The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 18, 1892, Image 5

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". -ViJiuami i 'ifrri i
Published Weekly.
Friday, .Unroll IS, 192,
&ultcription, - $1 Per Aimuiii
Invariably lu Advance
If nut paid In advauco, after tills dale March
lb, 18J-J, the price will be Sl.iS.
To Correspondent.
ie riui:F desires. crin.and newsv corres-
loiiiiciice irom an parts ot the county, correspondence-
and other interesting subjects will be
We edre to published all of the news, and
to that end request all our friends to liau'i in
any, and all news items.
Job Printing a Specially.
Advertising rates made known n application.
Ail communications, Inclosing news, money,
A.c, fehould be addressed to
Proprietor, Red Cloud, Ncnr.
Paper, 'tis said, will keep us warm;
This fact, poor friend, pray notc
And in your vest the ticket wear
For your pawnod overcoat.
An Educational Column.
Nest week The Chief will com-
Kntered at tlie 1'ost Oflice in Ked Cloud, Neb.,
as mail matterof the second class
Leap, girls, leap with care,
Leap with a pop at your partnere,
No more need lor trip and snare;
Pop, girls, to the bachelair.
Bead our new advertisements.
Try thof-e raaket cigars at Cotting's
If you want wall paper or window
shades, go to (Jottings.
''St. Patrick's day in the morning"
was duly celebrated in lied Cloud.
Mrs. J. C. Warner has gone to New
York with the remains of her mother.
See Oscar Patmor before buying
your. lie has made a big reduction.
Yon can trade your old funiture for
new, ht the blue front furniture store.
C L. Cotting has the finest stock
of pocket knives in the city at low
Oscar Patmor has moved his flour
and feed store to Perkins & Mitch
ell's old stand.
Johnson & Co , deal in new
second hand furnituae, at the
front, south of Miner Bros.
F. V. Taylor, allows no one to
more floods than
he docs, at
that are low, for good goods.
Col. Gage of Franklin, was in Red
Cloud this week. The Celonel is one
the jollie.t men we have ever met.
I. II. Thomas, C. Buchow and Fred
Hampton, have paid for the Great
Family "Weekly since our last issue.
e neglected to mention last week
that Mrs. O. C. Case had been secur
ed as teacher in the Kindergarten
It is the judgment of all that Cot
ting has the finest selection of wall
paper in the city, and in prices he
can't be beat.
e Farm loans at lowest interest
Strictly first-class loans at lower rates
than has ever been given in this coun
ty before. Option to pav part or all
ut end of any year. C. F. Cather.
S. I. Cozad has added his name to
tHe Great Family Weekly. By the
way Mr. Cozad has purchased the
Jake Nye dray line and i3 prepared
to do all kinds of draying with prompt
ness. He solicits your favors through
The Chief. We hope he will succeed.
On Monday evening, Miss Augusta
Ohrftron. the justly celebrated singer,
assisted bv an able company held the
boardn at the Opera house to a good
audience. The lady is a fine singer,
in fact she is far above the
Her audience were highly pleased
with the evening's entertainment.
Who woull have thought of it?
The idea of Judge Gaslin being ucd
for breech of promise. The old Judge
has alwavs been supposed to have been
a women halter, and yet a blushing
damsel of 50 or 00 summers has sued
the old Judge for $50,000 for unre
quited affection. We are afraid that
the Judge is in it this time.
L. II. Ucyo, Las just received an
other large invoice of those celebrated
StrusMiian spectacles. He has sold
several hundred of these glasses with
in the last two years, and they have
proved to give perfect satisfaction.
They are by far the best glass on the
market, lie has ppectacle.s and nose
glasses in steel, nickle and gold. Al
so extra lenses.
Charley Buchow, cx.county treas
urer of Webster county, but now a
prominent banker of Colby, Kansas,
wa in Ked Cloud this week and made
The Chief a very pleasant call.
Charley is always welcomed in Ked
Cloud, and to sec his familiar face up
on our streets makes our people feel
pood. We arc pleased to learn of his
prosperity in Kansas.
A few evenings ago at one of our
leading churches, the choir were prac
tising. A young lady visitor was prcs
ent and was intently listening to the
rendition of the various pieces. Af
ter the choir had sung several pieces
and were in an interesting part of one
of them, the lady without a moment's
warning sung out '-low bridge." She
had cudent'y been to the fireman's
entertainment recently held in this
The entertainment given by Miss
Lcnorc K. Murray, under the auspices
of the A. O. U. W. lodge of this
city, was one of the finest elocution
ary efforts ever produced in this city.
Miss Murray, was in Red Cloud five
years ago, and during the intervening
period has made some wonderful
strikes in the direction of elocution,
ghe h certajnjy opo oi the best that
We have ever hear!. The people of
Ked Cloud were highly pleased .with
her efforts here.
Wall paper at Cott'ngs.
Mrs. Scllars is visiting in Alma.
Neatsfoot and harness oil at Deyos
II. C. Scott has been on the sick
G. R. Chaney was in Lincoln this
Condition powders of all kind at
Buy your paints and brushes at
Don't forget that Arbar Div will
soon dc here.
C. E. Lee, of Omaha, wag in the
city this week.
The Wright Bros, have moved into
the K. Skeen property.
WTbat are our organizations doing
towards Memmorial day?
Farmers get your Blue vitrol for
soaking wheat at Cottings.
The most complete line of patent
medicines m town at. Deyos.
Our city is beginning to loom up
again on enterprising subjects.
J. A. Tomlinson has been making
the walks around the jail passable
The Reese Twin Brothers, acrobats
and drum majors with Shootin' Crappg.
I he Lincoln mixed paints are the
best on the market. Sold by C. L.
Mr, C. Wiener will, during the com
ing season, display special bargains
in his show windows.
J. Tcdmorc Colvin, Piano turner
wih be in the city March 17th to 24th
All work guaranteed.
Lost, on Thursday morning a breast
pin. Finder please leave at L. M.:
Vance' and receive reward.
Johnson &. Co., make a specialty on
second hand goods, at the blue front
lour doors south of Miner Bros.
Mr. Chapron, of Lincoln, father
of Mrs. McNcny and grandfather o'f
Mrs S. W. Garber, is in the city, h
Prince Arthur, Dr. Moranvilie's
thoroughbred trotter is making a ane
showing on the streets this week. I
A humorous fact about Hood's 'Swsa-
panlla, it e.xpell.s bad humor and creates
good humor. Bo sure to get Hood's.1
A House and lots in Red Cloul to
trade for a farm. Will assuaejthe
mortgage, t C. W. KfLfr.
The largest colored aggregation
traveling in the world. All tobe'seen
in Shootin' Crapps, at the Opera
mence publishing an educational col
umn. A circular has been sent to
each county superintendent contain
ing the report of a committee appoint
ed at the last meeting of the state
teacher's association. It is desired
by the committee to have educational
news and the best things said by the
best men and women in the education
al field read by the patrons of the
schools. "Nebraska is in the midst
of an educational revival. This bas
come moie because there have been
unusual and vigorous efforts to extend
information regarding education
al work and methods than from any
other one cause." The Nebraska
State Journal will soon publish week
ly educational news from all parts of
the state. Let teachers, school offi
cers and patrons send any item of
school news to the county superintend
ent, D. M. Hunter, so that he may get
it by Saturday of each week, and it
will appear in the next week's issue of
The CniEF.
Sam Foe, is highly spoken of? as a
candidate for clerk. Sam wonl make
a good clerk, and wc would likfe to see
him elected. $
The revival services at the Christian
church have closed, 9-t havinunited
with the church since the "Meetings
The new millinery and dtss mak
ing establishment of Mesdames John
son and Baker is now open in the old
Kaley law office.
The queen of colored lady song
sters, Miss Ida Dcltour, tc pe seen at
Shootin' Crapp. the latest metropoli
tan success, at Red CloudJMarch 21
and 22.
Are we going to havefrthe streets
paved? Yes, if our basiness men
will say so, and we belie J that they
will as soon as they can j$e the advan
tage of these necessiryj&provements
Red Cloud is surrouoijng with fine
fanning land, and thofCeastern men
who are hunting fortao jtl land at fair
figures should not pass u3 by. The
soil ol Nebraska beats 0ie world.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will give a teajiFriday, March
iSth, at the residence of Mrs. Walk
er. Refreshments si-yrcd from 5:30
to S:30 p. in. Everybody invited.
Our business iaerJhave eot the
right move on them iw, and in a few
weeks The Chief hes to be able to
chronicle some developments that will
show that the peop'efare in& earnest
to make Red Cloud go.
The eastern peory who are selling
their farms for fabagbus figures and
coming west, shorll be induced to
come to Webster djunty, where land
can be had that vfi raise anything
that can be grnwfor a price much
less than eastern IjCnd is sold for.
To be seen willr Shootin' Crapps:
Mr. A. L. SaleSjiwide-mouthed, eccen
tric comedian; PM. Ed L. Anderson,
tonage of fun cifker, and Jerry Mills,
the grotesque ami legniania, southern
plantation, silee and fan dancer: 25
people, all colrred. At Red Cloud
March 21stt'l3.
About 306 &ms were in the city
on Saturday, Jbd our streots present
cd a decided Metropolitan air Thai
is what sliowlf occur every Saturday
duccments were held
ustness-mea s assooia-
bo inducements are not
but that their banners
om the out walls at all
t a strange device, but
e to every man, woman
o desire to trade in Red
Cloud has always done
do bo again.
There will be services in the Cath
olic church next Sunday, the 20th at
Joe Kubick and Dave Rudd are
naentioned as candidates for aldermen
in the south ward.
Engineer J. H. Swearingen adds his
name to the Great Family Weekly
this week. Thanks.
Miss Lucy Parkes has arrived home
from Council Bluffs where she has
been visiting for the past six months.
The Red Cloudy creamery is fast as
suming proportions and soon Red
Cloud will be in it on creamery enter
Married: At Red Cloud, Neb.,
March 16, 1892, Miss. Fannie Coleman
of this city to Mr. Al Squires of Jew
ell county, Kansas. We extend con
gratulations and wish the young couple
a happy journey through life.
Mrs. Johnson and Baker invite the
ladies of Red Cloud and vicinity to
call and examine their stock of Mill
inery goods which are all new and of
the latest styles. They also do dress
making and teach the tailor system
of cutting and fitting; all work guar
anteed, prices reasonable. One door
north of city bakery.
Our nomination of Hon J. P. Gage
of Franklin, as state senator seems to
meet the approbation of our people.
The colonel was a brave soldier and a
man who has never been found want
ing when there was any duty to per
form in the republican ranks. Red
Cloud Chief.
Assessors' Meeting.
In pursuance of law the assessors
of Webster couuty, Neb., met March
15, 1382, at the office of the county
clerk in Red Cloud and proceeded to
business by electing Mark Noble as
chairman and C. Schenck, eecretary.
On motion the roll of assessors was
called to which the following respond
ed: O. E. Ramey, Catherton; M. B.
Corner, Elm creek; E. Harrison, Har
mony; J. Bromficld, Inavale; Otto
Stecke, Line; Al. Riley, Oak creek;
A. Buschow, Potsdam; A. Hedge.
Red Cloud Tp.; C. Schenck, Red
Cloud city; R. II. Allen, Stillwater;
Mark Noble, Walnut creek.
Thos. Anderson. Batin; A.Dillon,
Beaver creek; S. P. Martin, Garfield;
George May, Glcnwood; G. W. flagan,
Guide Rock, Wm. Hurd, Pleasant
On motion, a committee of three
was appointed by the chair to recom
mend an average valuation per acre of
real estate as a basis for assessment,
consisting of A. Buschow, Potsdam;
Otto Stockc, Line; James Bromfield,
A like committee on personal prop
erty was also, on motion, appointed
consisting of Alcetas Riley of Oak
creek, O. E. Ramey of Catherton and
It. A. Allen of Stillwater. The com
mittee on real estate reported as fol
lows: We, jour committee on real
estate, do recommend as a basis for
assessment an average of $2 pec acre,
which, after some discussion, was on
motion adopted.
The committee on personal property
reported the following, which was on
motion adopted:
Stallions ?J0 to 3100
Hordes of all asej 0 to so
Cattle, fat 1 perewt
attic of all aces 2 to 8
Mules of all ages B to 30
Aases so to coo
Hogs t 1 perewt
Carriages and wagons.... ,.. 1 to so
Sewing or knitting machines...". ..";.?fcl to 5
Fiaiio fortes t. fm to loo
Melodeons and organs f. j to iw
Sheep of all ages 3) te Mperliead
r-orn '. .-...& 5c jierbu
Wheat h.Xn.'icierliu
Barley L .T. If Ccperbti
All other property o be listed at a
fair cash valuation. .' I f
On motion, tho sccretfiw was in
structed to furnish the sev 1 county
papers with a copy of theVjfoceedings
of this meeting for publWiMon
And Heavy Boots.
Let us fit you out of our
With Seasonable Goods of the .Best make, at the
We are confident of suiting all comers out of
our well selected stock.
Remember the place
cincinnati shoe store.
Blakeslee & Kaley.
tfardware, Tirjware, StoVes,
I will have a full line of
Gasoline Vapor Stoves about April 1st.
The Best in the World. M kinds of tin work mad
specialty.! Koofing, Spouting and shop work
done on short notice"
Call and see me in ihe Kaley Block.
$ity $akery and Restaurant
For IcmIi lire ad Pics
All kind or Cukes,
Candies Xuts Cigar,
and fresh Friiile, etc.
if the propel
out. Let'ion
tion see tha:
only held o
arc floatiHg'J
times with i
with '-weld
and child
this and
Do c
want a- gjld sewing Machine? Then
sec tBOCflriVew Hcco Machinea "at
eieWftm-ftc iaiplftMt man,
,4 ... i i.i.i
wby dfer with aeate or chraaic mala
ria whirls ooy the fare-runner, of. dead?.
IjTjpWta fever? 'Hepaticare"willpos-
No better man and braver soldier
could be named in the district by the
republicans, or any other party for
that matter, for the position, Nuck
olls county endorses Col. Gage. Su
perior Journal.
Married, on the 22d, Mr. Wm. Mar
tin to Miss Delia Nickerson, both of
this place, Rev. Barker of Geneva of
ficiating. Both the groom and bride
are well and favorably known and
have hosti of friends who extend
their congratulations and best wishes
for a long and prosperous journey
through life. Grafton Leader.
The young lady mentioned in the
above paragraph has many friends in
this county who will be pleased to con
gratulate her on the occasion and wish
her prosperity through life's journey.
The Chief extends congratulations.
An important mining deal was eon
summated yesterday between Sir Mary
att of Del Noite and some Aspen
gentlemen, by which the Ten Strike
claim located on Miner's creek in Son
ny Side mining district changed hands.
Tho bond calls for $60,000. One
thousand dollars was paid Mr. Mary
att when the papers were signed, and
the remaining $59,000 must be paid
June 1, or the bond will be forfeited.
The Aspen parties contract to pat two
shifts to work and keep them bnsV de
veloping the prospects during the term
of the bond, bunnie side is attract
ing much attention in consequence.
Denver Sun.
We are glad to noto that- our old
friend has struck it rich. $60,000 is
not a bad rake off bnt we 'believe our
friend will enjoy it. ,
'I'il AHA VAnm ha Pb41a
J.11U1C UClUft UU IttlMlM. t
. .' f
meeting was on motion
Isincss the
C. Scbkpck, See
Mark Noble, Chm.
Willew Cr
Mr. Ernest Niece of jXibsrty, this
state, is visiting his sMt, Mrs. Bell
Godwh). , ?
Miss Eppa Adamsoedjnnishcd her
third term of school 'i-jft. Hope the
soin oi reDraary. '(-J
Joe Brubaker has raaled Mr. Mou
shang's farm for the je
an d will make his hos
Airs, xuompson ny.
aBd on that account.
obliged to give up &
and have leased a fa
on Beaver creek, t
Willie Jackson ii
Iowa soon to joinr
work there. f
Mies Edna Edsoii
Awt nF cmtirtnl frV
2Gth of February.
Snow two days
month and now th
shape for farming:
Meals and Lunch all hours
Boarding and Lodging. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in
Jos, Herburger, Prop..
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
9 1
ing summer
ith them.
een very siek
hey will be
to Blue Hill
for two years
s ot come to
brother Ed at
jsed her second
;avcr creek the
te nrst ot this
'ground is in fine
A non-partisan convention has been
called for Monday nighL Good men
should be the motto, snd we have
them, Tho candidates now mention
ed for mayor are: B. F, Mizer, C. F.
Cather, Geo. O. Yeiser, C. W. Kalev,
and C J. Piatt. Foralderman, L. II.
Deyo, A. O. Berg, J. D. McFarland,
Ed FnlUifer, Aaron tonover and sev
eral others have ben Mentioned, la
the North ward. DJ. Myers, L. P. Al
brieht, D. B .Sparfogle, F. G. Blaoked
lee and others. U
For clerks yteMtve heaid the naes
of T. .1. Ward a&d H. C Pond. Either
of these gentUaen would f 11 the bill.
For city treasurer, we have the
names of Bjfarj Cook, A. H. Kaley,
S. F. Siak&field and C. h. Cotting.
Any 017 those mentioned above
would fill' the bill.
in Has-
Clnud, Mr. Burt
'illie Lee, both of
spent several days
3 tings and Juniata
e week.
:o have two church
stems to be quite a
e two as to who will
Winter still hanfll on.
C. E. Hicks ka business
linmi Tnuil.if
' Married at R
Waufile and Mifs
Bladen. ,,
Henry McKel
with mends at
the fore part of
Bladen is sob
bells and then
rivalry betwee
get the first on
Wm. McDe
loads of cattl
and Wm. Br
It. is repoit
aoia nts tara
At the clft
the 9th, tkii
society clear
If Bladec
t-he h going
ix. A it. a
per this
iiet ever
this is a w.
d shipped two car
market this week
u a car load of hogs,
hat John Stout has
r $4000.
fair and supper on
ngregational church
$40 for their bell,
u't have paved streets
have sidewalks. The
citizens will give a sup-
y evening, proceeds to go
ng sidewalk to the hall.
y turn out and help as
very much needed.
C. L. Cotting. .
Cam ! Eat.
heartily, with relish, and withoat distrs
afterward If not we capffiHh& ia
yon HoW'3 SaraafcarittJKwwia
Zgpdjiliwtft"tid invigorates the
SEoaiseA ana bowel that tho food is prop
erty digested and all its nourishment as-1
Heed's pifls are prnraly vegetable, par
festly barnlflM,,tStctiTe batje set aaiae
paiaorgtipe. BenratotpttM'fc
' in the Nation gets ex-
correspondent and was
etroleum" should cet hot
lake fire from sroutaneous
what a smell of burnt
e would be.
Jills and Beitler, who had
ins of Mr. Smith on Elm
e arrived with their families
, from dhickley. They are
enter flog farmers and good citizens
and ftd them welcome.
TKeflbunty Sunday-school conven.1
tioajrfl bcld according to program.
As flAresident was sick, Bfc.. Ch.a.
KedfcaYof Hastings wsa chosen to
r.BW T t " tL T
cited atfy
hot. IK
Delegations from Inavale,
ud, Guide Rock and Hastings
d were helpiHl. The opening
s'ng address, s were highly ap
ed. If weather and roads had
l.rt'en'lu-'.'c ''! Id h-ve te!.c
The Convention :n reaOiana
... . ' -rt ' T"
tituue remitnwii)., ne newspa-
tbff eUny fp"' f feely ' publish-
rograma'ahd notices.
Is better prepared than ever to
sell you all kinds of harness
collars, sadlery, etc
In the Tinker Balldlas. He kaa the
larscnt tock In thin part f the Tally,
and will make It an lBdaeemeat to trade
with him.
Miss Emma B. Knight of Inavale,
was chosen president, and Miss Addie
Hayes of Cowlt, secretary.
On the mornin!! of Thursdny, lCth
the dwelling on the Ham Burton farm
burned. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson, the
occupants, barely escaped with their
Key. J. M. Steely preached on Sun-
tlava. 111. at the Congregational church
an interesting sermon on prayer. The
Pastor was just able to go to the ser
vice, llev. Steely has attended the
funeral of Mr. Clinpin's babe on Sat
urday 12th, and on p. m. Bobcrt Ad
amson officiated at the marriage of
Mr. I. M. Boner and Mies Eppa Adam
son. vvitn met name business and his
ministerial duties, Bro. Steely
is not likely to "rust out."
When John Brown whispers to that
gray team of his he can be heard all
over the city, it wakes the sleepers,
even if it would not raise the dean.
nliss Moore, school teacher from
Crowell, is spending vacation with her
parents, to the great enjoyment of
them all.
That restless nbrveons, dull and heavy
feeling which prtvonts sleep and causes
us to feel like pomething terrible was go
ing in going to happen is all corrected by
"Hepaticure" which enres dyspopsia and
consumption, o. L. cotting.
Coming "Shootin Crapp."
White man, I got you faded to sec
the greatest colored aggregation trav
elling, under the management of Will
McKanlass the greatest of all perform
ers white, or black, the peer of all
colored managers in his new venture
and metropolitan suacess an 1 newest
idea before thejrablic, Shootin' Crapps,
tree from vulgarity, tho wittiest and
funniest of all purformance? and in it
an original in ovcry detail. Tho great
est and best brass band and orchestra
that money can produce, and the only
original street parade to be seen at
noon sharK on the main street of
youij city; don't miss it, it is the
greatest of all. Have your monev
ready, as we pack every theatic to S
R O, for we are the greatest colwrl
company travelling. Admissfca, 20,
35 and' 50 cents for fenced- seats.
Get your netit aly. ad; avoid th
rush .
ti -
if jflrL, binrltlefls sml Btaped:. If your,
blood, 13 thick and sluggish; if your appe
tite fs capricious and uncertain, you.nee
a Sarsapanllii. For best rest res.ullM f&
Wltla." CL. Cotting.
I aaf
Terms to suit customers.
in Hastings this
Hob Martin was in Lincoln this
A. G. Willis was
(. barley Ball of Akron, is switching
in the yards in this city.
Dr. J. S. Emigh has been mentioned
as a probable candidate for mayor.
Engine 123 is doing service ia the
yards here helping trains in and out.
Chase little Joe all around for a
ticket to sec Shootin' Crapps. Open
The non-partisan caucus will be
held at the court house instead of the
opera house as first announced.
There will be an effort made to get
up an excursion to Hastings toaerrow
to attend a fine theatrical entertain
ment which is to be held there.
r The Hon. Jno. H. Powers, the late
independent candidate for governor,
addressed our citizens on the St. Louis
platform of that party. His speech
was veil taken by his friends.
no, there! Calmes, the baker, in
Ira Sleeper's building north of
TriE CniKP office keeps the finest
bread, buns, cakes, pies, c, in Red
Cloud. Try him tf
J On receipt ot four cents te pay postag
the HaUftroprietary Co., Blair, Near.,
wiU sBr a set of handsome eardB aad a
boa of their Australian 8alvftee.
Special Notice.
I am now prepared to naata fara?
loans at rcasAaabre rates oi interest
pinn n-Yiii-ns it npfrd, and olc
an& 5vi.o7u P. K dpaKOOLS.
A, safe-investment. Wa guarantee yon
will never be Bick if a coarse f ?TBati
cure'' is taken spring and fall. cL oa)V
il 't
i 1