The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 28, 1891, Image 4

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Nebraska and Kanaas .
Inter-state reunion!
Red Cloud, Neb.,
September 15, 16,
Has been named in honor of the Gallant
The grounds are beautifully laid out and with
in five minutes walk of the city, and one
block of street car line.
Special railway rates, plenty water, over 300
tents, electric lights, good eating house
and hotel facilities.
Eminent -:- Speakers
Will be here and address the old soldiers,
Come everybody.
J. L. MILLEP,Dist. Com
Fort Abstract
L. H. FORT, Manager.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Havlne had ten yars experience In county records and one of the most coniplcto set of Ab
ntract books In the state, we cuarantco satisfaction. Yonr f snore solicited
Ail trrderi filled promptly, dollar bond fllrd
and approved. Addross or call on
Ij. H. FORT Manager, lied Cloud, Neb.
llomceopattalc Phywlclan,
Red Cloud, - IVchrawKU.
rtfflce opposite First National Ilnnk.
II. S.ExaminlnK SurReon.
Chronic diseases treated by mall.
Probate Notice.
State or Nebraska,
Webster county, f
In the County court .f said county In tbe mat
Notice is bereby given to ah persons having
aims and demands against .ioun Dillanl, bite
tt-r of ineesiaiooi jonn uuiaru, uitbiwi
of Webster county, deceased, that tho time
fixed for tiling claims against -said estate is six
mouths from the .Sth day of August. 1I. All
persons are required to present their claims
with tho vouenrrs to the county judge, of said
county at his office therein, on or oeiore ine
2SlIi Day of February, 1892,
a ii.i nil iim sn nioil will bo heard before the
.sjiid jurfge on the 3d day of March. lr at 10
o elocK in me iorrnoon.
Dutcsl this atstday of July, 1S91.
-4t D.F.TKUNKEy.Co.Judge.
Siinimon'tt XoticcT"
.1. M, Stewart will take notice, that on the 29th
day of .Inly, 1801, O 1. Hancy.a justice of the
peace of fnavale township. Webster comity,
Nebrahka, issueil an order of attachment for
the sum of SM with Interest and cost of .suit in
an action pending before him, wherein Items
M. Stark is plaintiff and J. M. Stewart defend
ant, that property of the defendant consisting
of rye in stack, oats In shock and growing corn
in Held, has been attached under said order.
Said cause was continued to 15th dav of Scptom
her, 1891. at 10 o'clock a mi.
feigned: ltKPUS M, STAltK,
3-3 l'huntUT.
SumnioiiK Notice.
.i. M. Stewart will take notice, that on the 13th
day of August, 1891, 0. 11. Harvey, a .msticc of
iiii'in-:ift nf Ina..:ilt township. Webster county.
Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for
the sum of S'JO with interest ii"d cost of suit in
an action pending before him, wherein C. W.
Daggett Is plalntltf and J. M. Stewart defendant
that piopertyor the detondant consisting of ryo
In staeK, oats in shock and growing corn In Held
has Ikmmi attached under said order. Said cause
was conUnued to the Sth day of October, 1S91,
at 10 o clock :l in. . ..
4 3 Sigued: C. W . UA(!ETT, riaintlir.
In the District Court of Webster
County, Nebraska.
Charles C. White, receiver!
of the linn or vawes a:
Foss, l'laiutitr,
1 leorge N.Foot, Sarah Foot
5eorgc K. Hrock & Co.,
Irving W. Crary. S.Crox
ton, full name unknown,
iiunes S. Watt, and the
Loan & Guarantee Co. of
Connecticut, defendants. J
Gwrge K. Brock & Co., Irving W. Crary, S
Onvtnn. full liaini unknown, and .lames S.
Watt, ulll taki! iiotici that on the day .lulv
l.sai, Charles C. White, receiver of the tirm of
lKwes&l-oss, itieu ins ieiiiion in ine uisinci
foiirtor Widi.ster countv. Nebniska. utrainst
thcs:iiddefeii(lant.s,the object ar.d prajer of
which is to loreciose a certain iiiorigagu gi vn
byCeorgeN. Foat and S:indi Foot uniii the
w.;sthalfof tho uuarter and the
noi tli halt of the quarter of section
3-j town l. range 9, wot in said Webster county,
insecure the pavnicut of a cerlaln luomissory
notes dated . I uly i;th,lS8;, for the Mini of Sl:i,
the one due Jan, lss7, and the others emi
uuuuallv thereof ter on the tirst days of .Inly
aul. military of each year, and also of one cou
pon for S43.M) due January 1st In?'. 1 here is
now due on said notes, couimhi and mortgage
the sum of S11."..8S with interest at un iH?r cent
from Aug 1st, isi. for which plaintift pras lor
a decree tliatKild deriHlanUs may be rvuuired
to pay the same or that said premises uuy be
Mld to s;ttisfy the amount tmmd duethentiu.
Vou are reiured to answer said petlfon on
or iK'ioiu the 7th day of September, lci.
4-4 Attorney for l'lainttll.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is herebvgh en that under and by
virtue of an order of ale Issued from the ollice
of C. B. i:rne. clerk of the district court of the
eighth Judicial district w ithin and for Webster
county, Nebraska. 111011 a decree in an action
pending therein, wherviu E. Cochrane is plain.
tilt and against Noah U. Thomas a.-.d Jcflersou
It. Thomas defendants, I tiall offer for sale at
public vendue to the highest bidder for cash in
nnnd at the east doorf tlieeouit-hous- in Ked
Cloud, iu said Webster county, Nebraska (that
biug the building wherein the last term of said
court was holdeii) on the
atld day or September, 1991,
at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day the follow lug des
cribed nroiierty to-w1t: Ixjts five and siv in
block one in Kaley and Jackson's addition to
tlietawu ot Ked Cloud, Webster county, Ne
braska. (J i ven under my hand this 19th day of August
A.D. 1891. C. A. Teel, Sheriff
O. I Teel, Deputy.
. It. Chaney, Plaintiff's Attorney. 4-5t
SherifTH Sale.
Notice Is hereby given, that under and by v Ir
tttc of an order ot sale issued from the ofnee of
C B. Crone clerk of district court of tlio eighth
judicial district, within and for Webster countv
Nebraska, upon a decree in on action pending,
therein, wherein John II. Croxton Is plaintiff,
mid against Shadrack Croxton etal defendants,
I shall effer for sale at public vendue, to the
iihrhest bidder for cash in hand, at the east door
JUSii? court-house, at Ked Cloud, in said Web-
ipr county. Nebraska, (that being the building
w -. tnn r
2S thea JS of the s w x of section 4 nortli.
Je 9 west of thecth p m, iu Webster county,
Gliwder y hand this 2ist day ot July, A.
D..1&W' C. A. Tr, Sheriff.
B O. C. Teel, Deputy.
nfhpffitb day of August, A. D. 1891, at one
2vek ". m.. of sanf day, the following des-
1 iipsnnrn i- nr ihf 11 v
17 and 18, 1891.
Co., Eed Cloud,
oi Ti
If nit for an la In voar Blncr nak raar
dealer to aend for catalecnr, aecarc Ike
agrncr, and set them for yon.
It l-t a seamless sbor. with no tack or war thrrad
to hurt tbe ftn-t; made of the best line calf, atyiua
and easy, and bnut tr matt more rhoet qf tki
grade than ang other mantifaeturtr. it equal hand
scwcsl shoes costing from fUW to 3klU.
CC BH C.rnaiae Haadoewel, tho ftoeat canT
Wi Rhx crer offered toe.$SM; equals French
Importcsl ahnrs which cost from SJi tol2J.
CJ 99 Iland.Swr4 Writ Sko, aae calf.
9a stvlUh. comfortablr and durable. Tbe beat
shoe ever offered at this price : same prade at ca-tom-maile
shoos costing from 96M to tajU
(4 .IB Police Shoe j Fanners. Railroad Men
m and Letter Carrlenall wear them: Snecair,
m-aailpss. smooth Inside, heary three sole, exten
sion ed. One pair will wear & year.
SO 30 fine calft no better shoe ever offered at
this price: one trial will convince thoae
who want a slne for comfort and service.
20 23 aB CM. Workiafataa1 shoc
& are very strong and durable. Those who
nave given them a trial will wear no other make.
PAVtl 84.B0 91.73 school cboes are
OvJO worn by the boys everywhere: theyseU
on their merits, as the Increasing sales show.
I flHias 93-M HaB4-ewe shoe, best
HUICD Oonsola, -very stylish: equals French
Imported shoes costing from $M) to t&iuu
lisliea' ' . S4.BB ana Si. 73 shoe for
Misses are the best fl&e DongoU. stylish an durable.
Caatiaa. See that W. L. rjoulas name and
price are stamped oa the bottom of each saoe.
w. u. uwuuxaa, Brocktoa, :
Fer salelif
Shoe Dealer. Red !.
alllllllllHt LIA
Friday, Aug. 28, 1891.
Entered at the I'ost Otflce In lied Cloud, Neb.,
an mall tnatteror the second class
Strawberry Plant Tor Sale.
You can get strawberry plants the
first of September which will grow
berne3 next season, rnces Oa cents
per 100 or $5, per 1,000.
L. II. llusx.
Any one wishing to rent tents for
the reunion, of any description, call
on K. A. Young, agent for the Omaha
Tent and Awning, Co., Sleeper Build
ing, Ked Cloudy 4-2.
Jimtlce of Che rearc,
and .Notary Public.
Oitice ocr 1'ost Ofllcc.
lied Cloud, - Xcbrwikn.
Lawn Social.
The Ladies of the Christian church
w?ll Kflrvo. ice cream and cake in the
Court House yard Tuesday evening,
Aug. 25. Everybody invited.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria. .
otlce or DlNoolutlon.
Notice ib hero by given that the copart
nership heretofore existing botween G.
ffnrrlH. find G. II. Hannawalt of
Cowles Neb., doing business under the
tirm name of Harris & Hannawalt, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent, G.
H. Hanawalt withdrawing. G.A. Harris
will continue the business ana wiu col
lect all debts and pay all bills of the linn.
Aug. 1st 1891. 4-3t G. A Hamim.
G. H. Ha.vawalt.
Grace Episcopal Church.
Service? every Sunday morning at
10:30. Sunday rchool at ):io
A. M. during July.
Now Try Thin.
It will contyon nothing and will auruly
do you good, if you havo ncongh, cold, or
any trouble with Throat Chest or LuugB.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, coughs, and coidM, is guaranieeu to
give reliof, or money will be paid back.
Sufforers from La Grippo found it just the
thing and under its nse had a speedy and
perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at
our expense and learn for yourself just
how good a thing it i. Trial bottles free
nt L. H. Doyo's drug store. Largo size
C0. and $1.00. :
When Baby was sick, wo gare her Castoria.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria.
When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When sba bad Children, she gare them Castoria,
Notice to 'icaclicrs.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who inay desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers ofthe public" schools of this
couuty, at Red Cloud on the third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will be held
on the Friday proceeding the od Sat
urday of each month.
The standing required for 2d and
3d grade certificates is the same no
grade below 70 per cent., average SO
per ecnt; for first grade certificates
no grade below 80 per cent., average
90 per cent, in all branches required
by law.
D. M. Hunter, County Supt'.
MIIch' Nerve and I.lvcr Pill.
Act on a new principlo regulating the
liver, atoranch nud bowels through the
nerves. A now discovery. Dr. Miles'
pills speedily euro bilousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Un
equaled for men, women, children. Small
est, mildest, snrest! r0 doses, 25 cts
To California, Oregon, Wash
ington ami other Western
loiii!NIn Pullman Colonist)
Sleepers Via, the Union Pa
cific. The constant demand of the traveling
public to tbe West for a comfortable and
nt tho same time an economical mode of
traveling has led to tho establishment of
what is known as Pullman Colonist Sleep
These cars are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, warm
blankets, snow white linen, curtain
which secure to the occnpnnt of a berth
as much privacy as is to o had in first
class sleepers, plenty of towels, combs,
brushes, etc. There nre also soparnte
toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
Another fact not to be overlooked is
that these. Pullman Colonist Sleepers are
attached to the daily fast express trains
thus enabling passengers occupying
these cars to make tho same time as
occupants of first-class Pnllman Sleepers.
A charge of $ 3.00 for a lower or upper
double berth is mnde between Council
Blurts. Omaha or Kansas City and San
Francisco or Portland
For those furnishing their own bedding
free berths nre given in Pullman Colonist
Cars running between Council Bluffs,
Kansas City and Portland.
The Pnllman Colonist Sleeper is es
pecially commended for tho nso of the
hoineseeker who is moving to tho west
with his family, and who desires com
fortable sleeping accomodations enrouto
but cannot afford to pay tho first-class
Fuumiin Sleeping (Jar fare.
Formatter descriptive of any state or
territories through which tho Union
Pacific rnus, or for rates, time of trains
etc.. etc. npplv to E I,. LOMAX, Gen'l
Pass, and ticket Agent. Omaha, Neb.
'5 Castoria.
Bucklcn' Arnicea Salve
The Best Silve m the world for cnts.
Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all other Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by L. H. Deyo. 3
In Red Cloud, Nebraska, Aus. 22,
1S91, Mr. Joseph If. Tingley,agcd
62 years, 10 months and -i days.
J. 1$. Tingley wa bom in Tompkins
county, New York, and nas married
to Mary McCorniick in Crawford
county, Penn.. Jan. 24, 1S50. He
j lined the Free Will Baptist Church
at the age of 23 years. la the army
he served in Co. K.. ICO regiment of
Pennsylvania Infantry.
Services were held in the Baptist
church Sunday afternoon by Kev. J.
D. Pulis. His wife and four children
survive him.
Used in Millions of Homes
Don't forget the reunion.
Finest perfumeries at Cotting?.
W. M. Yi?schcr is in Campbell this
Condition powders of all kinds at
Arc vou coin'.: to paint? Huv of
Mr.-. J. F. Winters was in Harvard
this week.
Gospel Hymns No, C for sale at
For school supplies cf all kinds go
to Cotting's.
Jeo keeps the lar:t
tock o p:t-
ent medicine.
Congrcs.-mau Mclvcighan is home
from Illinois.
J. O. Butler went to Omaha, this
week on business.
.Tames Grimminger was up from
Wymorc this week.
Cotting is the leader in tablets and
other school supplies.
Go to I)eyo and see his bargains
in ramnants of wall paper.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Good of Cowles
were in the city Tuesday,
The Christian church social Tucs-
day night waa a pleasant affair.
C. Wiener has returned from the
cast, where he laid in a large stock
of goods.
Mrs. Klliott of Illinois, i.s visiting
her parents, Thos. Kmigh and wife
this week.
Sonic travelling men had one or two
phonographs on exhibition nt the Hol
land House.
A. J. White and family, vo to
Missouri this week oh a three
month's visit,
Nice new goods just received at
F. V. Taylor's, remember his prices
arc the lowest.
Ootlcib Itasscr this week received
from Uncle Sam his first installment of
a well deserved pensoin.
Mrs. Prof. Hart, of Franklin Acad
emy, was in the city this week in
the interest of missionary work.
Remember that Cozad & Co., will
not be undersold on furniture, car
pets, wall pap2r &c. at Taylor's old
Call on T E. Penman for fine
jewelry watches and clocks, silver
ware, specs etc. Cotting's drug
Wm. McKitiiincy's little girl drank
lye the other day. )r. Denncy was
called and reports the little one as
getting better.
Another carload of furniture just
arrived at Cozad & Cos. See thm for
low prices thev will surprise you on
Chamber Suits.
Go to T. E. Penman for fine watch
clock and jewelry icpairing. Artis
tic letter and monogram engraving.
Cotting's drug store.
The Reunion is coming and it will
pay you to get prices on Furniture,
Picture moldings, etc., at Cozad & Co's.
who will give best goods for the least
Undertaking by F. X. Taylor who
has had yca.s of practical cxpcrincc
in the scientific care of the dead and
is better prepared than ever to con
duct the business in all its branches.
The two short curves in the street
railway at the crossing of Division St.,
have recently been changed to longer
ones, making the travel thereon both
pleasant and safer fcr all concerned.
F. V. Taylor will duplicate any
prices offered by other houses on all
biases of Undertaking goods, and
guarantee better goods and better ser
vice. Funerals attended free in city
or county.
Cedar street between First Avenue
and Division street has recently been
graded and supplied with culverts and
And will soon be the principal thorough
fare between the buisness part of the
city and depot.
Prof. G. W. Casetr, Supt. of our
achools, has written to secretary of
school board that he will be in Red
Cloud, Sept. 3, and desires to meet the
teachers of the several schools in the
high school room on Sept. f. at 10
o'clock :i. m.
Jeff Ward created quite 1 stir on
the streets this week by announcing
that two noted prize fighters were to
drop off near Red Cloud, and have a
mill or two. The sports were all on
the qui vive, and Jeff laughed in his
sleeves to see 'what fools wc mortals
An alarm of fire was turned on
from box six, Wednesday morning
about (.1.30 whiih sent the fire depart
ment pell mell to the south end
through a driving rain storm, but
oeiore mey got mere tne nre was
extinguished. It was in the dwelling
belonging to D. F. Rudd, it was caused
by a gasoline stove. The blare set
fire to the paper oa the wall and in a
minute the room was in a blaze, but
prompt work saved the buildiag.
40 Years the Standard
Of Lat Thursday Storm.
In our lat isue we made .slight j
mention of a serious hail storm that oc-'
currcd the night before wc went to
press, information of which c wercj
unable to get before publication how-
ever, we have been able this week to
' , ,, i -
:et more than wc really doirc.
The storm began northwot of
crton and struck Webster county on
the western border near Farmer?" (
Creek and took a southeasterly course'
from a half mile wide, and increasing i
rapidly until the width wan about 8 '
miles before it cea-ed to do the work J
ot destruction, in
There were quite a number of farm
ers who lost their all by the storm
which is reported to be one of the
most serious ever known in this coun
try. Hail fell for 30 minutes contin
uously, and was driven along at a rate
of GO miles per hour, beating tho
growing corn and everything in its
wake into smithereens, the average
depth being estimated at 15 inches and
k sf ! etii liAtnir n . I rids l
w T b T ?. ,
goose eggs, jur reporter visucu
many farmers in Webster county and
some in Smith county, Kansas, four
days later, and found the reports of
destruction more than fully accurate.
The storm would not have been quite
so serious had the farmers not been
drouth-ridden last year, and then to
have it come again this season, is more
than they ought to bear and bear alone.
Those who suffered complete loss in
Webster county, Nebraska, and Smith
and Jewell counties, Kansas, as far as
we could learn, arc as follows:
L. A. Haskins
125 acres of com
and small grain.
F. E. Goble, 170 acres of corn, 3
hor.-cs and small grain.
Win. Roseerans, 1 cow and 30 acres
of corn, trees stripped and grain stacks
Esq. Fogel, 10 acres of corn and
Joseph Fogel, 30 acres of corn, 10
hogs, and garden, fruit trees, &c.
Al Scribncr, CO acres of corn. 10
acres of millet.
Mr. Arbucklc, 100 acres of corn.
Mr. DuBois 2." acres of broom corn
and 40 acres of corn.
Wm. Bradshaw, 70 acres of corn.
Thos. Hauler, 40 acres of corn.
8. C. Johnson, 40 acres of corn.
James Gouldic 100 acres of corn.
Sam Billings, ."0 acres of corn
Frank Smith, 50 acres of corn.
Jas. Lands, 35 acres of corn.
Lon Francis. 40 acre of com.
Geo. Reese 40 acres of corn and
peach crop.
James Fruit 50 acrrs of corn.
Jake vVilliains 35 acres uf com.
Chas. Davis 35 acres of corn.
Pat McCool 70 acres of corn.
Mr. Molcr all of his corn.
M. Fisher 100 acres of corn.
Wm. Forgy 100 acres of corn.
J. McClelland 70 acres of corn.
Mr. Gordon 40 acres. of corn.
A. Dccker,'lost 30 acres of corn and
his cows were beaten till blood ran
down their sides.
A. S. Porter 30 acres of corn.
John Bassford 40 acres of corn.
Peter Marsden 20 acres of corn.
W. Van Dyke 10 acres of corn.
A. "Warrington 40 acres of corn.
Clark Stevens 90 acres of corn and
windows all broken on north side of
Charley Barnctt SO acres of corn.
Harvey Merrill 20 acres of corn.
Geo. Mountford, 125 acres of corn
and 250 bushels of peaches.
G. W. Saunders 20 acres of corn.
Frank Slabby 40 acres of corn.
Geo. Beardsley SO acres of corn.
Frank Graham CO acres of corn.
John Smith 70 acrc of corn.
John Davis 50 acres of corn.
John Collins 40 acres of corn.
Tom Hitchcock 90 acres of corn.
Dr. Davis 40 acec.- of corn.
Spcnce Potter 50 acres of com.
R. C. Wilson 55 acres of com.
John Beardsley 50 acres of com.
Lyman Stones 190 acres of corn.
In addition to the above there arc
hundreds of sufferers in the hail ridden !
strip whose names we are unable to
get that have afferrd very largely.
The names wc have procured have in
nearly every instance lost all their crop,
and they are nearly destitute.
Now is the time for those who have
plenty to lend a helping hand. Wc
publish about 50 names whose losse.
will averaire from 250 to $1,250. It!
is too bad that such an afliction should ,
be visited on our farmers at this time.
, Til I U
as thev have had a series oi in iuk
for about three years.
The hail drifted in the draws to
depth of from 4 to 15 feet deep, and;
.1. :ia nf it '
our reporter saw the eTiJenct i of i .
days afterwards, as they lay "?,
up in the shade of the tree, ine gute fair at Lincoln, Ncbr.. Spt
fields of com arc in deplorable shape ,4 to 11. 1P91. SpecUI trais will
and no one can properly portray the; leave Bed Cloud, for Lieola, Thar-1
condition of the fields that were hail dj. 5pt. 10, at 4 15 a. a., retarn-
struck. The corn was beaten down to ! ing at C p. a. Tickru oa sal?'
the earth, the leaves stripped clear off cpt. 4 to II, incloiTe at oat way:
and the husks on the cars whipped in-' rate plus fifty ot fer dj'sKa ,
to a thousand shreds, and the fine ticWt to tbe fair.
lookin" fields of a few moment before
were destroved in less time thn it
takes to tefl it. leafing the farmers
nothing to pay them for their ja&or.sepL a. can leave Lere si a o
that they had'put in trying to raise a .. ra.. and arrive at Grand L!an;
crop. Help should bo eitemieu at
Faweral Dfrecfatr.
Cozad & Co., zaake a specialty of
Undertaking Goods, and Funeral Sap-pliet.
IrU"?cs t Pejo ?.
The public school will open on the
The M. h. church picnic was a sae-
G. 11. Chancy is home from the
Trusses Shoulder braco c. at
. . ,, .
Jack rro-t was seen n our streets
. . ,
JI. . Iioeron wa in Oai ha
this neck.
Mi.s llotta Abk
OuVH thia neck.
returned from
The bet -tock of machine oil i
be found at lVyo-. :
i v ,...... nf nt.... u.ii -..;'
-. . is i'. wis v 'u !. ma 4J I
Rel Cloud last Sjturda.
Mrs. S, Day and son G uy were visit
ing in Campbell this week."
J. Ij. Miller the harness man hu a
full line of rubber and leather bclttug
C him.
R. T. Silket was run in by Officer
Schcnck for disorderly conduct, last
W. II. Thouiitf. called aud renewed
his allegiance to the Great Family
Our rents arc low and so arc our
prices. Cozad & Co., at the old furn
iture staud.
C. W. Nelson, representing E. C.
DeWitt iCo., of Chicago, was in the
city this week.
E. F. Highland and wife were in
the city this week, the guests of C,
Wiener and wife.
II. A. Shinkle's pet coon went to
church last Sunday, to the discom
fiture of the audience.
"Pap ' Rust brought in three fine
potatoes that wc believe will be ltard
to beat, but easy to cat.
Mrs. Henry Cook and daughter Myra
and son Edward were visiting in Hurr
Oak, Kansas, this week.
Bear in mind that the first Monday
in September of each year is "Labor
Day ' and is a legal holiday.
C. W. Dagget, editor of the River
ton Guard was in Red Cloud this week
and paid this office a pleasant call.
Read Ducker's new ad. Ho h get
ting in a fine line of new dry good,
which the ladies cannot afford to mis
Elegant new line of furniture
raoldiuge, Picture Frames, Carpets
&c, at Cozad & Co'.-., the lowest priced
hoii'C on cartb.
George Holland, ex-mayor of Red
Cloud, and now of Hot Springs, Ar
kansas, was in the metropolis of
Webster couuty, this week.
Do not fail to call and see F. V.
Taylor's stock before buying. He
buys by the car tli is save freight and
can sell cheaper than anybody.
Read ('. Wiener's new advertise
ment. Mr. Wiener is one of our
most enterp'sing business men and
advertises where it docs him the most
Charley Dickersou while trying to
load a pistol on Tuesday at the picnic
accidcntly shot hlm-Hf in the hand,
which made a painful wound, although
not serious.
Rev. C. B. Ncwnan, and J. ..
Briscoe, will occupy the Christian
church pulpit next Sunday. All arc
invited. These gentleman ara noted
divines of no little notority.
After years of experience wc make
the intelligent care of the dead a
specialty, and arc prepared to attend
all calls in the city or country. F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
F. V. Taylor never has charged any
thing for attending funeral. He
carries the largest stock and guarcn
tccs satisfaction. Remember he will
duplicate any price offered by other,
on undertaking goods,
The alarm of fire was turned in the
other night, the cause of which wa.
an incipient fire at J. G. Potter's rcsi
dece caused by a gasoline stove sitting
too near the wall. Timely aid quench
ed the fire before the department
John Barry who was arrested last
week by the sheriff of Boulder county,
Colorado, at the residence of Marce
Charley, wi taken to that Utc with
out requisition papers. Barry i a
son-in-law of Mr. Charley's. Charley
was also arrested but later wa rclca-L
Special .otlce.
I am now prepared to tnaie fsrm
loans at reasonable rate of latfTiMtj
option payments if drsired, and old.
loans rcnca-cl. D. I. Sr.wooLK.
VrhMika CeHHl) Fair.
For the county fairs enomarated
below, tickets will be ?old at a rate of
one and a third fair for the round
trip. Auams coactj lair naiin,
J Oct. C to 9.
rntilia county:
fiirKrsnllin. Ncbr.. SvU 22 to 25.!
i Karnas county fair Bearer City. I
a'Nebr.. Sept 15 to 17. Kearnj count) !, cbr.t tpi J, to U.
uckolls county fair elon. ebr.
fl if ebroa .Nebr. Sept. 22 to 25.
Parties wishing to attend the
tbs ttenth annual encanpucnt oi
; G. A. K-. at Grand Iici. Aa?. 21 t
efosi: ,
J. at
j 1 J?) p.m,ea tbe fallowioi 3at.-,
ASS. 31. Urpt. I. 'I, J, 4 asl a.
Special train sernee iri'l be pat tvj i
on the above dste
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Casterlr.
P"3iK32Tr !fK a
aw i
E vm i'r purvro A-r-r -rr kVirwi li
r i wut is? iikTk.iv S1-1 v-r iviwr. -i
IW . - M
Read! Read! Read!
OT Cotiotcr and Dickersou. aiul l
In III line and at the vry
Nothing but the best goods kept. (.all
see mc when yon want anything
in my line
Red Cloud,
Lower than any yard in tlic world
I. X
I take produce and pay the highest v market
7 11 1 i c
once. l a so Keen a a rue slock oi
j - -
Come and see me if you want iuhhI mimmIs and
fnir treatment at all times.
Cash Grocery House
Groceries, Fruits Etc
Best Couds Onlv. Cume and set- mc
The Cash Croccr.
What is
CaatorU U Dr. Samuel Pitcher' prescription for JbOjsU
and Children. It contain neither Opium, WorhJ nvr
otber Narcotic nubtaBC4 It f a harwlc ulrtitjt'
for Pjwforic, Dropa, Sootbtac fcjrufM, suJ Owtor Oil.
It ! lleaaat. Iu KUmTaalcn i thirty jrarV bw bj
Millions of M othera, Cotorl dealroj Worm ju4 aiUjs
fcrerishBCm. Ctorla prrrent rvmlllns Hour Cord.
care Diarrbora ai Wind Colic CatorU relieve
teeihinj? troubles cure eouiijtlor al Axlnlcnej.
Cavatoria aaisUsUa Use food, r-suUtc Ue atwe
HH bowel, EiTi wealthy and natural alcp. C
tria U the CaUlJre' Paaaceas the Jtter'a FrlcJuL
la as rtnfasi mmfir l rar-
Ins. afeOTafsyaaas7tsMsts
f-xni aCace syea aV dt"4m.a
&a, O-C Owjxta.
fNwtvw-rJ-r rt- I
SBBTIKw-'-. . -. t
3bs7&s. tcti2 Tr J oCUr kirsi
iiiiii 4ra Ourtr Omasa. Cveettrj mmisss I
Da, J. T Zsksx.
ent, ,
Cumf. U
ymS.-rm'7?i re.TSii?.
r l - .-jxxj-i is?.' s a
m prepared to sell nit) thing
l.ouet llgure for cask
ILtouJjof Co
and Coal.
lit fc. Otivft ., t-mr. ". T.
- -
iri Cm9s l
wa k wc WBBk
tfc" ?
x-jjl t
tmt, tt ,
TI Xrrmj Ks4. 3lw Yk CHj.