoe
Ovr wl.Irh snnrrMy-equlpiird trains run dally
Tit -"onnr. WITHOUT OIANGE to and from Fait
Li 'City. r..j-uu an San Francico. THE EOCK
r' VI li al-o thr Pinvt and Farorite Uni to anil
ft ii Minlt.M. pibp' Tik and nil other sanitary and
c n: r-irt'a:ili UI-s and minlncdlstrictsln Colorado
"rn-n ?t Javpli h1 Kanras City to and from all fan.
1 1 fnt tu nt iiii- an.l xrtlniij In Southern Nebraska,
Ii j and t,e UvlUxi Ti'mtory. AUo Tla ALBEBT
.IV. UL""S .'nun City and Oilcaco to Water
xn. l.ix Fall. MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL.
oiiiim ii wr Bt all jx.!iin nr.rtU and northwest betwtca
iv UU- ind ih IVm-ifir Cmut.
T.r Ticti-tf. Mjp. FoMcrn. i.r deiirrd lnformatloa
n ty to any Conpon llcict Office in tbo United Stat
r CmuuLi. or ivMitm
-' ll'.icaprj; Gent Tkt.&rMs. Aft.
s Jx 1
TEL mSi-
mcA'ms tkaom
Ji-kcj' .
SheriaTt sale.
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an order of sale issued from
the office of C. B. Crone, clerk of the
district court of the tenth judicial dis
trict within and for Webster county, Ne
braska, upon a decree in an action pend
ing therein, wherein the Smith Brothers
Loan & Trust company are plaintiffs, and
against Richard K. Stowe as administra
tor of the estate of Nels Poulson, de
ceased, Line Peterson, Joel Poulson, Car
rie Poulson, Nels Poulson Jr.. Mary
Poulson, Mira Poulson, Martin Poulson,
uaspenon as guardian or buiu
a. Cacrie Poulson. iNei. 1'oul-
Foulsea and Mira Puiilsuu, d
x snau oner ior saie utpuouc
the haaaest bidder for cash in
e ast aoor oi tne court-nouse
. . . . .
but?, ia said Webster vounty,
(thntT being the building
List :term of said court was
ith it
of May, A. D. 1893,
m. ex said day, the follow
preperty towit: The
aiter(li) of section twen-
ty-aiae (29) la tt.waabip three (3,) north
of rangei;eleVn (11,) west of the 6th p.
Given undet my hand this 30th day of
March, A. Dpir. '
36-S0d SCO.E. Coos, Sheriff.
Sfcoriaa Sale.
Notice is herefcy given that under and
bv virtue of an oHor et sale issued from
the office -of C''t. Crone, clerk of the
district court ofL tenth judicial dis
trict within ancTaW Webster county, Ne
braska, upon a deeres ia an action pend
ing uierein, wneraaa jars. j. a. names
aad Erne Baraaii .ire plaintiffs, and
against John M. Zergason, Agnes J.
Ferguson and JaajeBU Ferguson, de
fendants, I shall offft fee; sale at public
vendee to the highest biader for cash in
band, at the east dtaacfi'liie courthouse
at Bed Cloud, in seel Webster county,
Nebraska, (that beaag'fibe building
wherein the last termupf jaaid court was
bolden)onthe 3 X
Sal Day of Majr,..f. 192,
at 11 o'clock a. m. of ami day, the fol
lowing described propogr towit: The
north-west quarter (naB.) of section
thirty-four (34) and the nerth-east quar
ter (neli) and the east halt (e) of the
north-west quarter () of ieeotion thirty
three (33,) township four (4j) aarth, range
ten (10,) west of the 6th p.-i '
Given ander my hand this Xth day of
March, A. D. 1892: Yl
36-30d Geo. . Coe,'8heriiT.
Tibbets, Mobet & Ferbis, 'U'tts' Att'ys
BToa-afeflltieat lVotlee
"- I
Joke Woods.
In District Court
The defendant, John Wtp-JsAwill
Ukc aotite that on the 16th dav of
April, 1892 the plaintiff, Cofbsa A.
Woods, ilea, her petition in taoveece
of the clerk of the district aWii' of
Webster comety, Nebraska, againet
his, the object aad prayer of Mrbith
are to obtain a divorce from bin, Mrd
tne custody of their miaor chldrea.
Said defendant is repaired to iswff
or plead to said petition on or fciore
Mav 3U, lbyu, or the alleeatieas o
sail petition win oe taaen as'toa
fessed and decree rendered accora$E$
ly. Cobnilia A. WpoDaV
By Geo. B, Chanet, her attorney." S
-.J as !! si .
Legal Notice.
Albert Smith
John Johnson and
Barah J. Johnson.
In the district court, tenth judicial dial
utci, vveoeter county, Nebraska.
' Notice to non-reeideat defendants.
The defendants above named will
uuubb mat tne piamiui nas com
menced aa action aeainat thm iointlv
.r. xt-. a. .. .
in the above entitled cause, the object
end prayer of which are to remove a cloud
in the title to the eauth-eaat onarter of
section twenty-four, town three, range
mine in Webster oountv. Nahraalra.
caused by certain defects ia a certain
deed to said land made by defendants to
one James RAtlrisson, aad recorded in
book F, on page 283 of the deed records
of said county. You are required to an
swer the petitioa tiled ia said case on or
before the 23d day of May, 1892, or the
euegatiene m said petition contained
will be taken as true.
38-4t Jwo. R Willoox.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Notice Is JMRty idyea taat aader aad bv vir
taeoC aa erdar ef sale teaea frsai tbe oflee of
taathjtaaMMict. wHMla aad fer Webtter
B41asftnC.wkeretatbeFliat NaUeaalBaak
S?WIaMareeleadaitt; Meeotm. where-L-i
HT Weuaere wasplaatUI aaa John
Klacber JrM WtafteM 8. WinJet. WlaYet
hit wife. Ylrat KbIImuI h.rSi i,a i&ZZ
fLSftDTW ai5y . I"xtea al.
7ZSrV1T?,, jr.Junwaoau, jsuii u. Jones,
i5a.i JoaaTTloore. Hweet, orr & co.,
5S Sffi-L.3,M a d?!ou, ami
IBWataeoMei' of court tae afaov nm u
g'TeSgya, a5LK:iJtt
"" rmm. ueor-eum. LeatnuuBL at Kni
flty, Nebraska, that
nn tlm
uic uil Lenn m itniff
94lh Day efiflaY. A. D. 18a.
5tO0J?K5lck)ck P- ' W day the followine
described property towit: The norUibaHV'j.
t.,2!,2.rfHtw0l.2.,,, ranKe n,ne- west of the
hR":.-1? Webstr county, sebraaka.
A.D.iMe? T btLai w"11 far of April,
38-30d Gao. E. coojr. Sheriff.
JAg.MciteNV, Plalutifl's Attorney.
Fiaal Proer BTUce.
March 3, 1832. f
Notice is lunhv irivn that i riii-
to2S.8.rh2iS1?1 n01" I tatentlon
MTO"" WSr EnSty. at
MfeJ,ortll-weat w uim t BwoshhTa;
ridian. He uaaes the following ; witiiesses n
NPhr01. rti"? vlz: t ,e,,s Jenaauof fnarale
Nebr.; Chris Jensen. Inavaie. Nebr Orrin R.
Otto, Nebr. o. G. Bailkv. stesfster.
Jaatlee r the Feaee,
Office over Post OBce.
Red Cload . Ncaraaka.
at Red
wherein mae
south-west "ati
I ,MaiiaaaklTWiaaaiT lbu
-l aavwcaamacwBCTein
. wmk i nnAwzim I
iiCgal Notice.
In the district court of Webster county
Leopold Baum, plaintiff,
Spencer Alexander, Marion Alexander,
Milton Randall, W. T. Vankirk,
The plaqBff in the above entitled ac
tion notifieHhe defendants in said cause,
that on theMi day of April 1892, that he
the said plaintiff filed his petition in the
district conAfof Webster county. Kebras
kV; against abu the said defendants the
ect and ptay of which are to foreclese
ax lien owned..aJd held by the plain
f, on and aswaaatlot number three (3)
bl'odc ten (10) idriae Tillage of Blue Hill
in Webster count, and state of Nebraska
for the sum of fjsiy dollars, ($40) and
accumulating ihterest, and that said lot
be sold aJordiagto Uw to pay said
amount and costs of this aetmn, and that
any claim or interest yon may have in
said premises may be declared junior and
inferior to plaintiffs tax lien. For furth
er particulars yon are referred to plain
tiffs, petition now on file in the Clerk's
office of the District court of Webster
county, Nebraska. Yon are required to
answer said petition on or before Monday
the 16th, day of May, A. D. 1892.
LzoroLD Back,
By O. C. Case, His Attorney. 37-4k
NonRcsldcnl Notice.
William Marshall, 1
Jacob II. Shugart et al
The defendants O. P. Johnson, Frank
B. Orcutt, Orris W. Robertson and Jes
sie Foster, will take notice that on the
6th day of April 1802, the plaintiff here
in tiled his petition in the district court
of Webster county, Nebr., the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed by defendants J.
H. Shugart, and Helen M. Shugart, since
deceased to Edwin D. Orme, who assign
ed said mortgage to plaintiffs assignee
L. M. Dove, now Lizzie M. Leslie;
that said mortgage is on lot seven (7) in
block three (3) in Talbot's addition to the
town of Guide Bock, Webster county,
Nebraska, and was duly recorded in the
records of said county, that default
has been made in the payment of
the amount decreed by said mort
gage. You are therefore required
to answer said petition on or
before the lGth day of May 1892, or said
petition will be taken as confessed by
you and default rendered foreclosing said
mortgage as prayed for in said petition.
37-4t William Marshall,
By John If. Chaffix, His Attorney.
Or First National Bank Balld-
Sealed bids will he received at office of
the receiver of the,First National Bank,
Red Cloud, Neb., until 12 m. (noon) May
2, 1892, for banking building, furniture
and fixtures therein; lot 16, block 26, in
Bed Cloud, Neb., one two story brick
building, furniture and fixtures, consist
ing of Yale time lock safe, walnut furni
ture, desks, chairs, etc.
Right reserved to reject any or all bids.
364t O. C. Bell, Receiver. v
TfotlH ii aerenv uiven miliar and ly
tne of aa order of s.tle issuea Ireni theofiice ot
C'.B.Cwue, clerk ot thedistilct court of tbo
tenth Jadieialdistrictvtithln and for Webster
county, Nebraska upon a decree iu an action
pendlnirflnrein, wherein P. S. SicUuire Is
a SKUIIISI jiuui ji. rrcriuve BIKI
rectal are detendaius, i snail offer
for sale
abac vendue, to the blghct bidder.
for cash
ad, at tbe east aoor of tlie coirt
Claad in said Webster county.
house at
bat betag the buildiuc wherein the
gala ceurt was noiaen. on tfle 26th
lZXJ at eae o'clock p. m. of said day
?oescnoei propenv town: its
our 4, ia block ono 1, Yanco's first
the tow Of (itiideKockln Wnbstr
three 3. mi
rasKa, viren under ruy Hand this
23d day of
area i
v Ieo. E. Coox, aherlff,
i UcNaWv, I'laiuUR's Attorney.
6HeraaTa ale
Notice is Mb ' citwa that under and hv vir.
tseof an ordaf D sato-lasued from the office of
CB.CronerisaV-.'faaistrict court of the lota
JadlclaJ daUt eiOrin and for Webster county
ThattjaTr Tfifia ir-r" In nn action pendlug,
! "rani wherein the 1J til-ton savings Hank- u
Bttlatiff and against Mark II. Warner, Sarah A.
Warner, Tlio Kansas City Investment coapaay
and tbe first National Bank of Bed cloud. Neb.
defendants, I shall offer for sale at public yea
due, to the highest bidder for cash iu band, at
tbe east door of the court house at Ked cloud In
said Webster county, Nebraska, that being the
uaiiaiug wuereiu uie last term of saia court was
holden, on the 26th day of April 1892 atne
o'clock P. M. of the said day, the following des
cribed property to-wit: The east half of sec
tion twenty-four, 24. in township oae, I, ot range
eleven, II, west of the 6th p. m. in Webster
county, Nebraska. Giyan ander my hand this
lth day of March 1832.
GKO. E COOX, Sheriff,
cook & Daort, & cAse McNear.
SMt ruintirs Attorney.
SkerlaFi Sale.
notice i hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an order of sale issued from the office of
c. B. crone, clerk of the district court of the
tenth Judicial district withlu and for Webster
county, Nebraska, upon a decree In an action
pending therein, wherein Sarah L. oreea Is
plaintiff, and asainst Aurelian A. Posta&d
Jost, his wife, defendants, I shall offer for sale
at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash
In hand at tbe east door of the courthouse at
Kea ciouu in saw weoster county, vaoraaka,
Itbat being the building wherein the last term
ot said court was holden) on the
34h Day or Ray, A D, 18S,
atone o'clock p.m. of said day the foUowIag
described property towit: The east half. M, of
the north-east quarter, H, and tbe north-west
auarter, , of the north-east quarter, H , of sec
on seventeen, 17, In township three, 3, north
la ranee ten, IB. mist eCthe 6th p. a.
Given under my hand this 14th day of April,
A. D. 1892.
Gro. B. cooir. Sheriff:
Jko. x. Bagan , Plaictlfl'3 Attorney. 38-00d
H.(. SIieriiTiiiT
vir- i
Webster Co. Abstract Offidtfr
J. II. BAILEV, Abstracter and Proprietor.
Accurate Abstract Promptly FuriiMietl lor any Land in Wctolcr
Coanty. A complete anil Accurate ct ofAbitract books
and a aMOOOO bond Hied TiJh comity judc insures .satis
faction. For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or some
good Bargains in Real Estate, call on
Don't forget to ask for the Consumers' and
That fcr every Cash purchase of ONE DOLLAR from any
Merchant whose name appears below entitles you to a
Which they will accept for five cents on every
Cash Purchase of One Dollar.
And take Special Notice that the Merchants who belong to
this Association are the most wideawake and keep
the best stock of goods, and their
prices are the lowest.
Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloaks and Shoes.
Im H. Dcyo, Drugs etc. Henry Dicdrich lfool Ac Shoes
Baekeye Harness Shop Harness,
Oscar Fatasor, Flour Sc Feed. F. V. Taylor, Furniture.
L. M. Vance, Jeweler.
Lower than any yard in the world
Fort Abstract
L. II. FORT, Manager.
thed to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Having had ten years experience in county records and one of the mt complete set of Ab
atract books In the state, we guarantee satisfaction. Yor.r f.ivors solicited
All orde8 tilled promptly. 10.000 dollar bond tiled
nd approved. Address or call on
J,. II. FOIiT Manager, Itcd Cloud, Neb.
oBveyaacer, Real Estate
Loans, Insurance, and Pen
aion Agent.
Red Cloud, Kcbraka.
I especially invite you to call on me for
anything in my line. Loans
farm property at 8 per cent.
made on
ia the best companies I also,
Call aad see mi if you desire, shrubbery
flowers or fruit stock. Yon will find prof
itable to see me.
D. B. Spanoge.
Real Estate
and Loan Age
Red CIoikI.
HemaeapathJc Fbyaielan,
Red Claad, XeraKa.
Office opposite First National Bank.
U. rkExaniaing hurgeon.
Chronic diseases treated by mail.
c. Wiener, Cloilicr.
Co., Reel Cloud,
Will serve a limited number of choie
marcs tlis season.
He is (I years old and strongly built.
15V bands high and a natural trotter
ami has an excellent pedigree.
J. W. 3IoitA.svn.LE, Prop.
Ked Cloud, Neb.
Police to 'Ifitclierx.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers ofthe public schools of this
couuty, at Ked Cloud on the third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will be held
on the Friday preceeding the 3d Sat
urday of each month.
The standing required for 2d and
3d grade certificates is the same no
crade below 70 per cent., average 80
per eent; for first grade certificate
no grade below 80 per cent., average
90 per cent, in all branches required
by law.
D. M. FIunter. County Supt.
Salesman, Local and Tra velinr
To represent our well known house.
You need no capital to represent a
firm that warrants nursery stock first
class and true to name. "Work all
the year. $100 per month to the
right mac. Apply qnicfc, statinjj age.
L. L. 31 ay & Co,,
Nurserymen, Fiorists and Seedstun.
St. Paul, Minn.
(This house is responsible.)
yj3kV anan
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