The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 04, 1891, Image 4

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    WW- j$M
dMmxr Jaw '
T5a .
" asVdfcM.asLatTlareTaalc.
Taking effect Nor. B,
Trains carrying iwsscnsers leuve lied Cloud
No. tS2 Pass riger to Hastings, 8 .-00 a.m. for Hastings 1 JO p. in.
No. 131 Paeuger from Hastings
arrives 5:35 p. in.
?o. 16, 1'n.ssu.gcr to St. Jusejib, .St,
LottlsH'i'l iliicagn (Lilly 10:30 a. m,
NoU PH-n'fnrer to Kansas CltY ind
Atchison, dally. - - - 3:38, p. m.
No. 13 Tasscnger for Denver and in
terned !itc iinints, dally, - - 7:30 a.ra.
No. in, rasijngcr lor Denver, dill v, 5 :43 . ta.
Friday, Dec. 4, 191
Entered at the Itost Offlee In Ked Cloud, Neb.,
as mall matter of the second class
Step into Deyo's drag store, just
for fan.
Have you seen DcvoVsbow of toil
et cases? -
Call on Cozad & Co., for undertak
ing, and careful picparation of the
J)eyo guarantees bis prices on liolli
day goods lower than any firm in the
Deyo is displaying one of the
grandest lines of holliday goods ever
in lied Cloud.
Nice new goods just received at
F. V. Taylor's, remember his price
arc the lowest.
The Chicago clothing store is never
undersold. Fine clothing a speciality
and prices very low.
JBuck, calf, sheep gloves and mit
tens, husking gloves and husking pins
at R. M. Martin & Son's.
Losta black calf robe, new, be
cween Inavalc and Red Cloud. Find
tr will please leave it at this office.
For sale A new single top bugey.
, Will sell for cash, on time, or will
Mradeior corn. Enquire of L H.
' Deyo.
Call on T- E. Penman for fine
ip1rv watRhcH and clocks, silver
ware, specs etc. Cotting's
Go to T. E. Penman for fine
clock and jewelry tcpairing.
tic letter and
cn graving.
Cotting's drug store..
Do not fail to call and Bee F. V.
Taylor's stock before buying. He
buys by the car this saves freight and
can sell cheaper than anybody.
After years of experience we make
the intelligent care of the dead a
specialty, and are prepared to attend
all calls in the city or country. F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
Undertaking by F. V. Taylor who
has had yea.s of practical experince
in the scientific care of the dead and
is better prepared than ever to con
duct the business in all its branches
It is nn established fact that DeWitt's
Little Early Risers have an enormous
Ba!s,'nd why? Simply becauB they nre
pleasant in taking and happy in results.
A pill for the mulitude. Sold nt Cott
ing's drug store.
Vi - - V v
-V- z- 1
AVicncr always hits the KitToU the
head, and has done itfcfcf when he
marked out his stockltift fall, by put
ting on low figures, andc people are
appreciating it.
? l
We were surprised to wp into
"Dnvo's drutr store and sea is im
mense disolav of holliday cap;
stock of the macnitude and vari
his was certainly never shown ii
Cioud. lie lias every variety
ctrrln nf tnvs dalls. L'sMCR
Hv A
"vj r . v. .' ' "t.Wv.vw" "". .." "U,,.7B"T"
etc while his dressing cases, man -
cure sets, work boxes etc., arc. i th
newest and most cljjy.vA designs. Mr."
H-SKTIsliiat he never before
bought goods so cheap and conse
quntiy never eould sell as cheap as
this year. We assure our readers
that Mr. Deyo would take pride and
pleasure in showing you his gonds,
nml wn ndvisn vou to steo in and look
i.:0l- o mnHnrnfrnriositv
"; C1 ", . ,'
if nothing else.
You can keep your feet warm this
winter by buvinsr your boots of Wie
ner as he finds that he is overstocked
with boots and is selling them cheap
er than you can buy them at regular
Vote Again! the Greenback.
It is reiwrted that if the Greenbackere
cet into power they will pass a law to
make everyone buy Hallers sure cure
cough Syrup and do away with doctors,
For sale by C. L. Cotting, druggist 2
The Secret of
It wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
The only pure Cream Tarter Powder sold on the market.
Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some other
adulterant. Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the
dough too porous, leaving a bitter taste, etc
No agency has assisted so much toward perfection ia
cookery as Price's Cream Baking Powder. Its ingredieats
arc simple and so blended as to exist in exact chemical pro
"portions, so after use there is never any excess of either left in
the food. Hence there can be no impurities whatever left in
the finished food. No bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but
food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes
il sweet flavor of
fresh forfcThispowaer
italewe. No other makes snen aeiiwous pwy.
AhuhorIh aa Alaaa Ii
Pawdcrs. Hew t
In view of what the Minnesota Senate
has done, it is hoped that legislative
bodies in other states will Boon take up
the subject of food adulteration. The
subjoined list of baking powders con
taining ammonia and alum, compiled
from official reports and published in a
recent number of the Scientific Ameri
can, is given below. "It deals in a direct
manner with an evil which must be cut
down" said the Chicago Tribune in com
menting on the Scientific American re
port. Following is the list of
ammoma ax d alum bakixo powdebs.
Compiled from Official Reports.
Powders marked with s star seem to
have a general sale, as they are mention
ed in at least two of the reports.
Atlantic & Pacific. Royal.
Cook's Favorite. Scioto.
Crown. Silver Spoon.
Crystal. Silver 8tar.
Daisy. Snowdrift
Davis' O. K. Sovereign.
Dry Yeast Star.
Gem. State.
Globe. Standard.
Kenton. Sunflower.
Pearson's. Washington.
Perfection. Windsor.
Peerless. Zipp's Grape.
Purity. Crystal.
There are, in addition to the forgoing
list from the Scientific American, a num
ber of such powders Bold in the western
that were not found in the eastern stores.
Following is the list to date:
CALUMET. - - - Contains Alum.
(Calumet Baking Powder Co., Chicago.)
FOREST CITY. - Contains Ammonia
Sfouwie Bro., Cleveland.)
0 YEAST, Contains Ammonia
(Chapman & Smith Co., Chicago.)
BONBON, - - Contains Alum.
HOTEL, - Contains Ammonia Alum.
(J. C. Grant Baking Powder Co.,
UNRIVALED, - - Contains Alum.
(Spragues, Warner & Griswold, Chicago.)
(Taylor Mfg. Co., St Louis.)
YARNALL'S. - - - Contains Alum.
(Yarnall Mfg. Co., St Louis.)
SHAW'S SNOW PUFF, contains Alum.
i Merchants' Mfg. Association, St Louis.)
)ODSON & H1LS, - contains Alum
(Dodson ifcllils, St Louis.)
SHEPARD'S Contains Ammonia Alum.
(Win. II. Shephard, St Louis.)
BAIN'S, - contains Alum.
(Meyer-Bain Mfg. co., St Louis.)
MONAUcH, contains Ammonia Alum.
(Iveitl, Murdoch & co., Chicago.)
SNOWBALL, - - - contains Alum.
(Bengal coffeo it Spico Mills, Chicago.)
GIANT, - - contains Alum.
MILK, - contains Alum.
(W. F. McLaughlin & co., Chicago.)
EoIIO, ... contains Alum.
(Spencer Bluing Paddle co., Chicago.)
(Kalbfell Mfg. co., Chicago.)
RISING SUN, - contains Ammonia.
(Phoenix chemical Works Chicago.)
WHITE ROSE, - contains Ammonia
(Globe ofTeo it Spice Mills, Minneapolis.)
WOOD'S AcME, - contninB Ammonia.
(Thos. Wood & co., Philadelphia.)
ANDREWS' PEARL, - contains
(c. E. Andrews &. co., Milwaukee.)
HARRIES' FAVORITE, contains Alum.
(H. II. Harries, Minneapolis.)
FIDELITY. - contains Alum.
SOLaR, ... contains Alum.
(Sherman Bros., Chicago.)
PUTNaM'S BEST - contains Alum.
(WellB Putnam & co., Chicago.)
cIIINa "T" HOUSE, - contains Alum.
(Noah McDowell. St Paul. Minn.) s
TWIN cITY, - contains Alum.
(J. K. Ferguson, Minneapolis,'. Minn.
HERcULES, - contain Ammonia
(Hercules Baking PowfW co-, San
i-LIMaX, - r contains Ammonia,
(climax Bakipytowdercov, Indianapolis.)
Atnmop&and alum are the most com
mon pdalterants used in the manufact-urr-bf
baking powders. The Govern-
Jaent report shows that a large percent
age of baking powders on tbe market
contain either one or the other, or both
these pernicious drugs.
What woman would ubo an anmmonia
or alum baking powder if she knew it?
Such powders not only undermine the
health, but ammonia gives to the com
plexion a sallow or blotched appearance.
The presence of ammonia or alum in a
baking powder, however, can easily be
to detect ammonia Mix one heaping
teaspooni ui or baking powder witn qhq
teaspooniui ol water in a tin cunt bo;i
ttiorougniy ror a rn. -Tr.rmAnta. tir to
I m u" " -- Vw
I preventjbiirnijig-and jf 8mnioaia is pre
i8611' can smell it in the rising steam.
vr, place a can or toe suspected powder
jp aown on a noi, Biove lor a minute or
vb, men ikb on we cover acu nueii.
to. detect alvm. Alum powder can
be Viaied by putting a couple of tea-
Bpoovls4of the powder in a glass of
cold wer.- If so effiervescence, that is
bubbliLg o$ simmering, takes place, con
demn thV powder and return it at once.
Some awm'powders, however, like the
"CnlumetjBon Bon," "Chicago Yeast,"
etc., contaiamosphates in combination
with nlum,ai4 with these braatls the
tfollowing test A simple and sure:
Take one haltvteaspoonful of baking
iowtlor in lid' ofaav half noarA'can:
char thoroughly ov a stroA' alcohol
Hnme, n good gas jti$or reboot coals.
Alter charing (that ifc:afing until the
whole mass is black) and a teaspoonful
of water and plnce a bright piece of
silver com in the solution. Stir for one
minute, then take out tho silver. If the
Kwder prove a cream of tartar powder
the coin will be bright; if an alum pow
der it will havo sulphur stains.
Now KHir a little vinger into the lid
and smull tho fumes. Alum powders
give off sulphuretted hydrogen, which
nutv bo detected bv its foul odor.
For Sale or Trade.
A choice farm of 100 acres, 4 miles
from town, good frame house, SO acres
in cultivation, all tillable but about
10 acres timber. Easv terms or will
trade for stock. ). J. Mvers.
Red Claud, Xefer.
Miles' Serve and Liver Pills.
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach nud bowels through the
nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles
pills speedily core bilousnetu, had tate,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Un
j equaled for men, women. childrn. Smnll
est, mildest, surest! .Vi does. 5 e
Fine Pastry.
the flour and keeps moist ana
possesses qualities peculiar to
No other
Mrs. SfwkesfteM i & sack.
The street ear liae should be extended.
We wart a creamery and mas bare it.
The firemen's ausqarade ball was a grand
Mr. W, j . If eademon Is tbe Iiappy papp ft a
bouncing babr
Will Earns atiiW II If all havo nurckajed a
row corn shelter ami are ready to do yoar work
Mr. James Itotla-id, mother of Mr. If. a.
Howard of tali city, died at her boa In Michi
gan this week i tot- extreta ago s year.
The Cmar feels ?ncouTvrc4 at the profjwet
before Ked tr.oud. Every xnajj, woman and
child In Ked Cloud r re trying to tralld the city
up. It must be lone,
The advantage of Webster county have set
t en ad rertlsed enoueb by our real estate aseats
Set Ue call rolilnr bors. Keraeoiber It Is on
of tbe bert couotiMiB the Mate.
The irain In the population of Ked flood la
ten years while nat as jrreat as It mkht kare
been Is alasoat 1 &0. In the aezt tea years It
HI be more tbaa four times that saaiber.
Sed Cloud ought to sead represeatatlrea to
tbe soar beet cooveotton at Llacola on the
17th. Ked Cloud ought to have a beet encar
factory aad can have It If she weald put forth
the effort.
Io Justice to Henry Scott, we desire to state
ta regard to the contest, that be knew nothing
in regard to it whatever. He has no hand in it
andtdld not even know that it bad been Insti
tuted for a day or two after the suit had beta
It Is positively a saatae that any of our peo
ple should leave Ked Cloud to buy goods when
we have so many first class dry goods bouses in
the city. Tbe way to build up a town is for
every person to buy at home. That Is protec
tion. It does not make your goods any better
Just to hare it said that you buy them away
from home,
A new four story brick hotel Is one of the
future enterprises of Ked Cloud. Just as soon
as 5th avenue Is opened, and that will be soon,
we bflleve Henator Moon can be Induced to put
up a fine hotel. Henator Moon has done much
for Ked Cloud and our people should show a
just arpreciatlon of his efforts. He is a very
wealthy maa and can help our city out wonder
fully. The following officers of Calanthe lodge No.
29, K. P. were elected at the last meeting:
CCC. F. Gather,
VC-L. II. Deyo.
KKg-C. Fasskr.
M F-J. L. Miller.
VK-J, O.Butler.
The followlngofflcers were elected for the en.
sulni: terra by Ben Adain lm?2c Nn. int. kmif
at the last meeting:
i. j nm. u. rvi&rrciJ.
V (1-S. K.Cozad.
F8-G.W. Dow.
Treas A. O. Berg.
Trustees-C. Fassler, H. C. Scott, M. V'.
Mrs. Fulton, the aired mother of R n inttnn
and Mrs. bad Bally, of this city, who bai been
an Invalid for many years passed away Wednes
day mornjug. She had been a great sufferer.
uui uore ner trials with Christian fortitude and
finally passed to the land beyond, fullv eonel-
ous ol a saving power to guard her over death's
dark stream hue leaves au aged husband and
several cniluren who mourn lier death. Her
rmaiua were consigned to the tomb ou Frl-
Blue Hill jeoule are trying to gain some
cheap notoriety by howling through the nuws
najiers tlial there Is a county seat war, The
facts are that there is no such tiling except In
h fertile Imaginations or a frw people In Hlue
Hill. Iu the first place the town of Blue Hill U
not In it, and the second place It Is too far to
on? side of the county, and thirdly the people
of Webster couuty are not readv to move the
county seat et en though Blue Hill would build
a court-house and donate It to the count,
fourthly, the blow aud bluster of that town
about raising the funds Is all moonshine, and
tlnre is not enough jieople iu ulue Hill to put
up W0.000, and It they would subscribe It, they
would do Itwltli the iinrliTst.-iniiini' thit If ul
only for effect and not to be paid. The whole
busines Is done for the purpose of Injuring the
luuuijr sotiiauu itllliuillg III) Iliue lllll.
Hill desires to flgtit Ked Cloud, the c
Ked Cloud will give her a "turn about game
Tho court-house light will result dlsasterously
to Blue Hill, The county is not ready to re
liuiiuish its valuable ponsesslons in this city,
Just for the purpose of giving our sister town
a little boom, The entire property uow
owned by the county would in tho rmintv
seat was removed, revert to Gov. Carter
aim me coumy is noi reauy to inane a
present ol $25,000,,
" ,
A trinl convinces the .psejt skeptical
Carefully prepared, piMMnt to tbe taste.
DeWitt's cough ani oonaumption cure is
a valuable remcuy. Sold at Cotting's
drugstore. .
Wait ioT the Apron social and chicken
pis slipper, Dec.,I7th.
'J. H. Bailey, will bmit the
highest aiarhet price for !
hashels f car cm.
What measures are you taking to stop
that cough? Let us suggest DeWitra
cough ana consumption cure. It is in
fallible. Sold at Cotting's drug store.
The Ladies B. H. M. society will have
a social Tuesday evening, -Deo, 8th, at
Mr. jnugns. Tfie usual good refresh
ments, and something new for amuse
ment will be served. Come.
"An honest pill is the noblest work of
the apothecary.'' DeWitt's Little Early
Risers cure constipationrbiliqusnes8 and
sick headache. Sold p.t Cotting's drug
Service at the, Catholic church neit
Sunday, DecCth at 10:30, a. m.
You ms-Tjb'ugh and cough and cough
and cosgb md cough, but yoe will not,
f yjMk take DeWittV Cough and Con
sumption Cure. Boldat Cotting's drug
Miss LiUie McClelland assistant pria
cipal of Bloomington schools was in Red
Cloud Saturday, trading with our mer
chants, she says it pays her two dsy's
wsges to come to Ked Cloud.
Out experience covers many ills, maay
pills, and many bills. Our ilk aremall
er, our pills are smaller, and eni' bills are
smaller when we use DeWitt's Little
Early Risers. Sold at. Cotting's drug
an Chmc.
S.. Cfcraord, New Cnnsel, Wi.., was
troehleo with NearnlRin mid Rheumatism
ruVfitomach wab diaordereil, his Liver
ras affected to an alarming degree, appe
tite tell nwny, and he was terribly reduced
in flesh and strength. Three bottles of
Electrie Bitters cured him.
Kdward Shepherd, Uarriflbnrg 111., had
a running sore on his leg of eight years
standing. Used three bottles of Electrie
Bitters and seven boxes Backlen's Arnica
Salve, and his leg is sound and well.
John Speaker, Cntawaba, O., had five
Inrge Fever sore on his leg, doctors said
he was incurable. One bottle Electric
Bitten aud one box Backlen's Arnica
Salve cured him entirely. Sold by L. H.
Deyo. a.
kctnut Creek.
Mr. ami Mrs. V. S. Noble, concluded
to be patriotic and obey tbe President's
proclamation. &o mey Mixed it over as
sensible people have a way of doing, then
sentput invitations to relatives, and some
near neighbors. Hy noon their house
wns nearly ruled with guests. Mrs.
Cobles rather, mother and two sisters.
came that morning from near Smith
center, Kansas. Also Mr. Groeer, and
his daughter, Mrs. Fannie Nobis. Four
aged couple with these young folks, and
three young couple with their children
till there were in number aboat
thirty. Altera general band shaking
au arounu, tne elderly men went to "new
the prospects' round about, and talk
over politics, and discuss reciprocity
while tbe grandma's chatted over their
knitting and petted the little ones, and
the younger women found plenty to
do, and also to talk of in the kitchen.
uinner was soon prepared, and all ate
heartily As for alter and Emiline as
our hosts prefer to be called, w -could
not but admire their quiet and graceful
BMWner of entertainbae.
Master Elmer, famished popcorn balls
maounaanoe. Among tne sports was
the old fashioned skipping rope, which
the young folks were very much inter
ested in, leaving the old folks to do their
singing akne, winch was not the best,
so we stopped and went borne as did all
the rest, each feeling that be bad a very
pleasant Thanksgiving. X.
Saslsica acalae.
Heart bUSbssb is by far taw aaoat faa.
qacat ciaawe et s
tan oat of fosr
The BiasatesBS are aot
stood. These are: a habit of lybagoc the
right aide, sbert breath, pia or dastrras
ia si4e, back or shoalder, imsrsssr paUe
astaama, weak aavi hasagry spetts, wiad ia
stoeaaea, sweUiag ef aaUea rdroawy, op
praasioB, dry cowgk aad asneihariaf;. Dr.
Mfla' aiastrated book om Heart Dimsjit,
free at O. L. Coitissfs who aeU aad gaaraav
tee Dr. Mises, aeqwdad New Heart Car
sura masjiutBHTe xsers-Baa, wasea
TossiBswii, keadreaa,
of jriihsfi etc It
addasi death, waava ia
50 - MORE - 50
"Job" Overcoats !
Bought at BIG DISCOUNT from
Prices made
This Is the thlrsl hill f these 9 4
aad the last we earn get ef them
this seasoa. They raage Iras
$2.25 to $25 in
We claim, we
$11, $12 and
Ever Shown in any Clotlung-Store
OUR stock of Men's Furnishing Goods is im
mense this fall. T$o one gives you the bar
gains in Underwear that we do, Our un
derwear at a Dollar a Suit is same -quality
sold in town at $1,50.
WE 1 Duck and Jeans Lined working
'Coats fifty cents less than other dealers.
Gloves and Mitts of every discription,
Largest stock of Trunks and Valises in
the city,
Chicago Clothing Stojg.
Opposite Post-Officer "
Backlea's Arnlcea Salve
The Best Slve in the world for cats.
Bruises, Sbree, Ulcers, Bait Bheaas, ferer
Sores, Tetter, Chapped heads, Chilblaiaa,
Corns, and all other Skim Eraptioas,
and positively cure piles, or no pay re
quired. It is gaaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25
eents per box . For sale by L. H. Deje.8
OreHaaacc. Na. 4.
An odinaoca to condemn lots 13, 12,
11, in block one, Kichsrdeon's addi
tion to the town of lied Cloud, the
same being land abbutiog on the ess
end of fifth avenue, betweea "ike
east termination of fifth areas and
Elm street and to provide -for the pay
ment of the same:
Section 1. Bo lordaioed by the
mayor and conaell of the city of Ked
Cloud. Nebraska, that l'-tj 13, 12, and
11, in.block one of llicbarsdon's sddi
tipato the town of Ked Cloud, Ne
braska, the same being a strip of
ground 70 feet wide, abbutting on
the east end of fifth avenue in said
city, and lying between the cast end of
said avenue and Kim street, be and
the same is hereby condemned for
street purposes, to open and extend
said fifth avenue through and to the
west line of Kim street, for the public
use and trayel of said city.
Sec. 2. Before said land shall be
taken and apparopriated to public use,
the same shall be surveyed by the
city engineer, and it svaluc shall be
ascertained and determined according
to law. Tbe appraisers shall be free
holders as well as householders of
this city, and shall be selected as fol
lows: The city shall by its committee
on street and alley, select two of said
appraisers the property owners shall se
lect two and the four thus selected shall
select the fifth, who after being duly
sworn by thecity clerk, to fairly and
honestly appraise said property at its
fair cash vilue, shall proceed to as
certain and fix the value of said prop
erty and report the fame under oath
to the Mayor and council at thtir
next meeting after such appraismeat
The appraisers shall esch receive the
sum of one dollar for their services
to be paid out ef such fund as the
mayor and council shall designate.
Section 3. After said land or lots
have been appraised and their value
fixed bv said appraisers, it shall be
the duty of the committee oa street
and alleys to open clear, and saake the
same ready for public use and travel
and extend said 5th avenue the whole
width through io the west line of
Elm street at oace.
Section 4. It shall be the datj of
the Mayor and council to cause said
land to be paid for out of sack fend
as may or can be mscd for that pwr-
pose, and on saea terms aad time as
ay be agreed apoa with the owners
of said property.
Seetioa 5. Aa emergency cxisU for
the immediate taking efect of this
ordinance, it shall therefore take efect
aad be in force from and after its pab
licatiou according to law.
M. B. JlcNitT, Major.
Attest: Thos. J. Wakxi,
llaplaalgt Welt I MiaaH a
Most people arry aromad with tries
a liver so dilapidated that if they tkomii
aae it they would Uksit for a straw hat
sss wnick as a liver a
Uaey bare a laaae back aad feel
KasUerw Fata nralyaer tease m ews-
janaaoa wtta Msnsra uarssaa nasa, w
ssaae a sew fatso of yoaaaa sasrr a
es mpasie ewre. For sale ky C. Is. CathV
idlsjffjst. t
on them 60
All sizes from 33 to 43
have the best
$14 Overcoat A
gaatc Faallsk People.
Allow a couch run until it cets beyond
tba reach of medicine. The? often say.
"Oh, it will wear away," but in mc state
it wears them away, uouiatoeyifo in
duced to try tbe suocesafal' medicine
called Kemp's Balaam, which is sold on
a positive guarantee to pare, they would
immediately see Use excellent effect after
takinff the first doje. Price .10c and ?1 .
Trial size fxs. At all druggist. 1
Ta California, Oregon, Wttak-
'iaston ana oincr svcsicrn
' aatats In Pullaian CalonUtM
Sleeper Via, tkc Union Fas
ciae The constant demand of tho traveilng
pnblio to tbe West for a comfortable and
at the same time an economical mode of
traveling hat led to the establishment of
what is known as Tollman Colonist Bleep
These cars are famished complete with
good comfortable hnir mattresoes, warm
blankets, snow white linen, curfain
which secure to the occupant of n berth
as much privacy as is to e had in first
class sleepers, plenty of towels, combs,
brushes, etc. There are also separate
toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
Another fact not to be overlooked is
that these Pullman Colonist Sleapers are
attached to the daily fast express trains
thus enabling passengers occupying
these cars to make the same time as
occupants of first-class Pullman Sleepers.
A charge of f3.on for a lower or upper
double berth made between Council
Bluffs. Omaha or Kansas City and Baa
Francisco or Portland
For those furnishing their own Iedding
free berths are given in Pullman Colonist
Cars running between Council Bluffs,
Kansas City and Portland.
The Pullman Colonist 81eeper is es
pecially. commended fortheu5eof the
nomeseeker who is moving to the west
with his family, and who desires com
fortable sleeping accomodations earoute
but cannot afford to pay the first-clas
Pollmaa Sleeping Car fare.
Formatter descriptive of any state or
territories through which the Union
Pacific runs, or for rate, time of trains
etc., etc, apply to E L. LOMAX. Genl
Pass, aad ticket Ageat. Omaha, Neb.
ftasMea Dcatka.
rt disease ia by f ar the most fre-
.... hoa nt mlln (loath, which IB
three out of four cases is uoswpected
Tbe symptoms are not generally under
atood. Thesjs are: a habit of lying o
tbe right aide, short breath, pain or dis
tress in tbe side, back or shoulder, irreg
ular pulse, asthma, week and hungry
spells, wind in stomach, awelliag of
ankles or dropsy, expression, dry coubg
and smothering. Ut. Mile, illuatrated
book on Heart Diesjesw, free at C L. Cot
tings' dms store, wbo seUs sad guaraa
teewDr. Miles' uoeqnaHed New Heart
Cure, and his ItoeterativeNervrce, which
cures BTvonspsss. hieadacbe, aWpsVaav
cess, effects of drinking, eta. It co.
tains no opiaUe. 3
. A. B. Casawaafee Taste .'at ire.
There will he a regular meeting of
James A. Garaeli Fot No. 80. held
at their hall Dec 14, at 7:30 f. au
At which aaeeting iatiertaat hsies
frill W traasacted. A fall aUcadaaee
is reqaestcL G. W. Ksiobt, P. C-
Mrs. J. a.
sBuaaseaadJ.lXTsyaar. ef LesMpart,
JBd assk nt- J f seals fiwsatakiac
H. Mra.-A.Gra.
e eareief aiia
Tastlsriaaa rerae aw raysdly be-
MaeSaseswaaj sssjyans sjb nssily:
tJaaSasssaMeee sssi inilni fr ac
ui lias a star, -f '- "
- . A. -----
aa ay... T- -.-
elBB,irawassa. "- " T". iiiaw r. aw. Ssr waaS et Mines.
Mfctsjat satsWaMS j raausks-s
W 9 "
r umj
Tafcisvaet all English people say
about whateTer they bar to 1L Is
America however it -the Tenlict of the
people" that Bailer Eab Wir Lusisa.nt
m the ssoet successful remedv for cut,
hrsisi sad sores ever Introduced. For
by C. L. CoUiag. druarist- 2
immwmm. mumn
Weheter CsMiatjr Saaallee far
Notlew it bervbr rirrn thAt cat 11 JAaury Ut
t4. U1 Uda wJ Uc rrrrtTra lUe tvnly
ura of ntnl.)! ot WrbUf count. V
brxtka, for upt4' to tfurr.lvbrt m tvBty
for ttM Trmr isn ml to be ontrred Xruta tleu ta
Utom aj &re4. to N oaarail bf I
cotnei It i KUMTttla Usatal w-r-KiniMw
o contract.
1V fUwiUic t a ttat of ww2f niltrt
a4UwKAarreC M41ss. alsOdt to te Bird
1U Um rooatr rlrrk.
Kjmam ticaa. prlat4 u4 r4. Tl&t rr
eurotM No. la XXX printr,!. white.
(fclOtra X. tXXX rwnt t,tt
a quirt rveidj pUla pi per Ux.
8 qmlrw rrcurtti prinw bc4 ir rxok.
qulrra rrcorU pnaui pe pr book.
quires rreorw rUlo rre per book.
C quires rvcortU prlntM pc per book.
Afl recont t be fall tuuad extra KuUn
Bdi, basds ka4 front cnTjicoTer. te poual
lBroa'a ScoVU flrt rlui Itttea le!rrr twper.
loa Imbc' petii o. 1 per ktwm
Leoa Iuk'i pern No. is per stom.
Leoa IjBBc'a peat No. 9 Bee srv.
Lead peociK beri No, 4 hezta rubber
Lead peacUs. Faker'a red and blue per duien.
Kubber bxua No. H vartsatea per lja.
Kubber eraeera (Ink aaU ieodl) YtXx' per
Irlcurins tab Sxa (leack per Uouia4
i'lSioiDK vaoa axiu iiao narai per loo
Cartera earalne Ink per tAui,
Abstract legal cap II lb Craao esUa jr
Abstract lecal cap 1 lbs CraDe c&tra ir
Mc 1 Ill's paper fastcuera round beads No. I
UcfJIU' paper fastCBcrs round beads No. :
per boi.
1'erfectlon iBucllairc r dozcu.
lVrfcctJou latter dies ier ale.
Globe document boxes Isxx4 per doxeti.
Ctobe documrat botes i0xtx3S x-r doxen.
tilobe docunteut boin luxiui per doiro.
:iobe document boxes IUi4Vi-S perduen.
lUxad overseers receipt book 100 iu book per
xn receipt book too la book pr
xlrk raxtrrUI per drn, Xi
s 200 yolet cacti fur tx2 gwrjMfbk. I
, orlKiuo). iluplicalo U)4'lrl()a-
Koad lists, extra
poa book
Tax rrcelet-
cate irftliousand.
itcceitits fur iu I
nc IrKiioUMiio. sS
l(ccriiU fur a incut under uiWt per MS.
Helrui!iUou certlflcatea iw-S.
Certtncates of arkuo wiejfreat eer ISS.
i ertincaXesoi cterafter per Hundred.
Wcctlou notice nr iar. per eozca.
lmcial beads fCT !.
iaui of ofjea per WB.
Koad overseen aMual setUemeM ar MS.
AUsKluaents Slstrlct coart per lea.
jerhBseat orders district court per Me.
AadavlMagalitirUlieedltHct court per
ASldavtU of replctia district court per tea.
Appearance fcoeds district court per IW,
lWKids for cost district court per 190.
stay bonds dtstriet ertrt err 1W.
lujuactlou boudaeistrlet court per lau.
Keplerm bonds alntrUt cotut per l.
AtUchmcnt bonde district court er luu.
Court wrapjnrrs (rlvll) dlautct court per lau.
Court m rappers criwlnal, district court icr
Caption to transcript district court per tea.
CcrtlRcatcsto traascript Ulstrlct court per
Captlousandcertitoatesto take ecspoallloa
district court per 18S.
Couindawon to take despowtWn district court
tief 1MB
Notice to take desposltloaexstisct court per
lkesaratU.w or Intention district cotirt per 10U
Keturuaot execuUousdiatrict court per too.
Kxecullenaott traascript dlstriet eeurt per
Klaal Bec district court per Me.
Jury aadwttaeas (let district court err W-.
Order of delivery to rcplcla district court
per one liuadred.
rrcclpn district ceur per one keedred.
lfeisamltaace of ctlmlsal wituces district
court per Uuad red.
rVusaiaous orikiasl dietilct court per one kua
Mummoee eepy district court pr hundrcl.
HusBSBeBa Hi error district court per one Hub
dred. Hubpuruas ortKinal district court per ose sun
dred. Hubpn-aaa copy district court per eae haav
dred. , ,, '
ttabetrnas iHcrtasieal casci district reeti ,&
one kHWdred. .
HtatemeBUof esai UljsJem r one
taauiAit iWBVjft -
-.sHrci eeOTi;cr one nuw-
AIMavIts aad uafarsBkis for nnlcr of at-
BKBaieBt la lustlessoun ter one hundrmi
Aaklarltsforsjarkc Justice court -er one
Appeal isntKecmrt per one liuailreJ
CoffiBhuVl lastlc ruurt ir one himlriHt.
CeSHBi'.iUts for ruiretupl Juillce court jcr one
tmitt las
nxeeutlons Jinllre otit er one Iiumlrnl.
Mittimus in lalLitl( rases Ju.llce court jxr
onehmulrc 1.
Notice o( cotj'tallr le Juttlee court jer one
Notlre of garnishee Ju.llce rouit irr !
Onl r of aUacltmoiilt Jiutlre cturl r t
Onler of vkf of alisijitil proKrl) jubilee
court nr oae liuitilreil.
iinlcr of arrrt jiiMW rmrt r ooe 1iiinlteI
ltiTonlMnc to keep tbt pence Jutre court
IK-riMie liund rl
K'iUilti miiiiiii'jim JustlccHirt cr one hull
Mi'iniioiii Jujtlrv ourt x-r one Ittiri-
Miiiiiiiii cop) JiMilcreiiirli-r oik tiutxlrrtl.
Siilnmo aknltMt g.irnl.h't'jii.tlro cotnl r
one hundred
Mul)i'ii9 cojy Jntlee rttint "-rMir hmolrril
nnoMi'iMorigiMi jiiMuecturi cr one nun
Uri"U. Mate warrant Jusllrt rurt er on liMtidrnl.
Search warrant Justice court ier our dun
t'tidertakliig for r.ts Jti.tlcr court
VrHlertatlng In onler of arnvl Justlre court
ler one lmndrr.1
Verdict ut Jury Justice court er our linn
drsl. Vrnlre of Jury Jtntlrf etnirt -t otf IinttdrrO
Tlie county larl rctenes tin rluht Ui rrjrct
,nv and all lull.
Itnl Cloud, Irrrmlrr 2. lot,
If. !. lU.HSJKr. intv ntk.
Prokale .otlc.
State of Nebraska. I
Wr!ter county "
In ibe county court for jIJ cnunqr.
To all jtsos lnterrti.l In ths esUte of
Marptret i Halt. Ceer irl,
VshcrraslMildM, llatt lus fllf. in till
erturt an Instrument ijriortliiK to Vr tle Ut
will and tegument of Margaret V. Ilstt ncs
ed late if said county. Ami a iHIUn iraTnc
tit hate tltc Mme admitted to prol. Wtdeli
III relates to both rel and irviel mUtr
Wherrufmn I haseapoiiitri Moml), the :it
day of Ix-eember 1;1 at 10 o'ekek In
the forenoon at thr county
court room In aid county a tt- lira and ptare
of provlns wld w 111. at whleh tltor ami iUrr
you and ail concenird. may apj-ear and con
tet the prooate of Uie samr.
Itlsfurtherorderrd that M ftltkvrf clre
notice to all arsons Intrretr-I Iu viW rotate of
tiie peiMSrnei of theititutiaml t!e time ami
place srt for bearlrw tr iw Uy c!Ib
epy of this enter to he publUhed In Ihe Krd
tKHjdCinsr a nrsrstaprr puhOJ4 In aW
ejunty for three week occestfely i-reilo
to the day set for said hearing.
In witness whereot I base lereCBto sH snr
hand ami official I this "Sth day of Strf-mXr
I:91. l-3 I K. Tscmr. tounty Jmlg.
Take .iflee.
Abraliaii Ifartman ifll take rxjtlre tkat pa
thevthdayof NoTeralrf lot .arao-! Vtet a
Jii'Ucr of the feaee of Kl rVwJ ejty In Wrt.
trreoimty. ehr avi-a ltxd an order of alU
wnt for the sum of IU la aa action pet4tisg
lirfore bits m-reln I. M. rTatt Is piilntiff awl
AlTaham 1 1 art man UefemJeat. that projrlj
eonltiax of corn In Arid Las la attar&rd
undrr sad iror saM rr ww rooilas-l un
f U tae th dar of Ieeaher !! at H okB A.
. i-j ikm ruATT. r.u.
ftkerlBTa Hair.
oOre Is kerehy slrrs. that wW ami hr s U
torof anortrorsaisttrl Iroastbr oSW rt
C II Cr"Se. eteew of ta dlatrtrt nrart tfc
elaJliJwlldaI dsstrlrt. 8kta ami for Wstr
rooetr Xetraka bjwhs a trrr la aft artsee
prarfJa? thrrrta. iVrrla Tae Americas Aanax
caslrd BodrrtAe laws nf tbe ttr Xelfraka
am) 4ulj larorporatetf are naiaUff.aJ asatcr! I
JOBS W. 'JZt aas I inK t rK,r i aam.
I BaJt oSrt tor i at .W trMw, t Xh
Biftiest tMder for rah lo 3saJ. th t
douraf tUecosirt mwse at 11 OJi Is 4
Wrtes eosiaty cka thwt-sstsJbrfasrfv
las aerera Use ksat lem of rsrt b) um
taw 3S day rf-asary tc. as 1 n'tietk ! at. -C
aid day t&r MVrviac 4-cn&ril tvr-rtf umtt.
TV- ssjeta i cs tar a a i sertkas tef yfar
a la townsBrfy l SMrtk raace rr U tW uk
r. w. Ia Wrifstrr eomrtr yrtraiSs.
;iTea UBrif f aey feaa tats IH 4ay 4 fsecat
erl9i. C A. Ttaxsri.
fryo. C Taax. lar.
c II WkJte. nalatirs Anoraer. ea-s
Sr sirtskf cf m rrerarUsst firertr4 1 se fi
tawttisarkrteassrtivt WrVer tssaxy. Uta.
s jsm ii aii n: irtBlBrii rtrr aasarf ssros.
a 1 assk a t tt ura ta m&4 e8f of Wetfl&rr
4esasfca,e9taaUi4T U DmeaaavT
esse, aaw rssukruit ia tnr f ara. jum r
rtaatala'.aadcasT W. Haetcid aad
r. M. Maassstet as 4rtranXM. im tav ssasa U
fatty fSa7
i aa4 any flO rials.
taaadatSO BrrraSj essaa. I
Aa4 X2 aCW U eaaa Sar aaks a
Hsdtrfaegasas kawat mAjmct te
BJlBSaiassas.assSBelstdara t iaslrrA.t.
tan. at li raat sW a law rewct hasaw, as aVssl
CaaasLbs aaU eesBMrttssl hwr taa Wtteassr
skeos ta laat teras af tmmtl maa krUJat ta-
I mmm swsae. r. Ja. aC
SaaiedUrrBrrStB.t(. CA-Titt. aassrid
Sf t. CTssji, Utrosy.
ssssMiiiaiyidBasSlJassarTassBJ U
viaaiB- . waw mmm. a. i . - w
Sterling Silver Tea
and Coffee Spoons!
Watches, Clocks.
Jewelry, Optical Goods,
Gold and Fountriin Pens,,
Silverware, &c.
:ai.i. o
Large Stoel
v :
Farmers Notice
EI0I1 :-:
. tBe Ar-.
S. F.
Red Cloud, Nebraska,
My goods arc all
irivc satisiaction.
Red Cloud National Bank Building.
Wgbstrjr Co. ALsiraci. Ofricc.
J. II. IIAH.i:V, AIlrMrler and I'rssfsrlrlssr.
Arrarnle AlrarU I'roHiplI) I'urnlaltrsi resrway liMsfa Iw Hrl.lrr
C'stMHt. A cestsfslrlc nniI ArrHrnle art af .lslrarl Nseeska
NRtl m ! tHfl Hirst Tllk rstssaly Jasf gr lasaMrra aallla.
For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or some
ood Bargains in Real Instate, call ou
oa ti7
ftfjjfk VawVP VasffP?
Lower than any yard in the world
What it
sssssssssssT a BSBW sftal ' Bssi IssV SL.asssssaIssW Jb sV
Bat saafF VasataW V "bH S tr7taW
Bam BawaV - asaaw aa Bam l Jt WaWJ
assasasawaa 9 snaawW
Casiari ia Dr. Saasael
Ckllsirwm. Itcemtalaa
Xarcaiae aa
far Paresjaric, Lrrasss,
It la Ftsaanat, IU
Mllliaaa a3taiara.
aaaa, Casataria areraaU linslllna ftsar Cara.
care IiaaTrase aa4 Wia4 Cailc. faasleiin laMstsa
AaatJsis traahlM -me -. - . m ). i-Im.s
BsSBaBVB awrsa?aa waaWBS SBBaBBBBjBasjps aajai asjBarsiaBa7
vwswia aiawwawuaaeaa iaa Masa vaaalaaaa MM aiaaaaaa
aaat WweLs, wirlac IseaJikw aaaal lamriliif Caa
mimimihmCklHxBTnmumk th. MHm. WUL
-saaW "
Catoriav. C4Jteri-L J.
- .- -t . W- aaasafaasaasjj aasswaaT as aaj ,.jaT
VbbBb aaaaaaVaaaafeSa faBsBBBanBaBBMHBa aBY aat -aa.- saar .MB-aaaaaaaaV &.
rit wtnm,
Silver Tea Sets
Ranging from $20 tq$25
Red Cloud
Souvinir Spoon's
SI 5
L. M. Vance, Red Cloud.
Fair StorE
Low, Price
- .
OR ft
and Highest
first-class and warranted
Pltaaerg raaaiinlia aw Iadaats
waatkaasy gyrasBmaval Cmmf OU.
raraHs U tklrtr 7aV aaa Vf
immM thewhite of cfgs.
k , tmmSLC -f-
'j -.
;V .
f'T.r -'
ai :z?
" -9VJ .
fcCr ?
fcc T K2r