jm-. . . -af Wa- w,- ' -3B V ?? S355!3bz asassc-sE-rr- ssxailwsasewawssaraBsa . i - '?'' .Aw jt I .3rdSiJx ,-' tf T Jf ? s i 7 v 4 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. By A. C. Hosmer. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, October 2. 189 J Vuu l;. No. .10. You are Certainly Coming to the Fair ! r- . vj LBBBBalaavl AND IF SO M Holding the Fair You will want to buy yourself or your boy ANEW SUIT, . You may wish to replace your OLD BOOTS or SHOES Or Wear one of our NEW HATS or CAPS, or want a TKUNK, and if that is the case YOUR MONEY will buy more goods for SI at C. Wiener's square dealing Golden Eagle, than Elsewhere. R. M. MARTIN & SON Successors to POPE BROS, Moon Block, Red Cloud. Ms -WQ3&, We have bought the entire stock, and it's Immense DllY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, CLOAKS, and we intend to sell them by Making our prices so low that they will satisfy everybody. Come and see us. Ft. 1VT. MARTIN Sc SON. Count Ticket. ForJSlierifT, II. C. SCOTT. For Clerk of the District Court, C. I?. CKOXE. Tor County Clerk. II. 1. KAX.NKY. For Treasurer. . g. . ih'msiel. For Count- Judiro, 1). F. THUS KEY. For Superintendent, D. M. HUNTER. For County Surveyor, W. E. TH011XK. For Coroner. C. SCHENCK. SPECIAL BARGAINS. A SnTv IiivcwliuciU. Is out which in Kunrnuteed to bring you pntisfactory results, or in case of iire a rtturu of purchase price. On this KHfe plan you can buy from our ndveri fil Druggist a bottle of Dr. Kiug? New Discovery for Consumption. It ih pnar fiitet'tl to bnnp relief in every cas , when used for nny affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflam mation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc, etc. It is plesaLt and agreeable to t.iste, perfectly afe. and can always be depended upon. Trial bottUs free nt L. II. Deyo'H Drug store. 1 Hank Scott will be the nest sheriff. In fact the whole republican ticket will be elected. The independents hope to whip the Alliance voters in to line but there is too much dissatis faction in their ranks for success. The Alliance people nave become tired of putting up for the election of men, who when, if elected to office could not fill the office. The repub licans will win in November, and don't vou forget it. On our first paire toda- will be found some valuable hints to those who de sire to buy goods. First comc C. AYeiner, the popular clothcr, who is selling piles of clothing these days, and secondly comes K. -M. Martin & Son, successors to Pope Uros. These t;entlemcn are bound to sell 3 on iioods and thirdly you will find (ieorge Ducket's advertisement. This firm is on the roid to prospcr- 'ead their ad nd then go and 1. In fact if our subscribres 0 save money they should pairon e those who advertise in THE oHIEF. A liberal advertiser always gives you liberal prices. Any of these gentlemen will treat you right c - - - A Xattraal EvcMt. Theu?lduB of the World'fl Fuir in a carcJr, fifty years old wui oeare-rrnTi- ffstit. but whether it will really !fit this nation as mach as the disoov- r t. rtmiff mtim Kervine bv Dr. Franklin JEile i dottbtfcl. This is just what the American paople pad to core their excessive nervousness, dyspepsia, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, neural gia, nervous debility, confusion of mind, etc It acta like a charm. Trial bottle and fine book c Keryo aad Heart Diseases," with ameqaaled UntfawnielB free at a L. Cottiag'a. It is warranted to eostaiB so ppttuB aoqUM oc mm- 'Ji CLOAKS and JACKETS. Our cloak department is simply loiided "with nice new stylish garments and our prices are the lowest. a I XUmJ f j p 4 kmW&$&&$ v aaaaBaaKEfc aaaaHmMafiJt?! H(R; 1,4. j"i-BBKfflgBSijcgSiyi I M fc1 lil 1 -xr idaj aBiTg w Pi ' n"r -ij!?aiaTTsiiPisair3-v - iffi a rgaJgGBF - "iT!Fi?aBHI it" aaaVBaa'aaHHsMSSiiEB Bk 1 .IteafcBEBaaaKaBSlSBIaBaats-BBMCfcsg! . "aBHaaRSSiMS -r t'aaiSatoBBBtfaBaaal -BBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBaVVBBp9aBH.B9 rv?4HBaBaWlv:'' iMA . ??.SjSs.. r 3Ki-.?- rV CKAJlS'. & -" r-&.,riS!? ISSSSE iferm itXSF - Ducker's Dry Goods House LETTING DOWN THE PRICES. SPECIAL PRICES. t 1J : iAA 1 BLvSBaBBB ' BBB9EIBBBBBW 1 rBBBBBBBBf -'BBv J. aBBna Pv' vlBBBBsBBBBBv BBBs WBBrSPBflBKVv'BBm s iKSSIBJbbA Black Dress Goods "We liave the best har- jrains ever disjlayel .1G"in. Henrietta 22 ic 4G in. " 50c 40 in. lirilliantine 00 Dress Flannels. In new ami Desirable Shades ! "We are showing a nice line of Velvets, Silks, Velveteens, Prints. Our line i verv com plete with new stoixha.! and pnof-; as toilyWs: loh lot at 3c Furniture Prints ?,c Liirlit prints 3c Cotton Mannels Cotton Flannel at 5c Cotton Flannel at Se IMir ItnrsrniiteA 10e (kiorat Cotton Flannel;- at all jirioe. W l.fttl A t.t.p ' I. ' -BWMfc !. rrtji h mwr It & &m Cd hl im front jnC Mr. ilhUT ynm wm littin kt Hi Wff rvUi Turk, xttd atitm ml e WAr kr w haii wf kKMi, 2? lU lwt 4xe "C l!rva aura. rt7i-"i tf Um ? l 5t. Shaker Flannel 5c 40 in. J nJliaiitme Wc j nou. shaiUs am, pat- Inuiiro hlue prints, at 5c 40 m silk nnisli Hennet-i tt1.n- ai . " 1 xeru. vi, i I ir values in black anil ' Silk Cords, til GSc 40 in. silk thiish Ileuriet 40 in. ilk finish Ilenriet-i Tinsel Cords, ' ir1-1 -n i tt ! Gimps and 40 in. silk finish Ileuriet-1 r i ta i ! Dress Ornaments. xt i ac- ui,i- -D,-n- 40 in. silk warp Ilenriet JSo. 40 Black Beaver, , nn ! ta 90i cloth, nicely made, 2 t . . , , ..- Our values in these i'otKh- in. onl v o . . . are Minpiy iininene- No. 4340 a verv isobbx Garment 12.50 bbbHhBSk bbbbbVbbbbBbbBbbHbM ran bVbBbbSbSb I Colored -:- Dress Goods. Xewest shades in .Henrietta. Series, Bedfonl conls. Beiges Amazon Cloth, on which onr prices are verv low. No. 442S Price 12 tT ipm Ginghams. Ginghams at 5c Ginghams at 8c Gingham at 10c Nice New Goods Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, and Towelings. Our prices on thm are very low and will re main so nuti! all are sold. XowtUogft 3c frfee? 1cedTIe Clot at 22c white Dress Calicoes Flannels. We are offerim: great iu ducemont in flamiels cf every description. White Flannels ! Fed, Navy blue, blue Mix, Grey Mix, Pink Mix Striped Flannels, Owr .-vck of Blankets and Comforts U very complete. Our priiaa on thern are a "-urpri.-e to thori that 5. tliem. Underwear. Our hiock of nndcrwear h th lar:c6t w have ever ha1. Children's Undern'ear at 15c and npvrards. i f Indies KibUcl Veo, a gtKxI At pricts lower than anyj amci" ' 25c "We alo hare I-adic and chij-dren'a other hotLe. Cotton Batts See onr cotton batts a: 10 cents Combination Suits WfcicK are very eke. Hosiery. f See our Prkts on TioRtrv. Our stock is very complete with New Fall Goods, and our Low Prices on them is giving us the Biggest Trade we have ever had A cor dial invitation is extended to everybody to see them. G. A. DUCKER. ALFRED HADELL, Manager, ItrrH HIm. Wljr U to mm K tiifrrrj fT ertg ;. Ut UMltgf Sv Ijf ITW. !Jv7klR. Arw -dl4 rmxll Uwkt K v . aW ht (is tMi aw4 d Irt kxt4 fa J ' rTry , aimI Ub4 -Wj ta i tb rek ri. it ! iummrj Am fft t oiitr hH II hi wa Utr sr y-ji7 Mly lljr tru. 1 It D7 lrwff jf)M. I IranivH at Jf-l'Mk. saws wui Ujc (4jw ; A: m Ik Children orf: Pitchtr's Castorla. Jjvrt 5 ?fcw is dn!" )t fit WtwWr xrcs$r, Nirwiu, W flHNMa B'j Vttci Zm Frwr. V64rM liiih Vttj-tt. ilssd Tlfc, CUra K&Z. iUf HUchUrr. Jiom KOUt Xlt Meai3r. Itr VfjM. Gar VaaxJiU CUad Jksj6 Av J'swx. lk' Jamc a4 IJrr flfbi. Art a sr yeiii- lt4s Sk sn a mtv ia.nwTr i Tfi asrtwi It Li ojii JC S IMS S iVSUj SEWCSKar J .fitr'Sl! JaZrac Iftltar tlfe X. Jfel. it r C, al aX dr 9kas Zn&m f iilMTtf a taafe7 fnfsatJW, hnai. per tt. t iebj U. K- Z7l 3 CMMrMOqrM' . . r I -! sr ag3BBSSsS555BtftSi5! tNitirWiiKiiH