The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1892, Image 9

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I 1 Ti
! i
FnUttatl LarctMiy nn! Tyranny Are It
The course of the democrats in the
New York senate is particularly in
teresting and significant. They -are
mntinir tinnn tlin iiTtriff nnl nnr1ii. thn
practical direction of Senator HilL. and
the policy mat tney nave auopteu goes puiui. ,u "wry. rureigu uuuuus uo
to show that they propose to supple- i shown a disinclination to remonetize
ment political larceny with political the metal as long as the United States
tyranny of an absolute kind. The re- I seems liable to open her mints to Eu
publican members who refused to vote ropean stocks of the depreciated metal,
upon the enumeration bill for the pur-j I' Mr- Wand had common sense he
pose of breaking a quorum thus dupli- j would have waited a bit before launch
eating the democratic plan in the last! ing his specious and disreputable meas-
congress were declared to be in con
tempt, and were excluded from further
participation in the proceedings. Since
then a resolution of censure has been
adopted and an order made suspending
the offenders for one day. In all the
history of legislative bodies in this
country, no justification can be found
for such a method of dealing with such
a question. The non-voting senators
could have been counted in order to se
cure a quorum, according to the prac
tice introduced by Mr. Iteed when he
was speaker of the house, but the
democrats were not content with that
comparatively mild and harmless ex
pedient They preferred to exercise
their power in an offensive and vin
dictive spirit.
This; exhibition of partisan spite and
meanness is in perfect keeping with
the policy that Hill has always pur
sued in his manipulations of New York
politics. He has no' sense of propriety,
and no regard for rules of right and
justice. There is nothing too unscrup
ulous for him to do in the promotion of
democratic interests and purposes, and
his example has had such a demoraliz
ing effect upon the politicians who are
under his leadership that they stand
ready to carry out any scheme of dis
honesty and indecency that he may
suggest. This is the man who is at
present one of the foremost figures in
the democratic party, with at least as
good chances of securing its nomina
tion for the presidency as any other
man who has been mentioned. He de
vised and executed the despicable plot
by which the New York legislature
was made democratic when the people
had voted that it should be republican;
and he is dictating all that is done by
that body. His power is supreme with
the stolen majority which makes it
possible to perpetrate such wrongs as
the one in question, and he does not
hesitate to use it in the most arbitrary
and scandalous manner. He is re
sponsible for this new and obnoxious
application of parliamentary author
ity, and he has not yet done his worst,
there is reason to believe. The people
of the country should keep their eyes
upon him and those who arc inforcing
his instructions. He is a national
character, a potent force in his party,
and his oiwrntions are accordingly
worth watching. St. Louis Globe
Tit Democratic 1'urty Finds
Them a
Heavy Inriibu.
The mugwumps who entered the
democratic party hanging on the coat
tails of the man from Huffalo are at
the present time a very unhappy set of
men. Their idol. Urover Cleveland,
has been practically repudiated by the
bourbon democracy of his own state.
'They are mourning loud and trying to
bring about a split in the party to
which they fled a few years ago. In
New York city they have secured ten
thousand signatures, and with these
they are trying to intimidate the
straight-out democrats. The demo
crats have taken these political hybrids
into their household, and the Register
is not grieving because they are mak
ing trouble in the family. It is no
more than was expected by sensible
and observing men. The mugwumps
arc a sorry lot, who will be content in
no party unless they can rule it. That
is what the republicans found out
eight years ago, and that is what the
democrats will find out this year.
Grover Cleveland is so eagerly in pur
suit of another nomination that he
lends himself to the uses of these
- traitors to all parties.
They arc attempting to run a foil by
abusing David It. Hill, of New York.
They paint him as black as black can
be and then call on the righteous to
look at .him. lint David Hill, bad as
he is as a politician, and that is as had
as bad can be in a political way, is bet
ter than the masses of his party. He
is no worse than the party he repre
sents and controls in New York. It is
largely made up of Tammany office
seekers and saloonkeepers. These
men are well represented by Mr. HilL
He is their ideal politician. The efforts
to make a great moral party of the
democracy is a hopeless one and the
mugwumps will learn that in time.
Mr. Hill, the Register believes, is as
good as democracy, and he stands in a
fair prospect of defeating all his ene
mies and secur nz the nomination of
his party at Chicago. Iowa State lieg
Itland'a IHlt 1V r.Hnnrhnd at the Wrong
The statesmen who arc in favor of
Mr. 1 Hand's four hundred grain apol
ogy for a dollar are hustling to get
their little measures before the house.
At present the democratic triumvirate
upon the committee of rules deeides
what is wholesome' and proper for the
nation's representatives to vote upon.
So Uie bilver men ure circulating a peti
tion asking the committee on rules to
allow .their little bill to come before
tjhe house. As only one hundred signa
Vyqep have been olitaincd it is probable
that, the island tnoafctrosity will con
tinue in the seclusion of the committee-room
for some time to votm.
The comparatively snail epp9rt
which this petition has received shows
that there is a lack of unity fa the
democratic camp. The Hill democracy
2oe oat cure to dally with the silver
.iboosaeeang jnst at present Mr. Crisp,
t L. ewideatly attempted to choke off
Ihe'free coinage measure in the coin
age eemreiteoont ' Mr. Bland re
iused to choke, however, and emerged
rtriumphantly with his Hill in hand.
fiiom Jdr. JCrisjt tit,aL irUlprpbably jre-
by usinr tka
Mr. island's little bill was sent out
upon the world at an unfortunate mo
mcut Silver has been very weak and
bilious the lust few weeks. The sup
ply has increased enormously, and
! prices have fallen almost to the lowest
As it is the island bill promises to
rot with age and. decay before it be
comes a part of the statutes of the
United States. Minneapolis Tribune.
Democrats Well Sustaining Their Do
Nothing Itecord.
It will be remembered what a howl
the democrats made two years ago be
cause the republican house did not
adopt rules at once, or, at least, much
sooner than it did. Denunciations of
the most savage kind were heaped
upon Speaker Reed's head and he was
charged with a desire to run things at
his own sweet will without any rules
to hinder. The republicans at that
time were instituting a new depar
ture and necessarily had to proceed
slowly in the forming of their new
code. When it was done it proved to
lie well done, for it dispatched the
transaction of business and wiped out
many of the abuses of years. No rules
were ever made that so expedited the
work of the house.
What is the state of affairs at the
present time'.' Two months of the ses
sion have passed away and the third
is well started, and still the democratic
house has not settled its code of prac
tice. What good reason is there for
this delay? None whatever. The
house is not troubled with a small ma
jority. All it had to do was to fall
right back upon the oiil democratic
code of the Fiftieth congress, which
the democracy has lauded so long and
loud as the pink of parliamentary per
fection. As democracy never ad
vances, but hangs like a leech to tradi
tions of the past, the old code would
have suited them as well as any they
can now frame. The house is abso
lutely without excuse for not having
some definite mode of procedure es
tablished by this time.- The delay in
this respect is, however, very prophetic
of the do-nothing record which it will
make this session. Detroit Journal.
t3T"No man in the United States sen
tte is more surely "treasuring up
wrath against the day of wrath" than
one David It. HilL Chicago Inter
tSTThe tariff tinkers and the silver
agitators of the democratic majority in
the house of representatives are be
stirring themselves and doing their
best to insure a republican successor to
Benjamin Harrison. Albany Journal.
tJJTThe Cleveland men expect to car
ry solid delegations from Wisconsin,
Minnesota, the two Dakotas and Michi
gan. This, they think, will offset New
York's delegation for Hill. The Cleve
land men might have had Illinois but
for the untimely interference of a lot
of shabby politicians who imagine that
they can hide behind a Palmer boom
until they see who is going to win;
then they will be for the winner. Chi
cago Journal.
dTTlie highest compliment that has
been paid to President llnrrison is that
which comes from all the newspapers,
democratic and mugwump and repub
lican, that "he will unhesitatingly veto
any unlimited silver bill" which con-
i gress may past. Several will vote for
free silver 'to put the president in a
hole," and not because they biHeye it
is a wise measure, ltut the point i
there is safety in a president like Har
rison. Chicago Inter Ocean.
C3?Evry democrat but two on the
coinage cotntaktiW of the democratic
house voted in favor ui reporting a
free silver bill. Every republican but
two voted against the report. A fa
silver bill will in all probability be
pas sed by the precnt congress and by
demoemtie rotes. A repnblican presi
dent may be trusted to kill it with kit
veto, and it is well at this critical junc
ture that we have a republican prepP
dent N. Y. Mail and Express.
CSTSome democratic papers admit
that Crisp hnn not made a very favor
able impression as a presiding officer.
The trouble, doubtless is that the
house has no real leader. Springer,
the reputed leader, does not possess
the confidant of his party; and they
are not under discipline to him. Crisp
is really to mama cor amointins?
-- - .
Springer to the ways and W&e filjir-
mansnip. Jty appointing Springe? ft
has demoralized the majority. Miansx
opolis Journal.
(If The difference between the re
fubj$tta end the democratic parties
under istMWf conditions is revealed
by the practical utnn4mU Tffth which
the leading republicans of tfe "htHitFY,
in view of Mr. Maine's withdrawal
are declaring for President Harrison's
renomination and for the successful
campaign which will follow that ac
tion, and the democratic factional
fight over the nomination of a candi
date who must be inevitably doomed to
Mteai- The young men In politics
sboM4 make a note of it lie on the
side ol th rht Re on the wianing
side. 3f. V, ;Mii and Express.
&Tlt has ia td jn reference to
the pendeuey of the gaffyffftfcr test
in the Wisconsin supreme coast
that tribuual is republican In its make
up. That statement is not true. It is
composed of three democrats and two
republicans. The case is attracting
IsfttAanlion all over the country. The
' repvbifcwns have not been fortunate in
Uie ttl cases arising out of po
litical iconics flPRtlyt ont tey ore
entitled to a decision m tfyt Wisconsin
case, unless (be supreme ffluptftf that
state broadly asserts that &e leg
islature is supreme i the matter ot
.state apportionment and ere constita
ttional provisions cannot control jp
Detroit Tribune,
rent its consideration
committee on rules gaff.
la the UruincratU: vrtjr All Is ConfmtU
and Uncertainty.
There has seldom been a time in the
history of existing parties when the
situation seemed more assured in re
gard to the choice of a republican pres
idential candidate, or more perplexing
j as to the selection of his democratic
onponcnt Four year ago tne demo
crats took the initiative at St Louis oa
the 5th of June, and the republicans
rallied two weeks lat-r at the old
stand. Chicago, on June 1!. This year
the administration party 1 -ads the way
at Minneapolis on June 7, and the dem
ocrats, after two weeks interval, con
vene at Chicago on June 21. In 1888
the democratic convention nominated
President Cleveland for re-election,
and in 1SU2 the republican conventioa
will ftguin present the name of Presi
dent Harrison. The effect of Mr.
Blaine's withdrawal fully justifies this
prediction, strengthened as it is by
Secretary Blaine's declaration that
President Harrison is the logical can
didate of his party and deserves a re
nomination. Complimentary votes,
thrown by different states in recogni
tion of "favorite sons," will not mis
lead the sentiment of the convention
when it converges upon the final ballot
The democratic situation is bewilder
ing. Mr. Cleveland's strength is large
ly dependent upon a weakness of his
party, lie is great among democrats
because he is the acknowledged first
among a few availables established in
the popular confidence. In 1884 the
presidency was a candidate for Mr.
Cleveland, bnt the fruits of his victory
were sacrificed in an attempt to adjust
"honest politics" to the demand of
undemocracy. Since then the worst
enemies of Mr. Cleveland have been
found in the ranks of his own party.
The opposition to his nomination is no
longer confined to New York. The
radical .silver men of the party, who
regard the free and unlimited coinage
of silver as being of greater impor
tance than the question of tariff re
form, ar unfriendly to Mr. Cleveland.
Mr. Gorman. Mr. Breckinridge, Mr.
Blackburn, Mr. island, Mr. Crisp and
other distinguished southern leaders
are looking for another candidate. As
surances have been given that south
ern states which sent solid delegations
for Cleveland in 1SS8. ure pledged to
send solid delegations to oppose him in
1891 The west still remains steadfast
to the ex-president but the outcrop of
western candidates, which includes
Palmer and Stevenson and Chief Jus
tice Fuller, of Illinois; Gray, of In
diana; Boies, of Iowa, and other
promising aspirants, is somewhat de
pressing to the supporters of the "ideal
The New York democratic despotism
has found a most fitting champion in
David B. Hill, whotB desperate polit
ical methods have culminated in the
theft of the legislature of the empire
state, and a machine-made democratic
state convention which has throttled
the expression of Cleveland sentiment
in the party and will send a solid Hill
delegation to Chicago. All the shout
ing for Grover Clare and outside the
walls of the Auditorium will c.onnt for
nothing against the unit vote of i&w
York for Hill in the convention. Only
the timely and spontaneous awakening
of the moral sense of the party can res
cue the Chicago convention from the
clntches of a machine usurpation which
would inevitably destroy the party.
Tin battleground of the coming con
test will o President Harrison's state
f Indiana. Theocratic, action of Iowa
and Massachusetts jn acting- demo
cratic governors last year peed not env
barra&A political calculations as to the
attitude of thene states on national
questions. Presumably the republican
states which voted for Harrison in 1688
will, with the possible exception of
New York and Indiana, vote for the
republican ticket in 1S92, and the states
which voted for Cleveland in 1938 will
vote for the democratic candidates in
1892. In such case the republicans
CAtiVl afford to lose New York if they
carried iudjana, for that would give
them 225 electoral rotes, two more
than is necessary to a choiG, assuming
that the vote of Michigan will be ot-
vided. Hence it would not avail the
democrats to carry New York, and
.Mofft-gfta, too, if, on the other hand,
they f anuof ftirry Indiana. That Mr.
Harrison cat; carry Indiana Ijas been
demonstrated, and, all other jhfog be?
fngcjnyj. in the absence of any cxpifc
ipg a-' coutrgyersy, the republicans
may tal toyftW of hope in presenting
him as tljo nipfet available presidential
candidate fnr tha campaign o' ijWi5
Chicago (ripJilc.
"Late to bed and enrly to rice will
shorten the road to your home in the
skies." But early to bed and a "Little
Enny Riser," the pill that makes life
longer and better and wiser. C. L.
lr - .tt;n
Notice to 'l'cnclicrs.
SJfltfp.c is hereby given that I will
examine ail pfgjng who may desire
10 oner tnemsclves hs vatiiast2i
tpi for
of ttii
teachers oft he public schools
couuty, at Red Cloud on the third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will be held
on the p:il;;y proceeding the 3d Sat
urday of each moiitfi, c
The Ptandinp required for 2d and
3d grade certiQcate i the Bamena
grade below 70 per cent., average 80
per eenl; for first grade certificnte
no grade below 80 per cent, average
90 per cent, in all branches required
by law.
D. M Hunter, County Supt.
Miles' Nerve and f.lver Plllt.
4&t on b new principle regulating the
lMmrJ gtojnjttfx and bowels throogh the
aervas, 4. njr" woyory. Dr. Miles'
piUa Bpeedily Mrs bUOZfRPSSt ',?'? tate
torpid liver, piled, con.tipHiujij, "Jn
equaled for men. women, children. Snil
eat, mildest, surest! .in doses, ?5 ;te
The Red Cloud Dray Line have four
ood and heavy mule team. All'8"'
Aii I
, -&. 1
n.,l. cliIi.J 1n n'ii-iV j
orders solicited.. J NO IIASKLET,
if Proptietor, I
atfliog prompt! W. attended to youf'trnuousrsldeacoandcHltivatloiiol. said land.
Barb Wire.
A. plorhart has just received a car
load ef barb wire and will sell it
cheap. Conic riuht along.
You can surely save soaie
tlilus by vullins on J. II. Bailey
for a farm loan. Good and
cheap farm for sale.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Xumcry Slock.
Now is the time for i'ou
your orders for nil knds
stock and small fruits,
plants a specialty. L.
to send in
of Standard
II. Rust, tf
For Sale.
A fine Packard orchestral organ. If
sold soon will go at a kfrgain. Apply
at this office.
Some choice improved
proved farms at a bargain,
discription to D. J.
and unini
Writc for
Red Cloud Nebr.
v n rtncli n trnfie ft rA im.
m rJ "U1S vi tiLiuu ua JiA uuii
rags, rubb r, bones brass, copper zinc
and lead at the lied Cloud gun shop.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorlr -
ISucklcii'it Arnicea Salvo
The Best Silve in the world for cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all other bkm irruptions,
and positively curus pjlp?, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give npriect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by L. H.
Fifty cents per hundred paid for
rags rubber anu z:nc in
trade at
the li.irgain
House of J. B. Young &
first door north of Fair Store
For Sale.
A second hand square piano at a
barirain. Address, P. 0. box 324
Rp(J Cloud.
Children Cry for
r's Castoria.
I t.s.'V
Mtotlioflf l Church.
rreaclihu; at the M. E. ctj urch pyery Sunday,
in::M, A. M. Kveninjr. 7:30. .Sunday Sool,
II :3" A. m. i-.puonn ix-hkiu', kusu. i. m.
hi raiijiers in the city and puttlic mad welcome
to all servcictf . K, J. IUXimli.,
Baptist Church.
Preaching 10o, A. M. 7i3o 1. M. Sunday
School at lu'. Yoiuu; people's meeting at 7:30.
I. 3i. rrauTsert ices 'Wednesday evening at
7:30. L. H. Dejo, Sunday-school Superintend
ent. J, 1). 1'ulis. Pastor.
Congregational Church.
rrertciiiiisr at iOC3nd Smidav-scliooJ at 11 SM
Young ieopIo's inediiiig i. I'raef iervicej
Wednesday evening.
All arc invited to attend these services.
E. L.Kt.v. Pastor.
K. M CncilllANE. Sunt. H. S.
ChrlMlan ChHrch.
Preaching even- Sunday at 10-30 A. SI. and
7:30 1. 3t. Christian Endeavor Society at li
I', m. Sunday-school at 12.
Jev. si. I'BTJf A3i, Pastor.
cFace Church,
.Services every fourth Sunday in tlia month
at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 1. M. Sunday-school at
J:l.j 1. .M. etery Sunday.
G. A. It.
Jaine A. Carfield post, N'r. H. Department
ot Xeliraoka, C. A. It. meet in K. 1'. hall Mon
day e enin. or before eaeh full moon of eavh
month at 7H i. in. All comrades m good
standing pornlally welcomed.
P. of V,
llev Cam
v itiesdav eieninir. at 7:30 r. ai
I brothers in good stamlimr
to attend
S. K. C'oAD. C'apt
.n. w. or a.
ItedrfoulCnmp. Nd.CS. M.W.of A. meet
In K. F. hall alternately Wednesday evening,
at 7:30. All neighbors In flood standing are
hulled. TltOS. J. WaBD, V. S,
K. V. Tavloij, Clerk.
A. O. W. W.
Ked Cloud i-odce No. GO. A. O. V. W. meet at
th :ir hall in Moon block Hot and second Tues
days l each mouth. Allbrothersarecordially
CaMutu tjVM
Thursday ewnlm:
All Kniuliis are lay
at their i4tfe JlpjtVll. rti.
Viled. ' '
I. O. O. V.
Ken Adhem l-od,;e No. IfW, mcepiat thejr hall
on Monday evenimr. at 8
F. .M. A(i hrotjiera
are weleoined.
Faithful As'WhlJ. Jfl- 3$7i- WIS lf
hall every Friday pvciijiiyqt j :
S- F:
l A If
Keil rjopd Chanter No. JO K. A. jf. meetings
smpri and fnrlh '1 htHNlaf fit each month
Cyrene tjnmniaiMlry No. HftT woetlng flrst
in d llilrd Tlnirdas)t each month-
A I' an A 9C
Charity tadtfu So. & a V and A M. Meeting!
Friday ciemnx on or before Hie full moon.
ICnotrri Star.
Eastern Star meets 011 luesday every
weeks at sia .'c hall.
llellef Corpn.
.lames A. t meets In K. I.
l!ll on &itnrday afternoon, eer two weeks
at i p. 111. Allareinvite'l.
Vm&lewnt tit U. A. H.
K.iiT.n:in Circle. No.
3. (i. A. K.
meets In
Masonic liatt'icrbt aiM third Saturday evenings
ciX each month at tW '" " " -
Fire Department
KeJ Cloud Firp Department, meets first M011
dav In each 'month.
Final BrooF 9llFP-
mvh mm BHwiggjr4!gp.
KoticaU bereby.Biven tliat tjie foUiiwins
named settler has filed notice of III. Intention
to niako final proof in support of Iim cliu,
Hndtliat said iroof will be made before the
clerk or the dletrlet court Webster county, at
lted Cloud, Xeberska. on Saturday, April 23.
189-.', viz: Anraram liibbey lid. App. Ho. istfu
for the northwest 1-1. section 2, tonnship -'.
north range 1A west of the 6th principal ma
ridian. lie names the following witnesses to
lrove his continuoes residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, iz: Nells Jensen, of Inavale
I'ltuey, of Inavale, Nebr. and John Wjlsoii, of
Otto, Nebi. O. G. BA1LKV, Register.
Final Proof Notice.
I and ofllre at Rioamlcgton. N'ebr., February
1. JJJV. ' Ttotlr Hi hereby i:ven ihat the follow
int?-nanitdi't"tli.Tr1Kme4lpt(,ca qf hr Inten.
tiuu to make tiual proof in stprertDr" her tanii
I and thatsidd nroof mill be Made before tlm
i clerk of the district court. Webster county, at
' Red Cloud. Nebraska, on Monday Starch 28. 1tt
IJIPyK. JilCKCrSOB. D.3. H, K745IOT tne
sw ! seris, In 3 n range 10 w 6 1 n. Mho
1 names the following witnesses to prove her con
iinuica iiic naiunaxjK. iiiiut.iwlj m.m iv
viz: JMvitiM. rrancis, ueorge w. rrancis.
HenryT.ltose Frank I "nines all of Cowlo
Nebraska. 2fr6 O.G. Bailev, Register.
Don't forget to ask for the Consumers' and
That fr every Cash purchase of ON"E DOLLAR from au
Merchant whose name appears belor entitles vou to a
"Which they will accept for five cents on every
Cash Purchase of One Dollar.
And take Special Xotice that the Merchants who belong to
this Association are the most wideawake and keep
the best stock of goods, and their
prices are the lowest.
Dry ;ool, Carpelx, Cloak nml Shoe.
L. II. Dcyo, Drug etc. Henry Dicdricli ICooi Sc Shoes-
Buckeye Harness Shop Humes, c. Wiener, Clollier.
0arr Pnlmor, Flour Feed. F. V. Taylor, Furniture.
It. Iff. Vtuice, Jeweler.
Has Moved his Flour and Feed Store o
f Perkins & Mitchel building .
Nothing but the best
see me when yon want anything
in my line
Webster Co. Abstract Office.
J. H. BAILEY, Abstracter and Proprietor.
Accurate Abstracts Promptly Furnished for any IiHiiUh in Wciistcr
County. A complete and Accurate set of Abstract !ook
and IQOOQ t)Qi4 ItlfXl Titb county judge insures 'ati-
For Abstracts, Cheap
good Bargains in
Fort Abstract
L. H. FORT, Manager.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Hfcvlnc had ton yeara oxperienoe In county records and one of the most complete set of Ab
stract books in the state, we guarantee satisfaction. Yoi.r favors solicited
All orde-s filled promptly, dollar bond tiled
i nd approved. Address or call on
L. H. FOUT Manager, Red Cloud, Neb.
a. E. POND,
Real Estate,
fctlfWt f nwrwicp.
and Pens
Mm Agent.
ntid ciotid, ScunMkH,
I especially invite yua to oall od me for
anything in my line. Loan made 02
farm property at 8 per aent. Inanranoe
in the bent oompaulea I also,
Call and see me if yon desire, shrubbery
flowers or fruit stock,
itable to see me
Yon will find prof
it. E. POND.
D. B. Sparse,
Real Estate
Red Clout!.
I. W. TUIXEYS, 31. D-
MHewralKle Phjrsfelaa,
e CIMl, - Hkebrasaa.
Oflce opposHe.rtrs N'stional Bank.
Cbroalf dlteases treated by mall.
goods kept. Call
Farm Loans or some?
Real Estate, call ovl
Co., Red Cloud,
First publication Friday, Jlareh 4. lfft..
Publication Notice.
In the district court within and for the county
of Webster, and, state" of 2feb,raska.
The Phccnlr Insurance Company, ol
Connecticut. Il.Wnuif.
William II. Howe. Martha M. Hone et
fo Sandwich Kntcrprisc Comp.uir;
januiacturinct;ompany:Hrt I'muk
f iile. AlichiKan; llargreave llrollur-;
VerktiM Windmill and Ax Comiciio. mid I
W. TuIJeys, trustee TorK. 1. Iliiinmuiiij. 4ei
VU and each of ou will file notn.e timt ttm
abute named plalntilldiilon tho Sfith day .1111111
iiry. ltW, Hie Its petition In the dbtiict court
wilhlliaudfortheuoiiDt and state afreiid
demandlucoersoiHljudumeut Kalust the de
fendants William If. llown and Martha m.
Mono bis wife, in the sum ot efcht Lmudred
dollars with Interest thereon a'tliorato of leu
ler cent. ier annum, iroin tne r.'tn dav August,
ItfS-'i together with a decree fref'Ioing a er.
lulu mortgag deed executed to secure tho
payment of said sum and interest on Hie follow
ing described real ostato situated in tlif cn:..ty
ol Webster, in the Htato ot etrHsk;i. ti-lt.
Tlie soutli-east tiarter, 4. of .st-dion foiirt-cii,
14, In township number three.. north of ruric
numlierten. 10, wot of the sixth priueiiMl nm-
ridlan.ndJudKinutheiilalntill to have the tir-t
lieu on said premises to the amount tor wluih
judgment is demanded; ordering vd.l premKrs
to Ihj sold, without appralsenieiit. for llu- j.:i
meiit of said iuditmentnud foiecr barring u.itl
fureclosinirsaiddfft'Udaiits and eaeh and nil of
them from all right, title, interest aim juity
of reneintlon In and to.H.iiil prnnlsf ir any
part thereof That unl-R jimHiideuch nf jmi
UHHweror pieu iusniueiiiioii ouor nelorc tin
10th day or April, lsui the avniifiits of sjjM
tietttlou wilt be taken as tnie and juduuiL-nt ti'ti
reyrpy rendered According to lliej pnier Iht'rc
: WBir-lfr & 5T0PT and U. C11 .w K ,
Attj s for 1'ltf
Aliriumu.ivui aiaictii iw.
f. 4;. uuu r.
Ily virture of an execution directed to uv
trout tho district ciiurt uf Webster county, N...
braua.oiiaiudmnentobtalufd lieton. th .11..
trict court of Valley county, Xuhr-ttlta. on th
17th day June. ltto. and tninscrlpi.-d to the IU.
tilct court of Webster county. In I.iv. ror Ther
on N. Hell and St. Paul National Bank. :n
plaintiffs, and aralnst Hunter & McAitliur
Kobt, Hunter and D. A. McArttiur. as tlefend
ants, for the sum or Two Thousand Four
Hundred Mntv Six dollars, and F.irty me
cents, and e s's taxed at KI;hty Ei'ht and
IStli lOOtlisdolLtrsand .-irpmin-' i-(nis 1 1
levied upon the following bind and tenements
Uken as the property of Mid ii-fc.'.dants. to
satisfy said Judgmmr, ti-wit: The soiiil wet
miarter and west half of the sout.etut uiuirter
?,,,lHMn.PWr3''l,JnIi7;in.iiIc ten, id
WpPiferHQUiily. Nf liVasta. Una' wl'loRec XoV
iletA lift ni21Mtbiaderr cash iU hand ,:,
til ltthday of Ayril, a. V- 1502, In front oC
the east doorc-f 3ie court Iioilsc io said eouritv
thatbetaxttin building therein the bust 1-rm
of court was -held, at the hour of one o'cJ'rtfc
p. m. of said iy. when and where due attirnd.
ance will be give 1 by the undersigned.
Dated Utli day or March, 1x12.
o GKO.E.CO()N'.Shonrr.
SK By A. J. loMLiNaoK, Deputy.
i )
. 4 A