The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 27, 1891, Image 4

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Hut a.RKwpflS wiaiffe :z
"Was igwur dfer'
- - mm-
cm telprkerif Andl?ow
Sbiyf before "
( tBremei
Fort Abstract
L. n. FORT,
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately ana
Having had ten yean, experience In county record ' " B0 oj,"!6. ?5' S$& Set f A
stract books In the sUte.ue guarantee satlbf action, onr favors solicited
All orders filled promptly. 10.000 dollar bond tiled
I nd approved. Address or call on
L. II. FOItT Manager, Red Cloud, Neb. .
Lower than any yard in the world
Cash grocery House
Groceries, Fruits Etc
Best Coods Only Come and see me,
The Cash Grocer.
pio&m Awm i?ie gfl we
Of Conover mid Dickcnion, and
In liis line and at the Very Lower! I inre Tor cash
Nothing but the best goods kept. Call an J
see me when yon want anything
in my line
Probate Not lee.
Wnhslnr roi'MV. (
In tliocountv court of Webster coiin.y. In
tins matter o the estate of AYilliaui 11. Albro
Notice is hereby kIvcii to all persons bavin;;
claims nnd demands against William II. Albio
latoof Webster county, deceased, that the time
fixed Tor filhiK claims ae.nin-.t said cMate is si
mouths from tho -Mb iluy of December. 1KU,
All persons are required to present Iheir claims
with ouchers to thu county jiule of sjiid coun
tvat bis iifllcc therein on or before the 4th day
of .Inne, IS'.--', and all claims so tiled will bo
heard bcfoie the said Midge on the Gth day of
.nine. is'.tJ. at ten o'clock in tho foienooii.
Dated this 7tu duy of November, lsyi.
10-H I). F. Tit UN km, County .uidse.
mssoLi'TioN notici:.
Cissohit'on of parttieisbip I lie p.utnerhip
keretofoie exist ini: bctuten John 1". Mome and
I.. Cam! A. D. (Jilbort, in tho much near
Conies. Xc-br.. in buying. leedinj; u -d fanning.
hs been dissolved by mutual consent, John !".
hoorc retirini: from tho co-paitner.hip, I.. "
and A D. Gilbort assumlii; all debts of the
nrm.thev holding all property and account
bcloiiidnctu tlieiirniof .Mooio.v I'libcii
.t. 'MM tunc.
I..C. Cilbert.
10-.: A f. Gilbert.
"Au honest pill is tho noblest worlj of
fie atiothecary.' DoWitt t, Little .ur
libera curft coiistii;ilion. biliuiiMiessiiuI
nick headache.- Sold at Clotting's drug
To C'alifornin, Oregon, Wihli
ingtoa and oilier Western
points In lMilIuiun Cloiiists
Sleeper Via, the I'nion Ia-
The cotiHtnnt demand of the trnveilni;
public to tl o West for a comfortable and
at tho same time au economical mode of
traveling has led io tho establishment of
vrhnt is known as Pullman Coloui-t Sleep
These cars nro furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, warm
blankets, snow white linen, curtain
which secure to tho occupant of n berth
as mnch privacy as is to ie had in lirt
c'ass sleepers, plenty of towels, combs,
brushes, etc. There nro also separate
toilet rooms for Indies and gentlemen,
nnd smoking is absolutely prohibited.
Another fact not to lie overlooked is
that these Tollman Colonist Sleepers
attached to the daily fast express trains
thus enabling passengers occupying
these cars to make the same time ns
occupants of first-class Pullman Sleepers.
A charge of $3.00 for a lower or upper
double berth is mado between Council
Bluffs. Omaha or Kansas City nnd San
Francisco or Portland
For those furnishing their own bedding
free berths are given in Pcllmau Colonist
Cars running between Council Bluffs,
Kansas City and Portland.
The Pullman Colonist Sleeper is es
pecially commended for the u-e of the
homeseeker who is moving to the west
with his family, nnd who desires com
fortable sleeping accomodations enroute
but cannot afford to pay the first-class
Pullman Sleeping Car fare.
Formatter descriptive of any state or
territories . throngh which the Union
Pacific runs, or for rates, time of trains
tc. etc, applv to t. l. lujuaa, uen I
a88. nnd ticket Agent. Cmnha, Neb.
How To Succeed.
This i the great problem of life which
few Fatisfactorily solve. Some fail be
cause of poor health, others want of luck,
Tut the majority from deficient gnt
. f nerve. They are nervous, irreso
Tut Stable, ejlycet the bines and
SSe spirits down to keep the spirits up,"
2ns iSt tag money, time, opportumtp
thus vasu" There s nothing like
anduerv f or "J discovered by the
L2?::l"nrU prostration, sleeples-ne, s
v St Vitusdancejfits, and hys-?.-?:.-an
book of testi-
- rl WKW-ssssL
h ye i9
5 -t'Ti ,si ;i rj vvt-bb
.JrtJ 3SVi YssV
- ry-i (I i j sVssW
f JSr'J&Q ifl I A BaSSl
8J? si i I 'ssssm
- jfY yf ijbsssbeS2
-w r$f'H i fcsssaft
O. r i v. 4HBpaa , im - -.
-- &s-
HTACuiBSoie otajD.
Co., Red Cloud,
i now prepared to sell anything
Hoard or Supervisors of Well
lcr county, Xebr., for 1M!2.
C. Zimmerman, Potsdam.
W. II. Patterson, Harmony.
A. II. IloiTinai), Ualin.
M. M. Miller, Stillwater.
John llasser, Pleasant Hill.
Win. Irons, Inavale.
It. W. Hummel, Line.
A. H. Crary, CJuiile Koek.
(J. V. Catlicr, lied Cloud City.
TWO year's term.
Win. Wright, Oak Creek.
J. P. Kglim;toii, (.Jlenwood.
G. P. Cather, Catheiton.
K. 11. Foe. Elm Creek.
.Faeoli Iviudscher, Ueaver Creek.
Jo.-epli Harbcr, Ked Cloud Twp.
Air. MeCall. Walnut Creek.
A. U . Holimgraiii, Gai fluid.
Ignorance of tho merits of DeWitt's
Ijittlo l-.arly Kisers is a misfortune.
These little pills regulate the liver, cure
headaeh. dyspepsia, bad breath, consti
pation and billiousness. Sold at Cott
ing's drug store.
The State Line Medical association
adjourned last evening at ,"i:00 o'clock to
meet again at this place, January 5, 1SD2.
This society began with eleven regular
physicians as charter members, viz: Drs,
Priest and Pigman of Concordia. Drs.
McKeohy, of Ked Cloud, and Davis, of
McOook. Drs. Patehen ot Nelson, and
IJayner of Hardy, Drs. Moult, Mitchell.
Powell, Hradshaw, and Foster of Suiori
or. The lirst meetings is reKrted to liae
been full of interest and profit, anvl being
well organized will result in mnch bene
fit to the medical profession.
Dr. Melveeby of lied Cloud, wa elect
ed president of the society, and Dr.
Hradshaw. Sujierior was elected secretary
- Superior Daily Journal.
If you want tho best and cheapostd
windmills, see llenrv C. Scott, of Kid
Cloud. lltf
Funeral Director.
Cozid oc Co., make a .-pwci-lt of
Undertaking Goods, and Funeral Sup
pi es.
Buggies and Wagons.
Co to II. C. Scott's for wngons, buggies,
vc lie keeps only the bost as you will
tind on investigation. lltf
Now is tho time to select your reading
for the winter. Patronize vmir home
merchants and ordt-r all pajiers and maga
zines of Deyo.
Happy Iloosicr.
Win. Timmons Postmaster at Idaville
Iud..wriets: "Electric Bitters has done
more for me than all other medicines com
bined, for that bad feeling arising from
Kidney and Liver trouble. John Leslie,
farmer nnd stockman, of same place,
says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the
best Kidney and Liver medicine, made
me feel like a new man." J. W Gardner
hardware merchant, same town, says:
Electric Sitters is just the thing for a
man who is all run down and don't care
whether he live or dies: he found new
strength, good appetite and he felt just
lire he had had a new lease of life. Only
.0c, r bottle, at L. H. Deyo's drug store. 2
Bee For Saic.
I have several swarms of bees for
sale. The hives "will average 40
pounds of honey. Prices cheap.
Address, Geo'. A. Latta,
Cowles. Neb.
Friday, Soy. 27, 191.
Entered at the i'ost Offlc In Ked Cloud, Neb.,
as mail rnatterof the second clans
School supplies at DeyoB.
Oliver Hedge, is in Kenasaw.
A new stock of lamps at Cottings.
Condition powders, a large variety at
Vic Fulton and wife were in River
ton Sunday.
Do you want a nice hanging lamp?
Go to Cottings.
Use Diamond inks. They are the
best, at Cottings.
Fred Frase and wife, viBted in
Naponee this week.
Harry Gates, of Senaca, KanHas,
was in Ked Cloud, this week.
Ladies', gent's and children's un
derwarc. R. M. Martin & Son.
A lamp giving a light of CO candle
power for only $2.50, at Cottings.
Cloaks, all stvls and prices just
arrived. R. M. Martin & Son.
Go to the Chicago store for your
clothing. They have the best in the
Take your old coat out of your broken
windnw, and go to Deyos for window
J. L. Miller the harness man has at
full line of rubber and leather belting
C him.
Nice new goods just received at
F. V. Taylor's, remember his price
are the lowest.
The Chicago clothing store is never
undersold. Fine clothing a speciality
and prices yery low.
The Chicago clothing store sells
tailor made clothing and you can al
ways get a fit there.
All the new and nobby styles in
jackets will be found at our store.
R. M. Martin & Son,
An U. S. Marshel was in the city
the other day, serving papers on some
of the debtors of the defunct First
National bank.
Blankets, quilts, flannels, cotton
battings, gloves, hose, anything you
want very low.
R. M. Martin & Son.
Ho, there! Calmes, the baker, in
Dr. McKccby's building north of
The Cihei office keeps the finest
bread, buns, cakes, pics, &c, in Red
Cloud. Try him. tf
There will be a temperance mass
meeting at the Baptist church next
Sunday evening Nov. 29th., Rev.
Randall will deliver the address. On
the same evening there will be a tem
perance meeting in the Chapel in
Lower Red Cloud. The address will
be given by Rev. Ely.
When Baby was sick, we care- her Castor!.
'When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria.
When sho bfamc Miss, sho clung to Castoria.
"When she had Children, she gavo them Castoria,
Lottery and Irlzc gclieincti
uned to sell Alum and Ain
moniu Baking Ponders.
A Now York concern, manufacturers
of ;m ammonia baking powder boasts
its yearly profits are. over a million dollars.
While, perhaps, nono of tho makers of
alum powders individually can show so
Inrgo earnings yet thtir profits nro
A business so prolitablo, will always at
tract to itself thoso whose greed will
causo them to utterly disregard the
effect their tralliu may havo upon the
health or life of others.
Alum baking powders nro introduced
largely by gifts, prizes and lottery
schemes, A piece of glassware or china,
a child's wagon, sled, a pewter spoou or
some other article of attractive appear
ance, but of small intrinsic value or cost
is given with each purchase or a number
is attached to the can which entitles tho
customer to a similarly numbered article
or to a prize of some kind. It is in some
such way sis this that tho trado in alum
aud simmonia baking powders, which
has now attained such giant proportions
and their consumption by the public
which has reached an extent which is
truly alarming.
The highest authorities of all countries
condemn tho use of alum in bread
without reserve. In xtmorica the most
distinguished physicians, chemists sind
hygenists have declared that the tratlic
in alum baking powders should bo sup
pressed by law. lu England and France
where tho subject of pure food, and its
effect upon tho system, has been more
fully considered and made the subject
of extended experiments by the scien
tists, so serious a matter is tho use of
alum in bread or other food considered
to be, that most stringent laws have been
ennctf d to prevent it. Theso laws are
rigidly enforced, and the sale of alum
baking jtovvders would not lie iermitted
for tin hour. Any one who attempted to
make them for uso in food, or at
tempted to ie them for for raising
bread, biscuit or cake would suffer se
vere 'tonalities.
The ill effects u'kui tho system m food
raised by alum baking powders' are the
more dangerous because of their insidious
character. It would le loss dangerous
to tho community were it fatal at once,
for then such food would bo avoided;
but their deleterious action because im
perceptible at tirst is no less certain.
The puckering effect which alum has
wnen UiKen iu me uioutti is fnmiliar to
everyone. Physicians say this produced
by it upon tho "deltcate coats of the
stomach and intestines.
What housewife would take home to
her family a can of alum or ammonia
baking powder if she knew it. Such
IKiwders not only undermine tho syste m,
but it is pointed out that ammonia taken
into the system in even intinetisitnal
doses day after day. imparts to the com
plexion a sallow and blotched appearance.
It is sfae to discard all baking powders
sold with a prize or gift-
What a misnomer are the words "Al
solutly Pure," as applied to baking pow
ders. Two of the largest selling brands,
one made from alum, the other contain
tuP' ammonia nnd both of these drugged
baking iowders have sUmped upon
their labels and circulars these words
ubsolutly pure, as a matter of fact they
are "Absolutly Poor," as shown by otlici"
al ei animations.
Fine Playing Curd.
f!hirai?tt-111- fnr n ni.V nt k I-. ,
smoothest, slickest plaving cards vou
ever saw. Just the thing for High Fvie
parties. For a 50c postal note uill send
you live packs.
The Snail Boy Steal Apple.
They are green apples and then he has
colic, cramps and diarrhea and thinks
he's going to g.1q and won't ever, ever
steal again. The careful mother alwivs
buys a bottle of Haller s Fain. Paralyrer
and the boy lives to "do so some more.
For Bale by C. L. Cotting, drugirist. 1
Send ten (10) cents in stamps or
John bebastian. Gen 1 Tkn. am P,
igt Chicago, Rock Island fc Pacific Rv
j i i
50 - MORE - 50
"Job" Overcoats !
Bought at BIG DISCOUNT from
Prices made
Thi Im the third bill or lhee good
and the last ive can get or lliem
tlii Mcuon. They range from
f 2.25 to $25 in
We claim, we have the best
$11, $12 and $14 Overcoat
Ever Shown in any Clothing Store
OUR stock of Men's Furnishing Goods is im
mense this fall. No one gives you the bar
gains in -Underwear that we do, Our un
derwear at a Dollar a Suit is same quality
sold-4ii town at $150.
VvE SCH Duck and Jeans Lined working
Coats fifty cents less than other dealers.
Gloves and Mitts of every discrip'cion,
Largest stock of Trunks and Valises in
the city,
Chicago Clothing Store.
site Post-Office.
Mrs. A. C. Ilosmcrwas in Beatrice
this week.
Mrs. G. W. Hummel, is home from
her visit in Iowa.
J. A. Tullcys and son John, return
ed from Fairfield, this week,
Mrs. D. M. Able is visiting with
Geo. Able and wife, in Denver.
Call on Cozad oc Co., for undcrtak
inir, and careful pieparation of the
Christmas is coming. Now is the
time to let the people know what 30U
have to sell.
Mrs. Cox' bah) was bitten by a pet
dog the other day, and its little face
WdS badly lacerated.
.Robert Hunter, of Kentucky, was
visiting with I). M. Hunter, our worthy
county superintendent, this week.
Buck, calf, sheep gloves and mit
tens, luiskini: glove-? and hulking pins
at It. M. Mautix & Sox's.
Lost a black calf robe, new, be
tween Inavale and Red Cloud. Find
er will pleafe leave it at this office.
The ladies IJ. H. M. society Hazaar
befor Chri.Mmas, for the sale of a va
riety of articles suitable for prsents.
For sale A new single top bugiry.
Will ell for, on time, or will
trade for corn. KinU'rc of L 11.
Call 011 T- K. Penman for line
jewelry watches aud clocks, silver
ware, specs etc. Cotting's drug
Go to T. F. IViimaii for fine watch
cluck and jewelrj lepainug. Arii:-
11c letter anl monogram engraviii. I
t titling s urug siore.
Do not fail. to ci 11 and -ce F. V.
Taylor's stock htfore bu)ing. He
bu by the car this save freight and
can sell cheaper than aub'uy.
You may cough and cough and cough
and congh nnd cough, but oa will not,
if you take De-Witt's Cough nnd Con
sumption Cure bold at Cutting s drug
After ars of espei-t..-: , ma fee
the intelligent care f the dead a
5peualt. and are prepared to attend
all calls in the city or conntn . F. V
Ta lor, funeral director.
Undertaking by F. V. Talur who
ha had -.ea.s of pra tidl experince
in the scientific ci-r-.; of the dead and
is better prepared ever to ton
duct the bnsinos in all its branrhr
Can't lied Cloud do cometh'ng to
attract the people who I. avc hcfii g
ing to other towns to tr.idr? Why
not revivf the luiues-; men's asuc a-t-on?
SomelhitiL shruld be done and
at once Ti ere is no rcA;On hy cur
streets should m t be lined ulth w.
gon loads of corn, c.c
A Fatal fli:kc
rhys:ciaca make no more fatal mi
take than when they inform iwUecU that!
oerron heart Trocbles come from the!
stomach and arc of little conei3enee-1
Dr. Franklin Mi!es he noted ladUaa J
specialist, has proven the eotrary in bt ,
new book on "llfart DU'-a.;. whieh mty 1
be had f rrc at C L. Cottinc'js who year-.
entee irnd rfcomajenilj Dr. Mile cc-
etjualrd New Heart Cnr-, which h" the j
largest ale of any htwrt remedr in the
world. It ceres ierwo and organic t
heart diea.o, sacrt bre&th. flctteriajj. 1
pais or tcudrne&s ia the side, arm or I
rrintr. dropsy, etc His Rmtor&tire Xer-
- ., ....p.-.. r-r' "-. - - . - -
t"u rw he-cdach, fit tic 2
on them 60
All sizes from 33 to 43
llarb Wire.
A. Morliart has just received a car
load ef barb wire and will sell it
cheap. Come riirht along.
Farmers, if you want clothing,
boots and shoes, dry goods or grocer
cs, we will divide our profits with
oil. Call and sec us,
K. M. Maiitin & Son.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castor!
You don't want a torpid liver. You
don't want a bad complexion. tou don't
want bad breath. You don't wnnt a
headache. Then uso DeWitt'n Ijittlo
Early Risers, the famous little pills Sold
at Cottintf'e drutf store.
Nbtwitnstnndinn hard times Deyo'. is
having n good trade because low prices
and good prices count.
iV,)'.Y.) bushels ot corn for which I
will pay highest market price. Flour
given lu exchange.
Oscar Patmor.
Tke your p'ck now of ihe overcoat
at Wiener? Gulden K.u'e they arc
-.oiling tlieui cheap.
( )ur etHTience coven" many ills, niariv
pi lis. and many bills. )ur illi nn mall
er, our pills are smaller, and our bill are 1
smaller when wo use DeWitt's Little (
Early Hisrs,- Sold at CottingV dnur J
I5tK'KIcn Arnlfca Suite
The Be-t Silve in the world for eit.
Brui-e3, Sore?, Ulcer?, Sal. Hhenm. fever
Sore. Tetter, Chapped hanil, rbtlbUtc.
Corn.-, and all other Skin Kmptiozw. ,
a J po-itivelv care- pile, or ao jit re-
Hatred. It i gaarsnteed to sriTe perfect '
at i-f action or money refunded. L'rice2i
cent- per box . For ale bj L. 11. Dejo. '
Tor Ja!c or Trailc.
A choice farm of 1GU acres. 1 mile i
from town, good frame 110U-.C, ?0 acre -if
cultivation, ad ti Utle but about
10 acres umber. Kx?t icrais r will '
trade for stck. D. J. Mver?. J
KdCI-udf Ncfcr
3illc cnc and l.lvcr Pills.
Act on a new principle reulAtis thx '
liver, stomach od bowels throoh thi
nerTe. A new dicorrj. Dr. Miltt'
pill pedily tmre bdOBnes. ad ts.',
torpid liver, pile. co3tiptkn Ue
cqnaltd frrse.won:ea. children- SsxH
et. mddest. sare-tr Til doe. 25 s
Pitcher's Castoria.
Ohiidrer - .. ,
Kemarkublc Rcctic.
lr.. ICiehel Cnrtaja. ?Uib2eld I!L. make
th? "tatrmt-ot that he racbt cold, wbtdt
settled on herlanj;., he a trsatrO fer
areorth by her fnil pbrKian, b-at
srew wore. lit to'd her he wa a. bop '
less Ttatsm of cocamptioa aad tkut eti
ccdicme coold care hrr. ller drat
sasifeated Dr. Hic- Kew Iit-orrj tor
t'oassmpiios, he iMiht a bottle as.d to
fter dehht foand krrt-eif beneflted fros
first de- She coaticced I' ce aad
after taVhy; tea bcttle, focad herrlf ,
' - - --- -. w-- r-.
wort sad 1 well xs ebe crer u Fr j
trial botU of this Grrat Dicorerj ti I
L.H. Dero drujj tore, Ur? buttlMij r '
ki:i 'Lori. j
IU Surrounding autl C'kjicr
Tor lroptrfy
lied Cloud Hcl CIoad?' ltd
Cloud?!! Le'ji ee, it' a f-aitlur
J name, jear ao it wjs knovti a over
the country from one cad th
states to the other. What the
confluence? Let'.- st K-d l'J.nd.
ye?, lieu Cloud, them t t uji-r-
pooplceoiumg i the nty vur w-
ttl she grew irH: a ul- v.iUclu tw
thouaua sooLs. a i ra ifet iU, .f
the Val.ey.' '1 . iirt ihi r i
year? of ic e .it-t in ' d (.!!.
the citj wa- fu f b. , it rj
,ciu:ui wa.. iii .clra ih r grvwih.
You c-uld tot htarcf a ..4 jV-
mg ugntstd. 'rtnm
she wa-, U'ttg x strtct jt. "-tinj
there."' o then, vU' tiapjrt.ndT
The best pcop .of theit t-tumr fo
tnXVRed Cloud. Nebraska,
suit woull be. What wa the re-nlt? '
lKKOCUO'.llAUelUJ! Thr inU-tft-
of the city were forgotten while the
battle raged, and as a constNjumce tlc
city that h uld h.tvc befn ltH) jMrpu
latiot; easily, is today oulr -tXiV.
What are wc going to do about 11?
That is a moui-mious question, bet
easily solved. We are going u buiW
lied Cloud up again. Totla)' all is
peace and harmony among our people.
No di'-enting voice?. All to work'
No more will juu hear the vui- of the
croaker in the di?tanee, but from this
on, every man, woman and child tuuet ;
sound the tocsin of "Ked (.'loud s pros
perity. Wc must be interested in
getting our town lot? booming, we
inugt go after creameries, chtcsv facto
ries, railroad?, manufactories, etc.
This is not idle talk, hut all can be
procured if a persistant cifutt 11 put
forth, with every man at the wheel.
Ked Cloud, is the best located city iu
Nebraska, and is the best iowii in the
valley. K very body get to work and
we will have another railroad, or some
other enterprise that will be beneficial
to Ked Cloud. A public meeting of
all the citizens should be held at once
to devise ways and nivalis. Hurrah
for Ked Cloud and the boom that will
strike her in Ul and 'J From this
on let every one talk K-d Cloud.
Will you do it? A b'nu- will br
given any railroad or
establishment that will loca e ht-re.
The first come the hr?t scrwd
On lat Saturday evening ;n Alfred
MeCall and daughter, were driving
home, they attempted to pisa Sam
Hen ton aud hi? team, somu where
about two miles wet of the bridge.
At the point dc?ig(,ated there i a
very abrupt turn in the road, and
here it wa that the attempt was
made. In rounding thi- corner both
team? were running, and in turning
rapidly the wagons were up-ct throw
ing the occupants of both out, break
ing Mr. Mocall s Kg near -h Jm"''
and his dangler's just above the auk lr.
The Heatou family wer more fortu
nate, Mrs Heatou only receiving a bad
shoulder bruise. The accident is to
be depiorui. Tiik Cim:r doe?
not care to 'iitcr into the
causes of the accident any
farther than to say that there w.n a
little bad blood between the two
ncighbojs. vVe Iiojk. Mr. MeCall and
daughter will ?poedly recover.
Mrs. ('. K Clark, living near
Cwle?. a woll-kniiwn corp-spondtMit
of Tin: ClMKr, and d-uight.r of our
aged friend-. Ir. (' Siln nek and wif,
passed away to the land beyond the
blue, list Mnndat. after ;i brief ill
ties-, midst .-orrouiug friend- ad a
loving husband and f.tmih. She r.t.
an evemphry Chr.-tian lady and Tin:'
Clin.i d. -in- io extend it eon !
lence t tlf bereavel pn-ent- mid '
r I . 1 . U .. . 1. .!l . !
laiiiny w no .j;i ween r nit-i uit't v
J '
part with a kind and aft-ction.ite wife
and mother, and a dutiful daughter.
The remains were laid atny on
Tuesday, a large cweoiir' of ir.emU
following tlum to their li't renting
There wa- tnu-ic in the air (hi
week. Mr. Heck.r. hid a lei n on Mr.
m .1; . i .1
Mou.-cr? corn near tht e.ty In the
av tim1 UecKcr womM hu-V the crn
and at night Mou- r. it is viid would
haul it off. It was a 'uliir ifaae but
we haw not been i f rnrd a- 1 wl.
held the m-t tfiimr I! -th ' ",r
men plav a uo! gir- w u"ier-ii!
Testing the Baking Powders.
Comparative Worth Illustrated,
bt PROP. PKTEIt COLLIER, latk cnrwurr xx cnttr or t
DR. PRICE'S... -,
rare Cream Tartar.
BOTAL ....
Costaisa Awaymli.
Alum atl Amnvrta.
Tayler 1 Upoonir -
yn asd AwniTti-
AJara and Amsonia.
EXOW I1ALL . ,-k
Aiasi a4 AriTrVTaia.
Coataisj Aluta.
Ccixic Aia.
TARXALL-" .. -
Alsa aas A
MILK . -
Atxaaad Attvhi-.
wnr box .. . -
voBBrrr cm
Aisa aaa
Assass JUnaioBia.
exowx -, r
Aaa aad oma
Aha xsti XxsssasiM.
Abo- ciaas vrxs dzm-n ii3 nel in aH J ritiS. VTr& J?
2Sc1alSTd-Shh chctaxl ta of cA bral ewaraL
tae qaaajuT a-j"j x Ttc p-oC CoC?
asu ctaerai usciiiicK -- ---;
2d ceaeral
.. - .v f.i- i-v. mrrm ua. orc riK-ii .
ia t-l . '-mA cuier Anccaia or M, aad r-r ts IfO.
Kot oae -sroraaa xa tea tioaa4 woaM tae a
der if she kaer ii. Sach Fxrder3 set ca.
- u! or Ucuixd
-. CT r, . -, r,V
" J - .
Ttf. cr aar otier
bees cxc3.tcscd-
H Zadk3crc Tz-m-Lrr CCSaSmCmemm
mm Xm, VWf mTTTTh. ihmS. CthcT J.TmmTd jt!m7m tCXZ, &
7? IT 1. -.. - -,-
UK IX7 1 J - . I.!!,
Farmers Notice This
FOR :-;
My oocls arc all
irivc satisfaction.
Red Cloud National Hank Building.
Wbsfv;!' Co. rXLsD'rivIf Office.
J. II. HAII.DV, AlMlnirlrr nntl lruprlriur.
Aecnrale llxlrart IVomptl) I'urnUhrtl fur ai) I.hiuU In 4Vrltrr
4'ctiittl). A rotuilc(r nml .Iritirule irl if ltruil loK
and a 110000 ImiikI nirtt Tllh count) Jutlic ltiurr il-
For Abstracts, Cheap l-irni Loans o some
Cood Bargains in Real Kstatc, call oti
;; crMt'iK xeukaska.
(' II llick?hnd hv"l bumiioNi at lti
Hill the faro jnut of tho vek
Tho U. A. li. limn clertrtvl oer pil"1."
nt thfir camp tiro I hurKltt nritg
Willinni 1. Onwi-m hiujd bin farm
U Mr. 'I ikmi-iii. frwMi 'Swnutim.
W. II. lMlmnn wont U t)wnha Mw
dav with two enn of tut hvg
nv tti our inruiiTH urn nuiitni: mi
lure o e rttui to tiohl ituHo-uw ert
of corn.
Tho Homo Mwooimrj mjciKv mot nt
tin homo of Mrs. J to, lliinlun. whnro n
KiMHlHUfiNritMnM to nl-Hit tU
ptTMinH nnd nn enn able ovrning (uit
1'laden in to ha n 1 hnntmoM re ami
a enntalu Chrintinrw no tu the C. A. 1
The C A K. hall w now elenr fnm
dlit, uml it hiui l-een deOldel to gtvo It
n c xit ot pauiU
A lloiur Down "Ulr I'p.
!'.nF7tiiiJ n eJil. Mm ;ur(inni
Haul hot whukev
int Knty atl cat
nip twi, V.AXIU1 Mn mu
. ,
irl w.-vn
the thing, but (irntulpn (heti'eti
hiuil id Iliillerw mire cure iugh nrui
,. ....1.1 ...',..... ....1... 1 .. .11
"'"" """"'"'"."imiiiiiu, i
Willow ( rrrk.
Mnw Minnie Wilder, of thiH placo and
Mrn. ti'.ij. Inttn of I'Am Crook, utart'Hl
for (.Jihfornia tho lith Mr Ixittn will go
in the hpring
A. (. Hon kmt a VAlunblocowTuduy,
from ooting wiuit
Will HrulMiker im teachmg a ulnging
h:1k)1 nt AmUjjr ami kt- H"j.
Joshua nml Henry Itrulmker are build
ing a Iiouko and barn for Mr MrKighan.
lrel 1 5. n 1 tartel for CenterviH lon,
al-)ut the Ural of D-eniNir.
Mr. Sidnej (.'01 will teach the I'ietMaut ,
I Hill -ii thm winter
I till
illfwIiMiiHliliig anil UotMluork.j
I " Hummel, h oponrd the j
hlacl smith slop. jut north of Sleep
lr 4 Llltlilitl I IHit li hnw ,i,m, ,J fl..
-- - ..-" i-n v
:, .1 ,,,...' .1
10 an kinu 01 ilckinitliiiig anil1 , , , '
wiHHlwntk. He i, a fini.l.ed trado- ' UH n lv" U"""' ",'1 V"r r
man and will do your work -noil (Ml VVtrlnZ
and rc htm tf
itWMi.uwiMhn,Vftthn; iw,u,f"al ,M!R:". j ii
j I.iUlo Y'Mxir IUtp Uao n erwrnwHu.
aliusrwl vltt Kimi4r l-yjauao Ih-y urn
. I-- Ukwi: --tHl WJ tmlu
, A iil! for tb mwbtfrilii. SwW nt ( U
: '. 1
- ..
Hold' Trie rrpub!?4n
orirrnti n h.i bw t fr Jkd
!''-'. anl -ill U klt t Mi
l!'p 1 ' mh w'i ktr'l ftkt
far it r 1 d. i n t i -ed
" . . -u
se Tie
Vrrtdtt mS
a by TrrCem&B.
mmt T . m-mW m-m-mw m m "m:
i.y . ,.
ar Xbrnst
a Aarraesia cr AJxas jmatt-z
tmlmmmmm L
and Highest Market
Paid !
first-class and warranted t
Mr J C (irnwl".
llung thu '"..
t mi u I .). fr tliu eiAlmmry. enr
fuBten nivl Unl rte' mm! m Jrua.
Th murk TkaVKiTiK Ua l to
i'reat 1'awiIj WcwVIj litul Wfct4
thu weiV.
Mr. WidutT ainl if f-iltr 4
' Uiothr wf Ml t. W
K alJ, r I
lUr ity IltlK-
. . " ., .. l,.- i. . ,k- -, .
. i
llr iailcl 1W Ofct. lll $.
' tit the mtrrot wf tk Kjtigkl f
; JJbor.
Mr .fnct. (!. l'Ur. u Wr $
day Sckol ela a Jitj UaA. 54UjMy
aftornoaii. Tke Utiie trklWw nut
very muk- plod.
SuperYiMK elpt Foe wm a pll
caller, and wa th' irl inWriSfr t
take a C"Jt t-f -ur fan. i ft T
i'li Uip whi h e r- ''! f '
Ltti i t J J l?. r .'
rmrt Ju
nrritillnn L..
. ....
it. i hf erratet !i
J nrmpapcr wt f Tfituh
- 11
' .
"7 - i "
O j 1 'J.StC?5
Wiener awai kiU ike ai
er aiwai miu Ute ai
head, asd h ilon it irir h Un
. , . . .
IiiirLml MMl Ula tL thl fll tMil.
TkanlKiYij( i ( !l n tl u
'w iirkey r.t iJrM t.Wn
erK'i fr held l lk Chittau
ekurrk m htrl, ik, miiti tiiry
f tU, , i ..! n,.f
'" " r ? - Pr"
. I Ak tmr rr W. I i)..u ..
If ( fm, ! im r !. .Wi.l
I lr t- 4 fr .!!, b
trrAKK ! Hri7LTt.l
rQR&r-jrwfcjl 'a I
S3 SHOE ci.ffii.
m l4tST SHOE TK vO K f
t )ifcitinw rim- w
la t-ty I t - i "
fete Wtf Vf I. ... tLl
w pl fkf V1 i.-A
K v- - - k
M ll.--.m -
9 Ml -J--.. Mitt M" W -
inL 1- - g...p l m .i.pwp t0r -
i rIK r.
c ?
.. - . m-m ".
V m mm m m.r mm
f J. mm-4 J V ,... -'
t tm -V" " - - mm '
.1 i I J -- - -
mm m - m m9
W.rb4 ifc- 1. 11 - - .
ItUm., W t mmtr-fm ' im,
t mmtim-m mm tmm m-mtfrnf m mm
UTmm mr m,mm,ym tm W -' mm "-
rr alrj
iii:hv iii:ikm 11. iir m
lMe tU-Pilrr. K iIta
t'rabalr llcr.
Vmmm tmmmt
7fcjej- wb.M4 t
m mmm w mX U tm m t
wm " m-omrmawmm jmm,i,0mr,4 - mm A
4I mmmm m t W.a V tmmmm-
t ttM -4 mum -mmtt Xum tmWmmm , -4
V. lip. tmmr nm hmmmmmt mm "UP V1
mi I tmi.imn m " rmmJmW ",,
.mm mt
mt ,Vt mmm
.mm mm " (
mrr wm- mSm tmrnrnf
M mt tmliurm r- mumt tmHtmmm .
n.-li mm mm fm ''. ' '" m mmmt mmm 4
- j C m j 1 Miiii mmwt - mmm mmU
mtmr mmttmm wm'mt Vmm mmtmm mm im,
m m mt mm W IIW -m Mm -
,mmt ' ''
l.iwO mw mm
i V ' l m1 fc mmm mm-mm)
1 MI brM I mm-"
mmt H4 Oml - mm,- m -4
S tm r -
nml' Mitum
P -ijt M
my 4 mm mum " '. mmm
1 1 m li two. w.w. f mm
m-m m r "- m-mtm t
mm mIM tmm-
if i a,iif m
TaWe tif'.
Vb Xft mm mt US m4m V -,
mmnm mt V Xm m mmt I ttmm
mir mma.t1. . mmmt mm "
Ml Jr w - mHr
ii S3 ai.W mU thtmmtS
mrmmJm tttt'Um mPmm.lmlmt Oml fmm-9f
CmC ml mil t a Vp ifcfcrt
ifafliJfHl',,," 51"
,. t4 tt rtr.rat
JJirtCl.ColUng8. 3
f mtl I J. "1 K Rt mmvi-m mm,m . m