The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1891, Image 1

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M3X1D ' lU .-.
3iJi&J5C .cw
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By A. C. Hosmer.
Only a Few Days Now !
Till the old school master will be looking the
boys over, and if you take friendly advice
come and see us for their Suits,
Hats and Shoes.
Nebraska s Kansas !
I- prepared to how n large and well ftclcetctl nloek or
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Cloaks, Uuderwear,
It i our intention lo he attentive to the want of our euttomcr
and plaee before them an opportunity lo pureliac ueli sood
a they require, at the leal poible eot.
Operating large -tore In the Eut, and biiying good in large
quant it let, enahle u lo ell good at retail, and helow what
itiot nierehanl have to pay.
It i a fuel nrmicd. Hint people In thU neighborhood require
for immediate and future wants a large supply of good of our
line we propose to offer ueh bargain a to make Red Cloud their
supply tat!on, There In no tore In the larger eilic that will
oiler better goods, or lower price than you can buy of the
Ducker Dry Good House.
Vc invite a call or a visit from you when in
town and can assure you a cordial
Respectfully yours,
G. A. Ducker
Altred Hadell. Manager.
I. T.
i take produce and pay the highest market
price. 1 also keep a large stock of
Come and see me if you want good goods and
fair treatment at all times,
L T- If
Eternal Vigilance is
Square Dealing Golden Eagle.
A Blow at Dcupotimn.
That was a hard blow that our
'Jccm" McXcny gave the indepen
dent part- at Mindcn the other day.
during the session of their Judicial
convention: The convention wanted
to exact an un-American pledge from
a free American citizen, such as only
despots arc in the haDit of exacting
from their subjects, but Mr. McNcny
was not to be caught by any such
chaff. If he coull not be nominated
on his merits, unpledged and unham
pered, he did not want the office, and
money nor fame would not induce him
to sacrifice his rights as a citizen in
any such manner, and all good citizens
should frown upon every attempt of
an-political, secret or other institution
that attempts to tramp upon custo
mary rights of the people to be free
anduntramcled. 'The Mindcn Gazette
says of Mr. McNcny: McNcny was
next on the program and when pre
sented with a paper for his signature,
emphatically declined. It created a
sensation and if a dynamite bomb had
been thrown upon the stage it would
not have created more of a surprise.
McNeny made his speech, but it was
not the kind expected. He denounced
in plain English such an exhibition of
demagogueism and attempt to degrade
and disgrace the judiciary by pledges
calculated for the benefit of one class
against all others regardless of justice
or equity. It was a manly, honorable
course to pursue, in contradistinction
to the eager and over anxious spirit of
all the other candidates to get up and
sign away their manhood, then boast
of the act. It is needless to sa that
McNcny was not voted for again.
The Reunion.
Only a few more days till the old
soldicr' reunion takes place. The
people of the country should bear this
in mind, and also bear m mind that
they arc specially invited to come and
take part. It will be one of the
chances of a life-time to have a good
time and help honor the brave boys
of 'Gl-G." who did so much to preserve
the union, besides doing that, the en
tertainment afforded would be well
worth your while, if you come for
nothing else Everything is being
done to make the reunion enjoyable
that money and hard work can do, and
The Chief expects fully -40,000 people
in Red Cloud on that occasion, and
hopes that it expectations will be
fully realized. Come everyone with
"no malice aforethought" but bent
upon having the best time of your
lives and The Chief will proclaim
your happiness from the house tops.
FitrMcr Take Xoliee.
The committee who have the ol-
dier's reunion in charge, are desirous
of erecting an arch of welcome at the
entrance gate of the reunion grounds,
and they desire to have the farmers
bring in corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley,
fruit. &c, to decorate the same, the
stme to be brought in not later than
the 12th. The farmers should see th
this is attended to as much depends
on their help in the matter. Word can
be left with J. L. Miner. C. F. Cather
or Geo. J. Warren
Will bmy a fine residence property
in Bed Cloud. Apply at tips office.
4. Lttoks.
Good looks are more than skin deep
depending upon a healty condition of al
the vital organs. If the Liver be inac
tive yoQ haye a billions Iook,if yoar stom
ach be disordered you have a dyspeptic
look and if your kidneys be efFecteu you
have a pinched look. Secure good health
andyou will have pood looks. Electric
Bitters is the rret alterative and tonic
acta directly caibaaeTital acnes. Cares
caayfeck. 8aUatL.H.Deyo'a dreg -
MotefcM, boik tad fi
the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, September
Let us Give You a Tip !
In regard to the way we do business. One
of our mottos, is: "Economize for your
customers by introducing more ser
viceable goods at correct prices.
Crudhed ly A Switch Engine.
Yesterday morning at about 7 IT),
as the day yardmen were taking their
engine out for the day's work, Lew
Hcrrick met the awful death that all
train men may expect at any time.
The engine was backing down to
ward the freight depot, and Mr. Hcr
rick was standing on the rear foot
board. Without any apparent cause
he suddently sunk to the grownd in
front of the unmerciful wheels, and
his body ws.s mangled in horrible
shape. The wheels of the tank pa.-sed
over his left limb, crushing it in atoms.
When the ash pan of the engine
struck him there was not enough room
for the body to pass under it, and
therefore he was rolled and dragged a
distance of sixty feet before the en
gine could be stopped. When the
Eye reporter arrived the body was
directly under the ash pan and wedged
there so tight that it was impossible to
extricate it until appliances were used
to raise the engine about four inches,
when the lifeless, mangled remains
were dragc d out and placed on a
stretcher. Willing hands bore the
body into the S. C & 1 offices and Dr.
Coit. the company surgeon was sum
moned. TIic only cause known for him fall,
ing from the foot board that he must
have fainted, or been rendered help
less from a dose of morphine which it
is reported he had taken before he
went to work. He leaves a wife and
three children, who have the deepest
sympathy of all in their affliction.
He was a member of the Switch
man's Mutal Aid Association, and
carried $1,000 insurance in that
organization Missouri Valley Eye.
The Chief and family in company
with Mr. Bcntly and family drove out
to Oliver McCall's farm residence on
Tuesday, for the purpose of looking at
Mr. McCall's fine orchard. Mr. M.
has lived in Webster county 20 years
and in that time has been very suc
cessful in his farming pursuits. He
set out, year ago. a large number of
fruit trees, which now bear marks of
his wisdom and the fact that 30U can
raise fruit in Nebraska. His trees arc
overburdened with delicious fruits of
all kinds, until he has been called on to
prop the limbs to keep the trees from
breakiugdown under their hoavy loads.
Our reporter counted 2G apples on a
little twig about IS inches long and as
large around as a peucil, aud the bal
ance of the tree was similarly loaded.
The orchard is well worth one's while
to look at, and Mr. McCall is to be
congratulated on having so many Gae
Editor Chief You omit in last
week's issue of Thk CllHF.Fwnen men
tioning the names of the probable can
didates for office on the Republican
ticket, the nomination of John M.
Chaffin of Guide Hock. Xow if Mr.
Chafnn does not co into the convention
on the 22nd with a strong followiuc
then I am mistakcu. We have the ban
ner precinct in the county, and feci
that we ought to have some voice in
nominating our candidate, or at lea?t
should Attorney Chains be nominated
for Couuty Judge, then you can set it
down that he will be elected.
Prmcc4 Hpcle,
From a letter written by Mrs Ada E
Hurdef Groton S. D-, we qoot?. -Was
taken with a bad cold, which settled os
my Lumcs, coujrh set in and finally ter
minated is Consumption. Four doctors
cave me up saying I coald live bat a
short time I ff3ve myself up to my sav
iour, determined if I could not stay
with my friends on earth. I would meet
my absent ones above. My hushand was
advised to ft Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, coughs and cold. I
gave it a trial, took. Is all eight bottles
it has cured me and thank God I as
1 bottle tree at L. I- Deyo's drag store
a weu aaa neanr wemam. xnai
I regular ut 50c ad SUM.
Convention Report.
The W. C. T. I. Convention held
in our city Aug. 20th axd 21st, prov
ed to be quite a success. The exer
cises of Thursday evening were both
interesting and instructive. The reci
tation by Miss HIanchc Scllars, and
the solos by Miss Lillic Smith and
Sirs. S. J. Mailey, were especially en
tertaining. The address given by
Mrs. Jones of Hastings, state corre
sponding secretary of the W. C. T. Ii ,
was very attentively listened to by the
,. Yti-
aud.cncc. In her plca.Mng way she
captivated all prcAent as she presented
some of the needs of our work.
The Friday morning session was
opened by devotional exercises led
by Mrs. Jones, after which an hour
was spent over the question box.
Many valuable answers were given
by Mrs. Jones to questions on Sabbath
observance, social punty etc.
Friday afternoon was spent in at
tending to the business of the con
vention. Delegates from Blue Hill
and Cowles Union were present.
After very appropriate address given
by Mrs. Truman of this city and a
fitting response by Mrs. Uailey of
Cowles, we listened to the annual
address of our president. Next came
election of officers for the ensuing
j ear.
As Mrs Brakefield, who has held
the office of president ever since our
county organixation begced to be re
lieved, Mrs. L. E. Bailey of Cowles,
was chosen president Mrs. M. J.
Probasco, of Blue Hill, vice president.
Mrs. L. S. C. Brakefield, correspond
ing secretary and treasurer. Miss
Carrie Brakefield was rc-elcctcd re
cording secretary.
Seven different superintendents
from all part of the county were ap
pointed for different lines of work.
After reports from local I'nions the
convention adjourned. On Friday
evening we listened to a very able
address by Rev. Truman, on 4Tcm
perance Work." The music for the
evening was furnished by The Baptist
choir in which they did themselves
great credit, especially in the kt
fons "Mother is praying for jou" and
'In my prison dark and gloomy."
the olo m the latter beinc Tery
sweetly aung by Miss Jessie Sherman.
The republicans should not com
promise their honor by fusion or
cthcrwisc. but maintain the party or
, . ,
caniiation this fall, and by so
will elect their ticket There
not b-ing able to swallow the pnnci
oles as enunciated by their leaders.
D F. Scott former! v of Ilcd Cloud
u. i. . k. ww . . ' , , . - -
Nebraska, accompanied by hi? wife
aud daughter Doll v, arrived here on
c , ,
Tuesday. They have come to take up
their residence with their soas and
brothers, llarrrana rranc ocoiu io
of Cattle's prominent merchant.
Thpe new comers the icop!e of the
town cladlv welcome. The young
lady will bt a great aeiaisitiea to the
younger society ot this puce. Laue
(Moataaa) Tnbsae.
Uacle Jerry Bask is inttiu cos
trmticn with the scieatists of the
day, by prodacing rain oa a own J
heck for the beaefit of these people
who live ia the arid port'ous of tlei
rountry. Is every '-c- where J
the UBt ha been tried ii- fallen
in large quantities asd that too, ia
portions of theeoaatry where it cTcr j
rais. Jerry ewons ia
ib tle weather clerk's ability ia fro
dariae water efct UWwl few Ue
detiw gwrerwr 1. mk profeita-
Uea flUte.
is too
much disatifaction in the indepndent txed their dAnzr. and but for the pr-
ranks, and well there many be, for encofmind of Mr. Potter m focing
' ' . l 1 - .v.. . her horse to a dead. ran. the two lad
manv of them are leaving that party, mt . . -,-.. ur th. .
the Price of The Chief.
4, 189
The 'hy and the Wherefore.
Editor Hei C1.01 1 Chief A a
kind of a stemwinder for the people
who arc talking of having laws passed
to have their debts wiped out every sev
en years, should remember that scrip
torial passage "I'ay what thou oweM,
owe no man." It would be a little
hard for .-ome, but nevertheless it is
the only honest method. No man or
pirty, should M) far forget themselves
as to recognize such doctrines as are be
"'5 constantly presented by some of
le demagogues of the day. If any-
th ;n ord ;s honortUe onc
thin" above an other, it is to pay your
honest debts, and Pro 'Bono 'Publico,
believes, that no man or set of men will
ever prosper and advocate the abolition
of debts and the many other falliccs
that go to make up the various princi
ples of the Independent Pasty. It may
flourish for awhile but it cannot stand
the storms of honest criticism nor the
well directed blows that it will continue
to receive as long as the adhcrcnta of
the party maintain them. The princi
ples of the party arc built upon an un
certain foundation and unless the
abuses in their partj be corrected
the rain will come and d -wn will go
their "meat hou-e" as the boys say,
and when they let go their hold on
the various wild an visionary schemes
then their doom n icalcd, for their
platform does not embrace any other
great principcl, that is not embodied in
the platforms of the republican party.
People may howl about their condi
tion from now until doomsday- and
after that there is nothing to be said
in their defence, "but that the Amen
can people arc in a better condition,
financially than an; other on earth.
This statement cannot be satisfacto
rily contradicted except by people who
do so to acquire office or to gain suprc
macr. There arc ?o many wild theories in
these days of enlightenment that peo
ple must open their eyes and not allow
themselves to be duped by such people
Well Mr. Chief f this docs not
find its way to the waste basket I
may drop you another line soon.
Pro Bono Pcblico.
A Clmc Call.
The other day a Salem tm U-cabj
scared near the dpot and ran off. tar
ing the boggy that they wer hauling in
to piece, and dragging the front wb!
with them. In this manner tby ran at
full tilt to the bridg. at the Rrrr and
never Blackened their pace. On tha
bridge Mrs. John G. Potter and Mr. W.
M. Visecher were dnnng. and wbn the
frightened team came 00 the north rtd
of the bridge the lad:e attention -xere
called to it by the not, and they real
ea turiil hx
team and either killed or badly sxanglsd.
out fotunate.y they cleared the couth end
of the bridge feat a th tas caught
tf "J ? . T"0 .xnJ J
1 beicg badly frightened, it waa a race for
J jjfe under meet any other arcaa-
tascea there muat have Uen an awful
fnr two .3, tb ,3 .
While Mr. Headcsma diajatcn
ere out plaBBiBg os Tceday lait,
the horse ran away breakisg the bng-
gy aaj .Hhtly iajanog ose of the
yosag ladies.
Take Your Pick Soon
And get the benefit of our large selections
just bought. We have opened over
SI 0,000 worth of late purchases
made while we were east. Fhcv
are ready for your inspection.
It I H tit' II.
Kiitk Chief Fina dry vrtmtkr
wc arc hiving.
Fartneit arc all buy making hay
while thu Min !hmr.
V. ? Hall drort- Uj Hhic Hill mi
Willie Thorn. Jr. i- Ivaniing U rd
the new caftly bicycl.
School commence Monday Spt, 7.
with Mls Wright of Cowl, 4
Pave llynic ha gn' ral'tf pur
chase his fall utock uf good.
Mrs. Isaac Parid ha gone to IlhnM
to .ce her mother who is dangcrwuidy
.t the io croAtn sociable at the
Harmony hchool house, fifteen dwllars
was cleared and jru.ctw to Kerr,
llou.otcn. .
Mi.M ilcnch ha charge f Uyrnc
Uros. More while tho proprietor 1 in
the C3t,
W C. Wiek i- building an addition
of 20 feet to the More occupied ly
Hjrnc Hro.
Uev. Houten proached hi farowcll
sermon Sunday. He will raT to
uitea number f IMadcnito- arc
attending the reunion at (rand Iind
this week.
The ladit of the M. K. church will
rrvc sapper from fivu 10 eight o clofk
Wednesday evening the 9th. at tlio iJ.
A. K. Hall. All arc cordially invito!.
Don't Urm tb inU-m jw jou tW
a fort. If biJd by th ec-my, ofnUa
tvon. gently tracad it to jrreodr with
th Witt'a IiUle Early Ki-r. Tb-w
little pilla aro wondrful conTinctT.
i:i m rcrk.
Farmers are bay putting up hay.
The weather is favorable for that e
cupation, there is an abundascc f hay
put up bore this eaou.
Mr. Hill. Mr. Latham . father who
ai very sick lat week Wa mi far r
covcrci a. to W aM t i aru&d
Mr. Fred Mjfih Lratber-ia-lav t
Mr. T. Cronch. rctarntd thi wek fra
Colorado, where he ha bcrrj fr .rc
thaa a year.
Mr. W. Troubaagb n jaiu Kk
lait week, bat n c3Talos.
K K. If.
Prople --ith imparw hb'A ay U !
to ejtit, not 1it. Itf rotUl hUf
of ita jrrrtk hec tL biool u ksvl-! 'th
iapsritK awl dvx. 'VTtth xt
ditwo withDe Vu ha.-joiila. it
'fbehail ha el'ane vnt grei
aascy of ozt farmer.
Chari Daria de-J tac 27lh after
xa ilee il tw wtrka ml blood fa.
The fascr! vat largly aueaded.
Mr Dti lfcrc year ia tb
t-trrta danag th late wr H wi
62 year of aze, aad lear a wife asd
a large f;Jy l mora thr !.
They bare tie yptlij f tte a
tlre eoaaxssity is wteh tliT Sit.
S. Got ftflport, Asf. 17. iU
Vol. 15). No. 6.
lr. Mo jmtlv left w vHIf
"Wtween tr day ou Au 2Srd.
He if owtnjr hi Landlady Mr. Spp.
nearly 10U. bardblll.
io A Harrt ha bad 'Trv
pa.anl vMl fmtn hi venerable falftvr
and 3Miooit aiater. who Ltr gnne (4
Poorer, to ritl relatntn lhrr
Mr. and Mr Cutncll of Itoaroatur
III ate vtMttng their relator, tho
Mr. lllurr ha rfturne from firr
mnntht iKjurM tn l'ahinrwo Hf
did M( find that n W40fV
Stata the HI Prd ti wm derail!
up ti be ' Mr Marjf kf4IMMtH!
fi;in while (Iiorge VtJa.
The pijtim Xtt tk 'ralrseil ooo
rtnttoti hat rtlsrard f and
jtiad.aMd rcort that thrj fvtinal
airfield and pb ulj 1 1 g'Hd eker.
Herral ttt the elJ ldiert lth
thir w.Tc hare gne in th (rnd
Idaad cneaBipmnt
Pjcntry in miUi tmtta ifite
tommon among u
Mr Harbbarger l4 by. wh
hare brtsi Tinting lUr and Mrr
I'lalt f-r tlrf moolk retjr thi
wirk to Tpa Kama hore Lrr
huiband ha a j-itmo a mtf
tor la WiVirti enileif
Mi IJ iris Strarn ra jpnt U
IHar Hill to altoud Irf Tbrtitoa
Mir Jirnni Hlame L tcuoieoJ
U leaeh ti Wilb CV Shl
The will'j-w mt t fokd g"!
for "e"piig rdrr ' n l4wl. tb
traditi8tl bneb ta Yaakre lt4
HiTlHg tU lUcrx : th
farmrr J3t n aad lii hay f at
celleat quality
''Hard ttaet oatut gi ao r
IoTttrgat tiir arat, ! WU'
lJUU HUrly Utm kntgrij-. a
naus tt i-a. w beh aroaU fwr trf
7pUrty Prwigwt y tly iVJ
ot rso drwg mUft Utrtit U- Mil
In 9r4tt to gtre rrrry rtf $0 Nt
kraVa aad !-a as ft-tUtltf t
kep p4td a Uw prr'i f lh
carapaiga in Uth Uie ti- fcae
eel4 K Sr tV Wrttr Hat Ur
the Valac af lhs jrT ? twtj
re eot gVad i jsr me4f mtl.
Two Ui1ara wtl! b xar?M Urt a
dsb f t .
D VTtt fefyr4lta vUzs t,
bWl. lbS?W) th ymUHM ftd JXAm arp
tL rttlm It hft MUd tsrj Ymn"
A & k? tKiSnl ttva tsl &'
tir- It irrfl Si? yva
,f ertMc Sthrwhm,
Oa f ti grcatcU crest? s tSwt
hat tarry of Waa t tLc J?rat a4
Ttrt.ig ia&4: that a-r kcj
aptated by the "ir-t.4 Bis
Men AautJw- TVut i
hcs that wraH f orsii Ik lir-!ca!ftk-
tt trss Vvi f
hjrr ytnAmi i"fcJ tJ'Tgh th
Tarsal tat U aitg i
beferttar aa. l tl- a- 4 f tie
o-teaa k th hlr - ,yr witt
w caa nx tt -- sci h!j b-Iirn-
wkst 4t aWst a Wwia.
By all sc r U 1r& csr
the Tffiti4 Um - IIT, a eaec
for the jctmt f Vans? a t9 ta
the adenine tai iist w Ira?
f?r th eajii (Vn. IX By th
mikil there t 9 eiwatlnt h9n4fvi
woaid haTc thrtr ltatia ss&j Xa
"rbraia. lUi iLe 59acyrlrt all
ssjtxb iL K. Iteatly y t 31 W
Otoe f eiht Ut rw li ajwast
ae wiB W th 6iht ucvtn
W exs tjtA ord U damte
OAltaao a Iqpiilie Wy atacy. Daw
Wiu LKJ Kdy fiM ae fj sfcat
& carw ob OfUm ad mek Saal.aana .
Si -rfigS