? --- a. . ntWBII"'Ww Wi'"'11'1' KTltry'inMnf I ;i;3:n-sqKaS33e3caiftS9:esa3r.' i atagftiatfJ'W''a''g' ; ssaBKXRswssrsKi..: . ' "; -. -O X ?" .virSJnKsS&TnEHinToofoooMoBnnnnss! .fc75lrr( v ' -f f J ' oVt. cij Ai32BBB39ErZSCK9SJMMLtfw& -,. --k r f vKjwnQiiHHHHBip- Ki j sz.'Jk: I -SBEKCtf-'V .ns" lE,W.oAj'jjioaMOBM013nnnnnnnnnnonnnnoMnW'' ft. wiHinvivJi.HVkMl v- ja lhe-?. SiJWvAaK K D.- V By A. C. Hosmer. COME AND SEE US. We have bought the entire stock, and Wii&ynl 709- 711 .Second SI., and 110 Ilaat liigaAve. I1ASTIMCS, HKRIt. Special CLOAK SALE ! Oct. 15 to Nov. lt. Extra inducements off ered to outside trade. i Yib or Your boy May Want an Overcoat ! Perhaps both of you wish to buy one. We know it is necessary to Sell you a good article Cheap. We are willing to do so. DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, CLOAKS, and we intend to sell them by Making' our prices so low that they will satisfy everybody. Conic and sec us. ('oiiuly Tiikcl. l'Vu Slier. ir, II. C. SCOTT. For Clerk of the District Court, C. . CUONE. For County Clerk, II. 1). KAXNKY. For Treasurer, G. . Hl'MMKL. For County Judge, I). V. TllUNKKY. For Superintendent, 1). M. IiUNTKK. For County Surveyor, W. E. TIIOHNE. For Coroner, V. SCHKNCK. The Situation. Only a few d:is more before the people" will be called upon to decide who shall be the next officers of Web ster county. Our advice would be to vote for the republican ticket as there cannot be a word said ngainst them, and as to competency, there can be no question nor cm one be raised, on the other hand there are numerous ob jections to the independent ticket. The office of county judge and super intendent more especially should be held by men who arc full' competent, as the duties devolving upon those official arc such that one should be a thoiough student in books while the other should be thoroughly versed in law. Neither man on the windependent ticket is qsiahfied, one way or the other to hold these offices, while there is not a candidate on the republican ticket but what could hold any office satisfactorily to the pt-oplc If these were the only reasons, they would suffice but there are other valid reasons why the independent move ment should be knocked tmu 1. The party is the voice of anarchy. 2. It is the breeder of revolution. . It has no particular fixed principles by which a voter can tie to and fiel safe; and in fact many ether cogent reasons can be produced, but the tirat three ought to decide any iunn to withdraw froai the pmty who loves his country. Loyilty to the flag should be the watchword of every true American. Many voters went over to the independent ranks last fall in the hope that some necessary reforms oiinht be accomplished But alas, their hopes were blasted. It seems to be a free for a) scramble for office, the reform question beiug sec ondary to "give me an office" first, last and all the time Therefore the men who honestly th'ought there was a show for reform have become dis gusted and returned to the old party mhere they will get the reforin :oon er than throngh the third party lun aoy. To prove our assertion, the last legislature "was independent by a lagc majority, and yet was the most rotteu legislature that has c-vt-r hen lectcd. The appropriatioMs mare by that bod was more than $450,000 over that of aay preceedivg waembly. Out of Eternal Vigilance is Red Cloud, v -j.inii R. M. that amount can be taken $200,000 for aid to the suffers from drouth, and the neat little Mini -if 2.")IMM)0 still remains for the reform legislature to ex plain, ln-tcad of refoini. it was ex tremely the reverse. Half of tneir time was fooled away in idleness and j foolish Junketing trips. Then again j "H: a desirable effect. The scandalous hour law, which compels a farm Maid (ujIIt.i, ar mml0 doubtlc s lmth from to work from five in the morning uu- spirit of revenue mid in the Iiojk? of till nine or ten it ninht, while a city ' breaking the effect of the damaging ev chap can iro to work at eight and quit injures) show that thoy are hit, while ,-' ; . l : the ollieial reiorUs which have come at five. A more unjust or nonrenal- nm vanmig plbhc mithonlies fullv wr. cal law could not have been I rained to n)irnlinf, tj10 Htatl.monLs mm0 ty the the farmer. When you ask one what ijnyat company, have awakened a wholo they did tli2y will say: "We passed j some public sentiment in favor of re the Newberry bill, we did, with oun prcssive laws, which means mischief to r..i i . i. . 'pi i :.i ... .., o .... I tho illegitimate tram?, little hatchet. he bill wa- so un-j The Kovnl llakmR p0wder Compan jusUind so uiKjualifiedly unlit to put hot otIt &;me tjmo af:o to expose the char on the statute books, that even a dem-l ocrat would not sign it, a..d then the windepen lents didn't have the moral courage to pass it over hi head. The great Inns and cry of the party, that the republicans arc tied to corpora tions is all moonshine. No party since the foundation of the govern ment has done more for the people, and these windependents know it. Now frijiids, do not be hoodooed any longer, but vote for the republican ticket and therebv give dcraagoguerv and anarchy a black eye. If you want the times to continue close keep ha-ping against capital, and vote the windependent ticket, and you will be ab'e to gain your w sh. On the other hand, try to harmonize labor and cap ital and you will find a big change for the better in a very short time. Try it. The windependents will not be in it in November. The people are tired of so much foolishness as is in corporated in the great "I want office" party. I nut a Candidate. Kdirok Ciiikf- Pleac say through your columns, that John 31. Chaffin, of Guide Rock, has not been, is not now, and will not be an independent candidate for count? judge at the en suing election. .Iohx M. CllAFFIN. The following Hcd Cloud physi cians havT received certifieat-s to practice from the state medical board: K. Damerell. M. D. I Y. Tullevs, M. D G. E. McKcebv, M. D. J. Morannile. M. D. L D Dennev. M. P. QUHliflcntlon. D. M.Honter the candidate on the Kepublcan ticket for County Supertcn dent received his education in tho public schools Pennsylvania, at Mercersburg College, Pa., nnd at the Cumberland valley-state normal Khool located at! Shipiwnsburg. Pa. He attended college and normal school more than four years, grauated at the normal school in 1&7S as valedicioraia of his class. He passed an examination and received a tirst grade certificate in Webster countv, in 1SSG. Prof. Picking having charge of the ex-' amination for ilr. Springer. His normal S diploma is good for life in the state of f Pa-, and has been endorsed by the State supennu-'caeni oi .-eunua, so uuu ue can teach anvwhere in Ponnsrlrania. ori Nebraska, in" the public school without any further examination whatever. the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is Webster County, Ned., Friday, Oct ohk 10. MARTIN Successors to POPE BROS, Moon Block, Red Cloud, tsii: m;ht roit riKi:rooi Siiti'" of the IIIort fo Soth Start llukiiiu l'ovUr. Tin ai:irressio war waned by the i;.yal l'owdor Company "pon tho hcU of lid u Iterated and impure balciu :n):v dors .su'd throughout the country is h.iv actor and to break up the sale of ami! tornted baking iowders. Having found from an examination of many hpecimenR that there was a large number of actual ly injurious powders in iho mnrkoU-thoy brought the matter before the public and denounced tho makers by name in the press and to tho health authorities. The affair was taken up by physicians, Hoards of Health, and Legislatures throughout tho country, chemist were employed to test tho various powders in the market, and the government iulf directed analyses to l made before it would purchase tho supplies needed for army. navy, and Indian uses. Tho result justified the charges made by the Iloynl company. Not only were the majority of baking owders in the market found to be largely ndulterated. but many of then were ascertained to contain alum and other joisnoiis ingre dients to such an extent as to render them jiOMtixelj unsafe for um in human food. In making tho charges tho Iloyhi Ilak nig Powder Company did not httitate to enter into competition with every other baking powder in the country, and it is a public satisfaction that in the oOtcial tests by government and State chemist nnd by" Hoards of health, the lloyal Bak ing Powder has been declared to be the superior of all others in strength, punty nnd wholesomenes. nnd absolutely free from all inferior or detrimvutal &ub stancec From recent ollieial reports it is evt dent that the nlnm and otherwise im pure goods have again comw upon the market in dangerous quantities and their old enemy, the Koyr.1. is again up on the warpath. In continuing its warfare against these gls the Royal is meeting with the old-urne opposition i and nbu?e. The public, however, will j appreciate, as heretofore both the object ol tne aouse anu ;ne action ot tne rwoyai company, and award fell jcstice to the company that so fearlessly stands up for its protection from such adventurers. Card or Tunnk. We desire to thank all those friends who were so kind to our daughter and to us during her last sickness, and after j her deceased. Wat. L. Mckphv. LrcixDA Mirimiv. Kmha McKrnr. .by Scott. Lizzie Fchcesox. The Hgricnltraai focity at the fall meeting elected the following ofScers President IS. L. Alyea. Vice President -1. U. Kcapton. Secretary F.Cather. Treasurer -Henry Cook. TSorc Liltt. A. iiorhart is the authorized agent to I fH he incandescent globes. When you buy always return the old rtob. tf Proprietor Square . ivr. i.ot i. I'rris. School sit jijihes at Deyos. Omdition jo-.vaers, a largo variety at I eyo,s. Mrs. d. W. Sherwood, has been on the lck hl. Visscher i Cowden are pmuting the stand pipe. F. Ij. Petersen hius n little ton which armed Inst Sundny. Usual weight. Goto Deyo for tine stationary, line jkt futues and toilet article, and lino lrugs. Take our old cont out of voiir broken Jwindnw, and go to Uejo-j for windon glnns. CJ. K. t'haney i- the happy papa of a bouncing baby boy. We extend congrat ulations. ."J doz Husking glou in four different styles at Wieners from CO cont pair upwards. Notwithstanding hard limes Ueyo'i is having a good trade because low prices nnd good prices count. Do you need a pair of Men's or Hojf boots or tine shoes? Wiener offer the be.-.t made, at right prices. J as. NcCIellaud a prospenous farmer come in the other day and renew od his allegiance to tho Ureal .Famiiy Weekly. Never since I havo Inen m business iiavo I Iwen aulo Ui oiler such value to my customer as now, is what Wiener says. Another Minion at the rridnc of Mr. Win. Million. It is a boy awl all are happy especially the Kpa. Nebras ka weight. Are you feeling chill? Dont you want to feel ojmfortable? It will lako but little money to buy your undervr at Wieners. Now is the time to select your reading for tho winter. Patronize your hooie merchants and order all psers ami maga zines of Dejio. t heapnere akmo Ui not what you &re looking for, but combined with lurnUty and lit in eluding style i what you wait. This you can find at Wieners. Paul Phares and w ife, w!k w ore here visiting friends ami relative have re turnetl to their I'opeka hoe-e. where Paul is oce of the main com poet tors on the GipitaL The okl familwr face of Geo. H. iloU&nd is again to bo seen on oer strtt?. (J-orge says Hetl t'lcud, is the brtit town that hr know of. lie has taken charge of the Utrdner hou:-e. aal hereafter wilt run that well-known ht-tery. We are gUd to re hini back. Miss Jennie E. Sd'in. who his lvn visittng in thw cr.ty for fxeral months Tv.th her grand pareols. Dr. aad ilr Schenck. Uejarted yesterday for hr home in Pratt, Kn.a. Whu here fch made many friends who unite in express ing regret at her departure- Scuoe! Rcfort. School report of district T5, for the month emrng October 2d, 1 501, izza began Sptember T. Namlr of pupils j enrolled fourteen. Avenge attendance . ejeren. Names of pupils wlio have not . Leen absent during the month ILoj i Hailty. Ilota-rt Parson. Lulu taroa. ' Amanda Duster and Monila Parsac Names of tlvoee standing the hyriwsi is , deportment Olive Boater. Lsie Par. snn, KltzA SheeJer actl Asizsda Boater. ' Patron? are mvild to Tieii the tchov.. 1 R. E. Pay c. teacher- j F. V. Taylernerer hli ch.rc i sny thiog tor zttendsg fraerai. He; cairie? t' - lirgi?: ?.: ard nsren-' ;.c .ai-fjttti n. Kmrmh-r he nil dii( lne 3 pr c otfered by othcr,J un ucdertaVmg godt JElL the Price of Tlu- chief. 1891 Dealing : (joldtn & CO., martin sc son AttMIMT M.Tl,)IOM,. ICt'iniirliiililc ontraol In Hie, 2:i!Vr( f 'I'o Iiloi on Hit oniplrximi. The slow absorption of man p changes in soiiu more or 1h ni!t!ied form the tvHnplexjon, but nrftiu atwl ammonia Ikw thir etfv-t nUmt a quickly tu any. The (topuiar l'lief that nrvinc cleart the ,iiipVMin lini k many silly women to kill Uimiimvji with it in finall, nintiniiMl lfxm It pruduceM a waxy, ivnry like nppiwtr J an of the hkin dnriug n certain Ug of the p-uoning, but lit torribin af tr ! effect" have 1-mio U well knon to' mnke it of common use nj a eoomUo. 'I he effectH of ammonia uKn tli ci ' plevion are directly the pjjnt t tlt of arwnu. The tirnt fjmptam of ain rnonia pMSomng which apj-nrH among thot- who work in ammonia tirunv t a diHColoratMin of the kin of the nos nnd forehead. Tin grsulually eJiU-nd-j over the faco until the ootupieiHn ha ) a sWiinel. b-olchod ami unsightly apjar- ' nn'-e. W-th people who laic ammonia j inU the r FTfttma in MniiW ki.. a with the.r v atr or foI, tso Ktnkiag j pymyuMna ilo mt appnar k trm. Tb only effect of the 'Wm thai n twWi for a time is general nawholrrtaiMieft4 ' and aaliow no? ' th Poo.p4"trn j Manv iKj;tle ar 4nwy alrbiBC am- loor.in jion without krwwiag it. Tho u of smmonw tu the mfmofiurtor'i i has grently increl of Jh1. nod hh i )utMaably uxl ianiuiSnuit uicy ' Umb f""l prfrt'iM. OnVtal jmwiIj4J hire plainly pioa iU b eten ta tteh h-8par:.cl"fgfvwrydy coMtcnptJO(t baking j.der. 1 he dUou-l aWKp- i ton '( xmmaoiA in oven minute aoaoti , Ihs as an .via Iterant la ffl ta injariooi not mrelr from it eSt u;on the r iexxw. bt l-aj it d'-AtrTf th ing of the ioaKrh aad " tiywy f a ani kindred evil. Profe--ir Imj of C"Joc, a&orUr for the taU-tneflt tuat. tf U tMlr amttUn ;rU of w atT thiw oe part of am moQta, the wat; i!iugTow. ;!( miry . On tr nd f (HiUr, l-l. Uuai Hh flay Maryhj, Luzhtr of Wa. ad ! Lcnndia Moryihy. di.J m ti city at' tb reidoce of hr uiac. Mf"t Asat Soott, in her l&ih y-r Tb de-3 i Wat torn t O i rdft, iraat coutr. I&-1 dsn. May rJ 1--7T. has i.ij ta tfcw cocnty nnj tr i mU- Wv- y er. iyhm i a yooot: uuj tauch ovl by Ux rho koir her. Sn kiad. zeu m t a. br.ght. piaAaa:, al tjcit. -er , ready to da a kiad act V oUmc. IV a itmns aod -; dtrjociUon. hft fr tec rite 3k of v-Jo stilt , chrKaa forUtede xiXh'al cr-naptetftt r a a:urnv-r. al eaitaiy x-mj ay trai icg to Ue Ird. iibta nts '.'aiiwe. mother, three fister ard a Jjcosh?, to ' mourn her Jo. Tif fua-ral ex-wew-ii were held at th M. E. Ciap, cr&dct- S ed by the Rev. Gtx O. y-T. thcce f br reOKun were eeodctl to lh RI Qocd ctsartery, ar tJey -rtm od;- j Ir IxkI axy Ull tb- coouc t-f oer Iwrd 1 Jesca. 1 WindHiill. I If rue cant lb t-t xstA cltear 4d irjadmJU. -r' Hrarj C 5t at !tl ' Clood. uu 5'un cm 1 llircrtor. Cciid .t Ce., aiif 1 pchj ofi rndrukiji Gh, aad Fr.ril "Sf - Cuss'card IVngoni. Oo to IL C StX- for TTrti, beggxr. ic H ie- ... ti bcw. t yea iii uxxx wa :cve.i.ga;,o jy Lun t forget u J. II ?aitk W-i lere j mU yor poolwr. 3 C. WIENER Kaglo Clothing it s Immense liiiiilatiiiii:i irclc. niix.MiM .,,. il wriK I. Mimic by nrett tl Hull ml! NimolhitM; io narl U the 1 Sth nntriiry .1 uetMnii SomoI IotiilMMM ly Mrc. Tailor 1. liientKtHM on Ammmm I mom bj Mi 'lflt ." Miwm by cirrw. k l,Mn-tHia Utx litkiXtt of Hmmlknr Hill, br Mr-. Iany. 7 trwrlT Skoo of I4-41 of Spam. Mr. I' L OflUitg. 1. Mwnr by ewdn 'L IM1 coil Polital iio. .1. tJiieU on AMfoHt lllobwy by Mr. Upward. l (ueotfioo no HmcoJ ImUtmimm f M Wariir. U. CjuUitui no the hwtnrjr of rsht col ;irti in AoarM, bj Itr II YJj a J '.wwling Th AgrWroUrl HvV mot at WnrbtoyUoo. by Mw. Klf 7 Mxiil bmWt (MHrt UiV by tho 'irrie fK wtm otan. 1. Muw by rwrt. 2. llnU coU- N of Vbo . .1 (umUuoi oh Aokww HhovoT7 7 Mr. itarkor. I. limo on fcrf lo'tito tio by Mr. II. "A Morfo .. om on PbjsooHry Mi Um h torn tabl of tbo ihosacmmk by Jfw Atac L atiuA - Aofconmo for nt Uaoiw w njosoxioo. br Mr. 'ViUuix Itr-r M Hiy ertio- Ux bW wtamk TV fnn(io rhorrii a Wtog GOOD Dr. Price's Cream Bikizz Pomrdcr U oftta called tbe Oood-Lrck Bakizz P"rdcr. Owiag" to the fact lha: good lack alxajs altesd Ubt use of Dt. Price's, xt is not essential to sse ft tie tscc3oet it 3 tzixzd nor Is xt Ttqziztd to have the orca alxayt jsit so, as in the case sr:th zzzzzcrzu. or alsa peneden. It Is wtt Izzk after all, bet the exact accuracy xzd cars exerefstd is th prejratica and combination of all the :njreiints of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Competent chesaisU are crsplcjcd to test th strea and pnrity of cibtik ingredient. Nothing is trasud to chance Hence: it is al?ra73 uniform ia. its work. Kccie "wrires never fail to hare "good Inez" in malt xn most deiicioas bread, biscuit, pastry and cakes tiafc remain moist and ixeet. Only Baxinj; Poirdtr that coa Uiu5 the white of cgs. Dr. Price's Cream BaHng Pawdcr is re ported by all authorities as free from Aasaonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In &ct, the parity of this idol powder has never bca qM V.i l.i N.. VI House. IV y j T ! city hi t. fi f 'f. et Chart y P ! ooo foot . frHo ItowtMO j. ( Tow imm "wo oo . ly ta ! Diobftcl rtti, ifco vojyt,, J-. 1r t4to oo tin) booth ia too nty iort J ' .t.4 hn C K ITbiu f Htn m too -t o' ot II 'A INo'oo. Mo iooob . . fntmt CoMoai "o o lUoo. ta HrOM I'OOifO W-t bo9 It" M '" Tilo' ooto tlo ! aoo) jii--l Woo tootto iV-t WmJio,. of fioftHOj' - to Vom-o bi (oHo . ,- IOC tf bUbrt fo !. O Moit.o. A A. mp M W4om o4 ' Woo H- vf4 to I(o4 ' 4 o wHl ao4 Mr: Do. oi 04 i reoiooo of M roVt of ,U'- Mr t'orWi &4 ii.t htwrt Ici ??roo o4 Woifcor. A U rsr Kot Hoorfc-oo M Cr.ot 000 l, Wbtoo lout for f fr bo bono. LUCK. ". i H K l W r 9 r : jmmKisiiXisiesrssssssfSsrszrr. TTWE