ih,t- .7 ., .i It f5 IN AUSTRALIA. Movements of tho Brutal English Murderer. THE PRISONER STRONGLY GUARDED. Fear That Ho May Ho Attacked By the IZxcitrtl I'rnplo fainted Twice After Ilia Capture, I5ut Maintains Ills Innocence rnnTn, Australia, March 19. Dccn in'. who is accused of having mur dered h:s wife and four children in En gland, was brought to tho city yestcr lar hy cfiiccrs. goinj to Melbourne, where court proceedings will be taken against hiin. The prisoner was strongly guarded and every precaution taken 1)3' the authorities to prevent him from attempting to make his escape and to guard against his being attacked by tho excited people, foars being enter tained of a dangerous outbreak of pop ular feeling against the murderer. The railroad station was jammed with a great crowd of persons when the train bearing the prisoner and his guards reached the city. As soon as the cars came to a stand still the crowd, which had been pa tiently waiting at the station for a long time, made an exciting rush toward the car which the Doening party occu pied for the purpose of catching a glimpbe of the now famous crim inal. The constables who had charge of the prisoner at once hurried Deening from tho train to n vehiclo which had bconhcld in readi-nes-s to convey him to the jaiL A yell ing, hooting mob of men and boys started after tho carriage, but tho driver whipped up his horses and soon outran his pursuers and in a short time had safely landed Doeniag in tho insti tution where ho will remain for a fow days until the formal magisterial in quiry is held and he is remanded. The detectives who hunted tho pris oner down were interviewed after their arrival here. They said that when Deening was arrested and was ques tioned about the terrible charges made against him, he allirmed his complete innocence of the crimes. He gave his name as Swanston, and declared that he had no knowledge of the man known ns Williams, He said that ho was a resident of Windsor. The detectives also gavo tho infor mation that the prisouor had fainted twi.'c during the journey but that otherwise he appeared to be in a cheer ful frame of min-i. He was voluble and was very willing to talk about tho murdcra attributed to him. Ho seemed to be confident that when tho proper time came he would ba abla to prove his innocence. Tho polico claim to pos sess prove of his identification. They seized some of his goods and among other things which fell into their hands -were a batch of letters and a basket containing female clothing. CAPRIVI MAY RETIRE. H?ount Von ZotlHtz.-Trutuchlur Resigned '?lie I'rimury Kiliicatlon ItiU tlio Cause. Ueklix, March l'J. It now appears certain that Count Von Zedlitz-Trut-schler resigned his office at the termi nation of the cabinet council Thursday, and that he was prompted to tako this step by the statement made by Emper or William that he did not wish the primary education bill passed by n one-sided majority. The withdrawal of the bill after forcing it through the committee in a practically amended form would be a confession of great weakness on the part of the govern ment, Chancellor Von Caprivi's atti tude in regard to the much discussed measure having been quite as that of Baron Von Zedlitz-Trutschler. The emperor sent Dr. Lttcanas to in duce Count Von Zedlitz to reconsider hut it is believed that ho declined to withdraw his resignation. Chancellor Von Caprivi's intention to resign i- becoming more decided. He lias represented to the emperor that he must identify himself with Count Voa Zedlitz, whose "views ho personally shared. In the event of the chancellor resigning, it will he difficult.t antici pate his successor or a possible combi nation for a new ministry. Dr. Miguel, Prussian minister of finance, is calmly awaiting events. It is stated that Chancellor Von Caprivi desires to postpone a definite decision on the produce bill, but thnt the emperor insisted that he would "brook no delay and the country's ob jections to the bill must be respected. The emperor would not have left Ber lin if Chancellor Von Caprivi had re sign ed. Xo decision anent Count Von Zedlitz will be taken till the emperor returns. UK sudden departure, coupled with the secrecy of the proceedings of the coun cil, has tilled the air with political ru mors. Chancellor Von Caprivi vainly tried to dissuade Count Von Zedlitz from resigning, as this result will prob ably greatly embarrass the govern ment. The conservatives and Catholics are dismaved. The Great Stallion Kacn Declared Oft. Ghand ILu'ins, Mich., March 19! The great stallion race booked for the August meeting is declared off, word having been received from C. W. Wil liams, owner of Allerton, declining to titer the race. He sa3rs he is afraid that should he bring xVllerton here and enter him in the race with Axtell against him the other horses would crowd him in favor of Axtell. He will, therefore, not take Allerton away from home until he has met Axtell alone. The horsemen have, therefore, given np the big $-20,000 race and substituted a 10,000 race for stallions. Mr. Illainn 3Iuch Itetter. Washington, March 19. Secretary TJlaine was able to leave his room for the first time and transacted some private business requiring his atten tion. The state department has been in formed of the resignation of Jules W. I-Iggman, vice consul of Switzerland at Chicago. BOODLE ALDERMEN. Chicago Enjoylnt a Uenulne Scnaatlon Several of licr Aldermen Accused of Ilaring Itccclved Hoodie. Ironi Corpora tions. Chicago, March 18. As a sequel to the recent passage by tho city council of an ordinance granting permission to the Chicago Power Supply & Smoke Abating Co., better known as the Com pressed Air Co , to use the streets and alleys of the city in about any manner it might see fit, the indictment of a number of aldermen by the grand jury for alleged boodling is promised. The men who have been active in working up these cases have spared no expense and have made sure of each step. They have witnesses who have seen large sums of money paid by the representatives of corporations to in dividual aldermen and who have heard the alderman promise on receiving the money to cast his vote on a certain measure in a certain way. The money was paid in various ways. Some re ceived it at their homes from messen gers. Some were paid in the precincts of the city hall and it is said that two sold their votes in the lobby of the council chamber. When the Northern Pacific ordinance was passed and when the active sup port of the Economic Gas proposition wm made by prominent members of the council, suspicion was created, and when in one instance at least this sus picion grow to positive certainty of corruption, tho investigation was set on foot which, it is now said, will end only when several present members of Chicago's city council are wearing the stripes of Joliet penitentiary. Among the witnesses who are sub poenaed arc two members of the coun cil who were dragged into the boodling operations and who have expressed a willingness to tell all they know. States Attorney Longeneckcr says he expects to show that all three of the ordinances the compressed air, the Northern Pacific and'the economic gas were passed by the virtue of the pur chase of votes for hard cash. "I don't mind saying," said he, "that there will be the biggest upheaval ever seen in this city. When all the facts are final ly made public the result will be the most sensational of any in the city's history." He added that he would bo aided bv three of the city's most prom inent attorneys. ANOTHER TEST POSSIBLE. Proclaiming Venezuela, Haytl and Colom bia OutHide of Reciprocity May Load to Another Local Tent. Washington; March IS. It is possi ble that the president's proclamation reimposing duties on certain exports from Venezuela, Hayti and Colombia will lead again to a test of the validity of the reciprocity clause of the McKin lcy bill. The proclamation opens the way for the direct question to be brought before the house and it will be tho policy of those who are inter ested in discrediting tho McKinley act to avail themselves of the opportunity. Speaking of the proclamation yester day Representative Turner, of Geor gia, tho lawyer member of the ways and means committee, said: "The res toration of duties on coffeo and other commodities from Venezuela, Hayti and Colombia will greatly disturb our trado with those countries and will op erate as a great hardship on Americans engage 1 in that trade. The constitu tionality of the law under which the proclamation is issued maybe tested in tho courts. The question would bo very different from that recently de cided by the supremo court The claim set up in this case was that tho whole bill was rendered invalid by the presence of this clause in the bill, but the validity of the clause itself was not tested. Now any importer importing coffee from Venezuela and being re quired to pay duty on tho import may contest tho validity of this levy of duty imposed merely bv an executive procla mation and applicable to similar im ports from this country. Ho may tako tho matter into tho courts and carry it up the supreme court and get a decision upon the direct question of the right of congress 1 3 delegate a law making power to tho president" BAPTIST PREACHER DEPOSED. Had Keen a Minister Twenty-sis Yearn Charged With Ueresy. Benton, I1L, March 18. Dr. Joseph A. Durham, missionary baptist was tried before a board of ministers here on the charge of heresy. He was found guilty and his license as a minister was withdrawn. At his own request lie was then dismissed from the church. Dr. Durham has been a minister of tho gospel for over a quarter of a century and he is widely known as a revival ist Recently he became converted to the doctrine of sanctitieation or sinless perfection, which is in conflict with Daplist teachings and refusing to give up his belief, he was dealt with as above. WITH A BAR OF IRON. A Farmer'H liratn Ticrced to the Depth o tlx Inchr. Di.oomington, 111., March 18. Sa uel Sells, a farmer, aged 37, while wal ing from his barn to his home trippe ana fell forward with great violent A bar of rusty iron a quarter of an inc thick and an inch and a quarter wid entered at the corner of one of his ey and pierced tho brain to tho depth six inches. It required all of ono man strength to withdraw it Sells, wh was at first unconscious, has recovere his senses, but ono side is paralyze He cannot recover. BACK FROM ABROAD. Secretary Foster Returns Home, Hat Meets With an Accident on the Steamer. New York, March 18. Secretary Foster arrived this morning from Southampton on the steamer Spree. On the 12th, while he was sitting in a chair on the upper deck, the ship gavo a sudden lurch and precipitated him against the port rail. He struck heavily on his head, which gave him a severe shock and blackened his eye. Otherwise he is in good condition, hav ing been verj- much improved in health by the trip. WILL TAKE A HAND. Russia Declares That She Gave Uncle Sam a Deed to Alaska and the Behrlnp Sea and i bat She Stands Ready to Delend tho Title. Washington, March 17. There is likely to bo a new and very interest ing feature added to the Louring sea question. A report comes through a very reliable diplomatic source that Russia has been observing the progress of matters between the United States and Great Britain with interest If the arbitration treaty is likely to be ratified, Russia will protest against any such action for three reasons. The first is; that Russia conveyed Alaska, and the rights and tho privileges claimed now, to the United States for a money consideration. Russia can not stand still unheard when by arbi tration tho right of the Russian gov ernment to take the action it did is by implication to be callad in question by a European power. Second Russia stands ready to guar antee all s'ue conveyed to the United States and make good her title iu any manner necessary. Russia feels that for tho United States to permit the title to what she had conveyed to be arbitrated is to call that title in ques tion, to intimate that there was a lack of authority to make such a convey ance. This, if persisted in, must in evitably aff ec't the standing of the Rus sian empire among the treaty-making powers. To this Russia will not sub mit Aloxander, emperor and king, will not permit any proceeding of Rus sia to be thus treated. Third If any power of Europe claims or implies that the czar conveyed to the United States with Alaska rights and privileges that were not his to con vey, Russia demands, under the comity of nations, that she be permitted to deal with any such claimant in order that tho imperial ukase of tho late ruler, Alexander II., be not placed in contempt thus lowering the standing of the empire among nations, and per mitting powers not interested, nor paVty to the conveyance, to pass upon Russia's solemn treaty, made and rati fied by that nation and the United States. . This the czar asks as his right under the equities between the two nations. This is tho substance of the Russian protest Tho state department is un usually non-committal on the subject Mr. Wharton refuses to answer any questions concerning the Russian note, for that is tho shape it comes in, but a member of the cabinet, deeply inter ested in tho present proceedings, said that tho above statement fairly covers the facts. It was reported last summer that Russia would protest against having her actions questioned by Great Britain, and at the time it was stated in an in spired article in the Washington Post that if it comes to trouble between the United States and Great Britain, Russia and France would be on the American side. The injection of a continental quantity into the question pending be tween England and the United States may causo some unexpected turns on this side. Tho result will be awaited with tho deepest interest The presi dent will probably inform the foreign relations committee of the senate of the Russian attitude before the treaty is acted upon. PRODDING JOHNNY BULL. The President Anxious to Know the Inten tion of the Ilrltish Government. Washington, March 17. Acting Sec retary Wharton has been instructed to inform Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British minister, that the president de sires to know at as early a date as possiblo the intention of the British government with regard to the proposed renewal of tho modus vivendi of last year for the preservation of the seal fisheries, pending the settlement by arbitration of tho question of the jurisdictional rights of the United States in Behring sea. The British minister was re quested to call Lord Salisbury's atten tion to Mr. Wharton's note of the 8th instant insisting on tho necessity of the modus vivendi, with the suggestion that the President would like to have a response as soon as possible in order that he might act tmderstaadingly in the matter. The president's desiro for speedy action is said t3 be duo to the fact that it is es sential that he should know whether Great Britain will co-operate in kecpiug the sealers out of Behring sea, as otherwise, the execution of that duty falling solely on the United States, will necessitate the making of arrangements that can scarcely be effective unless completed at an early day. The character of tho instructions to our naval and revenue vessels designed for duty in Behring sea this season will depend almost al together on the attitude to be assumed by Great Britain, and as the vessels will have to be in the vicinity of the sea by Mav 1, it will be seen that there is very little time to spare in preparing. fbn of the kaiser's earetting'worse, and is at tended by frequent paroxysms and ex cruciating pain. It is said that tho malady is incurable, and that the most serions results may be expected. The World says that the kaiser's recent ex travagances and aberrations are at tributed to tho effect of the disease on his brain. The kaiser is said to hav.e ordered the discontinuance of the im perial subscription to tho paper Lon don Punch because it has containod several allusions of a distasteful char actcr to bis recent course. bVBhBhBhBhBhBhBhBhBhBhBbU jB-1 An Improvement. Chappie. I want a ring an engage ment ring. Jeweler. ITere's something we're handling a great deal. The diamond setting can be easily removed, and is ready mounted i-tr use as a shirt stud. Jury. A Dead Loss. "Is Mr. Ncwcombe at home, Ma'am?" "Not just now, sir; but I'm his land lady, and yon can leave any message with me, sir!" "I came here. Ma'am, to kill him!" "Oh, sir! please, sir; please don't, please! He is behind two months' board!" Puck. A Remarkable Pig. A newly-married lady, not well posted about house hold matters, said to her grocer not long since: "I bought three or four hams here a couple of months ago, and they were very fine. Have you any more like them?"' "Yes, ma'am," said the grocer; "there are ten of those hams hanging up there." "Are you sure they are all of the same pig?" "Yes, ma'am." "Then I'll take three of them." IIotv's Tills! "We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Citarrh thit can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CnEScr Ai Co., Props., Toledo, O. Wo tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last l. years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out anv obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Waldinp, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrn Cure Is taken internally, actiug directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Price 75c. per hot tie Soldbyalldruguists. Testimonials free, m The world never saw a larger crop than the olie which grew from the seed sown by the Filgrini Fathers, when they planted their foot on American soil. Dansvillo Breeze. t Open for Iluslness. Tho popular Louisvillo & St. Lonls Air Line, after having tho misfortune to sus pend through trallic for 00 days on account of tho burning out and caving in of a tun nel, is again open for business. Tho Air Line is Kt miles tho shortest between StLouis and Louisville, and tho only lino running solid vestibuled trains with parlor and din ing cars dailv between the two cities. Our pouular agents are at their usual places, ready to serve iuu ijuuuu. V. A. WltXABD. R. A. Campbell. Erist. Passenger Ag'r, 10u N. Broadwny, St Louis, Mo. Gen.PnssengerAK't, Evansville, Ind. One of the most persistent forces in na ture is the needle, which always carries its point and always has au eye out for busi ness. Lowell Courier. m A Dcath.Kearins Chance. A slight, change of temperature, especial ly to u delicate person, may bear death with it Against the effect of variations of temperature, of damp or exposure in rigor ous, stormy weather, Hostetter's Stomach BittM-s is arcliahlo means of protection. It checks the progress of la grippe with marvelous success. For malaria, rheuma lism, dy.-pepsia and biliousness it is highly afticaciuus. Tnn wasp is slender and graceful in his movements, but his attentions are often too much to the point to be agreeable. Bingbwintou: Republican. Mu. M. A. Mcriit, Wilmington, Del., writes: "I had one of my severe headaches and was persuaded To try your valuable (Bradycrotiiic) medicine. I never had any thing to do me so much good." It is well to be kind to dumb animals, but a man is rarelv justified in borrowing money to buy a dog. Oil City Blizzard. A suonTCor.n, if neglected, often attacks the lungs BnowNsBiioxciiiAL- Tnociins give sure and immediate) relief. Sold oi.ly in boxc. Price 25 cents. Tnn moon is above all human follies and always looks down on lovers. Elmira Ga zette. Beecitam's Pills are not a new remedy. Tliev havo been used in Europe for 50 years, all well tested and excellent It is well for tho small man to practise untd he knows how to apologize gracefully. Somerville Journal. Tub American Brewing Co. of St. Louis make the "A. B. C. Bohemian Bottled Beer" Golden, sparkling, pure. It never makes children better to tell them alozcn times a day that they are too mean for any use. Ram's Horn. Actor, Vocalists, Public Speakers praise Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. A credit to the family The scicn who Is trusted by everybody. N. Y. Journal. A joint debate Haggling over the price of a sirloin roast. The Worcester Gazette. Half a IoijT is better than a ralhoad sand sich. Kate Field's Washington. MARKET REPORTS. KANSAS CITY, March ia CATTLE Shipping steers. ...5 3 50 ? 50 Butchers' steers.... 3 70 Ci 4 (X) Native cows 2 00 3 30 nOGS-Good to choice heavy. .. 3 50 4 CO W1ICAT XaSrcd 83 83!$ No. -hard. 76;$(fo 77 COUN-No. 2 31 35 oats-no. 2 28 & 29 KYlv-No.2 77 78 FLOUU-Patcnts, per sack..... 2 10 2 30 Fancy 1 00 1 05 TLVY Baled 5 50 0 25 BUTTEIl-Choicc creamery.... 21 23 CHEESE Full cream 9 10 EGGS-Ohoice. 10 10Ji BACON-Hams 9 11 Shoulders 7 0 7JJ Sides 9 10 LARD 7! Wi POTATOES 50 CO ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Shipping steers 4 00 4 5ft Butchers' steers 3 00 4 05 HOGS Packing 3 00 4 85 SHEEP Fair to choice 4 00 5 03 FLOUR Choice 3 50 4 55 WHEAT-No. 2red 88 8814 CORN No. 2 35H 353 OATS No. 2 29J50 30' RYE No. 2 8 8'H BUTTER-Crcamery. 25 27 PORK 10 75 I0 87JJ CHICAGO. CATTLE ShippinRStecrs 4.50 5 50 HOGS Packingandshlpplnj... 3 75 5 70 SHEEP Fair to choice. 4 40 8 00 FLOUR Winter wheat 4 00 :4 50 WHEAT No. 2 red 88 83J4 CORN No.2 33 3S.li OATS No. 2 28Ji SStf RYE No. 2 81 8,H BUTTE R-Crcamcry 26 23 PORK 10 375i10 40 NEW YORK. CATTLE Common to prime... 4 50 5 00 HOGS Good to choice 4 90 5 50 FLOUR Good to choice 4 50 5 15 "WHEAT No. 2rcd I 00J4 & CORN No.2 47 48 OATS Western mixed 33 SB BUTTER-Creamery 20 29 ORK 75 10 60 The True Laxative Principle Of tho plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Syrup of Figs, has a per manently beneficial effect on the human eystem, while the cheap vecvtablo extracts and mineral solutions, usually sold as medi cines, are permanently injurious. Being well-informed, you will use the true remedy only. Manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. "Did I tell you what my bov said to Hicks?" asked ilarberry. Yes; lour times last night and tlireo this morning," said Barton, wearily. Boils! Pimples! Blotches, AND ERUPTIONS ON THE BODY, are indications of Poison in the Blood, and show that nature is making efforts to throw it out. S. S. S. will assist in this good work. It changes the character of the blood, so that the poison bearing germs speedily leave through the pores of the skin, and the poison is also forced out. C. W. Hodkiss, Postmaster at East Lamoine, Me., writes that Mrs. Kelly's son, who had been confined to bed fourteen months with an Abscess, has been cured sound and well by Swift's Specific. The boy is fourteen years old, lives next door to me, and I know the statement to be true. S. S. S. ias a wonderful effect on Children, and should be given to every weak and debilitated child. Send for our Book on the Blood and Skin. SWJFT SPECIFIC CYJMF 'iNY Atla.tta, Ga. cer tells me "this is just as good as" or "same as" Pearline he does not know the truth, or else is not telling it. Manufactured only by 80S JAMES PYLE, New York. ATTENTION, WORKINGMEN ! f-r 'V'NS I lHf A IVIT to BETTER YOUR CONDITION? IF SO, GATH.EF Superior Wisconsin "Where you can find abundance of work at good rates, the best climate in tho United States for the worker, (No ITIalarla), pood schools, good churches and better than all. the chanco of get ting a A COOD HOUSIi AMI IjOT la the heart of the city, on such EASY TERMS as you can READILY MEET, and which wiU in a few years be very valuable. THELAND AND RIVER IMPROVEMENT CO. (the proprietors of the Townsitc) will sell you such a house and lot as you may need and permit you to pay for H In from 120 to ISO monthly Install ments and each installment no larger than a rental of such a property would be. Tho official report of tho City Statistician shows upwards of 3.S00 hands employed in tho various industrial and shipping concerns, and a largo number of additional concerns will bo located this season many of them employing a large number of female hands. You Will FIND this the BEST TOWN in America to GROW UP WITH ! 4f Ua TOI8 FAFSS m? ttoo 5JT-"r-- 11TH AND BROADWAY. WT m Irs M m aw TUfB- 111 eC7rV-f2!'MB ?5t?5i3?s &&:&,&& Mi lliili ----- .Tl by patlrnta.lQ 1892. For we have Duauc ness tiinr rfnrfr. I Edinse 1892. I. U rXUU TBI3 PAPra trj Urn jou write. Kennedy's Medical Discovery Takes hold in this order : Bowels, Liver, Kidneys, Inside Skin, Outside Skin, Driving everything before it that ought to bo out. Yow Jtnow ivlietlier you need it or not. Sold by every druggist, and manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, BOXBIIBV, 31ASS. A ROBBER OR THIEF Is better than the lying scale agent Tho tells yoa as ospcl truth that the Jones' $60. 5 Ton Wagon Scale is not a standard scale, and equal to toy made. For free book and price list, address Jones of BiogbamtOD, BingbamtOD. K.Y. BOILING WATER OR MILK. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. OSGOOD" GALES U. S. STANDARDtrr'u. BeaC aad Caeapett a the market. Uv AGENTS Wanted la tateCaaatr. OSGOOD A TH0MPS0H, Binghamtan, M. f. nteaeteft!ieETen4FrtrtdtoiclntllIomnnfr. BooHtomfnfruponStclIerrrToiiHIwiriurmnilVrkocl. All the most difficult Surgical Operations performed with Skill 0 Success. YUtt room Ut th omm.tUon of ptint. Phy'lei"' n.l trained Dnran ia attendance daj and Dljtit. Con citation fee. - ,, .. .,For,,u,w0.'S,L0JV1,enor1,lr,M DR. C. M. COE, President, S?ffiS!SWrtl!Si?rtSS."Jl nth & Broadway, Kansas CITY. MO. .mmmmAtfafeTmVVv MmW BKygrtKgltV sWmsVsWaBr-Aaaaa .tXKm aftSSBP d -f ' M if losQoapH sfeiiSssffliyil nn ttfiT re nrrnvrn Kith rastes. Enamels, and Faints watch stain tlif hamls. lnjnre the iron, and burn off. ThelUsir-sSun Stovo Polish is Brilliant, Odor less, Durable, and tho consumer pays Xor notia or glass package with every purchase. I have Tried the new five cent package of Pyle's Pearline and like it decidedly economical for use economical to hand to serv ants no waste by upsetting. Irr CXSXT Pcarlinev&wive JVllUYV peddled gives no prizes is a prize in itself; and further I know, when a gro UP YOUIi FAMILY AND OUTFIT AND COME TQ THE KANSAS CITY MEDICALS SURGICAL SANITARIUM i (for pie Iitatatat of all (hzonie and gvtfsel glifasts. Thcobjfrt of this Sanitarian! to farnlih Klettl9 mdlJ and arrjcl utitment board, room, and attendaoce to loot aCliefrd with chrobic aarzlcaU eje. car. ani ntrtout diwaits. a&d li nppllrd with all the latrst Intention" la tltctric kUdcs, .,. fnrmlt. .nnlf.i.1... Initnimnlt. ant.rmf!l tn.!lr!n. rl4 Vfl tf..t ItEFORlf I ITlrls, BMDuracluriDS brae4aodap!taticv! ftreach lrnlhldnal cae Tmisaa&d K'.aiuo stoctlor raaje to orjer. vacuum treatment ror taraiyiu ana anorTiiopeo parts of the toJr. Artificial E;es. Catarrh and all disease of tho Throat treated by Comr-reifed Air. Sprays. Medicated Vapors, tic. applied ly mcass crthe latest Inventions is apparatus fcr that purpose. Comfortable aad rlti home for women durioj conlncmcnt. Special attention paid to Disease. f Women, aa4 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Book dr"cribin Dlwase of Women sent ft re. Electricity In all Its fvrsf, baths, douches, mutate, ichalatlcnc nnninz. etc.. are p rot MM m aay be require addition to sucnelner mc-llea! treatment as roar DeaecmM aatitauo. Over Thirty Tears always had very pleasant dealings tosether. tho ana myseii, ana i wu uncuK jiiijaiuc ui presenting to incm ray nuu.u ci..j. uu Flower beed Catalogue. It contains .the U'uaJ immense vanity of seed, with such new kmds ad Jed as have proved to be real acquisitions. Raising miny .U j. ... .7.I a...a!f n ..... f.t. , firms ind tntinrr nthen. 1 am able to warrant their lresn- and Duritv. under such reasonable conditions as are con- in mv jitalouue. Havinsr been their original tntro- am headnuarters fcr choice Cory Com.MulerMelon, lieet. Hubbard Squash. Deep Head.AU Seasons and Warren Cabbace. Etc.,; Ktc Cata loguet' BBh to an. MKHfcB OC auv, vtrutmvmi w w bicb Piaoo? Decide that after trying the 1VERS & POfiD. You can try them ; we'll tell you what dealer can show them to you,, or we'll send on approval at our own expense. Write for in formation. Iver5 & Pood Piano Cornpanyt Boston. Patents! Pensions Send for InTentor'KOuldoorHowtoOM.tinaPatent. Scn.t for Dipwt of I'K.NSIO.N and BBI'.NTV JLAWa. PATRICK OTARREIi, - WASHEIGT0K, D. a ar.NAKi una ettta tot ea jouwrt FAT FOLKS REDUCED. cc ,15 to S3 Ibvper month bykannlen herbal remodiM. 2ogtarTir.c.noixiconTenienca 'nnrf nn YaA Alfrtrtlt- PtrirtlTCOZlflfICtl&L f"l fir. for cimjlsr mid tirao""J. ddrespr. ttWJ? jjSTDEBjIcVxcicer'a Theatre Bid. Chicago,!!. rlkXXE this pafi tmn EM J "" RARE BUSINESS CHANCE. FOK MAI. E.-AcleanBtockof Hardware. StoTM, Tinware and Implementi in a town at 1.20) InnaU tantK. with iw on Midlnjr Sha. Addrcsa J. II. JACOBS, Aortorae, Mo. -.U. flli fai-Ck. wn tmmjmt nia. WAMTFIl MIBIL"--' If till I lU rays well. Write for particular to W.'B.SPRAGUE, Mar.. 115 Dearborn St, Cnicago. araiax this rarsa rr iim job ck Conanmtlvea and peoplo hnhirn weak lunaior Aatb- ma.ahonlduso Plso'a Care for rnrnnmntlnn. It has care thoaaaarfa. It has not Injur ed one. It is not Daa 10 iae- It is tne best conga syrup. Sold eTerrwnere. xac K. D. 1387 WHEW WaUTUf O TO ABTEBTIbERS PJZAbV' atatataat ya aaw laa Airtrllm ! la late-paycit xy KJL "73 ' 9A 4 ..v-4 ' j?a h-s ? . n &L 7 Via