The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1891, Supplement, Image 5

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Friday, Oct. 2, IS g
hiiiisr- 1 at it I fit ii; -i- :i 1 t'.ii.l, Nea.,
;im inai! iiuiltiTOf x In- - innl l:i
. ..
Supplcuiiiil to I lie Chief.
local. ii:ji ;.
School supplied at Deos.
Everybody comu to tho fair.
M. W. Diekorson is on tho nick list.
L. liaum was in Blue, Hill this week.
Clara PicLcrsou is visiting in Iowa.
Dr. Damerell wart in Hairier Monday.
Condition powders, a largo variety at
F. P. Shields was in Rod Cloud Wed
nesday. m. Stern of Hastings, was in tho city
this week.
Kenyon Skeen has gone to Omaha on
a short visit.
The Chief is crowded this week and
one day late.
Ex-myor Holland, is in tho city for a
two cults stay.
Emerson Lightfoot has our regards
for a big iron dollar.
Mrs. McIJride has moved into IL M.
"Martin &. Son's store.
Mrs. F. V. Taylor has arrived homo
from a visit to Missouri.
Kev. Mack well of Guide Rock was a
pleasant caller this week.
Judge Gaslin was in Uod Cloud Mon
day enrouto for Hastings.
The Baptist ladies will give meals at,
tho fair grounds, next week.
Fred McKeeby left Monday for Omaha
where he goes to study medicine.
Goto Deyo for tine stationary, tino per
fumes and toilet articles and tine drugs.
Take your old coat out of your broken
window, and go to Doyos for window
HO doz Husking gloves in four different.
styles at Wieners from GO cents pair
John Osborn, a brother of Mrs. A.
conovor, of Danville, Illinois, is visiting
in this city.
E. A. Van Dyke of In aval e has joined
th conference and horeafter will follow
the ministry.
O.P.Taylor and wife of Omaha were
kin Red Cloud this week visiting J. Mur
ray and wife.
Notwithstanding hard times Peyo's is
having a good trade because low prices
and good prices count.
Do you need a pair of Men's or Boys'
boots or tino shoes? Wiener offers the
best made, nt right prices.
Ed Bohnnnn, wife and daughter re
turned to Lincoln. By the way, Mr. B.
and wife aro nicely tixed in Lincoln.
Ed Young's brother who died last
week lived at Springdnle, in southern
Kansas, instead of Hasting, as reported.
Sidney Mccgauo has resigned his posi
tion with c Li rotting and a gentleman by
the name of Tincher has taken his place.
On the return of Kev. Randall, the
Methodist ladies and gentlemen gave
hint a warm reception at tho parsonage.
Never since I have been in business
have I been aole to offer such value to
my customers as now, is what Wiener
Are you feeling chilly? Dont you
want to' feel comfortable? It will take
but little money to buy your underwear
at Wieners.
Now is the time to select your reading
for the winter. Patronize your home
merchants and order all papers and maga
zines of Deyo.
Ole G. A meson and Otto Arnoson of
Decorab, Iowa, were pleasant callers
this week and added their nites to the
Great Family Weekly.
Cheapness alone is not what you are
looking for, but coaafeiaed with durablity
and tit in eluding styto m what you wast.
This you can find a'"Wieners.
. The school board wish to purchase aa
organ for use of school in ward Jib. i.
We suggest to those having a good organ
to dispose of to apply to Geo. O. leiser
secretary of school board.
Mre.S.R McBride has moved her mill
inery emporium to R. M. Martin Jfc Son's
store, at the old stand of Pope Bros. My
old friends are solicited to "call and see
me when in want of millinery.
Rev. E. J. Randall was returned to this
church by the conference held in Lin
coln. Mr" R. has done efficient work here
and his parishioners are well pleased at
his return. He was given a warm reception.
EI ace for tin: Z'nir.
Tli" f-lIow;iig in1 t'te i"i' f'r
the ni'-e-s lo be held at 'he. Webster
coip ty l':i'r.
Mercury, Holmes Dros., Reynolds
Law.-M I'atchiu, J. C Ilolconib,
Kd Cloud
Kaun'cfi., 31. W. (I -rber, Guide
M-.hi! t, riinir & Caldcr, Minden,
X. br.
WfPtport, E. B. Hams, tmford,
Ldv Butler, H. 0 Doula, Ober
l:n, Ivni.
.Mitivia,Ii. B. Davis. Blue Spring".
Midnight A'kon Port's iY-tti:s.
Rob Allen, James Weyatid. Burr
Oak Kansas.
Mil-.' ?prgue, J. W . Bliss, Brunn
ing Nehr .
Dandy D., A. L. Pegr IT, Blue Hill,
Queen Ann. G. I). Mathcw-on,
Urady Island. Nebraska.
Maud M., A. W. Mathewson Brady
Island, Nebr.
2-VKAH-riM) ri.ASS.
Vie. Wood. W. A. Coif, Blooming
ton. Nehr. M Lvtt. Gnid" Bck.
Kali-, J. G lb. rt. Red CIowl.
OnoL-a, F'ing ('abler. Minden, Neb.
Vniiia, W.tJ. IIm"'. (' ncurdia, Kan
Corn's Invisible, G. J. Curry,
Tallin, Iv"8H.
Mozart, James Weyand, Burr Oak,
Fnnk B., Geo. M. Hunt, Hebron,
Allen K., Nathan Ong. Edgar,
Harrv C , II. (Jlandenmp, Law
rence, Kan.
Lnvell, Harry M. Gilham, Lawrence,
2:45 class
Allen K , Nathan Ong, E-Jgar, Neb.
Harry C, J P. Fling, Lawrence,
Kans. W. G. Reed, Concordia,
Bib Curtis, Ncal Duncan, Geneva,
Saturn, J. N. Baxter, Arapahoe,
Mediator, Jos. Gilmnre, Friend,
Lois, G. D. M-tthcwson, Brady Is
land. Maud M., A. W. Mathewson, Brady
Island, Nebr.
3-YEAR ni.n CLASS.
Bcrymount, S. F. Randolph, Clyde
J. L. Cassent, Mrs. A. I'attca,
Guide Rock, Nebraska.
Molhe G., M. W. Garhrr, 'Guide
Rook. -V
Doubtful, Fling & Calder, Minden,
Nehr. . ,.
Allice Mediaa, J.j P. Flings Law-rem-e,
Kans. ' 2f
Henry Watewor., The. Kirk Jr.,
BarrOik, Kns.
R x R'gcut, M. CRobertson, Ar
lington, Nebr. -
Cl"inie G.j.'C. Robinson, Arling
ton, Ncb..
FraBk Mack, James Weysnd, Burr
Oak, Kr;
Harrj'Duncan, J. W. Bl'ss, Brunn
lBg. Nebr.
Annie M., Geo. M. Hunt, Hebron,
Mathewson, Sprague. G. B
Mathewson, Brady Island, Nebr.
Enroute, Fling Colder, Minden,
Frank Melbourne, R. L. Ranks,
Riverton, Nebr.
Crusader, J. P. F'ing, Baldwin,
Capt. Payne, Levi Burke, Beaver
Smart Weed, Rlue Springs, Nebr.
Jennie Bogas, 31. C. Robertson.
Arlington, Neb.
Ufrky Fiiitrji, Wm C'Vuhikw-.
iMauk Cj)t. J. H. Aiken. Poiti,
K '?.
L' B., R. M. ?h" rin a n, Crete.
I). J. Judhonhaa purchased the Keu
ney proerty.
Don't forget the fair n".t week. -)ine .
and bring your family and tho babies, j
Dont fail to sew Cozad fc CVs srecial '
bargains in chamber huits, carpets, and
l'erfect action and perfect health reriiill
from the uie of L) Uitt's Little Early
Iliac?, a perfect little pU.
Rev. Alden, dird this week at the ex
treme ago of S.'l. Ifo had lived in Hed
cloud for a numlxir of years.
DeWitt's Karsaparilla destroyes such
Ioisons as scrofula, skin disease, eczema,
rheumatism, its timely use saves many
Wiener lxgs all jwxiple coming to the
fair to come and see his immenee stK.-k
of gools. Will cheerfully show you any
article and give you prices.
You never tried DeWittV Little Early
Kierfor constipation, biiliousiiess 'ck
headache or you would not have thtse
De Witt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the
blood, increjises tho appetite and tones up
tho system. It has lenetitted innny peo
ple w'l'o have sutlered from bloxl diwjr
dors. It will help you.
Miss Emma Brown h:ii hnon elect
ed as a ' a "her in the public school
in Line In, and has tendeied h"rrsig
natioii as teacher in the south ward
We can not nfford to decoive you
Cotidecnco is liegotton by honesty. 1 )e
Witt's Little Early Risers are pills tha
will cure constipation and sick headache
The republicans of the tnnth judi
cial distriot met at Minden the
first of the week, and no the 115th
bdlot nominated Be-i F. Smith of
Hastinirs, for distrrct judge. If they
had k- pt on voting for months they
could uot have made a break.
Don't storm the system as you would
a fort. If held by the enemy, constiapa
tion, gently perenade it to surrender with
De Witt's Little Early Rimth. These
little pills aro wonderful conviucers.
The democrats of Webster county,
foolhardy like conclude 1 to let their
organization die out in the county by
not having the moral stamina to put a
tckct in the field and br-ive defeat.
Better die on your merit than to
irive up without a struggle to an
Investigate their merits. De Witt's
Little 'Early Risers don't gripe, cnues
nausea or pain, which accounts for their
populnirty. Druggists hay they would
not ran a drug store without these little
JfHlrlmonliil llctm.
At the residence of I'. Hansen, Red
Cloud, Nebraska, September '20. 1891,
Mr. Andrew Peterson and Mis- Jesine
Matilda Erickson, both of Red Cloud.
Rev. C. M. Larson officiating.
By ltev. E. J. Randall, at Red Cloud,
Nebraska, September 20, 1891, Mr.
Harry Conover and .Miss Mary A. Earner,
all of this city.
At Farmer's Creek, Webster county,
Nebraska, September 20, 1891, Mr. An
drew P. Pearson and Miss Charlotte
Bringelson, Rev. C M. Larson officiating
At Red Cloud, Nebraska, September
24, 1S31, by Rev. G. W. Hummell, Mr.
Calvin D. Kenady and Miss Alice E.
Starks, all of Webster county.
At Red Cloud, Nebraska, September
28, 1891, Mr. Orrin W. Taber of Cass
county, Nebraska, and Mis Alice JefTry
of Webster county, Nebraska. Rev. O. H.
Truman officiating.
People with impure blood may be said
to exist, not live. Life i robbed of hair
of its joys when the blood is loaded with
impurities and disease. Correct this con
dition withDe Witt's Sarsaprslla. it is
Trusses Shoulder braces ic. at
' Cottings.
pnn't foil to makes wleetioi foHi
Couiris's" btnl:? while the stock is
J. L. filler the harnes man ha? a
full line of rubber and leather belting
C htm.
T. K. Penman has encraved a haml
Mme medal for the Weh.-ter coitutv
fair. As an engraver Tom is hrd to
Rev. C B. Ncwnan of Lincoln
preached in the Christian Church
ijuiuhy iiioriiinu and evening to a
large congregation. V
Tub Ciiikf pre-ents its n-aders
tht week with an array of fact and
figures that are rjutte startliug, but
are facts all the name.
Do not fail to call and see F. V. p
Taylor's stock before buin:. He
hii- by the car this j-aves freight and
can sell cheaper than anybody.
It is currently reported that Duffy's
own township will go giiiis. Intii
As for as f)iialific;Uioiis are concert.ctl
Duffy is not in it forjudge. It is n
very poor uominatiu for the ii.depeu
deuts. There will be a business meeting of
tl e C. L. i. V. at the home of Mr
J C. Warner, Saturday evctiitiL, Oct.
:-5rd, to which all interested in tho
work are cordially invited.
Mas. J. C. Warn Kit
A. Michaels of Newcastle, Indiam,
is vinitinig his son Harry Michaels of
Inav.ile township. He was fortunate
in being present t the wedding of
Mr. Taber and Miss Jeffry last Mon
day, AUeCUiriTtD WITH Ttlt C0W HI tf 1H.S COUdTM Ut C9Tfl
much muteu nroutTioi rwu stuct or Tins wif cf Tm
CbicaiD, Boci Island & Faciif Bj,
The Plrrct ReuU to od (Vaon CUeaga,JoHtt,OV
fYorU, La Salt. Mnllo. Rneh lilinj. In tr.t.INOW;
DTttiirt, Muvatinr. Ottutnwa. 0kml", TX
Motnr. Wlntrt, Aivlution, lliulin nrvl rmnil
Blaflk. In IOWA; Mlnnsll nl hi. IHul. In Ml.V
KE90TA; Watwlown wl Sioux Fll. In DAKOTA:
Cameron, St. Jcrph iuvI Kanu CUf. In XISsOUKt;
Omths. Lincoln. Falttmryaatt Nlrn.lnNKnR..KA ;
Atctiinn, Lrarravnith. Horton, T pk. ttutfblnna.
Wichita. rllll. Abllra. IV.lg Otf. CMfll. ta
KAW9A9: K! Kl Rno vmI llnrn. In INDIAN
TERRITORY: Inrr, CV4rJo Sprlni n4 rulli.
In COLORAIX). TraTvrw nw rr of rich fknnlrr
iM gmlat ln.l, kAtrllnc tb l frilttl of Intrr
ctnnmunlcaUnn to Ul (own and clllr nut cJ wrc.
nortbvrat uvl mithwrt of Chicago and to I'aclfic as4
Iran -oceanic virt.
Ldlrn all mtnprtltnra In cplrtyfor of Tutpot,
RLCFF9 ami OMAHA. an.t UTtj CHICAGO and
DENVER. TtU)It.r0 srKINC.9 and ITEhLO. U
KANSAS OTV and TOl'KKA an-1 U KT, JOErn.
CARS, and tMlar SIfwr. with Pining Car SttIc.
Clow ennnctlna at Dott and Colorado Sptlnc Jth
dlrrnrlng rallva linaa, worn fermlac iXm mtw act
Orrr hlch ajrbly-jnlpr,t tralM run dall
Lak Cltr. Oyli and 5n Fracdatn. THE T.OCK
ISLAND U alto lb Dlrtct aad Favmlto Lin to aal
from Manttoo. Ftkr't Ik and all 4hr aaciurj- at !
acraic traoruaadcltira ajl mlatncdUtrSctaln Clr.raJa.
Froo 9. Joarpb and Can Cltr t- and tmsa aH lta
portaat toca.dU aad rtioa In wtbna N't rskv.
Kstni and tb Indian T'TTllcrj. Als Tla ALr.ntT
LEA SOCTE rmtn Kuwh dXj and Clllcar ' '1'T
town, SMooi Fan. XI-NEAPOUS aad ?T PACX.
earntlnf for all pnW t"rth and nortiwert tiro
th liin aad Ur- VteiSc Cr.
For Tlcktu. Mi, Fr44rt. r tCnd lat-rsnuan
n l.r t "T Cropna T)ekH OSc is ti CdtrJ f-uin
yr Canada, or add ma
i"tMicacT. Gn1 Tki 4 Tmi. Ai-
cncAco. zii.