The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 13, 1891, Image 2

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A. O. HOSMER, Publisher.
of the first Napoleon, b:dea:ifJMi78
years. -'" - ?
Estimates bate Jbeen -mad "&ythe
Japanese goverBuiptit with i-iItJl.
arming the Japsee. regalarri!
with repeating-rifles. ;f-J,
A poRTBArrTot ex-Speake . Tbaataa.
11. Reed, painJeVlrhxjJohn Sargwntiir
London, for Xhti nlted i3ta?n
gress, has arrivealp W Yriw4
now on public vieV at. SehaaV)ri"lP.
Tsudo Sauzo, who gained a world"
-rid, ronntatinn throuifh his attemDtS
.- , .-, ..-.,., , ru.-
--S7, ; - rrvZTZ .: ..-r.zzr'-'jf'
andrwhoTw-as senleuceu to imprison- -
J-l . LJ .. i; I . T. x ,
jneat joy lie. dieajn prison jnsi ween
of pneumonia.
I i I lf ' ' ' i BMmj -. ,
The Daily Press, a one cent after
noon and three cent Sunday paper, has
been started at Chicago, with Robert
Lindblom as
Waterloo as e
pendent in pol
Tm: interna:
at San Fran
Denmark defel
many beat AmVScotland got first
prize, Denmark second, Germany third
and Ireland fourth.
The epidemic of typhus in tho
Russian army, ranks of the Pruth has
driven the Jtridk act Hud
irrati ficatioW4lti RoaMaUan
who ha flFi'
exhausting vigilance on the o
of the river.
The mayor of Savannah, Ga., with a
committee of aldermen and citizens
called at the White house recently and
invited the president and cabinet to
visit Savannah during tho coming win
mutiul jKy 'oBHHiidMi
WW1 mme
OIAA10 ?WriClPjSi7
xamiupmgenj OJUU 1U
Senator Dunois and a large number
of other prominent citizens of Idaho
have asked that about 750,000 acres of
land adjoining the Yellowstone na
tional park on the woit anJT iacluding
T,Jce AsA be skP!afarls-pcrma-
Not for years has the supply of drink
ing water for New York been so low
nor has the danger of a genuine water
famine leen greater than at present.
Commissioner Gilroy says that if there
is no heavy rainfall soon tho water
will only last fifteen or twenty dajw
FS-tf TT -Ff l
C II. jW.&cM.E,cdltor jmdnicr $1
he Q4aQjrPrlhi JW
suddenly 01 rheuniatism or" the Tfeart,
of which he has suffered for a number
of years. He was 40 years of age, a
native of Haverhill, Mass., and one of
tho most popular writers in tho coun
try. He was unmarried.
The discussion over the last words of
Mr. Parncll recalls to London Truth
the story of the, Br fetor
William Pitt In his last
Pitt said something unintelligible.
Some one made it out to bo "Save my
country, heaven!" but tho nurse said
he simply asked for boiling water.
Mr. S.MiTn, tho United States min
ister to Russia, gave a brilliant dinner
in St. Petersburg in honor of M. Dc
Struvc, the Russian minister to the
United States, who is about to return
to Washington, and Mr. Clark Carr, the
United States minister to Denmark,
who was in St Petersburg on a visit
been iCnifrfriH 4tma Jf tha -aim'
fixed by the war department, instruc
tions have been given to tho United
States district attornoy in Chicago to
immediately institute criminal procced-
ings -against the rcspuUKn)10CltvJ
Native papers say tho Rritish consnl
at Hankow called on his Excellency
Chang Chi Tung and returned 5,000
taels, which were paid to the ladies
who suffered bad treatment at tho
hands of tK Wusuch mob. The consul
told thofcaAry-that the missionaries
requested Jpat tho ring-leaders in the
Wusuch riots lo not branded
Miss Eunice Lafayette, of Red
Mountain, Mon., has taught a little
chorus of miners' children to sing
Hcrangcr's songs. Their fathers are
French-Canadian miners, and the little
ones know equally well the language
of Rcranger and Longfellow. Long
fellow's lyrics, by the way, would seem
a bit more suitable to children.
The New York election figures show
that tho total vote cast this year was 33,
4CS less than in 18S8. Flower received a
little over 8.S00 less than Hill, Fassett
23.100 less than Miller. A noticeable
feature in New York city was
that the democrats lost most in tho
districts which in 1S8S gave Hill a large
plurality. In districts where Fassett
Miller's fign
figures of II
ter HCrMitiM MT not
thonirh it "is Tery liablo toannwmhte
maiy years of happiness. Ex-Gov.
David Merriwethor, of Kentucky, re
cently celebrated his ninety-second
birthday, aMTTramE
tho most
sat down to dinner equipped with an
appetite that would have done credit
to aboy.
Urge d';
ry, notic
ftlatiaR in vain
driver because of cruelty to an over
burdened horse, himself remonstrated.
The man then became very insolent and
Newberry boxed his ears. The driver
end companions then attempted I
fight but contented themselves
torrent of vile language and
dcavor to incite a riot against "the for
eigner." The driver was arrested later.
With appropriate ceremony and dis
play the copestone of the new Chicago
Masonic Tcmajle was laid recently,
.buudin&Sapw towe:
its fnll
of maetecn stoaes.
278 fe
ground t coping.
he higl
ructurwt its k
The interior finishing will
pushed forward. Fifteen
now be
masons participated in the ceremonies.
which were conducted by the Grand
Lodge of Illinois.
A report by Referee William ta
Choate in the management by Mrs.
Paran Stevens of the 51,000,000 trust
left for her by her husband and her
conduct avn ejweatorflrvwMiMe hi
been conaruedMfaxMCof
Stevens is severely criticised by the
judgment, 'which declares that the has
not faithfully discnargea ner trasi;
the pri
ith'cBLMHWrust I;
ficient real estate to mak-p
mount is ordr4
laicfe 99
L lj.i' VH
kept closo to
Imal mife, jp
PBIaLfenPht ItoKVuMaW
-wMttHtoMNJPd JsWmsam
r wK-.
KalrU wl IKVTiefl
i M
i rrm
mmj mjmmadmmmB mmmtm
"Gleanod:-iriifiph and-Hattv
fe f
-" Jr-XSOXA-.
""ZTnE p'rosecution of tJUi Itata:or v
1 at ion of the ncutratwaawsreMctf in!
'ane,VtedgiRossVrMring tliftljury.
itaTretirn3ieiUif dm frl.$tF.?-.
iTrtiL CWiaje:5gF,. hM'tfpencd.
jCieCTreiaiB-Mqntt la
ZUttrJfta tioftifor tS-rjsiifcyf
iM-". -r-.-a s.fe-:r --.:r j-..-Vt-c-t . -r -
arae-feew-ot-te.bLU-:raraeu.;e. .
tmimMlimJ fl
is!5ssBara.r .
r- ft
v t. jajTr. niiaiKsBK-aiutj'-
Kr - f-T2KfWivi('.l -irr
'jfianvoecmrea euwen.
tally "stabbed. Fifteen paHpants
-were arrested and theolliceJ WHifUJr
: ;-V. I..-3T - - i
A iiASQUET formnlly represents
" "W W4-"TJWtW'fWPW-Wlv-PWI
ncnwtt-iwwwi. -
U.o ll.lnllU trie nn
ProL Helmboltz was given at tho Kai
serhof and was the occasion for a
in rr"1"
science and philosophy.
The municipal council of Droghcda,
Irelaud, by a majority of 2 has rejected
to present an addrosi
n. At a meeting of the
icipal council of Waterford the
refused to nut a motion that tho coi
cil present an address to Mc.ssi
and O'Hricn.
The llrazilian congress has resolved
that martial law be proclaimed and til
dictatorship re-established.
Monhionor Picks ro.v, a well known
dignitary of the Roman Catholic
d at Aew York recently.
clurns give McKinlff a plur-
aH'j.uuu over w.
hio. mm
rality of Go'
has been placed at 8,00(
gam m-2,w)c
over two years ago. Tho
alliance car-
ried ono cotinuuor Jtovi
The republMBIs Hi
jority in lAi
TnEitBas a savage fight during tin
session of the National Irish federation
imvi wb
aTuE m
crnor. oac ior i
TgalcstitVriM dpnfaf d tramB!liilv9enoinmw
A numiikr of ladies have decided to
present McDcnnott with a silver
mounted whip in recognition of his as-
ulton Timothy Healy.
resident Ei.EVEi.Axn MeUarcs
c clccjlYWbAB nthat
form4sjjtl)HArKlal c
ew juuijuirin iVTmsawar?,irie,
democrat; Humphrey, democrat; Mar
tin, Abbott, Reed, Still well. West and
bott. Keen, Mtllwell. West and
Colorado returns indicate that
the republicans elected Helm to the
supremo courtf?and carried all but two"
counti?Cs zrJrn
JIM r u
is i'iu
k-Eii!n nluralitv idlNeiv York
miSax x"i
and mayMj iTTic on j
Gov. Ruhhki.u of Maaaialplsctts, was
re-elected by 5,4'i9 votes. The rest of
tho state tiakct and the legislature
were republican.
The New York presbytery has do
cided to drop the Itriggs heresy case.
In Nobraska tho alliance candidates
Acc'orpino to late returns from Iowa,
the democrats elected Roies by 8,000
and the rest of their state ticket by 3,
000 and secured the senate.
New York's legislature is probably
democratic by thfee mnjor"U-on joint
i.u b. m ii i-
Mi Ii loin )Trt, kmnMiandc
been olected president of Chi
President Fonseca, of Ilrazil, has
dissolved the congress of that country
il issued a call for another election.
o .ianciiq lias ucfu-pMcea tuner
artiafc pwi InWHalfsl . pTqw.'are
alleged. - -" --'
Ofkiceiis of a Ilritish warship charge
the officers of the United States war
ship Ilaltimorc with having virtually
"''"1 nt: Rpios fof Ralmaceda.
i TI.ttt toassassinate-GenCanto, tho
Chilian congrcssioualist military leader,
is reported.
Charles Morton Stewart has been
elected president of the board of
trustees of Johns Hopkins university,
Raltimore, in place of Judge George
W. Dobbin, deceased.
Secretary ok the Navy Tracy has
received resolutions of the national
civil service reform lcaguo indorsing
his course in making the uavy yard
workmen non-political.
The republican lcaguo has advices
that ten counties of Kansas wcro car
ried solidly by the people's party forty1
nine solidly by tho republicans and the
others divided.
Senator SheuMan considers tho re
sult of tho Ohio election a rcbuko t
free silver advoca
silver question will
in the next prcsi
The election
the 6th. The re
not im
believed mediately published.
the McCarthyltc candidate was elected.
Correspondence concerning the re
cent troubles in San Salvador is made
public. JLt shows that President Ezeta
was generous to foes.
A letter 4rom Officer Ilouj
for rarmacaiai
resident Fonseca, of ltrazil, has
been proclaimed dictat r and troops
are on guard everywhere in Rio Jan-
oftrotK HpBietlfan
egation Irom a wild roTrrr"wmV lmi
mm -mmmmmw jmrnmrnr-. b j . j
agincd the recent attempt to assassi
nate (Jen. Canto was hatched in the le-
ARLKS .iK.UKalU&RTaf IWir.KAU die
tly in Parl II J Vam societai
;o .omedietjaacBs and an o
well knownrrench actir.
Ex-ln)V. J. Gregory SmitiT. president
of the Vermont Central, died of heart
well known contractor, was found float
ing in the bay at Port Townsend,
Wash. It is not known whether he
was murdered or accidentilly fell in.
Col. Hakes was one of the 80rt who
voted for Grant at the Chicago conven-
pn in 1SSQ.
sidemt ramR, dMW assign
crick ban of Boston has
d for trfclj4$l00,000 boMs. He
clares that the clearing house eorarai
tee was very unjust and depreciated
the bank's securities.
The British ship Strathlane. sixteen
days out from Honolulu, in ballast
six were drowned,
tain.- The vessel is a total loss. The
life saving crew at Fort Canby did good
re is a
cerned in tne corner is
price up to three roubles p;r pood.
Three large stores in Macon, Ga.,
I worn lmnfcoa Jiv nfiniit. 7 flOft In Omnhn
fttraiicf rjf VrTIii,, r r-.ii-nrtu,l
moments ivlr.a lonfrilo wns Rtintvnil iimTor fhr n. iftiifftr"
.UUp , ww .. U..V -- --w- - - - ,
tepH bejia m tW
Itf eass
dential Kiignj
d HrKamb oft flh
It was
MvespMTcteV i
Abs tik
KTfe.1. affce
juu" "rTC cj
fnilnr nt S Allunc Vt nxvtntlr- I
ahf a Vrg ,rr-?. m hope for the ancceisof the.nego
m i mi mw - mM mi m mr k. m . m m mi i mr. s m mr m - w . -mr-. r-
wrUfaF KJ AftsCEgUtXEUft, 1 -. 6rthelCheafriiv'LlleiUfl
an en- The body of CoL Willianilfakes, affhat raatrlinn-bciongs is nation.
t C
wentj-fiftilflB north of Itervativ, .1,161.
6llefKlbn1iWIV SojifMi.WnMhisson
including the cap-f Felix, prdmiaea't MHtfn f Berlia,
Mfe AinpltitBt MrM m
ue ohMct vMoJB cLfLhea7.
o lurceWT ftttc
nnapa 1 --- aatti .. . .. - ii r 1 ...
"tr'Baaaa 1 iw6 lr3BaaWpslTaWTaPaav .-33k 1 n. . 1 ,
BC-ataiBBBtlkjr7.inu:taBBTB- OTE.lBSBrer- aaal LBBRB-I -i JUS taUiaB. SBOl BWR B1
w losers, naving , stocK Wa ?Ti,0ff I anu Biwtrmwmmmmmmmmmmm tmtffw99mmLm
1 uuurancc. i(wiwcMirw 1
Maskkt mjg .robbed
.S - -
express on tM,
Omaha, Neb,..on toe
J? 4?l&,f lhl
actor, .aajfren,
tho spicWHA 14
Cte 14 e
.of an Ucreaae is flMPriefrtj
i V . .. ' If"! ! '
iw- neuariuu t- -
;tii.kMlkietBr to
Gen. SiadriliOioljan, wSf
killed wltrty aapeBaeaia.
The dIgiis.'for.-h::w -Wire
n-artera "and dia. -lMITe M i
ybuoed. They are nltm elaboraUu
Ox the Miuonri, KaniaCityIexa
? - .. - ' . a: . n
- Mitroau a jew jaiiea wih "tu.
?FML.oetid.twoof m stock tn raa
gsjg tc 'rear of aectioa oe, caasiBg th
death-qt:lour.sioCKnie.aa mm wrwus
T .. ' ' m au. AHt.MAA 1 1 I In ii I Ti "
Thk cotton oilJtraatfrannual-repoxL
showman wwsually prosperoTxa yar.
-t;xtra guards ntim iwwii wm uajqj.
the Tennessee branch penitepjjyjgr?
Ninety releasM conTlctn haia been
aqgh.t io Kentucky. cj r, ,,' ,
TiiiT control Jof theBaltimoro1 -sugar
syndicate of New York r aad , ostoa
capitalists. It is not known f whether
ft niirrhaffn t 1"" io tho
sugar tf ilt or not.
Wesley's chapel, in the City road.
London, the cathedral of Methodism,
has bwn rcoafned, hM4 been com -
plctelVenoafcd. serift of services,
were nlu MB tae prawaMii 01 ine con;
. w . y- a'
bfauLtilmatvKJKiiam Lewi
was sunk on 1'oint narrow in me
Arctic regions during a snowstorm Oc-
The steamer Ottawa went astioro
near Sea Island, N. S., and was totally
lost The stewardess was drowned.
On the Minho fc Douro railroad in
Spain two PKnm trains came into
itn terrila force at ra
iMtnberMK carriages w
rsonsvere kille
K' re WW la still continue u
come from Russia in regard to famine.
To add to tho general misery ten great
ififSffrbiaXk jfanl to
y an explosion
iri Timmmm
iipviy mnu'iL-
tno Tfusk-Ivaulio'
tunnel at Leadville, Col., recently.
Ci.f mso hom
house urns pr tho week
decrease of 0.0 comparoc
Ul U.u CUIIlIiurou nun uiu iui-
responding week oUutJkar. In '.
York the decreaJeifill 8 Jf
In New
The Cumberland church prcsbvt;
innuirintr into the case of Rev. Ii T.
Rowers, of Kansas City,lMo., h
iadClB Ihlrvcif df 4hanorali'
onmroa hub sanpjnMan. if An
pn'h wccklyV-review
of trade
tho outlook bright in every respect
ti,c trade with Cuba has increased
! greatly under tho reciprocity treaty.
TJiE Cochran-Fulton Co., olddistilwrK
and'krtesaUutirdoalcraTf UsM t
vilJe. Kvrj'4ivcaasigne4 fitli isoojfoof
HESiriKO -nr-in
ho Wit plaW depart
ment of tho St Louis Stamping Co. 's
mijla has.bcen-oClcially.declarcd off.
A?r.liiper Gia.
stat24Ujtftth4 fiapt,- powdej'worJtR
blew TrpTcIllihthrcc m5n and senOtisTy
injuring one boy. .Tamos Hamilton
wns blown to atoms, nothing being
Lfoupd of him but one (finger. Ah Uan,
f rfchinainin,fyaf .kill,oniff
queue was xoiinu.
A terriiilr prairie fire burned across
tho western portion of Aurora county.
S. D. Nicholas. Wolf. and .AutcuxAlircox
perisHell la'the'flaOiesV'tiOttr'Oirng iukti
leaving families.
For tho month of October the gross
earnings of the rstem of thr jArT. &
STFrvt beviar $an cacfccd, amU
1 WJc M'udilc Mlfol'Ji rea SI,
A. H. Weyman, colorcil, was hanged
at Trenton, Ga., for tho murder of a
prison guard at Colo City, Ga., last
M. Ii Toykes' planing mill at Tun
bridge, Out, was wrecked by the ex
plosion of a boiler and James Turn
bull, the engineer, was driven through
two partitions and had both legs
broken and was terribly scalded. Sev-
1 .!,. nr ;.lj...wl
SciiiTLTZE, the man suspected of hav
ing killed tho unfortunate woman in
"Jack tho Ripper" stylo recently in
Rerlin, has lecn released, there being
no evidence to connect him with the
crime. t
The fund collected bv the
Espaa0TCutar!r tbMlic
Forty-seven convicts from Somer
set Ky., fifty-seven from Chattanooga
and four from Middloboro, Ky., who
had liccn released by miners at Coal
Crock, Rriccvillo and Oliver Springs,
have been returned to tho Tenncssc
eorto a vMgon In
farmer, fin wife
ridiir, ran
in, noar
Knoxville, Tenn. Henry and his family
were thrown over a precipice 100 feet
high and all killed.
The best business houses of Orange,
Mass., have been destroyed by fire.
Loss, $200,000.
The execution of tho anarchists four
years ago in Chicago was commem
orated on the Sth by '2,000 persons in a
street parade and spcechraaking at
Waldheim cemetery, notwithstanding
a drizzling rain.
There was a terrible gas explosion
in No. 1 shaft of the Susquehanna Coal
Co. at Nanticoko, Pa. Six miners were
lied and raanvacrlguslv in
retir- t- V xf
V . .-'vB -
a.---t- rt r- "j
Wfcck tongijKA fjihtf
atal disease, has made
f . mmr
about Kirklin, Ind. Five of one
ily died in two days. .
GOa.bik has iued kiraalanxalion re-
all niembetskl SieLfrilet' to
participatJUi IcfctisVations
when the confederate flag is displayed.
In his message to the Cherokee na
tion's council Chief Mayes gives little
Two business blocks in Akron. O.,
collapsed suddenly. One lady was
frightfully injured and other persona
were badly hurt
The inquiry into the wreck of the
Despatch war Tesel ended in the
exoneration of every one
The trurirofiiirennaaflbr the murder
CoL S:inAfvood atHugotoKan..
s been pwiponea nuiejinuirj
erm. it was lounu impeaatvie io ot-
tain a jury.
The vote at Cork was: Flavin, Mc
Carthyite, Z.C69; John E. Redmond,
Parnellite, 2,157; Capt Sarsfield, eon-
seeing that failure was inevitable aad
fearing arrest, committed suicide to-
ther in their private office. The firm
Wabashad MUM e f nltlfvATa
aceased of riolatiag the boycott aad
payiaf commisaioaa forpanengerbasi- . . .yA" '
t - rUOW
HiMomi fWIMilW:
nirrlif-Wlfcn "HB if"
mt mtaaMwt.i :w
y -t. WmTT!K Ml
m rymmutrVT- EI
HiduMi. m
-- m "-
uT WiiMpwaB'
S i.mlln,u
vWfc slnofcrecK
tfe lm
IhMd Mhcbmto...
as mis- P
aafca ?
iM i '?
W 1'
tls r
lliicUs nrtifltaftirfjkro
QQlls WgonTHp
m. en
old wJhI
an ijfnniiL"PT
fhiS JoMnflflenw,
nil IBw nMr 191 ilrrM lar
VwarydWfn cMUnowfee
VaMi' irplatlf
. - J.-. a . .
QAofthe stite'df 1
3bimkin JftfiU by eowatics.wB-
imgr precincts eltUsa, wards of citle.
Jlqwrn and. rilUfpra. The population. l
Ike ute ) law. .w , j rc-
twtM nnder" the pcitgat census the
poptilatioa ef the jiUte i? 1.0SS,910, a
increase of 605,OS, of !84.(W per cent
SincelS a number of cottntifcthavo
heea organ kea'-from what was at that
time anorjranized territory, and the last
lcgUlature created Royd. cou.aty. Fol
lowiag is the population by counties:
, r ropnlntlon.
-.-; jus'p.tit
llnnutr ..
lOf s,wt
' 1
ft r- n f
... r j.
libono. 3,l9i
BozbuM 1 J.0-
IlriwjT.-.U....J1 .5
Uuflalo 2i.I
t. w
4.1 'J 111.13
- fheifj...yV.
4.t.; r,T
,; ... -
Z3tW- , !
1.S.0.S! 37. IW.311 JI3T3
4.012 i' 3.!'.' !.;'
Duntly ..
Frontier .
S.HI9 i .0
J.J.'". 4 7i
73 Hr.t74
3 111 i-Z
Furnas ..
Ins ... .
23, lw; 17W)J
' iyji'
Grant. tj..V- fj'
Jolinnon .
Kearney .
I:iiica8ter .
MhiIIsoii .-
)tM1 .1
.j1!, .i J.2 .2' "
KiHmrli.i. -.5;, l'J-,3t iuti ,,wff-'
Surpy Ti
II it.i
Sli'lridikft-. .
SnernisHiI ...
SlmtV "t-...
X.7 ..v.-
LW I.' 1.4
lzrrsM r. ii.i
Tmi; i -f ss tm i Haf via
Miactpn. . VA??, r.'lKtf -:J4
i 7 . i - a ivrvu - -4o .w .
WeliHiMr. ..
l...r.: IGI.4I
. !, o
Unorjf nn I. od
eiTliory (i)
I ?a I)oirt-v77TJ ll
Omaha gavo Post, for supreme judge,
pi,iyn.B j-fflrfoTTtfl "Toten.; Pt i-
majority was 0,351, with one district
not reported.
The fruit evaporator at Hrock has
-ihiDned abouL 20,000 pounds
alwut 12,000 pounds of white stock and
40,000 pounds of peelings and cores.
They have more apples than they can
Roiiiikrs went to the residence of
Herman Freeze, cashier of the Homer
bank, the other night and compelled
him to go to tho bank and open the
vault from which they took all the
cash. $1.00. and then binding and gag-
ging Mr. Freem they role off.
As soon
as he could free himself ho gave) the
alarm. I
At Nebraska City the other daV'rL
II. Rartling. administrator of tho estate;
of James Higly, instituted suit against.!
. t9 "' .
i ." .- 'V
1VI I; ?.I9I
J4.ij 1CX
7.02VJ i.-ifj
a c -I, -In
1 "
IdMiMJI ... Jft
:.... mo iv e.i'
... HUM W ;. A'L3M
...tftim Si vJ- fa;'-
.... 9.771 T-t.7 7ifr.. . -
HIW 2, 7.2 01 .'420
JiH 2.KU.'
E 7;ustfK..iS.
T rIakik..ia.
aa s
llQt 10.201
7 o ,wl
.IJ 94,
XT 3UU 13, ';i.
VI din i.' 3. hi
tA . . ' -'
tii i.f.;s iff7 dictator, saying mat uie emergency e- o-mw
". nffl 3'5 a"'1W V JicapiH.a'r.Mltmurarl.uti.i.sT.i,
il sir' .':jSL W-ti Atba bjlMengtW gave his consfnti,
. . It.TJ I ",ill -,1i--i .vi
J.f.S 6.0S 7,'i 31 Ul
'". 3,'JVI 111 3.MI41 IflW
faTfiaB nil u
2.VV 19i 2. 2 I.M7&3 )... .-.-i; .-' He u,en issued a decree relating tire r'
?..: 6-?? ?' . S ..I .V..,n t l-.f-...n himinlaco the
fiK'r! ri 'rt f? -atnl -congresa-. and dwftindiag .Mil .
7a.. MM lll' .1 f i.a 1.un.n a ii)iialtt.VMivii ""-" ------- ..-.. s
1EIQ3 fl of 114 W Uhe'same t'j1!
WilnnkV M. .
H hohA-
HaVni IXr n I. M thdnMaVYIUd cone s-fr B al'V
IWJaf ?! at ?i!f t.-AtTT til'lro witlrms S-kaaV
1U..V1.11 f.jyj .TT, OT- .' . . -J-
3J?1W-a:- Y2', r
'4-l ... . ..I .HM- Aki.l l- I"
I 7J 3J I ,U"i truii lilii
9ll: mglSB-
10I ' ." . 401
rfrt.. u.. L. I .i, 111 1"
I 13,VT WfT C,-'
t c - i. a.tfii 111.. : I
mTi ': f"l& :?' -HiStr.:
....... -. --.r. .- i i, -S.
a-4 i'tsrr-i.vAt-.'vI-
i-B-W M'tM.'XZ,-.', VS.ll
vr. 'ri -. v"V7i
m1!i! ?ii: 7.4 .IJ1
4,M'4i 1.212 .'''
;.57d !5,3i' 2 514
i list I HIik.1:
il.Oi; 11.4 "I I 5.'l lrtl
7 I 4. 41 2.3 4 W-4JI
' 1V1 S.Tl-7 3.14H
,Jc ..
I 4,! . 4I.7H
I ' tj6?7 .
I.WJ 210.4U
0.7A9 2 O.;.
7 r,, i i.t;
(5,72 ' 10S..1-
1I.2H'! v I"
l. si fill
17, 7.' ll.I7 r,,iov; 5
' -I
MVesl -'aVPIt4j Oiaiv rmn fliava Avna n. irrt-iTw ITiaIVfOs afTl'siarlR central committee, concede Me
E. li J
gfoM-l'NHrt Jl"? liaiijri-rjpett it mH in Krrrjrw-I ri - Klnlcy's election by
iietrTf!urTmtTtaothaTfll'f Sg 0rrt. fic.rf?tlo. of flfirifhrr'f-f SrVl V lO.OOO plurality nnd
"small sh
Casiafrp'lhe R. & M. mad for StwOdamagoK
Tie petition states thtfb' itigrjr. as as
ove flrf tJpe ilJbfcI., 1
w$i killed
e enghtu in HoMling fears at
ite Cloul Kan.,2iunaX3U. and not
receiving pnoper medical
virtually bled to death. t ' '
The Missouri Pacific Kansas Cfty
night express which leaves Omaha at
10:30 p. m., was held up by masked
roblers at Webster station, fifteOn;
minutes after leaving the Omaha do pot
the other night and the express, car
.W - with .lrnamlto nn.lrnW-.l
""" -f- -- - - :
It could not be learned how muck
money the robbers got away with, jbut
it was thought not to be a large
amount .'
O.N the Sth official returns had. tie'eti
received at Omaha from sixty-three
counties of the state, exclusive of
Douglas county. These showed a total'
vote for Post of 49,781 and for Kdfrerton
ofS0.R'29. The same counties last year
gave Richards 31.70S, Iloyd 37.SS7, Pow
ers .Kt,u-i.v, uuuciiuif iaiiiuLfUI ia iutt
total vote of 3-ff- The returns Indi
cated the n1tJLl Ios republican,
to the suprcmejfcourt, over Kdgerton,
alliance, by aliont S.000 majority.
DlPHTHKRtA is becoming alarmingly
fatal at Nebraska City. 7 r.
Huttk Citt. Iloyd county's temporary
1-aountMsat, nas tnree newspapers.
AUQAHWRLUoncoi tne anown
the employ of the LincvMn
street railway, was killed the other
morning by a south-bound Union Pa
cific passenger train. The accident cc
curri on the capung of4he South
street carl life JEf he." Lnioa
in the south veiMw pyt of the
Lincoln. htq It tr.ojl Paci6c
locomotive struck the motor car and
threw it upon Caldwell, crushing him
and inflicting injuries that caused his
IlLOOD poisoning caused by a wound
on tho hand from a piece of galvanizcl
wire resulted in the death of Ezra
White, a well known business man of
Crete. He was seventy-two years of
W1111.B huntinc near Wahoo Da"
White was accidently shot by Hairy
a bad
lost tv fifgers whfcV-SSJ shattered
1 . v.: i1 1
Fred Nelso't. of Sattos. had owe
finger amputated by aa oil barrel
which slipped when he tried to lift it "
H. A. Jcst, a wood chopper living
ten miles from Spriagriew, recently
accidentally shot aad killed himself.
He was in the habit of carryiag. while
at work, a loaded revolver ia his pocket
and was standing oa a lag chPFfiac
rhealhe helve of the ax straek the
of the pistol, whica weat
ell passed throaf h the groia.
As a B. i M. passeager train -ra
pamg a crossing jmst below Sontk
the other ereai-c it atreclc a
drirea7bjt?Wltaa "Daltea.
were HHp4'-aT4'r
Wm aH-ilir'r
i4ad. 1 .ro
roMM'i Dhiifiiant With
V i .. i ..
Nor. TTi-AdTicohby
wir from Ri
senate paued a bill to establish the r
poasibuity of tho prestdeat for ats dif
ferent acts. This act met with Foo
seca's violent ritapprobatton, aid he
refused to accept what be termed aoy
inch dictation as to his right and
duties from congress He ordered the
troops under arms throughout Rio on
November 4. and this led to iutensc ex
citement among the populace. BamU
of opponents of the goveramcat, in
cluding old republicans anl monarch
isU, assembled and shouted out their
disapproval. Ilctwccn them and the
aoidicry many CghU took place. Riot
occurred in the streets all over the city.
The troops were then given order to
.trim.'! iAiM"--jJ 'i- --::-j.
nUahvUr the Tiotcrs-wrre -ktHetl Kk
was now practically in a state f Mege.
It was not hafe to start out of doorv
At4iMM MtMtlwt lu tMt& ml '-
ijiiiiiii ij.uan.tfiiv "v v..w w
law was proclaimed.
A in nrevious cases a strict censor-
ship of the pre was establishetL
. - -. - r :aw j t j jt-t ..-
wiucuu, iii.",, - rj f-y r - -
I.HM.I Uafktl L taSa - . T m li --W 1
details of the cao&ca that iukf ; i '.. i .V . i s
'to the tronble betweea--eengrwa w?ttmVfTmW5nm & IS
President Fonscci It aecms to v. : .'' mbmmm't
had iu oricia in a row that broke ymm.?- ai mitr
in the lcgvUatire chaatfarr. The ; , ' t'
communication by telegraph wari.'
Ktopaed, A spirit of revolt raanilcsted
itself )n tie army: When Fonseca was (
4nf)riri"d;f ihls fct he went at once io '
nhetroop:nd mSt-them a stirring-ail- f
dress promising to guard their inter
ests nnd to protect them in all their
P"' "f
The unruly
wfTw- nwm- m -ay -
uly spirits wcro completely j
brought around to his side and at the
end of his address loudly cheered him.
The chiefs of Umanny then requested
.. ,
nseca to resume the functions of a
tin' that he therebv dissolved
hml tm lim.rflr anr usu for exlstintr. he
... .-a jl. w
it It
occurred on Tuesday. The troops yes'
tcrday morning marched to the Pando.
where President Fonseca ww, holding
a conference with his military com-
Lmanders. A conference of the minis'
ters was .also,.
in progress. At 'J a. i.tV
walTValiPpllTy IB
fidttlatiii1l4l aictatWshirCi.n;tf IM Llr'S ilcnMwrat.ftapfleninaWi
untirflTopolitTc'al rewliiW.rtr'rlf atl'rtr of M. '.MfWr!WaL JL't .ihr
an end and law-malccrVlcarncd to keep ,. sheriff, county clerk, koep-r of oor
un in nroirre.vs with republican ideas.
" 3Tlerapru.s rrecaivr 'upa Prttoivie
gaointlfc state 0 Rio frnndcdet.4iil,
declare that the authority of the dic
tator is not recognized. therev- Ah'gro
has a population of somu .0.9td iohan-
itants. Rio Orunde do Sul is oin; of the-
f ihost prosperoas and indeiM-ndentof all
the state Ityhai in population of near-
1.. timi non "4-n... 'rAniiril!ffnn"1nl nv
that thev will not tolerate a dictator-
ship, nnd arc demanding armed opposl-
tfoi to f.
onicca. They say that ho
!,. f
wishes to resumo imperial rule, with
.. . .
himself as cmi)cror. and that he has
grown tired of republican government
The navy has pronounced in favor of
Fonseca. . .
MiiiiiMvN .ow TiTiTiTiiEcti;
t". r . , :."- - v: rT
He klrllrvra Tlmt the Flimnrlil JurIUin la
Mure Important Than the Tar I IT.
Cl.BVKl.AM. O.. Nov. 7. A corre
apondent of the Lender (rep.) at Mans
field sends the following interview
with Senator Sherman on the recent
upon the financial question. I'resi--
dent Hayes and myself then made
an Issiio for the honest dol
lar, annthUulcrtkua- in oji'rf'
monxveaJtljjnly.hllit tHfJPS'V
of this state are true to the ele
ments of all life. tJrecnbackh and free
silver mean the same thing, and for the
second time in our political history the
state of Ohio has spoken and deckled
that question as fill1 05 It Can. I ilu irot
mean to. say .that the U
Via M iTnaS-hf fhe-V-Aftie!
tariff has. not
' What fffott will thia hard Upon flie'f
eloctiun.taxtyca?'; t 4.; , it,;r'"'
."A. very j favorable :pne.., Thisenm
palga teaches many, use(ul lesssMia
.which I will endeavor. (o point out In
Lthe first place, so faras'thc"rpt?lllcan.
pany is cjonccrneij, in is rcsnii ni -,ji
fixes the silver nnestlon a-Vcme-J'of the
issues of th ne'Jfl prslilerrtisil onnlcT.
and decides' it jio.far' as this state
U eoricerned. I aaa' convinced, .'tlrat
a jfrre ,'couaairo bill will lw Tfasw
by the congress, which assemble' ia.
December. J also believe that such a
bill as will be framed 'win le vetoed bjf
President Harrison. That will tiatural-
!l " free "'w thC ieatiir of tlje
I. . ..: :.i r aki - !.. t .1:11
be the leading Issue, apon vhich there I
are vat differences of opiakm. in lo(h t
iiL-.M. iiroiuriiiiitt niiii. iiku ..,
It is exactly like the. tariff
local conditions and, inrct gov
crn tne sentiment nnu acimo.
. . - . . . 1 ".....
doubt .very -democracv
1 1 & T
much .whether
the democracy in natiou-r cQnvcn
tion wUl'nr6c.almfor:free cxiliTare. If
ntlOtral '
ibev should, there would 1m "a'l crther
. . 1
issne of siimificaAcirlo- th bcjtI cam-k
paign. ' The inandai' batllt! that we
hare frmghl hi Ohio
01 i:iii- nf "tinlil the Rnri.ilnr. " I rVTa.ilrmnti Neftl. of the democratic
r rt .1
will thanb. tcais,i,74n.. . ,,
,and a contest such j " C.mptefe returni from Cleveland and
. fernrd to the nation.
. A . maa ftr. r- 111 t 4riJ tH,
ault. The tariff will be. promlneat bxtt
noi IDC vuai pojni is inc c-niic-
lltlmaltim China.
fo!r-W. NoV.7.---rhe fbisllgn ofllce
awaits arespyme from Pcktn to th J
nltunatum demandlrig the adoptlin nt
adeqiute :aeasure v b
era. in the recnt outrages
a resumption of trail
province Sir Job
tin.ii in!niiip to rttm 1i beeVtTt-"'
recteil io give the Chinese goreramnt
until the cnl of the mntH ts reply,
when, failing fcatfs faction, the com
bined foreign floet will wire Shanghai
and oiher treaty ports on the Vang-Te-Kiang
and the power will take
control of the cutora lf each port en-
j lil the matter fa dispute U arranged.
i:ntan 4lrr.
PrrER.nfR. Nov. 7 The com-
of the tran-Captan army corp
mis tfSVred that all fragment left by
I '.. 1 .r ;-. l;-t-;i -mI5
vuaTtoiuin uc air . -.... .
mVtJ the lamioe arr.cj juj --
le?5nd member of IMm foreign coi- J
iasioo. There are i eirc-Utioa ros
. .- . :t:, n.t tv..a.
-dots anecxinz- - a-w4..j . - n
. - ,. r .
banking homae. some of which were
ivim)ta he the aoasdest in'tbc
,-v. -. DN4. l
Si. Autas VlSjt. Z ExJ'tOT. J. G.
S5hpreteato-h Vara-oat Cea
tral. diid yesterdar of heart (afl-re.
aaete-aeoldlad had hee iaaTliaf
lbe-rce- lU waa waker of
the Ycraaoat ho-ae la 131 aa ISA! aad t
waa eh-Inaaa of -the Ul 4tlegai
to the vatknal repahlieaa eoaveatioti
i. 1ST-. 19 -BdlM. -
ar tiar a J irv DaaA
-.-. m?- rr-.-aa Joh
r-ra-i. iT-ie-t -Ai r aa -JW waa a l
aocietaire of thflnpiadiaJLiyr tit aad
a - . w i a
i i 4fJm4R'&mr"
-' JntecBW
V HwTrfc
Nrw TomC' N. ! -Kowell P.
Flower" nu clactfd Tarwly av gov
ernor of Kew York to aacceed laW It
Hill. HU pluralltj U evtimaUni at over
Faxett did not
caiTT Khalra. hi
own rltr. Flower J
WaUng "him by Ml
rl ThU city gave
VKlow?r 000 plur-1
lltv and llroukljn i
ave him 14,000. f
llctuni rrcelrnl
; -
I -
Ula iuiK
ROsttKtM-. rwiwntMilf ."ew lone ani r
. . . T. - " ,
King county iixltcat that 1 avvrtt ha
' -" ...-tr loicvr fat
- wfc.-,-a. ,. - - i -' - I .
j Jeirersan. Cltutou. wtvtroniary
and Wyoming eountlr-. he was far It-
!,,. . t tui; t-...
ninu tne voit ior .-inicr nun
for Miller
rainH oo a (ler4TaMl voIa were aUcau
i vut ucre
of Hill's. rVaterfAw-r fear wi
fchnm Wain of'iaalTajrVliivrfa
l4aTraaTo in OiUfritJ'JwVirrTllk'ht.;'
lL,aI ' "---- ..- .,..Kf u
registration of Ml.WJ at Icat
at -f?,TW
Hut only
ballots would be jlleL
Hill-Miller campaiirn morr than uTT.s)
votes wore cast Comparatirrly, Flower
ran as well as Gov. Hill, whM plural
ity woa fJ.OOO, nnd who w as elected by
atfvVir4a 1 lupcr,
KT 1
plurality of Koswcll P
Flower for gorernor at 4.t34.
At midnight the Associated prrs.s rr
urns from New Yorlt state showed fif
teen democrat elected to the sonato
and seventeen rcpublicanv There I
some doubt about two democrats
nguros tne repiiauicans ... ju .-
jority on joint ballot of the legislature,
Kric county-, with one ward in HufTn
lo m Using, gives Flower a plurality of
Ic"- 1 he missing wnru gives a uemo-
jHatic majority of about 40 oarxpr-
W'lJ'cr ofliceN Y ttFk'WHjk
house and coroner on me -.0111117
ticket The republicans elect the
MUX-rin ten dc nt of the ioor. ln the
city ticket the democrat elected the
mayor, Charles F. llishop. (re-elected 1.
the comptroller, commlsslonr of pub
lic"Work-. naor. ,iavJge ul
hMc',n an,i Wff! 'T
laTUHcans eiefTiM ine yge ff .V
MncNor etmrt m thaareriau-Af .tlie
loor. The select council, a new lody.
under the new charier will stand, eight
' democrats ami one repuuiican. 1 nr
: loard of nldermon will stand, thirteen
democrats, and twelve republicanv
The Ileralil's returns from the tatc
cnnlirm thoM figures as to the sensh
lnit in the assemblv.VJ Mh ore glren
Iicans, thus gfvrtlg tiie latter l major
ity on joint ballot Flower's plurality
is given as 4i',-n.
Coi TMiirs, O.. Nov. ." At midnight
(5ov. Camplx-ll conceded the election of
Maj- McKinley bjr lft.0(H) plurality.
the election of n re
pulillcan legislat
ure. 1 V
im miii riiiivini
county by a major
ity of from l.'Jdu to
I.'rfMI atul elected
the entire ticket.
-.iii. n.i -yrrntiwn
of Walcott, republican, for the lgl-
.Llatiirc, whfi ,vvf' "nave a plurality aV
lllil r'v..'. .4... . .f. . .
' tiiwiiiT-jiMt-' 1 'i in." 11 t; :
"'AtNM;iftlckM.lfyWbJrUjplo, Uic
fprblku.&nsT at ns gaW t i
nTbH n,i9f lor.:amjiW;ll M
owa LCOvntjsWpy-t "a'galp'orer hi
rowrr 'may'ri.tOTytwo jrfri -"go Tim
' A iwtrallaii. billot, Way h,rt 'gr&tly rl-
foicJ!f'l)y, 'trttT1phnarr roter'A a irnrail
Voa7wherts Vfie rTuvsthUia was
anticipated. CamplirJi;. p IfiWitcr,
fgVrlriiKl h trrrlfy 'irrehifcV;tJpt one
In thn -enntjiV Jfa iq. majority will
Ibe lictco'n.3.'"' audi vyp, - "U gain
is Jrww. $lm rc.Diblco s.
I -r'ti MKiNwtjj wJttrrr
ci.xcuvfATi,. 'Spv. A, There I noUi-
ing,In (cfli'rnslfrop mfsVlrrg precjneta
fliat baVe ly'ctl hrl rrutn to attrf vb
'-!-.. .--. '--! -.!....
"The iwtlteatJeWar are. tfw
irim. wun
hptirstay wilt r-l:lot iv,poo a4 th
levUrfttmre'SM lreaJy xcpprVdr- re
publican majorJtr oi,"t pn Jo'mjL ballot.
rrtnrn from namltton county
irivc the follrrwing rultA
n-P.lWvr:TMt. Gainfliell
1II..VW; A-4wjbprk- Trohilatl-jn. 4W:
ScitA people's. -Vt73 ..McKiaJej
dty. 5,-:, MoKUiley. majoritj. !.-
'its county give Mckinley !.! plural
flly1 orer Cam pts-Il. Tba n-publican
elected the entire JnrvMreoetftaion
of thrce-acnatnot affl- -fanr rprenta- f
tlvra anl Uiaenwre aiaie ana camj
lilct.-wP.hpae cxcept9P ith P"3
rant-Mlir from I.2"J to AVX .
--i-.- 1
Tr-"r . -r - . .
'x .- ?.. ;
"rJrt4IO"NTWt ."
new law pxd by the
lat lc-tlatere
Mnntrinit rnii-t n ! rnnti-i br two r
.linmi nfHi-iI in -oerfer t -rrarr w
'" o ' .
rf4rct-os the rr-
more awiy j 1 uhb -
M . -j
ail Kcuasi t i -
.. . . - r" .
eWVwai mxchtecry
( i rrT)-cw i
Wsore 'rf?cr'cVA -
s"--h- r
tioa .thjus ta th-
r-ferst tr
a' ZS JamWWU ---'7
'. . T- ""I ' -. JK.
l. - - -
" -' JCiT
l 1 X''v A rf
i iiia"i " .. i .:raar
s fm
punish the lead- iPaw-i. rcp-o a w - """ i""-" whelminrlr .J-mocrati-. -
1 . .. r
and to secure ;"? ", ' T ' of th- tnemts-r ptr ft
1 j.i .ir.ijr 'hamji TTfirr--t 1 "
c in the. Human, ;'J y-" . t .. - !ofM-c. ferrr rd aJ
n Wallham. the a.-htti I'nite! tt nii,
1 (9xr 'Zw''4 v
itii p js
-L'liJ v'
RnaT T Mferd
vT v 'Anr
ay cotratrTJtowa Iakota H1 grve Joily --?":.
JUvr arwtj nW Mruf 2Xi" .-. -ftcaa
gain of tC t r&J-ai. aaf tiat -Hat irtfcrr'!; J
It per tows over U d-f--at-4 by a b-rysr flriity tk
yrac va wis
a l a an -.r . --: i in ai
- -
iuii.j3"i -- attt . - 1
towxa 0 jhtateoId frr &z. J
-ltr!JriJrTt . .
mmrM.mmmltl tef f
IU! l-i -hailMtfoWeea aeara 0.
all ia the aaaoe-Ued retara, a- wrr-
wTmmmi2 V!3-ZZ . f
at hauLZacerred The footao f t J
fvr--.l." 10if--H'r
alMUe.. l ". FT1 V'N
? ftlVg yXrtfi'.y, .Vt. !?1
"JTWiSt-lBu. -7r T
plara-jty ot t"a. wax t-" .
'i!!!fl n:u f
...JrTT: . .. T l
wm -Ujartty
tJmftfmmmjmmS x,vS2iL5!l
-Thwli it i TT-1-2- -l 'rjfn34irtr
w7-T-rjdwrj t -iiTay,
WeW4 hj mati
TTi. r,tarM lev tiW JefUlatRre U
rrfeblUn. nmmag the arpH
4M bclnff the fWfeat of Kob
HHowmfiivt Kail Hrer. Tho raaU
WW he pipttWieaa. The hm ha
cotaaleta retarn from U7 iwaWrv a
J little wore thaa o-half. aed tl
-BlH 9S rvfublicaa and (4 tSetoTu.
Scalier Karrett U rt-eleld by twice
hk laat year plarallty.
Da MoitJ. la,. Nor. ..- !Uth cm-
aillt here claim tlm election of fc-x'"
eraor. Chairman Maclt. of tb rrpaiV
lkaa comaiitte, aaid that tho return
were atlll lncww
pic to but carrf nl
eatlmatr pla
Whaler' plural-
Ity at from
U CKsX lJtr
prrclnct It I 1-
lTrl. will how
Salnv a tbry win
!w invm ptmnirr
dUtrirtk Ibatr-
man 1 uller. of U
nosAcr. hoi-. .mr.i. w-
ilnmncralM com ,
utiltfr. all "I claim
mittr. tai.I I claim mr iau r
thr tat for
Role lr the mr
ti.r -- ,v. . . k nr.l I, twn
im-- i iv -.. r.-.-. .-ji -- -
lt.. ftVLa
rrsr T A.'-OX
year a a. km. iito ni.uuak
dr!lnlt utx'rt n hlch In
mato for the ret of
p,, Moisc, la.. Nov .a lU.jr,
arrire,t in IV Molne last rUtfht fr-t
Waierl.H.and found the tret. crow d
ed wllh r.cltel people houUnj. Ior
At the Ke'lstrr oflloe cinpM r
tnm frnin elirhlv-three counlK ha4l
ldU U.1MJ nl f, Imfrt (lllir- allllMltlET
a et iIomh cratle gain over two yearn
afo of !"l If the gain U kept up In
the remaining iteen rnmtie ov
nUiTr plma'itv will t- In the neitfN-
UirhiHMl of .rts) a gain of Vo ,r,"r
two year ago.
The return on the other tate oflleer
are scattering, and if Hole plurality
U (K a It now promise to lr. the
rest of the democratic ticket will t
elected by small pluralities, Tho re
publican -have imMiio lioix fir aus.
Uk4nli(c Hdlitenant-corertior. SIlkN
w 11 K'tCl1
aKl N JmwLf
running ahead of Wheeler In thjfy
-t ... .1... 1 . ..i 'rittuv.)
Cincia ilia. Jie irpuiKv vn
claim Snbln, atijrtnteiidrnt ut-
lustriictioiv. The demK-ratacl4aW IJT
L i
whole ftlaie llOkei is eirrir-i, win
1 ,.... -.m
take full " tur i than can n9v
talflill! rrderide the fata of ttw
Vaf ftirertlor
v rU Vie l"rt e r
hotiM lht fiuWkans
-j 1 "i
have gainst Aulul-m. AJai ,Uins
lkiiie. Decatur. Hoyd. PdtWr.ahtrir h)
KoKsuth count e. while the -UtaaeraU
have trained Marlon. O Mr left nnsV.
The parties were equally divided twp
yenr ago and the rrpfilira "alll
therefor have a clear-Waorlty, The
,Miuittr is coiuded t0"bi!noralk by
one 0 two vot ViifR9t Alli
ance candidate, Wcslfnlt. tor gorernor.
rorrived 1MKK) roUw 4a the aUte.
The alliance crrle one oonaty for
govern r Monona, auj for repreaol
tlve Monti-oiiiery.lind the Montgomery-Mill
senatorial. dUtrict
11111 Apr.i mis, Nov, At midnight
' ..... .. 1 ....!-- l-
retiTrrTW-jrnrn (. I6JJ v tjy-nur , in
eluding AlIeglieTl
eacludrag Ihll
Milrtlt,l,lr. .It. .Mr f. B.l . nTTTTSI a
.. .'.... w ..., ,uii,H
lor iiretri. rrpuuitcati. ior aiMlut
general and gbr-ut Vu aame
for Morrison. jTa4lh,-'V tar tUI
treasurer ltijladlpht oftty re
turn are coitiltigjaltlowly; but OBf
fourth of the wanta bffng Is at thU
hour The- indicate, however, that
the republican will carry tha eily by
alxint and Uie rntMliaa mjr
Ity In the entire tat will h4 a than
40.(KKl ,'
At 1 a. in the wboln atatW ha tfsn
heard from, not a coimtf - tg
Orrgg, repiitdk-an. for atMHtrfaatraL.
ha HyXl plurality over Tfjffhtf 4tMr
octal, ; nftd Morrlon, rrfaHMM! tar
state treasurer,, ha
over Tilden. democrat
OtMllt, Neb. Jtov a Uelurn frm
Nebraska up to 1 o'clock thU m rtdng
ate. uif-fjcr
Ttr "A iwllUa.
ha irted a hard ope to count an
t th
result Is'tiiat ihi-Vfiwii 6r later -- j
Ing In thn evr Wftirr, even in tbla j
proverHallv lnw lat-. j
ti out of ninoty. rirnlTc of IViwrla
and Iancaler. gave Pot retmbUran. ;
fur aupretne judge. ti.VI lilrrrtos. j
Independent. IVTX Ijnrati-r cmnlj. (
estimated, gifr Pl I..Vo maj-trlt j
and IMigla eottntf l,Cfo tnajorll J
ThU hdcat that pofa plurality In
the Ute will I over T.o-iO
Klfliwo-p. Va Nv ? Atifitthr-'
fourth of tin lat ha ln h'afl '
frnn which aberw that ii!-n Mnalr I
Ul dl-tricbt have Wl'-l itv-
crats with fosr district t hf .
from. ThU IU nlntn ;
democrat who hold over mV- tl
senate atand Xd-mfrr at t I rp-b-llean
who lxld over In ltT-CTe
citlc and cotintle- b-ar.l tmtn th
-J 4.moeTt elect ever ralld
ute Mc'ndih of SllII--r t r-ttr.
Who i elctyl by 1. an Hvl'i'ffJ-nl
atltaoo caiMlvlate. Th dem-rl-wjll
have roore than two-thtr-1 matM
Itr in Oi nel M-jriMamr-.
Jtrxi'it, Mu. ,sqt - jfc auction "
Sin thitaU wab-ld for thr ralla7
j com mi "one rv, tb eatlrw Jeyila!r J
anI flitrtct aitrftT
w h uw
It, AiV- a4 J. K. JeMKiw -r
-ijn -rt
th- detncrall ui for railrod
mniniiiMuarTflVi vx-,,. .-.
5. ..l . !.
-f- ,-i ,.. , i
1 i.m r.-i i , m mil c. OT,r- f
""' -"- .-.-. ...- f
Ite l n4
t7. lr i
ttali W lb
"W SmTwry.
... . .. . L . .
TRS-TO. .V J .."- - n r--r-
. f.
n'oVk thU mj-rtooff I&det
lk eletio of t atr- - ,
"f-yKJijLrt of Utr aUr-a.
. a i fc .. Jf
- " 1
-t. .ktl t. tW .g r-ta k a
A . ..
a jo a-
.7, , l.
or, Jrnst Wik
. ... i .v i. ;
T 'r "-T Hr '--"'
i -.
'Y., . rwW.4v J, io- !nfffrtt-
rccrl br4frtrr of -
firafisratJatj esrat cm j
trrWdty -f to ti eCseA'i-'! o- ;
--a viC-'J iao". 7"
Dtarra. Cot. Xo . Tfc tt.
. A.it4 i rrtr It wOl W
ia-x-i.- ---a to-elgat US
- ti j
cr. ;
tfA jsrf-.!. Wrwerer.
j. ,-rfre, v Urrmi4 tht Jf
-Twi5-. h. b,e Ar
-j tJiar V free. T io IM -
Kxvtt. 34.. .W L -IW-
jtr. docr ea-&ate for r-
erase, haa a aaaWrlty a btwtwa IV
,.4 etli:u 4eta-
cra-Wr Warie
That crr-t mcl'v' TJw Cniry.
rmblUhfl by The Cmtnry C . of N-w
York City. U C"nir to oul It i
riralnl rrord in It povmumw fw IW
J coming rrar. Anvn It flr-
mrk of artwlo n what ti- i.t.w
nwnt UlMnr anl nffht W -' f r
farnxrr. lrwltt.l4nc H Km? f
crlnt,"" mCprin.'" th V -,
lniTof tb iVpartnwat f
i- A of Aror1 !
' KinlTanl Ktrd"- rUw t
. AMriijn antKT. U f J -,
wh H rrll trtat hI t
I Am'Hpan rrtr l fwr
f ,t.,fT. Tb f.m ?
Oa.tcr. wUl a "
clnmbu. t. m4maiv
j lsJ; ttw-rr will I" rtW n1-" '
I Fair, by ps?ul a rra '
; ttiAnacrr. tho hwfMrit "IWI N'
t,)(olnNt,niHw r. H.
, frrrnt JK of Nw York wi
' trrtj , ff4-mtl lJ-raI-4
jr jjp.1 tfc-- N YrV atark
The lkmcry" a th- osar t
" .
.". ... ii-"i, i ,., m.u. v------ - -.
...n..w. Ii .'.. ... .tt. rrffy fya
I rrad f
rleb man m.'srryinc r-
,0 lw, ,a$ V1T d U io jh
iWtuvo tht lh rials fiH
... .ii
bf mtk'iii hi rrw i" n-in
W i
h market. od I am ... .
T Uwh wife avjrdf wm
kh raa it4fc i .
IV Hti:otsae .!. v m
-" x.: '
, ig,Wck" 1 l-f,ri, a
UotllwkWiAh f - r
; ," ' rmmkrmKK n UWrit
1, bU -e. tigLmma .-n.t l-w -
t . . . .
gant iIiaiii ntt lat.U 1
daees Vn a" rl t-- r N V
ti ' . T
1., A. .'-if
ill IU.I to
ILa -' -'-'
r , . "' -' I v
ru.mi wratv
Yn 1 1 H in-
OniVrTllI, UXK Itl) '""-'"
rflHM frtll n get rtm iu
Tre wifnethiMi' la'tlff. H
f .. . ... , . . .. .1.
, rtrrt? niKMttlil l,.liia it .-
Ug laathlC They Cr'fl A-1
! a(c xx(Tt tmac!i U1 bwK
Taken hi umf. im:fr'tt trou.
In any PA, they -
Ami tlm)' cuff It ; liV)e
iitUil ami K-ntl but tlitr.iitli ,l
rffcCtive- Tn;rra ! Ut.rWlirt
to the avtum, let or -- iitiH.
t)no titty. jr-" " l-l iVllet fr
a UxatiVc -tlirtr for a ewt.i't4r
Sick am! Uilimu H -rwh Ijc. t4
jatlon, ImligraUwi. HiH-uiSt' Vm,
ami alt lcraiigitm it of t,he br,
ntoiaali ami 1jwi1-i aru jV.jy
rrlievrtl ! jirmwiM uiTr !
The.r'r purely. AtnitbU. J-'
lurmU., U' piii-
m) 4a!nt
to Uar iMiJrf it 1
tin rud.'! mi
can hiiv for tin
" - ' " ' "' - ' ,7 i
iHrr? aaiufaouon, yWr ltw,i.
tt turned iU mtM i'
gtol jfim gpL fm ii-'to "';
of Dr. IVrwV mlnit f
row ouh out or town Caoy
cur.TOMt.11ri '
. i-...ii 1
a t - .!-
tM-ilMltf'jl tl. mmi
-t r - -,!.-
I t
Feather ' Trimming,
f 1 lit -kt . rf -
mint !- 't 1f t 4
!, M .- fl
all IJ '-'J'.
t II r j m4
I A4-2
a ihi m
. tiv', "t-f ", .fjji.
v w m - - -
3 SHOE, ctt-'
t ..trtMOt aMffnUta
I. . .. f , k.
BJ I .r . " - - "J
r,-Tur--tr.- -
i vr --wr -"- ' -"
,. .. 4 .wv -
. . " . . .
-- ,- .Rc
.- Afc- v W
f t.l I S,i -- M -l
- S4 U r
!! w u 1 -riMr v - Jl
I trrikt a-rrrt-rt
i V: fctMftr Am--:
Takmr bultrr ffn
?4rWv,fTr ur- r.xr
!: vs. 3tt f f
lime to jauXE&mi&
MiB.. tfrTcftMcm of
tf. tv a ricCiocal
liuty-r. ?iax!irftAiu.n
f.J-Trsr oil x an caf-.-r fj4
tMrtyCrrrrAr- it n ft
for j2rvti7 It st jot jatc.
tSel p ,J t Kifa&l'iilyr cslioti :
axvl at the nc Urnc. up
pHrri thn: iVxiy a k.ftd of
rwwrlsiirnrrit if a ct in o
other way.
4vjtaT a Tart tf tf t WwML
! tliaol.1 V '11 !. tiifiAi .
K7 v nr w vaa i w
rvkjflr &I'Br. r J M
V- a - mMW m . ill a MT M M
9S '
i-P-HH9 i il m mmmw Ml H I
mrmr " ' '4a-' W W w as- -" i ' V V
.4 -'
ap p avi0a aac aaa
ixmrnw 9
Ji-aiWiM-rwl ?? .
W Art
St ? -;,
--f . r
Livr-7fewa25?--:.:' . . --j.--:
s.. . -" . . - .
.i T ?9TT