.will im. uswiss nmM'iy ....iiwunC is: !. i Irfc l 1 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. "5SSBSKfciS ---- - - t w n . , i in. twm iii i ii ... vM . - - - r , O! I Ifc y By A. C. Hoss OSMER. CHILDREN'S Suits FROM- $1 to $7, BOYS, Overcoats $1.50 to $10 BOYS' 25 to 75 cents. CAPS Goods as represented. Our Candidal c. Our old and respected friend Geo. "V. Hummel, will be n candidate nest week beforo tho republican county convention for troaauror. Georgo 13 a conscientious fellow and ono of the best men in tho county, besides being ono of those, re publicans that aro worth 100 centa on tho dollar. In our opinion tho conven tion could do no hotter than to uominato Georgo for that important office. If nominated and olected, ho would run the olTico carefully and economically. Thon there is Henry C. Scott, if tho republicans want to o to victory Biiro and certain, nominate "Hank Scott" for sheriff, and if ho is not elected, wo shall bo willing to "call in our hopes." Henry made ouo of tho best sheriffs that Web ster countT over had, and will do to again if nominated. Nominnto him by all menus. Then there is 11. D. Uanney, county clerk, C. IS. Crone, district clerk, C. Schenck, coroner, D. M. Hunter, supor mteudent of sehools. Will Thome, sur veyor, D. F. Trunkey, county judge. Theso men havo all been tried and found equal to tho occasion. Thoy nregood men and honest republicans and should be renominated and elected. Tho independents have uol ono man on their whole ticket that can compare favorably to these gentlemen and if tho convention acts wisely they will renom inate them. Then in addition there is J. M. Chaffin of Gnid Rock, candidate for county judge. Also Mrs. Jessie Arnold for countv superintendent Both of these candidates are competent people and if nominated and elected would make good officers. In a word tho convention should do its level best to put up good honest and competent men and then they will bo sure of election. Tho people should stop and consider that the county oincee should be manned by competent officers who -will do the business for the people just tho same as if it was for themselves. It is a delicate subject with us, but we are very much embarrassed finan cially and as free from money as a frog is from feathers. If some of you folks that owe us on subscription could have a photograph of our empty stom pocket, ou would huBtle a dollar or so and change the picture. Our casli receipts have been so light the past month that a Hes sian fly could cast them up in ten sec onds We dislike this contraction of the currency yery much, nnd you, one and all should extend a hand to help us out of the money panic we art undergoing. P. S. Don't forget to have silver in your hand extended to g; Investigate their merits. De Witt's Little Early Risers don't gripe, cauee nausea or pain, 'which accounts for their popula'irty. Druggists say they would Dot run a drug store without theso little pills. In the first place best goods to BOYS' From $2.50 to MEN'S OVERCOATS, $3.50 lo $23 MEN'S $ JlP s 30c to $2.50. The People' VerdictCheer! Cheer! Cheer! Xebrankn's Daisy, our own National Chnmpinn of oratory, with her "Daisio Hand" wins and justly claims tho grand first prize for excellency of music in the great band contest on Thursday during tho unexcelled gathering of tho wonderful Inter-state rounion of soldiers nnd sailors at Ked Cloud, Nebraska. "Hurrah! For Daisy's band." We havo not timo nor space to print encomium?, which each member of her band right fully deservos, but would gladly sign our "John Hancock" to an ntlidawt that they aro all daisies, tho boys ns well as tho girls, and successful will any gathering be, if Daisy's band is there. This band will no doubt join the grand contest in tho j ear I8in, upon tho opening of tho unparalloled exhibition of the world in Chicago, whero Daisy won tho National Diamond Pmo. Any one in tho world desiring tho service of theso musical children hnd better apply 0110 or two years in advnnco and at once. Tho jeo plo of our city should 1h on time and havo these boys nnd girls return once more, if ossibIe. Wo are all proud of our Dais' and her band, and hopo soon to havo them give us an elocutionary nnd musical entertainment. Died on the thirteenth of Scpteni her 1S9 1. Wnllacc, aged two years and twenty days, infant on of and Oris Marv Jargcnsen after a brief illii'S-' of twenty six hours. His stricken parent -j have the heart felt sympathy of the entire community. All who knew him loved him he was too frail a flower for this rMih world and (lod took him to he a link between his eaitMy home and heaven. Other children may come to bless tho home and grow up to noble men and women, but his place can never be filled, he will always be baby Wally long after his ptrents are gr.y and old. Ileisgonebnt not forever, wc havctheblcsscd assurance that wc shall meet again, wc know that our darling is at reft and safe in tle arms of Jc-us. Only a Hltlc child I":iiim not here to wo Scarcely on earth hoiuilrd hre lie tell asleep. Onlya little child (UhI to ns had given . liiro"aml timldled Only fit for heaxen. Only a little child Such as jcmis blevsod Wo were unreconciled Only he thought best. Cnlva little chil.t That our love tfswd Thai oar enres beguiled That is now at rest. M. U H. The Secret oi succes. C. L. Cotting druggist, believes that the secret of succe$ is perseverance. Therefore they persit in keeping the finest line of perfumeries, toilet articles, cosemetics, drugs and chemicals en the market. They especially invito all per sons who have palpitation, short breath, weak or hungry spells, psin in side or shonlder, oppression, night ircre, dry cough, smothering, dropsy or heart dia hse to try Dr. Miles' uacqu.-Ued New Hart Cure. In-fore it is too Into. It has the largest snle of niij similar remedy Fine book oi testimonials free. Dr Miles' Restorative Nervine is unsnrpass- I ed t oc sleeplessaMs, headache, fit, etc.. SUEPB ana it coataua bo opiates, 5 Red Cloud, LET US TALK IT OVER ! Ave have just returned from the Eastern Market and have made every effort while buying to get the sell I for the least money, AND NOW let us hear from you, and give us your judgment. come and examine our stock. MEN'S SUITS FROM $2.25 to $23 12 Underwear .25c lo 2.50 per garment Neckwear ! 5 cents to $1-00 Departed llii Life. led at his home Sunday afternoon ptcmbcr, 13, 1S91, at 2 o'clock, after and illness of only a few days. Le lond Anderson Hedge, age 1G years. 2 months and 14 dajs. Funeral from the home at 10 o'clock Monday morning, interment in Ked Cloud cemetery. Anderson Lclaud Hedge was born in Putnam county, Missouri, Nov. 27, 1ST I. In the year 1SS4, he moved with his parents, broth ers, and sisters to Ked Cloud, Nebraska. Hero he ha: lived uutil the mesengcr came Ho was a dear son and a lov ing brother, always ready and willing to do his part. He always loved and obeyed his teachers and took sreat in tcrcst in his Sunday School. His loss is great that nothing will ever be bright enough to replace it. Only those who have suffered such a loss can appreciate how great it is. Hcleavcsa father, mother, six brothers, and two .-istcrs to mourn his loss; but good by dear brother, until the drama of this mysterious life is over, and there, by the grace of Him who loves us. we will bid our trouble i hearts be still and be reunited by .stronger ties than earth has ever dreamed. The drama entitled the "Tennessee Scout' which has been played for the benefit of the Sons of Veterans of this city, under the management of Cnpt. "L. D. Dobbs nnd wife, is a play that merits praise v hero ever given to the public. The spacious opera house has been crowded every night to its utmost capaci ty. The dramatis personage was made up principally of Rod Cloud peoplo nud the various characters were well placed and acted much better than one would sup pose for so brief a period of training. The tableaux were beautiful, nnd when it cam toeomic characters. Pat McRride as Mike O' Flnnigan, Will Cozad as Hans Schneider. Dell Olmsted as Ganymede the colored cook, took the cake, bun and all. The three characters were splendidly representee:, qui no oetter tnnn the reist only as to the comic part of it. Capt. Dobbs and wife are hosts within them selves, while the balance of thecompanv did their several ports in a manner that could not be duplicated by half of the best actors in the countrv. The piny was a decided success and wll taken. The whole play was one calculated to in spire one with the truest of patriotism. We should like to mention each nnd every participant but have cot the time and space this week. Bohemians and foreigners are net wanted for office in Webster county bv the calamity croakers. Only their votes. In other words "no Irish need apply." Two Ter S !.!. The New York Weekly Press, the best republican weekly paper pub lished ana hie L'iiief one year $1.00. Come and subscribe now. for The fire company look fine in thefr lew suits. ! -U jt Webster County, Neb., Friday, September Children's PXNTS 2.5c to $1.75 Per pair. Iff Taiiofade Suits made in the house ! 25 to $40 Wiener the Belln Caolden Troupe. This truely celebrated actress, support ed by a most excellent company of ladies and gentlemon will produce two of their now and successful plays at the opera houso Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. -2 nnd 23 for tho entertainment of the amusement lovore of our city. And ns tho press nnd public have so strongly en dorsed their performances, ns worthy of the most liberal patronage. We opine that few if any of our citi7ens will fail to see them. Bella Golden, is a house hold word in tho eastern, middle and southern Btntes where her sterling womanly qualities nml brilliant genius has endorsed her to all. Sho is an easy graceful nctress, nnd well suited to the part she plays. Her association from earlloht childhood have been with tho stage. Sho combines a perfect famili arity with its business and details. She has an excellent full round womanly J voice oi piensnni lone, ami sue ut-es it with taste and judgement, anil without resort to stage tricks of any kind. Tho Springtield Missouri, Herald says of, THE COLDEXS. Thi excellent company pi yeil a two nichtV encasement In Perkins iJrand ojK.-ra llouo tins week. The production or "Tho Martyr" jrtve our people an opportunity of feoin;: one of the mo-t brilliant iIu presented an n here, by a company tho strocsest that eer reached this pUro. It wo ruasnllicrnt from the le nlnin u eud, and mw svnerausly ppUudcil On the cond cheilitis 'The Little Uuclie-" w.,5 predated to a packed house, and proved equally pleading. The- pla are the evcliuiie property oi the iSoMen Troupe, and won 'sold eu ' opinions here. The orchestra Is rompo-et of artl-b..aad their niu-ic is cxceptioM.-iKy line, their decnptie pieces taking immensely. The band is ouo of the finest fn the ronri and their remarkable street ilr.lK as well a their choice elections, drear lar-e. appreciative crowds eacti day. The ;Mer are worthy of big crowds wherever they p and for thelat fit teen e.irs hare been gvUing them In all part of the country. Unlike itanj other compani' tae rest oi me now i not an on m or.inie. though Its worth a cowl dral to ec their drills. Herald. 5prin?fleld. ilo Kescne teats ir-c. Keneral admission 50c, childrcu undtr 12 jears of ase.Ec atreonr eats at Deyo's Urus store. Our "own McKeighsn" and some of the old soldiers had a misunderstand ing at Grand Island at the reunion the other day. JIcKrighan made an ad drets there on General Logan, whtch was said t be finf. but when they called on him for hs war record he thought they were attempting to in sult him and proposed to give them a physical demonstration of bravery if the parties who insisted would step to the rear so the report goes Why cot send for Sullivan if these things are soinc: to occur often? Highest of all ia LtaTtaroag Power. W X &i2& ABSOUJTEiy PURE WE HAVE SUCCEEDED. We quote you a tew prices Del- Pc TRUNKS AT ALL PRICES! Clothier. Iliirlcy-Spnnoglc. The marriage of II. H. Hurley and Mis? Kathcrine Spanogle occurred, Sunday. Sept. K5, the Rev. Bayard Craig officiating. Mr. Hurley is the artistic 'ad man" in The Times compo sing room. Mrs. Hurlcv has resided in Denver but a short time, having come here fiom Nebraska. Both have a host of friends in this city who ex tend hearty and tinccrc congratula tions. Denver (Col.) Time. The young lady above mentioned is ihc youngest daughter of our wor thy townsman. Mr. D. B. Spanoglc. Mrs, Kate Hurley (ncc Spanogle) is a well and fovorably known voung ladv of this city and her many friends will! take pleasure in extending congratula tions. The Chiek wishes them many happy years of wedded life. T-iitcd Slates Senator A. S. Pad dock came up from his home in Be atrice Thursday for the purpose of ad dressing the old soldiers at the re union held in this city. The Senator made one of his mos: happy speeches which never fails to fill his audience with a thrill of pleasure, in fct S n ator Paddock is highly appreciated by the entire people f the state for his sterling qualities and his ever watch fulness for the interests of the state SfeL (m 31a he reprcscnU o ab'y. While here he, wjll be i-nd Saturday's. The Srat in company with Col. Gage made TnE,iMae miitt a orT cteubi appir- i.mt. a very piuasawk can. i uc ecu ator is one cf the most faith ftl ser vants the state has ever had. Through his able effort, in supporting the meat inspection law. can be laid the fact that Germany today again admits Amencan pork to her realms. He is lwavs oa ihe alert for the interests of the frtatc. a thoroush republican. and a roan to be depended upon. Among those who attended the re union this wek were a number of the immediate relatives of Doctorh"er atlact of qainry. Schenck, numbering 31 in all, thus making a family reunien. They were ohotocrirhed on the camp gaoand br t- k-4 ,-i.i i, t.. n l-irt. rmnn in anoi nt uiuwm, m. ...-. r - f-.l l.;li fti T)rvtnr replied, snd scldow with a hiBdiaaer man at the head of the family. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmm U. S. GoVt Report, Asg. X7 H Baking Powder 18, 189) In order Boys' Pants 60c to $3 r pair, Mens Working Shirts 35 cents to $1.00 RUBBER BOOTS & SHOES;: Lower than Elsewhere. South Hide. People arc through haying and arc Kimtoh Chiki Oram is coming now busy in their broom corn. in very lo. Wc understand Mr. Joe Taylor ban Dr Swigart and K. Lull of Homeland a fine crop of peaches, and aho Sam- ; were on our t trceis Monday, utl Martin and other. in thu neigh- The Band boy will give another borhood. djiioc Friday evening September, IS. Miss Grace Judd of Amloy is vi-' Mr?. Jatnc Burden ha rccoiTod ittng her grand parents, Capt. Mun-jhcr full ,tock pf milliocry good, sells The Hopubhcan will hold their Miss Kvd Mmncl!, of Chicago, is j caucus at '1 o'clock Saturday. Septeto visiting her parent and friend on a ber 10 in theG. A It. lull, return trip from Gold Hill, Colorado, ; The infant daughter of Mr. ad Mr. and expects to cross the range and J II. L. Kichrndifcr died Mendar, visit South Park and other places of j September, II. tntcrc-t before returning. V. S. Hall is erecting a new oorn Mr. Ivct . Amark ha? bought the crib and granary on hi frm ronth Collins farm. 'cast of town. .lr. Huderber of Kan.-a it buy- Mr. Fred BartUtt f California i ing cattle in this vicinity. -pending a few wools with hi ocin Ai we were out riding, Sunday, wc Nol.on Bartlct-'. discovered Brsdbrook,of Ked Cloud,. Bev Kir of Itfd Cfend, Mod ttc photographing apples in CL Mnn-lpaljnt at the CwagrrgalioMal chorrh sell.- orchard. Cnt. ha the finest or-! lat Sunday chard in Webster countv. Most.-. Cewlc. Mr. Thornton, of the Blue Hill Time-, ha established the MWebir Coaniv Indernd3nt" at Cewlc. It i ance. The F.ditor was obliged to dif charc his first subeditor, J.J JUfer, rumor y?f for too frequent nubibin!? of John StorT'a dnir. Are nQt fnd cpendcQt rlJ Jape Wcoa- . r J. f tQ' "ther namrfoaa m oar county? G-i:de Itoei. Inarile and Bladen are .... . . . ...ii a.m.. . ... .-h. a .... m .im. mm ui'ti', a cuiiuzc. u-i icicii school districts, also. Jirs Blan is iccovcnns frota - j B ex. II D. Pint suffering, iat I ,rtfct ,nd over SasdaT, ih sore , . . ... , . . . ....... . i 'Mr IUtt. Urittrn at the - K. church1. ii i nir.1 Tlr Wnlf -!Tei TrfTi excellent screoa at the Cocgrtstics - . efcfinilJI o.th. Britten'i ?rm0a w highly aWd. laUd. ; The CoagresioMl Saadr xhooU V .UC .. ....r.. - fc- I niisToaar, is the norti wt Mrt of ;tks etat". one . - .- - Bro. Ur.wa. Tie J Cowlcs Cvngt-raUsxl Seaway chfro! raised screes Zoll'TS for tht object 11 Sasda X t PeopSe with upB bJcJh mf U M ! 1 txvL. sot lire- LitV t mitbedc tfl Vatrml. of its joys wbo th Liood k kdexj vita iapantasa ad diss. Corrscttkas am dttaos withDe WtttV Sarssitk. it to do so justly, Men's Pants Toe, to 8 1 . per pair. Men's Flannel SHIRTS $1 to 3.50 i' '; Gloves and Mittens of Every description. Low Prices j niudrn. Qn-U: a ouuler from lb. ttwoilj arc atUi tUnding the rcnni.n hW at tU county ?atlhi .. The lambr bmc c to L picking ap a quite a acraLtr of oer farraert are buiidme grn-r. Mr. B d: who ha teca confioo4 to her bed om; fTen or eht wrV. is now ocTilccont. Tboc atUndisg the ufc fair at Lincoln, report having a Js-li tisa and eemg the bejt fair rrrr held ia the Ulr. Lt Satardr cTentos ihc r-k ?f tb jag c ai0t nf fVitz r.1fj lritnrrA a fittr 2fflt- ' . . u 1 . chx43 txtteea a tan ans iwn ,-r u fi-ht xmA tb'th A'.Ar. t ,,? K !rrr thT faa the w --- 3 .t. ..11 .- l.t m r.wm mid . mi I r.r m : iji m rvmm k -'v ,- . . .- . afort. I! bsld br tho tcsj, eUj A. . J O . - J mm af dV if W ru tt.. f .il. r. TE TKm SilT ZTTZZU Ii. VO .iCi" mtmm- Card f Tfcaiailf. Wc irr Ui retara r no're " -- .--- - , ., t t.j. . .jrJ, - i .. t.J -J . t - . , ae dana tie ikiseJ aai doth c Mr-jcarbskT'd r xA btodn. f """. .- . i .- . .t -i .i . t:. j AlrZ w W iJ .. '...it- ivi. .Mt . tiXHUl WW l.-J' r -! I ir.m m ; j M"b lKifa nArJc, iu eii a SVCT3. 'i ir;v- iiVL r,i,; tCVC, --- jr-.. .j iifB! o that T bloei - : ' .5Doew5 Hrrxjc. 100 -cm -k& trar 4nU wiii! ye mnti fat f Ui " ....,.. t. -,.'rvi'.v- 1 fl . - ! !. . mm ! 1tJp3 1 iTJa k Jimk IIW !:. J mm ii-i' - t Ztcm.SavTZTrzxu i. vo .iic - r ST,,, stw Wk. fro 35 mt U Kf felsae. CUI n4 lV titm aw. j Vol. If). No. 8. low. CHILD'S OVERCOATS 1 .50 to .5 Mens Shoes UOc to $0 per pair - w V" y MEN'S HATS 40c to $5 Guaranteed. .otl khuH1. Thr r i R't jtiett -n bal that otit rititn hare a rf theatrical IfMt is ftor' urwn thr vlient f thr GoM'A TrHp Tniay nd WJrpdj, i-r t. 21W ami L'34 TUm ajcmnt will proent tw f the trtf ct j4j is tetr speriiUon it Tr Ste act rmoiy -4fama (D Kmmtj MUr Pop t Tle Martyr, hI lb terj hukaW tnmAj 'Our Baehelor, TUU l tle firt tmtr .t lb? rm pmj went f tlif Miassri ntrr U tl'igh the rcatix-lft ia rtcstij twenty yca: M. Th pf In Itt an and Ncbral far a they hT untTtmally gtco thir p?rforai rery rtjloj;uc notice To th rr nht tbatTo gr. It i ftltc rIrh ing bcc in whH t it6 o4 igiliHat f4ay, by gxl ofsy a:h s. the GMa kave AH thtir j(roatuc.n m ahw thai a ztsA vr prroK4 ia a 3mb4hlt kfc "1! lUfllj fltatt4 by a taUHKeal public ad jrT l ' that a ool play by rOpttrst iftim co rc prJsc4 QfK th s4r Uge. cts ia thti a of tcsttU bflrteqa'. aoI M5kiki1 irs? pJaj. Mirtia GoWt il5 ftftit Ttcrn actr d i? v$ TUi rx t5ioc aie4 saaV (o asutair Oec of hi lnprUt rale is ex jrsnms;: a jray i l f??er t-? Terj b?t pi. c Try J ' tisi tiat sac fll yrvttt IK lie? j3f hi isranablr ttJ a an aJsaSifst ettrf Ut ti- fVUs ... t.. .Jtaj. fc V ua gtJ -. - -- - - tfc lt bi4 a4 ffe4MU S l ' 4. ofco jil r4cf t Htt H . . lia rfina? lis ltU AAx 1419 !A .. -.-- .. - ,- r t3U t&vws ml Ti at, rilVtrrs catri ihte ian a J?av t Jhrn t f t-.-w -w ipnr f- m .. W5w.- Httmtcia s"wt of Cf&. C W. !. ' ft S nm S Ris'u?ie i LlK msian. iU KtsUrr rxhiKit to W ST TtpXUT KTtTtl jsr - jr3W 21S w t cf rr3 tsz tti itS tit iiwr 4 !.. t... .. .4 t ... 1- t, . ijfz I4K am j -r i ua wt wtie Srt t r ,u Cm k !cU:e& of lV.Ji9&w Tb &rt)t il f '? - ?. !rW tS5 . mmmkZZ-: . 4t . . 3m...m If. lt OA lif . T ilS af kx!4ii4 f 1 1 ml , -f MJ m llt imM JMfl ir"':: k-s!r ".l ..? . - 3lisswta in. Sm iW SIL ' t , T T" . lh,a I fail l k eifcO IHB kflHL J M to "kIk w? m'i f 1 f 1 5 K r I PSs:-. at r,i"5' " && -4s.-JV- -.,-!ii,Tr -"- xj-.- mwjiii 'fcn.,-..cl j jfS XT'-rwvw -s. -T,f aW-Jg.1 in