The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1892, Image 1

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By A. C. Hosmkr.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worm and allays
feverishness. Castoria preTemts vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
, " Castoria.
M Castoria Is an excellent medicine f or chll
rcn. Mothers baTO repeatedly told roe of its
good effect upon their children."
Dr. O. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castoria Is tho lie. enicily for children of
Wch I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant whenmotnerswfflcoasider the real
kiterest of their children, and use Cantoris in
stead of theTarious quack nostrumawhich are
destroying their lored ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Conway, Ark.
Tke C!tamr C fT, TI Mmrtmy Stroai, "Kmw YackOtty.
Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is
"Castoria is so well adapted to cnDdrtHlaMi
I reooBSBKBd ft assBneriortoasy preaeriatioB
known to me." . . . -, -
H. A. Abchxk,1L T
111 So. Oxford St, BrooklF.K. Y.
Oarphyalciaas In the children's depart
ment haTe spoken highly of their experi
eace In their ootside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won ns to look with
CsrrxD Hoarrru. axo DisPKnutr,
iun a Smth. At..
Red Gloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday April 22,
Educational Department.
D. M. I1UXTER, Edlter.
The following cirou'ar was Bent to
school officers, teachers, and others
last week:
The WeSstcr County Annual Teach
era' Institute will open June 27, 1892
at one o'clock p. m., at Bed Cloud,
Nebraska, and continue in session
three weeks. It is to the interest of
every one intending to teach next
school jear to be in attendance.
To those who will not attend teach
ers' institute, a cordial suggestion is
made to enter some other profession
at once. Please do not ask for a
teacher's certificate in this county.
All school officers and otheis interest
ed in education are requested to visit
the institute. Thorough instruction
will be given in the branches most
needed by teachers of our schools.
A present will be given to every
school having work on exhibition.
The work should be done this year,
and be in the hands ef the county
superintendent not later than Juse
18tb, if possible. All schools accord
ing to law, will be olosed during the
All applicants for certificates will
be required to pass an examination
in Arithmetic, Grammar, Orthogra
phy, Physiology and Hygiene without
regard to standing on former certifi
cate. This rule will be in force dur
ing the next school year. Examina
tions will be held on July 15th and
16th. Further information will be
given cheerfully to anyone desiring it.
Respectfully yours,
D. M. Hunter.
Do not neglect to read the State
Superintendent's circular in regard to
grading the country schools, printed
in all the Webster county papers this
week. An effort is being made to
haec a uniform system of grading and
classifying the country schools of this
Somethings that teachers desire
oarenta to do:
To send their children to school
every day, to send their children to
school on time, to visit the school, to
encourage their children to obey their
teacher, to encourage their children
to stndy every lesson widl, to state all
grievances first to the teacher, not to
the childrcu and to the neighbors, to
provide necessary bo'iks, or know that
they are provided for the children, to
treat the teacher as a friend, as one
who is working for the welfare of the
children, to co-operate with the teach
er in making the school better than it
wis last term, to encourage the child-,
rcn to read something suitable for
them at home. A pupil who reads it
home learns to read better and more
rapidly at school than one who dues
not look at a book or child's paper out
of school hours.
A good attendance i desired at the
teachers' meeting at Blauq on Satur
day. All Nebraska should observe Arbor
The Heading Circle of district num
ber 38 met at the house of Mr. Geo.
P. Cather on Friday evening, April 8.
About twenty were present. A good
time is reported. i
At the March meeting the subject
ef English history received the bio'
attention. Mrs. Franc S. Cather hs
charge of the work in that part of
'the county, and faithfully docs ker
part in keeping the work in progress!
' I' i
Historic homes and landmarks are
rapidly passing away, owing to fatal' kid
uey and liver diseases. uHepatiewre"wiU
cure and prevent all such diseases.
Sold by L. H. Daro. 'J '
Pitcher's Castor!'
RejMftMIe emmtjr Coareatton.
The BepuMfean.eiecton or Webster County,
axarrqiKstedtaseiri ablegates froa: the sever
al townships to meet In convention at the court
house in the city of Jted f 'loud, Saturday, April
Uat 11 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of se
lecting M ablegates to therrnubllcaa congress
ional convention to be held at HoMrece,
Nebr., Thursday. May Cth..ls93, Uitdw
Kates to the rejiuWIIcan cougressionauL: Jiven
ttwi to be heWat JicCook, Nebr. JaneaJ. IKK
and seven eetecates to tbe State Jhasren
tiontooeaaJd at Kearney April Zi. 1-'
The several townships are entitled t repre
sentation as follows: the apportionment belni:
based uoen tbe vote cast for Hon. Geo. 11.
Hastings for attorney general in 1890 glvnlft one
delegate at large to each township (except the
Irst anil second wards of Kcd.Cloud city; and
one for each ten votes and the major fraction
Bed Cloud. 7
Oak Creek -'
Jotdam H
Cathertoa 2
Ked Cloud 1st ward ''
ullluS lOCa I
Stillwater J
Batin. J
Harmony 5
Walnut Creek 3
Elm Creek 5
Beaver Creek 4
Pleasant Hill C
Red Cloud 2nd ward It
It is recommended that no nrnxies be admit
ted, and that the delegates present cast the full
vote of the delegation, also that tho primaries be
held not later than April 21 at, 1892, The follow
ing persons shall be entitled to vote at the re
publican primaries. All republican electors
and all other electors who. if cliallenged. shall
declare their intention to act with the republi
can party at the coming election. By onicr of
the committee.
G. E. BIcKerbt, Cliainran,
A. V. uosmkb, secretary.
Tho Fair.
Are we going to have any frirthis
Year ? It seems to us that . there
should be aome effort made to. We a
successful exhibition. Heretofore,
there' has been too much onesided
ness displayed in the management of
the society. What the fair 'reeds is
a good genuine management of repre
sentative farm era, men wi know
what is needed to make a pod fair.
One great mistake about the manage
ment of the fair is that erery year
premiums arc offered for cibibits, and
when the premiums are worked out and
the exhibitor goes after hu money he
is confronted with the intelligence
that the association is broke. The
way to make a fair a success is to
say you will pay prenuams, though
they are small, and pat them, don't
spend all the money in horse racing,
&c, but give a fair portion tc the
farmer and housewife, md then you
will see the fair go. Of course horse
racing suits some, well, have some of
it but don't go crazy ca horse-racing,
but divide up the preaiums with the
exhibitors and be sura you have the
niony to pay them wten the fair is
over, or there will never be any fair,
that is a financial success now mark
you that, and mark you well. The
former managements have done what
they thought was right, but neverthe
less missed it, and now for some on
who will make the fair go. Then an
other thing, the gate fee is all wrong
The idea of letting a family of ten
or 15 go in for ihrce days for $1.50
is proposterouo. The fee should be
carefully arranged ho that tho gate
ft-e would be an important item. The
idea of a thn-a or four days fair with
four or five tlousand people present
and not mor? than a $1009 in fees is
all wrong. Every one who enters the
gates ahoull pay- A fair association
managed tlt way seems to ui would
nn.3 Male your pr.miums small this
.year and 17 them, and see well to the
"nte fees an U hie Vyiiicr ucueves me
fair will oe a success.
If duli'Bpiritless and stuped: If your
blood . thick and sluggish; if your appe
tite is capricious and uncertain, you need
a Sarc tparilla. For best rest results use
De Witt s. J. Li. sotting.
The entertainment and tie supper
was a grand success All were much
plessed with the program and did full
ju.otice to the amply filled basket.
Our minister, Rev. VaaDjka being
atwent, Rev. Guy filled the pulpit at
Amboy last Sunday.
Minn Maraada TeaeawoTth and Miss
Tillie Raiser spent Sanday in Amboy.
The nerson who painted a buggy
cushion with eggs make it a point to
be scarce article when tbe owner 01
said cushion is around.
Wc all have confidence in our hoa-
orable County board and are satisfied
that they will take tbe necessary steps
toward the building of a bridge across
the river south of Amboy.
. i .
Bright people are the quickest to reo
ognixe a good thiag and bay it. We sell
lotsof bright people the Little Early Ri
sers, If you are not bright these pills
will make you bo. 0. L. Ootting.
the Price of The Chief.
All the popular
Colors and Styles !
It will PAY YOU. The Old and Reliable
Dry Goods House of
Rel Cloud, Nebr
J. II. Fermau met with a painful
accident last Wednesday. While let
ting his horse exercise it rati on the
garden. Mr. Ferman wnt out and
caught it, when the horse in a play
ful mood brtran to rtrance. and while
jumping in this way it ran against
Mr. Ferman breaking one ot nis rtns.
Under the care of Dr. Barr the
wund is doing nicely, but it will be
some time before it is entirely well
Benkleman Pioneer.
When Baby was sick, we gare her Oastoria.
Ween she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Bliss, she duns to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gnre them Castoria,
A couutry minister in a locality
not a thousand miles from Waukou
recently took permanent leave of his
congregation in the fallowing pathetic
manner: "Brothers and sisters I
come to say good-by. 1 don't think
God loves this church, very much, for
none of you ever die. I- don't Jjiitrk
you love each other, because I never
married any of ywi. I". don't think
yo love me because you haven't paid
my salary, aad your donations are
nouldy fruits and wormy apples, and
by their fruits ye shall know them.
Brothers, 1 an going away irom you
to a better place. I have been called
to be chaplain of the Anamosa peni
tffatiarv. 'Where I bo ye cannot
come; but T go to prepare a plac- for
you' Good-by" Wankon Democrat
Fifty cents per hundred paid for
old rags rubber and zinc in trade at
the Bargain Bouse of J. S. Young &
Son, first door north oi Fair store
Atidrn Ory lor
Wtchor Cttrlf -
Vol. 19. No. 39.
Remarkable Facta.
Heart disease is osaally ,be
incurable, bnt when properly -treated a
large majority of cases caa be eared.
Thus Mrs. Elmira Hatch, of Elkhart, Jad.,
and Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich.,
were cored after suffering 20 years. 8. C.
Linburger, druggist at Saa Jose, .HUays
that Dr. Miles' iew Heart Uare , which
cured the former, "worked wosers oa'hls
wife." Levi Horgan of Bnchanaa, Mien.,
who had heart disease for 30 years says 2
bottles made him ''feel like a new man."
Dr Miles' new heart enre is sold and gaar
nnteed by (Jotting. Book of woaderfal
testimonials free.
The Ked Cloud Dray Liae have four
good and heavy mule teams. All
hauling promptly attended tar joar
orders solicited. Jo Babklky,
f Praprietor.
Says an old physician who has nrtatieej
medicine 10 years: "I gaaranta) thera is
not a case of blood liver or kidney jitter
iu the world bnt what "Hepaticare" arill
positively enre. L. H, Deyo.
We pay cash or traJe for old iroa,
rags, rubb r, bones brass, copper tine
and lead at the Ked Cloud gum shop.
"Late to bed and early to rka will
shorten the road to your hoa ha Jtha
ekies." 'But early to bed aad m uLtttU
Eany Riser," the pill that aufcaa Ufa
longer and better and wiser. C. I
Draakeaaese. ar the aJaaw
Ilaait Cared at Haate fa Tea
Days toy AelariaMerHMj Br.
Halaca' Geldea SaecMe.
It enn be irivon in a slaaa of hmm. m
cup of coffee or tea or in food without
ino Kuuwieuga ui uie paueaiu A( ia BJD
Bolutely harmless and will effect a aistv
manent and speedy cure, whether tha
patient is a moderate drinker or aa al
coholic wreck. It has been five ia
thousands of cases, and in every iaetaaca
a perfect cure haa followed. It after
fails. The system once impregnates! with
the sneoific it beocmaa aa attar' ianiiia
bill ty for the liquor appetrta ta axfat.
Cures guaranteed.'aar
ticulara free. Addraas tha Geldea fa
cific Co., 185 Race Street, CHwiaaatoTQ.
V t