The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 01, 1892, Image 5

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f People WJ70 Prefer
Serviceable, Stylish, Well-Flttinff Shoes, raade of the BEST material,
by experienced workman, to shoddy ill-fitting, worthless
goods, made by cheapest of unskilled labor
win buy them of
We are confident of pleasing all customers from our large stock
And Defy Competition as Regards Quality and Price.
tSCuU for LITTLE GIANT SCHOOL SHOES for your CiiMren.-Bf
Blakeslee & Kaley.
II. & JI. R. R. Time Tabic.
Takins effect Nov. 5.
Traini carrying iiaasensers leave Red Cloud
as follows:
Vo. 132 I'xs-en?er to Hastings, - 8:00 a. m.
No, 130 Freight fur Hastings - 1 JO p.m.
No. 131 Passenger from Hastings
arrives 5:33 p. m.
No. 1G, r.i-ssenger to L. .luseph, &t,
ivoui-antl Chicago daily - 30:30 a. m
No it I'.i-senqcr to Kansas City and
Atchison, daily. - - - 9:38, p.m.
No. 13 Passenger for Denver and in
termediate poiuts, daily, - - ;oa.m.
No. 13. l'asenger for Denver, daily, 5 :45 p. m.
Oil cake at Deyo's.
"Wall paper at Cottings.
Buy your buggy paint of Deyo.
Charley Sterner is on the sick list
Painting material of all kinds at
Buv vour paints and brashes at
Farm lands are raising in valu
Fine neck wear a specialty at Chi
cago doming store.
If you want wall paper or window
shadt.5, go to Cuttings.
For correct fitting
clothing go
Chicago clothing store.
Farmers get your Blue vitrol for
soaking wheat at Cottings.
For nobby suit3 the Chicago cloth
ins itore takes first rank.
Go to the Chicago clothing stere
for pants of every discription.
vVm. Sterner who has been on the
sick list for some time is better.
3Ir. Johnson will have a fine assort
nient of millinery goods first of the
Jno. Cox. of Red Cloud, was in the
Gate City, Wednesday. Superior
Thos. Chafin, came in this week
and made the editor happy by a re
newal. C. L. Cottinp has the finest
of 'pocket knives in the city at low
The Lincoln mixed paints are the
best on the market. Sold by C. L.
3Ir. Fogg came in this week and
ordered the Great Family "Weekly to
his address.
By all means pave the streets. It
would show the world that lied Cloud
meant business.
A. T. Walker has our thanks for a
renewal of the Great Family for a
seasonable period.
.Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Nicker
son, Kansas, was visiting relatives in
Bed Cloud this week.
Mr, C. Wiener will, during the com
ing season, display special bargains
in his show windows.
We -rive it as our opinion that Deyo
is strictly in it when it como to prices
and styles of wall paper.
Kd. Wherman went to Bed Cloud,
Tuesday, taking his household goodB
with him. Superior Guide.
During the wind storm Thursday
night. Charles Lewis, had the misfor
tune to have his windmill blown down.
Mrs. Johnson has purchased the
millinery business of Johnson & Ba
ker, and will hereafter run the busi
ness. It is low prices, the best ef goods
and accurate dispensing that has
brought L. II. Deyo, his large drug
Miss May Hummel was brought
home from Riverton, Tuesday morn
ing, very sick. Te Ciip hopes she
will recover.
Mrs. Johnson & Baker, have dis
solved partnership, and in the future
Mrs. Johnson will conduct the millin
ery business.
It i; the judgment of all that. Cot
tinir has the finest selection of wall
Zr. in !. r?tr and in Drices he
cjin't be beat,
Bsr. M. Putnam has gflne to Bos
ton, Mass., to be gone about two
months. When he reiuxns his wife
will accompany him.
Miss Willa Cathpr is home from
Lincoln on a vacation, visiting her
parents. Miss Willa is attending
college in that city.
It is a fixed and immutable law that
to have pood, sound health one musthave
,,-a nVh r,nd abundant blood. There
is no shorter or surer route than by a
course of De Witt's Sarsaparilla. C. Jj.
Try those raiket cigars at Cotting's
The prospects for Bed Cloud are
booming up amazingly.
Business is picking up in Bed
Cloud and people are happy.
Mr. Bice, brother-in-law of Mrs.
F. V. Taylor was in the city this
Miss Jennie Bell, daughter of Be
ceiver Bell, was visiting in Lincoln
this week.
J. McCartney helped the Great
Family Weekly out by renewing for
'92. Thanks.
People as for south as Burr Oak
were getting wheat ground at the Gate
City Mills this week.
F. V. Taylor, allows no one to sell
more goods than he does, at prices
that are low, for good goods.
W. J. Harris made the Big Injun
feal good this week by passing in a
big dollar for The Chief for 1S92.
A House and lots in Bed Cloud to
trade for a iarm. Will assume
mortgage, ut C. WT. Kaley.
Don't forget to vote for the best in
terests ef Bed Cloud next Thursday.
The non-partisan ticket is the choice
of the people.
The Ladies of the G. A. B. will
give a cake and coffee social on Sat
urday night. Music and speaking.
Cake and coffee 10c.
Farm loans at lowest interest
Strictly first-class loans at lower rates
than has ever been given in this coun
ty before. Option to pay part or all
at end of any year. C. F. Cather,
Our reporter has suspicions that a
certain school mam, not more than a
1000 miles from Bed Cloud, is about
to put on the matrimonial yoke, as she
was observed buying lace curtains
the other day.
Mrs. B. F, Gibson, wife of our new
hardware man, surprised him Satur
day by makirjg him a visit unexpect
edly. Mr. G. was happily surprised
and his face was wreathed in smiles
as a consequence.
Mr. A. J. White, the other evening
lost his pocket book containing a
large sum of money and he was very
much perturbed over it, but fortunate
ly the wallet fell into honest hands,
and he received it without loss.
Mr. M. B. Bently, while in Omaha,
the other day, slipped on the side
walk and broke the bones in his ankle
and he is now laid up in that city
waiting for the affected limb to he
sufficiently to allow him to come
By the way Bed Cloud has now one
of the best silver cornet bands here
abouts, in the Sons of Veterans band.
The boys are learning fast, and The
Chief is pleased to note the fact that
tney win soon De among the Dest in
the stato.
The "Golden Gate Special" went
through this city via the B & M By
os Saturday night bound from Penn
sylvania to California. The train was
composed of six coaches, which were
el?borately furnished and lighted
with electricity.
The Yocum trial of Hastings is
finished, the jury found for manslaugh
ter and Judge Beall sentenced Yocum
to one year in state's prison. In the
mean time Judge Beall granted him a
new trial, ine sentiment in and
around Bed Cloud is generally to the
effect that Yocum should have been
set free. There is. not one mar; n one
hundred that wfluld not haye done a
similar act if placed in Yocum's shoes.
The tjon says that the last board
of supervisors was Bepublican. Our
editorial friend was mistaken, as that
board had a majority of independents.
The Be publicans had only seven ou
the board, and hence the expense of
the last board must be attributed to
some other source than the Bepubli
can party. As far as the expense was
concerned it would mke but little
aitterence or waat tue majority was
composed, the amount was at least
$lGq0 too high, and much, higher
than canld possibly be charged by a
board of commisioners. The people
wc believe demand a change.
BaplUt cfturck
Subjects for SuDday April 3d. A.
31. 1why Beligious Denominations dif
fer and yet agree." P. xl Chapel Day
Exercises, by the Sunday School.
It is a truth in medicine that the small
est dose that performs the cure is the
best De Witt's Little Early Risers are
the smallest pills, will perform the cure
I and are the best C. L. Cottiwr.
Bavcns horse and cattle food at
Attorney Chaney, was in Lincoln,
on business this week.
Gentle Spring has come at last to
intense joy of mankind.
Deyo's stock of wall papsr is styl
ish, new, clean and prices lowest.
Paint brushes, whitewash brushes,
and all kinds of brushes at Deyo's.
Farm loans at lowest rates.
D. J. Myers.
See Oscar Patmor before buying
your. He has made a big redaction.
The W. C. T. U. will meet during
the month of April, with Mrs. Sher
wood. "Jim" Smith and wife, of Beatrice,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gus.
Boals, this week.
Bemember the Chicago clothing
store takes measures for tailor made
clothing, guarantee a perfect fit or no
3irs. L. Cordall and son George Gf
Seneca, Kansas, are visiting with Mrs.
S. L Umphenour. Mrs. Cordall and
Mrs. u. are sisters.
Mr. TV. H. Fuller is painting his
residence property and making other
necessary repairs, and soon will have
a hmdsome residence.
Quite a heavy hail storm on Thurs
day. Some of our people who were
out were afraid they would catch hail
before getting under shelter.
Mr. Geo. Latta has gone tt Califor
nia. Before leaving he came in and
ordered TnE Chief to accompany
him and also subscribed for a friend.
That is the kind of men editors like
to see.
The B & M railway managers are
patting on fast trains for Denver that
will make the distance from Omaha
to Denver, two hours earlier than any
train service on any other line. The
B & 31 are always ahead when it
comes to enterprise.
The Bed Cloud meeting has broken
the record. This is certainly a grand
meeting. The largest meeting so far
as numbers are concerned that has
ever been held in the state by our
brethren, there being when last heard
from, 9G added. So the good work
goes on. Christian (Chicago) Orocle.
Mr. L. P. Albright, Walter Sher
wood, and J. TV. Sherwood were in
Lincoln this week attending court in
which they are dependants and Mr.
and Mrs. Chase, plaintiffs. It is the
case wherein Chase is trying to recov
er property that he traded to Mr. Al
bright for bank stock, and then, when
the bank failed, played the baby act
and tried to make out that he didn't
know what he was doing.
'Jljr Daughter'! Life
Was saved by Hood's Sarsaparilla," says
3r. B. B. Jones of Alna, tfaine. "She had
seven running sores in different places on
her body, bat on giving her Hood's Sarsa
pprilla there was marked improvement
and now she is well, strong and healthy."
Hood's Pills care constioation br re
storing the peristaltio action of the ali
mentary canaL They are the best family
Bine Hill Notes.
(Taken From The Leader.)
Cutter and Cranz, a couple of Bed
Cloaders spent a few moments in the
Hill, Wedn2sday.
Several Blue Hill democratic stal
warts were in Bed Cloud, yesterday
evening, attending a democratic meet
ing. T. J. Ward, has never asked for
office, but rather than have no repre
sentation (of a democratic hue) in
in the next session of the legislation
he'll consent to go, providing he re
ceives the nomination., and geti votes
Benard McNeny and H. G. Koehler
were selected by the Democrats of
Webster county to attend the state
convention as delegates. They were
instru cted to cast their vote for Hon.
Wm. Thompson of Grand Island for
delegate at large to the National Dem
ocratic convention.
We are pleased to see how The
Chief and Argus are showing up how
they (the supervisors) save their own
bill s and slash others. The time wil
come when tnpse self-tvled dnmn-
gogues will know upon whose toes
bucy ic u-uauiijg.
Mine host C. E. Conrad of the
Central contemplates the erection of
a brick hotel. It is to be 40xfi0. twn
stories high with basement The
first floor will be 10 feet, the second
12 and the third 10. Will have two
large sample room and a billiard par
lor in connection with other necessary
rooms for a. buildjng of that size.
When.chmpleted.iL wiiL be- a little
tasty hotel and no doubt will bo-inuch
appreciated by the traveling pubtfc'as
well as by the townspeople.
In order to fully famliarise him
self with the habits, wants and cus
toms of the farmer. Attorney L O.
Martin has hied himself as a tiller of
tbe soil. He thinks within the course
of a year or so he'll be a fit subject
for the legislature. Let us nope that
ne 11 so aaapt nimself.
Supervisor Patterson of Harmony,
is prone to believe that there is quite
a bundle of political goods in store
him. Well may there be. Mr. Pat
terson is one of our most industrious
and level-headed men on the board and
he deserves proper recognition at the
hands of his constituency.
Curbstone Cracks.
Alonto Hucklebury said to a CniEF
rustler that the only way to build up
a good city was to get a move on the
city, by the city and with the city,
and every man in the city palling to
gether for the good of the city. See.
Uncle Snowdrift, although a little
late in the season, thought that if
Bed Cloud would pave the streets it
would be a move that would set Bed
Cloud a notch ahead of any of her
sister cities. Think so.
Peter Wideawake, who never opens
his mouth without saying something,
(liU t,n mil nn thn hpflfl" whPtl hfi
remarked that Bed Cloud should buy
the Sleeper property and build a court
house thereon, with the aid of the
county. It would be about one of
the bc3t things Bed Cloud coald do.
Billy Jerkwater whose office is on
the corner of two streets, thought
that Bed Cloud would receiye the
most substantial boom this fall that
had ever been known, fron the rea
son, that a boom had struck outside
real estate and the city was sure to
come in for its share. We murmured
"you bet."
Our old friend Pol ltical thought
that he could observe a rising ber
ometerferthis section of tha country,
should the Bock Island come this way
and the election passed off quietly.
He was about right.
Senator Cummings, in musing
over various conditions of life, thought
that the city could make, a very sub
jsantial improvement by laying new
sidewalks, and the Senator knows a
thing or two.
Ben Doorslab thought if there
should be as much ambition displayed
in pushing enterprises as there were
in some other directions, the city
would be on the pinaclo of success
this season.
The Democratic house of Congress
is about as great a nonennity as could
be found in one gieat nation. They
have been in session for more than
three months, yet there is not one
thing that they have done for the
country, that has come to tbe sarface,
still Professor Holman. makes his
periodical cry of economy, and keeps
right on drawing his five dollars per
day ani perquisits. It has cost the
country hundreds of thousands ot
dollars for this congress to do noth-
So many have been cared of rheuma
tism by Hood's Sarsaparilla that we urge
all who softer from the disease to try this
All kinds of condition powders at
Last week we mentioned in The
Chief that the dam had gone out. Our
statement was erroneous inasmuch as
only the top had been taken off. Had
the statement been allowed to po un
corrected it would have done some in
jury to the Gate City Milling Com
pany, who depend on the dam for
power. In sorrection we are pleased
to say that the condition of the dam
dees not affect them in any manner,
and they are very busy grinding every
day in the week, and by their fair
dealing and honest goods haye attract
ed trade from all parts of southern
Nebraska and northern Kansas.
Messrs Sherwood and Ponsor are gen
tlemen who fully nnderstand how to
treat their patrons and are millers of
many years standing, Mr. Ponsor hav
ing served a lifetime at it TnE
Chief wishes them success.
of all gtades at low prices at Wiener's.
The Secret of Success.
C. L. Cotting, druggist believes that
tViA KAeret of success is Derseverance.
Therefore they persist in keeping the fin
est liae ot penumenes', toiiet nn;iD,
cosmetics, drugs and chemicals on the
market They espeoially invite all per
sons who have palpitration, short breath,
veak or hungry spells, pain in side or
shoulder, oppression, night mare, dry
cough, smothering, dropsy or heart-disease
to try Dr. Miles' unequalled New
Heart Cure before it is too late. It has
the largest sale of any similar remedy.
Fine book of testimonials free. Dr.
M iloa Tt;tnrjtt"v "Serine is unsumassed
for sleeplessness, headache, fits, eta, and
it contains no opiates.
Best Terms on Farm Loans
I am now prepared to make
farm loans at low rates, and on
tbe best terms ever offered In
this county. Privilege to pay
all or part or tkc principals at
aajr interest payment.
J II Bailer
The above Mentions Suit are
Our display of children and boys' suits is a
little the nicest shown yet.
Opposite Post-office.
Ffardware, Tiirware, StoVs,
I will have
Gasoline Vapor Stoves about April 1st
The Best in the World. .11 kinds of tin work made a
specialty. Hoofing, Spouting and shop work
done on short notice.
Call and see me in ihe Kaley Block.
Girl Wanted.
At tile city bakery and restaurant.
Call on Joe. Herburger, Red Cloud, Neb.
on.RcsIdcnt Xoticc.
John Shutliff,
G. W. Baker et al
Affidavit on file.
The defendants, Marion Story and My
ron Billings, will take notice that on the
2d day of March, 1802, the plaintiff filed
hia petition in the district court of Web
ster county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which'is to foreclose a certain
mortgage, executed by the defendants,
Geo. W. Baker, and Mary K. Baker to
Jas. H. Fallman, who arsigned said mort
gage to plaintiff, that said mortgage is on
the south-east quarter of section twenty
two, township two, north, in range ten,
west, in Webster county, Nebraska, and
was duly recorded in the records of said
county, iou are therefore required to
answer said petition on or before the Oth
day of May, 1S02, or said petition will be
taken as confessed by yon and decree
rendered, foreclosing said mortgago as
prayed for in said petition.
364t Jon- Shctliff,
By G. R. Chaset, His Attorney.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an order of sale issued from
the office of C. B. Crone, clerk of the
district court of the tenth judicial dis
trict within and for Webster county, .Ne
braska, upon a decree in an action penQ-
iuk loercm, wuerein mre. i. n. .oanies
and Effie Barnes are plaintiffs, and
against John M. Ferguson, Agnes J.
Ferguson and James H. Ferguson, de
fendants, I shall offer for sale at public
vendue to the highest bidder for cash in
hand, at the east door of the courthouse
at Red Cloud, in said Webster county,
Nebraska, (that being the building
wherein the last term of said court was
3d Day of" May, A. D. 1892,
at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day. the fol
lowing described property towit: The
north-west quarter (nwjij) of section
thirty-Jour (34) and the north-east quar
ter (neij) ad the east half (e) of the
north-west quarter (k) of section thirty
three (33,) township four (4,) north, ranje
ten (10,) west of the Cth p. m.
firAn nnna. molinnfl 1.?. OCl J3. ff
March, A-D. 1802.
3G-30d Cfco. E. Coo. Sheriff.
TIBBET5, Mokex &. Febbis, JTt'fs' Atfys J
a full line'of
Hail Insurance.
The Continental Insurance com
pany will insure against hail, etc., this
year and in order to protect yourselves
the farmers should see A. H. Gray,
Agent, Red Cloud, Neb.
Ho, there! Calmes, the baker, in
Ira Sleeper's building north of
The Chief office keeps the finest
bread, buns, cakes, pies, &c, in Red
Cloud. Try hinu tf
Go to Fentress & Zeluff, for a slick
hair cut, clean shave, mustache black
ed shampoo.
Republican caucus
Garfield township. The Republi
cans of Garfield township are request
ed to meet in caucus at the Vagoner
Bohool-house district 18, on Wednes
day April 20, 1892, at 2 o'clock p. a.
to elect 4 delegates to the County
convention to be held on April 23rd,
at Red Cloud, Jxo. B. Stassib,
The Celebrated Stallion
Battler, will make the season of 1893
as follows: Fridays and Saturdays at
Richardson's barn, Red Cloud. Tuesdays
at Bladen.
Pedigree Rattler is a Blackhawk
Morgan, well muscled, good action and a
natural stepper and beautifol style- Was
foaled Sept 15, 1S8G, and isaboatl5f
hands high. His sire was a Morgan, his
dam was a Morgan and Blackhawk. Rat
tler has fins bone and 6inew, well boiltr
and an elegant roadster.
Tebms 87 to insure a mare with foal;
310 to insure a colt to stand up and suck;
So cash for single service, if mare fails to
get with foal on single service, owser can
return her and by paying $2 extra can
havo insurance. Care will be taken to
prevent accidents but I will not be re
sponsible should any occur. Owners
parting with or removing mares froav
the county before they are known to be
with foal forfe'Nithe insurance money.
3G4t "W. H.FclleOwmt.-
fBjfcf- .4Bk
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