The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 25, 1892, Image 1

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By A. C. Hosmer.
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What is
mameawa wav warnr im 1 1
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents Tomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
" Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me ot its
good effect upon their children.1
Dr. G. C Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
" CMor'a i 1''" '"-t i-wcily for children of
Lich I am acq-suuvJ. X hope the day is not
Tar distant w hen mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loTed ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
ngents down their throats, thereby Bending
them to premtture graves."
pjj. J. F. KisajEtp?,
Cn.vvsy, Ark-
Tke Cestau Cepaay, TT Hurray Street, Hew York City.
"' S!
Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is
The Prices !
To a point when com
petition is loft be
hind on
'"I ) I V
Children !
r - ""
"Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me."
JL A. Archer, K. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn-V. Y.
Our physicians in tho cliiMrtu $ depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet wears free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
TJxrrpp osrrrii, jsd Disrt-iBV,
Cotton, Mags. C Smith, JVm ,
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, March, 25
A Profound Enigma.
Written for The Chisf,
"I see them on their winding way,"
About the streets they run and play.
In many a fight and fuss are seen.
Because they arc so dogged mean.
"When dog-days coTnc and pools abound,
Thpeskv critters will be found,
To cool their skins aud wet their hair.
Dogmatically wallowing there.
Then out they go upon the street,
And run between my twelve inch feet,
Ther soil my sboes in such away.
Dog on it! I could almost say.
At night aboat my house they prowl.
And simp, and snarl, aud bark, and howf ;
I fling at them, witli might and main,
My walking-stick, my dogwood caue.
I scatter them with whine and yelp.
An1 fain would ask my neighbor's help.
Dear reader cm jou Kuess aud tell
The subject of this dogirerel.V
Kdgak Thoknk.
Tangl&shade, March 17, 1KW.
Important Events for Republi
April 27th State Republican con
vention at Kearocj; Webster county
has 7 delegates.
April 23 County Republican con
vention to be held at Red Cloud.
June 15 Congressional Republi
can convention at McCook; AVebstcr
county has 10 delegates.
June 9 Republican National con
vention at Minneapolis.
May 5 Republican convention at
Holdrege for the election of National
Republicans should keep these
dates in mind.
Peoples Mass Convention.
Convention called to order by T. J.
Ward and R. B. Fulton was unnai
mously chosen as chairman and 0. C.
Tcel secretary. The following reso
lution was read and passed:
Resolved, That it is the sense of
this convention that the question of
license or no license should be desid
ed at the polls, each voter expressing
his preference for license or no license
and that the candidates for major and
councilmcn be pledged to carry out
the wishes of the people as expressed
by their votes.
L. P. Albright, C. F. Cather and D.
J. Myers were chosen tellers. The
convention proceeded to cast an in
formal ballot for mayor which result-
as follows:
Spanoglc 50, Emigb 37, Cather 22,
Mizer 17, scattering 37.
Convention then proceeded to a for
ma! ballot and D. B. Spanoglc
mayor was chosen on the third ballot
The rules; were suspended and the
first ballot was made formal and T. J
Ward was selected city clerk with the
following results:
Ward SS, Pond 19. Foe 34, scatter
ing 3 Henry Cook was was chosen
city treasure by acclamation there be
ing no opposition Frank Kuchn was
also selected for city engiueer by ac
clamation. Stephen Bayles was select
cd police judge on 3rd ballot with op
position as.follows:
Bayles (59 West -IS, scattering?.
Rev. Fly read a resolution from hc
ladies of the city asking that tiis
convention choose two of their mein
Iters to the Hoard of education. Resc
lution was put to vote and carried, but
on the first foimal ballot the result
stood as follows:
C. F. Cather (51 J. A Tuileya 43
Mrs A. A. Pope 41, Mrs. A. S. Marsh
scattering 47. Convention then ad
journd and met in ward caucus and
Ed Pulsipher and D. Kubick .were
nominated councilmcn in first ward
and D. J. Myers aud C. II. Potter in
2d ward.
Adjourned. O. C. Teel, Sec'y.
In the case of Webster County, vs.
Thayer to recover for the keening of
Ike Williams which was heard last Friday at Hebron Webster county
received a judgment of near
$500, through ,its attor
ney Jas. McNeny. Williams, it
was decided, was a citizen of Thaver,
therefore Thayer will provide for him
Educational Department.
D. M. HUNTER, Editor.
Items intended for publication in this
department most be handed to the Coun
ty Superintendent on or before Saturday,
in order to secure insertion tho week fol
lowing. Correspondence from teachers
and those interested in educational matters
solicited. Address all communications
intended for this department to.
D. M. Hcnteb,
County Superintendent Red Cloud, Neb.
The teachers of the town schools
of this county are as follows:
G. M. Caster, Superintendent, Mol
lie Baker, E. B. Atwater, Matie Kel
ley, Carrie Trobee, Lulu Warner Ad
die Reigle, Mame F. Beale, Henrietta
Outson, Edith EI7, Mary Nye, Mrs.
Eva J. Case.
blue niLL.
J. R, Thornton Principlal, Carrie
E. Brakeficld. Margaret Thornton,
Clara Hoover, Mrs. Nettie E. Fitzpa
trick. GUIDE ROCK.
Lewis W. Smith, Jessie Arnold.
Joe Dresback, Jennie Blaine.
Bessie Wright, Ida Burns.
The names of teachers in the dis
tricts having spring terms will be giv
en some time in, the future.
Mr. L. W. Smith of Thayer county,
has entered upon his duties as Princi
pal of the Guide Rock schools. He
has taken the place of Mr. I'rolasco
who lately accepted a position in the
Lincoln schools.
Mr, Smith, comes to our county well
recommended. While we welcome
him, we regret the removal of one who
we know has done good work in the
schools and in our teachers' meetings.
The Reading Circle near Bole is a
credit to the teachers in that pare of
the country. It proves that the Read
ing circle can be made interesting and
profitable, if sufficient energy is used
by the teachers to make it a success.
All that is needed is a desire on the
part of teachers to improve profess
Low salaries will not obtain good
teachers. Teachers who will not try
to improve should not expect to re
ceive high salaries.
Arbor Day is coming, let us pre
pare to observe it.
On last S.iturday evening, the
schools of distrists number 7 and 49
united iu giving an entertainment un
der the direction of the teachers, Juo.
M. Earner, and F. S. King. Although
the weather was disagreeable, the
house was crowded with spectators.
The exercises were good, and all re
turned to their homes well pleased.
On Saturday evening, March 12th,
the Bole Reading circle met at the
school-house in district number 3(i,
In addition to the regular work in
readixg, there was quite an interest
ing discussion of the subject, Civil
Government. Why it should be
taught in the Pudlic schools, opened
by J. M. Earner. Another subject
of much importance to all patrons
was discussed; "Obligations of Par
ents to the Public School." Mr. J.
L. Springer led in this discussion.
After some talk on penmanship the
meeting adjourned.
At the next meeting of the Bole
circle to be held on the evening of
March 2Gth, the principal subject for
discussion will be, Needs of a Practi
cal Education and means of obtain
ing it. This is a real live subject for
consideration and no doubt these
hearing the discussion and taking
part in it will profit therdy.
School officers, teachers, and otberr
interested iu education arc always
welcome at the office of the County
9 I.SO
Lf run
the Price of The Chief.
Items of school news arc accept
able for this department at any
The Webster county, Teachers' In
stitue will be held at Red Cloud, com
mencing June 27th, and continuing
in session three weeks.
Blanks for teachers monthly report
to the County Superintendent will
soon be sent to teachers to be used
during the spring term.
The publio generally will regret to
learn of the recent death of Rev. C.
W. Springer, an account of which will
be found in another column of this
paper. Those associated with him in
his work as County Superintendent,
and an earnest and faithful education
al worker, in the past, extend their
sympathy to his bereaved family and
In the New York Legislature.
The following taken from "The Oil
Paint and Drug Reporter," refers to a
new bill just introduced in the legis
lature of New York State:
"The latest development in the
baking powder war, is the introduc
tion of a bill iu the Legislature of
this State, requiring all packages of
baking powder wh'ch contain ammon
ia to be branded with a statement of
that fact in large type on the label.
Now while the ammonia contention
is on, why cannot the law give
the public the benefit of the
doubt? Wholly unprejudiced people
are certainly not willing to be dosed
with the substance acknowledged as a
poison, simply because scientists,
some of whom are not even physiolo
gists, disagree as to its potency."
A similar bill was introduced last
April but it is shrewdly surmised that
the influence of interested parties pre
vented its passage. The provisions
of the present bill arc so just that it
probably will soon become a law.
This will be welcome news to tjc
manufactures of pure Crsani of Tartar
baking powders, the most prominent
of whom is the Price Baking Powder
Company, of Chicago ind St. Louis,
makers of Dr. Priced Cream Baking
Powder, who have always made a
strictly pure Cream of Tartar powder,
notwithstanding (he temptations of
adulteration suggested by the enor
mous profits realized by a large New
York concern which uses ammonia,
ani advertises its powder as strictly
pure, by means of -garbled official re
ports aud certificates signed by its
employees dubbed professor, doctor or
government chemist, as fancy may
A bill compelling alum powders to
be conspicuously libelled as such, al
ready exists in Minnesota aud it is to
honed in the interest of the consumer
that similar laws will soon be enacted
in other states, for ammonia as well as
The following powders known to be
contain cither ammonia or alum or
both, w ill be affected by the proposed
Royal, Pearl, Calumet, Chicago
Yeast Forest City, One Spoon (Tay
lor's,) Bon Bon, Kenton, Echo, Snow
Puff, Unrivalled, Yarnall's One Spoon
dhepliard's Economical; Crown, Cly
max, Hercules, Monarch, New Era,
Snow Bail.
Go to the Chicago clothing sfoic
for panta of every discriplion.
Bright people are tbe quickest to rec
ognizo a good thing and buy it. We .sell
lots of oright peonJe thn Li'tle Early Jli
sers, If yon are not bright these pills
.will mako jou so. C. L. Cotting.
K-' Wanted.
Two hundred acres of prairie broke
right away, CaH on
II W Gi'M.iFonn.
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Vol. 19. No. 35.
General Conference Methodist
Episcopal Church.
All agents may sell ronnd trip
tickets to Omaha at the lowest first
class one way rate. April 28 to 30
inclusive limiting same to continuous
passage in each direction final limit.
June 1. Agents within 200 miles of
Omaha may sell tickets at rate of one
fare and a third for the round trip on
May 2-4-7-11-14-18-21.25-28 and 30,
limit for return one day from date of
Triennial Conclave, Knights Temp
lar, Denver, Colo., August 9-1-4 1892.
For the above occasion a rate of one
lowest first-class for tho round trip will
be made, tickets will be sold August
4-20 inclusive and limited for return
to October 10th.
Silver Anniversary Admission of
the state of Nebraska. Lincoln Neb.
May 25-2G, 1892. Agents in Kansas
Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri within
150 miles of Lincoln, may sell tickets
to Lincoln at rate of one fare for the
ronnd trip, sell tickets May 25-26
limit for return May 27.
National Republican Convention
Minneapolis, Minn,, June 7, 1892.
All agents may sell ronnd trip
tickets to Minneapolis at a rate of one
lowest first class fare. Agents in Ne
braska will sell tickets June 4-5-C
limit on same for continuous passage
from date of sale and executor with
final return limit of June 25th.
Oklahoma Excursion, March 22,
1892, agents in Nebraska and Kansas,
may sell tickets to points on lines of
th,e A. T. & S. F. and C. R. I. & P.
Ryq. in the territory of Oklahoma at
one fare for the round trip. Sell
tickets March 22nd with transit limit
of one day in each direction and final
limit of April 21st. Stop overs will
be allowed in Oklahoma Territory re
gardless of transit limits.
A. Conoveb,
Farmers and Mechanics and all
who need strong well made clothing
will do well to go to Wienei's and get
Disease never successfully attacks a
system with pure blood. De Witt's Sa"
snparilla makes pure, new blood and en
riches the old. C. L Cotting.
Tbe weather is quite pleasant, far
mers are beginiug to think that it
will be time to plow corn before the
ground thaws out.
Fred Frase and wife have gone to
Stanford, Nebraska.
H. 1. Ogden is building a new
house on his farm.
Young Ed Ras3er has returned
from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where
he has been engaged in business.
Walter Cox is home on a visit from
Holdrege, the young man had tbe
misfortune to get one of his fingers
Miss Outson and Miss Tillic Rasser,
spnnt Sunday in Amboy.
Miss Flo Baker, was home Sunday.
Mrs. Arthur Knox has a boy.
Sid' Cox has moved on the Mr.
Reals farm north of Red Cloud.
The party Tuesday night was quite
a success. Rose Bud..
L. H. Rust says he van sell yon
more good nursery stock for a dollar
than any man in the county. No
agents to pay.
. f'