The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 23, 1891, Image 4

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    fA Js&yi J$4
A woman may sev,and a Woman may spin,
And a Woman may WbrK all day,
fWrWhl gWTAuW comes info ha house
Then Vanish all troubles away.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. II. FOUT, Manasor.
FimiiiOiBd to nil Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
ON SHORT NOriOJS. it t fAb
Having hart ton yean, experce In county ' ' Von''0 tfilKors ZXrt
Mntul books. In the sMite, : Kiiar.intee iUifac-Uou. i r l.ior.s suiitiu.u
; nd amtrovt-d. Adclrpsor call on . ,
L. II. FOUT Ma'Aokk, lied Cloud, Ieb.
Lower than any yard in the world
,-" -. -
V--- 9
.- JtfS s
"'...' -vvi
Miles L Hayes'
Patent - Collar
For sale by J. O. BUTLER
Red Cloud, Buckeye
Harness shop.
D. B. Spanooe.
Real Estate
and Loan Agvt
Red Cloud.
Ilonia'opnthlo IMjjsUlan,
Red Cloud, - XebruMta.
Ofllco ojtposltc l?int National Hank.
U. S.E:unlnms Mtreon.
t'lirouic di!caus treated bv mail.
i i frit -..tEv1 aii J
rf .EgSH
" :
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
fererishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach
a&d bewels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
Castoria is aa excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly toU rco of iU
good effect upon their children."'
Dz. G. C Osocod,
Lowell, MiS-s.
Castcrla is tho be: remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distaut when mothers will coasi Jer the reel
Interest of their children, and usa Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
xaofffctse, soothing syrup and other hurtful
attests down their throats, thereby sending
I to premature graves."
Dr: J. F. KEtcnxLOK,
Conway, Arc
Tke CemtaHP Coxapaay, 71 Knrray Street, New York City.
To California, Oregon, Wnth-
iiiKlou and oilier WeNtcrn
Ttoiiil Sxi 3ullinan o1oiiIIh
Sleepers Via, the Union Pa
The constant domnml of the traveilnz
nubho to tho Weot for a comfortable and
at tho same time an economical modo of
traveling lias led to tho establishment of
what is known as rullman Colonist Sleep
Theso cars aro furnished complete with
ood comfortable hair mattresses, wnrm
blankets, nnow white linen, enrtain
which HL-curo to tho occupant of n berth
as much privacy as is to o had in first
clais .sleepers, plenty of towels, combs,
brushes, etc. Thero aro alt-o separate
toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
Another fact not to bo overlooked is
that theso rullman Colonist Slcupers are
attached to tho daily fast express trains
thus enabling passengers ocenpymg
theso cars to make the same time as
occupants of first-class rullman Sleepers
A chargo of IU)0 for a lower or upper
doub'o berth is made between Council
Bluffs. Omaha or Kansas City and San
Francisco or Fortland
For those furnishing their own bedding
freo bcrMiR are given in Pullman Colonitt
Cai . it: i:i:n j between Council Bluffs,
Kauas City mid Portland.
Tho Pullman Colonist Sleeper is es
pecially commended for tho use of the
homeseeker who is moving to tho west
with his family, nnd who desires com
fortable bleeping accomodations enrouto
but cannot atlord to pay tho first-class
Pullman bleeping Car fare.
Formatter descriptive of any state or
territories through which tho Union
Pacific runs, or for rates, timo of trains
ate, etc, apply to E. L. LOMAX, Gen'l
Pass, and ticket Agent. Omaha, Neb.
Startling Fact.
The American people are rapidly be
coming a race of nevons wrecks, nnd
the following suggests tho best remedy:
Alphonso Hempl!ing,of Butler Pa., swears
hat when his son was speechless from St.
Vitus dauceDr. Hues, great Restorative- Ner
vino cured him. Mrs. J. It. Uiller, of Val
paraiso and J. D. Taylor, of Logansport,
lad. each gained I'll pounds from taking
it. Mrs. 11. A, Gardner, of Vistula, Ind.
was cured of 10 to fo convulsions a day.
and much headache, dizziness, backache
and nervous prostration by ono bottle
Trial bottles, and fine book of marvelous
cures, free at C. L. Cotting's who recom
meds and guarantees this unequaled
remedy. .1
For Sale or Trade.
A line SO acre farm only two miles
from this city, nearly all tillable.
Easy terms, or will trado for stock.
I). J. Myeus, Red Cloud, Ncbr.
c. s ii i:ck,
.ItiHlit'c of the Ponce,
and Notary Public.
Oilice over Post O.Tice.
Red Cloud, - Xchrimka
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I rvoomr'-eailitassupK-iortoaayprescrSpoa
Ixown to me."
IL A. Aecbkb, 5L D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklsv-K. T.
' Our physiciaas in lha childrtmis depatl
mmt uavo sikca highly of their crperi
enee la Ujalr outside practico with Castoria,
and altlioush ve only hara assoag our
medical supplies what is known as regular
lirnducts,yetwearo freo to confess that the
merits of Castcria has wen us to look with
favor unoa it."
Usrm Hosrrr-it. a:.t Dispciiax,
Boston, Mass.
ALT.KX C. SniTn, Prts ,
Friday, Oct. S3, 1S!1
Kntereil at tlte IVust Office In Kwl Cloud, Neb.,
as mail inatterof th-jwconil clas
Supplement to the Chief.
Notice to 'readier.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
(mi-Iipk ofihi public schools of this
county, at Itcd Cloud on the third
JfMnrdav of fticli month.
Hj-pcijI '.x."Jnations will r- held
nti the Fr?ay prc-t-pdiiig the V, Sat
urday i'f :ch mor th.
Tin- stMidmsr required for 2d and
:d radc certificate is the same no
rauV below 70 per cmt., average 80
per cent; for first grade certificate
no radc below 80 per cent., average
J)0 per cent, in all branches required
b) law.
D. M. Huxtku. County Supt-
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castor!
A Bargain.
A span of seven year old horses to
oxchange for cattle. Knquiro at this
office. glw.
California Form Prodncta.
f Vt of Production. Net profits, Riven
by a thousand farmers. Also hundred
of quostionB answered nbout California.
Sent free on application to A. Pmura &
Co., 104 Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois,
or 29G Washington Steet, Boston, Mass
When Caby was sick, wo pwe her Cactoria.
When eho wan a Child, ho cried for Cattorla.
"When she became JIIss, ho clung to Cactoria.
When aue had Children, she gate them Caatorla.
Grace Episcopal Church.
Services overy Sunday morning at
10:30. Sunday school at i:45
A. M. during July.
Strawberry Plant for Sale.
You can get strawberry plants the
first of September which will grow
berric3 next season. Prices (15 cents
per 100 or 5, per 1,000.
L. II. Rust.
Taken Cp.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has taken up on his prem
ises, on the southwest quarter of sec.
31, town 2, range 11, west, three head
of calves described as follows to-wit.
One heifer calf, black with white
spots, one heifer calf white with black
spots, one spotted bull calf. Those
interested will take notice that if
stock is not claimed and expenses
paid I shall proceed according to law.
12-ft W. J. CoAD.
IVIore Light.
A. Morhart is tho authorized agent to
soil tho incandescent globes. When you
buy always return the old stub. tf
If vou want tho best and cheapestd
windmills, sco Henry C. Scott, of Red
Cloud. Htf
Funeral Director.
Cozad & Co., make a specialty of
Pudcrtakiug Goods, and Funeral Sup
plies. Children Cry for
Kiiggicftniid Wagon.
do to II. C. Scott's for wagons, buggies,
Ac. Ho keeps only the host as you will
find on investigation. lltf
Specimen Cuncn.
S. II. ClilTord, Xow Cnssol, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumn
tism, his stomach was disorded, his liver
was atfected to an alarming degreo, ap
petite fell away, and ho was terribly re
duced in flesh nnd strength. Thrco bot
tles of Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III.,
had a running soro on his leg, of eight
years standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters, nnd seven boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is
sound nnd well. John Speaker, Catawba,
Ohio, had livo largo fover sores on his
leg, doctors said ho was incurable. One
bottle of Electric Bitters, and one box of
Bueklen's Arnica salvo cured him entire
ly. Sold at L. H. Doyo's drug store.
Card or Thank
We wish throunh the medium of
this papor to extend our sincere and
heartfelt thanks to the man- friends
who so kindly assisted as
well as consoled us in our be
reavement. We certainly feel more
resigned to the loss of our little
Daphina by knowing that our friends
so endnavored to alleviate the gloom
of the grave by every respectful at
tention so chcerfally bestowed. The
remembcrance will bring pleasure
with its sorrow.
William and ANmk Ilnnuis.
Sudden Death.
Hoart disease is by far the most fre
quent cause of sudden death, which in
three out of four cases is unsuspected.
The symptoms are not generally under
stood" These are: a habit of lying on
tho right side, short breath, pain or dis
tress in tho side, back or shoulder, irreg
ular tuls asthma, week and hungry
spell, wind in stomach, swelling of
ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry couhg
and smothering. Dr. Miles, illustrated
book on Heart Pit-ease, free at C. L. Cot
tings' drug store, who sells and guaran
tees Dr. Miles unequalled New Heart
Cure, and his Restorative Nervine, which
cures nervousness, headache, sleepless
ness, effects of drinking, ets. It con
tains no opiates. 3
For Sale or Trade.
A choice farm of 160 acres, 4 miles
from town, gocd frame house, SO acres
in cultivation, all tillable but about
10 acres timber. Easy terms or will
trade for stock. I. J. Myers.
lUd Cleud, Xetr.
IftCcs' erre anrf I.lver Pills.
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach nnd bowels through the
nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles'
pills speedily core bilousnes?, bad tste,
torpid liver, pile, constipation. TJn
eqnaled for men, women, children. Small
est, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25 ets
i m -' ii
Special Notice.
I am now prepared to make farm
loans at reasonable rates of interest
option payments if desired, and old
loans renewed. D. 15. Spaxoole.
BucklcnS Arnicca Salve
The Best Salve in the world for ccts.
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm. fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all other Skin Eruptions,
and positively cure pile, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price S3
cents per box. For sala by L. H. Dejo. 3
Children Cry rr
Pitcher's Castoria.
Amas Cowdcn. is home again.
Porter Hedge is on the sick list-
Miln WilW, is home from Iowa.
A fine Kock of stationery at Cot
tings C. W. Dow, was in L'ncoln this
F. P. Shields, was in the city tlii
All sizes of window glass at Cut
ting's. Beautiful window curtain? for 50c
at Cottings
Cham Evanp, of Naponcc, was in
the city this week.
Don't forget to see J. II. Smith be
fore you sell your poultry. 3t
Tommy Penman, the jeweler, was
in Nuckolls county, this week.
Congressman McKcighan, and J. L.
Miller nere in Lincoln this week.
J. L. Miller the harness man has at
full line of rubber and leather belting
C him.
Nice new goods just received a
F. V. Taylor's, remember his price
are the lowest.
The leaders of the Christian church
entertained their friends at A. Mor
hart's last Friday night
Mr. and Mrs. M. Rice, who have
been visiting at the residence of May
or McNitt, have returned home.
The father of Mr. W. M. Visacher
of this city, died Thursday, at his
home in Alabama, at a very old age.
Call on T E. Penman for fine
jewelry watches and clocks, silver
ware, specs etc. Cotting's drag
Go to T. E. Penman for fine watch
clock and jewelry icpairing. Artis
tic letter and monogram engraving.
Cotting's drug store.
Do not fail to call and sec F. V.
Taylor's stock before buying. He
buys by the car this saves freight and
can sell cheaper than anybody.
Married: At Red Cloud, Nebraska
October 1G, 181)1, by Judge D. F.
Trunkey. Mr. John A. Hall and Miss
Flora Maxwell, both of Webster
Married: At Red Cloud, Nebraska,
by Judge D. F. Trunkey, October 22,
1801, Mr. William C. Shclton and
Miss Emma M. Shirley, both of Web
ster county.
Married: At Blue Hill, N-brask.i,
October 14, 1S91. Mr. Joh.nn Lie
brass and Miss Ida Zimmerman, both
of Blue Hill, Nebraska, Rev. C. Schub-kcgt-1
After years of experience wc make
the intelligent care of the dead a
specialty, and are prepared to attend
all calls in the city or country. F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
Undertaking by F. V. Taylor who
has had yea.s of practical experince
in the scientific care of the dead and
is better prepared than ever to con
duct the business in all its branches.
Mr. Zach Barnes brought The
Ciiiep some fine potatoes this week,
known in this county as the Den Scott
variety. Seven or ten of them would
make an elegant ns Tor the Big In
F. V. Taylor will duplicate any
prices offered by other houses on all
t-lascs of Undertaking goods, and
guarantee better goods and better ser
vice. Funerals attended free in city
or county.
F. V. Taylor never has charged any
thing for attending funerals. He
carries the largest stock and guarcn
tccs satisfaction. Remember he will
duplicate any price offered by others,
on undertaking goods,
The sad news came to Red Cloud
this week, of the death of Robert
Sccley, aged I'.i years, 11 months and
7 days old. He was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Secley formerly of
Red Cloud. ar,d well-known here. He
was a bright boy and his death was a
severe blow to his devoted parents and
friends. Their friends in Red Cloud
extend their sympathy to the bereav
ed parents in their hour of sorrow.
The bosses of the independent par
ty are telling over the county that
Prof. Hunter "told the teachers to
pool if they wanted better wages."
The facts arc that the statement is
false. What Mr. Hunter did say
was that if teachers expected to eet
better wages, they must study hard
and become qualified, but then one
must not expect the windependents to
tell the truth. Tbey magnify mole
hills into mountains without regard to
The machinery of the law has not been put to work
too speedily against the fraudulent use of ammonia and
alum in Baking Powders. Both health and the pocket of
the people are demanding protection. The legislatures of
Ntw Yfltk, Illinois and Minnesota have taken this matter
oladulUrttien up, and eapeeially that of Baking Povtkri
It will bo ia tha interest of public health when their aale
is made a misdemeanor in every State in tho UNION, and
t&?tuWmUtoUVMithi&yixtt&. There U no
article of Immam food men wickedly adulterated tfeaa that
of Baking Powder.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking PowdeT is tho oalj pttro
cream of tartar powder having a general sale that is free
from ammonia, alum or taint of any kind of imparity. It
Sties the sweetest asd lightest bread, bijenit suA cajfc
i& trtiT&teUtceii It COX
more to manufacture Dr. Price'a than any other baking
powder. It is superior to every oilier known and tho
standard for forty years.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Axnxiixrai-t.
Alum, or any other adultenuit. In fact, the
purity of this ideal powder has never bees ques
I ttocL
Science In Bread Making.
At the recent annual meeting of tho
American Chemical bociety. heal in i
Washington. D. C, tho question of the
vnluo of carbonate of ammonia as n
leavening agent in bread or
aa mHi in baking powders.
came up for discussion, in which Pn'.
Barker, of the I'niversity of IVnusj!
vania, and President of the Soc.etj; Ir.
Richardson. late of the United Stales
Department of Airr.culturt in Washing
I ton; Ur. Wm. McMutrie. late Pn.f. of
Chemistrv in the University of Ii:ios; .-xpwi rami, ot uotonwto Uitj. a lb
Dr. E. H.'Bartlev. lato Chemist of th . ;cuet if Harry IkhI, Uu .
Brooklyn i.N. V Hoard lot IlonUJ. . hihI Mr Mtr. rf A., fc!
Prof, of Chemistry of Ing Island, Uol- b,.r rtn fc hHl tary
lege, and others took rnirt.
Tho consensus of opinion ws utrr i Mr- ! U. "1 nky, gv tu Io, is a !
whelming in favor of the employ mont of j ''' day U a iit ot hr old rMHnA.
ammonia. It was statl a-, a f u thl , ci., i.w.- ..i . , ,
ammonia rendered tho gltit.a of 'the hotreT ?J ,S ti ' W
flour more soluble than the or.g.nal glu ; ,,OIOe thta " "ml J"'--ten,
and that the bread in which this! Goto !),o for tine stntionarv. tiu r
action was prtxluctsl by carbonate of nm-' fumes nnd toilet nrtieht Kn.l duo lru
monia must be more digestible and; Tnb.,n..n . . , .
hence more healthful, and because of JnfnvJ J ?1 Z l ? rr brvt'n
the extreme volatility of carbonate ofl! ' k t0 l fr ,0lU,w
ammonia and its complete expulsion I ""
from the bread in the procixss of the
most useful, most healthful, and mot
valuable leavening agents known.
These conclusions are borne out by the
very elaborate aud exhaustive experi
ments made by Prof. J. W. Mallet, of
the Universty of Virginia, which 6how
conclusively "that bread made with pow
der in which ono per
cent. of carbnnate of ammonia
is ued, in connection with cream of tar
ter and soda; in not only of uniformly
better color nnd texture, but a product
more wholesome, because the ammonia
serves to neutralize any organic or lactic
acids present in the flour.
. ,
Willow Creek.
Joe Brubaker ha gono to Garfield
county, on a visit to his sister's.
Will Lewis is working for Mr. Green
halt. Mr. Godwin is building a now house.
Mr. Wolf is the carpenter.
George Fennel tnlks of moving to
Bruner, raised over two-hon-dred
bushels of peaches, which he sold
at one dollar a bushel for tho earliest
and the next nt sixtydivo cenU, tho late
fifty cents per bushel.
Mrs. Rachel Lowis, started toTalmage,
Johnson county, this state, la.t Thurs
day, will make her homo with her sister
of that placo this winter. She was ac
companied by Mrs. Sarah Waller, who
goes on a short visit.
Mr. Wm. Hurd, sr. is building a now
Mr. Blankey has a brother visiting him.
Tho ladies of this neighborhood have
put away about four-thousand quarts of
fruit this fall, aud bushels of fruit went
to waste for lack of vessels to put in.
Mrs. Nellie Norris of Itod Cloud, is
visiting Mm. Moushnng, this week.
Miss Flora Jackson, has very joor
health this fall. Wo hopo to see her
quite well soon.
Nearly all the old settlers raised apples
enough to last nearly all winter and with
tho largo Nebraska, crops, tho tteople of
Webster county, can lw comfortable
and ought to be contented.
Yon never tried Do Witt V Little Early
Risers for cour-tipntion. billiouMie1, sck
headacho or you would not have theso
Hale on Cerlillcatc IMan.
Norton, Knnsas, November i3 US; An
nual Meeting Teachers' Ass'n, of North
west Kansas. Agents in Decatur, Nor
ton and Philips counties may r11 tickets
to Norton, Knnsas, November Mirf, in
clusivo Mm. Melissa Starrett, Secretary,
Lonora, Kansas, will sign certificates.
Atchison, Kansas, November la 19;
Annual Diocesan Convention of Kansas
Episcopal Church. Agents in Kansas
may sell ticketfi to Atchison, Novmntar
1."-19, inclusive. John Bennett, Secretary
31.'I National Avenue. Fort Scott, Kansas,
will sign certificates.
Kearney, Nebraska. November 10 1J;
Stnto Convention Nebraska Christian
Endeavor Union. Agents m Nebraska
may sell tickets to Kearney, NovemlxT
7-1-', inclusive. A. W. Lane, Secretary,
Lincoln, Nebraska, will sign certificates.
Lincoln, Nebraska, Novemler ." 8.
State Convention, V. M. C. A. Agents
in Nebraska, may sell tickets
to Lincoln November 2 S, inclu
sive. Geo. A. Joplin, Secretary, Oma
ha, Neb., will sign certificate
The fourth division of the Ladies
Aid Society, will entertain all who
will come to the K. P. hall Tuesday
evening, October 27, ISM, with a
musical treat consisting of "-elections
from Pinafore. Queen E.-thcr, and The
Little Tycoon. Vou can't afiord to
miss it as it will be the grandest free
ontcrtainment ever given to the citi
zens of Red Cloud. As a eecond
course they have prepared a bill of
fair consisting of 35 articles the best
that expert cooks can provide. Come
one come all. Admission free.
Now Try ThU.
It will cost yon nothing and will surely
do yon gcod. if yon have a cough, cold, or
any trouble with Thront Chest or Langs.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, conghs, nnd cold.-, i guaranteed to
give relief, or money wi'l be paid back.
i .T T f " -a at
omurers irom in urippi- manu u ju-t mo
tiling ami un
.der it. u?e had a speedy and
ery. 1 ry a -ample bottle at
a I af-aak a . - -a a a-I - a. t
perfect recovery
our expense and learn for yonr-elf jo-t
how good n thing it i-. Trial bottles free
at L. H. Deyo's drug -tore. Large tdze
r.Oc. nndI.l. 3
School supplies at Hoyo.
J. H
1'o.TDRn was ia thr r-.'r
CowltUoc owtf. a kw Tamy a: '
, "
Th www oa CcUf air! ha th-jo
1 Km'l fn.ei tlwit Hoikm, d! t
,.., .k.-.. ,-i.t .1..
""" .-.,.
j Thot. Challin of HlmKm has.i jJr.vwnt
cauer uns ik ami iert a big ?1 for 1 hi:
Mrs. (J. U. lX)w. gave hr..- Suatho
Schc 1 class, a talfy pullmc n TurMinv
.ftS&Sltf';,!',,f ""TV. """ '"' ""
Upwards. ' ,M "I ,,nc ,IM1 ,l! l,u' rr)
are invited.
Mr. Kincherville, of Blue Hill, ha d
deil his name to the Great l-'aimlv .'k
!y. Thanks.
Notwithstanding hard times levo ls
imwiiK" wt imuo mvausif low tricT.
ivingn gooil trado
and good prices count.
Mrs. Oliver Downs and family
Sunday, for Oregon, where Uiey
make their future homo.
go to
The little eight months lLe of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Harris, died Mondn even
ing, after a short illness.
Do you need a pair of Men's or Boh
boots or line bhoe? Wiener otTor- the
bebt made, at right prices.
. . . ... . .
. . i atmnr. i:m .vj tons of let for
his cattle. I his ln?ats all tho l-eU we
have seen in this countrv.
Perfect action nnd perfect healih rnull
from the n-e of Do Witfs Little Knrly
Hiser.", a perfect little pill.
Miss Alice Pat mor, of Exeter, and Mrs.
ChiL'Hi of Mumebota, who have Ixvti if
itmg here, hae returned home.
J. H. Smith, wants turkeys, chirkens,
ducks. Highest cash price paid. Yards,
one block north of Holland hou-e.
Never since I have btcn in husiunHS
have I leeii aide to oiler such value to
my customer- as now, w what Wiener
DeWitt's Sarsapardla destroyt-, sueh
poisons as scrofula, skin diseiue! ecaoma,
rheumatism. Its timely ucosav.- many
Are you feeling chilly ? Dont m
want to feel comfortable? It will take
but little money to buy jour utideruenr
at Wieners.
Now is tho tune to select your reading
for tho winter. Patronie your home
merchants and order all jwixtrs and maga
zines of Deyo.
Wo are dealing a little in j-oht.ivi thi
wfel;, but when the imttle i r.i
shall lo found at the old stand with a!
the news as usual.
Cheapness alone is not what i- ur,
looking for, but combined with d"rab".tv
and tit in eluding style i- what y ;i wat.t
This you can liud at Winner
Don't storm the system as you would
a fort. If held bv the enemv. constni.a
thni. gently iK.rHiuule u to surrender with
Do Witt's Little Early Kisers. Then
little pills are wonderful convincerH.
st A gohl pair of bent lowil '
spectacles ls'twi-4-n lleil Cloud, and the!
. .1.. 1 - 1 -.! ,.
liiir iirouiios. rtnoer win ih reiiKoinilJlv
rewarded by leamg them at this ollico.
We can not atford to dee
rviiii!iwin-i. u ti,,i in i,jii
UM.'U I ;,,!.. .-. .... ...!".
" uvn i4ii-vitT imiii iPt'.r illtt JMIln 1(111
will cure eonhti nation nm! un-I( li...-i.lri..l...
i i.a i t , ..
"""'". e .-! CJIII1CII Will lwjM V..-Trllf-1. i-t.a,l th..
bullheade.ily allow such outrngeUH side- , ., tiifiit i-w i"-" x Huw f'"1 -'-
walk- as are on Ceihir, and Web-MiT ' t j.iivat. --. '" --" " '
streets. It , n d-race 1 mm:'&''.: ' "
tlangerotis. i tr ,mM-,i n,. jim- nt .u. .- -
J here should be a s.dewalk to XlSES 'i '
Kindergar ten tr. It is a shame to! KlBh,. ,,.,..
allow the little one to plod through J timiitriH't l'r'nn iM u
mud nnd nil kind of weather, in making ! rwi f'tn ! -. i iK- i-a :
il. ;,-,.,. . . -..l...,.l H,.u.ili Um WliMif
w.v.4 -.. w.-. ii.i.
Deuitts Sarsapardla eleanseji Uie
blond. inen:LS4t4 tli4 nnia.titi. nn.1 fi.r...i
the system. It has lnefittetl many p,
pie who have 6tnfered from bluoil dutor
ders. It will hel; vou.
People with impure blood may 1 nan
to exist, not live. Life n robl.n! of half
of its joys when the bkod is load- I w it.
impurities and diMviso. Correct this aK
lition with De Witt's Sanapril!a it ia
Mr. M. Finkenbinder secretary r.-f tl.o
Independent centnil committ4l.ass'.ak
en that outfit ami w running indepon
dent against the nomine of the wind"
pendent pnrtv for sntervior of I!ei
Cloud townshifi. It is pretty I ardto xr
ral Mike.
The public scliools umlor the tr.amge
ment of I'rof. Caster. ?nd f. s nL'.a rtisi
, of teachers, are doing nx:ly, g,.r
I - a "
much ba.tefaclHn to
til.. ,.i,l, - 't I ..
VToUtr "ndersU.nd hw wr.rk thorci-jsh
j,v Tin; Cliir.r w Hiwk-I to , the
I a a.
school prosper.
"Yes, the j-eoplo cn hnv. an l
liotir law, .vc.. if they nnt it Vrfi, u.e
enn elect more McKighans. nvre KenA
Ac. and raise more h 1 arwi Ics hc-gi it
desirel. but what benotft Uoy will rp
nftr it will l- hard t'lCiinrwruii. fV-d
hard f-etve w more dc-irabte thim V j
driven into 4loiDg eoroeUung that ooe
win ie sorry jor aiterwaros.
The OmarWwrd-HerxkLbAbewi
-. ,. ar-. t ini a fc. V v. 9nk'J ala aj ja.
hesitate t enter the !.oa o oar bt
citiea- f. the purpo n! -mkUI.os
thorn. It laWfat ellortA n tbAt lto
atJndce Pohj. lb? rti-.r m o i-
rewly unrc-tmbte that crcl ay
tnve' its fiton- any crwfKi. A
j newraspT the W if a i5-c31 ftlr-.
j -T" Cm ic' io n -Ui'ji- V rvlrrtal UW
; oirht hour law." Ye, atxl .1 t-od
; ndrculr- it. If there .v tr a h
framed that w5 Loth rninuhi-jr. mm!
rKn-veoHMl it ti the etrht hoar law that
makes a farmer work Hitra bottrs r
dar. anJ )eLa a Vow a fallow oaT witto
eight- Don't it look rtcaaa'! WU.
yra:, It is are bit. bet trxve r not
' man v fucker! taCert .oit-tidait Wt.
hosjllnot be com,toi i asyttitsc
! fa. r...-. U.kcn'a... Siaii f " I ..-Ma-
, v-r -- --" --- - ------
, irom me- kiv part tn we rv.j cfw
s rret here to th rec'?wn citi by
j cfinrch. Uie myht - rctrerd fn-ra x
f-rnce- gave tas a vy hmypr svrjrro"
, last Tu-rJ.y ereaiag. The o-dr f'ff"
Fi-jnt the ?rrtj:-' iti a -att j h-W
ia- voa2 iic ft4Tai.if?- n ie
or.g". M.w; (;."- rroaBH4. aca-ariaiff
it tho. nuaa.
A K.-4i a-T pee
M tin! ora3y UtiKi-n; tw ?-lhmcs-I
pia"t J ttaf Ww
W.i k. u: Lie ! of a r.-H a-J"--
j-jtift-d out a pars o -
V.V trts&.r thmocb . p-Ia---
' tlkaak tiie frvrtui Jc fcr- -liaC
prtrt. bot re apf-r-4e Uf-r a-
! firoce and friefidibJi -f e'
Mar (iY? rieb l---i-4? '
oq :h--e ctAv .
t i .ka. -AJ LV WU
Traa.aWaJ "T" .
L-ttt skrf?
iCr 0Tim.-.
j -Jk---IL. 1m- JM---'W
r"mMi - TflTa.Jt.
afJaCn' mm ..v.
1 t.wl-irtj. ' Dri-W T
thV CWJd
sot ran s drwff ?? aitac-t afce--
Cash grocery House
lies! ("oiwls Only
Read! Read! Read
ii - pi iw ii w; iih
Nothing but the best
.see me when vmi want anvtliinc
in niv line
j TA Ml.i: .NOTIt l.
iTo Iioiii it uiii) loiuirii;
lkt t llir jub "t Jr.wiy !?. it lUum
pnrhl t f1 nl" t V trm r r Ire .
- f rllrr r.-ol. Nt-hr . Il- f n -
ttvwtt I t Jl 14wrk. In IIIm li ' I r''c ,
v& lh t&r IT ,m.xitilli .' n I 'j-.
In tin? mum' ! Iil4 rlnNtif. 1 '. t"t
Jiuiuur) lO.1. M tbutM. II) I I iuj , "
YYkltkiM A. U .itkin ad Jucl.
V.ka, Hfv tkrv. IktltlMl llftt iMi lltr
4 V t ,
I ' - - "- " .
''. M ' t" !"
( thr lfrjiM'i. t ' N
IJm t4-- n rti ! "It IK. .-.'! f n. k
111 IMur 111! f..l th tt vt lie" ir
iiHiotallttlw Ui ."l II lt ih .'
n mi.iHt -tkiii. am 4 nMtM t
Janoiirj .Uh M lum. ! I- lu-nn .'
I It. Nrl-MfMalMl K. t- K.t m i I
IHUA l thitt on tire l-Hk Im -I 1 rll-.r. I'
M ItHUM M(, hAsl I(im lh lrr-Mir-l I W
WK rHHlUtl. ri . al Jlul U al th '
lowlMK rtrM-ftlwHt Ul to till l..t!,' In H k
Ulir-r tii l IMue II Ml. Ut Um Ur. .' tl.
Witr lm .tmnuhU.; U tl I "J III") a U"
iwnn . f . II Niln. IlmriJ r-r-MiH" ","
rxjlie Keliwjii 10. bl. M lUuni II) 1. IUw.
A newt H
Mlllrr MMtUi tai l.-i- iwUM U.
oil Ui lit 1m ot IVbltMl) lt 11 ll-luM -HI
l.Ht tiuM thr tintauirr l 'lVi HI)4r la l l.tto t4lf h.t w
lt. Urt 1 H' mi Mi'V. -s i" II -r
Hill. tr tlx lri ot t mi If e....i.- . k
t ;7 U, tHi-l m M- i-tiMt. of lill-r A. i
1mm ! ivIWfUtm n"'tt lU.f lt '
it. IWiuiit. H) I. IfcutM, .IgrhL
Triiiimwl J Watt .oil 1 iU K Wti -.
atf beti m.ilO-l tba: m tl- .'ttli r w
Kl I llHUHt iwrrlWM-' nt lttitl' t. 'i t
tltt-iiMit luH.r . IliM hMKl Nrl-i-v I. i
ti4ii t Uir Jr-.if? I'M? . w Minlinh tt . t- ' .
(i4Ini'X UikI .Uil-.l I u Sf'i'i i--
NrltHV. Ur. III tl.r !- ! ib .'U W Al
' ',' ,"
n '! - k i- t-i j
Al I
3 f I " ut
V N r
i tr f
i i, f I
t f
t Si: l. tl. I ".
fla. I r.t 1 1 t' ' - 4 ,Il; U .- tr t
-laaaaErT4U t.:i lTLr
PBi. '-ifa.-av it,.
U't i-.'-'- " J' .M I :. i j
Vrk t' " ' ? r.e"hlw'l arJi
J'.; .-. iVm,,.l: . ' '"- ' nhtetirn5ij-kair
Amelia Iu.n , J r ' 'mJ
f I a- I . , ' 1 1
Hti.-riti.-u1 ' '' . ' ""
i... . . it. .. . j. Hi. a.. . ..... . .
I wn lane ri'V - ."
um ijl'-l I'll"1 la - '
r..r ..I i-lll-r r,H.HlT. NtM . lb t
l0 o u hiipdiilll"" 1. fi. .!' ' II. ,M.I IIMl.'MII'" thr Ut 1 thr -,,, 1
I Mlb..rlalCkr. I I"- ' '
rl .Ml
11 i
jmluxh .1 !"? M Min
J '
!i-i; l"t t.l.-k '. ta'U.. u
! unr ' rf ! -.
U-t l-t- "
filrml" $ I ' lt
M.ttAi I ' ''".
M.J kiwr. A. 1 r itt
lirrfta-t.'-.l '"' " ''" l' " '
la r
l 4
aT If '
at ' '
jt f
tt-r t
x-t ;' n
' i i
a. r 4 '. "..-, I
I14 ' ' 4 !!'-. af
, 1 It r A ." la.- . tn
44 Um4 'nm
pif Jimmuy a
ir u ---
'"IfT? w .TTff T" . ,
rfMi,d.i.. .-. a. w .--... ka-TI
m H-H .'!, u i
" " -m , m f "",r,
h-m Vs-kJ IHA4 M. Vamm- ahaakBl - -
t. m, 4 tmmm -. wmmt -. Ui a MM
4. nlun-iaM v'm m I ar-
-krrruM7 V-fcr .NMr( i it tf M
ummnUih-f'mmt.iM k . mr-
Jmmr, IKi. '.t L Mm. '-i
T LfakM lakml mi MUrt t MMMkftS'ftftt-wrrT
fa kr - kM tr4 t-M- -
1MU(-I t.
kW t 40VH ! II M ft. 4 '&-
- IW mm U- -v
t i- C aHk1k iMh tWlttiM Mi --ll
lan-f.ty ii n't ! M .ay- m f IU-
M -- " K ' M Xm "
Hp-P -- ; a- wm msmrw ar----Mty(, .--M-a--F
a to -r3 tf-
-w na-a9 -aaaa-vv "-' rr a-n
a. , .Sk -" 4mmt -
T-4 - wa-iM. y-
--' f!!lSa!,-f,,-l
mm-m mmi mr R- Jk bM
f wC aSMM.'kr M - M "a-
lkI-j.Lk,fc-.c-jMi r
M umi n . , .- u-- -
4r.- wii v . I"
f mtrt
fckw i i ra Uk !-. W MaXl Un mhV
jftm4j t- mmx t- mt
T KtMrtth. r H ir.- r Tim -- mt
MfaM - aa tf ? i mmmrt 0 I.
St -lal Ll . af ' a'
nowi rT :, - .,
"-w.1.n,'yi-t?;,t.!1 ?
-,, .titTi I- r aui n
m-r - , s - & JW t
M 4Uwrkvf 'OVMf 'ka--
a r 9" " ' "
. H nm aai M w Tu
Kr-- .J.'-: t " 4W-a
1 la faJ I ' "4 -. ia M
Oal aMaaWT it " 1 mmi Tti fla
I t iOC-MV. IHM. I,llfc a.M. In 1i Hat
iMaA. altarkutf a at-fatM-- -f int s,
txl fc.5-r a-r M. r-a tax J.
r-- k a a.-fct aV" t a 1 Hm
M -... 1 - tatt. tW t6lM.lM.f !
Bt.iM.lff Ul. af -Mklfta -'-
2umrt . -t L. -w
fL-r I. m-mm v2 R m . iui
HaO( a j t St.
aWav .-svlW f&t - UW
twr--W-g ai &S
252 J3- rpSt aMc . i5- 0M , fcrf -.
taH-TTaW' ffcW -
1 t
- - Kki. - -- M
Orlaff aw44.
t,- Wjtta-- ME, M- 4 '
t I T7 rfC. tfcg ttvr f4r-
I rrU-ia-12. . -i-a -r - 1
I ' U-2
i i-ji i - - '
re-- r "
I r I Pi ' "
. .
II r . . r " -l
a------------------------------------------------i 1
I a ' t -
I - - ..a -r i . .
t ruits hi
CtinK- anil m-c m
Tr (
' - l-,.r.-.l ... .cl. ..,
1." ! ricurr for eadi
rikhIs kept. Call
II ! Ir "It IH ,.lf 1 m .k
jmlrr lt c.l fat I.a.,.c, ate Ik
imTi J rl I km, far ,
ir-TKi; -i ii'TiTiTtJti
S3 SHOE ccttez
IH QESTSHOC nl' aio, J-4 wanu
lirt ' . . M. M
4 1 -.--... J '
l n 4 ' ' . A. k 4
If ' .
97 ' ' , r -. ..- t aal
I f ' f -:. . f. n i i . $.t
Ct 0 lln.a'r.l Writ -ka-s rm t
J7". ,( k "' -. a Milli (k, Wj4
ra-l a)
f -. -ata f. ... ft I.. OaM
III I'mIIco -aha. I I..
C rtir .11 tfj
' aMBtC
I ... a I a a a fMf
H fiMr tnlfi fc. a'.t ..
, r ' thl a H ..4lat Ife-Maa)
I r ., al-l a...k'-a
152. -
4 Oi.UII .rkU(Ma. atkl
I l '...Ha TV- WaW
r -
.? f'ff.a''..a . a.hc .ilka aft,a
Dnurl t
IMI Natl 73 k.4 K
.u7 "
af a
ics ",
I U.4m ,. ra) .a..
- w
Jll -J IMI
.1 1 Ma
L rtra Afm ltli.1.4 Ml tla iaHaa"l mfBJHKfk
1 'a.ia.i
Iir alllCll)
m:iti im.iutM n, iti hihi
.shoe llfitltr. Iti-it lo'.id
CMqui, Rffii IsM & Pacific Hj,
tl 4 a-""""
Ja ta.
t . t. ' '. I a. in ! "
, TJ . 1w4 ? 4 '
j J K Ml.. ir"" -!-
, ',.. ?. - "-J,
- -cl rfUal R V- 4 mtf t
'- a ftaj -.-- IVr-lhr V T---
v- s-c n v
rzxTiJivi-x xxrttxxs: rrtAixs
t.k. f H raaaj(aar. aaiaaaaaf
r-Hlrui M-t ftfM Mtaf.vm
,"- .a) .C4 Vaa. f "Jf(f J
J. ' VTT 11 l at -a T f0KmtU
f mm -,. lyr'i tj4 mtmyy
' i a - -aa.
.-- - - -"-- m 9
- ---
-- - -''T '"' ' - mm
VumWm WTt-V-'t '.. - tn 44t
U-""V'' t-- - ' '-'' -na; CX
t - r 1.1 rm tV r
kk .i i m
;.M) MM - -VNrr S -
- ,- Hkk -a -
k.- ..- MM. ?----- -- aJLW-W
r -a at i V .
--------- - '
Mjaaaft M- - Vfcl
Ir ubnlr
t iaWPWi-liaV. '
Sfcvxp . .' i r " - " i--1 acss
-tT .!- Kli -. aWaaaf alM XaFaA
' It tS-Jk AMl Mm) itMMr ir
tr a .U Mt-U W rf ta-caafc.
to . tvM -J-tl p- 4 I
tW-V SA 4aM !- V 4
Ma a -'f -- aMI
Tkaa W -
gtiiwi i -'i -"
api W MM - a-MC. Ml k Ji MW-i.
9 I". aKJ. )Mf f Hk
- - -raa,
lrn) Llc.
Pm & - 4Wfie: drats,
4 Iti MrKaarM i-4 t.aa4aav WwsH
kuw J BawtWa'
I . a. . .
L a.- a vt
Il.oo ta ' - , l.r.t, m.. ) U.
-i i... ;i'h . ., i . m f ..-
i t Kkrt At Ji!.!i twj .l.c ..-4t
K ! -tr' . r '. i . ,, m
- k '. iiw! -'"A
HI -.1 i H r ! N. t t J
4. It. .. - ! -- Ik l -
I. V .
af----f-J -v m
rwaMH, Mjrr rAirr xxmxm hautz
8 i I ''- a J"a "--
Igaajaaaaa ja fMML aaal ' waa.aa-- - aa
. . a. . aaamw,rmat u.a- aN
aarlaaaff MF al yaVaa. rrw aa pn .! Ja. I mm
- -a, -M MaT SH lM
a aTMMsW- a . M- - a aaaa aa T .ifc-.f 1-...
J V 4rMa
a-1 Mr flwai
t t- i i " -
i afca. W-a a 'a la-
JbtaTMr Mata aaaJMIaia