The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 23, 1891, Image 2

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A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
Tub presbytery f Troy, N. Y., has
approved the revision of the confession
of faith.
Khaki. Y 4.000,000 pounds of fruit were
shipped from California to the cast in
one week.
Min.vhpota Presbyterians are op
posed to the opening of the world's fair
on Sundays.
The London Times says there is &
deficit this year of 50,000,000 bushels In
the wheat crop of the world.
The Rothschilds are predicting that
France alone will have to pay America
nearly 540,000,000 in gold for wheat this
year. -
Rr.v. CnAm.ES Svvkqeqs, the famous
London Uaptist divine, proposes to
to take a long trip abroad in order to
In spite of all rumors to the contrary,
Mrs. Frances Hodgson IJurnett haa
concluded to return to this country
within a few weeks.
A Hermn cable states that the Ger
man government has appointed a com
mission of army officers to investigate
the adaptability of corn for food pur
poses. The Ke.v York electrocution law is
again before the United State supreme
court. The claim is made that the law
unconstitutionally restricts the liberty
of the press.
Rev. 1. Giffokd, of IJrook
line, Mass., will be the successor of
Rev. Dr. Lorimer as pastor of Im
manuel Raptist church, Chicago. His
salary will be S0.000.
Heniiy Ikving has two sons. H. R.
Irving was sent to New college and
graduated to the btage. The other
was trained in Russia for the profession
of diplomacy and lias become an actor.
Some time ago the wages of theOrand
Trunk employes receiving S."00 and over
per annum were reduced five per cent.,
ami those of men receiving ST50 and
over ten per cent. Traffic has now in
creased, and notices have been sent out
that all wages so affected would bo re
stored. The forty-fourth judicial district
court at Dallas, Tex., decided tint a
plaintiff could not evade the payment
of h land-secured note held by an alien
company on numerous substantial
grounds. This was the second decision
adverse to the recently enacted Texas
alien land law.
Senator Stankori. of California,
denies the story that he intended to
erect a family mausoleum and estab
lish his university at Albany, but
changed his mind through pique- at
certain officials. He said he never
thought of any other place than Palo
Alto for the university.
Mil Fnoriu: has a new historical
work on the way, which will really be
a supplement to his history of England.
Its title is "The Divorce of Catherine
of Aragon," as containing "the story as
told by the imperial ambassadors resi
dent at the court of Henry VIII. in
usum laicornm." That divorce made a
stir in the world whose consequences
still endure.
The commission appointed by Secre
tary Noble to negotiate with the Sho
shone and Arapahoe Indians of Wy
oming for part of the Wind river res
ervation has effected an agreement
with the Indians under which they
cede to the United States more than
half their reservation, the government
getting about 1,100,000 acres out of a
total of about '2.0(10,000 a-res.
A iter a delay of fourteen years the
youth of Chicago are finally to receive
the benefit of the great training school
which the munificence of Allan C Lewis
devised for them. The available fund
of the Lewis estate has now reached
the sum of over SI. 000,000 and the
trustees arc satisfied that after the
erection of buildings costing probably
Sl!00,000 there will be sufficient to per
petually endow the school. Kuilding
will begin at once.
The correspondent of tho London
Times at l'aris learns that the object,
of M. de fiicrs, the Russian foreign
minister, in seeking the recent in
terview at Monza with the king of
Italy and Marquis di Rudini, the Ital
ian premier, was to ascertain the na
ture of the triple alliance before- con
cluding a treaty with France. King
Humbert assured M. de Ciiera that the
triple alliance was based on a defensive
and a non-olTcnsivo treaty.
The marquis di Rudini, the prime
minister of Italy, regrets nothing more
than the attitude which he assumed to
ward the United States authorities at
the time of the lynching affair at New
Orleans. For ho has always been a
warm admirer of this country, and
while mayor of Palermo in IStW named
several of the squares and streets of
that city after distinguished American
generals and statesmen. There is a
Grant street, a Lincoln, place, a Sheri
dan square and a Sherman crescent.
There have been 214 national
banks organized since the 1st of
October, lb90, with a capital of 23,
400,000. In the twelve months pre
ceding there were organized :'07 na
tional banks, with a capital of Sofi.tliVO,
000. The falling off is considered note
worthy at the treasury department. In
Texas, for the year ended October 1,
1S91, there were organized 21 national
banks, with a capital of S1.STO.000. In
the year preceding there were organ
ized in Texas (i: national banks, with a
capital of VX.0,000.
With the growth of the navy there
begins to be a difficulty in officering
the new ships. When one of the white
ships was rcceutly in need of a junior
watch officer, half a dozen ensigns were
suggested for the place, but the navy
department, on lookiug the young men
over, found that for various reasons not
one of them was available for the duty.
The same difficulty has made it neces
sary that officers with their tours of sea
duty two-fhirds finished should le sent
to distant stations, a policy usually
nvoided by the department, since it
necessitates the expense of a long re
turn journey by merchant steamer.
The London Daily Telegraph pub
lishes a dispatch from its corre
spondent at Cork which says that
eomething of a panic has been
caused in nationalist circles by a
report that under French laws
Mrs. Charles Stewart Parncll and
John Howard Parnell are the heirs of
the Parnell'f uud of 40,000 which was
lodged in Paris in the joint names of
Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Parnell. There
Jsnodonbt thatMrs. Parnell wiUatonco
place her share in tho hands of those
who stood by her late husband, who
will quickly place themselves in a
financial position to enable them to
bow a good deal of a fight,
Gleaned By Telegraph and Mail
IN the exchange of volleys which
took place between the revolutionists
and the loyal troops at Montevideo 6ix
men were killed and seven were
M. iiE, the Russian minister of
foreign affairs, is traveling in Italy.
His visit to the Marquis di Rudini is
consipercd an augury of peace.
The London Times has a dispatch
from Shanghai which says that the
foreign ministers have broken of! ne
gotiations with the government 'and
have annonnced to China that now
their own governments roust act
The city election of Indianapolis, Ind.,
went in favor of the democrats by ma
jorities ranging from 1..W0 to .".,000.
Maj. Charles B. Throckmorton,
commandant at Fort Schuyler, has
been placed under arrest pending in
vestigation on charges of isuuing worth
less checks and duplicating his pay
The St Stephens Review claims that
It has authority to state that the mar
quis of Salisbury has offered the lead
ership of the conservative party in the
house of commons to Mr. Ralfour.
Rev. Father Francis Wi'yts, eccle
siastical superior of the Lorettoans, died
at Loretto convent, in Marion county,
Ky. He was a native of Relgium and
was a man of profound learning.
The North German Gazette denies
that an understanding has been arrived
at between Germany and the United
States by which tho American cereals
arc to be admitted to Germany free of
Gen. McCook recommends the forti
fication of San Diego, Cal.
Rev. Dr. Pim.i.irs IJ rooks was con
secrated bishop of Massachusetts on
the 1 Jth.
Col'NT Von Aeco-Vai.i.ey. German
minister to the United States, died at
Rerlin on the 15th after undergoing an
operation for a stomach disorder.
Dr. Seymock Riti.lock, a prominent
republican and Grand Army man, was
killed at Mobile bay. Ala., by Thomas
P. Rrcwer, an ex-confederate. Rullock
had attempted to kill Rrcwer and was
shot in return.
Gen. W. II. F. Lee, second son of Gen.
R. K. Lee, died at Ravenworth, Fair
fax county, Va., aged 51. Gen. l-e
had represented the district for two
terms in congress and was a member
elect of the next house.
A r.AROK and enthusiastic meeting in
favor of political union with the United
States was held at Uelle River, Ont
Refore the meeting adjourned a conti
nental union club was formed with a
large membership.
It is reported that a marriage has
been arranged between the c.are witch
of Russia and the duchoss Klsa, of
The New South Wales parliament
has defeated the government on the
eight-hour clause of the mining laws.
JritnE Wii.mam Johnston, once a
noted jurist of Cincinnati anil an inti
mate friend of Secretary Stanton dur
ing the war, is dead.
Wii.mam O'Rrihn, M. P., has issued
a statement in reply to the recent Par
nellite defiance. In it he bitterly de
nounces the Parnellites' charge that he
and Dillon hounded Parnell to death.
Mrs La, formerly .Tosie Mans
field, well known in New York twenty
years ago, was married at St George's
church, Hanover square, London, to
Robert L. Ren, of New York.
Com. Nathaniel Di'ncan Inuraham,
formerly of the United States navy,
died at Charleston, S. C.
J. It. Stevenson, aged ::S, professor
of astronomy in the high school at
Quincy, 111., committed suicide by
shooting himself in the head No cause
was assigned.
Ji'LU'S F. Pratt and Addison Rybce.
of the old Sarven wheel works, Indan
apolis, Ind., now a part of the Ameri
can wheel works trust, have made an
assignment The failure is due to the
assignment made by the American
wheel works.
Ilnii: losses arc reported in tho wheat
crop of tho northwest Rain and snow
are reported to have sprouted grain in
the shock
.Iiiiin Hoky, president of tho Adams
KxpressCo., has beuu suspended. There
were charges of malfeasance.
Kx-Conieierati:s assembled in great
numbers at Memphis Tenn., on the
Felsoe Nadar, a large and flourish
ing village of Transylvania, Austria,
has been completely destroyed by fire.
Miss Alice Welch, aged 51, was run
down by an electric motor in Colum
bus, O., and horribly mangled. Death
was instantaneous.
The temporary suspension of the col
lection of duties on the importation of
corn, beans and rice into Venezuela
was to end October 20, and thereafter
the regular rates will be imposed.
A spark from a locomotive caused
the explosion of giant powder in a
boarding car at Ensley City. Ala. Five
negroes were badly injured.
There has been a severe storm off
the Rritish coast At Cardiff and its
vicinity eleven coasting vessels were
ashore. The crews were saved.
Jrixn: Hawley, of the United States
court at San Francisco, hasdecidedthat
the oil cars of the Standard Oil Co. are
not patented and any company can use
Two passengers were killed and sev
eral injured by the overturning of a
R. t O. train at, Hicksville, O.
The European demand for bread
stuffs continues to increase.
The Roston Record says that the
Scarles will case Is ended and that
Timothy Hopkins will get between SS,
000.000 and $10,000,000 of the late Mrs.
Searles' property.
The Ecumenical Methodist confer
ence adopted unanimously a petition to
the United States commissioners of the
world's fair protesting against the pro
posed opening of the fair on Sundays.
A nisp.Yicii from Dubuque, la, says:
There are thousands of dead fish along
theshoreof the Mississippi The river
fell lower than for twenty years, leav
ing large numbers of fish in pools
winch gradually dried and the fish have
since died. This state of affairs exists
for miles along the river.
A St. Petersburg dispatch says that
a great scandal has Wen caused by the
discovery that officers of the govern
ment intrusted with money from the
imperial treasury for the relief of the
famine stricken districts, have in some
instances embezzled the amounts for
their own use.
An attempt was made recently to as
sassinate the president of Nicaragua
by a corporal of the palace guard, who
was arrested while making a hole in
the roof of the president's house.
George and .Inn Howard were shot
and killed near Mount Sterling, Ky.,
by a man named Cupps, whose house
tho two tried to enter to whip Cupps.
Ali.eeton easily defeated Delmarch
in the races at Lexington, Ky.
The reported loss of the cattle steam
ship City of Rome off Newfoundland
was a hoax. Rrennan, who told the
varn about a drunken crew, was a half
witted sailor belonging to another vessel-
-A fly wheel of No. 7 mill of the
Amoskeag Co. at Manchester, N. IL,
burst the other day. Two persons were
killed, and several badly vounded.
A society at Pittsburgh, Pa., has de
cided to inaugurate a war on Sunday
Land Commissioner Hacgen. of the
St Paul road, who has recently re
turned from Minnesota and Dakota,
says reports of great damage to grain
in Dakota arc false. Mr. Haugen found
but little grain there that had not liecn
A dynamite bomb was found on an
other railroad bridge a. Reichenberg,
in Rohemia, in the near vicinity of the
one which jeopardized the emperor's
Three of the staff of the Inter Ocean
and the engineer were killed at Crete,
111., by the engine on which all were
riding going into an open switch. The
object of the newspaper men being on
the engine was to illustrate a midnight
The boiler of the steamer Evangel
exploded near Port Townsend, Wash.
Three men were killed. The Evangel
was built by the pennies of eastern
Sunday school children for a mission
ary boat
Italy proposes to abolish the export
duty on raw silk.
Mr. Vii.lari) states that he is encour
aging Edison in his efforts to replace
steam with electricity in railroad trans
portation. The French government has decided
to strictly enforce the order forbidding
bishops of the Roman Catholic church ,
to leave their dioceses without permis- !
sion. :
Two small steamers, each crowded
with J00 passengers collided in the har- j
bor at Toulon, France. The shock I
caused a terrible panic among the pas- j
hungers. Several were thrown into the i
sea and were with difficult' rescued. I
A SLIGHT earthquake shock was felt i
in East Nashville, Tenn. It lasted about
eight seconds and moved up in a south- I
easterly direction.
There was a fight between Chilian
sailors and American sailors from the
cruiser Raltimore at Valparaiso recent
ly. Three or four Americans were
killed and several Chilians were badly
hurt The affair caused great excite
ment .
Ri'.siness failures (Dun's report) for
the seven days ended October 15 num
bered U50, compared with 270 the previ
ous week and 237 the corresponding
week of last year.
Five persons were found smothered j
to death after a fire in a tenement at
Mil I wall, London.
The Panhandle vestibule limited was
wrecked at Mingo Junction, four miles
west of Steubenville, O., recently. Two
persons were killed and four seriously
Clearing house relurns for the week
ended October 15 showed an average
decrease of 0.2 compared with the cor
responding week of last year. In New
York the decrease was 17.5.
Frkii E. Scrim.hkr, president and M.
Dawson, cashier, of the Wyoming na
tional bank, were drowned by the up
setting of a sailboat in Hutton's lake,
eight miles from Laramie, Wyo.
Nearly 100 delegates to tho Woman's
Christian temperance union state con
vention at Bradford, Pa, were poisoned
by something they ate or drank at din
ner. Only two cases, however, were
A si hike of 12,030 miners is threat
ened in Pennsylvania because of tho
introduction of Italians and Hungari
ans. The bodies of DOO soldiers who fell in
the battle of Fort Recovery, O., when
St Clair was defeated by the Indians
loo years ago, includingthe body of Gen.
Dutler, were Interred on the 10th with
impressive ceremonies in one immense
grave at the cemetery set apart by the
government for that purpose. Over
50,000 people were on the grounds.
A kive-mile tunnel, to costS"50,000, Is
projected 13' Leadville (Col.) parties.
It will drain the principal mines below
that city.
General Passenger Agent Fee, of
the Northern Pacific, sent out last year
l.SOO.000 parcels, principally through
the mails, to addresses in answer to leU
ters of inquiry.
The Ayrcs & Wygart musical instru
ment company, of Chicago, has failed
because of lack of capital.
A message from Columbia, Tenn.,
sa3s the Columbia Hanking Co., capital
$100,000. and Hank of Columbia, capital
$00,000, had both made assignments.
The failures were caused by inability
to collect
Cleaves y. Fletcher, wholesale and
retail dealers in hardware and agricult
ural implements at Gainesville. Tex.,
have made an assignment Assets,
$235,000; liabilities, $200,000.
The foundry and pattern shop of
George F. Mesker, Evansvillc, Ind.,
were destroye.1 by fire. Loss, $40,000;
insurance, $1 1,500.
A rovai. patent creating Lady Mac
donald. wife, of the late premier, baron
ess, with the title of Raroness Mac
donald, has been received at Ottawa,
The government estimates that 1S3,
000,000 roubles will be required to
meet the necessities arising from the
famine existing in various parts of the
Russian empire.
The announcement is made semi
officially that Italy has decided to re
move the prohibition now existing
against the importation of American
salted meats into Italy.
The stallion St Rlaize was sold at
auction at Tattersall's, New York, re
cently for $100,000.
The wife of Allen (J. Thurman ex
pired at Columbus. O, on the 17th. She
was lorn in Chillicothe, O. in 1S11, her
maiden name boing Mary Dunn.
Harrison, Loring ,fc Co., ship build
ers, Roston, have assigned. Liabilities,
$.:75.000; assets nominally S00.000.
.James Parton, the author, died at
Newbnryport, Mass.. on the 17th. He
was the husband of "Fannv Fern."
Mr. Parton was born in England in
1622, but had lived in America since
One hundred and twenty men em
ployed on the electrical building at the
world's fair ground quit work leeause
their foreman. William Irving, had
been civen the alternative to accept a
position at 40 cents an hour or quit
The president has accepted the resig
nation of Gov. Steele, of Oklahoma
A dispatch to the Chicago Times
from Washington speaks of an opium
ring and says that two senators and
five representatives are implicated.
Arbitration was the subject dis
cussed by the Ecumenical Methodist
council at Washington on the 17th.
The proceedings were made interest
ing by the presence of Secretary Fos
ter and President Harrison, both of
whom addressed the conference.
The president has issued a proclama
tion reserving from entry and settle
ment the tracts of timber land in Colo
rado known as the White River plateau.
As four men of Occum. who had act
ed as pall bearer at a funeral at Wil
limautic. Conn., were driving home,
their horse ran away. Peter McCafrcy,
35 years old, was killed and John
Shea was fatally injured.
The Lucy Webb Hayes missionary
college at Washington has been dedi
cated. The elections in Chili passed off
quietly on the 18th- The derica'a
claimed the house and the liberals the
The board of control of the national
world's fair commission has confirmed
the nomination br Director-General
Davis of W. E. Cottrell, of Detroit for
chief of the department of live stock.
The farmer; recently had a very suc
cessful reunion at Crawford.
The Norfolk sugar factory is using
about 350 tons of beets perday, making
about fifty tons of sugar every twenty
four hours.
Diphtheria is reported to be alarm
ingly prevalent at Lincoln. The city
council recommended the closing of the
public schools for two weeks.
Judge Conn, of the supreme court,
has decided that A. W. Crites, inde
pendent and non-partisan candidate for
judge of the Fifteenth district is en
titled to have his name printed on the
official ballot
Samuel W. Mennelley, a traveler
for a Rochester, N. Y., shoe house, was
found dead at a hotel in Omaha the
other morning. It Is supposed that he
turned on the gas by mistake for
electricity and forgot to turn it off
after turning on the electric light.
The grand lodge of the Knights of
Pythias of Nebraska met in repre
sentative hall at Lincoln on the 13th.
This is the first meeting of the kind
ever held at the state house. Over IrtO
delegates, representing 132 lodges,
were present besides about 200 visit
ing knights.
Djc. Hillings, investigator of infect
ious animal diseases for Nebraska as
serts that he has completely demon
strated that the germ causes Texas
fever. He has Isolated this fever from
the blood of Texas ticks, cultivated
them pure and killed cattle by inocula
tion with culture direct from the ticks.
Three cowboys rode up to the First
National bank of Enterprise at noon
the other day and while one of them
held the horses the other two with
drawn revolvers entered the building
and demanded the money. The cashier,
at the point of a revolver, handed over
53,500 in bills. The robbers wore no
J. C. Williams, an engineer on the
R. it M., was recently held in $'J0
bonds at Reatricc for a hearing on a
charge of carelessly causing the death
of fifteen head of cattle belonging to
Elijah Fcly and injuring fifteen other
cattle of the same herd. He ran into
them with the engine of which he was
in charge. Mr. Fely's loss by the en
gineer's carelessness will reach $500.
Weighmamt.r Taylor, of Omaha
reiMirts that the weighing and inspec
tion of grain is proceeding very satis
factorily; that the dealers in grain are
highly pleased with the adoption of the
new methods, and the producers, he
believes, will soon learn to express
their hearty appreciation of the new
system as it means money for them in
the end. The farmers, he says, have
been saved thousands of dollars al
ready. John Walion, a young man of Be
atrice, temporarily residing in Piclter
ell, walked out of a second-story win
dow at three o'clock the other morning
and sustained injuries which may re
sult fatally. He was partially awakened
by the explosion of a lamp in an ad
joining room, and was under the im
pression that he was stepping through
an ojiening on to :i porch. He fell
fifteen feet
Neiirask Cut last year ranked
eleventh in the pork packing cities of
the United States and the indications
are that in ls'.u sho will move up a few
notches. Roth of her packing houses
will be in ojierntion during the winter.
Secretary Doe, of the Chicago Packing
.fc Provision Co., has directed the man
ager of that concern to increase the ca
pacity to 4,000 per day. New buildings
will be immediately commenced.
Joseph M. Gray, the farmer who
lately threatened to storm the state
capital if justice was not immediately
meted out to him regarding a three dol
lar rebate for which he sued the
Kearney and I thick Hills road, and was
defeated in the lower courts appeared
before Judge Cornell at Kearney the
other day and demanded that the judge
make out papers against W. R. Learn
granting him the judgment He em
phasized his request by brandishing a
large knife uncomfortably near the
judge's scalp. Sheriff Wilson was sum
moned and the man taken into custody
and later adjudged insane.
Howard Dka minn, a youth of six
teen, was accidentally shot at York the
other afternoon by a Winchester rifle
in the hands of a companion. The
bo-s, together with several others,
were returning from a hunting expe
dition and stoped to rest in the Union
Pacific yards. The Draucher boy laid
his gun down on a pile of ties with the
hammer raised and one of the others
attempted to pick it up, not knowing it
was loaded, when it was discharged.
The ball entered Draucher's left breast
just above the heart After being shot
the boy ran a distance of four blocks
and fell unconscious on the steps of hii
home. His wound was not considered
Thomas Purcell, member of the
banking firm of Dowling t Purcell at
North ltend. had an exciting experience
with a burglar the other night Mr.
Purcell had started for home about bed
time and while chatting with a friend
a few moments later rccollcciedhat
he had left a package in his otlice. Re
turning he entered the room and with
out lighting a lamp began looking for
the bundle. Suddenly out of a dark
corner two stangcrs arose and request
ed Mr. Purcell to throw up his hands.
He complied and they took what val
uables he had on his person and de
manded the keys to the safe. Rcing
informed that they were in possession
of Mr. Dowling, the robbers left.
At Fort Robinson the other day while
Corporal Goodloc, of troop G, Ninth
cavalry, wa trying to suppress a
drunken soldier of his troop by the
name of George Owens, he was shot
twice by Owens and seriously though
not fatally wounded.
While Mr. Murphy, foreman of the
Woodworth ranch near Millard, and a
stranger were driving through Water
loo the other evening their team took
fright and ran away, throwing both
men out Murphy struck on his head
and shonldcr. His companion was
thrown head foremost through a com
bination wire and picket fence and re
ceived fatal injuries.
The prohibitionists of Dodge county
have nominated a full county ticket
Since the Omaha lynching the officers
have been kept busy making arrests of
parties supposed to have been engaged
in it
A large barn on the farm of Mr.
Neuman. five miles southeast of How
ard, together with foar horses, was
burned recently. The loss was about
E. W. Hutchinson, of Lincoln, the
aged slayer of the dashing young w.dow
and confidence woman. Mrs. Jennie
Green, has been adjudged insane and
ordered sent to an insane asylum.
The general merchandise store of
Henry Silvers &. Co.. of Cooper, was
closed the other day by creditors, who
filed a large number of claims ia at
tachment with the clerk of the court-
While firing a salute at St Paul in
honor of Rishop Scanlon, of Omahii,
John Cinoway was killed by the pre
mature discharge of a small canon.
What was intended as a happy church
affair was suddenly turned into a
The Nebraska Gtj Starch Co. has
concluded to erect a large number of
sheds and will feed 300 cattle dnribg
the winter.
afattrra of Moment Itrfrrrnl Tn 11 tb
(ovrrnorof Oklahoma.
Guthrie. Ok Oct IS. Got Steele'
first report to the secretary of the in
terior has been prepared and forwarded
to Washington.
The school problem in the new coun
ties is treated as follows: "I am very
sorry indeed that provision was not
made by congress for helping the set
tlers support the common schools in
the Sac and Fox. Iowa Pottawatomie
and absentee Shawnee lands recently
thrown open to settlement, for those
settlers are not ouly poor as were
those who came into this part of
the territory, but they will have the
additional burden of caring for the In
dian children in great numbers who
may attend the common schools, not
withstanding the fact that the lands or
personal property of these Indians may
not be taxed to help support the schools.
This will be true with reference to the
Cheycnn and Arapahoe anil Kickajvoo
country, which it is hoped will be
thrown open to settlement early next
spring. It seems to me there is more
reason for helping the settlers support
the schools in theao lands than there
was in Oklahoma proner."
Concerning the opening of the Chero
kee strip this is said:
"Nothing I think of would bu more
gratifying to the people of not ouly
Oklahoma but those of Arkansas, Mi
souri, Texas, Kansas and other states
who are anxious for homes than would
be the opening of the Cherokee outlet.
There is every reason why it should be
thrown ojwn to settlement and none
that I know- of why it should not bo."
As to town sites Gov. Steele says in
part: "I hope before any other town
sites are thrown open to settlement the
town sites will be carefully selected,
surveyed, platted and published, and 1
earnestly recommend a different mode
of opening town sites to settlement At
the recent opening of Tecumseh ami
Chandler there were at least 5.00J jh-o-ple
at each place waiting for the signal
to be given for entering said tow n sites,
containing 2, 100 lots, good and bad A
very large proortion of those intending
to enter the sites were anxious to go in
on foot to avoid the danger incident to
riding in on horseback or in wagons and
vehicles of various Uimls. ne man
was killed 1' his horse falling on linn,
others were more or less iujureil. hut
the real settlers wore in too many in
stances deterred from attempting to
get a lot or a home from the very fact
that horsemen were allowed to rule in.
Lawyiws without clients abound: bank
ers without banks or capital are there;
real estate sjM-eiilators without cus
tomers, gamblers, whisky jn'ihllcrs and
bootleggers all before the opening wen
there to ply their vocation."
The governor speaks of the opening
of the lauds on the western lorilor ui
follows: "On account of a great m.tiiy
of the Indians refusing to take their
allotments much delay lias been caused
in the allotting of lands to the Chcy
euues and Arapahnes, anil I am in
formed that the appropriation for
making these allotments is prac
tically exhausted Unless it is
jHissible to make other arrange
ments to throw these lauds open to set
tlement early next spring s( that set
tlers may raise a crop next year, it will
mean hardship, destitution, sickness
and death among the hundreds of set
tlers who have lieen along its borders
for weeks and in many instances for
months, waiting for homes."
Prii)oril llrnjtiiliii; if it Department I lie
lUi; I. (mil- i:tr.
Chicago, Oct 15. The congressional
loan of S 000,000 to the world's fair.
Maj. Handy and his department of pul
licity anil promotion, and Director
General Davis report were considered
by the board of control of the national
commission, which went into session
for its October meeting yesterday. At
the same time the Chicago directors
held a session of their executive com
mittee upon practically the same sub
jects. During the session of the directors a
request was sent to the lard of con
trol for a special joint conference of
the board of reference and control t
be held Friday, to consider, it Is snid,
the advisability of abolishing the entire
department of publicity and promotion
of which Maj Handy who draws 7,500
a year from the directory and has a
large staff of assistants is chief. Presi
dent Raker. Director Walker and others
seemingly have an ideatnat the world's
fair does not need a press department
any longer and that the department
chiefs cau furnish all needful informa
tion to exhibitors and the newspapers.
Tho board of control after discussing
the loan question concluded that the
committee on legislation had exclusive
jurisdiction in the matter. Commis
sioner Massey, who is on that commit
tee, said the draft of the loan hi. I to
le presented to congress would prob
ably originate in the Chicago directory
and then come ln'fore the committee
on legislation. When this stage should
be reached the mcmlorsof the national
commission would le prepared to say
whether they would support the bill as
The local directory are understood to
favor Secret-try P.uttcrworth a the
right man to conduct the necotiations
for the loan before congress. The
members of the lonrd of control arc
said to be against his 'election. Op
Io5ition to Secretary Rutterworth fc
represented as hinging to some extent
on the fact that he. instead of cue oi
the national commissioners, was made
chairman of the recent special commU
sion to Kurope.
A tr Hl.hoju
Ronton. Oct 14. Rer. Dr. Phillips
R rooks was this morning consecrated
as bishop of Massachusetts. The
service took place at Trinity church
and was preceded by morning prayer,
which was held at o'clock.
The general service occupied about
three hours and was rooi impressive.
Phillips Rrooks was lorn in R.stnn.
Mass., IVrcembcr IX lv35. He wa
graduated at Harvard college in l-.5.
studied theology at th sminrr in
Alexandria. Vs., was ordained in J-W.
and lwcamc rector of the ehereh of the
Advent Philadelphia
War CtioI Item.
London. Oct. 15. A dispatch from
Moscow says that the RuMiaas are
massing troops toward the Afghan
frontier and that Russia I ria-r
anxious for a pretext to make war on
the Afghans. With this view. Rotssns
emissaries in Afghanistan arc try
ing to stimulate the people to an ag
gresMTe coarse towards tbe Tertotsa
and others under Russian proVtfoa
and thus give Russia the exceve for be
ginning war Tha ameer of Afghanis
tan Is said to be fallyaware of RakM
intentions and anxious for English a-
A Lake on Itr.
Go.-ncN. Ind.. Oct. IS. Karly yester
day morning are was started in vhj
way in the grass at Yoeraaa Lake, the
water in which is at present very low.
and in a few moments the entire lake
was a sea of Sre. the Tegetation that
towered above the surface of the greater
part of the lake being inflammable. The
fire was communicated to the fence
and straw stacks bordering the lake.
and had it not been for herculean work
done by the people of that Tkanity.
who fought It against great odd until
dark, the fire would hare ipre4 over
the entire nsighborhood.
Important Papor From Socrotary
Comparison of Iiojrt mol r.r-i'U-,:"
priM-ity tiMulnc Mrk Com-
larllr TW of Trlr TnJcr th
t i,t n! w Tmritt.
1 Washington. Oct 11. Secretary Fc
' tcr has received the first o&h'lal tte
i meat of the operation of the McKin'cy
1 tariff. The points covered are the
effect upon import and exports the
production of the revenae and the
j changes in price of various articles.
j The beginning of reciprocity U also
fthonn. This statement very lm-
portant and very Interesting It cover
I elcren months bringing the rrsults
, almost down to date- It was prepared
j by M G Itrock. the chief of the bureau
of statistics and Is as follows:
lmrmr f - cl-vri HWMita trot iVtotr ;,
!, to Au.-u.i U. iI, untr tfco oprtln of
I ttto Mew t.r-2 ta. the tott vif ut mr
! forrUn rotr, t.rr. iiHurtt mJ vport oi
1 rnrrtbaudi."- romboM. 1 1 Ts.I-s r
n i rra.r or JTl.KW ott t t1uc of
oar furr'sn rwntmrrve tinting tin- cor
i rr.jnnilm;; jxr.od of prior ir. tm It
i I !,. lls.T. TS irrrair : l-rri
1 of our f n-'irn comifir (Impu't' 1 r
j pvrt of .urrhaile' durlnsf tl twtf
' inn frut ll to 11 . Wltl.l It" t
j t- OirtTft lull :b lTra .iwrmj: thi"
, itrTrn uwot'i. ui'Jrr tb pifrt. t the
r tarilf a. t.eaMjr iluuMr ItiU avurti,-"
iitiuil iurrr.. Of t total fummMwi't
th H-r-n m--nb iitl! .Unt II, :sim. &
ITalHf our "mpi rt of mrrrban-lii
TJ,;.0.', ,. in iKT-.e f i?s.a-5.Ji'r tt"
value of tin !'npirt f tb t orrHdife(
j month, of the prior vr. at th- vli of
i thi-i-'Mt J-o.Tl.t. i nerrc of
!4.v".JJJ over !! prior pT' '.
ljr u,j thr rii-vrs month ftotu ietulwr I.
1.J. to August J". ls'I. nrnlvr th- operation
o! the nw t irtff iti lw of tttijmrii f tiu-
t atI intrHmm.Il. a Min.lll7V hli
ur n the e m.pmlHi: periol of thr pr-
In K jcitr thf r;ilnw of dutiable mrrchan-
U.M u J11 vi .SMI. howlNi; a i!'Or-a' tut
I Ihoi'lrvm ininlh nmtrr th m tariff of
fJs,j.TiB .11 thr atueof mrrhaHlr pj In
itut) It Mtav aWo ! not I tliv total
T.tluc of the I'tipwrt 'or th n!rp MHtb.
' JTM.IlU. tW. aim rind N ViiInii tb" no;Mrtif
j any y ar la thx bttory of owr soirrmnfiit,
rjirptiw tin tlifJl rr J'lO. hr ihi-lr
lui a )7itf.SIl.m If. hvir, the Im
port of rj.tiMbr. IXH, 1 th of Am
iii-t.tUi Import Hill Imrxr'y mi-i-wl
tho.H of l-:t
Mure tin i-n.if tHitU of ihem-n tariff law
thrn ha l-n Kirnr rmlnrtlu In thr rrro
liur from rti.i in Thii conti-wiplat.!
liiJhrl.ll l.iir. uhn-h rirttflat it. hMul
"An aft to ri ilti'-r thr rurour.' tr Ili!l
l-olor i! tli-m wa. iturln tbn yrar it r
OurtloH in thr outoHi irvrnuouf ill '.
II&.I . iiotu .th.t until';; thrrr w lar ih
rn mil m tin- iMip"rt of mrrha'li.i V
!r ii"tirtioii Ih thr rrti-nnr oeU'ril
ihiritti; thr la.t thri'r uart r of thy-ar ih
luiti-il In thr italiiRirat. Thr tin r u.nthil
appi'itr. In thr rlr.t iHut r iwrnrrt-il in
tutiiT. l-.ii. thr month li wh-h tor
tanlt Mut ii. to tfrt Th- ii Ian illil
nut Ki into If it until am! t i lm
port Of Hll'li h4Mitn a Ml thr M it hlr.i v dl
of Mii'irhan-Ii'i- front imn-Uiionii Immntl
nti ly pr.fir ti tht Uat m rr hirn Th
ii'ilurtlon of ill" irrrnur from fiti' -lur-llli;
th llifr ijiltirtrr i-mtr I rilriHliiir J .
l-ul. u ro:npirr I uith thr .iimr prr-'llof
tl o prior yrur. il !l,"i it. but In nm
1 iTHIK thH .tati-iiii-nt of tho wholf I writ
month. th'H amount I rut ilonnh) t'.t- lei
rri-n.iil n sniui l'rrtit iliirnic thr nrt
ijimrtrr. u .ii h orriirrnl In Orloher. a mrn
t'OHril uIhm r It n III ! rriiiriuhrrnl how -rvrr.
that thr principal sutM-lr of our Imi
I ort of inrri'hHii'lli from hlrh thr ilu'y
rciiiiit il .ni:ar. nl b th- prn lun
of I In- imi taiilf la III-- Ii-Hiulil of till.
!ilt :.! I tkr ffr t until April I. Iit.
I t r i ti k t ' tt o ii irtiT. .in'-r that il tin It
will In-., -rn th it thr ri'ilMi'tioit in i-u.tiiiii
ii Ti-nur, h romp tr-l w tilth- ihih" iitioi
of thr prior oir. amountnl to 511. ; i.J".. IX.
I rout thi it lit rr-ioHithiy appr ir that thr
r ituctlon. for nti rnt rr ji-ir n ill lir f oil r u
lurir. If wot n cipni, of tho autoUMt ron.
ti'tu'latrt in thr ciiin tuirnt ! thr no tr tt
Inn It turtlirr upprnM from thr nlu.ra
tfltilr th tot ;il rnrrlpt ttolti i'UiIiihii
(luring tin1 tui Ivi- month, prior to thr pu-d-u
of thr m n tar 11 rrr i2iT..iI IV ami
tor thr- llrt turlvr month, af'i-r thr rHut
lili'ltt of thr new tariff In thr rwnipta wrrr
i tti. AW .' li '.l Thr ru.tniH trrrnur col
lii-tnl lunn; thr flrt p rlixl of twrlta
month pT rapltit of population
IAS1. nnil ilurldiC t' r rroH! prlol
HOT. or !i rmlHCt'on prr raplta
of 7Jr. Tho r"ltir: mi In rii.ti.nii ri-Trnuo
!ih brrn Kri'atly ari'rlrratr I iiupi April 1
la.t, n ilrn thr Iit j. rr iiiovrI ffom -Jr.
It uppi-ar front thr t ihlr thit lh ruat'ima
rrvrmir pi-r raplt i of population cojlrrtl
Iur n rf thr lx month nolln rptrmhr r ..
1-iiJ. im onlv 51 iX If thr 'ut.,m rrirnun
ro'lrrtrtl ilnrlw thr following lx iHorth.
emlM Marrh ti. ivj. houl! b In thr iwn
proportion, the ctiilmni rrrrnur prr raplta
oolli-rtri! lnrtnj;.thr jrir rnillnir with thr
Inttrr il.ttr touhl hr onlr If, or a rrurtou
of M Ii prr rnpit.t of popu all ih n utom
rrvrmir col.ii tril f-r thil y ir Thl won..!
Ir tho lownt rivrnnr p-r raplla rollrrtnl
from rutiwi for tvirnty Br ynr li or
"''t, nn 11 I prr raptt i lr than Iho anut
a rracr ratr of il-i't i-"lltrl -turn that
prr'i'l on Importril mcrrhta !ir, wh r-h w
II si prr en pit i.
Thralurof our nport of tlitim it1" and
fnri'in in rrhan I lur-njr th flrt Itmi
month. ri Ifd AtKOt 'I. ii. altrr th
3-v tarilf. !fcii."l."l an 1 Jin.'n': Wl
arK'T than thr rjporf of llkr tHrrhillr
'or tbr rorrrpooltn,j i-lrTrit month f tho
.- rior yrr h Ir tjr old tariff wo n or-r.
n hrti thry rrr of thr vilnrot 7t.l-.i7l
Till lnrrear of fWT.' I In or rtport
InrinM thn rjr-rrn t.ionth riii-l An. ft l,
.V1. wa mmii t an 1 'la.f t
prratrr thnn thr anrial itm; lra of
export of inrrrhaiMll Iir,? thr trntjr
yrr prior to IM. bh w 1ftTM.IiV
Iiurlnsc tb !! h'X'H wim f J t vlnr of the nxport of M)r;S!'llr b
rtrorij! th Tjlur of ih iirwirt by th
am of ".W.tM. Tbr i-portH of
tlit rxev of i-t)vr tf im
porta mil b apprrelat I 'ii It l
roinparr 1 llh tbrtrr.i of rtpoit nt tfta
flrat yrr I-.", vkin .t i Ks t s TV In
1W tbr halaner of t-m I ' t 'J 4
tb ItflpOf" " rr.JrI U XpOft i
In l-i thr blanrr ajjla.t u w t II lr
ft, ami the Impwd rrrirl thr iiimrti
fr-.TJ.!C It will br rT.l that ib 'n
rrr !n tbr valor of -nr ripufi rf r
ehjntl.i. i .aryr ! I'ljint fikf T
T.larof Mrt)tnrttr i- tctii wvowtb
r- li-il Aoko.: l. ! 1. T J,--ri M( rf
rrriti tb ri'i. of ikf iBr: Iw oy Tr
m iki- kh'orr f 9nmm"rt .rr tb
ar; yra- !! 4 J TIM rai of '
'ipor" t ft tb t k lTr aaooth. o-il Aor
;. rV.. x-b irtr puaiVr. . 1
tb Sr: rrvrji avrntbt m-r tb tarltf.
r l"m..9'. or r-l rtrr Ji-rtt
57 la J Ktft thaat Ia y pTv
cttl r-r Tbl larr tvla o fjt pn of
M'tilmiKlh') r th mi tb
over t.rt !-? at lajrt io-cl4!r It )
Trry gritifyiK. j
Th larjr" .: Ia osir rxoaart ! j
ino'lv rotl t two -. tix. Tr.
proJurj. of aemttr "'I t f aa-Utrr
Tte rlo rf lb "iiaa't 'f arCr.
. ... .4. fl. i4o laoalfci rawil
IHOVIT ' . ... - -- --- --- -.
. - - - .. m .... .. t .a.
Anaii it, i"i . n-i-. " -- i
!.. for tb I ir p"l ! pror r r. J
a larmi ot i5 ' Ta if-rt of i
MnatifKlarH p'odaw aaMMMafnt l ll. '. mill". TTjill frtbrprwr jr--l. '
an UK-Tta-oJJO. -. 7t. T- o("f i
ervm. to. la' to rlo tjor!i
aitvo.i to I . l7 Ir.Bra" t- m Mta
of Ar. I1. tli'W harr"" : tb
t,. o! riArl of tr w4-tf tfw't
arr a orrrl tb ArtC. " . -t Ktjft
tr, as aa lacrraw f aaof "r (
tvo.att. Ibrr; t tM tk
rr-r !: of i.b-r- 1 air.' ra
pro ort
Thr jC'jrr-y "i" tbrwtr5
Of-ra at C art'i'ti ! rh tar 4"-ais-:
for trr proa..
Maeb o rr b b' 'T. ! tn 'rlaita las
pr- at tnAtmc artarV-. aJ fr rsau
lra ja tao tavba- rf rr- 4
evi xrtarVa aavttla 4 fraa a ait
r-lib- ?- f; laBk-t a favtao-v t
j-yv vat.
Cattoo cotb. r-rr yr-l
Pr-trH r llaa. pqr yvi. . t 4
I-oa ai:. .JI1
KHllli ...
- rU. ii rr-
Biawlrj-, t. Ums xr4s
nrnriar . IJa I H
CJ Vaarf. r tm. c-' X Vr a !'.
Cravr4. J :1. itiMiil 7 X r ao i"i
CrjoaUiM-i. W i.n J- Mtbtt a Xrf i.
ktl rl A U'. f I- '
0MaIIr-7 ORLr.ts Oct. ir Drweialei
(Malley. the etectiv wiu. 3rtd
eas&lcuomJT la the HeaT tssr-
der trial. atd vrho is pjed U have !
bribed the tarT aad rjsvJ tie Jraci
tziZ o' the ftajiaa s tae pxrixh priuon. I
seat for iuT bnlarrT asi ra Jt- j
charired, th- slat showing m- erbiesot
atralst blta. It a belle-red that
there wocli s so diJEcelty la cots
rlcua? Caialley O'MalUj alway !s-
jte d that the ladictcirstt, araia! hha
were fond i!irn".y to z!j the !yxe
!nonlert- - aln-Hty to tho
U,ttom of th.ocv It U njcery u.
knoir the nature of XhxtehU and hmv
It 1, born and multiplied In the bran-L'nfortnnat-ly
f are ben- reduced u
comparivjns to approximation. A
,.oon a. a nsltive lmPre-sMn reaches
the brain. It U immeiliatrly reer1;
,.v ..i,r.t haractertstiev nl
jawalcrns a certain number of H '
:whlchare attaehe,l to It by Ui- nrU
t Hon of ca.sual.tT. olncWenee. ximil
I tude: bT the conation of - th.
- forrwidff of effects Ih- "n1
iofrevmbianceor of varied afhutv
I ii i .Ktr turn arouse wtbers
l i ncc lurii k.iv.
s:;w.n.! u. .-. '''
' manner one aft-r th omrr '" '
Uhee is by dlfTereat
jaeutiments mure or lea Ucne,
of fear. nop-, aa.rrr. A.U
! irv. ete. AUa awl 4tnp.e at the
I .tirt, where U U bom to a rtate
of slmHe irrwp.- f " ,
llwprrsAivn. it ' evtcdl. tmxittlcv
.. i-.K..r
! every cae maltiplriitif W- br
beetimint .nr ti
MMnethne cropitci. ....---.
Drnmiuiii ... ... -
wveral ttlH d-iwssnl aai hih1 p
! ntfnitt. it lose-. Mti Uy little in '"
j tv aeci.nlutir k the measure with whaeh
1 it h:v cttine.1 in ctnt. after which it
I sjvtit the energy e.NtAl Im
itvrlf ami the eolU which U Pl ,H
, mottoa It is very ran for kia t
j tiius rwn its entire crt.e w ilfcout mtr
j ruptWiu. .Mm-M.t always- " r
! skn is pr.lMsrl durtn th e.Mtr of
the tlrt w hnrh titrni the attrntuia U
ltolf aal inomentnrtly mtwrmiM-. iiw
a 1 . t 4 .a.
cwrn' of the pree.liHr. w-. - --i
nrrnntiMl Init Hily mtsprHdoal and re
tiir later, l iHithtwi: oppose, it N"w n- impfrxnni nr nv'iM 1
itiei-d w hrh tnkr tlivir plnrn. ami Im
thrirtttrn thsr w-Meh - I
them as the.. opirl ttu-s. whkeU Jo
Cfdr,l ILsi-h interfen-s Im
wnv with tbf othem turwiHtr lh-m
asMbi. arnsti; or rw.Hlre.Hr Hh-ih.
aoeonim- to the meatiliaR of the
ctieooittor. Kaeh I riHllo.l U al
itiiU at a jrlviMi tnoiHriit. U a : r
il.-liiiiti- prhtMtUn. nftrr whteh it n
nwukonv as a elatie sHaaiH rt
HfVfi! friMii that which had tiiitfisl
lt linn iiiidrrstands that whll- "
the eiiitlmiial pilctoH of aw "
prisvl.iis i-avr- littl itiTtHilty U
precebiiroMitn Uiivhimv ibfir ttrM-tHl
i-tiiiilKit 'lluaainis of iiipriaMs
an thi. eery day rtljrtl nlot
frim the moinoiit ot their birth U the
ilioiioin ihliv.n. Only a shuU nam-U-r.
on mriiHitl of th lMti-rist wku-h
tliev havr (or Ms or th rirneily of tb"
1 si'ntlnirnts nhirh tb-y mvakrH. Iir
the jiowi r lo fnr-e tbfiitoelvi. hmm s
ami tn iiiotiot-MtlUe RttitMHl to tka rv hi f thit other. Mirii tb hor
of sleep eiius t)n fatnjMit hraui
iimves more mid m-ri a,lwly .
tin soiisltiri ImiwiHhs, 4 im i it
tsluil by the cbisiH; of thi n
lids, by tliisileneif tho r1.oiiImk rirm
:tro rri'iiiiil trently, and Mrs wly
coiidisi'd idfiiv Fitinlly tlm ihih.i
noss of IWliiir Is lost ur slt'ojrv 'I ben.
fri-oil from this tetupor.iry ristruiit, tin
eerebrnl iiiipnsslntianiisr thiiHslvi-s.
the nhstritetiMl nlras. ri-Iriial (r-lll th
wriht of iii'W imprravloiis, Im: H wilh-
mt ei'sMitioii. rosiimo thrir intei riisl
course, .-nut wajje a eonlll lnts
tlieinsi'ives milv Is it not ii.'itnrul that
the most restr.iiiutl shmiM nm have
the upNr hninr.' '1 he- are m iiiAMy
Ir-iit spring's and a iimll sprttii. that
liaWTuacIjVI Its lltllK'St IMIMIISloll. la
more wiwerfuITth-aJarjer one whleh
has almost realnnl Its Xltlirr i i ..j,
rrtia. 'I he larje spring are our stronjif
impreasions our laborious iiti'iij;'i
whosirtnrry we h.ive .ilitio.texhaistr I
in iJorrlopinj' thrin to ther I mil the
kr,i..ll iinra. rtr.i flirt lki.ii.uinl n..lliinir
' - " ."---"- .. ......a,
driven bnett Ir-eanse wr havr siHllrthi'i,
Iwtter with which to ixHitpy iHiriwlti a
or ."ottipress! ly the weight of th iij;s
more llllJKirt.lMt. Thae olrtarl rr
iiioro.1, thry nro txUlr Ut rr la i. ami ttin
ifrst ;i tlliexpretril etoryj Surh
the origin of our ilreiima. tha V the
rraiii why one lmtro.aon
inutrs orer atiothrr tlttr-int; sl-p this
the explnnalroii of thnt pnrniloitavtl fa. t
that we ilreum oftenrst if things fur
oIk'h to our strongest al inmmU tik)
ideas. hieno Sntuolay KveMini Her
1 lir I Ureal 1 rolli.
I!aU'rn SpeHalr IIm 'ihlnbuMafii
Vom are u frnHl ir'
C4. lUioks iho prprletr avl -
lit ion of 7. t-tilth ilr Hlwi'i tho mat '
.er with yn?
S$xriiIaUr -Why. fmtm4 ytm, air.
ym talhl , Uw. ifffy at M tar-
prrU of this pine fJuvt I favaari"! It
ttitr Uttlo etty. anil notr I aavt tkvat
yintr shanty Is ur ttaly Mtllaiica,' in It
(A ll.,kstW.t I ;itotly aT
that it cantata a lacvr tw-mwmT tf th
finrs-t IrTtHiHar ltr wholly MriMHn.
irril7 I X9H any nnmm,rnHma '
on thu? lots tkut I hav u aj fT -vry
!j-HLnUr- V.'mI,' ttlAm'i t iu,y ,
that ytB rtpveUMi that tho fiyiiwti.ri
wotahi hiCTria! ! (r llL tmniit ttl
thirty 'h.?
Col. HvVa Wrll, haan't li VtUc
jm rtlr up I rrn U a,lr aaa- in
U's-n- Xrrrr thirre am i f a. Ii t
that an )trav- of 1 .-r ,? Kk.t
lo jm wjt tiv rawth' - XtUt,
- IW a zv, fJo ba tho avtoaU i
I !- Voaa're n rnlhwrr it i. aaa.r
Vin. Ah. nr. mw nin It W u
ssnnir.oai:.- Hot J haTKw't Kr-n
t the mtmmlmim. Ya tr -nlir-r
wrofV". haren't t-r-j, ami a invru at
alL" "Will, vrhf 44 jaaa, jr-t it.m
drlbrWMts rtmtfiftUm-r- -J-,, jt r
cTiri from a aa-rm ttaa: tt ta
Jaun4e.- St. Iji ItrpatVib-.
CtTTlX ..jrlin- Hi-ri
1 I
rt Ml
- J
" I .
-t m
- V
m t
ria - ml rt m
a4.' r aa m
Hlt1 r.m la, ; V-r
KlltU-t.i t-4
So. 1 twill.... ...
Cifcs;-.s; J . .........
tTlr-siaiJ .
rlyUa f4'-i. jr i
"ary ..
lCaCSS--'Ac ir)-.arry .
cnr.r.i-ran .- .... .
tJLVflSU.rx,, .. .
vlr ...........
.. .......
t-EX ....
T. UfM.K
ClTTI-K a?7.r i ..
KabnVf itwfk
iiKtr-rr ioi-c. .. ..
WIIILlT-s;' 2 faiS. .
OaT?" J
KTIi-.3 .
CtTTJt-Cr.rT -,
CaTTUC t trt
W" rxtht aA Shu
f'tix.zr-rttt va. ......
nvCE aTt? ti
O&SX 5ftt.J
Tt- J.
SCTTZli Crjte-rr . ..
CJ.TTLX Cmum Im yriiava.
H(''S-CS! lO Cbalae)
ruvntii tocba&. ..
wHraTXixi xaai m,.
cuiac ia. x -...,.
OAT Vfet-m asttarl.
nTaUt-"CraUavs7 .
r. a
Jn m
S w
r. m
J .
( vi
( lr
m iK
vt m
le-aj I
rjo Hlr Onm rr rrlotril-l', Tn nH
TNrt l fJ-jr 4TaraB-. i
In tbu ppr. lb wr:. br boa r -n
rd.a. i"rnTt -1 " " Iba- - .
tn ef to V ' " -froro
TV tr H-' St -,
, JoaV- jia-a tHjM w ,
tbt a- MabI'-b I: f. . t
ttwra tb. im "i wr. m4 tt
I rrr ym U-. I.!! tiba.yi r
( aaate frr
' "Mi HV irsai l ftots m'.U f "
W ib-: rrr r "rsr., -bj
j leloVd i- tse wtwoi et ar , ,
U3ni Arwaa
-r.. namr Mi a l" ca!--
' rr er Un. tbr J.bll'l .Sa,
ttr! r"J kvtI. ' '
aaia...v -
taiMa.'f ix-ltaaV -r wT .
: t'.ri'.Ti.Trr-". m -j
t a
Ua Usr. It WU 4-rr ji i f
r Trj It wfcawa Hw UvrH; .
i waiory tafMi i-
' WnJ " eea -- t
i aa Uaatoa.1- .
i lll aaaamteuttailrt '
..U.. or Mns'ifr r U '
" J "ZZZtilU
( i
or JtlU rwt
! Tt b mmmMiit-mtmm
t cr aTtWa. UV a M
! Tui a f. t.r
Ir )n aai b nt. -t a o .
! Ub It f H-r. .,! f. I t
lik a 1 itba--a lH-oJ iV ' urn .
nrsTtvs e o-t -l ttratfi. "
..vo tb aabar ?.l Ik" iav .
barcb li"a'. a
' voiir iflriapa irm
nit, if if vow ipo nUul
lit; lit wny.
"'Hiwrw 'nro Antir of wro
that MrUiii yottv J
'lhev wav nlrv tW 1
they doit t rnr-t.
Wor"i 'it, tWr mny
iltseniH ti ltM4Ta
nirHsl t ejHrtH'i
Hut tlt bt
rir war, InJ
Mtlltlt ijUbfTH MM? kol
Imi pisivesl it, U'btvtth Is
(.'iiutnh Krrily Ky
Miolhttttt. citwMir .!
pnifrtiM it jMri4Mbriilfy
wort flinin fbtia
Iletiilni'itf, "t'oUl m ll '
ivrytliiK ratarrlviJ m '
is am"! Hb if JT Hi-.
i i
It's n wny Ih'
iriobr ( Mr. SaHf
oiler, in !P"l tMth, $
tftm of (.'uxjirrh huh it
iil run.
If it miM anifrH tt h
UiJlka tli wlltir, H' !
for ym ti xm&m tW trial
V'iiy rhk W. t i
rihk '
0V 1Z JC aV J ' M
ftoth llio mrti. il or.'I r .
iyruji of l-') ii ukdt, it j
alxl refrriw ! ti tn: . I
RIlil Jit Ji.wjit'y (at ih oVl,
Liver ami II vuU. r!rai. th
Inm olJWlimHr, tVvfU r.-ll; I
ftchr- ami fT mtul e.i
rrtipritvi. Htriip uf .'$ ia
tmy rcmeaJr u( m )tim ;
tittroii, U lh tatat & !
CrUM7 to tl atutnaMP.. ynb '
It RCtkn al truly bmrtml i
HSrf-t?, irepuiati rmlr frmth
lrJtiiy titv! afrrrJ.h tuUMr
many frtfAtri ttunitUca mmm
V all ntwl Iwra. mmbt h tkhm t
jTrttlar rrnnmXr kif .
Hrrij of I' up 1k ! Is
suf! ?i tioulo lr ail Iveifr -
bmj not have it m )mtttfC ,
Cat.-o It jiroawpUr for aay mm
7ilir to try L I rvt aAVvpi 1
Jit fiv.Vl t Ii
Tl. r . f. . -0rI
ifc-sat ber '
mmm &frmp k
pevrf? matt tfc
avni Luawr csb t
A Throat
and LunK
iy pprrr.iaic wImi m tmlr -
fWl ratawtlCUMr ft H Tta Vl
.tWQtaOMft OJ brltMr. CAMHbl. r
iti't. xxhftjtthKnmt mad Mvtr
my, c wlc3mm pr fm -nt
Hjrttep we k wA an-k rrr c -
th;Taav;x-KrapajrJtaaTf -flwawr.
Ts t . bU a tlVr orti'aatrv &.
2edxSfit ?,Ji. HuKrbcr Grrr
Syxnjt b a ivrr7. gmt Tbr
yC-T tbcTC la-tV bora SaaTraV
. rtmzhtwsi. ftttWM; bra
2. YMC thiiutV. WCWtsT. -$!?.
AofZl hill. wbT iaT a:
tonl atv! aaj&swr. lo the ttmki
Ics-pMur w be sr tWrvta fJbcicVBi'
CcmrxtbTjo i4j ail
csci in tomlzlAr. tlnosc vc pfcs '
Gcmaa 5yrj It twra Vixti
a hvc rtsa v i yi ui xt
tw wai nti umt,
7la Yb. ?ri
a Co .
Eij's CffM Bi(
SjW t-ss. fcrt c; a -
rrvaav. rxa iwu., ,
a Haala i Saaf. aar a'alaa! i
aSMKaaatetaMaQeaai ia
T iannaiii rail -ii i -J Baaaav.
taV.rbTII blji , f tfc fcraj. aba
-. -mm S .- I Li v
ri-tiiibJr rr
ujvi til
W1 - -.a WJ