1 91 m m THfe' CHIEF Published Weekly. Friday, "April 1, 182. ftahaci-lpllen,' . fl Per Annum :'lBYarUfelT la AArmnc If not paid in advance, after this date Blarchj-for Jake Miller for alderman, and IS, ISM, the price will be f 1.25. .To Correspondents. Th OiiiKF desires, crisp, and newsy corres pondence from all parts of the connty. corres pondence and other interesting subjects will be published. We desire to Diiblished all of the news rand to that end request all our friends to hanl in- any, and all news Items. Job Printing a Specialty. Advertising rates made known on application. All communications, inclosing newsr-ononey, Ac., should be addressed to A. C. IIOSMER, Proprietor, Red Cloud, Ncbr. Entered at the Post Office in Bed Cloud, Neb., as mail matter of the second class Republican County Convention. The Republican electors or Webster County, a-o requested to sen-i delegates from the sever al townships to meet in convention at the court house in the city of Ked rioud, Saturday, April 3t, at 11 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of se lecting 10 delegates to the republican congress ional convention to be held at Holdrege, N'ebr., Thursday, May 5th, 1893, ton dele gates to the republlicau congressional conven tion to be held at McCook, Nebr. June 1Mb, 18 and seven delegates to the State Conven tion to be bald at Kearney April 27th. 1892. The several townshins are entitled to reure- sentatiou as follows: the apportionment being kased upon the vote cast for Hon. Geo. II. Hastings for attorney general in 1890 givnig one delegate at large to each township (except the first aud second wards of Ked.Cioud city; and oue for each ten votes and the major fraction thereof: Red Cloud. 7 Oik Creek a retsdatn 11 Glenwood 4 Inavale 4 Catherton 3 Llae 4 Garfield 4 Ked Cloud 1st ward 9 Guide Rock 14 Stillwater 3 Batin 3 Harmony 5 WainutCreek 3 ii wlCCK Cr Lr66K, Heasant Hill C Red Cloud 2nd ward 11 It is recommended that no proxies be admit ted, and that the delegates present cast the full vote of the delegation, also that the primaries be held not later than April 2lst, 1892, The follow ing persons Bhall be entitled to vote at the re publican primaries. All republican electors atld all other ftlprtnrs n-hn. if rh:t11fni?ed. shall declare their intention to act with the republi can parry at tue coming election, uy oraer oi the committee. G. . McKeeisv, Chairman, A. C, Uosmeb, Secretary. Our friend of The Nation is some-q wnat mistaken in regard to, 4fxe nou partiian'convehtioi. .-While the tick et does no tr have tin Independent voter on itf it was -no .fault of tbrf Republican,'-in fact the republicans to the anrount of abont 20 worked and voted he would have been nominated hd it not. been for the independents themselves nominating And voting for another man. As to Mr. Spanogle, he was fairly nominated receiving 80 votes but of 140. To show that the ticket was non-partisan, two-thirds of the ticket nominated were Democrats, while there are only two Bcpublicans, and Red Cloud is unquestionably Re publican. That deesn't look like fraud. Tiie Chief has no objection to Mr. Mizer, but be went into the non-partisan convention and should abide by it EDITORIAL. NOTES. The wind on Thursday night, blew with terrible force and it is reported to have assured cyclonic proportions at Nelson, at which place it done consid erable damage After all of the affected bluster of English Government, it has finally come to the terms of this government and has warned Canadian seal pirate? that if they hunt seal they do it at their own peril. Of course this paper is aware of the inherent right of every American citizens to run for office, yet it is a proper thing for our friend Mizer to do at this stage of affairs in Red Cloud, when so much depends on ab solute harmony in order to vitalize the coming interests of Red Cloud? In the interests of Red Cloud the non partisan ticket should be elected nominated. as Don't let the spring election get away with you to that extent that you can not see that Red Cloud is on the road to prosperity this year, if you do you will miss it, for as sure as the world moves, "and she do" Red Cloud is going to get there provided the peo ple work together, and if they do not it will be funny. We have an ideal opportunity to make a ten strike and ought to improve it with all our might and main. That restless, nerveous, doll and heavy feeling which prevents sleep and causes as to feel like something terrible was go ing is going to happen is all corrected by tin A ft . nnnL MM1 nepaucure -wnica cure uynpepaia ou consumption. L. H. Deyo. Campbell Notes. (Taken from The Tress.) Mr. John Elley and Miss Laura Mc Bride were married at the home of A B. Gewdy last Sunday afternoon in the presence of a number of friends, Rev. Snow officiating. Both of the contracting parties are well known in this vicinity and may their voyage through life be a happy and prosper ous ne. Rev. B. O. Snow and wife, visited friends and relatives in Red Cloud, this week. Herbert Ludlow of Red Cloud, was the guest of je editor last Friday Miss McCall is in Red Cloud this week. The prospects keep looking brighter for Republicans, and by the time rolls around for campaign work there will be more enthusiasm displayed than has been observed for many years The Republicans will be in it in '92 with increased majorities. The Inde pendents would make one believe if it wcte possible, that the Republican party was one of tho most debase or ganizations extant, and that those composing the Independent outfit had left it because it was such. Now let us look at this. The Independents most of whom have been Southern Democrats, and for that matter are yet, are the ones who arc doing most of the organiza tion for the main purpose of knocking the props from under the Republican party for the sole purpose of putting the Democratic party in pqwer, and when that is accomplished they will have slipped quietly back into its folds with the exclamation "Didn't we do it, though," and about that, time those Republicans who weie induced to follow them will be making an ef fort to hire some cheap boy to kick them, for ever taking up with the movement, In fact many are already seeing the error and have concluded that enough is enough and will return to the grand old Republican party be fore the fall election arrives. "The Chicago World Fair Committee' has passed a resolution that every person attending the "Fair" shall take with them a bottle of "Hepaticnre" as a preventive from contracting blood, liver and kidney diseases. L.H. Deyo. Cowles The Cowles lyccuni was to close on the the evening of Friday 25th for the season, with a grand public enter tainment, but on account of the rain it was postponed till next evening, af ter which the Alliance folks had an Oyster supper. A Sunday-school was organized at Pleasant Ridge, on Sunday p. ni. to be known as the Congregational Sunday school of Pleasant Ridge. 3Ir. John Greenhalgh is Superintendent, Miss Addie Hayes commenced to teach her fifth term of school, in a school-house G miles ncrth-cast of Cowles. II. A. Sheldon has sold his farm and removes to the Bright place cast of Red Cloud. Mr. Ernst the. pur chaser of the Sheldon farm is to have possession at once. Miss Flora Brown is spending a week's vacation with her parents. She has the Grammer department in public school at Franklin. Mr. Carrier is suffering from a par tial paralysis which came upon him on Sunday p. m. and hn has been growing weaker and helpless ever since. Mr. Geo. Letta started on Tuesday 29th, for Fresno, Cal., to join his fam ily, and spend a year or less. His wife and children went last fall. Makes the Weak Strong Tho marked benefit which people In run down or weakened state of health derive from nood's Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves the claim that this medicine " makes the weak strong." It docs not act liko a stimulant, imparting fictitious strength from which there must follow a reaction of greater weakness than before, but iu the most natural way nood's Barsararilla overcomes that tired feel ing, creates an appetite, purines tito sionu, and, in short, gives great bodily, nerve, mental and digestivo strength. Fagged Out "Last spring I was completely fagged out. My strength left mo and I felt sick and mis crablo all tho time, so that I could hardly, attend to my business. I took one bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it cured me. There is nothing liko it." R. C. Begole, Editor Enterprise, Belleville, Mich. "I derived very much benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla, which I took for general debility. It built mo right up, and gave me an excel lent appetite." En.JnNi:ixs.Mt.Savage,Md. N. B. If you decide to tako Hood's Sarsa parilla do not be induced to buy anything else Instead. Insist upon haviug Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbvalldrnpKists. gl; slxforSS. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothccaries,Lowell,MaM. IOO Doses One Dollar money To loan on Watches Diamonds and Jewelry. Will pay cash for old gold and silver. Fine watch work. Ar tistic letter, emblem and monogram engraving. Full line of fine watches clocks, jewelry silverware spectacles and etc. T. E. Penmbk. In Cotting's Drug Store. W. W. Wright, I am now located and will have my stock in shape to wait upon customers about the first of next week. I ask each and everyone to call and look over my stock of hardware and I will try and treat you fairly. Don't for get the place, Kaley block. Garden Seeds. Oscar Patinor has just received a BIG supply of garden seeds. Go and see him at Perkins and Mitchell's old sand. The Handsome! Lady in Red Cloud. remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to provo this and convince yon of its merits any druggist will give you a sam pie bottle free. Large size 50c and $1. 2 Other medicines might help but to make assurance doubly sure use DeWitt's Sarsaparilla to enrich, purify and renew the blood. C. Lt. Cotting. B F GIBSON For Next 1 0 Days Will Sell all kinds of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware at prices that you will buy ii in need of anything in that line. Want ir S6 'y. It distinctly understood that I will not be undersold but can sell cheap as any dealer on as The Earth Quality considered, and instead of making a specialty of certain articles each week wjjl make special prices on my entire stock. I You want any tin work done, I have a first-class tinner and will do your work on short notice and will do it As cheap as possible and if there Is Anything in the stove line you want come and see me for I don say how cheap these stoves will be Sold But will guarantee that they will be sold Cheap Epoiigh My entire stock must and will be sold to make room for a new stock MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. Come and see if I cannot save you money. B. P. GIBSON. The ate City Milling Co. Proprietors of the Red Cloud Boil er Mills want your wheat, &c, and will exchange flour for same. Custom work a speciality. Briag your wheat or work to them, and receive fair treatment. I Want to Bay Faraw Parties having cheap farm lands for sale improved or unimproved can una bnyors by calling on D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Ked Cloud, Neb, Bladen. A few fine days the past week. More rain, more mud, more cold weather. Some of our farmcia would rather gather their corn in the spring, than during the nice fall weather we gener ally have. A wedding is being talked of in the near future. Bev. Griffith thinks he will move to uiue imi to live until ne can get a house here. W. H. Huffman returned from Ivan sas City bringing with him a fine lot of new epring goods. Mrs. James Burden calls the atten tion of the ladies to her grand open ing of millinery goods March 30th. Hicks, our drggist says he has lots of faith in Nebraska soil as he has traded for another quarter of land. The funeral of Mrs. Wm. Chad- wick was preached by Rev. Griffith at Harmony school-house on Tuesday at 11 o'clock. The ladies of the Baptist church society will give a corn supper in the G. A. 11. hall this Friday evening. Proceeds to pay for church seats. On account of the bad weather there were not a great many out to the supper -for the benefit of Grandma Huffman. A good work of putting down a crossing on main street toward the G. A. It. hall and school-hou.se has be gun, let the good work go on until the walk is completed to the school house. Quite a number of our young peo ple attended the exhibition at Five Star school-house Saturday evening and report a fine entertainment. For Sale or Trade. A- choice farm of 160 acres, 4 miles froiutegrojjgood frame house, 80 acres m cultivation, jf.if, uiaDie duc about Hj.aV tpjrjns or will D. J. Meps. i.td Claud, Nebr. , inJ al clothins Farmers and Mechanics who need stiotur well made will do well to go to Wiener's and fitted. get Ancient Egypt. Some of tho most startling, interesting discoveries of tho lifo and customs of buried Egypt aro now being made through extensive excavations. These discoveries aro exciting a great interest. Many discoveries are, however, being made in our country that are not leas strange and remarkable, among which we may mention that of Haller's Pain Par alyzer which effects entire relief, and in many cases a-complete cure of that ter rible disease rhoumatism, and which also relieves pain of all kinds. For sale by C. L. Cotting. Nothing speaks more clequcntly for a town than a fresh mid attractive ad vertisements in its papers. The name of every interpnsing merchant is sure to be kept before the public, and the better the business representation the better the impression created abroad. McCook Tribune Wonderful. v. V Knwver of Rochester. Wis., a prominent dealer in general merchandise and who runs several peddling wagons, haA nnn nf his horses badly cut and burned with a lariat. The wound re fused to heal. The horse became lame and stiff notwithstanding carefnl atten tion and the application or remeaiea. a frinnrt handed Sawyer some of Haller's Barb Wire Liniment, the most wonderful thing he ever saw to heal such wounds. He applied it only three times and tho sore was completely healed. Equally good for all sores, cuts, bruises and wounds. For sale by C. L. Cotting. KOTICEOF SALE 10 acres timbt. trade A IIiilmnr Mistake. Husbands too often permit wives, and parents their children, to suffer from headache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleepless ness, fits, nervousness, when by the use of Dr. Mile3' Restorative Nervine such serious results could easily be prevented. Druggists everywhere say it gives uni versal satisfaction, and has an immense sale. Woodworth & Co. of Port Wayne, Ind.; Snow & Co. of Syracuse, N. Y.j J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich.; and hundreds of others 6iy "it is the greatest seller they ever know," It contains no opiates. I rial Dottles ana line book on nervous diseases free at C. L. Cotting's. Nebraska is getting right lo the front. Now there is Purs Lard Pad dock. Tariff Bill Bryan and Silver McKeighan. If they do not properly re present all of Nebraska's interests, how would you go about it to represent teem. Lineoln Sun. Why have chill?, ague and fever, suffer death and take gallons of nauseous drugs to cure them. If yoa keep "Hepaticnre" in your home and tako it to re gnlate and purify the great organs of life, blood, liv er and kidneys, you will never be sick. This we will guarantee. L. H. Deyo. Or First National Bank Build lag. Sealed bids will be received at office of the receiver of the First National tianir, Red Cloud, Neb., until 12 m. (noon) May 2, 1892, for banking building, furniture and fixtures therein; lot 10, block 20, in Red Cloud, Neb., one two story OncK building, furniture and fixtures, consist ing of Yala time lock safe, walnut furni ture, desks, chairs, etc, Right reserved to reject any or all bids. 3G4t O. C. Bkll, Receiver. SkcrlfTs sale. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of sale issued from the office of C. B. Crone, clerk of the district court of the tenth judicial dis trict within and for Webster county, Ne braska, upon a decree in an action pend ing therein, wherein the Smith Brothers .Loan & Trust company arepiBinuii,Buu against Richard K. Stowe as administra tor of the estate of Nels Poulson, de ceased, Line Peterson, Joel Poulson, Car rip Poulson, Nels Poulson Jr., Mary Poulson, Mjra poulgon, Martin Pqulson. Christian Jasperwn aa guardian pf said Joel Poulson, Carrie Poulson, Nels Poul son, Mary Poulson and Mira Poulson, de fendants, I snail oner ior Baie at puunc vendue to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the east door of the court-house at Red Cloud, in said Webster county, Nebraska, (that being the building wherein the last term of said court was linllnn ran the 3d Day of Hay, A. D. 12, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, the follow ing described property towit: The south-west quarter (1) of section twenty-nine (20) in township three (3,) north of range eleven (11,) west of the Cth p. m. . Given under my band this jutn day of March, A. D. 1892. 3G-30d Geo. . Coon, Sheriff. For Sale or Trade. A good timber claim in county, Nebraska. All perfectly level land, some good young trees, 40 fee, to water, 12 acres under cultivation. 10 miles from a good R. R. town. Will sell as claim or give deed cheap for cash or trade for most any thing. D,J.MVER8. 354 Red Cloud, Xeb. We have the best stock of hats the ciiy. Chicago store. "My dear sir, I love your daughter and Hayes want to marry her, but she says you hav rmwizm wrr v w v Tl7 . " t" Jour consent." "Certainly, sir. I want you to nromNo to keep Haller's Sure nr f, ?c? f? the house." rui. w in "I will." "All right, you have my blessing." 3333 bushels of corn for which will pay highest market price. Flou given In exchange. Oscar Patmor. To the partners ! H. C. SCOTT, Invites the Farmers of Webster and adlaeeat large and varied stock of counties to hi Agricultural Goods Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows, Harrows, Mowing Machines. &c. See him before buying for bargains. Warner & Warren, " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a Real Estate Office, AND ASE 1EASY TO SILL TCV Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stock or House- hold Goods. Have some Bargains t offer to who call at this office, 2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, Up Stairs. any n ,j i Eaassfesj" rr3&S"Or .Tr