The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 08, 1892, Image 2

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jt3SE9tJHaisaBaa-3ai .
A. C. HOSNIER, Publisher.
Unrnsic naval expenditures for this
year were fixed at 675,000,000, an in
crease of $125,000 over last year.
CimosoonAiMis are now being made
that'are. capable of measuring' to the
tetj-thousandth part of a second.
BuRCix Uxivkiisitv is the third larg
est Jn the world. Paris, with 9,215
students, and Vienna with 0,220, are
larger. ' .
AVitii- some 0.000 homicides in the
United States, there were but 12IJ legal
executions. Judge Lynch otlieiated at
105 more.
Ix the United States one railroad pas
senger in every 2.SOO,000 is killed, but
in France the ratio is only one to every
J Tkuckke. Xev., had a shaving contest
recently. The successful artist scraped
his man in forty-five seconds and no
blood was shed.
"'It is said that Spurgeon died a com
paratively poor man, notwitlistanding
the enormous profits gained from his
sermons and books, which he soon got
rid of by his numerous contributions
q the poor;
- Is South America there are giant
grasshoppers with bodies 5 inches long
and a wing-spread of 10 inches. Owing
to the1 fact that they are not very
numerous, these formidable insects do
not do much damage.
The prince and princess of Wales
have decided to erect a monument to
the duke of Clarence in the chancel cf
tSnndringham church, and the queen
intends to place a statue of her grand
Eon in the Prince Consort's mausoleum
at Frogmorc.
Pr.or. Masso, the Italian scientist, in
experimenting with the blood of eels
has discovered, by injecting it under
the skin of rabbits, frogs, mice, guinea
pigs, etc., that it is a rank poison, being
Similar in action to venom of snakes of
the viper kind.
Tite officers and sailors of the navy
ret 57,500,090, and the officers and sol
diers of the army 510,000,000. Uncle
Sam spends 5150,000 for horses for his
cavalrj and artillery, and pays his re
tired army officers a million and a half
of good round dollars.
Jatax has now a school system some
what similar to our own. Controlled
by local authorities are more than 2S,
000 schools, of which 2C.0C0 are ele
mentary. The teachers number nearly
72,000,, and the scholars 3,410,000, or
nearly half the total population of
school age. The total annual expense
of the system is about 57,000.000.
The king of Siam has recently pre
scribed a rigorous test for those of his
subjects who claim to be endowed with
he mantle 6f prophecy. An enactment
has now been made providing that no
prophet shall lie entitled to public con
fidence unless he has the gift of sitting
unharmed in the midst of a sea-coal fire
for the space of at least half an hour.
The French government will soon
introduce a measure compelling foreign
insurance companies to maintain in
France, either in money or real estate,
sufficient reserves as a guarantee for
persons insured in France. Penalties
will also be provided in the case of
persons who sign policies dated abroad
that is to say, in some place beyond
the jurisdiction of the French govern
ment, j
No fewer than 12.000,000 acres of
barren land have been made fruitful
in the Sahara desert, an enterprise
representing perhaps the most remark
able example of irrigation by means ol
artesian wells which can anywhere be
found. "Algeria owes to this method of
cultivation that it is becoming a most
important wine-prodncing country, as
may be gauged from the fact that it
sent to France in 18SC 10,500,000 gallons
It is stated that there are in France
45,0000,000 hens, which at an average
price.o,2 francs 50 centimes per head,
represent a value of 112,050,000 francs.
One-fifth of the stock Ls annually con
sumed as food, and is sold for about 22,
million francs. Two million cocks,
worth 5.000,000 francs, are also sold as
food. The number of laying hens is
put down at 35,000,000, and the annual
value of their eggs is 1SS,000,000 francs.
Ax experiment in telephony has been
made in .Melbourne. The postmaster
general of Victoria and South Australia,
with the principal executive officers,
succeeded in establishing conversation
between Melbourne and Adelaide, a dis
tance of 500 miles. The governments
of the two colonies have erected a cop
per.wire (No. 12, or rather more than
inch in thickness), which is to be used
-for a new quadruples telegraph instru
'xnent, and it was determined to see
what could be done with the telephone
oyer the wire. For over an hour an
animated conversation was carried on,
.and the cliimcs of the Adelaide post
"office clock were distinctly heard in
t3Ielbourne, and vice versa.
How jnany people who are fond of
eggs an eat tuera daily, ever stop to
think what a wonderful thing an egg is.
It is one of the greatest wonders of
nature. What part of the egg is the
animal? The clear white part? No.
The yolk? Nothat is merely food.
Break a raw egg,' and beside the white
andfyoik-2'wnati do you find? On the
membrtSVbicu covers the yolk you
triU'see a!ittfe "whitisti circle. That is
the animal. When nature brings the
voun" animal at an early period into
thaiocter, air or water it provides it
with meaiis to live. A young alligator,
no lrjr'tliit a.tiny lizard, takes to
the water the moment it creeps out of
the shell, and begins to devour, what it
jean. itnceds-Mfcrotector. Kj ..
Glsmod Uy Telegraph end MaiL
ransoxAi. and political.
TnE sixtieth anniversary of the wed
ding of Mr. Kduard Ilanstein and Al
mnth M. Hacuein, of St. Louis, was
celebrated at the residence of the ven
erable couple recently.
The republican state committee of
Missouri e derided to hold the con
vention for selecting national delegates
and a state ticket at the same time and
place. Jefferson Citj-, April 27 and 23
were chosen.
TnE silver bill is virtually shelved, as
Speaker Crisp will not favor a cloture
Mil Bland made a. statement on the
2Sth in which he bhmed Speaker Crisp
for the failure to bring the silver bill to
a vote in the house. This Speaker Crisp
Lor.n Salisbury is said to lc desirous
of effecting a speedy arbitration of the
Uehring sea controversy.
The senate on the 20th ratified the
Uehring sea arbitration treaty and on
the same day the cabinet accepted Lord
Salisbury's proposition.
The senate has made the following
confirmations: John II. Baker, United
States district judge for the district of
Indiana; Daniel L. Hyndman, agent for
the Indians of Sisseton Agency, S. D.
The German government suffered an
other defeat in the reichstag.
Cor- Ixgkrsoll, according to the wish
of the poet, has been asked to deliver
the oration at the grave of Walt Whit
man and it is expected that he will ac
cept. Over 3,000 persons listened to Chaun
cey M. Depew's oration on the occasion
of the memorial services in honor of
Gen. W. T. Sherman, under the auspices
of the legislature of the state of New
York, which was held on the 20th in
Bleecker hall, Albany.
A report from London says that the
result of negotiations in the Uehring
sea controversy is regarded there as a
triumph for English diplomacy. It is
stated that the charges that the posi
tion of the United States was entirely
due to political considerations are re
newed with added arguments.
The report lately sent out from Okla
homa that United States Man-hal
Grimes, of that territory, had been in
dicted for perjury is without foundation
in fact. A prominent citb.en of that
territory, entirely worthy of credit, says
there is not a word of truth in !the state
ment. Senator Cct.lom has withdrawn from
the presidential race in favor of Presi
dent Harrison.
Ex-Sexatoi: Blair, of Xcw Hamp
shire, has announced himself a candi
date for the republican presidential
The Kansas people's party convention
will meet at Wichita June 15.
Dictator Palacio, of Venezuela, has
issued a fiery proclamation.
Col. R. G. Ingersoll delivered an ora
tion over the remains of Walt Whitman
on the 30th.
Cyrus W. Field is of the opinion that
his son is insane.
The German reichstag on the 30th
passed the bill allowing the govern
ment to declare a state of siege in
Alsace-Lorraine in the event of war.
The house also passed a credit for the
construction of a complete system of
strategic railways.
Ex-Coxoressjiax Williams, registrar
of the land office at Watertown, S. D.,
died on the 30th ult. He represented
the Racine, Wis., district in congress for
ten years and was a brilliant orator in
his day.
The Paris correspondent of the Lon
don Times asserts that Prince Bismarck
told a friend recently that he had
warned Emperor William when he
quitted the office of chancellor that the
artisans whom the emperor desired to
regenerate would prove more ungrate
ful than courteous; that he might see
even a repetition of the scenes of 1S48,
when the Prussian sovereign was forced
to flee from the rioters.
The Santa Fc has let the contract for
the big building which will hold the
Argentine shops, and has begun grad
ing. It is announced that the Inter-state
National bank of New York Ls about to
close its doors, the stockholders having
decided to surrender their charter and go
into liquidation shortly.
Col. J. F. Wade of the Fifth United
States cavalry has been assigned to take
charge of the work of clearing off in
truders on the Cheyenne and Arapahoe
reservations, which are to be opened for
settlement between April 1 and 10.
The Northern Pacific and the Grand
trunk are to be consolidated.
Managers of Chicago lines believe
that the opening of lake navigation
will help their receipts from western
grain shipments immensely. New
Orleans has hurt them this winter.
The dynamite explosions in Paris
caused an exodus from that city.
Friday, May 20, four men and a
woman Elisha Young, Ikey Young,
Holman Noble, Alfred Crosby and Mar
tha Young will be hanged in the jail
at Columbia. S. C.
The statement of the Burlington road
was issued on the 20th. It shows that
the earnings of the road for February
amounted to $8,04S,3S5, an increase as
compared with the same period last
year of S30,4S1. The operating ex
penses and fixed charges amounted to
$S10,000, leaving net earnings of $272,
880, an increase over the corresponding
month last year of $409,552.
Jeremiah Cotto. the ignorant Italian
who murdered -Louis Frankclos in
Brooklyn last July, was electrocuted on
the morning of the 2Sth at Sing Sing.
Low prices for silver is the cause as
signed for shutting down big Colorado
A jar containing S3,000 in gold has
been found near Ozark, Ark.
Montana cattlemen are strongly op
posed to the recent quarantine edict.
James Levalle, a Minnesota school
boy, was killed by a bursting fly whecL
Judgment has been rendered against
the Western Union Telegraph Co. at
Corsicana. Tex., for $1,000 for failing to
deliver, a message promptly.
Pardridge, the big Chicago grain
man, has made over 1,000,000 in the re
cent depression of wheat.
An Italian woman in New York com
mitted suicide through remorse for un
faithfulness to her husband.
A company is trying to raise an old
treasure ship in New York harbor and
get 4,000.000.
Live stock in South Dakota is report
ed in fine condition.
It is positively asserted in dispatches
from north Alabama that a mob of seventy-five
men caught and lynched John
Mullins, one of the Madison Cross roads
Josei'H Little, who brutally crushed
the skulls of his wife and two daughters,
was lynched by a mob at Findlay, O.,
on the 31st ult.
A passenger train on the Georgia Pa
cific road was held up by masked rob
bers on the morning of the 31st ult near
Weems, ten miles east of Birmingham,
Ala. Every registered letter, supposed
to contains 50,000, was taken, but the
express ear was not molested.
One hundred and seventy-one bales of
cotton on a wharf at Havre have been
National League Umpire Thomas
Zachariah was killed by the cars
recently at Homestead, Pa.
The town of Nelson, Neb., was badly
damaged by a cyclone on the 31st ult.
Additional contributions received
by Drexel & Co., treasurers of the Kus
sian famine relief fund, make the grand
total f 110,207.
The Freneh government is arranging
to send officers to study the police sys
tem of Berlin with the view of reorgan
izing the Paris police.
One of the murderers of Thomas D.
Edwards, of Huntsville, Ala., has been
shot and the other hanged.
A small British force operating on
the Kaukkive river had an engagemet
with the natives and were defeated.
At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Standard Oil Co. on the 31st ult. it
was decided to increase the capital stock
from .$5,000,000 to 7,000.000. to include
70.000 shares of the par value of 5100
each. There was no opposition to the
proposition. Ninety per cent, of the
stock was voted.
Tin: steamer Golden Rule was de
stroyed by fire at the big wharf boat at
Cincinnati on the 31st ult- Only one
life was lost, that of Miss Nellie Ma
loncy, who in attempting to jump off
the boat fell between the boat and
barge and was drowned. The Golden
Rule was valued at $20,000 to 25,000,
while the value of the cargo was esti
mated at $50,000. The wharf loat,
which was destroyed, was insured for
512.000 and the Golden Ilule for 515,000.
The claims aggregating over $500,000
filed at Ottawa, OnL, by the sealing
fleet for loss owing to exclusion from j
Uehring sea last year are subject to re
vision, as it is stated Ihat many are in
flated and fictitious.
The prospective opening of the Chey
enne and Arapahoe reservation, includ
ing counties C, D, E, F. G and II of the
Oklahoma territory, has caused much
activity on the part of the Santa Fe
management in preparing for the ex
pected rush of settlers. Counties D, E
and F in the northwestern portion of
the reservation are nearer the Pan
handle line of the Santa Fe than any
other railrway and the sale of tickets to
Kiowa, Kan., Woodward, I. T., and Hig
gins and Canadian, Tex., all of these
points being right upon the border of
the new promised land, has become very
large. Good wagon roads lead directly
from these stations into the reservation.
Deducting the allotments to the Indians
in severalty something more than 20,000
quarter sections will soon be open to
pre-emption by homesteaders.
noN. Charles D. Drake, late chief
justice of the United States court of
claims, was found dead in his bed at
Washington, D. C, on the morning of
the 1st, at the advanced age of eighty
one years. His death was wholly un
expected and without warning.
The Delaware county. Pa., democratic
convention has indorsed Cleveland and
Gov. Pattison's administration.
Eleven lives were lost by the burn
ing of the Golden Rule at Cincinnati on
the 31st ult.
The democratic and people's party
committeemen have decided upon coali
tion in the Second Kansas congressional
The City of Mexico has been flooded
with counterfeit silver coin.
Walter Cook was hanged for murder
at Fairburn, Ga., on the 1st.
John E. Haynb. one of the oldest
jockeys on the turf, died at his home in
Camden, of pneumonia recently.
The Norwegian steamer Louise,
bound for the Loffoden islands, off the
northwest coast of Norway, has been
lost; ten were drowned.
Mrs. Mary Riordan. mother of Arch
bishop Riordan. of San Francisco, died
on the 1st of old age. She was 82 and
was one of Chicago's oldest settlers.
The bishop of Viviers having gone to
Rome without first obtaining pennis
mission from the Freneh government
has been deprived of his salary during
his absence.
Owing to the prevalence of the foot-and-mouth
disease in Belgium the
French government will issue an order
prohibiting the importation of live
stock from that country.
In the senate on the 1st the Indian
appropriation bill was discussed. In
the house the free wool bill was con
sidered. A windstorm of terrific fury passed
through south-central and eastern Kan
sas on the night of the 31st ult., enter
ing the state at the Barber county line
and following its way northeastwardly
through the counties of Barber. Sum
ner, Sedgwick, Butler, Chase and Lyon,
and on the Missouri river, damaging al
most every village in its path and leav
ing behind in all the larger cities stories
of wreck and ruin. The town of Tow
anda, in Butler county, was blown
away, four persons were killed, five
fatally and thirty seriously iniured.
Augusta in the same county was partly
destroyed and three persons killed. At
Oxford bridge near Wellington five of a
family lost their lives. Near Strong
City four persons were killed and eleven
injured fatally.
Lieut.-Gov. Meikluioun has an
nounced himself as a candidate for con
gress. Andy Graham, a resident of Box
Butte county, has become violently in
sane and has been sent to an asylum.
Cinda Parks' milincry store at Blue
Hill burned tho other night The esti
mated loss was 51,250; insurance, 5750.
The building was owned by II. G.
Koehler, who loses 5300, with no insur
ance. Rev. John F. Kuhlman has sued tho
Zions Evangelical Lutheran church of
Roca for 533.33 for salary from April 1
to May 11. 1SS9. He says that they
agreed to pay him, but have failed to
do so.
Parties from Chattanooga, Tenn.,
have been negotiating for the Beatrice
paper mill plant It is proposed to at
once enlarge the plant with the view
to adding the manufrcture of print
paper to its output, r
W. C. Leigiity, a postal clerk on the
Burlington road, was arrested at Has
tings the other morning charged with
robbing the mails and with using the
mails in an attempt to blackmail
Cashier Outcalf, of the Capital national
bank of Lincoln. A decoy letter
caught hitn.
Henry Troutman got on one of his
periodical sprees at Omaha the other
day, went home, raised a row with his
wife and drawing a revolver fired at
her. An officer appeared and marched
him off to jail. He had cruelly beaten
the woman the night before and also
attempted to kill her.
Two tramps who applied for lodging
at the Eureka hotel in Dakota City
the other night burglarized the ward
robes of the boarders early next morn
ing. They secured several suits of
clothes and other personal property.
They were traced to Covington by the
sheriff, but there they were lost
A crazy man, wandering about the
Loup river, was captured the other
dav just west of Columbus. He was
naked, and declared he was going to
drown himself. He gave his name as
W. M. Bordrack. and said he had been
employed as a lineman for the Western
Union Telegraph Co. in Chicago.
A delegation from Logan, Custer
countv, lately waited on President
Hamilton of the Kearney & Black Hills
road, asking him to extend the line to
Gandy, via Arnold, Custer county.
They guaranteed a large bonus from
Logan county and towns'iips in Custer
county through which the prospective
road passes.
The other day a United States Ex
press Co. detective arrived in Omaha
and swore out a complaint against
Frank Bouten. alias J. A. Mills, a tele
graph operator, for forgery. The of
ficer stated that Bouten was a f ugitivo
from justice, and that he had forged
express company money orders for S50
while working in New Orleans a short
time ago. The mau was arrested.
The general conference of the
Methodist church, which meets in
Omaha next May, will call together
the leading thinkers and pulpit orators
of that great religious bodv. There
will also be many influential business
men and successful financiers in the as
semblage. The leadingeducatorsfrom
Methodist colleges all over the world
and the chief editorial writers and
managers of the great, book concerns
and publishing houses conducted by
the church will be in attendance.
Mrs. NAOLEScnMiDT, a buxom lady
of middle age, was fined So and costs at
Grand Island the other morning for
horsewhipping John Berry. Berry
opened a road, which the woman im
mediately closed by replacing the
fence. When Berry learned of this he
immediately reopened it As soon as
he had begun the work Mrs. Nagle
schmidt appeared, lashing him over
the head until the whip broke. Sho
pleaded guilty of disturbing the peace,
paid her fine and went away happy.
The passenger coach of tlnion Pacific
train No. 83 was dumped into the ditch
near Pool siding approaching Grand
Island, the other afternoon. The
coach turned completely upside down.
Conductor Palmer and Brakeman
Ramev were slightly injured and J. C.
Pike and wife, of David City, were cut
about the head and face. The con
ductor of the train said the accident
was caused by the carelessness of the
section hands" in relaying rails by put
ting pine blocks between the rails and
the ties.
Pensions lately granted Nebraska
veterans: Original George II. Shaffer,
Eli Campbell, John W. Davis, William
Bundy, Mason Tingley, William A.
Shoemaker, Samuel Long. August
Gherlo, John M. Millholien, James H.
Riddle, James II. Goin. Additional
William J. Perkins. Henry J. F. Wort,
Jonathan L. Fitzgerald. Supplemental
George W. Barnard. Increase
Hampton Horton, J. Cobbey. Re-issue
Samuel Grant, James C. Hall. Orig
inal widows, eta Elizabeth Daggett,
minor of John Timothy.
The Thayer-Bovd contest is once
more before the state supreme court
and unless tho court denies the motion
lately filed by Mr. Thayer to reopen the
case "it will be heard from at intervals
for many months yet It is not be
lieved that a decision will be reached
until late next falL Gen. Thayer says
that he does not expect a decision
hardly within a year, ne reiterates
his former statement that he onlv de
sires to see if the enablingact admitted
thousands of men to cithrenship with
out their knowledge, wishes or consent
That question settled he will rest con
tent The other morning the employes at
the Western Union Beef Co.'s ranch
near Neligh discovered on the approach
to the elevator the naked body of a
man with his clothes strewn around.
The deceased was evidently about 30
to 40 years old. He had taken off his
clothing.cven to his shirtand scattered
them around promisouously, then sat
down on the approach of the elevator
with his legs hanging over the side, and
fell back in the drive-way, where he
was found frozen stiff. Letters were
found on his person addressed to Roelof
Ensign at Ewing, Neb., besides a note
for $100 payable to the same party, a
gold watch and other small articles.
The Week's Proceedlncs Condensed Fer
Convenience or tho Header.
After minor business on the -th the senate
went into executive session. When the doors
were opened several local bills passed and reso
lutions were offered by Mr. Stanford In respect
to tho late Senator Hearst. Eulotfes were de
livered and the senate adjourned until Jtynday.
'When the house met thrre was only a small
attendance. The silver tight of tho day nad
night before hid been too much for the mem
bers After correcting and approving tho Jour
nal the house went into committee of the whole
on the private calendar. "When the committee
rcsc the house adjourned. .
Thk tenite was not in session on the CCth....
The hous-e met with a small attendance. One
hundred and sixty-seven private pension bills
were considered and pas.-cd. and at two o'clock
resolutions of respect to the late Representative
Splnola. of Xew York, were reported, eulogies
delivered and the house adjourned.
Ix the senate on the Sith a resolution by Mr.
Morgan was agreed to railing on the president
for the correspondence with Argentine on the
subject of reciprocity. A bill allowing thirty
day&" leave of absence in the bureau of engrav
ing was discussed, amended and recommitted.
Several bridge bills passed and the senate ad
journed I5ut little business was done in the
houe. Several communications were received,
and a resolution by Mr. Dockery calling for in
formation as to the capacity of tho mints was
adopted. The speaker stated that the commit
tee on rules would not, bring in a rule to force a
vote on the silver bill unless a majority of the
democrats should sign a request to that effect,
and after unimportant routine work tLe hous
AVhen the senate met on the 23th Mr. Stewart
(Sew) gave notice that he would on Monday call
up the senate free coinage bilL The resolution
of Mr. Wolcott requeuing the president to re
frain from allotting lands to Ute Indians pend
ing further legislation on the subject as agreed
to. The senate then went into executive ses
sion and ilnally by a unanimous vote ratitied
the Uehring sea treaty, and then adjourned ...
When the house met the attendance was light,
the silver excitement seemed to have subsided
and the tariff debate was resumed, with but
little interest manifested. Mr. Ilartcr (O.) ad
vocated tht; free wool bill: so did Mr. McCrary
(Ky.).and Mr. Dalton (hi.) spoke against it.
The house passed tie senate bill for a port of
delivery at Des Moines, and the resignation of
Mr. Mills (Tex.) was presented to the house
Adjourned. The feature of the proceedings of the senate
on the :S)th was the swearing in of Senator
Mills, of Texas. Many members of the house
were present. The nsw senator's desk was
handsomely decorated with bouquets. After
being sworn in Senator Mills held quite u recep
tion in the rear of the chamber. After the usual
morning business Senator Stanford spoke in
support of his bills to determine the value of a
legal tender aiollar. The army appropriation
bill was then considered until adjournment....
The free wool bill was further debated in the
house. J. D. Taylor (O.) speaking vigorously In
opposition to the bill, who denounced it
as a scheme of tho cotton raisers of
the south and the wool manufacturers of
the north to enrich themselves at the ex
pense of the nation. Mr. Hutlcr (la.) spoke in
favor of the bill. A resolution was adopted that
general debate close on Saturday and that a
vote be taken on Monday.
Thk attendance in the senate was not large
on the atst. In reply to a question Mr. Sher
man, chairman of the foreign relations com
mittee, stated that work on the Nicaragua
canal was progressing favorably under a pri
vate corporation chartered by congress, and
that congress had done nothing to aid it. Mr.
Morgan offered a scries of resolutions instruct
ing the committee on finance to inquire and re
port as to the effect of the act of 1890 on the
price of silver bullion an requiring a prompt
report. Mr. Sherman opposed the rtsolutions
nnd Mr. Morgan said he wished senators to
place themselves on record for or against free
coinage. The resoiutionswent over and the In
dian appropriation bill was debated until ad
journment In the house Mr. "Watson (Ga.)
nttempted to call up his anti-Plnkertoa resolu
tion, but failed to get recognition, and the
house resumed debate on the free wool bill.
Gov. MclCinley. of Ohio was oa the floor and
took much interest in the discussion. The de
bate continued until eight o'clock, when a re
cess was taken. liut little was done at the
evening session.
It Occurred In London, Kngland The Po
lice Wire Called Upon to Kestore Order.
London", March SO. A disgraceful in
cident occurred last night in Trinity
church, South End. A new rector,
supported by the church officials, had
discharged the curate, named Waller,
but, regardless of his dismissal,
the curate appeared in the church
as usual yesterday and began a service,
and the contending services roused the
anger of the congregation.
The police were called on to remove
Waller, but he fought so desperately he
had to be thrown to the floor before he
would submit. During the struggle a
number of women and children fainted.
The curate was dragged by the police
to the vestry from which he insisted on
walking to the police station in clerical
garb, being followed by a howling mob.
The Kcport of the lorm::tlon of One Con
llrnied What One of the Manufacturers
New York, March SI. The report of
the formation of an "umbrella trust" is
confirmed by a Boston dispatch, which
says: "A combination of umbrella and
parasol manufacturers is pending." Mr.
Bussey, of the Excelsior Umbrella Co.,
said "I don't care to say anything about
the matter yet for the final arrange
ments have not yet been made. There
have been several conferences in New
York lately looking to a consolidation
of the umbrella establishments of New
York, Boston and Philadelphia, and a
committee of eleven has been appointed
to make the necessary arrangements.
The committee will meet in New York
some time during the present week, and
until something has been decided it j
would be premature to say anything.
The agreement contemplated will con
centrate the trade and result in a con
siderable saving, simply in the matter
of house rents."
Destructive Fire In Unrmnh.
London, April 1. A brief dispatch
from Kangoon announces that three
quarters of Mandalay, capital of Bur
mah, has already been destroyed, in
cluding the new telegraph offices and
the old palace and that there had been
great joss of life. The loss of life is
estimited at 200 and scores of persons
not been accounted for, while
have been more or less burned.
Chnctavrs to Get the 3Ionev.
WpniXGTOX, March 30. The senate
comnittee on Indian affairs to whom
was efcrred the bill with the presi
dent : message on the matter has de
cidct to order the $3,000,000 to be paid
to tlr Choctaw Indians which was ap
prop iated last congress for the Choc
taw; interest in the Cheyenne-Arapahoe
mds, which are about to be opened.
A Quintuple Hanging.
Coujibia, S. C, March 30. Friday
Aprl 1, four men and a woman, Elisha
YonlgVlkey Yon'ngrHolman Noble, Al-
frcd 'rosby and Martha Young' will be
nangy in uie jiui nere lor muruer.
I (fc'fifi
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