The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1891, Image 4

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XX:KiiRBjKJc&Ga Chicago,
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
h. H. FORT,
Av V&ilWVliilil rfm&(G.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Having had ten years experience In county records and one of the most complete set of At
street books in the state, we Ruaranteo satisfaction. Yonr favors solicited
All orders filled promptly. 10.000 dollar Ixmd Hied
t nd approved. Addns or call on
L. JI. FOIIT Manager, Kcd Cloud, Neb.
Lower than any yard in the world
Cash grocery House
- now open
Groceries, Fruits Etc
Best Coods Only Come and see me,
The Cash Grocer.
Read! Read! Read!
?b-to awd
or Conovcr and Dlckcron-n, mid i
in hift line nnd at llic Very
Nothing but the best goods kept. Call
see me when yon want anything
in my line
'D. B. Spanoe.
Real Estate
and Loan AGKr
Red Cloud.
Dissolution of partnership. Tin t:irtiieilii
btrrtofora existing between Jolm 1. Mtxiru and
L.C. nnclA. D. (iilburt, in the ninch near
Oowles.Xcbr.. inuuyiiiK. feeding nil fanning,
tu been dissolved by mutual consent. John 1".
Jaoorr retiring from lite co-jartnenltip, L. C
nnd A. I). Gilbert assuming all debt., of the
firm, they holding 'all property aii'l accounts
belonging to tlicnrmol Moore & Cilhcit.
i, F.Moore.
I.. O. fi ilbert.
1C-3 A. I). t;rtbit.
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
' other Xarcotic suhstancc. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothius Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty ycars uso fcy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
Castciia Is an excellent medicino for chil
crea. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C Osoood,
Lowell, Hass.
Castoria Is tho bet remedy for children of
hidi I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
fateresi of their children, and uso Castorta in
stesd of the varioasquact nostrums 1 which aro
5St)ying their loved ones, byforcrnsopiisia
3S soothinjr "P Cr bUr.
JSlown their throaty thereby senoons
them to premature graves."
Conway. Art
jfc Cemtear CamfXTi
am laden V1H7 fftTgjft
From tye golden gmt.
10 tangs across me
v Sea
i carry sweet hope
WlUl RNTA ua
As a. cargo
clear as can be.
aus 5
only by
wjl k &ua
now pr part 1 to tell anylliiii
Lwcl Figure fr cimli
Taken I'i,
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has taken up on his prem
ises, on the southwest quarter of sec.
ill, town 2, range 11, west, three head
of calves described as follows to-wit.
One heifer calf, black with white
.-pots, one heifer calf white with black
.-pots, one spotted bull calf. Those
interested will take notice that if
stock is not claimed and expenses
paid 1 shall proceed according to law.
12-5t W. J. L'OZAD.
Probate Notice.
Sr.vrn or Xf.uiiamvA. I
Webster eoenty.
In the count v coin t of AVcbMer conn. v. in
the matter of the estate of William li. Albro
Notice is licicby given to all persons having
claims ami demands against William II. Albro
late of WcbsR-r county, deceased, that the tune
fixed for tiling claims ngutnst Mild estate is six
mouths from the -lib tiay of December. I KM.
All persons aie reipured to present their claims
with vouchets to the county Judge or said conn
tyat his oilice therein on or before the 4th day
of .lune. lKCanu all claims so filed will lit?
heard bctoio the said judge on the t'.ih dny of
June. lM-.. m ten Vloek in the forenoon.
Dated tbisTth dnvof ovember. iu.
HV-ii D. 1 TKOKKY, County Jiulgn.
"Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescriptioa
known to mo."
II. A. ARcnnt.lL D
111 So. Oxford St., Urooki.V. T.
Our physicians in tho ehildrvau depart
ment hare spotcn highly ot their experi
ence in their outside practico with Gloria,
and althoagh we ouly hire aaiocs: car
medical supplies what is Imown a.s n?uUr
jrcduct3,yet-wecr9 free to confess that tha
merits cf Castoria has -woa us to look with
favor upon it."
Ustted nosnrai. axd Disrsysarr,
Boston, Slasg,
Auxs C. Sitrrn, Frcs.,
?4 !
'H. .r mi
, TI Mnrrcy Street, How York City.
Friday, Xo v. 20, ID I.
Entered at tlie l'ost Offlce In ltel Cloud. Nc'j..
; mail mattrof th wcond rlan
cofi trios.
The Government Examination
of ISakitiK Iowd r Royal
OIHcialiy Reported Iure.
The reports of the Government an
alysis, as made public from time 1
time in the official reports, form use,
ful subjects for study. A great deal
of attention is devoted to the exam
ination of baking powder?, and very
properly so, for they are articles oj
general use, and many of them being
so grossly adulterated all possible in
formation should bo given to enable
consumers to distinguish between the
good and the bad.
A large number of these articles
have been analyzed, the samples being
collected from dealers in all sections.
The impurities found were principal
alum and lime, both unwholesome.
The alum is used in place of cream of
tartar because of its low cost. The
lime, both tartrate and sulphate being
found, was present from the use of im
properly refined cream of tartar.
The analysis found and reported the
Iloyal Baking Powder to be pure, free
from lime, alum and phosphatic acid,
and of high leavening strength. A
complete analyslB would undoubtedly
have shown no baking powder except
the Royal oatirely free from some one
of these objectionable ingredients.
This wo presume accounts for the lack
of leavening power in tho other pow
ders, as sometimes complained of by
the cook, and for the bitter taste found
in the biscuits s frequently complain
ed of by ourselves.
The reasons for the chemical purity
of the Royal Baking Powder were re
cently given in the New York Times,
in an interesting description of a new
method for refining argols or crude
cream of tartar. It seems that it is
only under this process that cream of
tartar can be freed from the limi nat
ural to it and rendered chemically
pure: that the patentn and plant for
this cost the P.oyal Baking Powder
Company about half a million dollars,
and that they maintain exclusive con
trol of the rights.
This official recognition of the puri
ty and value of the Royal Uaking
Powder by the Government will adi
to tho already wide popularity of that
article, ana deserved ly so.
NolwithHtnndintr hard times Devo'.s is
having n good trado becauso low prices
nnd good prices count.
A National Event.
Tho holding of llio World's Fair in a
city scarcely, fifty years old vcill be n re
mnrkablo event, but whether it will really
benefit this nation ns much ns tho dincov
ory of tho Restorntivo Norvino by Dr.
Frankiia llilcd is doubtful. This is just
what tho American people need to cure
their execpsivo nervousness, dyspepsia,
headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, nenrni
gin, nervous debility, confusion of mind,
etc. It nets iikonchnrm. Trinl bottles
nnd fino book on 'Nervous nnd Heart
Dissases,' with miequalcd testimonials
free nt C. L. Cutting's. It is warranted
to contain no opium, morphino or dan
gerous drucs. 1
dmiaren Cry for
"T s ioi's Castoria.
IVXYA bushels of com for which 1
will pay highest market price. Flo.'ir
si ven In exchange.
To California, Oregon. Wash
ington nnd other Western
noiiitftIii 1'iillnian Colonists
Sleepers Via, the Union Ia-
Tho constant demand of tho traveling
public to tbo West for n comfortablo and
at tho satuo timo an economical mode of
traveling has led 10 tho establishment of
what is known as 1'nlhuaa Colonist Sleep
Tiieso cars are furnished complete with
good comfortanlo hair mattresses, warm
blankets, snow white linen, curtain
which secure to tho occupant of a berth
as much privacy as is to . had in first-
class sleepers, plenty of towels, combs,
brushes, etc. There are also separate
toilet rooms for Ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
Another fact not to bo overlooked is
that these Pullman Colonist Sleepers are
attached to the daily fast express trains
thns enabling pa.-engers ocenpying
these cars to make the same time as
occupants of tirst-elass Pullman Sleepers.
A charge of 3.00 for a lower or upper
double berth is made between Council
Hluffs. Omaha or Kansas City and San
frrmicisco or Portland
For thnsu furnishing their own bedding
frer t'erihs are given in "Llliaau CoIoaLt
'Cars tunning between Council Hlnffs,
I Kansas City and Portland.
I 'Pi... i,..ii r- - . - - 1
1 1 ill 1111:111111 1 fiifiiiKT ?:..i,iu , ....
i neeially conjniei:dei forthcueof tho
. H. ........ ,v,-.l. - ....ii-v. .-. t-- !
or the ueof tho I
j lurnetce!:er who is :noving to the west
with his fiur.dy. m.d who deire- com-
.oriawe sleeping aceor.iodRtious nrouto 1
"" 1i.nvn. iu.miu hi pay i ne uicias.,
ruiiman hleepmg Car fare.
Formatter descriptive of anv state or'
territories throngh .hich the Union ,
1 aciuc rusi. or torrate. time ot train
etc., etc. apply to E 1.. LOMAX, Gen'l j
las. and ticket Ageut. Omaha. Xeb. !
Our exeriet:co covers many ills, many j
pills, and many bill:?. Our ills! are Email-1
or, our pills nro smaller, and our bills aro j
smaller when we use De-Witt s Little j
Early Kisers.- Sold at Cotting's ilnig
store 1
I' r I'. titer's Victim" is the tulc
of a continued storr that rotntnences!
in this issue of Tin: Ciiiek. It is i
very interesting narrative and i.s writ
ten by the well-known author, Tho.
P. Montiford. Read it
Leap year will soon be here aod
then we imagine' that thoe Red Cloud
voung men who have been 50 back-
j ward m joining the list of Reindicts
wiu utve opportunities of wea-;
lock. (lope so. for thej o look for
loru. Isaac Hummel the "village black
smith" of Inavale, has moved to'lted
Cloud and will open the shop jus:.
no'rtbf the Sleeper building.. "Ike"
asTheis familiarly known is one ofr
ifee3bet blacksmiths in ibis pait of
Nebraska. Bis family will move here
a in few days.
School supplies at Doyos.
A pew Ptock of lamps at Cuttings,
Condition jwwders, a largo variety at
Do aou want a nt-c hanging lamp?
Go to Cottings.
Use Diamond inks. They arc the
best, at Cottings.
'Jjtnnie" Smith, purchased a new
road cart, last Monday.
Did you sec the eclipse Ust Sun
day? It was visible in Red Cloud.
Mrs. Geo. B. Holland, is in the city.
She will remain over Thanksgiving.
Ladies', gent's and children's un
dcrware. It. M. Martin' & So.v.
A lamp giving a light of GO candle
power for only $2.50, at Cottings.
Cloaks, all styls and prices just
arrived. R. M. Martin & Son.
Go to the Chicago store for your
clothing. They have the best in the
Take your old coat out of your broken
windnw, nnd go to Deyos for window
Kllis Shircy, is in the city. He
has accepted a position in the Chicago
J. L. Miller the harness man has at
full line of rubber and leather belting
C him.
Nice new goods just received a
F. V. Ta ylor's, remember his price
are the lowest.
The coal shed at Wymorc, burned
down the other night, causing quite a
loss to the B. & M.
The Chicago clothing store is never
undersold. Fine clothing a speciality
and prices yery low.
The Chicago clothing store sells
tailor made clothing and you can al
ways get a fit there.
Mr. W. S. Leake, and Miss Ora
Fisher, were the guests of Mrj. A. G.
Willis, this week.
All the new and nobby styles in
jackets will be found at our store.
It. M. Martin & Son,
Henry Maurer, believes in treating
the printer right, and as a con.-o-quence
paid up to '9.'. Thanks.
For sale A new single top lm't:y.
Will sell for cash, on time, or will
trade for corn. Enquire of L. II.
Call on T E. Penman for fine
jewelry watches and clocks, silver
ware, specs etc. Cotting's drug
Go to T. E. Penman for fine watch
clock and jewelry tepairing. Artis
tic letter and monogram engraving.
Cotting's drug store.
Do not fail to call and sec F. V.
Taylor's stock before buying. He
buys by the car this saves freight and
can sell cheaper than anybody.
Fritz Hirkner, has renewed for the
Great Family Weekly. Fritz is one
of our oldest subscribers, an 1 we are
glad to know that he is prospering.
Undertaking by F. V. Taj lor who
has had yea.s of practical cxperincc
in the scientific care of the dead and
is better prepared than ever to con
duct the business in all its branches.
The ladies of Red Cloud Renevo
lent Society will meet at the home of
Mi. C. W. Kaley on next Saturday,
Nov. 21, at 4 p. in. to reorganize. All
persons interested in the poor of our
city are earnestly requested to be pres
ent. .1. C. Sidcr, one of the J J. & M's
best firemen, pulled his engine into
the house the other evening, jumped
ofT, came up street feeling "larger than
a Moi:iil."all because it was a little
j girl. He h -s concluded to adopt the
little .-trangcr and hereby gives notice
that there will be "no swinging on the
"Hold thar" said Fireman Houchin
this week, I want you to know that
fireing an engine will hz easier now
that 1 have an assi.-tant. It was
learned Iit our reporter that 4,Tink"
had become 'dad" and i Mopping
very high. The little fellow tipped
the beam just a little over the usual
Nebraska weight.
The bc.wi supper at Masoirc hall,
la-t Saturday tvciing was j'tit. a stic
ee. Kery one present eiiined the
'. evening vi rv nitieh. Amnog the in-
... -
... . ;.. I .. t ..... . .. m .1... . Z .
'the address by Comrade Ilandal!
):h? Aritiv Jcan." The contest for a
hmI.oniu rake, which wa tn be otetl
to the prettiest -irl, ,wa decided in I
a;,,r .'li"-Fsi-nie Coleman. The J
contest xs rjuue .-ptrtteu, the cake
brough ?1.0.".
Itwasa very pleas-
ant atfair.
Why Dr. Price's Baking Powder is
Superior to all others.
No great efforts arc made by other manufacturers
to procure and use pure materials.
, It is true that one other company has the facilities,
but its greed and cupidity induced it in an evil hour to use
ammonia, in order to swell its profits. Hence the Price
taking Powder Company stands alone in its fight for a pure
baking powder.
No other article of human food receives greater care
in its production, or has attained higher perfection. Dr.
Price's Cream is surely a perfect baking powder. Free from
every taint of imparity. No other article used in the
kitchen has so maay steadfast frieads amoag tbe house
wives of America.
A. II. Drown, hits renewed fur the
Grcu Family Weekly.
Eld. C. P. Evaus, is ho'ding a 5fr-
ics of meciitits m the Chrtsi'un ,
Geo. A. Latta, has s:nt his family
, Ciliforua to winter. George -
to iMinorua to winter, ueorgc cv,
pecis to move mere in w,e spr...?.
We hru from The Sign.l that Neb
son Cone, has fcold a quarter (c.-ti u
of laud east of Guide Rock, for
Calme.', the baker, has changed L
catious. He is no in McKccby's
building one dcor north of The Chief
Blankets, quilts, flannels, cotton
batting?, gloves, hose, anything u
want very low .,. c
1W i'l. iu.ui i.i i ,;u.. ,
Eld. W. II. Winters, was in town
Sunday evening, after finishing a
public discussion at Republic City,
Kansas. Uc reports his wife's health
very poor.
ltev. G W. Hummel, married Mr.
L. li. Kelso, and Miss Lucy Rinkcr,
this week. Both parflPs live at Ina
V4lc. Their many friends wish them
a life of happiness.
After years of experience wc make
the intelligent care of the dead a
specialty, and arc prepared to attend
all calls in the city or country. F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
Christmas is coining on apace, and
our merchants Bhould begin to ad
vertise their wares. Red Cloud has a
live lot of businessmen and they
should support the city papers better.
Ignorance of tho meritH of DeWitt'n
Littlo Early Risers ia n misfortune.
These littlo pills regulato tho liver, euro
head.ich, ilyHjiepsin, bad breath, consti
pation and billiousness. Sold at Cott
ing's drug store.
Matried. At the residedec of the
bride's parents, in Walnut Creek,
Webster county, Nebraska, Nov. Kith,
1S01 by Rev. G. W: Hummel, Mr. L.
II. Kelso nnd Miss Lucy I. Rit.ker,
all of this county.
Theodore Ponscr a practical miller,
has leased the Red Cloud roller mills,
and they are now opened for the
public patronage. Mr. Ponser,
thoroughly understands the business,
and will treat his patrons right.
Thanksgiving services in the Chris
tian church, Thursday, November 2l
The service will be something a little
difierent than usual. Topics will be
assigned to the various churches and
the pastor or some representative will
The city has struck on economical fit
and rut off several of the street lights.
If this game fit had struck in on our
city dads years ago it would have been
better for the city. The lights arc all
right, but there arc other things that
could be disposed of, just as well a.-
Dr. and Mrs, Schcnck, were called
to Cowlcs, this moriing by the seri
ous illness of their daughter, .Mr.'.
Claik, who has been down several
days with what has been supposed to
be diphtheria. Three of Mrs. Clark'?
children have been sick with the same
disease but are better.
Rev. W. C Stevenson, of McC'ook.
formerly a codaborer with Mr. Moody,
is assisting Rev. E. L. Ely. in a ser
ies of meetings in the Congregational
church. Rev. Stevenson is a tine
singer, and the song service alone
should fit! the house. Attend thi
week or you may mi-s the opportunity.
You don't want a torpid liver. You
don't want a bad complexion. iou don't
want bail breath. You don't want n
headache. Then uso I )e Witt's Little
Early Risers, tho famous littlo pills Sjld
at Cotting's drug store.
A man from Ayr, who ccnied to be
making an effort to walk on hi.- car.
iut like Chicago, was doing lied
Cloud, this weeV. !! reported t
have recently received ijuiie a larg
sum of money. We will venture that
if he i.s not careful with this t131 IC
will be like the fellow wa hem tell
ou oncl" wiien told that ho had re
ceived a second fortune, after .pet.d-
ing first in riotou- living, exclaim!
Mv God. hve f got to go throiul'
that again!"'
A trial convinces the most t-ke.plcal
Carefully prepared, pleasant to the
DeWitt'j; cough and consumption oatre it-
Invaluable remedv. - Sold at CottingV
drug htore.
ISeea Tor a!e.
, ,avc fVVrrm sWarlBs , f b.,
'pale. The hive will arrrj-e
Ipjund Gf Uoucy. l'rie ehp.
lino. A Latta,
Cole. 2Tcb.
The weather ha been quite C li (
hrtc :hi? wok. )
TbaC? uc lifK-kSu-naJ Has changed '.
to a fire column quirio.
Mrs. Cochrane, of Onnha, i. the
j cueit p, Mr, j; ittDtly.
P jL W. Dicleron is com
j. W. Dicleron is convalescing.
, bppe Q hW aroand n
! f. tn . . . BtJllionarr Ane M.
fumes and toilet article and fino drup.
..--- . . m . m .
At the Opera houc one night. Sat
urday, Nor. 21.-t, Webb Rro.-. Mitt
strcl. CH on Caxad t Co., for undertak
ing, and careful preparation of the
Judge Trunkcy is himself again as
, irs. t and familv have at nv-d home
Pete Stuart and bis challenge clog,
introducing some of the latot dtnee-s
of the day.
Mrs. George Matktns' sister, of
Beatrice, Neb., is visiting with her
this week.
The city dd have decided that
the services of a marshal is not need
ed, heucc 4,Statles" N ill Hams.
You may cough and cough and cough
and cough nnd coush, but j on will not,
if you take DeWitt's Cough and Con
sumption Cure.- Sold at Cotting's drug
Mrs. M. A. Fuller has returned
home this week from an extended
visit in Kansa.-and Missouri. She re
ports a very pleasant time.
Jno. Shirey and wife of Minden,
came to Red Cloud this week to attend
the fun. -ral services of Mrs. P. M.
Piatt, mother of Mrs. Shirey.
What moasuroa nro you Uking to tp
that cough? Lot us auggont DoWiltV
cough and consumption cure. It in infallible.-Sold
nt Coiling a drug Ktoro.
Married. At Role, Webster county,
Nebraska, Nov. Ut, ISiU, by Rev. G.
W. Hummel, Mr. Elbert A. King and
Miss Elma Craft, all of Webster coun-
"An honest pill is tho noblest work of
tho niiothecnry.- DeWitfM Littlo luirly
Risers euro constipation, biliounnwi and
sick headache.- Sold at Cotting't drug
F. V. Tajlor will duplicate any
prices offered by othtr houses on all
ilascs of Undertaking goods, and
guarantee better goods and bettor sor
vice. Funerals attended free in city
or county.
It is nn established fart that DoWitf
Little Early Kisers havo -an enormous
bjiIo. nnd whv? Simnlr lHcauHH:voC
pleasaut in taking and happy in reultn.
pill for tho mulitude -Sold nt Cott
ing's drug htore.
The firm of Fentress it ZelufT have
moved their .-having parlor into the
room lately vacated by S: T. Van Horn.
They are old cxpriceed hands at the
busine.s-, and any partie deidring ar.
thing in their line will get atsfaetion
at their liaml-.
II nek. calf, sherp gluv" and m!t
tvns, hu-king glivi-s nnJ hiikig jhm
at H M. Mautiv v Sin -
tie lit Wins.
Wedt'-ire tn it J" nr cilier, thut
for year u liao ! it xrllin lr. Knrg'
New Iicovry for eimuiiiptloii. Dr. Kin
New Life I'llK I1ocL1,ii A'liien .S.l
and Eltctric liiltcro, and have nover han
dled remedies thnt rll ti u-II, or that
hae giren fcch nnttcrital itifarthu.
we do not heiitnte to gurantw them
every tune, arid We tnd ready to refund
the purchase price, if atlfactory ri"oH
do not follow their ne. Thi rmHln
have won their great popularity pnrlj ot4
their merits. I- H. Deyo Urnggit. I
There will be a meeting of (Jar
field J'o-t. Number FO. on Monday,
Xov. :;, at V. M.
C FrilKXr K. Adj
ICeitiiirkntile I'tiet.
Ilirt diiaiiariillr aupposJ t Uv
inenralile, hat xhea proj.crly trMtd a
large proportins of ca ens be csrwl.
Thus Mr. Fllniira Hatch, of Klkhnrk. Iml.
and Mrs. Mary I. Ilaker.of OtiO. MhtIi.
were eurtd After sndering -" ftt. h t. .
Ltnbarger. druggist at Sn Jor III, mij
thnt Dr. Milr' Now Hwrl Cut, l.ii
cnrel the formrr. 'wurfcrd wodJm fr
hi wifa" L-ri Ixga,of Ilwtan. illc
ho had hart du-sa for W yr. aj
two Kttlr madf him "fi Jk- a rw
mas. Dr Mtl' :w Hart Vt I mU
and gaarant- by C. I CnUax and a
Aik of woaderfel :tlaaifci fr. I
WVn lUby wzm risk. ct br CVia.
VKfa h aa a CWW. eril far CtorU.
WVa cxzv Ml, be eancc &"-
Wla hc hJ QtAi.T-a. Ue Ct: tira Carts-T
Karl tVtrc.
A. UrhaU la ) r-crwrrf a war
'mI of barb "ir a W
keip. Cr riil l-
ht0i ard . irr s4 er res '
.. wiU i r4f r St
m. Call ad e w.
U. M. 3I.vtT! JL Sirr.
Children Cryr'r!
Pitcher's CattorU
Ctirklcn rnfcca aUr
TV. lt-t S' lata- v W tft f-
Vlt. 1 ewer, v mrrr - - - - ' - .
Corns ad ail otir Slia Eryo.
.. .-V ' - '
arid tXHiWTtaj rr J TJ
mzszU. It i iroarasttJ w fl' pr;J
:i.':8rs'j rf5rufr " "t
3U rr Lot . Tmz lc by l it- Dye.-
Fertc rTrsirfr.
A rl.jicc far f I wl
frm ii.ffs. r. 1 frxta- L. ZfJ
n cultjraKK. al tiitt!- l ' j
10 -rr timl'" r..f 'rr r "",. .
tradf-rstV.. U J- .iUt f
:Lc Cl3d, Netf
Xilc .NcrTc ami f. Iter nil.
Ac: on a &r rnap4 -trfU OS
i.Trr..toArft ial Urafi. xir U
X fcTT COTr7. T j-t
asaJed tor ?5fa, ks, h. r.--.-ear,
atiMrt. ttil & o3Z
Pitched Cf3tr1.
ChiMrafi Cr fvt
Farmers Notice This
.m i T-r V I V
s. r. spokesfields
Red Cloud, Nebraska, and Highest Market
Price Paid!
My eoods are all first-class and warranted
. ...
iivc satisfaction.
Red Cloud National Bank Building.
Wbstijr Qo, rXLstraa Office-
J. II. BAI1.IIV, AtMlrMctcr hh.I Proprietor.
Accurate Abstract I'rompH' I'tiraliltrrf formi) I.ttH.t In r!.lcr
County. A complete ihI Accurate act or Atttrnrt book
nnd n ikiooou bond Atcd Tltn count) Judge Imurr utl.
For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or sonic
tfood Bargains in Real Kstate, call ou
TAe your pick now of lha ocreut
at Wiener's Golden Eaglo they arc
cllng thriu cheap
.Vol Ire to 'I'enclier.
Notice i hereby given that I "ill
examine all nercon who may deuro
.', it.
to offer llieriiclvp m candidate lor
j "achers ofthe public chKN of lhi
coiiuT-i-ii- ""'' " '
Saturdav ol picT -wL "
Special riaininatmn. wf. MJ " mmt
. t t nm.
uplav ! earn 1:1 on ill
, . ..
,., ., 1 .. 1 1
I up Manuing rnjutreu i-.r -u n,i
,!d grade crtthcatea la the ame rio
gnde below TO per cent, average KO
per cent, for brat j:rade erttiacate
no grade In-low '-O por Cftit. average
PO per cent, tn al branchea rr.juirwl
bj law
1 M Ill's lit Countr iiMl'-
V .M. lit n. in. lounty .-upt
...," . .
. uic lmetni 111.
iil DiHggiat a bottle of l)t. Kg N
Di.eovrry for (.4Ua!ttni. It ! Kr.
rutrd to brmi: retl'-f la Mrr s. ,
uhJ for nuy aCoellon of Tkrt, Lg
or (.'hit. efc a Ooijtl". IkAam
tnatHm of liCl, H'M. AtJrt.
Whoopltig Coogh, C'rowp. fir . t. It
..!... m.I m l.m.i.1.1.. 1. tft.lo ta.rfcjvtjr
,... -t -w K. , y. - . .-- j
Trial bottb frf'w at L II. IT' Dfrf-
ntr riiu fr.TH inj" " tip-w pi
torp. I
ln wktcH i gttarant'd to Uftng ( IV tr ma. Brr w titv a!i
yon aiifartirr reul. or In a of fall r''' ,- tr. ;m Ih imol
urn a 1. turn of rba pm-. I m ibU , '- ... mj u. tf,t(, .
Mf an .h. n bur from or alr,rM. , r-, "" - -
ICrporl ortlir omllttou f tlir
flunk r mi lr.
or MWI.M
In tfcf ! of t-f. at Uk ml .-l-t
M"fcr M.t. I'M
Ut K' Ui
!. Wl.t . iMKUt
Otrr4rlt --Mr4 m4 ar Kf
Ih ttnm ! Nm mA lM !
Ilwl hUK tutmUmtr mmtt Htm" .(Dlu
('wt'! clM a4 lt pail 1. 11 M
fVrUiWallm nh ttMW n-K
Itlftt ml miMt iUA mm u
ytvttmmr, HHf (WW). anHk
fVtrt .
Tl-l .
r.mMi - mM t h"""
t 4tTt4 r I
!4lri4aMl ''! a r niairt Urn
lmt irtt 1 f MMt J "
IttrM U-i IJ'"
., a4 MUf . . It
M mi 4ter4ji. 'law r mt W
I. 1 I. Hmrrt. xtM 1 if mt
Ukt'trnmtt U to ftitU mf m
xtt lIW A I. H tu-mrr. A u
" Atm m - t-it th .
i ar. ! AaH'. m.f
Srnttf tmo
Miic- I
1 1 ,vs
- Collar
For sale b J. O. BtTI,Kt
Hainrt5 hop
I. W. TTIXEl '.. n. -!
M4 Cm4, t
I io.9twc ftrrt XaUS frcaJg.
1 t.5uaasstf Tcncat.
I frT' -gwwt BraaJ J sea
LaJ't1L m 1
Ay T. mUUW.
t4 ,r4mfmtm, jTmWI
Vt i-SfttB. iLZmmmT
W' mBUEmmWmmZ
X"r TjBHflBSr
-M 9f m H
v r"nai li ' isis3
TBtBS tm
,VM1 4 V C 1
X I VA I J I A i U V'
i HtMn't
' f a
nhirairn llirlr ItonlParitfPf
uuiuujU itwwa lutauu w tmnmi 4ii9
r ti"t it- -4 h r.ruC
-. '. --. - i1. lutj
tii !' t., . h
MMM ni.u.., t, . ti
iu i. low wi-.hhJ ri: iXi.
c-n. j t - :- t NJWMrtUi
. u rt'-,, jn rarjpmaa
"k. - -.ib 1
? tJUfjy. '
tlMt T-t, Kr,
o-JtVj tMf . H
rrL ""
. Mrni m
,nnj'n j
iu mliii tro titi
,M fWtMl, u 'MSiHl.- ,
t.- .it ii.m h 4h i
-ik- .m-h. rfiw mi ntwn
. rxsmiULX Kxrnxxt 1711X3
l-c M -.fM. h tria. rf , ...
U " Ut U- IXM. irMJ.
m r .m waiia wtntt.M
lVM, 04i rl 4 II'MIA W
j hmm ntr 4 tri . . r ttrtt
xrxxuAn:) a a vox
' k ,. f mm I fMM r ef
Tt1K Y.M "' T i. 4 H pa
U. (w. n,m w ,. ,, tnr, t&C
:! t K m m t . r ' IM W
, Si I-'. tmi 4 A niM ... fc
rm w.MrM-,wt., M -...l. r 4k4.
PAxtY tAsr ex rums TTutxa
mm, tmm Emm mt W t . Ol
. mm mm t - 4 -.tmmm K m.r, y .-.,
. . am 0. li a,. w,w At. 'tX1
' a-- KSH UmmImJ tw.,, w.
-i ia Mr.CM - rr r$.i
"" br , ' -t . .mm
r !. 1
-1 Wmm. rn. a r- -
A mm mt ! f Mr. T?-,t .
4i. 4 f .(ly.c lb.
S3 8HOE ct.fPf-t.
Twi UIT SHOE a l X5 tU 3fi
. t 'B' " ' It-l T tm.J " " r . - ""
.cftf cBf tt fr,U... 3 mr MlST
m. i itaM cam4 t" ym m W
.m a c9.i- i 1 .. - - '-W
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HW W.l U ' . -"
9w fc 4- .!. aiw r-
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Vw . A- imiiii bf .
ac f n u - - -u w.i.k
ai wlm ! a ..wJr,fc ri'' 4a
iiiKi rtr.fKtr ff. Bti
, ajui ,V t Kao Ta XsojJ u
.t CmmU at tH4.y rS.7H te l3
H tirtiaaw ?-
a. -jt .4i --
BxBxBk. s9bW?Ku.
SsVBSmmKw3lff 1
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