The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1891, Supplement, Image 6

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Gospel Hymns No, 0 for sale at
Kanncy McXitt lias gone west on a
business tour.
Cutting is the leader in tablets and
other school supplier.
Mrs. Dr. J. S. Emigh is home from
her visit in the eat part of the state
Nice new goods just received at
F. V. Taylor's, remember h:s price
are the lowest.
Call on T E. Penman for fine
jcwrlry watches and clock--, silver
ware, fpecs etc. Cotting's drug
Seward Garbcr, state Lank examin
er has n-Hgncd his position and has
accepted the office of cashier in the
F it M Hank of this city.
Go to T. E. Penman for fine watch
clock and jewelry repairing. Artis
tic letter and monogram engraving.
Cutting's drug store.
After years of experience wc make
the intelligent care of the dead a
. ypcualty, and are prepared to attend
all calls in the city or country . F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
Undertaking by F. V. Taj lor who
has had yea.s of pra tical experince
in the scientific caro of the dead and
is butter prepared than ever to con
duct the business in all its branches.
F. V. Taj lot will duplicate any
prices offered by either houses on all
ilascs of Undertaking goods, and
guarantee better goods and better ser
vice. Funerals attended free in city
or county.
F. V. Taylor never has charged any
thing for attending funerals, lie
carries the largest plonk and guar n
tee.- satisfaction. Remember he will
duplicate any price offered by other,
on undertaking giods,
A little son of one of our citizens,
while eating at the table with hs
folks and u noted divine, lip'iiulii
smiles to the face of his parent
when he fmnarked.that the "l'icncher
had a darn :ln"g hunk of butter on
hit plate."
The following are the Mcthodi-t
prcnchnrs who will look afrer the poo
pie in the various towns of the county.
IMue Hill, (J. L. Hurbank.
(Whs, E. A. Yaulhke.
Guide Hock, A. J. Marsh.
Inuvale, J. 1 McVey.
lied Cloud, E J Handall.
Haul 1'hares, of Topeka, Kansas,
whom the editor of this paper has
known ever since he was hustled into
this vain world of tears, is in Hed
Cloud visiting .lis i datives and friends.
Paul learned the printer's trade, un
der our Mipcrvison in Clinton, IHionis,
and afterwards was foi email of Thk
ClilKl' for four years. He h one of
the most competent compos, tors
among the fraternity, and now holds
regular cases on the Topeka Cap tol.
. i - m -.-
Two Tor Sl.tiO.
The New York Weekly Press, the
best republican weekly paper pub
lished and Thk Chikf one year for
$1.(50. Come and subscribe now.
100 new and popular novels with
photogravure illustrations just placed
on sale at Cottings besides 300 other
new bopjss from 3fcents to $3.00 per
volume. Call and'look them over.
Lost '
On ths streets of this city, Septem
ber 19, 1S91, a thirty-five dollar note
in favor of my self, Wni. Woods, payor.
All persons are warned not to pur
chase said note as payment of same
has been stopped.
0-3t V. R, Parker.
To California, Oregon, Wash
ington and oilier WcNtern
pointaIn I'ullmiin Colonft
Kleefiem Via, I lie Union Ia-
The constant uVmati'l of the traveling
public to tl Weft fur a comfortable nud
at the snine time an economical niodn of
traveling has led i o the estnblihhmeut of
what is known as I'allman Coloimt Sleep
Thee car aru furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresec, warm
blanket, jmiow white linen, curtain
which Hccure to the occupant of a berth
a much privacy as ih to ' had in firnt
clas xleepers, plenty of towcN, combs,
bru-hes etc. There nre alto r-fpitnite
toilet room for 1idie and geiitleuieii,
and MiiokiDg is absolutely prohibited.
Another f'tct not to be overlooked in
that tlu-un I'ullmaii Colonist Slew pern are
attached to the daily faat express trains
thus enabling passengers occupying
tlit-o cars to make the same time an
occupants of firs.-rlats I'ullinan SleeptM.
A charge of $3.n for a lower or upper
doultle berth is made between Council
Mil (TV. Omaha or Kansas City and Sim
Francisco or 1'ortland
For those furnishing their own bedtling
fre berths are given in I'ullinan Colonist
Cars running Letween Council Hluffs,
Kansas City and Portland.
The Pullman Colonist Sleeper is es
pecially commended for the use of the
homeneeker who is moving to the west
with his family, and who desires com
'ortahlo Bleeping accomodations enroute
but cannot afTonl to pay the first-class
Pullman Sleeping Car fare.
Formatter descriptive of n3' state or
territories through -Inch the Union
Pacific runa, or for rites, time of trains
vtc, etc, applv to E I . I.OMAX, CJen'l
Pass, and ticket Auent. Cuiaha, Neb.
Slrnwbcrr riant Tor Sale.
You can get strawberry plants the
first of September which will grow
berried next. se.8Sn Piices tJ5 cents
per 100 or $5, p r 1,000.
Jj. II. Rust.
Notice to 'I'eaelierM.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers oft lie public schools of this
couutj, at Hed Cloud on the third
t unlay of each month.
Special i xuiiiinatioiis will be held
on the Frieav preceed ng the id at
unlv f each inoi th.
Th htaiid'ni: r ijiiired for 2d and
M ma 'e c r iii-'.-its is the same no
gr-ul" heb'W 70 per c nt , avetag SO
per reir; fu rade cutilicrt
no grad- be'ow SO per cent., :ver:ire
!( per cent, in all lr:iticli-s r uied
by law.
D. M. IlrvTi 'V.nnty Supt'-
Funeral ;iri-t'fom.
Cozid & Co., make a -pjci.lfe of
Undertaking Goods, and Funeral Sup
plies. A ItaraiH.
A span of seven tar edd horses to
exchange for cattle Enuui e at th's
Special .Vol Ice.
I am now prepned t : in:ikc T-rm
loans at reasonable nes of mt, rest
option payuif nts if dc-ir d, and old
loans renewed. I). H Sl'Nc?iK
Anll-Ilome Tlnel Am-t.iiiii,
The Webster Connty Untual Protection
and Anti Horso Thief Association meets
at Cowles on Saturday previous to fulling
of the moon each month.
F. Hoikjson. Spc'v.
Jftujw 4,T?T5,Sfc
D. B. Spanogc,
Real Estate
and Loan Age
Red Cloud.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. H. FOHT, Manager.
Aftstfta&ts of Title?
Furnished to all Lands in Webster Count v, Accurately and
IIalng hail ten years exjterleiire tu munty rrcont' ami oneof ttie innt compMe ft of AH
.struct books ill the stfle. Ktnr ilitee yitUfH'-Ilon. o-r f.nrs vjllciteU
All onlfix llll-l rn.ini'lly lnd tllrtl
and iinitni Aililr or ciil .
L 11. FORT Manaokr, Hrd Cloud, Neb.
Read! Read! Read!
-fNl vf f f f f 11
iH Couover anl Ilekeron. ami U now prepared to Nell niiylhlMg
in lii line anil at Hie Very I-(hc1 l'iuure lor caH
Nothing but the best ooods kept. Call aijl
see me when yon want anything ,
in my line
Cash Grocery House
Groceries, Fruits Etc
Best Coods Only Come and sec me
The Cash Grocer.
IK1 KS t S
tti p-t trt
Lower than any yard in the world
y tjtt ?bw fMs
Miles r. Hayes
Patent - Collar
For sale by J. O. BUTLElt
Red Oloud, Buckeye
Harness shop.
ft? ig
Aak air agents fr XV. I.. Donlii hora.
If nat far ! la yoar plarp nak our
dealer la aend for eatalocar. rcarr tar
agrnrr. anl grl racaa for yoa.
It 1 a wtmlirM !-. with no ta:k or wax thrrn.
to hurt tbp frrt. tnitiln if thf lX tin? rult. tlih
anil f-af, and bel. k tnlr nofv A" nri(
ynulf than any ntker wuinitf arlttrrr. It pnuaU hand
cunl tii-M- ontlnz fmra Wjo U Ml.
tC OB IJcoalor Mand--vrrd. tlw r.D-t rlf
Pb lx mirnffftnl for t-Vm; -qnal irl
lmportol hir4 whlcfioxt tnmi 1-jutnlU'ii.
MOO llHiid.ornril Writ !bir, r- nx'.f.
m tjllb. tI and durahlc iiioiir.1
kboo tt offrml at thU nrlcr ; uini tri!r t ca
tnavma1 ho oxtln f nm pint to ftju.
O " I'olicp liiri FarmrsM. lUUmt.) 'U
VWi anil lytlrrfarricral wrarthrm. f.-ralf,
oamlr. ror)th lnM-t-. bay thr aolrr. extr
Jon rOcr. one (iiir will wnrifrv.
SO 3B Bnr calfi nobttr tKfTfrpIml . t
' ttl I'rtc: one trial will conTlncv t- J
who want a jlm- for oimfort an rlc".
CO '-ii and i.O Warklnaatan tK
' ar rrrx tnia and durabl. TIkc t..
hare jtirrn tbh a tnal will wrar noothrrrnakr,
DAVal Si.Ow nn4 I.?i wtm.1 ! ai
' worn hTthj lTrTerywbr UMjro
on their tnrrlt. aa th Inprranlne taUt tboar
LnHiC 9.1.90 llnndfnrd at-. ht
wUICO Initla.TWTtjllh.juaUTrt-.t
Importrd ihonfmUnrfmm (linmKlit.
wl.adlra' -.30. 9vt.eO nml 91.72 'tt X T
XlMrarfthelMtflnlknicla. Mllbao- lurM.
Caatlaa. ! Uiat W 1 Dftntli ua aa4
prlca are Kaiupil on thlottimof ach '
W. L. DOCOUKH. IocltUO. Uv
Tor Mte to jr
Y- aK ' im
hee DcHlcr. Rett Cloud.