.' ii . m t JT ammmmammmmmmBmmmBmMBjmmmBammm I SANTA CLAUS SOAP!? V Titer': nnk& of violets. Banks or moss, A)jdiMJiK& wvre miiiere spc AlfdJiMjKs Wjtfjpwlle Slden coin. But ErMRBANK mkaTHE BEST SOAP. w uSWiJMWULRUaUUiK CHICAGO, THE TRADERS Will- POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world Fort Abstract Co., Ked Cloud, L. H. FOUT, Si AosfiMi Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accuracy auu ON SHORT NOIICE. stract docks i uit wi i fironi,Uy. io.ooo dollar bond llled -- -------- . - .- A - orifl nnnmvpd. t. H. FORT I. W. TULLEYS,M.D. llomocoiiatlilc Pliynlclan, Red Cloud, - XcbrjwKii. omce oppoMto First National Iliuik. U. s.i:xaiiilnlnK SurReon. ("Iironlc diseases treated bv mail. Stiiunioiis Xoticc. j. M. Stewart will take notice, that on the 13th dayit AiiRUst, 1891, 0. H. Harvey, u justice of thenwiceof Inavale township. Webster count j, Nebnflci. lBMied an onler of attachment lor ili,. sum of s;s wim interest. h-u cost pi has been atUicbcd under .said onler. Said cause was continued to the 8th day or October, ls31, alio o'clock a. m. . ..,... . .- 4 3 Signed: C. W. UAUCKTT.l'huntiir, III I lie ViMtrict Court or Wchatcr County, 'Kcbrnnku. Charles C. White, receiver") of the linn or Dawes a: ross. riuiutirr, V.I. leorge N.Foot. Sarah Foot (SeorKC It. Ilnick & Co., IrviiiK W. Crary.K.Crox ton, full name unknown, lames S. Watt, ami the Ixian & Guarantee Co. or Connecticut, defendants. NOTICE FOlt SERVICE MV rLMII.U'ATIoS. Ceorsolt. Urock& Co., IniiiK y. Crary, S. Croxton. full name unknown, and .lames h Watt, will take notice that on the nlay .mly istl. Charles C. White, receuer of the tinii r Danes & Foss, filed bin jietltioii in the district court or Webster county. Nebraska, apdnst Hie said defendants, the object ar.d pnijcr of v hicb is to toreclosea certain wortpiKR kIvcii byCcoicuN. Foot and Sanib Foot upon the -sthal7of the north-west iiuaiter and the noith half of thesoutli-westiuurtcr ol section :r- low ii l. ram;e . west in said Webster county, to secure the payment or a certain promissory notes dated July 17th. 1886, for the : Mini of la, the lirst one due Jan, 187, and tlie others seml atiuuallv thereafter on the Hist days of July aiitJauuaiynl eacli year. and a!o of one cou iMn for 43.50 due January' 1st ls'. Hieie is now due on unid notes, coupon and mortKUKe the sum or $ll.r..8S with interest at tun per cent tn)Hi auk 1st, iKd. ror which plaintiil prsiy.s Tor a decree that said defendants may be required to pay the sjime or that said premises may be .sold to satisry the amount lounu uucineieon Vouare leuuired to answer said petition on or befoie tlie 7th day or September ,"'' F. 1. rllo. 4-4 Attorney for l'laiutill. Slicrlir'M Sale. Notice is hereby civcii that under and by irtueof an order ot sale Issued from the ofllce of 0. 11. Crone, clerk ot the district court of the ciKbtb Judicial district within mid for W ebster county, Nebraskii. upon a decree in an action IH'uduiK therein, wherein K. Cochrane H plain till and apiinst Noah 15. Thomas aud Jefferson 11. Tliomas defendants, I -shall oiler fur sale at iniblic endue to the hitjhest bidder for cash in lwiid at the east door ot tha court-house in lte.t Cloud, in said Webster county, Nebraska (that K-iiiK the building wherein the last term of said emu t was bolden) on the 22d day of September, 1S9I, at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day the follow in j; des cribed property to-w it: Lots five and m in block one in Kalev and Jackson's addition to thetownot lted Cloud, Webster county, Ne braska. . . , , . iven under my hand this 1Mb day of August A.I). 18S1. C. A. Teel, Sbei ill ..'. Teel, Deputy. (5. It. Chanev, l'laintlffs Attorney. 4-r.t A air .nv n.Ml. All. W. T.. Doaglaa ffhoon. If not for sale In roar place nuk your niK your nccarc lb tlrnler to aend for cataloBMC, ugencr. and net them far yea. C7-TAH.E NO SUBSTITUTE, WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS 00 cunr P&..,U TuFnircT cunr in thf wnm n for thf monfy? It Is a seamless shoe. 11 1th no tact"! or wax thrcau to hurt thereof; inado of the brst line calf. stilhOi ond casr, and (tenure tin- mnlrc wuir shnct of f.i grade tlian any oMicr manvfaet itrcr. It oquuls hand iwtsl shrcs covtlnj; from $4.10 to SS.tV. &f" OO Krnninr Iland-nrwed, the finest cair 93i shoe ei-er offensl-Tor fS-tl); iuals lrenca tinportcd shvs which cost from $&W to SliiU. J OO Iland-Sjewed Welt Shoe, ie calf. 9Vb stylish. comToruble and durable. The best shoo ever offered lit this lirlce : same frrade as cus tom-matte Mws cosiin irom tu.u 10 fmk .IB llir Kkaii Kinnprs. Italll OO Felice Kaaci Farmers. Railroad Men 90 and Letter Carrlcnall vrcxu- theni: tine calf. fwamless. smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion earc. one pair wm i car a year. A 5W 8ne calfj no better shoe ever offcnsl at 9mmm this irlcr: one trial will conTlnce those vho want a shoo Tor comfort and service. CO 3 d $4.66 WorkinsmnnU short 9aCa ore very strong and durable. lbK who have given them a trial will wear no other make. Bvc) S.0O nnd SI. 7.1 school shoes arc 3Vj70 worn by the boy everywhere: thcyscll on their merits, as the uicreaslnR sales show. a mSaA 93.00 Iland-ncwcd shoe, best laClUlwO DonKolo. very stylish; equals Frencn imported shoes cosUng rrom SUM to$Jlu. tadlea" tt.50, i-00 and Sl.?5 shoe for Misses are the best fine Dongola. stx li&h ana durable. f'aatiaa. See that W. L. Douglas' name and erica are stamped on the bottom of each shoe, pnev are .4. DOCGLAS. Brockton. Ua For salcby IIEXRY DIEDR1CII, Boot nnd Shoe Dealer. Red Cloud. C. SCHEXCK, Jaatlce of tlie Feacc, mad Notary Public. Ofllce over Tost Ofllce. Red Clead, Xerakn.. .OlICC or UlMOHltlOH. - Notice is here by given that the copart nership heretofore existing between U. A. Harris, and G. H. Hannawalt of Ctowles Neb., doing business under tne firm name of Harris & Hannawalt, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, U. H. Hanawait withdrawing. GJL-Harris will continue tho business and will col lect all debts and pay all bills of the farm. Aug. 1st. 1891. 4-3t G. A Harris. G. H. Hannawalt. an action iicutllm; Deioro mm. wiiuie m . I)a;ett is plalnliffand -t. M. Stewiii it c lefcndnut that ptopertyot tliedcicudantcoitslstliiKOf rye i.. t,.,.ir -.it. in .linclr nml rrouiliirconi 111 IX'lit i ,.i r - A Bargain. I A span of seven year old borses to eKtenge for cattle. Enquire at this a S1W. LUMBER CO. MAKK a Manager. IML -" M A A..nlww rt lltlLCSD W - V tJ - oa nv n II illl Manaoee, Red Cloud, Neb. JLcgnl Notice. District court of Webster county, Nebraska. Karrlck-UiKRH. PltH. vs. Barney Meljr, Francis o. M?ier. William HnRles. W. ;. Wheeler, Mary It. Preston, Joseph lTeston. The llarnes.Mf';Co, Defts. tiip nlinvc mined non-rcidents will take no tice that on the 29th dav of AuRtist. 1891 the above named dalntiini1ed his petition in the District Court of Webster County. -Nebraska atruinst the above named dereodants. the object and prayar or which is to forcloso a certain morlKiiKe executed tiyderendantB Harney Meier and Francis C. Meier to tlie plaintiff upon tlie .southwest quarter of sections, town 2. roiiRO 10. west of tlie six 1'. M., in Webster county, Nebaniska, to secure the payment of a certain nroniisory note and intercstcoupons thereto at-t-...i.,..i i:ii.d November 11. 1885. for the sum of one thousand dollars and due and payable on the llth day or November, 1890. That there is nun iiuuonsaldnotoaiidmortcacBtho sum ol lone tliousand and sixty and fourty-elKht one P. J... .l-ll-u ..11. Intniat tlmfAAtl flt nillHirenins uoiiurs vimi iMij-rua ,".. VT. ten tier cent per annum from November 11, iron, for which said plantlrt prays lor a decree Uiat defendants Ilanuy Meier and Faucis t.. .Meier be requested to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that tlie defendants and each ot ibem be barred or all equity ot redeptlon or other interest in said inortKaKcd premises and for all equitable relief. You are requested to answer said petition on or betorc the Stli day of Octo- ,,er IW1, KKKKICK KICGS. Cask & McNknv, His Att'is. 0-4 Notice to Nonrcaldcnt dlllllK. Dcfcii" Inthe distn. t court or Webster county Ne- bniska. Charles II. Smith, vs. - Henrr McCormcl. J Catheilno Fellisand.iohn Feltls non-resident drtendauts in snid cause you are hereby noti fied that on the Inlrd day or September, lsai, tlio plaiutiir above named tiled his petition in the distiict court of Webster county Nebraska, against j ou impleaded with others the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage executed by Henry Mc Cormel now deceased to John Moore and by the said John Moore duly signed to plaintiff. I' pon the northwest quarterot sectional, town ship 2.in range nine 9, west of theCthl. M in said Webster county. Nebraska. To secure a certain reaiestate coupon note or bond with cuoiis of interest attached of the principal sum of $1000.00. and there Is now duo upon said bond aud past due cupous and for taxes paid to protect plaint ill's lein, the sum of 51254.94, for w Inch sum plaintiff prays a decree that the same mav be paid or in default of which the premises mav be sold to satisfy the nuiouit found duo plalntUT and also that snid defendants aud each or them may be foreclosed of all eiiulty of redemption In and to said prem ises, and for such other and further relief at may be found just and equitable. You arc re quired to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 12th day or octolier. 1891. fllAltl.tS; II. SMITH, 1'laintlfl. G-U ltT KAI.KV & llAUKKlt, His Att'y. NOTICE. To Frank Itosc and Edwin It. remlergnws. Defendants. You will take notice that on the 'J9th day of it i fee. Nebraska, plaintiil tiled Its ictition In vmriist. 1S91. the American rtavuics imiiKoi ue- the district court oi vi cnsicr couuiv, xicurasKa, a'liinst John (J. Osben and said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain mortgage executed by John Q Osben to the plaintiil upon the south muirterol section 21, tow nan u me niTiii c;isi uiartcrol section 21, towiisuip i, range 12, nest ot tho Cth principal meridian, to secure me payment of a certain piomlssory note dated February. 15. 1SS8. For the sum or sgoo.oo due and payable live vearsatter datcaml that there is now due upon said notes ami mortgage the sum ot SG9G.0O and Interest at 10 ier cent. erannum Irom February 13, 1KU. l'laiutllf prajs for a decree that defendant be required to iay the -ame or that S.111I nremises be sold to satisfy ifte amount found due. v ;ire required to answer said petition on or beloio the nil day of October, 1S01. Dated August 29, 1891. TltK AMKICAN S.WIKCS BANK. ByC.K. Wiutf, It Attorney. c-4 Lcpnl Notice. In the district court ot Webster coun ty, Nebraska. The Philadelphia Mortgngo and Trust Company, 1'lniutitT. vs. Jonn M. Stewart and Elizabeth S. Stew art. Defendants. John 31. Stewart and. Elizabeth S. Stewart non-resident defendants will ! lake notice that on the 4th day of Sep tember, 1S90, tho Philadelphia. Alort pajro and Trust Company plaintiff here in tiled its petition in tho district court of "Webster county Nebraska, against tho said defendants tlie object and pray er of which is to foreclose 11 certain mor tgage executed by the defendants to the (iuarantv Investment Company ot Atch ison, Kansas, upon the south east quarter of tho south west quarter or section seventeen, the east half of the north west quarter nnd south west quarter of northeast quarter ot section twenty, town two. north of range twelve, west of the sixth P. M.. iu Webster county, Ne- linskn. to Hriire the mvuientor. a certain promisor' noto and interest, dated Au gust 1, l8S7,andduo and payable August 1st lrz, for tne sum or one inousium tire hundred dollars -which said note and mortgngo werejon the 5th day of Octo ber, 18S7, indorsed and assigned to plain tiff. There is now due from defendants to plaintiff upon said note and mortgage the film of ouo thousand five hundred dollats uiu interest at ten per cent per annum fnur January, 1, lew, ior wnicn. Emu ;.:.'iu.iif prays for a decree that de femlr.i :. required to pay the same or that saul premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You aie required to answer sr.id peti tion ou ti U-f-w the oth day of October 1691. Dated Sentember 4. 1691. I Pmi.'.DEU'llIA ilORTGAGE & TKCST COM- PANY. By CucJL- vicXeny, Its Att'y. 6-4 Miles T. Hayes Patent - Collar SSSCEBkM wm&w mm " For sale by J. O. BUTLEH Red Cloud, Buckeye Haineee shop. THE CHIEF Friday, Sept. 4, 191. Entered at the l'ot Oifla In lted Cloud, Neb., as mall matterof the coiid claw $400 Will buy a fine residence property ia Red Cloud Apply at this office. Strawberry Plants Tor Sale. You can get strawberry plants the first of September which will grow berries next season. Prices G5 cents per 100 or $5, pr 1,000. F L. H. KrsT. Xoticc. Any one wishing to rent tents for the reunion, of any description, call on K. A. Young, agent for the Omaha Tent andA-wning, Co., Sleeper .build ing, lied Cloud. 4-2. Lawn Social. The Ladies of the Christian church will serve ice cream and cake in the Court House yard Tuesday evening, Aug. 25. Everybody invited. Children Ory to. Pitcher's Catorla. Grace Episcopal Church. Services every Sunday morning at 10:30. Sunday school at D:45 A. M. during July. When Baby was sick, we gate bee Caatoria. When she was a Child, ate cried for Caatoria. When he became Ml, abe clung to Caatoria. Wins aha bad Children, aba gate (bam Caatoria. Notlce to 'readier. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers ofthe public schools of this couuty, at Red Cloud on the third Saturday of each month. Special examinations will be held on the Friday precceding the 3d Sat- nrdav ot each montn. The standing required for 2d and , 3d grade certificates is tlie same no grade below 70 per cent., average 80 per ecnt; for first grade certificates no grade below 80 per cent., average 90 per cent, in all branches required by law. D. M. Hunter, County Supt'. Mile' Nerve and I.lvcr PHI. Act on n new principle regulating the liver, stomach aud bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' pillH speedily cure bilouaness, bad taste, tornid liver, piles, constipation. Un- equnled for men, women, children. Small est, mildest, surest! fiQ doses, 25 eta To California, Oregon, Walt inKton and other Western poinlftIn Pullman Colonist SlccpcrN Via, the Union Pa cific. The constant detunnd of the traveling public to tbe West for a comfortable and at the same time nn economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment of what is known as Pullman Colonist Sleep ers. These cars are furnished complete with good comfortable hair mattresses, warm blankets, snow white linen, curtain which secure to the occupant of a berth ns much privacy as is to he had in first class sleepers, plenty of towels, combs, brushes, etc. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smoking is absolutely prohibited. Another fact not to be overlooked is thnt these Pullman Colonist 81cepers are nttachod to the daily fast express trains thus enabling passengers occupying these cars to make the same time as occupnnts of first-class Pullman Sleepers. A charge of $3.00 for a lower or upper double berth is made between Council Bluffs. Omaha or Kansas City and San Francisco or Portland For thoso furnishing their own bedding f reo berths aro given in Pullman Colonist Cars running between Council Bluffs, Kansas City and Portland. Tho Pullman ColoniBt Sleeper is es pecially commended for the use of the nomeseeker who is moving to the west with his family, and who desires com fortable sleeping accomodations enroute but cannot afford to pay the first-class Pullman Sleeping Car fare. Formatter descriptive of any stateor territories through which the Union Pacific runs, or for rates, time of trains ate, etc, apply to E. L. LOMAX, Gen'l Pass, and ticket Agent. Omaha, Neb. Children Cry for her's Castoria. itc Bucklcn'it Arntcca Salve Tho Best Salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all other Skin trupttons, and positively cures piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents rer box. For sale by L. H. De yo.3 Special Notice. I am now prepared to make farm loans at reasonable rates of interest option payments if desired, and old loans icncwcd. D. B. SrANOQLE. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorlt - Funeral Director. Cozad & Co., make a specialty of Undertaking Goods, and Funeral Sup plies. For Sale. A good Kpan of work marcs, or w nauu 1 or uiurii cowf. enquire rA Holland House. tf. Dray Line. People who desire draying done with promptness and dispatch should always hire John Barklcy's teams. John is an old hand at the business and will do your work well. Terms casonable. 1-tf DeWitt's Sarsaparilla destroyes such poisons ns scrofula, skin diseased eczema, rheumatism. Its timely use saves many ives. Pleasant I1HI Republican Pri- Maries. The republican electors of Pleasant Hill to wu ship, are requested to meet at Cowles, Saturday, Sept, 19, at 3 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of elect ing six delsgates to the republic couaty convention, and such other buisness as nay properly come be fore the meeting. D. F. Truxket. Committeeman. PRICE'S rfftaiuBaking UsedinMillkmsof H LOCAL PUFFS. Den't forget the reunion. School commences Monday. Go to Dejo for machine oil. Finest perfumeries at Cottings. Go to Dcyo for school supplies. Mrs. Baird is home from Chicago. Prof. Caster has arrived in the city. Miss Lula Potter is visiting in Bla den. Mrs. J. M. Beaveris quite sick with fever. Arc you going to paint? Buy of Cotting. A. L. Funk was in the city this week. Gospel Hymns No, C for sale Cottings. For school supplies ex all kinds go to (Jotting's. A brother of Chas. Chaffnit is visi ing in the city. Geo. Whitson was iu Hastings this week on bnsincss. Dcyo will sell you wall paper cheap er tbin ever this fall. A Morhart has gone to Peoria, 111. on a week's Vacation. Cotting is the leader in tablets and other school supplies. ltobert Martin and his sister Mabel, arc home from the east. Call on Dcjo for tablets, slates, and school supplies of all kinds. Don't forget it friends, and bring in the stuff as soon as possible. Elmer Kalcy has taken a position with C. M. Myers, the grocer. Guy Downs left Monday, for Ore eon trficrc he will meet his father. Frank Cowden run into a dog Fri day and mashed one of his bi-cjele wheels. Nice new goods just received at F. V. Taylor's, remember his prices are the lowest. Mi.a Hattic Lutz has gone to Kan sas for a brief-visit. She will return in about a week. Mrs. Nellie Norris arrived in the city on Thursday evening, and is the guest of Mrs. II. B. Simons. Seward Garber has been cl- cted as cashier of the F. & M. bank, and will assume the position in a few days. Remember that Cozad & Co., will not be undersold on furniture, car pets, wall papsr &c. at Taylor's old stand. Call on T K. Penman for Gnc jewelry watches and clocks, silver ware, specs etc. Cotting's drug store. The B & M railroad are building their line to Helena, Montana. The B & M is one of the greatest lines in country. Another carload of furniture just arrived at Cozad & Co's. Sec tlura for low prices they will surprise you on Chamber Suits. Miss Ada Howard left this week for Council Bluffs, where she has been en paired to teach school at a salary of $Ga per month. Go to T. E. Penman for fine watch clock aud iewelry repairing. Artis tic letter and monogram engraving. Cotting's drug store. The Reunion is coming and it will pay you to get prices on Furniture, Picture moldings, etc., at Cozad & Co's. who will cive best goods for the least money. Undertaking by F. V. Taylor who has had yea.s of practical cxpcrincc in the scientific care of the dead and is better prepared than ever to con duct the business in all its branches F. V. Taylor will aupiicate any prices offered by other houses on all biases of Undertaking goods, and guarantee better goods and better ser vice. Funerals attended free in city or couaty. Compositor Holcomb who holds cases on the Chicago Tribune, and la brother of our handsome friend Joe who by the way is another '-old safC" in the printing office line., is in the city on a short visit. Our base ball team went to Superior the other dav to play ball, but owing to the fact that the boys were not feel ing well, the Superior boys won tne L'ame. hut todav thev will trv it over and see if the lost laurels can not be regained.. Blcvcso. iVatcr Commissioner ard lias ocen nn the hvdrants for winter n.VOCTIIJ frrnncini. use. or in ottier wonis was cu.-i.uii, .. . 1- oparv nil upon the troubled waters, wc don t know whether it was for the purpose of calming the water or the bug? in it. anyway Jeff was in it- harley Reigle. well and favorably .Sts SJ .1 J S fW LeaitVW U aJ mssw-j y v.nwn ij Konnr iii nuLcu ?wu v the wild and woolcy plains ot tne ureal Kepublican Valley, has rcsignea ms position as pathfinder in the grocery house of C. M. Myers of this city, and is now holding down a position as "baggage smasher" for the B. A M. Sim Clementson waa hauled up be fore the police court by officer Schenck for having imbibed too free of that guileless stuff that makes a man for get his friends. His Honor, Samuel the onct, fined the said Clementson aforcracutioed $1.00 'and costs, aael as aa immergeucy existed, he was per mitted to work the amount out. upon our streets. LOCAL. DMIFT. rise tobacco and cigars at liejo. J Truasc!, Shoulder brace.- rec at Cotting?. . f county t:rawrr. cm cnunt cWk. ot county Mrs Cowdcn is home from her visit jupMicmient or t-ub:ic inuruciua. o wa- tr arrTror, oec corotwr. on tiett of tJe dlv to Seward j Met rort. alo to et trea artegxta to tbe J. L. Miller went to the Grand u- land reunion John R. and R. V. Shircy were in city this week. P. Conovcr is home from I t I tOl Springs, Dakota. The finest lines of stationery you ever saw, at Dcyo j yB. Stanscr of Garfi'ld township, building a large barn. tewart Albright of Superior, is in the metropolis this week. D. Judson, of Inavale, has leased arm and moved to Red Cloud. John Warrick has accepted a possi- tion in J. U. iiutlcrs harness snop. Mr. F. G. Blakcslce has moved his family into the Howard Cathcr property- A. N. Patmore. returned from Grand Island Thursday night quite sick. Visscher & Cowdcn arc painting the interior of the north ward school house. J. L. Miller the harness man has a full line of rubber and leather belting C him. Service of Bong next Sunday even ing at the Baptist church. xou arc cordially invited. Mrs. A. O. Berg is home from her visit in Iowa and Illinois, to tho in tense delight of Andy. Attorney Barker is home from his trip to Chicago, where he has been rusticating lor the last three weeks. Elegant new line of furniture moldings, Picture Frames, Carpets &c, at Cozad & Co's., the lowest priced house on earth. Do not fail to call and sec F. V. Taylor's stock before buying. He buys by the car this saves freight and can sell cheaper than anybody. II. B. Simons, of this city, received word the other day, that his brother Danial II. Simons, of Salisbury Pa., died on August 27th, after a lingering illness Mr. X. Springer of Bladen, was a pleasant caller this week at these steam head quarters, and left us a shekel for the Great Family eckly. Thanks. After years of experience we make the intelligent care of the dead a specialty, and arc prepared to attend all calls in the city or country. F. V. Taylor, funeral director. F. V. Taylor never has charged any thing for attending funerals. He carries the largest stock and goarcn tecs satisfaction. Remember he will duplicate any price offered by others, on undertaking goods, Ed Mctcalf thinks that J. H. Smith and Will Parks take long drives when they want a drink, but Ed believes it was his water-melons that they were after and so docs The Chief. Last Sunday batisuial exercises were conducted by Rev. E. J. Randall at the river. Two candidates were baptized: Mrs. J. W. Pcgg and a young lady by the name of Brown. The Western Lumber Company has been organized with Mr. Hallenback manager. The new company has su perseded the Farmers Lumber Com pany, and will be ready for business shortly. Lush Haskins is haying quite a streak of ill-luck. A ficw dayes ago he was visited by a hail storm that destroyed his crop, and last Saturday he had a fine colt badly injured on the barb wire. The republican party should bear in mind that itwill take dilligent work to defeat the independent party this fall and in order to do so work must be bcjnin at once. Republican clubs 7 -- - , should bp'Organized in every district. Tire Sons of Veterans are making ff necessary arrangements to have a grand thctrical performance the auspices of Prof. Dobbsof co- unacr auspices 01 rroi. iodosoi uarnci, Kan., during the reunion. The play is knows as "The Tennessee Scout." W. B. Roby, one of the delegates to the silver encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, at De troit, has just returned home. He brought with him a minaturc knap sack as a keepsake, that was presented to him, (as well as one to each of the delegates,) by the citizens of Detroit. It i" very handsome and Mr. R. prizes it very highly. The attention of the citizens of Red Cloud, is called to the fact that I the date of the reunion is near at baud when the city will be expected to entertain those attending, and for the convenience and comfort, as ell as general appearance of the citr, I would moat respeetfnlly request tbc j-eoplc to cut all grass and weeds about their repective' property. The city has been to considerable expense in cutting the weeds in the 4Vt nd alleys. Xow we ask joa to do )Our part. 31. . ?ioitt. Jiaor. Perfect action and perfect health reaall from the bm of De Witt's Little Early Bikers, a perfect Htt'e pill. Keaaalka Priatair. The Republican voters of Walcat creekTownah if, are rMnetd te aaeet in eaocua at the Stcoe school hooea. in Dtv trie -So. at 2 o'clock p. ;Sep ' 19th, for the psrpoee of choons 3 del amtt tt the cooety roovention to be JSdiVrisi OoSseitB.ber22d. d to UaaMd mich otr bowses aa may rf-,t-m leforethe) meeting. ILHoUUtETJCC .MlraaLeane tuaportant. Ihe draasd for it taa t-j .7T wlcoa aitocttbysc. Already tl txeat-! nrachoo house September lh, l&litgtZ It rVher bort Utth. for the rpo of or&zinng repab- flatleriB, j.,m arja. tbczildcr. Hcan K-foe, AU are 1"i- p. weak asd hzzrr ypel. oppm-x. it-' Keaaalleaa Leaae. rr,n il! bAinxetincof all the "VT- - 1 -. .. TTV -.vMnf l.inrjrecicci ai uns r.swoa S3 5V nth, VOI for. toe Kewaallcaa Caaaljr CawTeittoa. Tb rrssbUcan elector c W&trcoatyar' tpwDtfjiin to t in roeTmUts a: i court trtnbrrsixtiio'cbkx.m.tof th p-to of ilncnSicc - One county J-mIsp. one !iiJT, m icimuiiuu jw njnirtiuoil lu l" or m un rput dIr! com Jytnahcr use Ziia, l5J. asd cm &r- cue to u jmucui coatesuoti of Ik Iritis judicial dLUlct. TheMTara! lonhlp are entitled trtrrprrara Utinn aa follow. tb aspolnfnen fcefr ha! Upon the to cal for BoooraM tieoJt lai- to for Mtornc j- srneral In KC plrlta one ll- rst at larre to ra-h tnTihtr ccel lb art arid sccoud wards : Kru Cloulrttyl aid one tnr each ten rotc itrnl (be ma)4r fracU tacrcofi KnI Cloud (USCrrrk PotvUta nienwood Inarata Catherton Uw tlarflrM ICetl cfcxtd lt nanl . . . JuIde KocK Mninatrr lulln . . . .... llaraouv Walnut Creek Kim Creek . . A. It t 4 1 4 t 9 V . M . 3 . 3 . r S . t Hearer Creek. HCAAAIU Hill e Ked Clout! 2d ward It It t recommended that no pro x It- Ve admit led. that the d-leJe rrrnt cast the tnll tote ot the delegation. a!othatl)K-irtuiAt!thcM Saiuntav. cj't.r3. ThcItUoKliiprtotu hall tt entitled to tote at the rrimbllcui artmailc All republican electors and all other elector who, if challenged. hJl declare their lotn tiontu&etntth the republican party at the coming election, lly order ot the central com mittee. Hrkv ; i Lit am. Chatrnan. 1). F.Thoxkbt, secretary. Repabllcaa Judicial Hon rcntlen. The republican elector ot the 10th Judicial District in Nebraka are requested to cnd del egates from the aoTcral counties to mert In con tention, in the city of Holdrcs;;. Tuesday -Hh. day of tepteinber 1S1. at" o'clock p. in., for the purpose ot liUelnp In nomination a candid ate tor udt;e of Mid district, and to transact such other business a- may ld presented to the convention. Ttiesocrulcoofllc are entitled to representation as follows, beltur based on the ote cast for Hon. Ceo. II Hastings for at torney General, In Kfl. glvlUR a delegate at lance to each county, aad 1 for each lio otes and major fraction thereof: A dame county 11 fVveal Hv J O I lea - Franklin " 5 rhelp " 4 Webster " 7 It is recommndctl that no proxies be admit .1 to the convention and that tlie drlririr ted U the convention aud that present t deli'Kntlou present t authorized to cast a full ote ot the .1. K. l'ATitit k. Chairman. G. h'OKiiKKO. secreurj. Yon never tried DsWlttMJttle Early Rinercfor constipation, billiomnea, tick hendacho or you would not havo these diseases. Wiener Saya (Dor SiMO ol Will Be Given Away. Our enterprising dniRKiat C. L. Cot tintr who carried the finest etock of drtipi perfumeries, toilet articles, sponge, oic., nro giving nway n large number of trinl bottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated llestorn tive Nervine-, They jjunronteo it to cure headache, dizzinewj, nvous prostrntion, filoeplessnefi. tho ill elTectw of Bpintn, to bacco, colfee, etc. Drugginta say it in tho RroateBt seller they cut know and is universally satisfaction. They aLo guarantee Or. I4i!r' Xew Heart Cure in all enne of norvotiH or orjjnnie heart disease, palpitation, pain in Hide, Hinoth ering etc. r'itit book on "Svrwxif antl Heart Disease" free. nl Sunday Kcliool Imtllulc Order of Excrclaca. The Republican valley Baptist Association will he held in the Bap tist chinch at lted Cloud, Xcbra.sla, September, 10, 11, 11! and 11$, 1S01. THURSDAY KVKNIMI. Address ''The origin, progrc. and dcvclopcmcnt of Sunday school work." Rev. E. A. Kasscll, Ord. FRIDAY JIOKNINn. S:00 Devotional. 8:30 "How may the home and Sunday school help each other?' Rev. J. S. Eaton. 9.00 "The mutual duties of Che church and Sunday school to each other." A. R. Peck. 9:30 "The mutual obligation of the officers and Sunday fchool to each other." H. K. Bush. 10:00 How may the pa.tor and the Sunday school promote each others efficiency? Rev. J. Armstrong. 10:30 The teacher's work in d deportment out of the cla.-s. Prof. P. P. Bcntley. 11:00 The time, place ana wura of the Sunday school. K. G. Icwi. 11:30 General conference on the subjects presented. 12.00 Adjournment. FRIDAY AFTERNOON 2:00 Devotional. o.on t-, ..oeiation called to or- der by the moderator, Hcv. Geo. O. Yciscr. Enrollment of delegate?. .,OU "fc ..---- Electirn of officer. iteading 0: tne Red" Clocd "fcurch letter. Regular buiine?- 5 00 Adjournment. KVF.SINH. ' 5-o Annual scrmen. Rev. M.W. Kohar, of Holdege. SATURDAY MOBM50. S 30 Devotional. 11.00 Rgulir buaiocs. 12.00 Adjournment. AFTEROON. 2.00 Dcvotioaal. 2 30 Address by the tives of deoominational port of committees. 5.00 Adjournment. EVE.MNO 5:00 Sermon. Bustics. Adjournment. SC5DAT. rcprc?cnta work. Re- 10:30 12:00 3:00 S'OO sennos. Sao day school. Children's siectieg. SCTIDOS. Adjoaszaer.t. The Grealeal Strike. Assoc? tb great -.-ri. k.. rj rv MHea U dinxmrxf h Xe lieart Or i ha proven iuil to ba 000 dt tha aacC I axdiJe. szaoibtzisz acd hear! dropsy. Dr. 3iiieT book aa bear? asd i " re-Lnrrooj tto. free. Tb nsq'iaeI --. - a -wm - ' - - 1 fbru.Lt. Voittzz, aiao bt IUtoraaTttf Icrris for hick, fit. aero chill, epiaatt habit, etc;! at semmmmmaBwj 3d ANNUAL M Nebraska Inter-state V WILL HK HI-XIJ AT Red Cloud, Neb., September 15, 10, 17 and 181891. THE Has been named in honor of the Gallant PHIL SHERIDAN The grounds are beautifully Jaid out and with in five minutes walk of the city, and one block of street car line. Special railway rates, plenty water, over i00! tents, electric lights, nood eating house and hotel facilities. Eminent -:- Speakers Will be here and address the old soldiers. Come everybody. J. L. MILLER, Dist. Com. C.WIENER, Adjt. Read! Read! Read! OSCAlt PATMOtt, HAS prUCIIAsKI) THE pjLOUM AND J?EEpv(i)IKE itr Hnnttwr and IMrkcraon, anil U nnw prrpnretf l rll Hti)lklng In hi linr and hI the trrj Uwnl I'lgarr fr raid Nothing but the best goods kept. Call and sec me when yon want anything in my line. Cash Grocery House NOW OPEN Groceries, Fruits ' Etc Best Coods Only. Come and see mc T. C. ILACKElt The Cash Grocer. What is Llf:V1lt;fFj CafUri to Dr. ftaaaad Pitcaar prmwrlfHW fmr IaJaata aa4CblMiwa. It eataa aaitber Ofiam Mwrphlmm ar Caar VBttmUe nkaaMe. It U a fcffami malMUUata Ut PanfwU, Draya, Mmmthlmg Byrapa, aa4 Cwar OIL It to Plfamt. IU raaraato la tairty jan hj Mini af 3IatJiT. CAKrUertrjWnaaa4aJaay Cataria arrreaU TemOUma; mx Cara IMarrhoea aa4 Wlawl tcctalac traaataa, carets catJpatiea aa4 mtmlmej. aaflatHafnr thm fd, Ttgnlan taa towcli, girl JMaltay tria to taa CalMnm'a CaatOriA. 9m. o. eow, a na ttwrtWwt. 1 r-aia MrfainfiBiwtr r aaf aBna Daar jBmt tammaa msmnmmmj ffaaa iiafi ion Uwr tta-naa. aHy nifaigr aoatoKWavym." 0mr, Xtx. a REUNION '- . J and Kanaas reunion! r . . amsi Cilc CatarU raUarmi aa4 CaJrtoriiL a.avxaK.&a w mUf Ww in Mtf awrr CywaWw askn ia JU10 C bm. m. CAJVLf 1 40 Years tlie Standard ifce"'- s?eiteka2itemmiBaA)4saasfeaj(ivi! maW. ,--WaWBgg,T:c!r x . iWW!