The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1892, Image 6

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And Heavy Boots.
Let us fit you out of our
With Seasonable Goods of the .Best make, at the
We are confident of suiting all comers out of
our well selected stock.
Remember the place
cincinnati shoe store.
Blakeslee & Kaley.
IS. & M. R. It. Time Tublc.
Taking effect Nov. 5,
Trains carrying passengers leae Red Cloud
as follows:
No. IS2 Passenger to Hastings, - 8:00a.m.
No, 130 Freight tor Hastings - 1:30 p. ill.
No. 131 Tassenger from nestings
arrives 5:35 p.m.
No. 10. Passenger to St. Joseph, St,
umisand Chicago daily - 10:30 a. m
No 14 Passenger to Kansas Cltv aud
Atchison, daily. ... 0:3?, p. m.
No. 13 Passenger for Denver and in-
trrinediatc joints, dally, - - 7:30 a.m.
No. 15, Passenger for Denver, daily, 5:45 p.m.
Wall paper at (Jottings.
Quite a little flurry of snow Sunday.
D. B. Spanogle has received a pen
sion. Buy j'our paints and biushcs at
Mrs. U. Wiener is yifciting lrimds
in the east.
Joe Williams of Orleans, was in the
city Sunday.
Hey. 0. II. Truman returned from
Fairbury Tuesday.
Farmers gefc your Blue vitrol for
soaking wheat at Cottings.
The public schools will have a
week's vacation next week.
Tuff Sutton and Charley Hoppyhad
a little set-to on Wednesday.
The Lincoln mixed paints are the
best on the market. Sold by C. L.
Walter Sherwood and family will
move to McCook soon where he has
secured a situation.
Mr. C. Wiener wil'. durine the com
insr season, display special bargains
brother of Mr. Sam Bruner's has
moved to Webster county where he
wi'T live in the future.
Johnson & Co., make a specialty on
second hand goods, at the blue front
four dojra south of Miner Bros.
The new milliner' and dress mak
ing establishment of Mesdames John
spa and Baker is now open in the old
Kaley law office.
t is ?iQt what we fray, but, wljat
Hcpd's Sarsapanlla DQhjS, that makes
it sell. The people lecogniae merit
in medicine as in avory thing.
Another fire occurred at Blue Hill
Monday night. It is reported to be
the work of an incendiary. The
building is reported to belong to
Kocbler Bros.
Mrs. Mary Conover of McCook, who
has been viBitine in Red Cloud for
come days, r.e; home Tuesday
pyening, taking with her., her sister
Miss Kilty Earper.
"Thgdm at the. mill was ou he
other day and ag a consequence our
city was in darkness, but thanks to
the best country on earth, the moon
supplied the long-felt wantabout 11:30
each evening.
The McKanlass Comedy company,
which held forth here Monday and
T.verv actor understood his
jmsincbs, 'and t.bp singing, niusifl and
danciiig was hard to beat.
C. B. &Q. engine "369, leased by
the B. & 31. and running out of Red
Cloud, was sentbacktothe"Q" this
week, as the company now has enough
engines of its own tor tne present.
"Q" ensine 357 at D.enver is to" follow
it shortly. -McCooU Tribune.
Our old friend, Wm. Cropp of C;r
Jeanf, was in Bed Cloud the fijst of
the "wfpk loo.king oyer he cjty a,nd
fouehingflesnwtfh ojq-tiwp trieqdf.
lie now holds a situation on the B. &
M. a- oonductoi- and in order to wako
hiui lcvel-headod, subscribed for tlie
Great Family Weekly. Thanks.
Bed Cloud should buy the ilectric
lirlit nLnt sn that the people would
not have to depend on the freaks of
the river in procuring S"r-. T??
n river, wp' iran the dam in tne
river, fit.oa nat of its way evrry once
in a whi'o ... oyuflow, and ns a conse
quence the lights go out a? the water
is the propelling power.
'75 Johnson a:; 1 Baker invite th
l?lie of Bed Cfoud and vicinity' ?,
call and examine their stock of" Mill
inery poods which 'are all new and of
the latest styles. They" also do dress
making and teach the tailor system
Of cuttine and fitting;- all work guar
anteed, prices reasonable "Orre door
nbrlh of the city bakcr.'- "
Tuesday pight was the best company
that has been 'in Ifed pfoud for liwny
.In .-
Oil cake at Deyo's.
Buy your buggy paint of Deyo.
Fred McKeeby is home from Omaha.
All kinds of condition powders at
Mrs. Rev. Bandall was in Hastings
Mrs, A. Calmes, was visiting in Su
perior this week.
Edwin Mohler, has added his name
to Tiie Chief.
Fine neck wear a specialty at Chi
cago clothing store.
If you want wall paper or window
shades, go to Cottings.
For correct fitting clothing
Chicago clothing store.
B. M. Martin has moved into the
M. It. Bentley residence.
House plants can be had at J. n.
Smith's, during Saturday.
For nobby suits the Chicago cloth
ing store takes first rank.
Banker McGrew of Bloomington,
was in Red Cloud this week.
Deyo's stock of wall paper is styl
ish, new, clean and prices lowest.
Paint brushes, whitewash brushes,
and all kinds of brushes at Deyo's.
See Oscar Patmor before buying
jour. lie has made a big reduction.
Yon can trade your old fnniture for
new, at the blue front furniture store
C. L. Cotting has the finest stock,
of pocket knives in the city at low
D. B. Spanogle and Jno. R. Willcox
have been appointed nstary publics by
Gov. Boyd.
Rev. Geo. W. Hummel has gone to
the Methodist conference at Concor
dia, Kansas.
Oscar Patmor has moved his flour
and feed store to Perkins & Mitch
ell's o!d stand.
Engineer John B. Cox of Kansas
City, was in Red Cloud visiting his
family this week.
B. R. and Q. R. Pitney will have a
public sale of cattle, horgos, etc., at
Jnayalean the 3Qtli.
We give it as our opinion thatDejo
is strictly in it when it come to prices
and styles of wall paper.
Johnson & Co , deal . in new and
second hand furnittue, at the blue
front, south of Miner Bros.
J. C. Grcenawalc has rentgd th.e
Windsor hoel at th.e. "dopo'i and will
npreauer e rounu at mat place.
Ben Gibson, of Bloomixgton,
nephew of Lew Clapp, has rented B.
F. Miznrp fnrni, and umved, onto jt.
Rev. tca. W. Hummel united in
marriage, Miss Celia Garber to Mr.
Ted Saunders on the 23d at Guide
It is low prices, the best ef goods
and accurate dispensing that has
brought L. II. Deyo, his large drug
business. t
It is the juduigni of al hat Cot
ting lias tlie finest selection of wall
paper- in the city, and in prices he
can't be beat.
Bernard McXeuy, the lising young
lawyer of Red Cloud, paid his . busi
ness respects to Blue Hill Mo-d.
Blue Hill Teade-. -
The Grand Island Insurance com
pany, which was reported closed up, is
all right. It will pav everything, but
is winding up its affairs.
Some of, .he friends o( i. P Mi;er
afc tryjnr; to'bing frmqat a.s an, In
dependent cind.ida.te. for major. Mr.
3. went into the nfln-.partieanMuti ven
tolin and should abide by it and not
allow his name to he nse.d.
The trees in the cuirt-bouse park
should be looked after by the proper
Icotnniifce, -nstead of allowing then
in order to replace them.
j J. F. Wint rs, of Red Cloud, Xcb..
(was a pleasant caller at this office la-t
Thursday. Mr. Winter? is i-nvcllng
3nti:j lvans.t and ifc.rasvV S'c
'school hj?v?i rcpKiiimgoin; of the
1 last bcio''.oonceras . existing tlie
American Book Company, Ahuena
Baptist .Clinretu
Subjects for Sunday March 27th.
A. M. "A Benediction ' for fear".
$. ty. "Sectarianism."
t to be h"wcd to pieP'-s b hft,r -afli
j ??.y. l ?H'i et'i wa'ny times ihe
laniuTint u wnu'd tike to cire f r 'hem
Try those raaket cigars at Cotting's
Painting material of all kinds at
Ravens horse and cattle food at
Ed Cook is clerking in Henry Died
rich shoe store.
Farm loans at lowest rates.
D. J. Myers.
W. J. Orchard of Exeter, was visit
ing his father, R. K. Orchard this
F. V. Taylor, allows no one to sell
more goods than he does, at prices
that are low, for good goods.
A House and lots in Red Cloud to
trade for a farm. Will assume
mortgage. 3t C. TV. Kaley.
Farm loans at lowest interest.
Strictly first-class loans at lower rates
than has ever been given in this coun
ty before. Option to pay part or all
at end of any year. C. F. Cather.
The following subscribers have
liquidated since our last issue:
J. C. Taylor, J, E. Fox. John
A. Barber, Rasser Bros., J. M. Earner
and R. D. Andrews. The following
gentlemen have become new subscrib
ers: Wm. Cropp and Thos. J. Wat
son. Cowlcs.
Mr. Albright and family frooi Al
exandria moved in, by train, on the
15th and occupy the Adamson house
in the cast part of town.
Mr. Morgan also on same train, his
family will come later.
The W. C. T. U. ladies of this place
and all over the couiltry are made
very sad by the news of the death, in
Boston, on the 9th of Mrs. Harrison,
formerly of Franklin, Neb. Mrs. H.
was very prominently connected with
the above named organization, as
President of the Union for this dis
trict. Mr. Fawcctt made a trip to Exeter
of late.
Rev. Piatt has a fine Brown Leg
horn rooster who is ready to fight
any woman who comes near the par
sonage. It is for sale.
On Tuesday 22d. a Congregational
church of 18 members was organized
at Pleasant Ridge school house, by
recommendation of a council compos
ed of representatives ofi the Red
Cloud, Campbell and Cowlcs Congre
gational courches. Rev. Ely of Red
Cloud was chosen moderator, M. D.
Hunter, scribe. Rev. E. L. Ely
preached the sermon, conducted the
usual investigation as to the advisa
bility of the measure, secured assent
to the profession of faith io Cliriit
and to the church covenant; Rev. D.
0. Snow of Campbell gaye the address
to the new church, welcoming to the
fellowship of the Congregational
churches. Giying each member the
right hand, and Rev. H. D. Piatt led
in the prayer of consecration,
The new church seems to bo compos
ed of exoellent material and starts out
hopefully, Thoy cordially invite Rev
H. D. Piatt of Cowles to take them
undor his pastorial care and to preach
to them every two weeks, which in
vitation it is understood he accepts.
A Sunday-school will at once be or
ganized. willow crecK,
Mr. TQmas, l.acy had built an ad
dition to his house which adds very
much to the beauty of his home
Miss Eppa Adamson and Monroe
Bonar were married the 13th of
March 1892 at the rcsittecce of Rob
ert damson, Rev. James Steely offi
ciating. Only the family and two
nieces of Mrs. Adamson were present
at the ceremony. Not from custom,
but from our heart do we wish the
happv couple happiness and success
in all their undertakings as "vppa is
belotcd by all, who fcnaft' iwi her
busline sprfls worthy of such a help
m,aVe! i'he eounty has lost its best
teacher, but what is the county loss is
Mr. Bonar's gain. They went to house
keeping on G-. A. Latta's farm.
Quite an interesting meeting 90$
vened at Pleasant Hil !$hji) "ause
the object of Tjli -ffA to lay out and
,h.vy its ana as up the cemetery at
that place. Mr. Cox was chosen clerK
and treasurer.
Grandpa Aorns has returned
Mirsouri whither he was calA V,v the
sickness of L.'a dausttw Mrs. Henry
HaryU.s-wo.i l.ctcr. "
.fih Aqaiusan & fyx.A i, shilling
corn in, thhj jTt of tho oounty. He
is a. rustier.
Mr. Ben Bruner and family arrived
attlieir new home the 18th of March
Une more o our old pioneer neighbor
. ,w "' -" .pruuu oj- xvea-
:.- -"" -' '.'."."ffv' ina tain
"X M.VMtuiia.
TnrrntiTirr i .11 ,. lz r - .1 r t
Highest of ill in Learening Power.TJi Gov Report, Aug. 17, 1880,
Cs "-oPW
fsg&rts m
w v4&8l m
Non'Partlsan Caucus.
The non-partisan daucui met in the
court-house on Monday evening and
proceeded to put in nomination the
following city officers:
For Mayor D. B. Spanogle.
For Treasurer Henry Cook.
For Clerk T. J. Ward.
For Engineer F. A. Kuehn.
For School-Board J. A. Tulleys
and C. F. Cather.
For Aldermen 2d Ward D. J. My
ers and C. H. Potter.
First Ward Ed Pulsifer and Joe
The convention was one of the most
harmonious conventions that we have
ever attended and those present (about
250) seemed to have forgotten past
differences and settled down to a
realization of the necessity of the
people pulling together, at least that
was the way it looked that night
The city officers, Messrs Spanogle,
Cook, Ward, etc , arc among our best
men, and we believe will be elected,
and any attempt to swerve from the
decision of the non-partisan conven
tion should be frowned upon as a dis
turber of the peace of this communi
ty, which has been etirrcd from center
to circumference with political strife
in the past. Let our people say, no
more strife, and place the heel of con
demnation thereupon, and all will be
well. We have too much to look after
this year, and therefore cannot afford
to quarrel. While the ticket might
not be the choice of all, it is a fairly
good one and all should support it in
honor bound who took part in the
convention. "Let us have peace,"
plenty and prosperity this year, and
every man work for Red Cloud. What
say you, gentlemen ?
Rev. C. W. Springer
was called away by death on Friday,
March 4, 1892. He had been in fee
ble health for several years; had
moved from place to place in search
of a healthy climate, but to no effect
At one time he was located in Web
ster Co., Neb., where he was'elected to
office of public instruction, and
preached the word when not engaged
in his offieal duties. From there he
moved to Boulder, Col., where he was
engaged as pastor of the church.
From Boulder, he received a call to
the Chambers church, which call he
accepted, and preached to the Cham
bers, Harold, and Sunnyside churches
for one year, during which time he
was the means, under God, of build
ing up those churches and greatly en
larging the membership aud reviving
their spiritual life. In the summer
of 1890 he removed to Boise City,
Idaho, where he remained until last
December, when he was brought to
Stockton, Kansas, in a mast enfeebled
state of health. He, with his family
arrived at Stockton, December, 22.
Since that time he has been confined
to his bed. He died on Mavoh -4th,
at six o'clock, in the triumph of a
living faUh. The Chicago Standard.
You've no Idea.
how nicely Hood's Sarsaparilla hits the
needs of people who feel "nil tired out" or
"run down" from any cause. It seems to oil
up the whole machine of the body so that
all moves smoothly and work becomes a
positive delight. Bo suro to get Hqo'a
Hood's pills act esppc&V upou the liv
er, rousing it fro.w torpidity to its nutural
duties, cu,;e onsaniption and assists di
geatjoh, BOIc
Geo. Drake has finished
house. It is a nice large obo.
adds much to the looks of his farm.
Mr. X'w?i has moved back to this
neighborhood. It was a bad move
and a great loss to him. However he
can sympathize with us that were in
the hailed out district.
Mrs. Lockrige is confined to 'aw bed
with la prippe.
Mr. Wm,. Vi?havdson has commenc
ftd. piovfiojj for outs.
Mr. Editor I would like an answer
to the following paradoxes:
33 3
Add any six of the above
and make the total 21, It
12345G78 9:
Place the abpyc Kfaa in
can be
such a
Uh,eyill wako 100, using each figure
position te,at wuen aaucu
Mr. Gray of Kansas City, was
through this neighborhood this week
buying fat cattle,
Mr. Dave Wagner and W -Ittch-ardon
sold him a" ojrlw&
0. C. Teo fl$ Win giving the far-
Uiavs a vuefAl roll in this precinct.
A'nifthcv are all plad to see him, only
ho is an expensive caller.
Come again
Mr. Scas:t:o who went to the Ind?,n
'Nation a few weeks suiqo 6'iei-
it -rffr
.h1 (iiiSSfiS
JL V-4
nz hw-. -r j ".
31 VSm! r 1 Ti "
X F; Itff.Vi.'s.KT '
The above Mentions Suit are
Our display of children and boys' suits is a
little the nicest shown yet.
Opposite Post-office.
pates coming back
Saunderson's farm.
Mr. Earner and King gave an exhi
bition at the Earner cchool-housc last
Saturday night. Which was well at
tended and proved a great success.
Says an old physicinn who has practiced
medicine 40 years: UI guarantee thoro is
not a case of blood liver or kidney diseaso
in the world but what "Hepaticuro" will
positively cure. C. L. cotting,
Riverton Items.
Taken From Guard
What has become of the
cornet band? The time is
fast ap-
proacning wnen screnaumg will be in
order. If there is one thing more
than another that helps a town to
prominency, it is a good band, and
their etfioiency should be heartily en
couraged aud indorsed by the citizens.
Mr. J. Overing "from Red Cloud
was in our city Monday on l:s way
to Franklin, to erect a monument in
memory of William Russell.
Mr. Samuel Temple, a former resi
dent of lied Cloud and for borne time
in the employ of W. N. Richardson
was in our city to-day representing
the firm of Lawrence, Sweny & Horn
live stock commission at South Oma
ha. Miss Etta Out;-on came up from
Red CJoud Friday evening and re
mained until Sunday morning visit
ing her parents.
Bro. Hosmer of h Chief office
in Red Cloud ia jetting in a water
motor ani Uweai'ter his presses will
run Uv vter power.
Jj.. M, Car nub an went to Red Cloud
Saturday, to attend a sale of blooded
1" 1 1- !
P. A. Williams went to. Lincoln
Tuesday morning, no d;ubt to see
about having the Hock Island coins to
Dr.. MiKee'by was up from Red
jOraud Wednesday, professionally.
ranKs, tne genial proprietor ot the
Banks House, was transacting busi
ness in Red Cloud Saturday.
Miss May Hnmwol went to Red
Cloud Saturday evening to spend the
Sabbath with her parents
v. F. Henderson of Red Cloud,
j was in our city Friday on business.
Will be tilt en Awky.
Our enterprising drgist, C. p. .Cut
ting, who carries iv Quest stock pL drugs
perfnmeriep, toilet articles, 'brtwhtjs,
8pongesxctA,ar giving away n Ihrga'nnin
bcre, lihtf lnmles of Dr. Miles' ft-lebrat-
t Restorative Nerviue. they guarantee it
to cure headnche, dizziness, vtrvous pros
tration, sleeplessneVs'. tU& ill effe'ets of
spirits, tobacco, coJor etc. Druggist
say it is the greatest seller they eve' knew
and is nniverfaUjt satisfactory. Tley al-o
guarautjp VAJBiii,-'S,'New IlV.irt Cure in
all S4.ofr uervoas or orcftnto heart ds-
jase, palpitation, paia w. side, emoMier-
mg, etc, booV m "APrvor.s mid (il'i l cij'' fre
1 -; uuvi irMol tj m-ko farm
t')Hia :it rv.i-onuhle nt. - of interest
option payments -if dcMred, and old
oans renewed, D. B. Spanooie.
Do You . ",.,
-want a good sewing machise? Then
sec those New Home Machines at
Peterson's, the implement roan.
Hail Insurance.
The Continental Insurance com
pany will insure against hail, etc., this
year and in order to protect yourselves
the larmers should sec A. 11. Gray,
Agent, Red Cloud, Neb.
Something About Benefactor.
We often read that "He was a real ben
efactor ot the aumun race." With good
reason could this bo applied to anyone
who contributes to the lessoning of the
evils to which flesh is heir to. Rheuma
tism and chronic heaeache have been class
ed as impossible of cure, yet science has
finally demonstrated that they CAN bo
cured. Haller's Pain Paralyzer taken in
conjunction with Haller's German Pills,
have effected most extraordinary cures
and has made life a comfort to many,
who never hoped for relief, For sale by
C. L. Cotting.
The Continental" Insurance com
pany, A. II. Gray, agent, settled with
Mr. Hodgson for the burning of his
property in just ten days after the firo
Charles Stewart Parnell.
The death of this noted and brilliant
Irishman was caused by the neglect of a
simple cold. Had he used Haller's Sure
Cure Cough Syrup his life might have been
spared many years.
. .
Ho, there! Calmes, the baker, in
Ira Sleeper's building north of
The Ciiikf office keeps the finest
bread, buns, cakes, pies, &c, in Red
Cloud. Try hinu tf
Go to Fentress & Zeluff, for a slick
hair cut, clean shave, mustache black
ed shampoo.
TucIIouilicNtlrlan In Red Cloud
as well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get
free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for
tlio throat and lungs, a remedy that is
selling entirely upon i merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and cure chronic
and acute coughs, asthma, Bronchitis and
consumption. Largo bottles CO cents and
1. ; 1
Ulail Box.
The Chief wants the news,.-If you
have any personals, news,, correspond
ence, etc., that you would like us to
publish, write them and drop
into our box on thcothce -door.
Humane Societies Work.
Jn nil large-cities are branches.' oft the
Humane society founded fcy Perg. A
horse is discovered badly galledor L cut
or injured, ,-ins.tantly a society member
commands its nest and the immediate ap
plication of HnlleVs'Barb Wire Liniment,
which experience has shown is the! best
rom'edy made. by C. L. Cotting.
Terms to sjritcurtoners.
? ' -