The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1891, Image 2

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    ' -
A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
Gleaned By Telegraph and MalL
A cattle range in Washington is over
300 miles long1 and 200 miles wide.
Emigration from Italy continues on
a vast scale, many going to Brazil.
The cold snap in Indiana killed off
the grasshoppers and no more trouble
is expected.
Tiik Georgia mother ivho sold her
twin babies for a dollar probably made
a good bargain for the twins.
Acconnixo to a New York appellate
court a man's note made payable "sixty
days after death" is good against the
maker's estate.
Tiik mackerel catch off the coast of
Ireland is less than half of last year.
The business is threatened with failure
in the near future.
Tiik New York Sun makes the world's
shortage this year ia wheat and rye
C:M),000,000 bushels; that is, the world
lacks that much for enough consumption.
Ox the Fond du Lac Indian reserva
tion in Minnesota over 10,000,000 feet
of pine have been illegally cut and one
of the inspectors is said to have ordered
The emperor of Japan has decreed
that every man who provokes a duel or
accepts a challenge shall pay a heavy
fine and serve from six months to two
years in the galleys.
A committee of the Georgia legislat
ure recommends the passage of a
"bachelor's bill." This taxes a celibate
of thirty $25 a year, the amount being
raised every five years, until at sixty lie
jiays 200 for the privilege of singleness.
A riKCE of crown land in Pall Mall,
London, has just been leased for a term
of eight years at an annual rent of
"1,525, which amounts to Ss Gd per foot
of the area, and is nearly equivalent to
a selling price of half a million per
A saw Monte Carlo is soon to be es
tablished in the little republic of An
doraon the south slope of the Pyrenees.
Its location will be one of tho most
beautiful in the mountains where the
peaks are covered with snow all the
year round.
Gatm says that a splendid Methodist
bishop was ruined in Senator Gorman.
The senator in his white tall hat and
gray suit, with his bland smile and
shrewd face, looks very much like a
church dignitary on an outing. He
has a very cordial manner that attracts
hosts of friends to him.
"Di:. .Skwakd Wnnit, of the Vander
bilt family," notes the Boston Herald,
"wants to buy a piece of land adjacent
to his farm up in Vermont, but he finds
that the price has been marked up from
S-IU to S-100 an acre. At this rate it
might pay to locate Vanderbilt farms
all over New England."
Official statistics just published
show that the provincial debts of Itnly
amount to 14.1(02,000,000 lire ($2,JS0,
500,000) oral.. 0-10 lire (S!0:) for each
inhabitant and 51:5:5-10 lire on each hec
tare of land. This is, of course, in ad
dition to the national debt, which is
upward of 24,000,000,000 lire or nearly
Twelve hundred men were landed
from the licet at Bar Harbor, Me., and
marched to Keep park where they were
reviewed by Secretary Tracy and Adins.
Gherardi and Walker. Most of the cot
tagers and townspeople witnessed the
evolutions. The thick fog which had
covered Bar Harbor for three days
necessitated the postponement of the
licet drill.
Postmaster Huoii Mulhollaxd. of
Paducalu Ky., has resigned Wcausc of
Gov. Page, of Vermont, lias appoint
ed Secretary of War Proctor United
States senator to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Edmunds.
It is said by the Chicago Inter Ocean
that Senator Stanford considers himself
a republican presidential psssibility.
A convention of the Irish national
league has been called U meet at Chi
cago October 1 and 2 next It. Flint has been appoint
ed consul-general of Chili at New York
by President Balmaccda.
The fighting at Valparaiso is expect
ed to continue for several davs.
Secretary Noiiu:, in a letter to a
friend, signifies that he has no inten
tion of resigning.
The Kansas league of republican
clubs met at Topcka on the 2Gth. Hon.
.T. W. Stailey, of Nemaha county, was
chosen president
Dr. Lyman C Drafer, for three
years secretary of the Wisconsin state
historical society, died of paralyisis at
Madison, Wis., recently, aged 7G.
Pennsylvania prohibitionists met at
Ilurrisburg, adopted the usual resolu
tions and nominated W. W. I fugue for
auditor-general and George Drayton
for state treasurer.
uonfliutino reports nave oeen re
ceived from Chili. One was that the in
surgent army at Valparaiso had sur
rendered and the other was that Bal
maccda's army had taken .light
Miss Lenora Mitchell, the New
York actress found shot in a railroad
carriage in England two weeks ago,
lied in London. The police declare it
was a case of suicide.
The international meteorological con
gress has opened in Munich, Germany.
Weather Bureau Man Harrington is
among the delegates.
Hon. S. C. Pomehoy, ex-senator from
Kansas, died in M:issschusetts on the
27th at the age of 7G.
Ma.i. McKinley will speak at the
Coal palace Ottumwa, la., on repub
lican day, September 2:5. Senator
Palmer and Congressman Mills will
speak on democratic day.
Bai.maceda's army was routed by
the congressionalLsts at Valparaiso on
the 23th and the city captured. Bal
maccda was practically a fugitive, his
cause being hopeless. President-elect
Vicuna likewise went down. The two
generals of Balmnccda's forces were
killed one after the other. Gen. Canto,
the leader of the insurgents, received
many congratulations for his brilliant
CoNsliiERAitLE sedition is reported
existing in many of the cities of India,
arising from tho recent marriage re
form law, events in Manipur and other
The Munich Allgemeine Zeitung has
received a telegram saying that the sit
uation in China is exceedingly grave,
and that combined action by the powers
is imperative.
Du. Theohoei, the queen of Bou
mania's private physician, s.-rys that the
queen is suffering fr m spinal conges
tion, uud not from creeping paralysis.
She also suffers from eardiacatony.
There are no signs of fever or of or
ganic disease of the spinal cord. The
report that Dr. Charcot has been sum
moned is without foundation.
Mr. Gladstone has written a letter
.i... : t.t ....
i.uiiuuiiuiii KuiiMMing HS a iormuiaoie
The tilth international congress ol
geologists Kgan.'in Washington with
many sderitaUs.-prcscnt from Europe.
Sccrctary&Jltfo "delivered the address
of welcome. . ... " .
The BremaWer-Moorc Paper Co.,
Louisville, Ky.. has assigned. Liabili
ties, $250,000; assets, $700,000.
The Rcichs Anzciircr. of Berlin.
prints the text of the projected bill to J &rKged by a horse.
cnnfiiwu nVnnbenneHK. Ttu mentirt ' THE State Vetcrim
. w a r -- mmm mm mm mt mm wJ mw mm k mvviiu w
NEBRASKA STAtfE 1YEW8I another tempest.
Miss, a young laHof Nel
son, has sued Z.'T. Ray, a yonng man,
for slander, claiming $5,000 damages.
Earl, the son of C Paslcy, of Lin
coln, was recently killed at Sedgwick
City, Kan., by being-thrown from and
The English liberal electoral execu
tive hardly know how to treat the ex
traordinary crop of labor candidates
finding acceptance in radical constitu
encies. The length of the list al
ready adopted threatens to give pre
dominance to social questions in many
districts where the electoral managers
prefer to sec the contest waged on or
dinary party lines.
A late decree of tho German emperor
forbids the use of baptismal names of a
political cuaracter. In future the only
legal names will be those taken from
the Bible and from princes aud "loyal"
statesmen, generals and patriots. This
measure is intended to put a stop to the
practice prevailing among socialists of
giving tneir children the names of
prominent revolutionists.
Queen Victoria is said have made
use for years of a mechanical device to
enable her to rise in her carriage and
bow to her enthusiastic subjects. Verv
strong springs are arranged under the
carriago scat, and when the procession
moves she can, by simply pressing a
button at her side, be elevated into the
attitude of acknowledgment as often
as the cheers of the lookers-on require.
Gen. James Longstreet, who was
expected to attend the encampment of
the New Hampshire veterans at Weirs,
did not appear, owing, it was said, to
certain newspaper articles tending to
arouse prejudice against the confederate
general. Resolutions were adopted by
the veterans condemning the tendency
to revive unpleasant memories aud cor
dially inviting Gen. Longstreet to visit
the encampment of 1S32.
and growing national evil.
Tin: Sons of Veterans met in conven
tion at Minneapolis, Minn., on the 25th.
Disastrous Hoods have occurred in
Westmoreland, England. Many cattle
have been drowned and the crops in
numerous places have been washed
The crews of two steam whalers
have been massacred by natives ut the
mouth of the Mackenzie river, 500 miles
cast of Point Barrow.
The Norwegian collier Frey burned
to the water's eilge near Bergen re
cently. Eight of her crew were
drowned. Seven were saved.
Near Nicholasville. Kj-., a special
engine on the Richmond, Nicholasville,
Irvine & Heattyvillo railroad ran down
and killed Mrs. Mary Richardson and
two children who were walking across
the bridge over the Ken tuck- river.
English millers have advanced the
price of Hour Is Gd per bag. Cold and
storm- weather prevails throughout
the whole country. In many places
the crops in the fields are under water
or beaten down by the wind and irre
parably ruined. Farmers are in de
spair. Tho frost damage in North Dakota
was not nearly so great as had been
feared wheat was not iniurecL
A iiENiAi. of the report that the Atch
ison. Topcka A- Santa Fe railway to
build a line to San Francisco has been
made by Vice-President Rheinhardt
Mr. Rheinhardt also said that there
was no truth in the statement that the
company was buying land for such a
Lee Quan, a Chinaman, was fatally
shot as ha was being taken to a place
of safety at Ouray, Col., for assaulting
the daughter of Col. Shaw.
The employers of California have
started an association to resist the en
croachments of trades unions.
Will Lewis, colored, aged 18 years,
was taken, from the calaboose at Tulla
homa. Tenn.. by eight masked men ami
proposes to place habitual drunkards
under the restraint of special guardians.
The radicals will oppose the bill as too
Six sailors have deserted from the
United States steamer Pen&acola, now
at San Francisco, because they are
afraid to go ojChina in her.
Rkforts from Manitoba, North and
South Dakota and Minnesota arc that
frosts did great damage to wheat and
other crops.
A teriurle accident occurred on the
Western North Carolina railroad at
Statesville at 2 a. m. on the 27th, a
passenger tram going through a bridge
200 feet from the ground. At least
twenty persons were killed and many
were injured.
A tame bear, belonging in a Russian
village, having been trained by the
servants of its wealthy owner to drink
whisky, entered a tavern and staved in
a keg of whisky. The owner tried to
prevent the bear from getting at the
whisky and the bear set upon him and
killed him and three children.
The free delivery experiment atsmall
towns of the country is declared not a
success by the post otlice officials, the
gross receipts having decreased under
the system.
The Grand Trunk railway tunnel un
der the St Clair river at Sarnia, Can.,
and Port Huron, Mich., will be opened
September 10 in grand style. A grand
banquet in the tunnel is proposed.
Sixty thousand dollars damage was
done to Moses Coleman fc Son's four
story building in Boston by fire.
Cattlemen in the Cherokee strip
drove several thousand head upon the
Chillocco school reservation and de
stroyed fifty tons of hay and other
crops. Superintendent Copjwck tele
graphed to Washington demanding that
the school property be protected.
The steamships Gainbier and Easby
were in collision off Port Philip heads,
Melbourne, Australia. The Gainbier
sunk and twenty-six persons on board
were drowned.
The great rubber syndicate has gone
to pieces.
Seriofh riots are reported in Russia,
peasantry attacking Jewish middlemen
engaged in exporting rye. Soldiers
were ordered to repress the troubles,
which they did, killing two peasants
and wounding others.
A serioi's storm visited Newark, N.
J., on the 2Sth, accompanied by a
tornado. Much damage was done.
Frank Hughes, a murderer, was
taken out of jail at Georgetown, Ky.,
and hanged by a mob.
German farmers along the Volga
river in Russia are reported in great
Tin: Knights of Labor, of Boston,
have indorsed General Master Work
man Powderly.
IiiECanadian authorities are accused
of sending all the Russian refugees to
this country.
Lakok quantities of dynamite have
been exploded from the highest peak
of the Socorro mountains, N. M. As a
result, the heaviest rain of the year
fell, breaking the drought
An international prison congress in
session in Christiana, Sweden, favors
fining criminals instead of imprisoning
The marquis of Lome, in an article
in tho Berlin Deutsche Revue, declares
the German colonics the hottest ami
most worthless territories in the world.
Reports from Warsaw show that the
peasants of central Russia are 'emigrat
ing by the wholesale. Five hundred
men have already abandoned their fam
ilies in order to emigrate.
A fast freight on tho Santa Fe was
wrecked at Willow Springs, I. T., the
engine and ten cars being thrown from
the track. Engineer Dimmers, Con
ductor Meyers, and Fireman PatCullcu
wero badly injured. The wreck was
caused by boomers' horses on the track
Fire in Danville, hid., destroyed live
stores and a residence. Loss, $40,000;
insurance, $.'50,000.
St. Paul Sons of Veterans won the
competitive drill of the national en
campment Tacoma, Wash. was sec
ond. Walter Carr & Co., produce deal
ers of New York City, have assigned,
with liabilities and assets each about
A train going north near Canton, N.
IX, frightened a yoke of oxen attached
to a binder led by a woma... the man
who operated the machine being
perched on the seat The woman was
literally cut to pieces by the binder,
her legs, arms and head being cut off.
The man'escaped.
The state veterinarian discovered no
glanders on a recent examination of
horses at Glenwood, where the disease
was reported to prevail.
The state board of transportation re
cently elected W. It Taylor, of Lin
coln, chief weigh master, and L. F. Hil
ton, of Blair, chief registrar, under the
new warehouse law, and also prepared
rules for the government of the officers
Tint total assessed valuation of
property in Nebraska is 31S.J,15'J.2G0.48L
Douglas county ranks first, the valua
tion being $25,414,309.25, and Lancaster
next with an assessed valuation of 810,
814.000.44. Hooker county shows the
smallest valuation, it being S13l.S54.97.
As the North Ixmp train was leaving
Grand Island the other morning the
Nlearac Contribute it rr MM Toward
Oatbrtraaa Among Oar Southera NrlgH-bora-IIIgh
UaadeU Mra.urra of U
Managua, Nicaragua, Aug. Si
The news telegraphed from Granada
to the United States that there had
been riots there Sunday; that the chief
of police and six men had been killed
and that three important personages
were to be expelled from Nicaragua
with the warning that they would be
shot if they returned is correct Fl-
ler details are now accessible
Granada on Sunday was the scene ol
a coup de main by which President
Roberto Saeasa tried to rid himself of
his most prominent opponent and at
the same time nip in the bud a possible
growing revolution. The men arrested
include two ex-president of Nicaragua
and the editor and owner of the most
important daily journal in tho country.
Granada is practically in a state of
siege and tho troops here at the capital
are confined to the barracks. In addi
tion the opposition to President Saeasa
is growing daily and affairs are assum
ing critical conditions.
For many years vigorous rivalry has
Awful Accident on n North Caro
Una Railroad.
A rMi'sor Tn.laGoe-.Otcr IHc ItrMaa
Krry I'rrwoa In the slrcprr KIII
Tti trl Maj Namlwr rrf
Tk Victim.
Chaklottc N. C. Aug 25. Tho
Bloat disastrous railroad wreck ever
known in thU state occurred yesterday
morning about 2 o'clock at HoUa
bridge, two mile west of Statesville.
A HrtlUaav. TWwy Waa Hr . Cmmtrn
ihrr iataea la CUI-T tr a
raalU- CM4I llM.t t.-ver-nrl
VaI-TAKAIikj. Chill. Aug- 2s-Halm.v
eeda'a wwer in Chill is broken. Ill
array ha ba crushed after Sv hours t M
bard aghtintf ami J mraswirw i-j..n
all hope of rrerjraalialio.
Tho revoJalioBUU have taken po
aesioa of Valparaiso.
The futurv of Chill for the time ha
bce rttlnL and tiled eoalBIrclj.
rn tin. hill to the rut of tk cltT br
the irrim arbitrament of war. J
With lUlaiaceda practically a fagi-
Dallt f Ktnt"r rmrnr A H
Wh lrmJit!r Ttgrl In lh Mrmr
T)ma Hi rtr llllrr
Wom.KTKR. M.. Aur M Urm. .
C. PoB-rtjr. x-t'nit-l tAt" Soaxitnr
frora Kaiius dtal at lh rWjr f
r. J t. Mhl'cnat ttMtnTllln j
Urday Il w. In tho Tfith jvxr of k
Th York lWcn bHIry tHp.
In which the d"v.M tt. a fnmXrxi
njrurr, 1 familiar t all n4r.
Samuel L Firory -m
Southampton. Ma-v.. JnarT"
ad hi lirho(w! wm cnt ap
father farm. In lWhocUTf-'
hcrt coHrciv b& at Xhr on-l
brake lever caught In the crossing of
the IJ. & M. railroad and forcing itscJf i existed between the ancient citv of
11 1. !. t M .1.- '. .. - -""-
iiiruugu tut; uuor ut ine oaggage car , L-on and the more modern Uranada.
An agent of, the lieniilon system of
measurements for identifying criminals
visited the special agents of the treas
ury department in Chicago and suggest
ed that the Chinese exclusion act could
be made easy by the application of
the system to all tho Chinese in this
country. Under the system it would
be impossible for one celestial to per
sonate another. He was referred to
the department at Washington.
Whilk in Australia Sarah Dernhnrdt
is said to have visited li. fnn,,,,,.
Whispering Gallery near Klama, on the
coast of New South Wales. The gal
lery is a horseshoe shaped chasm whose
walls rise three hundred feet A brook
runs through it forming several little
cataracts, from the brink of one of
which rise the "Parson's Steps." pecu
liar natural terraces on which Jdmc.
Bernhardt stood and recited the "Mar
seillaise." The faintest accent, if dis
tinct, is carried all around the horse-
Tiik commandery of the Sons of Vet
erans has settled the long standing
question of the status of Past Con
mander-in-Chief Walter S. Payne, who
was court-martialed and expelled for
misappropriation of funds. The com
mittee of review reported that he was
absolutely innocent of any intention to
defraud the order but had under mis
taken judgment wrongfully invested
the funds. It recommended that the
decree of expulsion be rescinded and
that Payne be censured. There was a
bitter fight over the report, but it was
finally substantially adopted with the
addition that Payne be deprived of his
rank as past commander-in-chief.
hanged to a tree. Lewis was a drunken
rowdy, but had leen guilty of no grave
crime so far as known.
Tiik low summer tourist rates adopt
ed by tho Soo are to be met bv all the
western roads that come in competition
.with it Authority has been so given
by Chairman Fiuley.
Fori: women have been arrested in
Hungary for poisoning their husbands
and selling poison to other women for
similar purposes.
Latkh searching at the Park place
horror in New York indicated that
ninety persons lost their lives.
A woman named Iombard has been
arrested in Paris for an attempt to mur
der her husband by pouring ii.oltcn
lead into his ear while lie was asleep.
Nkws has been received of a hurri
cane in Senegal, in which nn Itnlinn
steamer and two cutters were wrecked
and eighteen persons tlnwned.
One of the Georgia train robbers has
been arrested. He returned nearlv
D.n weather threatens to cause
much distress in Irclani during the
approaching winter.
Dkcatse of their refusal to do away
with a sewage nuisance the Altoona,
Pa., school board has had the entire
city council and mayor arrested.
The cave-in of the bank of the Mis
sissippi river below Plaqucmine, La.,
has reached alarming proportions,' It
is now over 1,000 feet-Jong and S50 feet
The coal miners strike of the region
about Springfield, I1L, has ended in the
defeat of the men.
The Worden furniture factory. Grand
Rapids, Mich., has been dostrnvnd hr I
fire. Loss, $70,000.
By the explosion of a beer vat in a
Cincinnati brewery Inspector Louis
IHrkenbusch was struck bv a heavy
piece of timber and killed.
Excessive rains and flo-ds are ic
ported in lower Austria and upper
Italy. Great damage is being done.
A special cable from Bermuda says
that a terrific storm occurred there,
leveling walls, uprooting trees and de
stroying telegraph wires. It was the
greatest storm since 18S0.
A Vienna dispatch announces the
death of Marie Taglioni, once famous
as a danscuse.
Thirteen missionaries and twenty
three nuns will sail from Home for New
York shortly to join Bishop Piaccnza's
American institute for Italian emigrants.
Clkakino house returns for the week
ended August 29 showed an average de
crease of S.I compared with the corre
sponding week of last year. In New
York the decrease was 12.7.
JUDOE L. W. SCHOFIELI) died recentlv
at Warren, Pa. He was register of the
treasury under President. Hayes and
served a term in congress.
A had fire destroyed $190.0)0 worth
of property at Winnemucca, Nev.
A IMSI'ATClt from Vienna .-itr tLr.
the empress of Austria shows symp
toms of insanity.
The London exchange was active
during the week ended August 29.
American securities were in demand.
The continental bourses were quiet
FlitK destroyed twelve business
houses on the public square of Qnanah,
Tex., causinir a loss nf su non n-ith I
SV'i.OOO insurance.
His Highness won the KuturUr
stakes on Coney Island Time, l:U:l-.i.
Cotton is reported badly damaged by
worms and wet weather. "
The cong.essionalists took possession
of Santiago, the capital of Chili. I5al
maceda was doing his best to escape.
The feeling of the victors was very bit
ter against the American government
in upholding, as was Mimi.ri, i,A
claims of the deposed president
The Martinique hurricane caused a
loss of 10.000.000 and :7S lives.
The Alpine traveler. Maurice Petit
gate, has been killed by falling into a
crevasse near Courmayeur, Italy.
Skckltakv ok Wak'Prottih h .-
-turned to Washington.
Unitki States Marshal Walker,
of Alabama, and forty picked men have
left Mobile to break up the Sims gang
of outlaws.
Iiie fifth bridge across the river at
Cincinnati has been opened to the pub
lic. Its central span is 520 feet long
and the side ones 232 feet each. It is a
Aeronaut Hooax fell from his bal
loon nearly a mile recently at Detroit
Mich. He was a brother of the Hoaa
who went up in the Campbell airshia
and was sever heard of after. J-
struck a passenger, W. E. Gowan, of
North Loup, on the side of the leg.
The leg was broken and an ugly flesh
wound indicted.
An aged gentleman named Woodlock
was run over by the cars two miles
east of Odell tho other evening and
frightfully mangled. Death was in
stantaneous. He was ninety years old.
The track passes through the old gen
tleman's farm and ho had been out dig
ging potatoes and could not cee the
cars because of the weeds.
A farmer named Henry Jacket
heimer recently drove to Ashland with
his eight-year-old son. Before leaving
ho purchased a pint of strong carlnilic
acid and handed it to the loy to carry.
They had gotten about two miles on
their way home when the llask burst
spilling the entire contents into the
boy's lap. He was so badly burned
that he died in a short time.
The bonds of Douglas county.amount
ing to $148,000, have been presented to
the state auditor for registration so
that refunding bonds could be issued
aud money saved to tho county by u
lower rate of interest but the auditor
refused to register them, as the law
only permits londs drawing over seven
per cent interest to be refunded, and
Douglas county bonds draw just seven
per cent
Frank Vesev, a young and prosper
ous farmer, died recently near Fuller-
ton under such suspicious circum
stances that the coroner sent the stom
ach to Omaha for analysis. This
showed the presenco of arsenic His
wife and cousin, a young woman, were
arrested upon the charge of poisoning
him, as he and his wife did not get
along well together and the young
woman had been known to purchase
arsenic. He had married a young
Swede girl only six months before.
A late Omaha dispatch says: "It be
gins to look as if there was additional
ground for the belief that Clarke Wood
man, who was found dead in the Grand
Pacific hotel in Chicago, committed sui
cide, in spite of the verdict of the cor
oner's jury. Developments indicate
that Woodman's financial affairs were
not in the best of shape at the time of
his death." Woodman's will has been
filed for probate. It was made the day
before he started on his fatal trip and
bequeaths all his projnjrty to his wife.
J. li Wmri'LK, a well known resi
dent of Ashland and a prominent mem
ber of tho Grand Army of tho Republic,
a few weeks ago wrote to the adjutant
of his native state (Vermont) for his
army record, as there recorded in the
state capitoL A copy was sent to him,
which recited among other things that
"he was wounded and captured .lune 24.
1804, and died in a rebel hospital at
Petersburg, Va., July 12, INW." As
Mr. Whipple has been drawing a jhhi
sion for twenty years and has been in
active life nt Ashland for ten years he
conslderes himself a very lively corpse.
Some timu since two young "follows"
were arrested at Lincoln on suspicion
of being connected with a bank rob
bery. They gave the names of Jack
Davis .and Zack James. A week of in
vestigation revealed nothing against
the two, but just as the police were
about to release them one of the ser
geants discovered that the younger one
of the prisoners was a girl. On being
put in the sweat box the prepossessing
prisoner admitted that shu was a girl;
that her name was Cora Gordon aud
she was seventeen years old; that she
was eloping with Davis, whose real
name was Fredericks, and she had
taken this guise to avoid detection.
Her home is in Council Bluffs.
A feud that had existed for some
time between J. P. Fair and C. A.
Shultz, two Hall county farmers, cul
minated the other morning in the mur
der of Farr by Shultz. The murder
was caused by the breaking into a field
of Shultzs of sovcral horses belonging
to Farr. Shultz demanded $." damages;
Farr offered $2, which was refused,
whereupon Farr and his men tore down
the inclosure and recovered tho an'mals
while Shultz started for Grand Island.
bent on having Farr arrested for tres
pass. Failing to procure the necessary
papers for Fair's arrest he returned
home late in the evening considerably
the worse for liquor. At daylight the
next morning he awoke vowing ven
gence, and loading his gun he went to
Fair's residence and deliberately shot
him tlown m the presence of his family.
Ho then surrendered.
Eugene Hanks, a farmer, was re
cently killed by lightning near Hush-
W. L. Kelsey, a young farmer living
about twelve miles below Dakota City,
recently went to Homer and drank too
freely. On his return home he found
that the heavy rain hail washed out a
bridge over a creek he had to cross. Ho
attempted to swim his horse over and
was drowned.
A late fire at Lexington destroyed
property valued at $40,000. The insur
ance was very smalL
The independents in convention at
Minden, nominated Frederick B. BcaL
of Alma, for district judge.
Oaklanu's water bonds have been
sold to a banking firm at par.
While recently pitching grain John
Kogofsky. aged twenty, dropped dead
near Cordova. i
Work has been commenced on the
new Catholic church at West Point It
will cost $14,000.
An eighteen-year-old daughter of
Fritz Bohn, of Monterey, had her collar
bone broken in a runaway the other
and the InglesLstas, or Roman Catholic
church party, whose strongholds are
Ieon and Managua. Granada for many
terms past has furnished the country
with the president, but at the last elec
tion, by uudue means, the progressists
claim, Saeasa, a Leon man, was
chosen president He had Wen a
senator up to the somewhat mys
terious death of President Carazo, two
yearn ago last OetoWr. This
was not approved by the pro
gressist partv, and President Saeasa !
became more aud more unpopular
Wcamc known that he. backed up bv
tire, without neoarcca la men or
., ... .. .. .. .. i ... .. t i . -
on mc western .ort.a tarouna ran- , moaej: w.U. me priacipa -aiw v i ear .Arinir 4lltro b i-rnl V
- m the country la mc nas oi vc c-1 f Monrw, cu-ntr N Yri. r-K
i'.i,unrir im n " is-tak . wrm i a- ... .i.n.a-ft. atiii nincnHrH& ihu . . . - .
- - -"-- -- liirwHiuMnw r, -, i mRilnurl lor lutir ;mix ji j,r.-i r
fast mail, which, made up at SalUbarr. Ung off of all Income trom cuUm rtr- wnrj u, fcu notjTrt uwtl l( s.,.
pulled out on time (1 a, m.) loaded with J crlpt. with Preside a l-e I eel Vicuna a j
passengers. It was compMcd of a bag- , n-fugrf on board a 0nan warhlp . fB tMO. durlnK-th- Umr of kt r
gage and mail car, second and first claja mnd the country flocking n maA.-a to ! jencv jD --ow YrU. UnlAlt'
coaches, inillman idecpor and S.ipertn- the -.tandard of tho invader. It l only j;t(,WBrl ' ou ,hrt .j.-t f a,
trndent Bridge' prlrato car. "DaUy " ; a matter of a few day when the caplt-d ., Wprw,l Mth Wfc, :
This sleeper, which a from Gold- . mil fall Into the hand of th revolt j utmo, xmtl a ,nwt
boro. usually contain-, a good number tionary leader.. I mmTrrr rlnclpb- and Wir UV-.
T . w. r. rv.i ... . k . ... ... tw ..... .v .,. . ' .' .... ..... . m ..v .. rrw
j-..-v t. . w iiui uivi li fviuia, ' lictL VlRi.v aut. wis tj " '
and lart night was no exception. j yesterday's battle by superior general
lhc run to btatc.viiJc was made oa ship, good hard tighung,
tune, a distance of twenty-fire miles, ' giHl fortune In the killing
out just after leaving MitesviMe there i ceda's general and the ctmsoqueat
U a high stone bridge spauuiug Third I dc:u"rah.satlon of the army and the
desertion of cntinc regiment.
llarly yesterday morning the Uoin
of cannon announced to the jeople of
Valparaiso that a tnotcnient Wrond
the ordinary skirmishes bad Wgun.
The ccaloin! loud reintrU of ltJvy
guns MHin swelled Into one continuous
roar and then it wn. known that the
final, decisive truggle. which, at tho
cost of thousands of lives perhaps was
to decide whether I.altnaced.i r the
to promote them. He letMrel l otmmo
exnor general- prrlcheU rnm hwaiw, w j, At
' I T nnally for eight year be wa. w tK.
g of Halma- anll.,jarrrr ticket for te Mia-
creek and down Into this creek plunged
the entire train, a distince of at least
sixty-five feet wrecking the whole
tram and carrying death and dcMruc
tion with it
Twenty passengers were kilted out
right nine seriously injured and aWut
twenty badly bruised and shaken up.
The night was dismal and to add to
the horror of the situation the water ia
the creek was tin und it was onlt
, .
jt ; through the mast heroic efforts of tho ! junta was to W the ruling power
! who nail hurried to the sceuc of th ('Mil K.-..I I..,.,...
the Iamjii, or church party, had deter
mined to leave no stone unturned to
bring about hit election to the presi
dency after he had filled out Carazo'
unexpired term. In spite of the opposi
tion party and the increasing unpopu
larity of his administration, he suc
ceeded in his ambitious plans and in
November last was elected president
The spies employed by the lubniuis
tration seem to have pointed out ex
President Gen. Chamorro, ex-Presi
dent Gen. Joaquin Zavala, Don Ansel
mo Kiv.-is, editor and proprietor of the
Diaro of Granada, the or
gan of the progressist party and the
leading newspaper of Nicaragua; Don
Kuriquc Gti.inau, a son of Gen. Guz
man, and Don J. I). Kodriguez. former
ly attached to the Nicaruguau legation
at Washington, as the most dangerous
leaders of the progressist party in
Granada. Consequently ufter taking
every precaution to meet a revolution
ary outbreak. President Saeasa de-
icrmuicu simuciiiy to arrest these men
ami exile them under pain of being in
stantly shot should they return.
This plan was executed Sunday. Tin
men above mentioned were most unex
pectedly arrested on the charge of con
spiring against the government ami
were taken to the quartel.
The arrests caused great excitement
in Granada and a vigorous attempt to
rescue them was made. The quartel
was attacked and the soldiers fired
upon. 'I he latter returned the fire ami
a number on each side were killed and
wounded. The exact number of casu
alties is not known, but it is known
that the chief otlicer of the police ami
at least six soldiers were killed and
that some fifty citizens were shot
Gen. Chamorro and the other prison
ers were subsequently brought to .Man
agua under a strong guard and Granada
was placed in a state of siege -tending
the subsiding of popular feeling. The
prisoners yesterday were sentenced to
be escorted across the frontier and or
dered never to return under penalty of
death. I hey will le secretly taken to
the frontier, but to what point whether
on the Honduras or Costa Kica Mne, is
not generally known. Possibly they
will W allowed to embark on some ves
sel at Corinto.
the injured were nt
The Committee on i:tnliilliliiir Mortvs
TliroiiKliiuit thr t:te Will ICr.rt Favor
ahlr. Toi'EKA. Kan., Aug. 2.1. -The com
mittee appointed by thu alliance com
mercial convention to investigate the
scheme for establishing co-operative
stores throughout the state under one
general management has decided to re
port favorably to the convention which
will meet in Saliua OetoWr 20, the day
before the alliance stite convention.
It now develops that this plan origin
ated at the National Fanners' Alliance
convention at Ocala last Decern Wr
with a Washington man named Wilson.
A short time afterward the National
Union Co., with a capitil of $20,000,000.
was organized in New York for the
purpose of putting the gigantic co-operative
scheme into execution. It is
said that S:.,000,000 were suWriWd to
the stock and paid in at that time.
The company decided to operate only
in states where the Farmers' Alliance
had a thorough organization, and after
looking them over carefully decided
that Kansas promised the Wst results
as there were more people here wh
Wlievcd in the principle of co-operation
than in any other state. Only such
stites will l3 operated in as can gel
the indorsement of the State Farmers'
Alliance, and Kansas will W tho first
to do this.
The scheme of the alliance exchange
company in this state, it is thought by
its promoters, is a pretty certain in
dication that a retail establishment con
ducted upon a similar plan will also W
succcssf uL
Trooj Nut Anthorlte!.
Washington. Aug. 2V The attention
f Secretary Noble was directed to an
Associated press interview at Guthrie
with Maj. Weigcl. agent of the interior
department in which it was represent
ed that settlers in great numWrs were
swarming in to the Sac and Fox. Kick
apoo and Iowa Indian reservations and
that he had called for two troops of
cavalry to drive them out The secre
tary said that he had not authorized
any such call for troops nor would
anything W done until the president
should return from his visit to Vermont
and issue his proclamation opening up
the lands to settlement
wreck that
drow tied.
The accident was caused by tlw
spreading of Mie mils. The bridge wni
not injured and trains are running ob
schedule time.
Twenty dead bshes are now lying ii
a warehouse at Statesville. and the In
jured are having the Wst of care tt
private residences and hotels.
Tin following is a list of killed:
William West engineer, Sulisburr,
N (.
Warren Fry, fireman, lli.-kory. N. C
H. K. I.inster, baggagemuster, Statov
ville. N. ll
William Houston, Greensboro, N. C
P. K.uneti, Asheville. N. ('
Samuel Gorman. Asheville. N ('.
W. M Wiiis.ow. Asheville. N
Charles l.etiuclt, IIentlersou lUe.N.C.
W. .1 1 isher. CanipWH. .. C.
J. It Austin. Hickory. N C
T. I.riMli., drummer. New York.
J M. Sykes. Clarkesville, Tenn.
Mrs. Poole. Williiimsion. N C
JtiU Thefer, traveling salesman.
Doc Wells, colored. Pullman Krter.
John Davis. Statesville. N
Mr. MiCoruiick, .tc.audrlu. Va.
The injured were as follows:
Dr. George W Sauderliu, state aud
itor paiufiillv
Col. M I! Cameron, of the governor'.
Patrick li Kansom, Northampton
ounty, N. 1
Otto Uansom, Norfolk. Va
Worth Klliott. Hickory. N. C.
George Howies. Atlanta.
Col. O. W. Lawson. louisville. Ivv.
Miss Llewellyn Poole, Williatustou,
N C.
Mrs. It ( Moore. Helena, Ark.
Miss Ophelia Moore, Helena. Ark.
A. S. Linke and wife, Lexington. Ky.
It. N Kstes Jr., Memphis. Tenn
John Gage, Asheville.
It Ii Johnston, NewWrry, S. (I
Conductors Spaitgh and II. C. I-eper.
. Flagman Shoaf.
Among the killed wa Ilev. J. M.
Sykes, a graduate of the South we.ster.1
Presbyterian university. Clarkesville.
Tenn. He had just Wen assigned tc
missionary work in China and ;w to
have left for that country SeptemWr
21 next He was married.
The Moores are prominent in literary
and social circles in Helena, Ark., and
are well known throughout tho ftoutli.
They were returning from u summer
ing in the lllue mountains
Mr- Poole was drowned ln-fore aid
could reach her.
Three lxdies have not Wen identi-
lied, line of theMj is an old lady. An
other is a lady with a ticket in bet
pocket which reads: "Mrs. George Me
Cormick and mother, Klmwood. N. C.
to Alexander. N C." Tho third Is als-t
a lady. I'-kui her finger is a ring en
graved "T II. W. to M II. If Thu
last mentioned is believed to W tim
wife of T. II. White, of Memphis whe
hail Wen s-HMiding tho summer at
HillslHirou-rh, N. C. and wu. on her
way to Memphis.
It is thought that all lxlies have not
Wen taken out of the debris which in
piletl so high that it is impossible to
make a thorough examination. Crowdi
have tlocked to the scene all day.
Not a soul came out of the rdecpe.;
It is thought the number of dead ma
reach forty.
(ii'ti Canto's jwvsltion wo ott the hltls
nbove the race truck at Vina del ,Mar, ;
yuUide of the city. U raiders had i
Wen getting Wider ami Whirr as Ihe
lime pased and had Wen making e. ,
.-ursions further into the country lie
hud nl-solutc control of the railroad to '
Smitlniii mill etnii'tinn,!,! tL, unlinnrv
roadv Hence Santlacwa practically
in a state of slegtv
Affairs had come to auch n pass that '
It was necexsary for President Htttma
ccda to make some uiovt, and a little
after daylight yesterday morning the
word was given to attack the -Mtsltloii
held by thu revolutionists and led by
liens. HarWsa and Alerraea, the gov
eminent tnHijv left their breastworks!
and advanced mi the enemy under j
cover of a heavy lire from their bat- '
As soon us the approaching column ,
got w ithiu range of the rilles of the In- j
surgent.s a destrnetUe lire wt oetied '
by the intrenched revolutionist. The j
government tnxips advanced with much J
steadiness to the nltni-k They were. '
soon near enough to do effective work
with their pieeet and the engagement
Wcaitie general. Shot ami shell, grnpe
and canister, imd rifle bullets tore
through the ranks of the advancing
troops until It Weuuic tHi hot and de
spite the efforts of the offeers they '
Woke ami retired almost In n panic.
Then came another attack In steady
ranks the government troops started on
a double quick up Into the torrent of
lire and lead which hlaod from the
ranks ..f the Insurgent army.
l-.urly in the second ehtirgn (Jen liar- ;
Wso was nhf-l down nud killed, Tlio
live wavered but kept on. Then Gen ,
Alerreca fell from Ills bona wounded
unto death j
Another break and then Gen. Canto j
gave the order to charge With a wild
yell the eougressionatist army left j
their dcfciiso and charged on the re- '
tiring enemy. i
The lighting lasted n little lcs than '
five hours nnd its desperate character '
ett.s legislature. iu was umm
J until lvA when hr was rfcrctml
' Wth w hlgs and democrats.
At the time of the vtx.AJr t tilw
Kansas ami ebra.ka 1411 tot si Mr
lmeroT wjv lit Washing!. Vth
the passage of this art iMmmUra t.
Kansaa l-ecame a soft of wal4 wot'
Kll Thayer under s ?Wartr ofctnta-.
i from the Masaohnelt. Iejtlijr..
organli'od the New lln gland eat$Tn'
aid clety, and In this tBUrprti --.
ably reeondtd by Mr lmrj tn
.ugut. m. IV.l. the Ort UamA .f
endgrnnts under the laiWrikla ,t
Mr IVmen.y. nun-Wring inn haw.
dred. started west front 1UUm.
Amid the dUturWnen .! t lulu iw p of
the year tvt Mr lotrirv .a UW
thickest of the fray Ih IsA? bat
leal career with the l,natea
constitution A Witt tkl limn a
elected mayor of A t &. II a
conspicuous In the rK.ttUM tt la
territorial government and jxnrlWtjr.!-.:
in the free state convent.. tWai mm
at Lawrvnee tit !.. iHtrtag taW
famine In Kansas in 11 h pr.
dent of the relief e.Mnm4ttet Mr rNtaa
rroy w as a delegate U tk tMtttaaaval
republican conventions of ! aal
isrin. lie was eloictel a n rspkMM,
to the I-tilled Matnn neHnttt tn 1! at I
re-elected In lstT Hi ia a fnttdmMntm
for a third term In IM V, lrH Una
ebarg"" of brlU'ry cni trjHi-4 Wt
Cd Yrk l"tr many yr Uans
after he made Washington kin fdnht nt
rV. ran.
may W judged by the fact that fully
i.irvM men were uiuii in.i t,..i,,,ii.i .
... . " ......... ,. n r,
Shortly after ilnhi Uie victorious
uriiiy iN-gan u enter me capiuriHl city
from the hills to the southeast
During the afternoon sorb of the gov
eruuieut tnnips as were In tho city, or
who came in. gave tip their arms and
most of thnm were paroled. Guards
were stationed tit the streets to se that
the crowd, of disbanded soldier and
the dangerous classes did not make
Ill S.jr. 4f -( Srlllv.l
m, ftm.
Pint... nr.i nil i. Aug ;s -iIm
of the Pair kit ic Hotfs of A !
tenlar unirnlng wa Mrst
piestUtti of admitting Hlorel MrtwlHH
eotisuuied th enlin tintit. Mlwpwa) It
ttltmon. olir'd. nik for aa
In Udiatt of U rnitv A
tlfths . vote of- the eliUr
tlott is lieeessary t ittnUm mmj
nlteratt tns In the evtMMtitH 'l
question eame tip on a tuition )
the word "white from th. mnttiMtm
tlon, but It failed ! carry
At the evening oWm Ui NUWivlta?
tflieers were eletel
National presldoot wirjfo V mkm.
of r.dorndo
Natbtnat vler-preibtt -J II WtH
lams of Colorado
Se-retary - ri IL Sl.-iiwi, ( PrtiiMwyt
van I a. and II W llondley, f nUWs
Treaanrer- J II. Ilofor. f lna;l
M S llvnus f Kansas was lrte4
one of three masters f fttrui ard haaM
, of Mlsaolirt, wm eltrVtt
An A I If n Tonaplra-. Aug. 2s -The treasury
department is oil vised that a syndicate
of German bromine manufacturers have
determined to make largo consign men Vi
of bromine and bromide of jotaxltitn
to thLs country, to lc void irrcpectivc
of cost at any price for the purps of
breaking up the American manufactur
ers and that the goods will l- under
valued. The collector at New York Is
instrucU.-d to sec that the latter part of
of the design Is not carried out
. IiBt.trn stnfm.
Vikxxa, Aug. 2sA terrible thnmbrr-
r.torm swept over the Trieste district
yesterday. Lightning stmek a church
at Tualis on the Italian frorticr while
the building was crowded with women.
Ilnn'a Wrvhlj Krp.irt sM,wa th Vtmp iu
lluln-a I'r.Mprrla (IimmI.
N:w Yoiik. Aug ?j It l) Dun .1
(.o.'s weekly review of trade nays:
Monev Is moving rapidly Ut the In
terior but the treasury has Wen
strengthening Itself, adding 9t,0QMl
to It gold for the eek and also taking
in S'.xhi.ouo more treasury note than It
has put out Dt requiring ,,f
gold at New York against shipment
of curreney t the country banks tW
treftsury has somewhat lnrrra?d lu
gold res.-rve. but the main fact is that
it receipt for the past week have ex
ceeded it payments of all kind by
t..i 2 f w, rn-f ra , ,,-w,u. i ue omciai announce
ment that all the I per cent, bond
not offered for extension SeptemWr 1
will W paid on demand prom U- a large,
addition to the available carmncj lur
the first of next month.
Crop prospect-, arc In all rrspeets ex
ceedingly bright and the report of In
jury by front do not appear t affret
any considerable portion of ttw rrup
There is every reason to rsppov? that
the yield of wheat w.rald W larger
than the H 1,000. 000 busWU r,tiul
I by the agr cultural department tlxugh
a yield no greater would leave 3oq,000.
0oJ hushels for expert Ilg prtflucU
are somewhat stronger la sympathy
witl corn.
At a Matwktui
Ai.r.iAxniu. Ia. Asg. . The eirn.
structioo of the Kan thy. Watkiss
A: Golf railway from Spring crrrk U
this plac,. J, xi a standstill, a tW team
awl commissaries 0f lhj. pro r-War
construction comnanr are till uuU.
Ki-Can(rrMmin Kelljt Flop.
Wasiiixotox. Aug. 21 OontrreA-sman
llroileriik. of Kansas said yesterday
that he had not learned of ex-Xongre-man
Harrison Kelley's flop over to the
alliance people until within the last few
days but that he was not surprised at
his action, as it wa a severe disap
pointment to him to &ec the election
bill defeated in the last congress. If
t'nnie f.tlt,,,.. .t ....... .i it i
hriin, z; rv " .,c""" ; re '-t ,.Am, u, 1.1
or elv, running wildly for HZ iT, Z
The f'tiHrla llrlittf I.. Itrtoiiv tl o.t
l'rhll-lllra tit K.,li innl t I
In lht llrirrillte MW...
Namhvii I r, TeiiH . Awg 3 J
McAllister has granted a Rat In Um -
oi j r iMxxiMin vk i ie rit rt
fnpeetors and onlerel a writ l
restraining the order of ike rfcwH to
pCtors for the rrtnovai of U mm
vlct from the Mtookade at llrttnUle.
but refusing to Interfere with tirs
prohibiting the work ing of Xm .
In the mlnea' "Die r).rk mui Hva4er
will ue the writ of ln)tMtW r
straining the dttfenilant from f-eat
Ing Urn order of the laU tWm t
pectora U remote eertaln eair"
irmn the branch prison at ItriewvUU.
but in no wise to Interfere with Utoar
der of ald Ins'M-rtor pr.litUaf tfc
employment of ld enrkt4 In Um
mine at Hrlct-vllle. It apjmarlng Um taw
court that ueh rninrv ar it i i
condition require. I bylaw ) .br
an t wilt enter into Wnd hi Ui f
fl.000 conditional a rtvpilre.1 Uj kr "
WIIIriTO"V. Ang t mfmr)
Noble yet--nly -nt the f4brrta V4
r'jrm U the ftttrrir . imhnmmx
T !T .r gv W t-U.i-mtttrm ft
TiHtt Mplcl rel Tr mm 4mt
fltr-1 f-t trpm fg tK- In4t. ! TlK
(irxxlvnt !. .. Ia n MMajaV Ha '
!. to lf-rRlfi
Ht rji.t-l fim-l.! f ta ftfimmt
la tn4l latl HfM w.f, I Te
th Mpt mUt arHlr-ttrfM. tlMtl l7 t
gn qp,n (H Uv.J nmitt J
s-Mt) tS Ifxtitna rm mmyllia)
pr-Jtmsllt-ti Imi)i4.
Tafar mt,1rts pnptm ! U
Mltrn utr thftr zm-, H
brlair lb ! in nMt,.kf tifi.inii
halt mH tftMn tr s-i
A Urn
a I m . .
... . ......j.. Jfc waM exprrvel
J ome ily agj that tlwr const ractln
celcbraUn? mass finallr e.e!i . 7. woc,Q tJ In-
rearing order, when 'it wa found rl , "T"7 ""' frnm 5t"
that three women who were sapped f ? ? J f "' "" U
to have faints! from fright had SCal i'" " T0 lh' fira- "
Sr5sBt,,e? hyr- -ifctU. t
struct the chnrch. , trM. contract wa takm u low.
chnrch doors. The prict who
Plumb he did not
any great room for
alarm on the part of the last-named
Sf T-tl tt . T
Fire at PalL-iHe -.,i,.i-.. . , w. awey aaoancfflpi
...... . . "-J" . c 1 to succeed senator
rwuiiues urug siore ana the Grand , thlnk thcre w
.iruiy ouuuing, causing a loss ol 52,000,
with no insurance.
Ox the nurht of the 22d there -. -.
slight frost in the Platte vallcv near fcnglisn millers nave adranced the
Fremont At davlhrht the thermometer P"011 or nonr ls w per bag. Cold aad
registered only M degrees above zero. urm3r weather prevails throughont
A violkxt rainstorm visited Stanton , 'J wbo! unrJ. In many places
the other evening, accompanied with " Jop ,EL lhe fieIds are auder w
heavy thunder and lightning. A bolt or ,f ta ?ovn J " vciad Md ir
stmck a barn in the eastern part of the ! PrwJ q-ncd. Farmers are in despair.
city and turned it to the ground.
A denial of tec report that the Atchi-
Tux other night lightning struck and j op,.Topeka &. Saau ?e rail
bet fire to a stack of oats on the farm
of Henry Oldercg, near Gretna. De
spite the rain the fire soon spread to
three adjacent stacks and all were con
numed, etailinT a loss of aboat 450
war 1 to
otiiia a ne to aan rTaneisco hxs been
made by Vice-President Eheiahardt
Mr. Rheinhardt also said that there wa
so truth In the statement that the eoa
paay wa bayiag Usd fcr ak a bus
serious Hr. UtlnK mm .1 m , t
Lcxi;oto:. NeU. AogJ ST. A fire; HoiKi-.riLLr Ky . Ag Tt Ne
browc out at 10 a. ra The flames ' h heea reortretl from IxWyrHIe. tW
spread to adjoining buildings which ' county r-rat of Lyoa crusty, to tW f
were consumed, leaving nothing but fct that thcre is gr-st exriltarst lir
the First national bank luildiog and th-effort Wiax mi- by I'oltrd
the Con Fleming block. The buildings . States Marshal liareJaett itxi' tUrfrvW
burned were frame Those left stand- i to colled tW batf-reat 00 lk Uinl
1BP WC1T wrc. i he Iosa Ivaboot $40.- f raroal iodeltce of lh- county ;
0Ct and the isiarancr ErialL tt. Efforts an? Win? j&a? to effert. a ro b
rrrrnw, U . . ... ...... 'l ml t t .1 t.- .
..k.. v, .,; urc n unitBOwn. lij the prom.-- It racnnjvxtr-crtamiy , --. rwz o-rnvasr
choir first W-Bv enrini rt l
alanadsf aV- A J?Jrs t t-oV vM
rMsr a fuer n. fci f-rr fr lhm
pr!rtrriio tf thnr reirtv
t'hls4. KmlmMm
, rl Crmx-
Sxn Vk a timri, Aug T ATla-
inm shanghai tatr tKt a r
MO arm-.l p.rate ar cralmg
in tiw pr-rr !- of rYfa-ibi'. Caiw
TWIr proiTesi thrntgh lK mmmrj
ha W-n marked Vj I t rsv4
aad crAtl Arjm rr -. YtM
bavn tmn bunsed Hifht 4 Jtt
j thrm wWn rf9-l l.f UatHy.
arwl tie inhabitants ftven. mwrm t
ehlMren. UaoghtTeiL T-w,vJaf
plrat et-i Ut W V atir ituAm
tiJ r!p.- si hUt Uveas tur ra.
Thrj have a!r-alj tmmti Due yra4
sl e-aly livlaf r4Uv ol mm M taa
aad ser.t rf-lrA Amtl. tt hmsm
aanj-ant nt mr&rj to Um adete -rh4-fiier.
itn;a.l ro tw t-vrirt
hj a pUx ot Hk niiurls tr'
3mkfmn jy Has ol hi r
fAhmr 4mT a trip f V1 takrc fr
hi tvrV.
umenur tW fZ W tr4-
heroic efforts of citizens the fnrtber
spread of the flames was averted, al-
loouzn at one Use it looked as if th.
pay M cent oo the IiIar, mhmzh -ftonUi I at&rirriaf.
amount to S714.WO. Wit tW citii-a tr
elare that tVr irill t)r HJr.:r 1Vr
businesa portion of the city was j anr Crave trr of fcerioa trxrobls
tW people are rrty tamch eit-S.
Am fA VmC
tteimtm xiss Te-. . As;. 2
ItrliaC j Ihm tMmm'mtmM tmmmtmm
L.5COUT. Neb.. An-. 3.About a Ntw yOJrjf Awj- 1 nmmrx
weeic ago two young fellows were ar- I 1 e .-. ..,..i.s,. t, r.
rested on stPob of Wing eouaeeVrd ! tnm Hiwabar? AoA lUrnT for NV j ,?? "' !? ?"
siiraurry i ncy gav taeir Yorf, tfo rroorVd sookm at r" ..... T' '-7 "
s Jack Davis and Jack James. . iih 0f tuof W rpro-t ZJT TT 1 ?' " rtfM
of investigation revealed noth- J 1Urr Xm4 m mlj i0r Vr fT "J" T w
xnst tW wo. bst test ihmlU -,.t.-. i t . yr-oij of TAVjot TsV. of Xbm
police were about to release them se j Huofc tfiAwf mi ' " 4 f- $
of the scrgeaaU discovered that the ' J . jhmUkl la. ii,' eity.
younger one of the p-nsosrr wua I kM my tJtmimg. I caaj-t of tx-r UiSlc-jJ! w tiw- sa
giri. Oabeiw- pat in the sweat tor, Mac... J.. Ag, ri la XltcWH ' trmae of a p-rrs.Lal In lht Kno r--the
prepossessing prkoser ad-adttrd j eoaatr this aitersoos. dnrimz a UNr- & rvTly jm Mwir-; donaetlr:
that she tra.s a iri: that her name was i der j'xtsl. MK MlsaW YZoeemcm amA . aairs ia rros trt as article frotat
names as Jack Davis
A week of
tag araxnst
Cora Gordoa asd she vu 17 years oi-U j Mks Eda Gri&s, wer
3l0fa I lt Sftk'l Vferiirra-..-
. .
feu ue wu elofHz witi Darla,
j Efft.Lls aad kULcd.
1 f
laC TaU's cliaraevr?;