The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1892, Image 5

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    ""BaaaffJDE5 "fwWffJlffffffffaaaMaatf sjaiBaisai
Z 5
People Who Prefer
Serviceable, Stylish, Well-Fitting Shoes, made of the BEST material,
by experienced workman, to shoddy Ill-flttinfir. "worthless
goods, made by cheapest of unskilled labor
will buy them of
Blalesiee & Kaley,
We are confident of pleasing all customers from our large stock
And Defy Competition as Regards Quality and Price.
guCi for LITTLE GIANT SCHOOL SHOES for your Children.-
Blakeslee & Kaley.
B. Jt M. R. R. Time Table.
Taking effect Nov. 5,
Trains carrjiiig passengers leave Bed Cloud
as follows:
No. X Passenger to Hastings, - 8:00a.m.
Nil, HG Freight for Hasting! - J :30 p.m.
No. 131 Passenger from Hastings
arrive. 5:35 p.m.
No. 1C, Passenger to St. Joseph, ht,
uMiNand Chicago daily - 10:30 a. m
No H Passenger to Kansas Citv and
Atchison, daily. ... 99, p.m.
No. 13 Passenger for Denver and In-
tc point, dally, - - 7:30 a.m.
No. 13, Passenger for Deu er, dally, 5 :45 p. m.
Oil cake at Deyo's,
Wall paper at Cottings.
Buy your buggy paint of Deyo.
All kinds of condition powders
Joe Warner and wife arrived home
tin a week.
Oranges, bannas, iruits, &c, at J.
0. Lindley's restaurant.
Miss Nancy Hilton adds her name
to The Chief this week.
For fine tobacco, cigars, candies
&c , go to J. O. Lindley's.
Henry Clark got his hand mashed
this week while handling stone.
There will be services at the Catho
lic church nest Sunday at 10:30 a. m.
Don't forget the Republican con
vention takes place to-morrow at 11
Lighting struck the M. E. church
Tuesday evening, but did not do much
J. L. Miller wishes to announce
that he has a fine line of trunks and
je Easter services at the various
churches was very appropriate last
It. B. Fulton, helped the Great
Family Weekly out this week with a
big d jllar.
A. J. George, a traveling man for
Boyd & Overing was in Red Cloud,
this week.
Mrs. Parker, who has been visiting
in Bed Cloud for some time past, re
turned to her home in Jewell county,
last week.
All members of Knights of Labor
are earnestly requested to meeet at
their hall on Friday night at 8 o'clock
sharp. Business for all concerned.
Senator Moon, will be here in a few
days, for the purpose of deciding
whether or not he will build the brick
hotel. Hope he will see fit to do it.
The farmers report the ground in
the best condition ever known in Ne
braska. If the indications are ijood
the county will fairly groan with
abundance of all kinds of agriculture.
Joe Warner, JefUwo weeks ago for
the eastern states to encourage emi
gration to Nebraska. Jot went as far
cast as Cleveland, Ohio, and north in
to Michigan and Wisconsin, throwing
literature into Iowa, Illinois, Indiana
Ohio, Michigan and Wiscosiu.
Mr. 51. K. Bentley received this a verv encourai-inc letter from
" -", - - J WW
Chicago parties who are
Ravens horse and cattle food at
Miss Carrie Brakcfield is home from
Blue Hill on a week's vacation.
The A. O. U. W. boys go to River
ton to-night to establish a lodge.
Deyo's stock of wall paper is styl
ish, new, clean and prices lowest.
Miss Florence Donahue of Iowa, is
visiting with Miss Mable Martin.
Farm loans at lowest rates.
D. J. Mters.
Paint brushes, whitewash brushes,
and all kinds of brushes at Deyo's.
See Oscar Patmor before buying
flour. He has made a big reduction.
The wife ot Mr. H. E. Sanford de
parted this life on the 20tb, after a
long illness.
desiring to
come to Red Cloud to investigate our
facilities for manufacturing. Capital
will come to Red Cloud if our promi
nent men will do all they can to get
it here.
The Easter concert at the M. E.
church on Sabbath evening was a yery
pleasant entertainment. The speak
ing, singing, &c, was well done and
a very large audience was present and
fully app-pc'ntcd the service. A
large collection was taken up for the
Russian sufferers.
Recommended tjr the Queen.
This is what all English people pay
about whatever thy have to BelL In
America however, it's "the verdict of the
people" that Haller'e Barb Wire Liniment
i the most successful remedy for cuts,
bruises and sores ever introduced. For
Ssle by Cotting.
Lew Albrieht has rented the Char
ley Potter buiding and will open a
flour and feed store.
We give it aB our opinion that Dejo
is strictly in it when it come to prices
aiid styles of wall paper.
yMrs. Walter Sherwood of McCook
is in the city visiting with her par
ents, J. L. Miner and wife,
F. V. Taylor, allows no one to sell
more goods than he does, at prices
that are low, for good goods.
Remember the Chicago clothing
store takes measures for tailor made
clothing, guarantee a perfect fit or no
It is low prices, the best ef goods
and accurate dispensing that has
brought L. H. Deyo, his large drug
It is the judgment of all that Cot
ting has the finest selection of wall
paper in the oity, and in prices he
can't be beat.
Mrs. Henry Sherman and daughter
mother and sister of Mrs. R. M. Mar
tin, are visiting at the residence of R
hi. Marian this Week.
Owing to the change in time of ar
rival of trains the Sunday opening
hours of the post office will be as fol
lows: 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. and 6.30 to
7:30 p. m. instead of 6 to 7 as fornr-erly.
Mr. Palmer of Omaha, was in the
city this week. He represents the
State Business Men's association, and
was looking op the prospect for Web
ster county in the next industrial
train that the state proposes to send
All republicans are requested to
meet at the law office of R. McNitt in
the Moon block Saturday eve at 8
o'clock, April 23d, for the purpose of
organizing a republican club. All
voters believing in the principles of the
republican party are cordially invited.
D B. Spanogle was in Lincoln this
week in the interest of Webster coun
ty. While there he took part in the
organization of s state Immigration
Bureau, lhe institution is composed
of representative men of the state
who propose to see that immigration
is properly encouraged toward Ne
braska. 5lr. Spanogle was fully rec
ognized in this important convention
by being elected one of the directors.
Frank Quigley narrowly escaped be
ing killed last evening, at Bloommg
ton. In some tuaneer he was thrown
down between the cars while switch
ing and rolled around under the brake
beam seven or eight times before be
ing rescued. Ordinarilly if the acci
dent had happened while on the road
Frank would have been undoubtedly
killed, as it was he was badly bruised
and had one rib broken and his face
seratched prttty seriously. It was a
close eall for him and a great wonder
that he was not instantly killed. t
There is one thing that has been
brought to our attention that ought
to be stepped. Red Cloud has two as
fine flouring mills as there are in the
great wst. Both of these mills man
ufacture flour that is equal to any of
the brands aiade by their competitors,
yet eur merchants carry large amounts
of flour, variously estimated at from
$1500 to 12000 worth per month. If
this large amount of money was used
in baying our home make of flour the
money would be kept at home and an
important enterprise fostered, that is
otherwise left to stand on its own bot
tom. Home enterprises thould be
patronized first, and then let outsiders
come in if necessary. The motto of
the town should be ''Home first, and
the world afterwards." The grasping
afters few cents often turns' Out to
be "penny wise aad pound foolish."
Try those raiket cigars at Cutting's
Paiutiug material of all kinds at
Fine neck wear a specialty at Chi
cago clothing store.
If you want wall paper or window
shades, go to Cottings.
For correct fitting clothing go to
Chicago clothing store.
We have the best stock of hats in
the ciiy. Chicago store.
For nobby suits the Chicago c loth
ins store takes first rank.
Go to the Chicago clothing store
for pants of every discription.
Cotting's new styles of fine guilt
papors are elegant. Be sure and see
The Lincoln mixed paints sold by
Cotting are the best in the market.
We guarantee them.
Those new patterns of wall paper
nt Cottings arc beautiful and prices
lower than ever. Call and see them.
For fire, lightning and tornado in
surance, apply to Chas. Schaffnit, Red
Cloud, Neb. Office over Deyo's drug
store. The celebrated Leonard Clcanable
Dry Air Refrigerators are the superi
or of all others. For sale at W. W.
Wright's hardware store.
When going down the street, do not
forget to stop in and see those beati
ful gasoline Quick Meal Vapor stoves
at W. W. Wright's. They are beau
ties and the finest invented.
C. L. Cotting had an immense
stock of wall paper but some of the
grades are already getting low. How
ever he still has the largest stock in
the country, and can please the most
fastidious in sttle quality and price.
On Thursday afternoon, the Sons
of Vetrcans band made their first ap
pearance on the streets. The boys are
becoming apt players and Red Cloud
will soon have a band that will not
have to take a back scat for any one.
Dr. A. F. Jonas, formerly of Madi
son, Wisconsin, but now professor of
in the Omaha medical college spent
Monday in this city, as the puest of
Dr. McKeeby. He is one of the Dr's
old time neighbors and came hiro to
help him in a surgical case.
The Yankee Detective.
On Thursday evening the Sons of
Veterans of H. S. Kaley Camp No. 25
entertained our people with a rendi
tion of the popular drama, the "Yankee
Detective." A large audience greeted
the boys and during the evening every
part of the play was loudly applaud
ed and highly appreciated. The play
was one of thrilling interest and of
intense excitement and was rendered
purely by home talent and was all the
more appreciated by our people, lhe
music waB furnished by the Misses
Mary and Margie Miner and was cer
tainly very fine. These young lidies
are expert musicians and during the
interludes entertained the audience
very happily. The dramatic perform
ance was excellent, and those taking
the various characters performed them
in a manner that was aboye reproach.
Will West as "Yankee
Detective" was splendid and
would have done eredit to an old
actor. Will Tulleys, as Captain Dud
ley looked a perfect detective, Chas.
Southard, as leader of the gang of
counterfeiters, in the person of John
Dickerson was good and plainly showed
that John was in it. Harry Miller as
Splinters, took the bun. Harry's red
nosecaptivaiod the aduience. Walter
Warren, as Snifton, took the part
oi a tougn Iran way bacJT Mud ncied
his part wellJjUvcar Patmor masquer
ading as WiB, a bogus detective,
played his plri nicely, and "took the
bracelets" h some hesitation. Irv
ing Cummis, as Tucker, ths saloon
keeper, wa Jkfmply out of sight. Hen
ry Clark, pfc'ed the part of Sessions,
in an exoefiat manner, Dell Olmsted,
a colored Jaanian from Tcnessee. can-
nadience in the part
m Sam, and his dancing
house down. Miss Mon-
aa Alva T.filn Qsttt f Yi w9
,f. :. ... ... UUUUWtl,
jWife of Chas. Southard,
i, iriticism. Miss Rose Emish
Bucklcn's Arnlcca Salve
The Best Salve in the world for cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Uorns, aud all other Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by L. H. Deyo. 3
i i i -
Thanks Extended.
The member? of H. S. Kaley Camp,
of Red Cloud, wish to extend their
thanks to the citizens for their hearty
support given them at their enter-'
tainmcnl on Thursday evening. Es
pecially do thy thank the Misspf
Rose Emigh and Montie Tulleys for
their able assistance in helping to
make the "Yankee Detective" a sae-
cess. Also they wish to heartily
thank Miss Mary and Margie Miser,
for their excellent music furnished on
the occasion. jf ' j
r i ft
ome Foolish People. !
allow a conch to run until it gets beyon
the reach of medicine. They oftea b&
"Oh, it will wear away." but in most crass
it wears them away. Could they be ad
duced to try the successful tnexupfte
known as Kemp's Balsam, whichjkV siild
on a positive guarantee to cult - tiey
would immediately see the enBewat
effect after taking the first doseJ&A all
druggists. LJ k
Walter Jones of Provo, Ufc; w in
the city. JF"1
W. M. Vissehcr, was in froti? Mc
Cook, this week visiting his.faiitty.
Miss Sarah Conover was ia 1'iirficld
this week, attending Sunday , School
Dunug tins week thp pi?i
Red Cloud, have been treated
rain thau for many years.'
Rev. E. J. Randall was i'i
this week attending the m
tlin ministerial nssnfifttinri !&
Capt. Yocum of Ha
shot and killed Myroa V
traducing his daughter's
has been pardoned by Gi
The Congregational i
packed to overflowing oa
morning, to listen t tbeEsster ser
mon which was preichedtby the Pas
tor frym the text,MContfder the lilies
how they grow. Tfctff presence of
the Knights Templar ifif full uniform
added to the interest off the occasion.
tured th
of Tenn
tic Tulle-
was abo
in her djaucult part of Mrs. Willough
by was aaaellently played and highly
appreciated by the audience, but when
itcamjTJje "Old Granny WTizzle,"
Charlqprj Guilford simply walked off
with dbn house solely his own. He
cappejj'the climax.
Thijprocecds were about $75 and
go toffrid uniforming the members of
the trap.
The Beet Authorities.
&,Sc-T '-fr
'Ngsrt-.i. ,-' 1 ,1 ' 'Ul., at
-,.'-?. roo
above Me
Suit are
le of
o more
og of
ngs, who
Ieet, for
od name,
arch was
st Sunday
"suouasDr. Dio Lewis, Prof. Gross
anilotaers, agree that catarrh is not a
locSl'ibut a constitutional disease.
Itjlhcrefore requires a constitutional
rope dy like Hood's Sareaparilla, which
effectually and permanently cures
ciiif rrh. Thousands praise it
C Hood's Pills cureli ver ills, jaundice,
fcilliousness, sick headache, constipa-
Mcb and all troubles of the digestive
aS .
t Real Estate Transfers.
C B & Q R B to Maggie Crone sw4 3-2-11
Wd 9 800 05
Fy Grable to D D Miser s2 set aud lots
7 8 sec 12-1-11 and n2 aud ae4 see 22-2-
jQwd cnoooo
.VK Harris to H Wolfe nw4 2-2 9 wd.. 1300 00
OKindcher to U G Granger W2 nwl 2-2-
S Palmer to K K fanner nw4 14-2-12
wd 2000 00
A Garison to Oscar Ferdinand nw4
18-4-ewd 4000 no
V Downs to W K Held nw4 31-2 12 tied I 00
BRPltaeytorGIIroya2ne4& a2 se4
Our display of children and boys' suits is a
little the nicest shown vet.
- Opposite Post-office.
22-2-12 rd : M0 to
iO W Orrasby to P GUroy 2 ne4 It S3 se4
22-S-12qcd 230 00
B 8 Brown to J W Dennisoa nw4 24-1-U
wd 1200 00
c A Teel to P. B. Goble 111 acres 30-2-11
deed 180 00
c H Palmer toB H Palmer lots l to i
and 13 to 18 bloek 4 Kadcllfi'a add nd 2000 00
wm and jane mjucobs to Laura Barber
lots 11 and 12 block 8 aad lols 9 and 10
block 11 KR add wd 800 00
H Klnsto B w Fox sart lot 0 bloek 9
Vance's add nod 10 00
T. Batim to K Welseh lou 15 & 16 block
lORBaddwd 50 00.
$20606 60
' "'':- . .. HOUSE.
Vin Williams, has
gone back to
of all ia fyxrmmt Power U,
Why have chills, ajrae and fever, suffer
death and take gallons of nauseous drags
to cure them. If yon keep "Jtlepaticure"
in your home and take it to regulate and
purify the great organs of life, blood, liv
er and kidneys, you will never be sick.
This we will guarantee. L. H. Deyo.
Far Cafc to aajr iart of the City
Leave orders with J. O. Lindley. I
will fill your orders promptly, and give
you good service.
J. H. CLiNE,Prop
A concert will be given at the
Opera House on Thursday evening,
April 2Gth, by Miss Campbell and her
pupils resisted by the talent of the
city. The program will be pleasing
and varied consisting of soBgs, in
strumental trios, duets and solos, both
upon violin and piano. Also not the
least attractive part will, be some fine
numbers rendered by toe Javeeile Or
Time and energy has Hot beea spar
ed on the part of Miss Campbell to
make this one of the most delightful
occasion of the season. It is to fce
desired that all will show their appre
ciation of the cultivation of musio in
our midst, by coming out and giviug
era full house.
. S. CoVt EapiAff. 17, tHf
You have heard pientj of remarks about tne weather, ao
we,wm no mennousriiiurtuer. JBut must sav that we
Have p)ts of Goods
That&we MUS f oet rid of.
aWawffJ aWawffaV ffaWffl" ar Bwaaaaaw ar awaam ffaaTawffffhJABb . . ffff g. amaaffaV
Table lM
ar aVff
ICofne apjl
n, napkins, towels and crash.
pring Dress Goods.
ri -.
m spring Jackets
-: t
see us for bargians in dry . gbocls''
and shoes.
fcpjaaawMajWaaaawjaiawjffjffji "ij '-- -aMm4mal BaaMiigfBw2laaaaaaaamaaaaafLy:E