The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1891, Image 1

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.. r4.: tip t 'IBWIBBt 4 i '' ? i gtfiMi tf VTmBft I l r ...'-
Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty,' and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
By A. C. Hosmer.
, Sells
At a
. The
. Smaller
.- Stores
And -
You a larger
Of better made
To select from.
In addition
Has a Tailor
In the building
4 i-- Vv
-i 'SW
Makes clothes
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, November 20, 189.
Unking Powder Bill Piuwcil ly
the ailnnciiola Senate.
The recent newspaper discussion of
the dangerous qualities of ammonia
comes from the alarming increase of
its ufio in baking powders. People
who absorb it in small quantities from
day to day suffer from slow ammonia
poisoning. Taken internally in suffi
cient quantities it cats away the coat
ings of the stomach and intestines
and cause? death. Slow ammonia
poisoning produces various forms of
stomach trouble.
Not one woni'-n in ten thousand
would use an ammonia baking powder
if she knew it. Such powders not
only undermine the health, but am
monia imparts a sallow and blotched
Following is the bill recently passed
by the Minnesota senate. It's the
danger signal which the law throws
out for the protection of the people:
A Dill for ait Act to Itrgulalo (lie
Trafllc In BHklnx Powder.
Section 1. Any person who shall
knowingly sell or procure the sale, or
offer for sale any package or can of
Baking Powder, containing any Am
monia in it, not distinctly, legibly and
durably branded, stumped, or marked
In a conspicuous place with the words
in the English language "This Bak
ing Powder contains Ammonia" in
letters of Great Primmer, or any letter
equivalent thereto in length, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished
by a fine not less than $20 nor more
than 850: shall be conGncd incte?
county jailnotj-xintcir or more
vLirtini:wentv davs or bv uotn line anu
imprisonment, at the discretion of the
Sec. 2. The sale or offer for sale of
the substance mentioned in the fore
going section in packages not stamp
ed, marked, branded or labelled as
therein required, shall be prima-facio
evidence of knowledge of the charac
ter of said substance, on the part of
the person so i-clling or offering for
sale and his employer.
See. 3. This act shall be in force
on and after its passage.
Note An incident occurred in the
house when the senate bill came up
for passage, in reference to an amend
ment proposed by Mr. Dimnt. This
was opposed by several members. Mr.
Peig said that if the bill as it came
from the senate was all right then the
amendment was all wrong. The
amendment compelling the printing
of the word "Ammonia" on the label
only affected the llojal Baking Pow
der, and no wonder they felt the sen
ate bill was a blow at them. St. Paul
Somo mischievous and lying individ
uals, in the statement that
The Chief is going to leave the city,
or chan.'c its politics. Ones for all we
will state that The Ciiiek will be here
right along and will be found at the
old stand, printing good republican
doctrine. If those who are so meddle
some would attend to their own busi
ness, they would have all the could do
to look after their own affairs. We
shnll stay in Red Cloud, and print
The Chief, and The Chief, will be
a republican paper, as it has for more
than twenty years. The Chief has
no reason to complain, it is doing a
nice business, and proposes tt main
tain it at all hazzards. Do vou hear?
Departed thin Life.
Died, on the lGth inst. at her home,
the residence of her husband, 1). M.
Piatt, in this county, at the ago of 4'J,
Mra. Margaret Allen Plait.
A few weeks ago she with the
family returned from Denver, Colora
do, where they have been for several
months. When she returned was not
well, having what is known a9 the
mountain fever.
Her death was unlooked for, hence
her decease surprised and shocked her
family and friends.
Was born in the state of Maine. At
an early age with her father and fami
ly moved to Wisconsin, wheic she
grew up and was married. In 1S79
Mr. ana Mrs. Piatt with family settled
at this place.
Her life here has brcn such :u to
win her many warm friends. Her
presence and kind ministrations will
be greatly missed by the sick and sor
rowing friends.
She had a happy way of (.hecring
the sick, and in the house of mourn
ing knew and did just what was want
ed to be done.
She manifestad by her life that she
was a true Christian, was received into
the Presbyterian church when a
school lrirl. She was a loving wife
and affectionate mother and a kind
She leaves a husband, a married son and
daughter, a son 1G years of age, and
one about 9, to mourn because of her
departure, but their loss is her gam.
Why should wc sorrow over the dis-f-jlution'of
the earthly house of this
tabernacle when wc are assured
that she has a building of God, a
house not made with hands eternal in
the heavens.
Her remains were laid away in the
Red Cloud cemetery on the ISth inst.
The calamity papers are now dwell
ing at great length on Bellamy's idea
of the government supportiu;; the
people instead of the people support
ing the government, They say that
everything in the shape of a profit is
a tax upon the people. They forget
to say that it might be so in some
cases, but then when it comes to
nowsnannrs. that's different. A news-
paper as a general thing is a tax on
the proprietor instead of the people,
and if a newspaper can get along,
why, we don't sec why the rest of
mankind can't thrive.
Remember that The Chief gives
Tunison's $4 United States map
with The Chief one year for 2 25.
This is one of the finest maps in the
country and should be in the home of
every family in Webster county.
The map is an epitomized history of
the world, and no household can af
ford to be without it for the price. The
price of the map alone is $4, but wc
have made arrangements by which we
can offer it with The Chief for $2.25.
Samples can be seen in our office.
Our old time friend J. W. Smith,
of Newcastle, Wyoming, was treading
Nebraska soil this week. Mr. Smith
is an enterprising and thrifty business
mau and wc are pleased to learn of
hia prosperity. He returns home this
Ouiictl anil Operated li Wom
en, for Women.
Our plan is to establish 100 or
more factories in the L'uitcd State,
with money derived from the sale of
our capital utock. Then wc can easily
employ 5000 wouun who will earn for
us a net profit of $1,130,000 annual
ly, assuming that 75 cts. per day will
be the net profit of each employer,
which is a very Jow estimate. Our
stock which wc offer you at $25 per
share, figured on a basis of 8 per
cent per annum, will be worth about
Why will it increase so .much?
Because we have the only scientific
process for canning and preserving
food; no poison; no chemicals; never
spoils; cooking unnecessary; flavor re
tained; and it .-olves the communion
wine question by furnishing the pure
juice of the grape unchanged at all
Because wemen only arc employed
in the factories where they are sur
rounded by christian influences, and
pad wages which make them inde
pendent; stock is sold only to women,
who will by their interest in the com
pany, influence grocers to sell our
goods, thus advancing the interests of
the company. j
i ii. ...., :.... i.;l
Dl'CUUaU UIU WUIIJUU 1 (tuning, hhj
company are excellent business wom
en (demonstrated by their individual
success), and with the aid of every
christian woman in the country, ate
certain to make this the greatest fi
nancial success ever accomplished by
Shares are $25 each par value.
Stock may be bought, if desired,
on monthly paymcuts of $2 50 per
Checks for the annual dividends
mailed in March to all tock holders.
May Allen West, editor of ihe
Union Signal.
Anna Byfonl Leonard, President
Lady Manager World's Fair.
Amanda T. Jones, Vice President.
Mine E. Jennings Dctnorcst, Pub.
Dcmorcst Magazine, N. V.
Isabella Bcccher Hooker, sister
late Henry Ward Bccclicr, Lady Mgr.
World's Fair, Hartford Connecticut.
Miss 12. M J. Coolcy, Lecturer and
Temper.ince organizer, Lincoln Nebr.
Mrs. Clara B. Colby, editor Wom
an's Tribune, Washington, D. C.
Mrs. A. M. Dolph, wife of Senator
Dolp'.i, Washington. D. C.
Mrs. M. Louise Thorn id, President
Sorosis club, N. Y.
Francis C. Conant, Secretary.
Sample of canned goods sent on re
ceipt of 25 cts. to pay expenses. No
charges for simples.
Address orders, and m ike checks
or money orders pnab'e D
Woman's Canning and Pkesekv
ini Companv. 101 LiSillc St.,
Chicago, III inois.
Dry Goods,
Boots, Shoes
Call id and see Our New
On Overco
Cloaks, Boots ami Shoes lor Uici
Jim Stvcarimien carries his riszht
hand in a "red bandanner" on account
of a slight injury. Jim is one of the
B. & M's best engineers.
Preaching it the M. E. church everv
Sunday, 10:30, A. M.
Evening, 7:30, P. M.
Sunday School. 11:30, A. M.
Epwotth Lsigue, G:30, P. M.
Strangers in the city and public,
made welcome to all services.
E. J. Randall, Pastor,
Whnl I Good ISakin? Powder f
It is a well known fact that carbon
ate of ammonia is used by bakers in
the preparation of the finest and most
wholesome bread or cake, and l.a3
Last Sunday in the M. E. church
Mrs. Warner, of Fairmount, spoke in
tho interest of the Ladies' Home Mis
sionary Society, in general, and the
Orphan's Home, at York in particu
lar. Tins society has a fine farm neir
York with a house that can accomo
date about forty children. It is now
full and many worthy little ones have
to be turned avaj for lack of room
The prc'Ctit inmates have been
brought from all parts ot the country.
Salt Lake on tlic west. New Orlcin
pn the south, as well as different east
ern states, but principally from our
own state. In the early spring they
will build a new house at a C03t of
about $25,000, with accomodations
for one hundred children.
This house will be divided into va-
bcon from time immemorial. It is j
Any person or
From Oklahoma.
Editor Chief Drar Sir With
your permission I phould like to tfll
your rculcr of what 1 have seen in
Oklahoma. It i a vry nice loeling
country, the people have got a lyt of
good wheat and corn. Wheal 5 mak
ing from 25 lo 35 buhc,t oat are 50 ,
to CO n'tthrh p.-r jcri Ther ri!
nlenrv t r-'Ut . and evorTtliins;
it - " 1
cl-c. Cane 1 a ;ood crop and is Kd 1
for feed. Mi'i nf the land i :1 ! W .l- J" 1 ' J-
., ,r. ... , head, rJ h dc t IrUftr Hn :
il. n.crc t Tntc bg bom hrr.. 1 j w, M u L , fcN uv Vj
Kincfhber 11 ovcr-loided with t.rm.Io, j .ini. on i0 c .., mmJ tj,- tA tr
- . .. , ,
and morj coming every day. Thrj
on not get homes to winter in, and
are coropcllrd to tont ont. Mot ofi
them ar; waitice for the lnd to b.w in Peru th wt.
.C:-l IsJTW'i
appreciating '.
C. W. Kaler. -wr
1 society contributing ?100 cn name
among the oldest and at the simc time! oae of (iiefrc Snartmcnt. aud the
most healthful constituents of baking
powders It is all evolved in ga$ by
the heat of the oven, acd leaves no
trace of itself in the food, and it is
this that gives it lis great value as a'forgottoni but money
leavening agent in tn opinions of
the physicians. New York Journal.
Baking Powder is Best.
" The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure,
for I have so found it in many tests made both for
that company and the United States Government.
"I will go still further and state that because of the facilities that company
have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tnrtar. and for other reasons dependent
upon the proper proportions of tlic same, and the method of its preparation,
44 the Royal Baking Powder is undoubt
edly the Purest and most reliable
baking powder offered to the public.
name on a silver plate will be placed
above the entrance. To the same,
monuments of granite and marble
will crumble. Our loved onc will be
invented here
will greatly assij-t in building noble
moral characters which will risr in
coming ases, and hies Him in whoc
name the ruoocv s given and ihe
room named. Our congregation rave
about $70.00 lat Sunday. Wc sarc
about $:i0.00 lat year. If that U
applied, wc will be enti'Itd to nme a
room, if not wc iau?t make up the
oac hundred dollars.
Tf the people of Kcd Cloud could
vi-:t the home, c :hc order in which I
litis kept, the training which the.
children receive, and the woaderfal
iimrroTenicnt which ther make. th?re
would be no trouble in fecaring much
mor.: trim im.
Ilcm'mbcr the little boj and ril -
? arc not gth"rl op and kept until
toaieonc can be fnanti sm wil! tal
jthem, bm thei: are u be kept until of
?re- -cucatcit, taugnt trua aon pro
opened for entry and are getting
close to the line a pibl. Had a
big rain hrre KovcmWr 3. Hid bt
little fro-t and the weather ha been
like ummcr rao of tHe tim nnrtl
the 10th, when it brcime colder, bat
it is nice and wirra cw. It rain
here hcn it snowj in Xcbraiks
They .ay the creek? nevsr froeteovar, I
and I dou't thick that thej d. 1
think thi.t x a nice country. Ki;
caller i a oay too, tna 11 joctisa j
on Tarkci creek. Tby are buildisg a
three story briek bank cere. AWvc
all thing look eat for land ;zeati.
They are fraud a they can not die on
the land until it j plioed on Je.
and st trrin in rob the old xMir.
unm Clrl,"
CUitUy k
bei a member of lhr Wrd f sua
ajrer f the I'e"i Normal CHk Un
more tln t-n y r-i d fV jr4
i :h Net tint tb miMtr9n ho.
grs rplj Mi tJit tl ItmiH x
jtraaH wlwl to M 'f "tV0 Ff"
pcrlal !otlrc
I asa pw ytftrl t iU fra
l9n at r9ttaM" r "i uri
m t 1
tied Wia raoe4. I IS. crAo' r
rr Hale or TrmJc.
A fice SO acre fares sly ail
froa th. city. 6arly all ti lUe
Kay teras, r wil! lrd ff 'tk
I). J. JlrtR', liJ Ctwi, Stt
Will crit again vyn.
Jeioc. and f nt out christian cti-
xcs5, Iwns God. cwaa'rv. an-I thsrir'
fellow nan: tbcv will n 1 b - Tchist. i
bat patriotic citizens.
KBm ili 1 " m
Tlorc lAsUL
A. M&cKirt ih atfcwii ct to
haj ajwxj mUira ti aW tlfc ti
If jtya irsn ty i-ri. sl 4MwVl
wisdsstibL. tt Horr il. bmi, a lU-4
ICkca. Hli
Tmmcrmi IllrrrUr.
Cvi AO. s&i jl f
tnd?rtki j4. av4 F?l?;-
ll M II C Seatt" fc 9w, WwS4. I rw-1 -"-t tttw Hitim't
, A !!, Vr- tlT tk- Wt aJl W?'" " r '?- -
"" r ' J rmm.
tffid cc l&t viltiXMjti.
,o i li tUB irt jwf Tt&Uiu ; jajHrt rot m&m
Y&3 can keep yor feet wins
-9 .
r. o. liAXDXLi- i winter by bajisg J boou
r till f ?. V. Tajl7arrr U ela4 f
r.f -W?.: flt-n- frtT lt-diy fnTl H .
w. --. . ..-r, .-. - f ftjw
Governor's Scadaj, (Thaakjgivhigfl.v v-,
r as he Sqcj iHa: ke i sTentoekei ' carries tie larxf it k 4 SJ"e"? i
ootj ad u icllisr the ees-ileei fitUifaetkft. lUcWr te lI
V.i I J No. 17.
& t 8
m M.jLm'??rsf
it ft, " H . giJ, i -w r
mr - Irar rt eh V UU fr
n fc. '. turn 4 - ia
tetK;Vi J-jW ?KKeErK
vrtrtr 3r r t & i ivrr ut-smmm
Inrm tt - !-
rt s&Wf- 4
j i0tjr w v at i&f
a! - - 3T. ilj. HM WQ MM c
tfes te-i Hmvi t- t p if
x. A. rf . A m. t ft jBialt" M Itl 111
rf rs-z m.
-v tivmi
ev r7tii
ak A
i -"JMil"
v ar.r om
e s yaw. iTwrj'wwi
w.3-' - -r. " '-!. i ,
iz jmuua,m, "
dj) will occnr on Ac mftlh. Hl er thin tow cia
fesy t f r?g5h?iffitte mj frieeof?rf hj l Iff, j
l J B ("?.
!Fo order,
foe gtwd brollitT fa lie. trrtnj "t pnc
xS feS ."
Kii. ' r
ii inAiiiCrfi'm!'.! ,
, "r?1
7 . "HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D."
,M-BMga7S-rTO. ; . rr-SBS9!smesH.