The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1892, Image 8

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Pmu-blHK at thi li.? e-znh every Sunday,
10:30. A. M. Kveniu?.' 7X. Sunday ScjiooI,
110 A. M. Epworth Iicwpie. C:30. 1. M.
aMmR iii the cltv and public mad welcome
StrenEcrs in Uie city au:
f Tostor.
Baptist CIiHrcli.
rreachlns 10:20, A. M. 7-JJo 1. M. Sunday
School at 12. Young people's meeting at 7:30.
P.m. Prajer services wedtieMiiiy evening at
7:30. X. H. Dejo, Sunday-school Superintend
ent. J.D.ruLW. rnstor.
Congregational Church. .
Preaching at 1030 ami Sundav-school at 1130
Young people's .meeting 7. l'rajer services
Wednesday evening.
All are in ited to attend these servicas.
E. L.Ei.v,I'astor.
R. M. CocumyE, Sunt, s. s. J
CkriNtlan Chnrch. f
Preaililnc everv Sunday at 10-30 A. M. and
7t P, m. Christian Ende.ivor Society at c
P. m. Sunday-school at 12.
Kev. m. Pctnam, pastor.
T t Grace Church.
Sarvifoa pvprv fourth Suudav in the month
atM-J0A.M.and730P.M. Sunday-school at
2:15 P. M. every Sunday. ;
G. B.
James A. Garfield post, No. H. Department
of Nebraska, G. A. K. meet In K. P. hall .Mon
day evening, or before each full moon of each
month at 730 P. m. All conirades m good
standing cordially welcomed.
C. Wkjnek. Adjt. II. fl. Simons. P. C.
S. of V,.
H.S.KaleyCamp, No, 25, S. of V'a i
every Tuesday evening, at 730 1. M. i&
i meets -io
3 . your
JL- plant
.. mec
Alt Drainers in goou. suwuiuk
toattend. - 8.E.CQ7.AD
IS. W. of A,
TrA r-lmi1 ramn. Nn. tfA. M. AY. Of A.
in K. P. ball alternately Wednesday eeningi
VLt-:-sa. All ne ulibors in gooa sianuuiK
Invited.-' THOS. J. WAKD,
F. V. Tateob. Clerk.
A.". U. W.
Bed Cloud ixNlse No. CO, A. O. U. W. meet at
their hall In Moon block lirst and second Tues
days of each month. All brothers are cordially
invited. . .
S K. ofF.
CalanthelxxlEe No. 2a. K. P. , meets eery
Thnwdayenrng at their CasOe lull at 8. p. in.
All Knights are Invited.
I. O. O. F.
Ben Adhem Lodge No. 186, meets at their ban
l Monday evening, at 8 P. M. All brothers
K. of L.
FaiUiftil Assembly, No. 3S74. meets In K. P.
hall every Friday evening at 730
L Cloud Chapter No. 19 R. A. m. meetings
u and iounn a nursuay m cwju uwum
I j n 11
- Cyrenc Conunandry.No. 14 K T meetings first
third Thursdays of each month.
A F and A 31
Charitv I)dire No. S3 a F and A m. Meetings
riday eening on or before the full moon.
Eantcrn Star.
Entarn Star meets on luesday every
weeks at aiaM.o hall.
Relief Corp"- . .. a meets in K. 1.
Hall on Saturday afternoon, eery two weeks
at 2 p.m. All are invited.
aIes of'the G. A. K.
Sherman Opi&Ko. 3. G. A. It. meets iii
Masonic l5Kaud third Saturday evenings,
of c.iclijWRt7J0- .
,, llre Department
rZ r,lou4Fir Department, meets lirst Mou-
. .tfi1a"each month.
y fl.kE.POND,
Real Estate,
Loans, Insurance, and Pen
i siou Agent.
Red Cloud, Acbraskn.
I especially invite you to call on mo for
anything in my line. Loans made on
farm property at 8 per cent. Insurance
in the best companies I also,
Call and see me-if you desire, shrubbery
flowers or fruit Btock. You will find prof
itable to see me.
II. E. I'0D. N
D. B. Spanog1
Real Estate
and Loan Agen1
; Red Cloud.
Homoeopathic Physician,
Rcd'rCIoud, - KcbrasKU.
Office opposite First National Bank.
U. M.Kxamlning Mtrgeon.
Chronic discaM'H Heated bv mail.
Ja'atlce or the Peace,
I . and Notary Publi.c
Office over. I'ost Office.
r. JRed Cload -Nebraska.
Final ProofMolicc.
Land Ofhck,at Bloomisgtok, Neub. i
March. 3, 1(532.
XotIc is-hereby given tliat the follow Iur
named settler has filed notice of Ills' intention
tormike final proof In support of his claim,
and fiat said proof will be tnade before the
cterkof.the district court Webster comity, at
Ked Cloud, Keberska,' on Saturdny, April zs,
18!, viz: Abraham titbbey lid. App. No. 12XO
for the north-west 1-1. section 2, township z,
liortli raii&-e 12, west of the fith principal m
rldiau. Hi iiamesthe following witnesses. tn
pro his omtlnuos residence upon and cultira
ilnnn, sa!il land "viz; Meils Jensen.of Inaiule
Nebr.; Chris Jensen, Inavale, NcVr : Orrin It
- 1'itner, of lna-ale, Nebr. and John Wilson, of
G. 1A1LK , Keirfster.
FiaalProof Notice.
JaiHiofiiceatBioomlcilton. Nebr:, February
.. IVri. Notice is hereby piveu that the follow-
4inMiarH0ettler has Tiled notice or her inten-
tton.tojm te final proof in support of Jter claim
...i.w-.bijiinnr xi ill be made before the
"""."V.. j.l.J. ... tV.llQtlll' iwiib I
'-.'-" "; v-iirT.: t v
vk: .Uityj. xijickjii,-.
H ." ";
.wui"R.tn3nianco lO.w.o -p in. do
1- foil
rtiauous r Jdeu
t namf s iu
' . . m ; . . igiia r
BltamT.KmFfiUikK.IIippa M of Cotyles 1
iiz: -Daiaj
Nebraska, ac O.UVAivm.,- i
BlacksmilhliiK and WcMnwk.
I. H. Hummel, has ojcaod the
bTacksniith shop, just north of Slenp
efcs building and is now prepared to
do all kind of blackeraithing and
woodwork. He is a finished' trades
man and will do your work weU. Call
see him. tf
3333 bushels 6f corn for which I
will pay highest market price. Flour
given Jn exenange.
Oscar Pataiob.
Mure Light.
A. Morhart is the authorized agent to
sell the incandescent globes. When ycu
buy always return the old stub. tf
Barb Wire. r
A. Morhart bas just received a car
load of barb wire and will sell it
cheap. Come right along.
You can surely Have some
thins by calling on J. If. Bailey
for a farm loan. Good and
clicap farms for sale. '
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Xurnery Stock.
Now is the tune for you to send in
your orders for all kinds of Standard
stock and small fruits. Strawberry
plants a specialty. . L. H. Rust, tf
For Sale.
fine Packard orchestral organ. If
sold'von will go at a bargain. Apply
at iniHmco.
Somajitoice improved and unim
proved farms at a bargain. Write for
discriptlon ' D. J. Myers,
P1.- Red Cloud Nebr.
"Wc pay cashft trade for old iron,
rags, rubber, bones brass, copper zinc
and lead 'at the Bed Cloud gun shop.
Children ury for
Bucklen'8 Arnlcca Salve
The Best Salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all other Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to .give periect
r atisf a ction or monev refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by L. H. Deyo.3
Fifty cents per hup'dred paid for
old rags rubber and zinc in trade at
the Bargain House of J. S. Young &
Son, first door north of Fair Store
For Sale.
A second hand square piano
at a
bargain. Address, if. U.
Ilcd Cloud.
box 324
Children Cry for
Fischer's Castorla.
Convenient Marketa, Good Soil
Pure Water and Excellent
are advantages to be considered when
looking up a home, business location,
farm, etc. West Virginia, Maryland and
theShfrnandoah Valley, Virginia, affords
these with owmy more advantages. No
section of tins IJnited states offers su
perior opportunity end persons seeking
a now home ahould exottuc) these states
I iiefore deciding upon a locatooJawhere
Improved farm lands aaaptaa w maeff
raising, dairying, grain, graM and fruit
growing can be obtained at low prices
andey terms. Thriving towns invito
ho meK&Bt, mechanic and business
men. AbuaaWof coal, timber, ore,
water power & froe sites for manu
facturers. PereOsrffi'.'Wr further in
formation will bewsww promptly
and free of charge by3i. T.- ftWtffJft
land and immigration agent, J A- w- fj
IX, Baltimore, Md. 2fc
By Irture of an euion directed to me
tmm tho district court ol Wtfrter county. Ne-
liratica. on a judsment obtained iUiaia the dis
trict mrt of Valley county. Nebraska, os. Ate
mil day jjjne. 1808, and transcripted to tli
trict conito Webster county, Jn favcrof Ther
ou N- ell JWA St- raul xji
ational Bank, as
irtalutlJIs. and aast Hunter & McArtliur,
Kobt, Hunter :ind I. 4.. McArtliur, as deiend
anU, for tiie sum of fi0 Thousand Four
Hundred Nuityr Six dollars., anl Fortv Nine
eents. and coate tacd at togfty M'M- Jd
isth looths dollars aud jucruiK costf. I mp
levied upon the f oHowin: lam ud tweepf
tnken as the property of MiavJrtWiiaMs.. f,o
itiKfv saffl ludzinent. to-nlt: Tu couiii-wjcC
A9i.irter and -test half of the south-east niUftcx
i'if-tctlon"seven,ovnshipUiree, range ten,
'A'eiwV5rcounty,vNtvaska, and will offer
salexoVa highest bldtr for casn in nana on
the J4thdk'.ot April, A.p. J892, in front of
the east Moral the court houWi said county.
tliat beinerfhebuJldliiK wherein fftd Jst, term
oCoourtsvaB hejdj it the hour of ode vlock
p. til. 0( SaiQ (HfuKWHiluu wucre uuc Bltv
and win
aiicelwiU be
IvWioy t
Dated lltii day-of Marcb. ua?.
ls fnucioiiucu.
.GEO. . OOOJf. Sheriff.
Ry A. J, To?W4 WK. Deputy.
First publication Friday. Match , 1892.?
Publication Xeliee
1 ( Hie district court within and for tke county
til veosier, ana siaie 01 neunis;i.
Tike Jlw.'nix Insnranco Company, of Hartford,
Connecticut, I'lainuff.
WULmb SI . itotwe. Martha M. How e et at.
To Sandieii Cnteri?so (Qwnpany: Kansas
Mauufacturios company; t7P Roaat uanx
of Nilw. aifehtou; Haxearte fnHer;
Vcrklns WindHiiuaiid Ay Coxdvay, sal l
W.Tulleys. trustee for K. ft
You and each of you win take uatiee tiwt UxtW
above named plaintiff did on the 30Ot Aur JAiHi-
aiVj JJSf-t nie lis peuuou id uie uuuict euure
uibiMUl for the count and state aforesaid
t against ue oe-
and Martha M
eiirht hundred
dollar ftii imcesftXerpfin at tho rat of ten
ier cent. wr ajanum. Iro jtb ;2h day August,
lsss: tozetker tilth a. deoree IgtecUfiJns a cer-
mortca OBca. executea 10
uavmentoi saioiwaviAV";rei..uuw
ttvment of said ou
. v -1.. ." ; .-t . ,..
oe described real esiata situated Intiie cduii
iw ipuribd real onia.L2 situated lu uie couivtv
of Waster, in the state o KftVMka, to-wk;
Tliesouawvisi'iuaner, . or xsovu lonnceii,
It, in owvaifp jumiuer iure, a. uub uf. ruikc
lUifftnerieA, winwvi i" u' i'Wfi'S1
nuit Icw&ich
rJ4Uan.aduaswK$ei;aAntUl to
nient of said iudabfint wd fflxafw
fgrecl03ingsauiueieuai jw
thorn from ail rlchL title. IHUsOSS
nf rnnomtitlnii 1nnnd to said t)rn
part thereof." That unless ou and each at jrnU
ilHsweror plead to saia pennon on or otaere uie
MfJidayof April. 1892, the averments at, sid
rteej according to the prayer tkere-
' W mcBT & tzoOT and G. B. chakEy.
1 .t" f'tt Atty'sforFltf
Attest: 1st date Maxau. Js'jj
HiT ill
!.( DI
tu enmhr
32 J-,' . ' T.;ffP
f he gel (TlaH (Thief.
B. & 91. R. R. Time Tabic.
Taking etfect Nov. 5.
Trains carrying passengers kuvo Ked Cloud
as follows:
No. 132 Tassengerto Hastings, - 8:00a. in.
No,13G Freight for Hasting - l-sop.m.
No. 131 Passenger from Hustings
arrhes 5:35 p.m.
No. 16, Passenger to St. JUieph. M.
Louis and Chicago dailv -
No H Passenger to Kansas ( i: and
Atchison, daily. ... osw.p.m.
Ko, 13 Passenger for Denver and in
termediate points, dally, - - 7:30 a.m.
No. 15, Passenger for Denver, daily, 5 :13 p. in.
Terms to suit customers.
Republican 'Congressional Con
- vention.
The republican electors of the Fifth congress
ional district of the state of Nebraska are re
el ues ted to send delegates from the several coun
ties to meet in comention in the city of Hold-
rege, Thursday May 2th, IKtt, at 7 -30 o clock p.
m. for the purpose of electing delegates and
alternates to the Republican National Conven
tion to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on
the 7th day of June 1S02.
To send lieleratea from their several counUea
to meet m convention in the citv of sieCook.
Wednesday J uue 13, 1S92, at 2 o'clock p. in. for
tlio nurnose of nl.icinsr in nomination a candi
date for Congress in the Fifth congressional
district and for the transaction of iuch other
business as may come before-said contention.
Thesceral counties composing said district
are entitled to representation as follows, being
based upon the tote cast for Hon. George It.
HasUngs for attorney general in 1S0O, giving one
delegate at large to -ach county, and one for
each one hundred votes anil the major fraction
Counties. Votes.
Adams, 1G
Chase 4
Clav 14
Dundy 4
Harlau s
Hitchcock 5
Kearney s
Franklin G
Frontier. G
(Sosper 3
Hall 12
Xuckols 8
l'crklns 4
1'helps 5
Jted Willow. 9
Webster 10
It is also recommended that the delegates pres
cnt he authorized to cast the full vote ot the
delegation. Jas . d. Oac.k, Chairman.
Geo. r. J1iik.. S'crttarv.
Entered into eternal life in hope of a
blisful immortality Friday morning, 8
o'clock, March 11th, at her homo in Ina
vale Mrs. Elizebeth Pitney, wife of R. B.
Pitney. Mrs. Pitney was born in New
York county, New York, ay ''th, 1832,
and was CO years of age. She leaves her
companion to mourn her loss nlso many
retetives and friends. Her son, E. H.
Calking, and daughter, llrs. Call both of
St. Louis, arrived tho next morning in
time to bo much help and comfort all
through her short turn of sickness. She
evidenced the gentleness of her 'disposi
tion, being humbly submissive to all
treatment, thankfully receiving tho ten
der sympathies of her neighbors. She
had baen sick only a few days and no one
realized tho end 'was so near. rs. C. L.
Eddy who was attending to her wants wis
gone only a few moments and on return
ing from an adjoining room and speak;
ing to her she received no response and
itsr5 then d':covcred that her spirit had
taken ib fJifjV1.'
Tlie end of long an4 useful years
TUoIaatof sorrow aud of p3in
Tho change that brings us bitter tf-aru
Has brought to her eternal gain.
It will be unnecessary to describo tho
wonderful loyo which husband, sou and
daughter had for tho decensed. Iheir
'a.cijfopsepenk with moro forco and truth
tiaft tKo'fftsf' pencil can describe. She
was fl ChristiVriJig;? received into that
communion foe sfiieraVji, was in
full fellowship and good standing Jc ft-?
Christian church at lied Cloud whose
duty it was to perform the last sad rites.
Jjr itmprftl at tho Bchool houso was large
Iv Ettena. 'J ftP nltar and casket were"
coyered OVeFSJfireaHfc! flowers con
tributed by hervinsny' tlPfl(i$: 'f.-o fo
neral was conducted by fifi VBBt $$Q
spoke feelingly and eloquently.
And now wo look for a light to shino
Jrom tho Lamb who'll bo tho lamp;
Jlia fLjb IgJit of God around the shrine
hW r1.' eternal camp.
FareMteilio-ymi jce, fa qj;.o!l
The Father's eall feaa $!,,,
To leave all care and sorrow !
And rest in your heavenly home
$fr cotild wo have seen tho glory
At te ates closed you
Tho splendor, bvpty; brightness
That bur3t'on your yiew.
The light of smiles shall light ajyx
Thfilfg j that overflow Jd with tears,
Ajid weary ),oits jof woo and pain
Are promises of bappjer years. .
For God has marked each sorjowiljgey
auu uuuuuruu uucii beurei muz
And heaven's long ago of bliss shall pay
roruu ins ennuren wuo suuer nere.vj
But we trust you with the dear ones
Who loft us ono by ouo,
JMjUpartbroken anguish we murmer,
,9b, AfOg JLh jf'Jl be done.
Ai;o li.c jtc p,t Wiener's -.Sfluaje
Pealinoldcn Eao tiloLhip" Ifpusc.
liSWfio ponies hnd landmiuvs? PX4,
rapidly paaaogs', owiag to fatal iij
uey aid liver diseaie. 'Jtcpstjcsr-'' wi
cureanu prevent nil bucu OLSeasea. It--
doic oy Lu n. UKTO. " '
Farm loans at lowest rates.
General Conference Methodist
Episcopal Church.
All agents may sell round trip
tickets to Omaha at the lowest first
class one way rate. April 23 to 30
inclusive limiting same to continuous
passage in each direction final limit.
June!. Agents within 200 miles of
Omaha may sell tickets at rate of one
fare and a third for the round trip on
May 2-1-7-11-14-18-21:25-28 and 30,
limit for return one day from date of
Triennial Conclave, Koights Temp
lar, Denver, Colo., August 9-14 1892.
For the above occasion a rate of one
lowest first-class for the round trip will
be made, tickets will be sold August
4-20 inclusive and limited for- retulii
to October 10th.
Silver Anniversary Admission of
the state of Nebraska. Lincoln Neb.
May 25-2G, 1892. Agents in Kansas,
Nebraska, Iowa, and'Missouri within
150 miles of Lincoln,fmay sell tickets
to Lincoln at rate of one fare for the
ronnd trip, sell tickets May J25-26
limit for return May Iff.
National Republican Copvention
Minneapolis, Minn., June 7, f 92.
All agents may selrf round trip
tickets to Minneapolis at a rate of one
lowest first class fare. x Agents in Ne
braska will sell tickets June 4-5-G
limit on same for continuous passage
from date of sale aud executor with
final return limit of June 25th.
A. Conover, Agt.
People say that have examined the
large stock at the Golden Eale. How
can the goods be made to sell at such
low prices.
"Late to bed and early to rise will
shorten the road to your homo in the
skies." But early to bed and a "Little
Early Riser," the pill that makes life
longer and better and wiser. U. I.
To loan on Watches Diamonds and
Jewelry. Will pay cash for old gold
and silver. 1 me watch work. Ar
tistic letter, emblem and monogram
engraving. Full line of fine watches
clocks, jewelry silverware spectacles
and etc. T. JS. 'iENMair.
In Cotting's Drug Store.
When Baby was sick, wo gate her Castorla.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoruu
When she became Miss, sho clung to Castorla.
Waen she had Children, aha gave them Caatoria,
Notice to Teachers.
Notice is hereby given that I will
.examine all persons who may desire
to ojfpr themselves as candidates for
i teuehei'3 of tho pubjlC SChftQJS Of thjs
couuty, 'at lied Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will be held
on tho Friday proceeding the 3d Sat
urday if each month.
The landing required for 2d and
Sd'grA jje-tificates is the same no
grade beW Uper'ces;., average 80
per cent; for first grade certificate
no grade talow SO per cent, average
90 per cenV iu all branches required
. MffipyyEP Jaunty Supt.
Other modlnea niight holp Lufc to
make assuranc doubly sure use DeWitt's
Sarsaparilla to enrich, purify and renew
the blood. CLt Cotting.
The Death oS Mrs. Mary Dixon.
JJrs. DoxQn wis the mother of Mrs.
J.'& sfebj iz IlrsJobn F. Win-
ters. She died id ' tlid trmrapj:3 of
the Christian faith, at the home of
Mrs. J. C. "Wamerjon Tuesday moru
inir. at S a. ui. in hir 70th year. Her.
rccajns yrere taken tp JVeedsport, New
Tdrk cr' inte.nwnt. T A , funeral ser
vice was conducted tev. J. D. Pujis
Pastor pf the Baptist church, at te
resicpee of Jlr.s: . 0. Warper, on
Sabbalh ev-snip. ;? W.jMoQre
house wan lorn in SArtoga county,
New York, September, 1822.
At the age of 15 sba'xMuoved with
her parents to Weedsport. Y.
When 20 years of age Aeaccepted
ui we oaiur auu ao -rxw-j- -
jl .- til n 1 fl US.'ll Ufi
' 4-t te age of 23 she was married
f.- HKoTii'tT Hi'tA" with wham she
lived uwtil.his death'- Hn 1$& Sfe
leaves three children. Mrs.' learner
and Winters a son in New Yort'state,
i.o poum her loss.
Mrs. JIxoM'8 life a"jpnS s waf tLa!
olaaeauiffaltnlfa.iOifttl fcUovfr of
Jhe 'oraesu'sV 'Icief 'iw ft?
detj'rho die ti.e" Lorir"- ' .
' pRRESl',9E'T.
1 - T
It fe,s tftttb m wliwei&rt tb wt 1
etstdoeetnatsperfofBaaatw cure w iw
best- DeWitt'sIiittleEsrlyJlisers i
the smallest piluv.wilL perform tho cure
aad are the best. C.L.'Cktting. y
e fellowshin of the Rapust church 1
t .VeeuV?rt; T. If, ia jrlfch fjpfJM
ined ncr' nlerntferSUiir unui usi
Don't forget to ask for the Consumers'
That fcr every Cash purchase of ONE DOLLAR from any
Merchant whose name appears below entitles you to a
hi'ch they will accept for five cents on every
Qash Purchase of One Dollar.
And take Special Notice that the Merchants who' belong to
this Association are the most wideawake 'thd keep
' the best stock of oods, and their
" prices are the lowest. t n
. A. DUCKER & CO. . v
Dry Goods, Carpels Cloaks and Shock.
E. II. Dcyo, Drugs etc. Henry Dlcrijrich lloot Ac SIiocn
Buckeye Harness Shop Ilarae. c. Wiener, Ctother.
Oscar Patmor, Flour & Feed.
E. III. Vance, Jeweler.
Has Moved his Flour and Feed Store o the
Perkins & Mitchel building.
Nothing but the best goods kept. Call an 3
see me when yon want anything
in my line
Webster Qo. Abstract Office.
J. II. BAILEY, Abstracter and Proprietor.
Accurate AbNtract Promptly Furnished foruny Eandt In Webster
County. A complete and Accurate set or Abstract books
and a $10000 bond lilcd Tith county judge insures satis
faction. For Abstracts. Chcan Farm Loans oi some
good Bargains in
Fort Abstract
L. n. FOIIT, Manager.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
n1ugltadtn yean in county records and onp of the most complete set of Ah
straot books in tiiestatP.esua-apteesatisfiictlOR. yonr fayqw sijl(citel
All orde-fh titled promptly. W.OJO dollar bond Clul
t ud aDDroved.
What h
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcherte precrf fit jon for Inntf
and Children. It contains neither OplomMorpUnenor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor Oil.
4 i Pleasant. It guarantee s thirty1-yeara usa by
Hillio'ns o Mothers. 'Caistoria destroys pfnirfangjiJIajg
ey0rishness Castort prevents fomiting Sour Curil
' cures' Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria nUerM
teething troubles,, cures constipation and flatulency
& -
. "CafltorUi
. ," TSrfit'when mi
( i r .f 2 .T f
down mrtr t
.; -
F. V. Tuylorf , FMraitacc.
i W
Real Estate, call ou 7-
Co., Red Cloud,
Address or call on
L. II. FORT Manager, Red Cloud, Neb.
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