The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1892, Image 7

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A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
During a recent storm
caterpillars and small
Patersoa, X. J.
thousands of
bugs fell in
Tub Chesapeake & Ohio proposes to
double track its system and has filed
a general mortgage for S70.000.000 to
the Central Trust Co., of New York to
secure the payment of bonds to that
amount which the company has placed.
Gleaned By Telegraph and MaiL
Railroad building in Japan has in
creased with wonderful rapidity in
recent years. In 1S72 there were only
eighteen Eng.ish miles, while now
there are 1,445 miles. The government
owns 540 miles of it, while the remain
der is divided between eleven corpora
tions. The building of all roads is un
der government supervision.
Ik Germany the wages paid railroad
officials and employes is quite different
from what the American railroader
gets. The presidents get S2.500 per
year; telegraph inspectors (there are
only eighteen of them) get from $750 to
$1,000; auditors. S5C0 to SS00; official
clerks S250 to S175; drivers and the elec
tric machinists. S300 to S500, and stokers,
So to SO per week.
Jons F., one of the leading
iron manufacturers of New York, died
recently, He built the Monitor at his
works in Troy, and with Erastus Corn
ing and John A. Griswold introduced
Ilessemcr steel in the United States.
At one tima he was president of the
Troy Polytechnic institute and of the
Poughkeepsic Hridge Co. Of late he
lias been largely engaged in works of
Fivb hundred grand army men at
tending the fctatc encampment at
Fresno, Oil., indulged in a jack rabbit
round-up. When within fixe miles of
the corral the two wings formed a
circle and closed in on the game.
Twenty-five thousand is the number
bagged and of these 3,000 were simply
trampled to death as the final rush
was made. The slaughter of the nni
raals was sickening, the clubs spatter
ing blood and brains over everybody
for an hour.
Tub Philadelphia & Reading Rail
road Co. has completed a locomotive,
the liko of which has never been put
on a railroad before. Its appearance
is odd and attracts a great deal of at
tedtion. The locomotive, tank and
place to carry coal are together, there
being no tender attached by coupling.
The locomotive proper is smaller than
the regulation size of large class loco
motives, but with the tank it is longer.
It weighs about 1C0.00C pounds. The
locomotive has six "drivers." The
front truck has two wheels and the
rear truck", on which the tank rests,
has six. It is a compound engine, and
if it proves a success more will be built
Tiikrb is a slight touch of romance
in the history of Isaac Rakestraw, of
Geneva, Neb. and Mrs. Catherine
Raines, of Silver Creek, CoL, who were
married at Lincoln, Neb., the other
day. They are both CS years of age.
Forty years ago they were lovers in
their native village in Ohio. Their
paths diverged, an t until a few months
ago they had not seen each other since
early youth. In the meantime Mrs.
Raines had three matrimonial ventures;
Rakestraw had had four wives, but
when they were again thrown together
it so happened that neither had at that
time a matrimonial incumbrance. The
old spark was quickly fanned into a
living flame.
Si Hassan Ben Ali, the Moorish chief
who left New York last summer to
collect rare exhibits from the African
wilds for the world's fair, has com
municated with N. J. Riberly, of the
federal immigration bureau. The ex
plorer states that he has arrived at Fez.
When at the court of Moulay Hassan,
the sultan, he succeeded in creating a
most profound impression and enlistin
the sympathies and aid of the sultan
mainly by means of an Edison phono
graph, which he caused to plar "Yankee
Doodle," "Down on the' Suwanee
River." and to deliver a fourth of Juir
spread-eagle oration. The sultan anil
court believed that he controlled spirits
and furnished him with a special escort
for his expedition.
Asms Cook, one of the oldest inhab
itants of Gibson county, Tenn., died
some time since. His will is an extra
ordinary document. It places all of his
property, valued at several thousand
dollars, in the hands of two trustees,
directs that they shall pay each of three
sons annuities which shall not be less
than S300 nor more than 500 and gives
absolute discretion to the trustees; pre
vides that the estate shall be divided
umung mcgranaciuiurcnoi the testator
nipon the death of the sons, and failing
issue, it shall be kept for fifteen years,
and then used for benevolent purposes.
The trustees have absolute power over
the property. They can sell, lease, ex
change or convert it during the lifetime
of the sons, ani still hold it in posses
sion for fifteen years.
The grand duke of Hesse died at
o'clock on the morning of the 13th.
Mits. Makgaket Dayton, widow
the late William Davton. who was on
the presidential ticket of Fremont and
Dayton, died on the 13th at her home,
Trenton, N. J., in the 82nd year of her
Hon. Frf.d Douo las has accepted the
position offered him by Hayti as its
representative at the world's Columbian
commission. The government of Havti
has appropriated $25,000 to be spent on
its exhibit
The governor of Massachusetts has
signed the anti-free pass bilL
A letter written by ex-Pres-ident
Cleveland to Gen. EJward S. Bragg, of
Wisconsin, has been made public, in
which Mr. Cleveland says that voters
should be left free to select their can
didates and that his party should act
with thonghtfulness and deliberation.
An address has been issued to the
people's party calling upon them to
meet in their respective towns and vil
lages on Saturdav, March 2G, for the
purpose of organization.
The emperor of Germany ordered the
army in mourning for three days
owing to the death of the grand duke
of Hesse.
Lady Henry Somerset made two
farewell appearances before Chicago
audiences on the 14th.
President HARRisoNhas issued areci-
procity proclamation against Colom
bia, Haytl and Venezuela.
Minister Tuppei: states that the Do
minion of Canada is considering a re
taliation upon Newfoundland fisher
men similar to the tax placed on Cana
dian fishermen in Newfoundland and
The New Jersey state republican
convention will be held on April 27.
I'resiiient Carnot, of France, has
signed the commercial reciprocity con
vention with the United States.
The state department has requested
an answer from Lord Salisbury touch
ing British intentions in the Behring
sea controversy.
Diplomatic relations are to be re
sumed between the United States and
A relief oxists that Russia will inter
fere in the Behring sea imbroglio.
Italy has been chosen as one of tho
arbitrators in the Behring sea matter.
Dr. Mott Smith, the new minister
from Hawaii, was presented to the
president on the ICth.
The senate has confirmed Judson C.
Clements, of Georgia, to be inter-state
commerce commissioner, vice Gen. W.
L. Bragg, deceased.
At a large public meeting at Paris,
Can., on the night of the ICth to dis
cuss the political situation, a resolution
in favor of political union with the
United States was carried by a large
The position of head professor in po
litical science in the new University of
Chicago at a salary of $7,000 a year has
been offered to Prof. Edmund J. James,
of the Wharton School of Finance and
Economy, University of Pennsylvania.
Italy has denied that it proposes to
enlarge its silver coinage.
Skcketary Foster returned from his
trip abroad on the 17th.
Miss Helena Buchardt, daughter
of the Boston brewer, was married on
the 17th to Baron Von Scholley,
nephew of the Austrian field marshal.
There is a movement on footlooking
to the formation of societies all over
the state of Maine, pledged to agitate
for a resubmission to popular vote of
the prohibition laws.
the senate in executive session on
the 17th confirmod several judicial
nominations, including that of Judge
Tub steamer Missouri sailed for
Russia with a cargo of flour and grain
for the famine sufferers on the latli.
Cokrett has signed articles to fight
Sullivan in New Orleans September 7.
The Columbia tile works, of Ander
son, Ind., were entirety destroyed by
fire the other day. Loss, S5,oOO; in
surance, $40,500.
The nationnl association of state
labor commissioners has been called
for Denver, May 24 to 28.
Texas was treated to an old-fashioned,
howling blizzard. The temper
ature fell 30 degrees on the nUjht of
the 15th.
An alien land bill, similar to the one
declared unconstitutional, has been in
troduced in the Texas legislature.
Secretary Noble says that the
Cheyenne-Arapahoe lands will be
thrown open to settlement April 1.
In an avalanche which occurred at
Pelueno, a city of North Italy, eight
persons were killed.
At Philadelphia on the 10th fire which
originated in one of tho dry kilns of
the drying house of the Spreckles sugar
refinery completely destroyed that
building, causing a loss estimated at
Recently the wife of J. W. Attaway,
of Miller county, Tex., became the
mother of four fine daugters. Atta
way is about 24 years of age and has
been married about thirteen months.
He weighs about 135 pounds. His wife
is about 21 years old and weighs 12S
A successful test of gianofiber cel
lulose, as a backing for armor took
place at the Indian head proving sta
tion recently under the direction of a
board of navy officers.
Senator Carey's bill, fixing the
price of lands entered under the desert
land laws at Si. 25 per acre, whether
outside or included in a railroad grant,
has been reported favorably by the
committee on public lands.
In the municipal court of Providence.
R. I., the inventory of the estate of
Josephine A. Barnaby, amounting to
S75.12L12, was accepted.
The offers of silver to the treasury
department on the lGth aggregated
472,000 ounces. The amount purchased
was 250,000 ounces at
from $0.9050 to $0.9055.
Thomas F. Ixo.oi.nsnv. aired GO.
prices ranging
The Sidney authorities have begun a
raid on the gamblers.
Gov. Boyd will not call an extra ses
sion of the legislature.
A camp of Sons of Veterans his bjen
mustered in at Palmar.
A numhku of families are on the road
from the cast bound for Deuel county
to settle on farms.
The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co.,
of Fillmore county, was latelv organ
ized at Geneva with J. M. Ward as
R. E. Granger of Chicago, commit
ted suicide at Omaha the other da- bv
taking morphine. Ho was despondent
because he was out of work.
Jerry Haniel, a Missouri Pacific
brakeman, was recently poisoned at
Weeping Water by eating mince pie.
A physician had him in charge.
II. J. Darhell, a clerk in the whole
sale grocery house of McCorn. Brady .fc
Co., or Omaha, has absconded after
numerous crooked transactions.
According to the Sidney Telegraph
there will be a sufficient area of wheat
sown this spring to wipe out every dol
lar of farm mortgage indebtedness in
Cheyenne county.
The indications are that the wheat
crop in Buffalo county thi year will
be the largest that has ever been put
out There arc calls from everv quar
ter for farms to rent and to buy.
John Tejke, of Stanton, aged six
teen years, fell under the cars at Clark-
son the other evening and was severe
ly crushed about the head and side.
Physicians removed the entire shoulder.
The Fremont school board has taken
action to submit a proposition to a vote
of the people to issue SlS.000 to build
cwo new ward school buildings t- ac
commodate the overcrowded schools of
the city.
In the district court at Lincoln the
j other daj' Reuben Risser was awarded
. a judgment for $4,950 against the
I American Biscuit Co. on account of in-
juries received in the cracker factory
in tliat citv last August
J. S. Ci:ov, a stockman in charge of
( a train of stock from Ord to South
! Omaha, was recently lulled by a switch
engine at Grand Island. A few min-
The Week's Proceeding Condensed For
Convenience of the Render.
In the senate on the llth Mr. Stewart intro
dural a proposed constitutional amendment
that no person shall hold the offlce of president
more than four years or part thereof. Referred.
Mr. Dolph addressed the senate on Mr. Stan
ford's bill to provide a sound currency. He op
ix)ed the sub-treasury plan. After discussing
the post oftlce bill and passing tho urgency de
ficiency bill the senate adjourned until Monday
... The house atwin considered the free wool
bill in committee of the whole, the day being
devoted to debate. During the debate Messrs.
Kay (X Y.) arid Mcrideth (Va.) had a siwt of a
personal nature. At tho evening beoslon pen
sion bills were considered.
The senate was not in session on the 12th
and the business transacted by the house
amounted to nothinp. Several private claims
passed. After eulogies and resolutions upon
the late John It Gamble, of South Dakota, tho
house adjourned.
In" the senate on the 14th a protest from tho
Ilaltimore conference of the Methodist church
was presented apainst further oppressive lepis
l.itt.m against the Chinese as tending to cripple
missionary work. The joint resolution author
izing the librarian of congress to exhibit cer
tain works at the world's fair parsed. Se eral
resolutions were reported authorizing an in
vitation to certain descendants of Columbus to
attend the world's fair. The judiciary committee
reported favorably all the late judicial nomina
tions, und after an executive session the senate
adjourned . The house had under considera
tion District or Columbia bills. A message
from the president was laid before the houso
transmitting a communication from the secre-
Ought to he smaller'
the great, griping1, old-fashione-l
pill. There's too much unpleasant
ness lor the money.
better, too. Thev
ami niako trouble
more good.
That's just what
Pleasant Pellets do,
Instead of -wcakenim?
they renovate
to be-
to do-
Dr. Pierce's
-more good-
tlin evfetmiv
"" " - "J
it ; instead of up-
ltllT-iri-lfX rf rVti-wftt.-c!m v i,'TrI
of Massachusetts, committed suicid "t"?1'ate.ra "P1?58101581 fast
the other day in Boston by cutting his m tram andikl,le1-
wrists and throat with a razor. Tern- J,I,!Ai:EMAJf ivi.vsi.Er was found dead
porary insanity from the grip was the ;? , '"', "ux t,ir ,,l",r oultor'
Grand Duke Ludwio IV., who died
recently, was tho nephew of his prede
cessor on the throne of Hesse Darm
stadt lie was born on September 12,
1837, and he married, in 1S02, the Prin
cess Alice, second daughter of Queen
"Victoria, fihe died six years later.
after bearing him five daughters and
'one son, the present grand duke.. In
the war of 18C6he commanded a brigaie
in the Hessian contingent, and in
1670-71 the Twenty-fifth infantry divis
ion of the Ninth army corps. He dis
tinguished himself by his bravery at
Gravclotte and in the fighting on the
Loire. He became heir to the throne
bv the death of his father, Prince Karl
of Hesse, in March, 1877, and three
months later upon the death of his
nncle. Grand Duko Ludwig III. be as
cended to the throne.
-.4 111
Deputy Siikhiff Geouge Williams.
of Taney county. Ma, was murdered
by a mob on Saturday while defending
the prisoner Bright, who was lynched
for wife murder.
The French bark Achillc was sunk
in collison with an unknown steamer
on the Utlu Five of the bark's crew
were drowned.
Rev. David It. Roihnson, the oldest
negro preacher in Iowa, was killed at
Ottumwa recently, having be:n run
over by a Burlington engine.
The state military school at Charles
ton, S. C, was partially burned the
other day. Loss, SJO.000; insured.
Four prisoners broke jail at Texar
kana. Ark., on the 14th, and made their
The Paige tube works of Warren,
Pa., exploded on the morning of the
loth. The entire building was
wrecked. Cyrus Milton, colored, was
instantly killed; William Shannon, of
Pittsburgh, William Barnaby and
James Jackson, badly hurt
At the meeting of the Upper Missis
sippi Turnbezirk the other day a reso
lution protesting against Sunday clos
ing of the world's fair was adopted.
The typhoid fever epidemic made
fearful ravages at Villa Laredo, Mcx.
A dynamite explosion occurred in
Paris on the 1.1th which shattered the
barracks of the republican guard. No
one was hurt
At Tiffin. Ohio, the other day Walter
Snyder wounded three men and killed
It is reported from the City of Mexico
that Jay Gould has offered 7,000,000
for the Obapnltepec castle.
Daniiuky, Conn., suffered by a fire
recently which destroyed many build
ings, the loss being variously estimated
at from S7j,000 to 5100,000.
Eight cars and one engine were de
molished in a freight wreck near Yon
kers, N. Y., on the 15th.
The returns issued by the French
board of trade show that during the
month of February the imports de
creased 740,000 francs and the exports
decreased 17.S41 francs, as compared
with those of the corresponding month
last year.
A vote has been taken on the ques
tion of admitting women to the general
conference by the Philadelphia Meth
odist Episcopal conference and resulted
in me aeieat ot tne proposition by a
vote of 101 yeas to 105 nays.
Chicago aldermen charged with cor
ruption in office have been indicted
Six tuberculosis Jersey cattle out of
a herd of seventy-nine valued at $50,000,
were killed aud dissected in Philadel
phia recently.
Fire in Eddyville. X. Y., recently
destroyed thirteen buildings including
Schumnn's hotel and Torrey's hotel,
four dwelling houses and seven barns.
The loss will reach about 50,000. AH
the buildings burned were frame
An extractor in Whitney & Moltz's
indigo works, at Millbury, Mass., ex
ploded the other day. Willard Rice,
an expressman, bad both legs cut off
above the knee and is not expected to
recover. Joseph Perry had his
leg broken and was otherwise inhired.
Joseph Lepardcs and Henry Caubaut- I
client were badly bruised.
The Xcw York assembly has passed
fie state senate world's fair bill, ap
propriating S300.000 by a vote of 120 to 5.
The Austrian fiend Franz Schneider
was hanged in Vienna on the 17th. lie
exhibited great fear.
United States Marshal Grimes, of
Oklahoma, has been indicted far per
the other dar.
' struck bj an
J the train was
He had doubtless been
overhead stringer while
crossing the bridge at
and hair w ere found on
In the senate on the 18th there was
general importance
no business of
transacted Memorials on different
subjects were presented. In the house
the attendance was smalL About two
dozen bills were placed oa the calen
dar of unfiunished business.
Liggett & Mters' tobacco factory j
at St Louis was partially destroyed by
tire on the ISth. Losses over S300.000.
TniRTY thousand head of cattle aro
saiu to have perished in Texas during
the recent storm.
The house elections committee on
the 18th decided by a vote of 7 to 1 to
recommend the seating of Noyes, tha
republican contestant in the New York
election contest and the unseating of
Rockwell, the democratic sitting member.
! Crete. Wood
the stringer.
A Lincoln girl, who was married
eighteen months ago when only six
teen years old, is now asking for a di
vorce. She asks the court for a divorce
- on the ground of cruel treatment and
" asks to be allowed to quit furnishing
money for her husband's tobacco and
, shaving.
J The railroads entering Omaha from
the west and south have interested
themselves in the first national con
vention of the people's pa'ty, which is
to be held in that citv July 4. and will
use their intltience to persuade all rail
roads to make special rates and other
concessions for that event
The prohibition state convention for
the election of twenty-five delegates to
the national convention concluded its
session at LincDln on the 5th. Three
hundred delegates were present Pro
hibition and woman suffrage are the
features of the platform. A ser
vice pension for union veterans is a id
ed and all mention of the sub-treasury
scheme is omitted.
James Daily, of Percival, la., re
cently went to Nebraska City to dis-
l pose of some corn for his mother. He
received S457 for the corn and, putting
it in his pocket, proceeded tD paint the
town. He finally became helplessly
drunk and wa; taken to a hotel and
put to bed. When he awoke the next
morning he was penniless. He had
I been robbed while on his debauch.
The other day a flying box car that
the wind blew from Osb'.rn Junction
collided with a freight train five miles
west of Dakota City, and the train of
fifteen cars was all derailed and dam-
aged except the caboose. The engino
about the Cherokee Outlet A bill was pissed
establishing a port of delivery nt Council
Muffs. But little other business was trans
acted. I.v the senate on the 15th Mr. Herrv intro
duced a bill for the adjustment of the rights of
Indians in the Indian territory with tho
view of admitting it as a stite. Mr. Morgan
introduced a bill increasing the facilities of the
post oftlce department for obtaining buildings
by interesting capitalists in erecting building
on long lease. The post offlce bill passed the
day l)Cfore authorizes the postmaster-general,
in his discretion, to cause buildings to be erect
ed in cities and towns where the receipts aro
39.0U) and not exceeding JJ0.0J0 annually. The
conference report on the urgency deficiency bill
was agreed to, and Mr. Peffer introduced a bill
to regulate the value of certain coins The
mllitarv academv bill was passed and after a
Ions executive session the senate adjourned
In the house the senato joint resolution passed
authorizing the librarian of congress to exhibit
certain documents at the world's fair. Tho
conference report on tho urgency deficiency bill
was agreed to. It carries an appropriation of
5173.611. The house then went into committee
of the whole on the free wool bill and the tariff
delwte was continued until adjournment.
The senate on the f fith passed the house bill
ratifying the act of the Arizona legislature ap
propriating i3),0X in aid of the world's fair.
Mr. FettiCTCv reported an amendment to th
sundry civil bill appropriating IliW.Ojo for ex
penses of the world's fair. Mr. Hale reported a
bill for the construction of three battle ships,
two coast defense vessels, live gunlxiats and
cteht torpedo boats. -Mr. Peffer introduced a
bill creating a fuud for the payment of pen
sions. The fund is to be f urnished by a gradu
ated tax on incomes. After an executive ses
sion the senate adjourned In the bouse Mr.
Joseph reported a bill for the admission of
Xew Mexico. Mr. Smith, of Arizona, reported
a bill for the admission of Arizona. Mr. Good
night, from the committee on judiciary, reported
back adversely a resolution preferring charges
asrainst Andrew P. McCormick. United States
district judge for the horthern district or Tex
as. The report was agreed to and the resolu
tion laid on the table. The house then went
into coamittec of the whole on the free wool
bill and was addressed bv Messrs. Saycrs, of
Texas, and Bryan, of Nebraska. The latter
spoke over three hours against the McKinley
tariff. When the committee rose the house ad
journed. In the senate on the 17th Mr. Fryc reported
the bill making Council Bluffs a port of deliv
ery and it passed. A bill passed amending the
charter relative to certificates of merit to en
listed men or the army- Mr. Peffer introduced
a bill for investigating the practicability of
applying electricity to farm machinery. The
senate then went into executive session and
after a long discussion confirmed all judicial
nomination". Judge AVooda being among the
number. Adjourned... After routine business
in the house the tariff debate was resumed in
committee of the whole. Mr. Payno (N. Y.)
spoke against the free wool bill and defended
the McKinley bill. Mr. Payne was followed by
Mr. Kaynor (Md.) and Mr. Kills (Ky.), who ud
vocatcd the pending measure.
Betting, they cleanse and
it mildly, gently, and naturally..
They're the original Little Liver Pills'
the smallest but most effective,-
tary of the interior in regard to the agreement ! purely VCCretable, perfectly harmless.
and easiest to take. Uniy ont.
little Pellet for a gentle laxative
three for a cathartic. Sick Head
ache, Bilious Headache, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks,,
and all derangements of the Liver,,
Stomach and Bowels aro promptly
relieved and permanently cured.
They're the cheapest pilrs 3'on can
buy, for they're ffiuzranteed to give
satisfaction, or your money is re
turned. You pay only for the good'
you get. It's a plan peculiar to Dn.
Pierce's medicines.
are "Treated with Cartionxla of Soife, Msgrasb,
Potash or Bicarbonate cf Soda."
The use of chemicals can bo rcadily
detcctcd by the peculiar odor from newly
opened packages, and also from a glass .
of water in which a small quantity ot"
chemically treated cocoa ha been placed''
and allowed to remain for several days.
JFor more than One Hunttred Tears
the house of Walter JSaker Jk Co.
hare made their Coeon J'rarations
l'attnt Precise, JLlkalies, or Jyije.
was totanv uemoiisiisu. ine cars
were loaded with household goods,
merchandise and lumbir. The en
gineer and fireman saved themselves
by jumping.
Following are the delegates appoint
ed by the Nebraska prohibition con-
Special precautions have been taken' mention to the national convention to
in Russia to protect the imperial family
in consequecco ot the receipt of com
munications from the Paris polico to
the effect that nihilists have prepared
to make an attempt to assassinate tho
Tun state department has been in
formed of the resignation of Jules W.
Egjjman, vice consul of Switzerland at
be held at St. Louis June 3: Charles
Yatti, A. Roberts. Mrs. Jj. D. King.
Lincoln; C. D. Stromie, T. P. Wiijton,
Mrs. Hell Rigelow, Mrs. Mary Hitch
cock, Fremont; Ada M. Uittenbender.
II. E. George. Lincoln; Mrs. G M.
Woodward, Sewarl; L. W. Moodby.
Omaha; A. T. Wolfenberger, C E.
Bentlcy, Lincoln.
A dastardly attempt t- assassinate
Tiik trofisnnr rln?-TT,ar.f .! .1 1 Acting Police Judsre Roriret, of Lin-
on the 18th 487.000 ounces of silver at com' was matle tl,e other morninS hT
S3.015 and 0.922. j an W man named Warner, a carpenter
Notice has been citron lw m,.,;....., by trade, who has been living at
Finlev that the Western pBSnm.r n. Greenwood until recently. A few days
l-wsva TAHV4A fc Z . ! l v-Kft W 1 n 1
uciuiu uuiut uucu uaiuci ;i uuu
sociauon nas agreea on arrangements
for the quadrennial conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church at Omaha,
which begins May 1 and continues four
weeks. They consist of ono lowest
first-class fare for tho round trip, the
first sale of tickets to be made April
28 and the limit of extension June 1.
The agricultural department report
states that two million more bales of
cotton arc raised than arc used.
Heavy disbursements reduced the
treasury balance on tho 18th to $29,
225.000, of which S12.G11.201 are on de
posit with national banks and 515,225,
000 is in subsidiary and minor coin.
Tiik receipts from internal revenue"
dnring the first eight months of the
fiscal year ended June 30 were S100,
667.233. an increase of 53,700,078 oer
the receipts during the corresponding
period of last year.
Mr. McKexxa, of California, whoso
nomination as United States circuit
judge has been confirmed by tho sen
ate, has resigned his scat in the house
of representatives.
The national bank note circulation
is now SIGI.000,000, an increase of near
ly 520,000,000 since July last r ,
costs for the theft of a shirt from a
, pawnbroker. Warner took the matter
considerable to heart and has been
talking in a threatening manner ever
since. On the morning of the deed.
Warner entered the room while court
was in session and walking up o the
judge's desk fired two shots. Both
bullets took effect, the second striking
the judge in the forehead. It was
thought the wound prove fatal- Warner
was jailed.
The murder of the little Lcavitt
girls near Greshara several years ago
lias been recalled by the lynching in
Missouri of Dick Cullen, who'was sus
pected of killing the children and who
wa arrested and brought back to Ne
braska when the Leavitt murder was
being investigated. Dick, however,
proved an alibi to the satisfaction ol
the coroner's jury and was discharged.
The dead body of Capt. Edward
Donovan, an old and respected citizen,
was found in a creek in the west part
of Plattsmouth. lie had evidently
fallen over a high embankment into
the creek, from which he was unabio
to extricate nitnseii.
A Mea Act Strange After Having Iteen
Kit Mven Years l'rcvloun Ity a Hog.
Hanover, Pa., March 10. A large
and excited crowd was attracted to
Fountain square by tho peculiar antics
of a man who crouched on all fours,
was jumping abont the lawn surround
ing the fountain, biting chunks of
grass from the lawn and barking like
a dog. It was surmised that he was
suffering from hydrophobia, and a
number of those gathered about when
the man showed signs of exhausting,
seized him, strapped him to a bench
and took him to the police station. He
had a nnmber of violont spasms during
the night, but medical administrations
finally gave him temporary relief. He
gave his name as Henry Hintz, of Ilal
timore. and said he had been bitten
about seven years ago by a mastiff.
Ho has been sent o his home.
American I'ork Seized.
Paris, March IS. Mr. Reid, the
United States minister, has received
from United States Consul Williams, at
Havre, complaints regarding the seiz
ure ol a few pieces of pork in a ship
ment of 150 boxes by Armour & Co. It
was not charged by the inspectors that
the meat in question was infected with
trichina;, but that it had not been suffi
ciently salted.
Starved. For Neven Week.
Crawfordsvili.e. Inil, March IS.
Brazil Tracy, living near Waynetown,
an old pioneer who has reached the age
of 90, has not partaken of a morsel of
loou, medicine or stimulants ot nny
kind for seven weeks, only being able
to keep a little water on his stomach
at short intervals.
Viexxa, March IS. Franz Schneider,
convicted of the murder of a number
of servant girls was hanged at the
stake to-day. The execution was per
formed with great ceremony but in a
very bungling manner, in fact was lit
tle less than a butchery. Schneider's
wife is in prison on a life sentence as
an accessory.
To Open the Land Early In AprlL
Washington, March 18. Secretary
Noble says that the Cheyenne
Arapahoe lands will probably bo
opened by April 1 and not
later than April 10. He is making
every effort to open them by the 1st.
The county seats will be proclaimed in
a few days. The opening is only de
layed by the work of the surveyors in
alloting lands to the Indians.
Explosion of Fire Damp.
Vienna, March 18. An explosion of
fire damp occurred yesterday in a col
liery at Lillenfeld. Three miners were
killed and six seriously injured,
W. BAKER & CO., Dcrchasttr, Mass.
There is ease for those far
gone in consumption not.
recovery ease.
There is cure for those not:
far gone.
There is prevention be
ter than cure for those.
are threatened.
Let us send you a book on
careful living and Scott's.
Emulsion of cod-liver oil,,
even if you are only a little,
NYlrL nW!'ChemilM. 3s South 5th Artau?,.
Your druggist Iceaps Scott's Emulsion of cod-ltrer
ell druggists everywhere do. $i.
when applied Into the R'i'CAM BM-Vj,
nostrils, will bo ab-1
BorbeJ effectually I
cleansing the bead of I
catarrhal virtu. cau- I
Incbcalthf secretions.
It allays Inflamma
tion, protect the
membrane from addU I
tlonal colds, complete-1
ly licnls the sores and I
restores sense pf taste I
ind smell.
A particle i applied Into each noun I und is nirree
y?Vli?.cc.5?.'K,,,s l '"W-'t or by mail.
HUY IJUOT1IE1U. X Warren SJtreet.Sw York.
B I vr'e"?M '
&7 .7CU3rt?WI
Efc. &.&&
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When you buy Flags you
want the best. Government
Standard is the best; the:
largest flag dealers in the LL
S. are G. W. SIMMONS
& CO., Oak Hall, Boston,
Mass. Dealers in Miliiarv
Uniforms. Write for a
Flag Catalogue.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
will cure your
couch for 25c.
SCHOOL OF LAW. (inccipotated.)
Seed tea cents (itanpt) for
parucuMrs xo
J. Cotncr, Jr.. Scar.
Ko.834 WHrrjJiT Eloct.
rxiMx sns rirnt m? ob u
Mu 1
no knlf: Hook 'rzc
Drs. Orstioxt A hoiuus.
163 Elo St.. Cincinnati. O.
m-.yams this jrsrtit mn u. mu.
DCHCltlM "" " "J disabled, tsfeerorin.
lIlIWIIw crrase.2Syarexperlncf.LAwfrr.
S. W. IfCOUICg MSS. WaskUftM. D. C I OxluaU. O.
J"1 I