sr' r :. -fr -. d w r ' A 0 rL PAN English Liberals Opposo Lord Salisbury's Policy. 05LY TORY ORGAXS SUPPORT HIM. The Two Krltlsh Vessels Seized Lnat Year Have Started For ISelirlng Sea, While the American Were Libeled and Condemned. Laxnos, March 12. Lord Salisbury's delay in arranging for a renewal of the modus vivendi in the liehring' sea matter has been a matter for private consideratian by the leaders of the op position, resulting in a decision not to move in the matter until the policy of the government appears more definite. The foreign office is unusually dilato ry in the production of the papers in the case. Apart from the extreme tory organs, the opinion of the country is dead against Lord Salisbury for risk ing a quarrel with the United States for the sake of the small capital in vested in fish boats. Today's number of the Speak er indicates the attitude of tho liberals in arguing that the reasons that induced Lord Salisbury to agree to the modus vlvondi in 1S31 apply with equal force in favor of a renewal in 16'J2; that if the English government is confident of the strength of its ease there is all the greater cause to be con tent to await the decision of the arbi tration tribunal and to be ready mean while to meet the Washington execu tive on a provisional arrangement. STAltTKD FOK ISRIIKING SEA. "Washington, March li The two Uritish vessels seized in l'chring sea last year for violating the terms of tho modus vivendi and turned over to the liritish authorities for prosecution un der that agreement, are said to be among the vessels that have already started for the scaling grounds. These vessels are the Otto and E. F. Martin. So far as known the British govern ment has not instituted proceedings against them. On the other hand tho Lamnmfa and Ethel, two American vessels seized for exactly the same of fense, were libeled and condemned by the United States courts. The four vessels named were the only ones seized last year for illegal sealing, and there was considerable adverse comment in official circles yesterday in regard to the radically different action of tho two governments in a matter upca which at the time they were supposed Jo be in full accord. MEETING OF TIIE CAHIXET. Washington, March 12. The Bchr ing sea question was again considered ut yesterday's meeting of tho cabinet. In the absence of any reply from Lord Salisbury in regard to a renewal of tho modus vivendi, it is understood no action was taken. Secretaries Blaine, Foster and Noble were the absentees. fi . rLThc session was shorter than usual and at its close a member said, in reply to nn inquiry on the subject, that there was no new developments in the Bear ing sea matter. A BURGLAR SENTENCED. Saltl to IIuvo Itecn Axsoeiated With ITetls pctli and blye. Auiaxt, Mo., March 11. In the cir cuit court of Gentry county Charles Montgomery, known to police officers and detectives throughout tho United States as Charles St John and by other aliases, pleaded guilty to burglary yes terday, receiving a sentence of four years in the penitentiary. Mont gomery's picture is conspicous in many rogues' galleries. It is not improbable that Montgomery helped to plan the Glcndale train rob bery, if he was not a participant, as lie is positively known to have been as sociated with lledspeth and Sly. lie was an expert safe-breaker and post office robber, his success being pro moted by his wife, who is said to have been the treasurer of the gang for sev eral years. Her principal headquarters were at Chicago and Kansas City, Kan. Montgomery served two terms in tho Illinois penitentiary for safe-cracking, one term in Kentucky and one in Mis souri. Previous to his professional trip to Northwest Missouri he operated in Arkansas. AN INTERESTING SUIT ENDED. Money Paid Tor Hank Stock. Which After ward ltm-ainc Worthless, ltecovercd. Hastings, Xeb., March 12. An im portant case was settled ia tho district court yesterday morning. About two years ago II. Uostwick, presidentof the City National bank, sold M. A. Harti pn, of this city, S1,000 worth of bank s-tock at a premium. In les:s than a year after the City Nationnl bank closed its doors. Mr. Hartigan brought hint against Mr. Bostwick to recover the amount of his stock and Interest. He set up a plea of fraud in his petition, and the jury brought in a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of SI, 500, this being the full amount asked with interest The case has been watched with considerable interest, and the outcome may lead to other suits of a similar nature being brought against Mr. Bostwick. .Tailed on aTVrrlble Charge. Guthrie, Ok.. March 12. Bristol Leonard, aged 50, a wealthy farmer of Oklahoma county, a church trustee and a Sunday school superintendent, was jailed last night, charged With de bauching six little girls from 8 to 12 years old. I'olnonpd by Mince Tie. Hiawatha. Kan.. March 12. Jerry Hania, a Missouri Pacific brakeman, was poisoned at Weeping Water by eating mince pie. He is under a phy sician's care. In n Critical Condition. London. March 12. Mrs. Osborne, after her sentence yesterday, developed hysteric-catalepsy so seriously that her condition last night was critical. Kansas 1'ost masters. Washington, March 12. Kansas . postmasters appointed: I C. H. Foss, Dav, Washington county; J. J!. Bliss, Tisdale, Cowley county. TREATY UNDER FIRE. The Retiring Sea Dispute and the Treaty With Great Britain Considered in Kxecu. tire Session or the Senate. Washington, March 10. The senate spent nearly three hours yesterday in the consideration of the Behring sea seal fishery question. The subject came before it through the presenta tion by the vice-president of the presi dent's -message transmitting the cor respondence on the subject since May 4, 1S9I, between this government and the government of Great Britain. Tho president's message of transmittal was read and in answer to a general demand a great deal of the correspond ence was also read by the executive clerk for the information of the sena tors. The treaty was debated at consider able length bv senators, a majority seemingly favoring an amendment It was the common understanding that the treaty should be kept before the senate until tho correspondence had progressed sufficiently to allow' the senators to form an idea as to tho attitude which Great Britain intends finally to assume in response to tho modus vivendi. PROVISIONS OF THE THEATT. Washington, March 10. The preamble to the arbitration treaty submitted to the hcnato by the president yesterday recites the desire of the government of tho United States and Great Britain for an amicable settlement of the ques tions arising between them concerning jurisdic tional rights or the United States in liehrtog sea and also concerning the preservation of tho fur seal in the sen and the rights of the citizens or subjects of cither country as regards tho taking of seals in these waters. Therefore they have resolved to submit the question to arbi tration and the plenipotentiaries Secretary Blaine and Sir Julian Paunccfote have agreed to the treaty. The first article of the document recites that the questions mentioned in the preamble shall be submitted to a tribunal of arbitration to be composed of seven arbitrator two to bo named by the president of the United States, two by her majecty, the president of tho French republic is to be requested to name one, the king of Italy to name one nd the king of Sweden and Norway to name one. Tho seven arbitrators are to bo jurists of dis tinguished reputation and their respective countries. In the event of the failure or the three last named persons to designate arbi trators within two months after request, then the vacancy is to be filled in such manner as the contracting parties shall agree. The second article provides that the arbi trators shall meet in Paris within twenty days after the delivery of the counter cac men tioned in article 1, all questions including the final decision to be determined by a majority of the arbitrators. The third, fourth and fifth articles prescribe the rules of procedure after the tribunal or ar bitration shall have organized. The sixth names the five points of difference, which shall be submitted to the arbitrators. The seventh provides that if the determination of theso questions shall leave the subject in such posi tion that tho concurrence of Great Britain Is necessary to the establishment of regulations for the protection or tho seal the arbitrators shall determlno what concurrent regulations are necessary and over what waters they shall ex tend. The eighth relates to the settlement of the question or liability for injuries sustained in connection with the claims presented by fu ture arbitration beforo tho tribunal. The other articles relate to the payment or tho cost or the arbitration, its rules and the ratification of the treaty within six months or its date. SHOT TO DEATH. Three Xejrroes Who Shot Several Officers at Memphis Lynched Hy Slashed Men. Memphis, Tcnn., March 10. About 3 o'clock this morning sevent--fivo men. all wearing black masks, appeared suddenly on Front street near the jail. From whence they came no one would this morning hazard even a guess. No one knew them to assemble, no officer of the law noticed their passage through any street, nor didany person intercept them in their quick and quiet march to Shelby county jaiL I The watchman at the jail office was 1 having a chat with a prisoner, when a ring was heard at the outer gate and i Watchman O'Donnell walked to the door. "Who's there?" he demanded. "Hugh Williams, of White Haven," came the replv. "I have a prisoner." "All right," said O'Donnell; "this i3 the placo and I am always ready to re ceive them." With that O'Donnell hurried to the gate and unlocked it Two or three j men pushed in immediately. The men were masked. " hat does this mean?'' queried the watchman, as he reached for his pistol. t There was a hurried consultation among the mob, a wait of a few min utes and a rope was produced with which the watchman's hands were tied. The keys were found in the jail of fice, and the men filed swiftly into tho jail and in a minute were in the cell room of the negro department Now began a search. There wero twenty-seven negroes there, all under arrest for complicity in Saturday night's affair and it was no easy task , for the men to distinguish the wanted negroes from the other blacks in tho dark of the night. On they went from cell to cell, the thoroughly, alarmed in mates coming to the cell doors and un wittingly aiding them in the search. Finally the men wanted were found. They were Calvin McDonald, William Stuart and Theodore Moss The mob took them to the outskirts of the city and shot them to death. The mob then dispersed. Their crime was the ambushing and shooting down Saturday night last of four deputy sheriffs in a bad negro lo cality known as "The Curve,"' while the officers were fulfilling their duty by looking for a negro for whose ar rest they had a warrant None of the officers were killed. llraRe's Successor. Washington, March 10. The presi dent has sent to the senate the nomi nation of Judson C Clements, of Geor gia, to be an inter-state commerce com missioner, vice Walter L. Bragg, de ceased, and William Lindsay, declined. I- I- Tolk and the Third Partv. Raleigit, N. C March 10. Most of the political talk here is of the third party; and this is brought about by L. L. Polk's visit He says he has severed his connection with the old political parties and is now with the third party. He declares that the new ptrty will sweep the west and have a large fol lowing throughout the south. This is the first positive statement here as to his affiliation with the third party. He says that it is not the purpose of that party to put state tickets in the field, but that in all states there will be a full electoral ticket. flanclug Lamps. Standing lamps are very pretty, but they are not very new, and there are times when they are not very conven ient They are apt to be tipped over and they are often in the way. A hanging lamp is free from these objec tions. It cannot be upset and does not occupy floor space. And in these days of flat and limited apartments, it is an important thing to be able to econo mize space. A pretty hanging lamp represents a monkey sliding down a chain. His feet are supported by a beautiful gold ball which hangs upon the end of the chain. One hand is stretched far above his head. In the other outstretched hand he grasps a lamp, which is held wherever one chooses to have it Thesa lamps have fancy shades very often in the form of a flower or vege table, and they are ever so pretty, both for use and for ornament N. Y. Re corder. Evidence ts the Contrary. Photographer But why do you wish to be taken with your watch in one hand and your pocket-book in tho other? Mr. Bascom I'm a-goin to send this picter to my wife, young man; when I left homo she said she'd bet I'd be buncoed out o' everythin I had before I'd be'n in the city two hours. Puck. The Gall to the Honey. "Life isn't such a pleasant thing af ter all," said chappie. "Why not?" asked Cholly. "Well, it's pretty hard, dontcher know, to have to sit in a club window all day to show to the world that you haven't to do anything to make a liv ing. N. Y. Press. A Hopeless Case. Doctor Madam, your son does not take exercise enough. He must, if pos sible, lead a less sedentary life. What is his occupation? Tho Invalid's Mother He's a mes senger boy. Brooklyn Life. A. Candle of Wires. Nervous peoplo are often likened to n bun dle of wires so sensitive aro they to the least outsido vibration. Tho brain and tomadi are connected with a great sympa thetic chord or nerve, and trouble in tho stomach is reflected by the organs of thought Invlgoration is the proper means of overcoming nervousness. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is tho finest tonic in exist ence and a thorough remedy for constipa tion, biliousness, malaria and other ail ments. Fortcne has often turned on Its heel be fore reaching a man, but in the case of the race course bettor it generally turns on a horse's heel. Philadelphia Times. Mb. J. H. Estill, President Morning News Co., Savannah, Ga., says: A member of my family who has been a martyr to neuralgic headaches for twentv years, has found in Brad ycrotine an inf aillbla remedy. A clam may not be able to deliver an ora tion, but ho has his pood qualities he never betrays the confidence of a friend. Bing hamton Republican. Beecham's Pills will core constipation, keep the blood cool and the liver in good working order, price 25 cents a box. m Paradoxical as it may appear, when a man has got low down in the world he may be said to be gono up. Blnghamton Leader. "The A. B. C. Bohemian Bottled Beer" mado by the American Brewing Co. of St Louis, is delicious. It is sparkling. Wanted to Know. The length of the rule of three; how many days tho march of intellect lasts; the width of a broad hint Monet talks, and this Is probably why we hear so much about loud checks. El mira Gazette. PEorLE who have to llvo alone never find out who they are. Barn's Horn, MARKET REPORTS. KANSAS CITY, March 11. CATTLE Shipping steers. ...$ 3 50 g 4 ! Hutchers' steers 3 70 Native cows '- 00 HOGS Good to choice heavy... 3 50 "WHEAT No. 2 red 83 Xu2hard 79 CORN No. 2 31 OATS No. 2 23 (3 4 00 3 50 S 4 70 G 85 FLOUR Patents, per sack.. 10 Fancy 1 W & 1 85 ITAY Haled. 5 50 & G 25 BUTTER-Cholce creamery.... 21 23 CHEESE Full cream 9 JO EGGS-Cholce. 11 HiJ BACON Hams 9 & 11 Shoulders 7 & 7 Skies 9 10 LARD 7!;2 S'-a POTATOES 50 CO ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Shipping steers 4 03 & 4 fo Butchers' steers 3 00 4 ifl HOGS Packinz 3 CO . 4 W SHEEP Fair to choice 3 SO fe GO FLOUR-Choice 3 50 Si WHEAR No.2red PI G 91 !t CORN No. 2 37 37i OATS No.2 mid 31 RYE No. 2 85 0 83 BUTTER Creamery. 25 & 27 PORK 925 1125 CHICAGO. CATTLE Shipping steers 4 50 J 75 HOGS Fackiu?anJ shipping... 3 75 4 90 SHEEP Fair to choice. 4 Ji G 00 FLOUR Winter wheat. 4 30 4 80 WHEAT No.2 red !Mi 912 CORN No.2 40i 40Jj OATS No.2 2J. 29 RYE No. 2 81 8IJ4 HUTTER-Creamer,-. 2t5 23 PORK 10 975JQ.ll 025 NEW YOHC CATTLE Common to prime. . 4 50 1 93 IIOGS-Gool to choice 3 90 5) FLOUR-Good to choice 50 5 10 -WHEAT-No. 2 red 1 OiKiG 1 01 J CORN No.2 495J 49Ji OATS Western mixed 3" 37-, BUTTE R-Crcamcrv 2 23 PORK 975 1050 "German Syrup Justice of the Peace, George Wil kinson, of Lowville, Murray Co., Minn., makes a deposition concern ing a severe cold. Listen to it. "In the Spring of 1888, throngh ex posure I contracted a very severe cold that settled on my lungs. This was accompanied by excessive night sweats. One bottle of Boschee's German S3TUP broke up the cold, night sweats, and all and left me in a good, healthy condition. I can give German Syrup my mosteamest commendation." Catarrh Cannot Be Cared With local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It yon must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and acta directlv on the blood and mucous sur faces. Hails Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one or the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is com posed of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood purifiers, acting direct ly on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of the two ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chexet & Co.. Props., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, price 75 cents. AMicniOAN druggist has been knocked down and robbed by highwaymen. This comes of the careless newspaper talk about drug store prices. Louisville Courier Jour nal Open for Bnalnesa. The popular Louisvillo & St. Louis Air Line, after having the misfortuna to sus pend through trailic for 00 days on account of the burning out and caving in ofa tun nel, is again open for business. The Air LineisMmilesthoshortestbctweenSt. Louis and Louisvillo, and tho only line running solid vestibuled trains with parlor and din ing cars daily between the two cities. Our ponular agents are at their usual plactf, readv to servo the public. F.'A. WjLLAnn. I R. A. Campbell, Dist. Passenger Ag't, Gon.Passenger Act, 103 X. Broadway, j Evansville, Ind. St. Louis, Mo. I A rirrsiCTAX has just discovered that a dislocation of the neck is Dot fatal. Tb will bring very little consolation to the inin about to bo banged. St Joseph News. The Thro at. "ilroirn' Bronchial TrodaP act directly on the organs of tho vace. They havo an extraordinary effect Ie all diwrders of the throat. m "WnAT is your idea of haopinisB!" "Notliingto do'and lots of time to'do X ia." Judge. Pleasant, WholesomcSpeedy, for aughs Is Hale's Honev of Horchound and Ttr. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in oneninute. A man In a peck of trouble is in a meas ure to bo pitied. Texas Sittings. ONE EXJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is tiken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet prcpiy on the Kidneys, Liver and BoweS, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head sches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, yrup of Figs ia the only remedy if its kind ever pro duced, pleaslnj to the taste and ac ceptable to tie stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excelbnt qualities commend it to all and have mado it the most popular renedy known. Syrup cf Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 b)ttles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes 1o try it Do not accept any fubstittte. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 10USVIUE. KY. HEW YORK. N.t. FOR I2cts. K9W in (Mer to lntrodnr nrr mnmSlA Y5M TerYirhM. 1 offer mstralil lPfcc.MeloB. ..; lPbr.Xettnce, L BOCta. i Pkr. Tomato, f Special Price Flower Seed. 1 '"Mi 9 Pin. Hted in no Cttalo in America under SOc6,00OArrca need. Plaata , najUMCaDTIDOlUVaUVU. roului Sinesixast ana oceqiwiny ynuimirw. . Cktalogand above 9 Pfcgs XZe. JOHN A. 6ALZER, la cuosae. WI3. OTIUXI ZBU TiXtZtmj law pasts F0R-fcADlESGENTIEM6N "BOXTIPSCHDOLSHDES f0RB0YS5cQlRLS ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE FARGO SPECIAL SHOES. If he does not keep them send to us for the style and size you want. Illustrated Descrip tive List furnished on application, also comic pamphlet. C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago. mw s tx ibis r Area bmih writ BOILING WATER OR MILK. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. PRETTIEST BOOK EVJEK PULNTED. llUOnoCentapkg. Vhp. pure, bat. 1 ,000.000 extra. BcaaUInl iimnraiea vjusjokbs iri-c. K. II. 6UUMW1Y, Koctrara, lu. raixz this txtib. ttarniite. FAT. FOLKS REDUCED ,15 to 3 Iba,cer month brbannleM herbal .'nil Tin t affaeta- StrtctlT confidential. Rer.l Se. for rtrrnlsr and t-ntlraoclala, AddreeaCr-O-W-FBirrDrB.MriYlrlrnr'eTh'TeTTTPF'r. PmratT, TIL ariuia rau miik m uhi mu. A Morphine Haolt Cared la 1 nPlllHtoSOdar-. No par till cured. niinmiiijiii HSsQxeB n9 4T 5 Tfco Only Onf Crer Printed Can Ton Find the Word? There is a finch display advertisement In this paper, this week, which has no two words alike ctcept one word. Tho same is true of each lew one appearing each week, from The IK- Barter Medicine Co. This house placfi, a "Crescent" on everything thevmakoind publish. Look for it, send them the lsmo of the word and they will return yo: book, beautiful lithographs or samples foe. Never .ontradict a painter in t theater. He alwa.'s wants to mako a scent. N. O. Picayunij ajameaeettmOTMeeasmnwBvwewmBmnraaHaanv.HB...BMHV gitl;in'iHrHllll;ManiiiohliiiiHllii;isitfiljti;iijjtsU igitT- -" .illal.a.,ii ,. ST. JACOBS OIL THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, CURES RHEUMATISM, mATTlttTtaS SWKLLIIVTGS, i NEURALGIA. raJffgjfMigyi! HALL'S Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. Sworn to before me, and subscribed in my presence-, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1889. e o -. NOTARIAL SEAL : : LUCAS CO., O. : O HALL'S OATABBH CURE IS TAKEN INTERNALLY. and acts directly upon the Blood and mucous surfaces. A. W. E. 3. "WALTHALL It CO., Druggists, Horse Cave, Ky., say; "HaU'a Catarrh Cure cures every one that takes It." CONDUCTOR E. D. LOOMIS. Detroit, Mich., says: "The effect of Hull's Catarrh Cure la wonderful." "Write him about It. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is Sold by all Dealers in Patent Medicines. PRICE 75 CENTS A BOTTLE. CURE Testimonials sent free on application. ATTENTION, WORKING! EN! pa VTStl I 111 A M"T" to BETTER YOUR CONDITION? IP SO, GATHEIt JJ YUU WMIM I UP YOUR FAMILY AND OUTFIT AND COM TO RPPEBIDB WISuOffl Where you can find abundance of work at good rates, tho best climate ia tho United States fo the worker, (No SlalarlA). rood schools, good churches and better than all, the chance of rV tins a A GOOD HOIJSK AND IiOT in the heart or tho city, on such EASY TERMS as yo can READILY MEET, and which wiU in a few years be very valuable. THE LAND AND RIVER IMPROVEMENT CO. (the proprietors of tho Townsite) will sell you such a house and lot as you may need and permit you to pay for it in from 120 to 1 50 monthly install mentsand each installment no larger than a rental of such a property would be. Tho ofllcial report of tho City Statistician shows upwards of 3.800 hands employed in tho various industrial and shipping concerns, and a largo number of additional concerns will be located this season- many of them employing a large number of female hands. You Will FINB this the BEST TOWN in America to GROW UP WITH I crvun tins pares m rnrts UTH AND BROADWAY. ItMk dtfcriblng tubs, douches, ww .. m Mvmimtr W bj pitlttu. la Dtsctseicrthe Kje and Kar treated In a KirnUSo nanaer. Boobs to All tha most difficult Surgical Operations perf armasl with Skill : rutr neai for tho voommadatlsn of patlenu. PbTrlclans and ualatal nonet. Ia attendance daj and alcbt. Couoltat!a ftia. For fortber InformtUon eall en or addreea np f u COP Drnslrlnnt CTSpeelal atttnUe. raid to the car. and " " ' " r22ni ISirort of children left In oar ebarce. j llth & B TO ad Way, KANSAS 0TY, MO. 1892. For : hare public ness tained i. i. at. riuxx this r mi j BORE mM0HI0" WELL DRILL WELLS wHh nor taaaaaa Well JHacMacnr. xnaoniy tana LOOMIS A NY MAM, tali Tirri?. eHie. ITPBR. I VV IHaH Agent's Business tiercandsecttr good situations, writ J. D. BROWN, Scjdalhk Tlta afss&Effim BBaVABaVAaftjmm AIUlBaW I892.sjjla, Haas vaa writs BXB9 aSaV m HnT RF nrrrtven with KutM, Enamels, and Paints walca inr nanus, injure ins iron, ana ourn on. Tlie Rising Sun Stove Polish Is, Odor, less. Durable, and the consumer pays lor notla or glass package wltn every purchase lilflHJi;t?HiHga City of Toledo, Lucas Co., JS. S. State of Ohio, ) GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. SWSSWm 1 MtlMMiMiitniinnmiannMHfn iPIHlfifHiiiiHiUHittiHii!HiiSliijM CATARRH REV. H. P. CARSON, Scotland, Dale, aara " Two bottles of Hall's Catarrh Cure couplet ly cured my little girl." J. C. SIMPSON, Marquess, "W. Va., nm "Hall's Catarrh Cure cured me or a very case of catarrh." THE ONLY GENUINE HALL'S CATARRH CURE IS MANUFACTURED BY F. J. CHENEY & CO., BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. THE KANSAS CITY MEDICAL SURGICAL SANITARIUM qt tht gitctntnt of all h:Q-ic and $u?gicd glstasts. Tht object of tbti 8&nlurlDm ! to ftrnlih actentlfla nwdleal and rarcJcft tmtant board, rooms, and attendance ta th afflicted wltb ebroolo. surgical, y. car, aaA nrrron dleaw, and is op plied with ail tb latest IotcbUoo in eUctrtc tc3tna df formltj appliances. lostrttrtenu, apparatus, medlclae. etc. Wo trsat Dl70KJt I TIES, manufacturing Braces and appliance for each liwlltldsal cat. Trass aas Elastic stockinet madt to order. Vacuum treatment for Paraljsl aod nndsrtlvyafl parts of lbs bod j. Artlfldal Ejoa. Catarrh and all diseases or tb Tkraat treats br Compressed Jtlr, Sprijs, Medicated Vapors, eta., applied hj cteacs X tha latsafr InTentions In appaxatas for that pnrpose. Comfortable and qciet Imsm fas. wenea daring conSneaent. Special attention paid to Diseases of Worn, aeV DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. DlwaM ef Wenta ml ftca. Kfectrtcttr ia an It lb fa. muttp, iBhtlatloa. unrelnf, tta.. ara pntfdtd a auj W rtqalnc addition to neb other mtdlcil tmtawot u bet K dtud adtiuMat men frt, upon Special or .Nroo Dlmaw.StrlctBro anlVarietottta Over Thirty Years always had tctt pleasant dcalinj-i toffether. Uta and myself, and I apua have the pleasura or presenting to tnera my Rinnan vettnrxe astt Flower Seed Catalogue. It contain .the tnsal immense Tinrty of seed, with such sew kinds added ashaveproTedtoberealaoitiisrtioss. Raisininaaay u iuoc TAiictics iiiyavu. uu uij tutu ki jra. and tntiar others. 1 am able to warrant their f res and onritv. under such reasonable conditionsas are con in mv Catalome. Hariri r been their orirrnal intmw- " dncer. I am headquarters for choice Cory Corn. MiUer Melea. EeliDie Beet. Hohhard Sonaah. Deen Head. All Seaaona aaef V Wirrra C!arihare Ftr. rtjlruni I'KCE toalL a vsokt mos, atarMckMa. 3l PIso'b Remedy for Catarrh la the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Sold by drarKists or sent by mail. I 1 50c E. T. Haieltlaa, Warren. Pa, I A. N. K.-D. 1386 warrnro t Awnaanrua p; - ii i I ill Ii I m I m TA J7 i ti i. M I J$$k4sMii..- i.-t&- JVUx .-...-- - -.