.-. .35; ., .- ;Stli., -".,---- .. -..-- ? - - ft " f ,-.- - if -v -wfcj; a jf&fc ck-; wr fc i riii p t$ fin ft a Wil iS L i i r r if A I III tor vr m- . ---""L 1 Ww M TW H" f 34rl,HYI-r "' ft i riaay, April 1, lit, tlea, . flFer ivartaMr lm Aaaee & r las, the price will aesi.sa. En teas ftkefMOBetla Be Cle.Neb- lauaeroita mcom class Rep Cfeuty eaaveatiaa. Tae arereqj altown Til jflltUT fl II 111! MvZC Bwetjaeoavaathfeat tea mt house In as, at ll Wtlmri Betarajr, April rnrlkATeMMIflMi eaaaxsts- WV MiB niBUB OK BB- iob&I eon Kebr., zaresto ion to be ak.Kstar.JaM and seven tlon to be 1 io ma Main KMniex April, vtk. .1W. The several sentatlon as fi wpncnnwi m m SMorttaaaeM bete eeet Isr Hon. UeeVH. kased unen Hastings for ienu m un glTBlc eae ("jexeepftha Keo-Clead ettvi sad aet,aie at ant ana sec one for each ten ad tke najor ftacttoa tnereoi: Bed Cloud. ak Creek Potsdam.., M 1 1 m a uuf V- e .M J 7 2 11 4 Ae uiDunuuu ui( Catherton .Ei;,i..... "J 4 4 Kelood 1st ward..;S!-... .. UnWeitock :r.l... a) 9 . 14 3 oMiiwir .VitvV ln. : 5 nanaony WalnutCreek Kim Creek.... ... 3 S 3 5 4 S If ?SK::::::::::---v--V Bed Cloud 2nd ward It Is racoinmonriAri Vh-Vi'iU''lV . 11 !iS&.15'.tnB delegates Waftatcalv ttefaH uw ui iuc uejegaiion, also thai die ni i si lev fee lield not later tSan April aisTaK SftJul Iks, persons shall be enUtledtawto aZrl PUcahPriinaries. All ireygScMT S&h and all other electors who, if ifciTiiinlSWi Sf r ntenUon to act S TwiSwi- A. C. HoskscI f"1-"- t-1 EDITORIAL IV i J ?t a . "xiiDeriy is tne name ot ew Independent piper puhlirfied'fatU Lin coln by W. C. Holder. Th-rWr Btirtsout well and enoirs that -IWedi--?- : t. . J-7v vvl jd u airolB WQIKer 1Q 7f MT- The Betoit folks are again. Santa Fe to be built this, from Barnard to Bed Cloudy talkLi so: TD1K, . . course, means that Jewell Uity will be "In it." The Santa Fe Was $30,090 ihtcbicq in ueweii uity; property. Jewell City Republican,. Tj The Bepublicans oi Bhodo Island brought first blood in tke campaign of iayj. The state wms a aort of pivot Upon which the hopea of the twc great parties were hung aad. the American Workingmen decided, that the Bepub- iican party was tho party who had Btood by them durijg all these years and honce voted fo r its continuation In power. If strr k-s indicate which Way the wind bio- me, it is evident that "Little Bhody" will go republican henceforth. WEsV SON'S NEED Keel Clctuft' a Sympathy Asaames A Sa iMtcuitlal Fm. unen was learnea tnat many citisens of Nelson were rendered home less and destitute by last Thursday's storm the sorrow felt by our people for our neighboring city's misfortune assumeed a tangible form. A fund for the relief of the sufferers, amounting to $65.00 was collected in a short time and remitted to the authorities at Nel son lor aisirioution. following are the names of contributors with amounts: P. W. Shea 5.30, T. C. Hacker 5.00, C. J. Piatt 5.00, Geo. B. Holland 5.00, F. & M. Bank 5.00, Geo. J. Warren 1.00, F. V. Taylor 1.00, L. M. Vance 1.00, L. H. Deyo 1.00, A. Morhart 1.00, S. F. Spokes- field 1.00, B. F. Mizer 1.00, J. L. Miller 50c, J. . Alien 1.00 Ed Houck 1.00, Frank Martin 1.00, AY. W. Wright 1.00, L. P. Albright 1.00 Al Galueha 1.00, Chris Fasslcr 2.00 B. M. Martin & Son 1.00, M. M. Stern 1.00, D. M. Crabill 1.00, Blakcs- leod5 Kaley 1.00, Democrat 1.00 Chibf 1.00, Argus 1.00, D. J. Myers 1.00, O. E. Bell 1.00, C. L. Cotting 1.00, Bev. E. L. Ely 1.00, Dr. Damer- ell 1.00, B. P. Hutchison 1.00, C. H. Theming 1.00, Wright Thornburg 1.00 Geo. O. Yeiser 1.00, Geo. A. Ducker & Co. 1.00, H. C. Scott 1.00, B. Mo- Neny L00, Chas. Wiener 1.00, A. H, Gray 1.00, J. Graves 1.00. State Bank 1 00, F. A. Kucbn 50c, aad Ed Mo Farland 1.00. Gaarsmfeed Care. We authorize onr advertised druggist io ecu in. Aiag'a new uiMOvery for eon sumption, coughs and colds, upon this con dition. If jou are afflicted with a eough cold or aay lung throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giv ing it a fair trial and experience mo ,beB eat, yoa may return the bottle and kave your .money refunded. We could Mt make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's Mew Discovery could be relied on. It sever disappoints. Trial bottles free at cotting's drugstore. Large size 50e and $108, Disease never successfully attacks a system with pure blood. De Witt's Sar saparilla makes pure, new blood .and van riches the old. 0.1 Cotting. Satotrl If BtClVd oiM 17: j ttT.fJ. Tke Woaem'flCkriitiaa Tear, Unieh of the Klkth District aset W; Vi tapTJaptist chum in'Haatiatrg, Hafe1 3tand 24th 18& , The delegates nam Bed Cleat local Union were Mrri Brakefield, Mrs)! Bandall and Mrs. i)ow. They report hating had a very profitable meeting. The church vs sleely decorated Miss Willard's$e iLe partralt aad a globe with "bands cl ribbon white," occupying prominent positions. The music for the Sccasion waa in charge of Mrs. Flora 5. Cased, who had prepared a choice irogram. Mrs. C. L. Jones was choeei chairaian ef the conyention thus filing the place made vacant by the deajrof ovx pres ident, Mrs, Harrison. 1 Tho reports from local Unions indi eate an excellent organiz . . A Mob la the district which is rapidly ding lis influence and usefnlness. The election of oficers suing year resulted as foil ident Mrs. L. S. C. Brake! Cloud; correspouding secre A. M. Pope, Bed Cload; secretary, Mrs, S. D. Hamiltoi ington; treasurer, Mrs. J. li. Jajslett, Kenasaw. Among the pleasant featureiof the convention were the lecture on valen tine Temperance LnstructioB" bi Miss Bipley of Kearney, and .the address by Bev. Francis E. Te Subject, ".My Dream." NaraerycStack. Now is the time for you to i your orders for all kinds of : stock and snail fruits. plants a specialty. It. XL Bust. bone choice improved and mail mm mm W proved farms at a bargain. Write 1 disoription to D. J. Mtbbs, Bed Cfcmd Nett! Orajrtas; The Bed Cloud Dray Line have fear good and heavy mule teams. All aauli r a. laulinar nroMDtlv attended te year Orders solicited. J BO iSABKUBT, Proprietor. Caacas. . . ARepublicaa caucus for Lite towB- aaip?will be held in the Kuaan Mhofi hwate, Apr. 21, 1892, at three e'eleek p.as.'k eleot four delegates to attend theecdnty convention Apr. 23. ,f. O. McCAi;Ch. BpVb Caacaa.- A Beoablican eaaena far Bed Clead preciivevwill be held in the Comrt HousoAjar. 21, 1892, at 2 e'cloek p. m. to eleeVseaen delegates to attend the couityeonvention Apr. 23. V. j08.GABBBB.Ch. aVf'yallcaa caaeae Garfield tciwnship. The BepnWi cans of Garfieltl township are reqmeet ed to meet;in eaucas at the Yageaer school-house eairict 18, ea Wednet day April 2t, 1892, at 2 o'eloek p. aa. to elect 4 delegates to the Ceaatv convention to'btrheld on April 23ca, at Bed Cloud, yiio. B. StaksBB, Committeeaaaa. First yr'd; 3aaeaa , The BepublieaB.teleoters ef first ward city of Red-Cickd, Neb., will meet at Firemen daall on Meniay evening, April 18th at 8 p. au U eleet 9 delegates to attend the eennty eoa- vention April 23. T. CHAN Ubm, Cob. Tm . To Bepublicans il Caucus to be heldUial Cathertea township April 22, 18M.Y- 7 e'eleek in the evening at the SwMft hease ia Dis. No. 66 to elect 3 d te Bepublican county conveKAdte held in Bed Cleud April 23fT892. Otfro Skjelveb, Com. The republican electors of 2nd ward city of Bed Cloud will meet at the Court House on Monday evening Apr. 18th at 8 o'clock to elect 11 delegates to attend the county convention Apr. 23d. C. W. Kalit, Com. Pleasant Hill Primaries The Bepublican electors of Pleas ant Hill township are requested to meet at the Pleasant Hill school house Thursday April 21st at 3:30 p. aa. for the purpose of electing six delegates to the Bepuulican county convention to be held at Bed Cloud, Neb. Satur day April 23 1892. John Blai.vb, Chm. 9 9 i Why have chills, ague and fever, suffer death and take gallons of nauseous drags to cure them. If you keep "Hepatieara" in your home and take it to regulate and purify the great organs of life, blood, liv- tr and kidneys, you will never be sick. IMS we will guarantee. I. H. Dayo. Wot Sale or Trade. A 0od timber claim in Haves county, Nebraska. A)) perfectly level land, some gdod young; fres, 40 fee to water, 12 acres' under cultivation, 10 miles from a good t. lu ( town. Will sell as claim or give deed' cheap for eab or trade for most any thing. D.J.MTBB8, 354 Bad Cloud, Neb. It is a truth in medicine JiatHw aaudl- est dose that performs the cure if fft best De Witt's Little Early Risers ai the smallest pills, will perform the cure And are the best CluComag. , Dyspepsia . Few people have sulered moro severely arom dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. JIcMahon, a ii imnwn BTOcer of Staunton, Va. Uo says: "Before 1878 1 was in excellent health, welgli 1 1... m nrainds. In that year an ailment developed Into acute dyspepsia, and soon 1 kUaS xedaced to 162 pounds, suffering bumiu pTa pntlons In the stomacli, palplUtlon of tho heart, nausea, and Indigestion. I could not sleep, lost all it work, had fits of melancholia, ami vri at a time I would uavo ucicomcu XbaeaBe morose, euucuauu ....u.v., atefitvaaxa life was a burden. 1 tried bfejateUas and many remedies. One day sasa employed by me suggested that Suffering as ttf, i aV sajand before taking the wholo of . --"- ttiMMa to feel like a new man. The terrMe ttjctw which I badbcen subjected. ijltatlon of the heart suosmcu, say sMaaasn aetame easier, iwusw "r entire svsiem uckou iu rning 8 Years etlltyot ', BBfore aha iftti kettle fjMBaten I has ffiatatit Bjt ssrmrr weight and natural nallfl I ai.fc)lay well and I ascribe it te taking HeedTaamparilla." K. B. If yea decMa to take Hood's Sarsa- arDla 4e aot be ladneea to buy any other. r Hood'ai alarsaDarilla sUayaUSraaawtt. fhebrforgs. Pra pared ouly kf a LBOOD CO, McHiulcs, Lowell. Jtox IOO Dosetbne Dollar taaawaaaayww"" t V aehinuton Froea 8t. Louis to 'Vaehington the distance ia 894 miles, i'rem Cincinnati te Washington 553 mtlrsfroiu Chic go to Washington 813nilae. This is via the bee line followadhytlie B & O Bailroad, the most i Heresque as well as the most direct toitef rom the Mississippi Biver to theAtlaatic Sea heard, stretching across level 'and fer tile prairies, amid hills 'W Valleys, ever Btoeataia crests, along banks of historic rivers, through teeming' cities aad hestliag towns The throagh B. 0. trains, with full Pull mfv equip BMBt of Sleepbg, Parlor an Bnffet eartniB from St. Louis to Wt shing les ja 29 hours; from CinciBbMito to i ,'kr- naaaincwn in xo uuu, huiavuib- to Washington in 2o hours. ieep- n from all points run through1 to ewYork from the West without arge. At Washington connct!on Bude with the B & O's matchless lyal Blue Line for Baltimore, Pf u- pau and iNew lorr. xnese xmv- alBIue trains consist of the stauno eatend finest coaohes. parlor and a ears ever built by the PullAl aaaMOosananv: are vestibuled from; eadia ead. and ead, and are protected bv Poll - aiaas isaMOved antl-teliscopioe de- viee.Vhiehaiakefl every car as safe as it san be made by man's ingenuity aadsmU All the cars are heated by tteamBBd lighted by Pmxch gas. Thay e the fastest cars in the world, fleeing New York and Washington within ke hours' reach. 27-2 That reUeee, nerveous, dull and heavy f eelina waeh preveats sleep and causes something terrible was go te happen is all corrected by ' which eares dyspepsia and L. H. Deyo. nil lie, them Calmes, the baker, m Ira 81eepes building north of Thb CatBfofiiee keeps the finest bread, haBS,Mkes pies, &c, in Bed Cleid. Try Visa. tf Ge te Fentss Zeluff, for a slick hair eat, cleatshave, mustacho black ed shaaiaee. Girt Waated. At the city mkery and restaurant Call on Jos. Herlnraer, Bed Cloud, Neb. Two hundred seres of prairie broke rigataway, uau.oa UDLLifn: T9nmJmrttrm Loans 1 at nr atreiiared to make jani leans at low rates, and on UM vest terms ever offered in this caaaty. Privilege to pay all ar part of the principal at aay Interest payment. J II Bailey Farm for Rent I have a good farm for rent, 90 acres under cultivation. 37-tt J. II. Bailbv. The Gate Cjty Milling Co, Proprietors ot the BeliCloud Holl ar Stills want vonr wheat. &c. and will exchange flour for same. Custom work a speciality. Bring jour wheat or work to them, and receive fair treatment. 3333 bushels of corn for which will pay highest market price. Flou given In exchange. Oscae Patmor. ;9Ianey. To loan on Watches Diamonds and Jewelry. Will payjeash for old gold aid silver. Fine watch work. Ar tistic letter, emblem and monogram engraving. Full line of fine watches clocks, jewelry silverware spectacles aad etc T. E. Pension. In Cotting's Drog Store. Other medicines might heln but to mahMrance doubly sure use DeWitt's 8araaparnte to fignch, purify and renew the blood. Q. JTCotfipg. I Want to Bay Farm Parties having cheap farm lands for sale, improved or unimproved can find buyers by calling on D. B. Spanogle, BedEftateiind Loan Agent, Red CloHd, Net. Intense 1 serf ate ie ui iMiBKeUt Tlsnsaeaai HW . .-- m Garden Seeds. Oscar Patmor has just received a BIG supply of garden seeds. Go and see hiin at Perkins and Mitchell's old sand. ShcrilFs sale. Xotico is hereby given that under and bv virtue of an order of salo issued from tho office of C. B. Crone, clerk of the district court of tho tentli judicial dis trict within and for Webster county, Ne braska, upon a decree in an cction pend ing therein, wherein the Smith Brothers Loan & Trust company are plaintiffs, and against llichard K. Stowo aa administra tor of the estate ot iN els i'ouison, ae ceased, Line Peterson, Joel Poulson, Car rie Poulson, Nels Poulson Jr., Mary Poulson, Mira Poulson, Martin Poulson, Christian Jasperson as" guafthan of said Joel Poulson, Carrie Poulson, Nels Poul son, MaryToulson and Mira Poulson, de fendants, I shall offer for salo at public vendue to tho highest bidder for cash in hand at tho east door of the court-house at Red Cloud, in said Webster county, Nebraska, (that being the building wherein the last term of said court was holden) on the :$d Day of May, A. D. 1892, at 11 o'clock i. m. of said day, the follow ing described property towit: The south-west quarter (i) of section twenty-nine (29) in township three (3,) north of range eleven (11,) west of the 6th p. m. Givon under my hand this 30th day of Mfcrch. A. D. 189-2. 3G-30d Geo. E. Coon, Sheriff. Shcrifl's Sale. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of sale issued from the office of C. B. Crone, clerk of the district court of the tenth judicial dis trict within and for Webster county, Ne braska, upon a decree in an action pend ing therein, wherein Mrs. C. H. Barnes and Effie Barnes are plaintiffs, and against John M. Ferguson, Agnes J. Ferguson and James H. Ferguson, de fendants, I shall offer for sale at public venduo to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the east door of tho courthouse at Bed Cloud, in said Webster county, Nebraska, (that being tho building wherein the last term of said court was holden) on tho 3d Day of Way, A. D. 1802, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, the fol lowing described property towit: The north-west quarter (nwM) of section thirty-four (34) and the north-east quar ter (neK) and the east half (ej) of the north-west quarter ( 14) of section thirty- three (33,) township four (4,) north, range ten (10,) west of the Cth p. m. Given under my hand this 2Sth day of March, A. D. 1892. 3G-30d Geo. E. Coo.v, Sheriff. Tiubets, Mouex & Ferris, Pl't'fs' Att'ys on-Rcsidcnt Notice. John Shutliff, plaintiiff, vs 1 G. W. Baker et nl defendants. J A (lirlnvif. in flln fe The defendants, Marion Story andMy- XUI1 DLU1UUB, III HJIVO uuui-D Hill, uu tuo day of March, 1892, the plaintiff riled peblLlUIl 1U liio uiakiiuu wuiiui i on- r county, iseorasKa, ine ODject ana pifyor or wnicn is io iorecioso a cerium mortgage, executed by the defendants, Gecfc v . Baker, and Mary K. Uaker to Jas. H. Fallman, who assigned said mort gage't' plaintiff, that said mortgage is on the south-east quarter of section twenty two, tbunship two, north, in range ten, west, in Webster county, Nebraska, and was duhf recorded in the records of said county Vou are therefore required to answer aaitl petition on or before the 9th day of 5ay, 1892, or said petition will be taken asponfeesed by you and decree rendered, foreclosing 6aid mortgago as prayed for m saia petmon. 36-4t Jonx Shutliff, By G. R. Chaxet, His Attorney. i Q- mmmmmmmm,, . Jjeal Notice. In the distrisf joart of Webster county rteoros&n. v , 4 Leopold;. r-aura, plaintiff, "l VK Spencer Alexandf-Y Marion Alexander, Milton Randall "V- T. Vankirk, Defendants. Y - The plaintiff in thrWbove entiUed ao tion notifies the defeiAuris in said cause, tha on the 8th daycr'ttpril 1832, that he the said plgiaiiBrnTed his petition in the court 01 wevjsier couniy, neoras- aeainst you the snid defendants the object and pray of which are to foreclose a tax lion owned and held by tho plain tiff, on and against lot number three (3) block ten (10) in the village of Bluo Hill in Webster county, and state of Nebraska for the sum of forty dollars, ($40) and accumulating interest, and that said lot be sold according to law to pay said amount and costs of this action, and that apy claim or interest yon may have in said promises may be declared junior and inferior to plaintiffs tax lien. For furth er particulars you are referred to plain tiffs, petition now on file in the Clerk's office of tho District court of Webster county, Nebraska. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday tj)e iGth, day of siay, A. D. 1893. LEOPOLD Baum, By O. C. Casm, Hia Attppjey. 37-4 Non.Rcsidcnt Notice. William Marshall, m plaintiff, ys Jacob II. Shugart et al defentdanta.J AFFIDAVIT OS FII.K- Tho defendants O. P. Johnson, Frank B. Orcutt, Orris W. Robertson and Jes sie Foster, will take notice that on tho Cth day of April 1892, the plaintiff here in filed his petition in the district court of Webster county, Nebr., the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain mortgage executed by defendants J. H. Shugart, and Helen M. Shugart, since deceased to Edwin D. Orme, who assign ed said mortgage to plaintiffs assignee L. M. Dove, now Lizzie M. Leslie; that Baid mortgage is on lot seven (7) in block three (3) in Talbot's addition to the town of Guide Rock, Webster county, Nebraska, and was duly recorded in the records of said county, that default has been made in the payment of the amount decreed by Baid mort gage. You are therefore required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of May 1892, or Baid petition will be taken as confessed by you and default rendered foreclosing said mortgage as prayed for in 6aid petition. 37-3t William Marshall, By John it. Chaffu.-, His Attorney. To the parsers ! H. C. SCOTT, Invites the Farmers or Webster and adjacent counties to his large and varied stock of Agricultural Goods Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows, Harrows, Mowing Machines. &c. See him before buying for bargains. Warner & Warren, ; THE TWO JOS " Have opened a Eeal Estate Office, AKS IBS XSADY TO SILL 70V Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stock or House hold Goods. Have some Bargains to offer to any who call a this office, 2d Door North of F. Did You Ever See as Large a Stock of Sljelf aqd tfgaVy Ffardware As Is to he W- W. WRIGHT'S Kaleys Block, - Red Cloud, Nebr. Stoves of all kinds. A fine line of Gasoline Stoves on hand, best in the land. 60 TO (jjity $akery Far lresh All klads or cakes, candles, Nats, Cigars, and fresh Fraltc, etc. Meals and LunchTall hours Boarding and Lodging. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. Jos, Med Cloud, his FURNITURE AND ..BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-Baifc U dBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV SBSBT K nBBBBBBBBrwaBBBBBBBr m iT - VA ahsBBBj aaaa VAC aBMrtIla BBwaaaBBBwBssair.Ss. SHINKLE & AULTZ, Props. Dealers in new and SECOND - HAND furniture, Ib the Stern Building. We shall have bargains that will pay you to investigate in our second-hand department. AUCriON EVERY SATURDAY. On Saturday commencing at 1 P. M., we shall have auction, to which we invite the public who are interested in procuring good bargain?. We buy aad sell Secaad-haad Coeds aa caatatlssloa. SHIXSJLE & AULTZ. RED TRANSFER LINE S. X COZAD, Proprietor. All hauling intrusted to me will be promptly attended to. FLOUR AND FEEDgTOBE OSCAR PATMOR, Has Moved his Flour and Feed Store of the Perkins & Mitchel building. Nothing but the best goods kept. Call an I see me when yon in my & M. Bank, Up Stairs. ''''""ww seen at THE and ijtestaurant Bread Plea Herburger, Prop. Nebraska. HO THERE ! J, O. BUTLEK, TH HARNESS MAN better preparad than ever to sell yoa all kmd3 ot name 33 collars, sadlery, etc la the Tlaker Udlaa. He has the mrsteat ateek Ik this art the vally, a will Maak It ma laaaeeateat te trade with hlaa. amaaaaawanameammaaaimmavaysaa)w4w.mai AUCTION SALE! CLOUD ...wwMi!BI want anything line t r . .