The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1891, Image 4

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Fort Abstract
kL U 13 M?m O KS3
ida mi
&CO. $ pcm
Ik l&tlsa
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
ON SHOKT jsuriuja.
llavlne had ton yeaw experience in county records and one of the most complete set of A
lla mp ton ? j inetc. e Kiiaraiitee satisfaction. Yonr favors solicited
.straU booKsn "'jj,,.,, fr0,n,)Uy. io.O( dollar bond tiled
:nd unproved. Address or call on
L. II. FORT Manager, Red Cloud, Neb.
Lower than any yard in the world
Cash grocery House
Best Coods Only Come and see me
The Cash Grocer.
Read! Read! Read!
Ol Conovcr and Diekcnon, anil is now prepared lo kcII anything;
In hit line and al Hie Very Lowest t-lgurc lor cniii
Nothing but the best goods kept. Call an -1
see me when yon want anything
in my line
D. B. SpauoLrle.
Rkal Estate
Red Cloud.
I. W. TULM'YS, M. I.
lIuiucroiatliie lli)U-luu,
Red Cloud, - TVctruKit.
)nicoMsitiFirM National Haul;.
U. S.t aininin:4 MiiKi'on.
ttlimuii; disease tie.ued lv mail.
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infimts
aud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute,
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
enrcs Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend
"CaJoria Is an excellent nediclno for chSl
aren. Mothers leave repeatedly told mo ot its
good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. Oroood,
l0rell, Jlass.
Castoria Is the be.-t i emeJy for children of
rhlchIaiuatqua.nUxL I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the reel
Interest of their children, and usi Castoria in-s-adoftheTariousquacknostrumawhichnre
d -stroyins their lored ones, by f crcias opium,
morphine, soothing ynip and other hurtful
agents dcvin their tnroats, tjereby sendias
tten to premature graves."
Pa. J. P. nrscnKLor,
Coawrj. rk.
The CoJitanr Cctipasi7, Tl lanrray Street, Hew York City.
- . & I J
Co., Red Cloud,
Taken Fp.
To wheni it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has taken up on his prem
ises, on the southwest quarter of sec.
.'11, town 2, range 11, wc.-t, three head
of calves described as follows to-wit.
One heifer calf, black with white
spots, one heifer calf white with black
spots, one spotted bull calf. Those
interested will take notice that if
stock is not claimed and expenses
paid 1 shall proceed according to law.
M2-5t W. J. CoZAD.
fc .. nJw
:. sen i:ck,
J II Ml IT Of tltsPcMIT,
and Notary lnbllr.
ottiecmer Post Ollhe.
Ked Cloud, - XcbrawkH
" Castoria Is so well adajitcd to chCdreo ttet
I recommend it as superior to any preaeripftJoa
knotrn to me."
IL A. Ascbkx,1L D
lit Sa Oxford St., Crookir' K. T.
Our physidaas la the childrbu depvt
xnent hare spoken hirjhly of their experi
ence in tlieir outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only hava ainoec cu
jncdteal supplies what is known as resul-r
produces, yet wc ara free to confess "t th
merits of Castoria has won m to look wbk
favor upon it "
Usnxa nospiTAi. axd DifanyMmT,
Allc; C Sjote, iVei ,
Friday, Xev. , IStl.
Entered at the W Office in Bed Cioiid, Neb.,
as mail matter of the second class
Brought out by the Official Gov
ernment Test.
Purity fFMd Demanded by
the People. Which Bakln
Powder Will Give It!
From Chicago Tribune. m
The public ifl always responsive to sug
gestions abont the food it eats. Great
interest has been taken in the investiga
tion made by the United States and
Canadian government and by
the different boardaof health
to ehow the purity or impurity
of milk, baking powders, 6pices, and
other articles of daily use in culinary
department of our household.
JuBt now the BUbject of baking pow
der 19 claiming public attention. We
all desire pure and wholesomo bread and
this can not be had with the use of im
pure or poisonous baking powder. There
can bo no longer any question that all the
cheaper, lower grade of baking powders
contain either alum, lime, or phosphatic
acid. The official analysis by the United
states and Canadian governments have
therefore been studied with interest and
and have pretty clearly established the
facta upon this subject The United
btates government report gives the names
of 18 well-known powders, some of them
advertised as pure cream of tartar bak
ing powders, that contain alum.
The report shows that the Iloyal bak
ing powder was tound the highest
in leaving strength, evolving 1G0.G cubic
inches of gas per single ounce of powder.
There were eight other brands of cream
of tartar baking powders tested and
their average strength wan 111.5 cubic
inches of gas per ounce of powder.
The candian government investigations
were of a still larger number of powders.
The Royal baking powder was here also
shown the purest and highest in strength,
containing 129,32 cubic inohes of leaven
ing gag per ounce of powder.
'ine other cream of tartar powdors were
tested, their average strenght being re
ported to be 81) cubic inches of gas per
These figures nre very instructive to
the practical housekeeper. They indi
cate that the Itoynl baking powder goes
more than 33 per cent further in use
than tho others, or is one-third moro
economical, still more important than
this, howover, they provo this jmpular
article has been brought to the highest
degree of purity, for to its superlative
parity this superiority in strength is
duo and consequently that by its use
wo may be insured tho purest and most
wholesome food.
Tho powders of lower strength nre
found to leavo large amounts of inert
mntters in tho food. This fact is em
phasized by the report of the Ohio .state
Food commissioner, who, while tinding
the Koynl practically pure, found no
other powder to contain less than 10 per
cent, of inert or foreign matters.
The public interest in this question
has likewise caused to bo made investi
gations by our local nuthorites. Prof.
W. s. Haines, of Rush Medical college,
consulting chemist of tho Chicago Hoard
of Health, has found results similnr to
those reported by the national and Cana
dian authorities. Dr. Haines says:
Rush Mkdicai. coi.i.k:k, chicaco, ill.
I have recently obtained samples of the
chief baking powders in the market, nnd
subjected them to careful chemical ex
amination to determine their purity, and
wholesomeness, nnd leavening jower.
as tho result of my test I tind the Royal
baking towder superior to all tho others
in everj- res-ect. It is entirely f reo from
all adulteration nnd unwholesome
impurity, and in baking it gives otf a
greater volume of leavening gas than
any other other iwwder. It is, therefore,
not only the purest, but also tho strong
est powder which 1 am nojnainted.
Walter SHains,M. D.,
consulting chemist, chicago Board of
The statistics show that there is useil
in the manufacture of the Royal baking
powder more than half of nil the cream
of tartar consumed in the United states
for nil purposes. The wonderful sale
thus indicated of the Royal baking jov
der greater than that of all other bak
ing iowder combined is perhajw even a
higher evidence than that already quoted
of the sutericrity of this article, and of
its iiidispenablenpss to modern cookerv
A Wonder Worker.
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of
Burlington, Ohio, states that he had
beenunder the care of two prominent
physicians, and used their treatment
until he was not able to get around.
They pronounced his cose to be con
sumption nnd incurable. He was ier
sunded tory Dr. King's New Discovery
tor onsumption. coughs, and colds and
nt that time was not able to walk across
the street without resting. He found.
leforo ho had ued half of n dollar bot
tle' that he was much better: he contin
ued lo use it nnd is to day enjoying p;ood
health. Ifyotihavo any throat, lung,
or ehe.-t trmile trv it. We guarantee
sati-Ynction. Trial bottle free at li H.
Demo's drugstore. n3
Lst on the streets Fr day evi nii.g.
November Gth, a .-mall package c n
i.i uiiig a silk tc and nie dnzen but
tons. Finder is refjue-trd to leave
sun- at this offiec.
Barb Wire.
A. Moihart I a-i just r.-reived a car
load of bath wire and will . it
cheap. C"tue rLhi along.
For Sale or Trade.
A fine SO i-crc t: rm i ulv w 'uiles
' frtun this ciy. malv all tilbl-.
Kasy letius. or will trad for -t ck.
V. J. .MYEttS, N:.i C .'Ud, Ncbr.
HHkaHfJ .HUlake.
liosbnn too often permit wiv. nd
parents their children to suffer from head
arhe, dizziness neuralgia, sleepleuens
fits, uervousurss. wh-u by ihe o.e of Dr.
Mile' Kestora'ire Xenrine nch serious
reslU coold easily be prevented. Drng
gistneTerywhereMyit gire sat
isfaction, and lias an immene rde.
Vood worth co , of Fort Wnvn. Ind.:
Snow & co., if Syracuse. X- Y.: J C Wnlf,
Hilliiiale. Mich.: and hundred- of other
say it is the greatest seller thee ewr i
knew. It contain no opiate." Trisl '
bort'e and fine book on Nerroas Di I
case, fre nt C.-L. 5 ,
Ohilurer . -Pitcher's
School supplies at Deyos.
Condition powders, a largo variety at
Dennis, of Walnut Creek, take the
bait, as an independent beater.
cant. Munsell 6avshis corn will go 90.
bushels to the acre on the bottom land.
Cinin Dovn fnr tin Rtatinnarv. fine ner-
f umes and toilet articles and rine drugs. I
Take your old coat out of your broken
windnw, and go to Deyos for window
50 doz Husking gloves in four different
styles at Wieners from CO cents pair
Notwithstanding hard times DeyoV is
having a good trade because low prices
and good prices count.
Do you need a pair of Men's or Boys'
boots or fine shoes? Wiener offers the
best made, at right prices.
We would suggest that next year the
lerk procure 17 Saratoga trunks, for bal
lot boxes. We'll need 'em.
Perfect action and perfect health resnll
from the cse of De Witt's Little Early
Riser, a perfect little pill.
J. H. smith, wants turkejs, chickens,
ducks. Highest cash price paid. Yard,
one block north of Holland hoube.
Never since I have bten in business
have I been aulo to offer such value to
my customers as now, is what Wiener
DeWitt'sdfitparilla destroyed such
poisons as srBTa, skin disease, eczema,
rheumatism. Its timely use saves many
J. Y. Winters was at home over
Sunday and remainea to vote on
You never tried DeWitf- Little Early
Itinera for contipation, billiou.sneso, ck
headache or you would not have these
Are you feeling chilly? Dont you
wnnt to feel comfortable? It will take
but little money to buy your underwear
at Wieners.
Now is tho time to select your reading
for the winter. Patronize your home
merchants nnd order all papers and maga
zines of Deyo.
Cheapness alone is not what you are
looking for, but combined with durabhty
nnd tit in eluding stylo h what you want.
This you can find at Wieners.
Lost A L'old pair of bent lwwed
spectacles between Ked Cloud, and the
fair grounds. Finder will be reasonably
rewarded by leaving them at this ollice.
We enn not afford to deceive you
Colidecnce is begotten by honesty. Do
Witt's Little Early Risers are pills tha
will cure constipation and sick headache
O. R. Pitney, nnd Miss corn K. Har
vev, were married last week, at the resi
dence of Mr. John Lightfoot. by Rev
G. W. Hummel. Wt extend congrat
ulations. Do Witt's Sarsaparilln cleanses tho
blood, increases this upjietitu nnd tonesup
the system. It has benehtteil many peo
ple who have suffered from blood disor
ders. It will helu you.
A profcss'onal athlete amused the
crowd Friday, and Saturday.
Don't storm tho system as you would
a fort. If held by tho enemy, ennstiapn
tion. gentlv persnnde it to surrender with
Do Witt's" Little Karly Risers. These
littlo pills are wonderful convincers.
Cnpt. Munsol, gavo us two very fine
apples oi tho TeofsKt variety raised in
his orchard. They wero commonly n
Ruisian crab, but in this country they
grow to a largo size and aro delicious
Elder C. P. Kvaits preached at the
Christian church morning and even
ing Sunday.
Peoplo with impure blood may 1k said
to exist, not live. Life is robbed of half
of its joys when tho blood is loaded with
impurities and disease. Correct this con
dition withDe Witt's Sarsnprsllo. it is
Rev. K. L. Kly and family returned
Tuesday morning from a week's visit
to Frcemont and Lincoln.
Investigate their merits. Do Witt's
Little Karly Risers don't gripe, canes
nausea or pain, which accounts for their
populnirty. Druggists say they would
not run n drug storo without these little
Tho other night at tho song service at
ono of onr churches, a real worthv broth
er announced that the next song would
be "Send tho Light," and to tho nmus-
. . i l- i i .1 -
ment of the audience, just at that junc-
turo the nocturnal luminary flashed in
well-known hymn was both timelv and n
mo ttu mm me iiuiiu.u icuicim, u. mo,
.detl .
propriate. as the light was sadly nee
he light was sr
Dray Line.
People who desire draying done
with promptness and dispatch should
. w n.'M n.r. .in. in .nri'in 2 ..... ... h
1 t T T, II .
T , J 1,1 1 . .1 1
John is an old hand at thc business
and will do your work well. Terms
easonablc. 1-tf
" " .
Oyier Mippcr.
rrl , ,- , r. 1 1 -11
1 he ladies of Grace church will give
an oyster supier, at the home of Miss
MolHo Ferris, next week. Thursday
November 1-, from t to 1) o clock. All
are invited
McKinley. Rep, will be the next
governor of Ohio, by about 1 5.D0O
Ammonia Baking
Bills have been introduced in the New York, Illinois
and Minnesota Legislatures compelling: the manufacturer
of such baking powders to brand on the label in bold type
this powder "Contains ammonia." Physicians and chem
ists condemn the use of ammonia in baking powders as a
crime. Its constant use no matter how small the quantity
deranges the stomach, neutralizing the gastric juice and
destroying the complexion. It is the small quantities takes
every meal that- do the mischief.
It is gratifying to know there are pure baking powders
to be had on the market and at no greater cost to th
consumer than some of these so-calkd "absolutely pure"
ammonia powders.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, thc standard pore
cream of tartar powder for forty ytars. Free from tha taint
of cither ammonia or alum. None so pure None so wboJa
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the
purity of this ideal powder has never beta questioned
There will be a high toned wedding
The w independent tuust take a
back scat
The Chief will be cut on time
next week.
Read Ducker's new advertisement
in this issue.
Mr. K. Skccn and family will ?oon
move to Omaha.
M. W. Dickcrson has put in a tele
phone to the depot.
The Chief for all kind of job
work. Best good?, and lowest prices.
Miss Mablc Martin, has returned
home from her pleasure trip in the
Lon Kddy and Mrs. Harper were
married Thursday night by K. J.
The returns indicate that Hen F.
Smith, of Hastings, has been elected
district judge.
Robert Martin and Mr. Harvey,
were in Frankiln this week on a hunt
ing expedition.
If our "fellers" had not staid at
home, just think of it, we might have
elected all of oir ickct!
Pap Rust was trying to be sick
this week, but is never too sick to
vote the Republican ticket.
Fred Hummel, of Hot Springs, Da
kota, is in Red Cloud, this week.
Fred looks natural as a clam.
Howard Deislcy, C. StefTcns and
Win. Searl, made The Great Family
Weekly happy by renewing for '911.
The Chief expects to increase the
size of the paper or print all at home,
but we have not fully decided which
it will be as yet.
Ken von Skcen's colt ran away with
him the other night. In a second Mr.
K. was thrown out of his road cart
and somewhat bruised.
Geo. F. Hunter of Nelson, is visit
ing his brother, Prof. Hunter. He
has been in several states, but says
Nebraska beats them all.
Tbc Western Lumber Co., better
known as the Howell Bros, yatd, has
been sold to our home dealers and
that yard will be no more.
Owing to a heavy run of job work
and a large amount of advertising
The Chief is unable to publish the
official vote of the county this week.
Whrn IJaby was sick, we gae hr Cutori.
When she was Child, slio cried for CastnrU.
yVhrn she became Ml, sho clunic In Castoria.
When the bad Children, she gave Uietn Caatorl.
Crone, lUuney and Hunter arc hap
py boys and arc feeling good over
their election, The Chief extends
its congratulations. Let's all shake.
Here's our hand.JSir
After years of experience we make
the intelligent care of the dead a
specialty, and are prepared to attend
all calls in the city or country. F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
We are not in a position to know
whether there has been any infraction
of the Au-tralian ballot law or not in
this countv, but if there has. wc can
out divine why a man should not use
' his right to contest as well here as cl-c-
i,-r, t., nr !-. ,..,. ,f.
where, ignorance ot law can not -aic-
ly be used as a cover for on's acts.
c- . tI , . ; . .....
. I.'ivj iiauiiatu iipa utcn lutti c.-iiii
herself in the last few days with a
project that can not bu1 be beneficial
. to Red Cloud, if she is successful, and
! that thc establishment of a canning
factory owned and controlled by thc
ladies of Red Cloud. The Chief
has always been and is to-day in favor
f any enterprise that will build Red
i ' ... ,,
Cloud, and why not it be just as well
' ,
by the efforts of the :ciitler sex as of
thc oppo?ite. The company h
rr . .
owned and controlled by ladic of
national repute, and we hope that a
iinine, i,ou?c can be established in
, tlli, city Wc hope it iU be done
'by all means.
Powder Mast Go.
Calmer l-a a new bread wagon.
A new stock of lamps at Cotttng.
Hon. A. K. Goudy was in the city
this week.
A. N. I'atxuor lost a tine cw one
day this week.
Do you naot a nice hanririg lamp? j
Go to Cottings,
f . ... . .
l sc iuttona tnk.-v. lhy arc tlic
best, at Cottings.
There will be services in the Cth
olic church next Sunday, the Sth.
A lamp giving a light of t0 can.lio
power for only 2.50, at Cottings.
The s-ing service at the Baptist
church last Sunday, w. a ucce.
jllXRsd Cloud. Nebraska,
Go to the Chicago store for your
clothing. They have the at in the
J. L. Miller the harness :nan ha at
full line of rubber and leather beltint;
C him.
Nice new goods just received a
F. V. Taylor'.-, remember hs prie
arc the lowest.
The Chicago clothing tore is ncvor
undersold. Fine clothiug a speciality
and prices very low.
The Chicago clothing Uore sells
tailor made clothing and vox can al
ways get a fit theru.
Mrs. Woatherald of Hebron i- in
the city, the guest of her parous, Mr
aud Mrs. Fpokcsfield.
For sale A new single top otigiry.
Will -ell for cash, on time, i will
trade lor cjrn. Knqu'rc of u H.
Itcad FpoKesticM's new adwrlbe
mm. Honest weight-, lw ( rice-
and gentlemanly treatment
1m ay?
Call on T K. Penman for fine
jewelry watches and clocks, ilvcr
warc, specs etc. Cottings drug
Co to T. K. 1 'en man for fine falch
clock and jewelry repairing. Artis
tic letter and monogram engmmi;.
Cotting's drug store.
Do not fail to call and sec .. V.
Taylor's stock before Uninu He
buys by the car this save frcijhtand
can sell cheaper than an body
The city council sluuld cich be
presented with a chrotuo for he fim
conditions the sidewalks ire u. The
sidewalkx ate a st Hiding disgrace to
thc citv.
Thc election is over, wwr lul s all
turn to and make Red Clou! loom. It
. , -r M -vl ..... I.M Ml.
can be done 11 an win ii.t .."...
willing hands
fo work, -houM be
the watch woid.
Undertaking by F. V. Taj lor who
has had 50a. s of pruelical cxperincc
in the scientific care of the dead and
is better prepared than ever tn con
duct the bu-incss in all it branches.
L. M. Pierce father of Mi- II. A
Howard showed thi- oihee a line en
graving of Ceo McKinley of (lhi..
ri. . ..!.i ... . Imii'iii i -i lif.. lmi - ri'iuilt.
1 lit UU I.IUHIHM II .....j-. j
lican and still -UiiH- bv thl. O. P
F. V. Taloi w.ll duplicate any
price- offered by other hotisei on all
tlascs f I'lidcrtakitig gotN, and
guarantor better goods and betier sor
vice. Funeral- attended free in city
or county.
Hollowecn wa- duly obferved.
The boys placed havoc as far a jkjs
siblc, md even with a large force of
policemen detailed to watch out Jor
1 , , . -
tilischicf. succeeded in suing many
out house the tip. Jurday f each monk i
F. V. Talor never ha charg-d any j The .tsudmg ritrr4 fer 1M t,4,
, " i- f 1 n.i'Jd grade ctrtifieaUs t tW M-e!
thing for attending funeral. c , . - . ....- m
" "t ! gnde below 0 pr eat aTerift H
carries tho largest tock ar.d ?"rcn-j jr ce,lt, fr fir-t rm4 crrulaU
tees -atifaction. llemembcr ho will 1 BO grade W.w pr rml . Tr
duplicate any price offered by other-. I HO per cet ir alt b-arli r.d
onundertaluigg.. j M lhm r-.t, 5.JH' !
The rcpubhcane g in with a whoop, 1
Three men elected. J0 majority 10U n futlmnti olutiUi
overcome, and thc independents are rrr Wn. llir I iilun !
on the run. Thev say, and wc tbink , Hfir
u .,., be ,.. .i-it te .hcm .. i -n- '---js7r ir.'s
The Kpworth l.cjgnc of the M. K.
church will give a Japance -cm1
Cotting HalI,TharlaveTnig..T-
ltMi. r-aiiwr and 9T:eK s-rred from !-. -
s.rt,n."i-. -.. n ... --"j:..-7; -StZZCJH
invitd to eH asxi hsr a l,,rx" . , aoao'j .
t me. AH ober date- loooxrrrr
t T-- i i.. - m L... akaa.isTi
i .... . .
1 he mJ efJlZ M -rrr j .
or the mer hi Wom orsnsd op d
' grjdfd utat r- f. -
iC'tiie ! the ciy ItbWt tr g '-
il ci I - r.-tod K-l CWwi-t bsao
mm pt up fr u Thst i- "rrt ' .ri f ,'Tt
'..rprUJldT,,: C.n W- 'U JjTSt S
, .aVing hunah f Kerf CWcrf - ytmmmitmmmii K,m
cr hire hit poK rrd s! tJ
! . . . 1 ....1,
plan to secure a w.t .
(and iht t a Sue b.otMr.
'In -ahich tke .'ell lr a
TW r
,L.eb tVr .k l.r arc tk "t
punctual atace U
-.: . ... ...j -..
erV. T- l1 -T ' .'
..nt.rr-tir. JC .4.r. i Ite t-
ndaaec r re npj - -
Vic voa rt g t " W"W!
lien-r mle U !' o t 3t
1- .lffB ft
TOtxh;; men taai re i rt .
! U ill itul- vo a soU to rf. '
, 5 -oa oat :n the lt aie f ready
. :.... w.?. fr IV - MKXS3t
, cn T.': $ - H
ing gooj ir ' -- -
ht- of ' li rnf ! ' '-'
r fivt w h s s
t- Ji J ffA. V A' kW ,
jtay cct-r
! ikx r- Jci
j Children Cry for
j Pitcher's Castorli
Farmers Notice This
FOIl ::
My coods nre all first-class rr:cl wTirraawli t
U'ivc satisfaction.
Red Cloud National uk Building.
lir iil' r Trtnle.
A clnc farm f 1 aerr. 1 itttleo 1
from town. g-H-d frame houvr, v arrv
in cultivation a.l tuUbl I at al-'it
111 arrs timber Kay tifti t "1
ttade for t ek. I .1 .M'. KK-
1U! n-ul Nt' r
tlle .enriunl I.Uer IMIU.
Act on .n new prttieiplf reaUtinrf I"
lirtr. itmia4 nad t4itt ihum,' . ""c
nnr(H A iibi derf. Ir M ''
pill" prlily rvin UUtlp td te,
torpid Iirrr, pile. ooatipatK'M l
tNunlwtl for mti. THri. eUilJimi. h H
rt, iiilldo-t. JMr Ji4i. Ai
i,,lul .lltit'C.
1 am now prepJteJ 1 1 wiAe frm
loan at ti4onalle r-W f tlrt
option paunn.ts if desired, aiul a-Irt
loan-, rent we.. V H M'nh,i
Ittu klrtr Ariiltra 5uli
The Hent S ilrn in llm world fur eU.
llrui--. Sort, rieor". Sail HhMiin. trrr
Sorcx. Tetter. Chapped hand", ChUIUU.
Corn-, and all other 8a. Kr.,.li..
and p.-ttiely cure- ptl. or no -j '-
ipiirr.i. It I Ktmrnntred tt te preet
nti-frtiou or money refunded. Trire?
eeiite per boi Fir inle by 1 II Irj. .1
Mriiwlirrr I'litiil for .nle.
"io-i can git strawberry pUnln the
first of h'rptetnbi r which will grow
berries next seaniiti. 1 nccn t. tenia
per 100 or . per 1 mm
I. II It! T
"fliirr 1 . 1 c 1 1 1 .-
A Morhart in the MutlnruH.l agixti W(
ed t!n meaiHl-nt gfc. 'hm
lu iiImh t.'turii tbeol.Uub. if
lVllHllttlll. ,
If ..u want th bet.t ntwl 1 hootHMOil
wirj.lmille. ei'o Heiity Stl, f Hol 1
litiurn! Illreeliir
Cozad ('o. tnaVe a "jiectaltv f
rriWX?V''L i""'. ' ' ruinr. .''u;
, , Am . wfc-fj
11 ui vis
-r': Castoria.
IliitfCtc iirtl Viitfit.
I m to II " S-itl'f"r j;i rt. bugi,.
A. II.' kMi tln l-t )m Ul
liml n !!H'ftigntii! Ilvf
A Ituruiilii.
A -pjnof ..! vrar ..'Id lur to
tehaiige fir ealtle I'h'jnire at tj
, oUiee
'iilirrnln I'uriii lrMliirl.
(j.t rf I'nli-t'n Net prnHU. ke
by a th'iul farnnr. Ati hut4tr.
f queMtMiria tin"fl nlrMil ( 'nliforas.
S-nt f rev on apjlatt m Ui A I'Mlur A
Co.. ttbrk Str-'l. Cl.i-as IMiattiiN.
or ' Walunsl'n Stt. l!otn. Ma-
ollfc lo 'I riifhrr.
Nottec id hereby gtren that I tM
examine all ron who Hy deire
to offer theu.elre cardtlle ff
te4cher cfthe public ehMU f thtj
couutv. at Hcd CWud n the third
i-.turd.y of each menth.
r SpTul cxatninatient will b- Jell !
j vy. rr4it Wc 3 -. 1
'trVioghv. 1 'otk. ..1Mt.M !
,kJi kJHr, a. f-jla coi if
," n M fwM-M4 ,,4-. .,
emt9fx- Ms tr--. -
....... .A Twt. r a
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tjk- . -VO.l J "
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thm mhWM;
tfc er w
Urn m. - me ?
tirm Cwmu snl
w.. (V; smI
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Cf rmmti 4i 'mmmrx. I?
a C-- I Irt
ris Cttm ?-
m0jr tmtra4A -
Uoi' -? -
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atociiaijttli -
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lmM iojr fT.. ,..
r -yTLi tL t i
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T 7 y"X "P) 7
V V 7 l Y
and Highest Market
Paid !
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UliiUlUf 111111 lMtlBU I dWUb 11)
iv. ttwi r. w. - f- -. -HM !,
-a, l .j H " - u H ! l'-l,
ii...m Mwm !., '!..,.,;-.. t
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.;,. 1. nt t mmmHm .a J! t vim
M.-ia. tw, .. 1 ..ti
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AWM.. i...-fc m - n,-K M--.
tkMl miih bk. Mi. 1 n. 1 .M i.
ktMi. i.m,itn r a m i, tts
ICHUltHI f m. vm l.iu
K tltlJt&Kt' Twim mi .1 M t,t 1
. ! . c.t w t mmw.tim
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ti ta c.
x'Ksnna:.r jaxrnxmrt rc.;.vkt
, Lmt tit n fiO m ti utir
r MM MM t.4 MM,
HLl r, ,,-AB4 4 ., iH wr i
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,T -.. iwia ajaiiai-u ra
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xT.ixo.Mf e.xtrOK
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toi o Mk wt v Mm.
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f4fca i- ry M . flMW w
fS. w f i- - l II rt.- -.
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f c sitby
ilXIMll mi-Diiion It
lHe Iclrr. Kt5 !.
.sB As1'J2a
- t'ollai
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