The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 28, 1891, Image 1

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    - - mmimm bbbb bbb-i m " " -- i M-rTni4Mr 4 ,
"" "l"-- J - """"" BBBBBaBaBaBrBBBM - m- !.- "IB """ - f " " i ' 1- - '! H M m ' ' ' " BBaBBBW- - BBBaaf " "T k " f F . BaBBBBF BBaijiP5SE BaaBBBaB) - " """ "TBjni mmr l?7TtnmHF OBBJk. OaVflBBBBBat1
:-Q llJlW,-&MipyTwCmi pSBBi L" -bbbbbSMf - '
By A. C. Hosmer.
DciiMK-rHticCotintj Coiufiilion.
Tl democratic convention is called
to assemble at Blue 1 1 ill, cbr , Sat-
dnii, opttfIucbcr .) at 1 o.ciocfc p. m.
lor the purpose of nominating dele-
L'atcs to The State and judicial c:r.
ention-and tran-actinj: such other
.u-inc5 as may properly come neiore
tlis convention. Uy order
LountyLeu. Loiu.
K. V. Tavlor. has iu-t received a
i i r . . i .. I -II
car loan oi new mrnuure a.... ...
laKC VOU ine lowest price cvrr oner-
''ed in this country.
J CibbbbbbjbbwbbbbiCLXobT ' m
Dry Goods!
TTW ,V TTf fc'T
Iii all kinds of
Piles of NEW goods.
Have not time to describe them now, but
vite you to come and see them.
G. A. Ducker
That Ieriiniinii. j
t tlw. Tnili't.pnilpr.t Judicial con-.
. I
-cntioii held at linucn. tnc icnin
Judicial District County Attornc-
. , f . . (
thc 1t.rajmmon but carried away in
his belt the scalps of such men of '
ability as Galin and Kazan. Some-
mncs you can t mo.-t ahvays tell
forehand who will be the nomioee ot
an Independent convention.
For Sale.
ffjl i
4 .nn.l .. C -nrL- mirnc rT
- a - --- --, - .
nuui - iui mnvti .".'. ...-j....w
Holland llou-c.
..... '
Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is
$10,000 WORTH OF NEW
Wc open the battle with the LARGEST SELECTION f
Boys' and Children's suits at correct Prices !
WIENER The Clothier
The Sixv of It.
rhft independent party ol
county has, not the strcnj:th that it had
. . , tpi , 1
la-t vcar bv a lonj: way
con- j
-; ';- "J " " .. ' . !
fomi,l out that the adherent to the
ncw party an in it for reenue or
0fliee only ' and nut for the good of
e-Jnian j;,, 'fhe Cowlc-
fujjv demonstrate that
point, aa all
kind - of trades' were put up and many
promises were made that
be fulfilled in the scramble for office,
n fact aftcr a vcar-tu,lv. the farm-'
cr and laoorers nac iouni oui umi
the wild and visionary -ehcine- that are
. i r .. .1. .4
aid to be lor their benefit will only
redound to their detriment if they
should ever become laws. As to the
plea of diNhoue-ty made by the inde-1
pendents in reirard to the lepublican '
party, is all moonshine, no party lia a
clearer record. Most of those wno
jare cr ins: thief are xa.-n who fiiled
to iret an omee in the republican or
democratic partie and intelligent
men who are euually hiiick to ee
i such aemagouuery, arc steppmj: down
i r j a . J.a
and out of the independent rank.-.
! 4
Kcv. Luther 1. Lu.ldcn ha been
appointed by Gov. Thayer as labor ,
commissioner, vice judire Mason de-
,.,w:(,li "
i i -
Independent party motto Xo lio-
hcinian need apply, or in other words
no foreigner's are wanted for office, just ',
their vote, that s all.
;?M"? . .
Thebaic fair commence the 4th
and will be one of the best ever hela
inthe state. A arpe number of our
people are :oim: to attend. ,
, Sam. Brass of Juniata, writes to
(chairman Coulter of the Tudepend-
I dent central committee of that county.
j that he is a therouchly died-in-thc-
wol demociat, and ha been for 40
! cars, and declines all uominat ions
on the Independent ticket.
-. i
The judicial indejHJtident eonven
lion at Miuden, on Wednesday, noiu-'
inated an unknown third rate lawer
.forjudge of the 10th district. A
laree number of the independents jow
, , ... . , ., , l ,
that they will boh Beale as he i no
trood. ebster county delegates are
. not stuck on him.
Queen Vic has invited l'resideut
jtarnot of trance to come ana ce her
and be decorated with the "Ordci of
Itheliath.' Now if Kncland's jueen,
would decorate good " many of the
j emigrants who come to our chores
., , , , . r. v - t.
with the "Oidcr of the Bath or with
a bath before they land it would be
a ood thins for us.
K. Chancv of lied Cloud, one of
le prominent legal lights of .Nebraska, j jes in this rejHiblic that have long
and who has gone through many a guided alternat.'o the oM ship of staU
hard fonght H'l battle in which j &a run aeck 1 n..-k in their
, - - l , j - .i jetiortfi for supremacj. as I aai that each
the writer was also engaged, tstn thej)WiI! have Jl1caa,Kj-a:) fw ihe j
city. He comes for the puTpo of deacy m l-a-..
looking over this mineral fields, and It is possible that by and throiTgh the
may take away a souvinir in the shape operat.on of the people's party the derc-
of a deed for mining propertv her. , P m,a t their candidate: but that
The Tine would fisj &
to see hina ideatfr himself itb the
conciug coip ot Loioraao. aid vupioeiieve.
Ttmes, Colorado. , Hoping ever that the light may hine
. I upon the pathway before our whole twv-
, . , . , -.. t
Tbo republican central committee of
rVebster county, met in judge 1 runkty s
' office last SafurtL'iv, aa J united in calJ-
' ing the republican county convelwn for)
I aptcmoer a. iwi at .ueu t iosu. at ine
-m. --w - - - t 1 sw .1 t
t - ...
I n.vir hn nt ptawn oelPGK a. m. It
w. .--
wasreoommenaeumai uie pmuanes
Ilt'lUOll iue i.'iu. xi acvi.r vj. mit uav-
i4l-444 V41 IUV - -- -- - -
enthusiastic central committee aoet -
ings that has ever been held in Webster
, . . ,. .
county, and orJr two townships not rep -
- Tr.Ar?5Tnr thfi W, rlonbt
but the republicans will rarry the connty
this fall wnth good sized majorities. Tnejai 2Cra headache, daxine. bactcb
uisiiTt-clion la the independent ranis.
is turnimr lanra numbers bacK to tne
old parties. The republicans should do
their atmost to elect the ticket, and by
energetic work then will be no trouble.
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, August 128,
While we inform you that Ave
Politics From Jiilo Utuk.
KoitokCiiih Lai.t Snturda I would
),. 1. . ... aa ntkt..rl Urk - n t i.n nn
" ..-i-"-- "
the republican ticket for an oflice in the
count, had it been tomU-red me accom
Inied b a hnndre.1 dollars :u, an in
du cement.
Hut frince tliHt dntotAuz. -- I have
mnuo cerinui ujmjtii-s im lunutv
mo io uviwt wwi ti.u uuuwr !"'
the reverse to uiuit i naci ueneu iu
and there xs every rea--on uhy thorupub-
liains should so to work systematically
and make the WPt showinj: p.w..We.
i wisiuosn nsm m-.r, imwi'iei. m,u
our course -lumld be that of p-ntlemen.
i i. . . 1.. t I ..
and not of the baser bort of iKiliticiaus.
makinp asaulton the pergonal chaniu
jrsof our opponent.,
j.'or ,f we cannot Ku before the j-eople
aml houiupijoforethetn thesoinorityof
our partv such aml nt lhfi,
,',,.,,- i
am rej)Uuble nit-n. without trvin to be-
hule nad U;menn QUr opittIDjr cail(h.
dales lhen indee.louI,ht we tohuffer de
.,-.,, , , , . .,
e should never lose siht of the
fun tlm f.vcv ninnl rtf MMf luwl 1Vr ll fl T Xa
f:one into the ioopl party not without
misspvins as to the final outcome.
Now. these men mean quietly to cist
alout them, bet neon this and election
dav, for the r;:ht candidates, to vote for.
and thoso of thern who went out from
the republican party will, of course, vote
with us ncain whenever they cease to be
longer led by the lenders of the new
artv, provided our candidateo are pood
Another reas-w w hv w e should be
ceQt,eraanlv m our Jeportinenl IS that
; ..
, . ...
men, brinj: men of conscience, will more
readily listen to arpumen.. ami .Mem .o
convincinj: po-er when approached
!,ke Riea-
j For one I can irutlifullv say tnat I ad-
, vie the honet-tj of purpose on the part
'of woros of my fellow c.Uzens in tiias
tiyinu' to better tlio couditHn of the
nias - tr - . and now that the excitement i
last ear's carajwnn has subsided these
n-en can bo approached, and m return
will treat u m a kmdlr and nt;hborh
I beheve the rep-Uica party
will triumph rrandlv m 12. mux that
and mnWutmtnl wiH acain Mttje
,jown Upon the jop!e of this creat cora-
Bat if we xhouW dicovr the fn"t to
Iw thai the people'-jm-ty or the denv-
cratic partv or anv other jwirtv ttndr the
heavens s "the U-t and only rrty on
which to depend for tr-j salraUon of our
country, theu as ltunot men wt must
' JOrj hand all around ami place that
T r,' ,,,,., , .
I know this may at nrst Uusn kjk Ui
iCOnserrat,Ve for some of rnv rautxal
brethren, but I am firmly f tb belief
fans.- i
ici-m wdl l- tho remedv.
I just as conridem that it is but a
1 UtlKKl V4 ftlUH iiUi.l i ,WQ TI
if hot Tr t'l eyea pretend to
pltf aad that kind Providence mar Enile
. JoHy M. Chattix.
MarJiins Fact.
! TV 4 m
- ?- .
i rr-,Ti -am
I . rT?
j phrao HapStsg of BcnrrPa-cr
( ni utii .- -jii 5,war'; irxna a;.
( - - . ... - -'t' "- - J' -
iidanceDr.liii. great Bwtoratir.Ner
j Tiae-fflt? t4 ?W r1?- f ViU '
paraiso ana J. D. Tajlor. ot Lcgaaport. ,
, . ch -o poa fronit.Wg'
I ? Mrt H 4. rfn.i-. r.f Vt?-! 1,1 '
Cc-rd of a to in envaljoa. a daT,
t ed nervos Trotrauon br one botie i
Tnal bol-. and fine book of mndov
curt, free at C. L. 3ottisg"5 ah- ncom
meds and gnaraBtees this caesaled
reaMdj. o
ptvple are rapidlr b-. v jj arT3Cgmtnta
" r .I! u rrrL.r" Pitted and bij look
- M-Jd wV K t .
- ;JtkB-- vuc wci rraruv; l -. ... -,. ,
The C'tiiHltriute.
In castmir around for men to till the
countyotliivs this fall on the republican
ticket, wo have heard tho sanies of the
following men mentioned
For clerk. 11. I). Itanney, present m
cumbent. Mr. Itanney m well qualified
and will no doubt be his own Bucoor
For district clerk C. II. Crono i hiidv
talked of as a man every way able to till
the oflice satisfactorily to the jxpl?.
For Superintendent. Mr D. M. Hunter
will ho hm own uccssor ho is a pch olar
of ability and fully able to eopo with the
responsibility of that office.
For treasurer, the name' of (J. W.
Hummel, G. W. Kn iht. K. B. Smith
E. H. Jones, and I. V Orary have bisn
mentiontnl. Any oneof thes yentlemfn
would make gonl officers and would till
that important office in good shap. .
For SherilT. the name of Henn Scott
has been mentioned, nlso BheritT Teel.
Both of tluvo gentlemen are auahtied
and are loth well known to Vebter
county jeople.
For judge, we have only heard bo far
the name of D. F Trnnkey. present m
cumlx'nt. Mr Tninkey has mad a
good officer, and will till that office for n
second term with ability.
For coroner Dr. C. Schenck, w ill prob
ablv be his own Hucc5&or. He can Mt
on you" a good a, any man in the
For surveyor. Will Thorne. will be
nominated without a dissenting voir.
The above men are nil good ouml r
pnbhenn .ind would do bonor to an offi
in the gift of the jeople. and if nomma
tod Tub CiULr will say Amen.
A plan has been adopted for adver
tising the various counties of Xcbra
kaby sending train load of our pro
duce through the Eastern State.
The counties have been apportioned by
the Advisory Board from $100 to
$600 for meeting the expense. Web
ster is apportioned $175. tnles wc
raise our share our county will not be
advertised. Each county crntribat
ing toward the expense of the excur
sion will be given from one to two
thousand word; each, and a bok con
taining a brief write-up of each
connty. M. rL Bkntlev.
,it of 'Juror Tor October Term
Al. Aultz, lied Cloud.
Jake Uciglc, Kcd Cloud
M. W. DTckeison Red Cloud.
D lleSt-lower. Kcd Cloud.
J. II. Smith. Red Cloud.
C. K. Kvans K--d Cbnd.
I. W. Crarv, Guide Hock.
I. McCalbm. Guice ItoeV.
James Watt. Guide Rock.
T. ?1. Cochrane, Inavale.
W C. rrUr. IVdaa.
Win. Whittco, rwdaro.
l Kuhn. I'otdm.
Archie Kay, Haimony.
5 W. Fulton, Harmony.
Charles Kichirdson, Uirmonr.
D. Xorris. Willow Creek.
Fred Weber, Pleasant HilL
C. C. Cox, Pleasant HilL
John Christnoa, Beavrr Cretk.
George Greig. Glcnwco-i.
Wtn.l!obrC Oak Creel.
K. T. Payne. Cathcrtn.
Joseph Watonr Kim Crt-ck.
Blanch Ked. daoghter of Mr and
Mrs. B. F. Heed formerly of K
Cloud, and now of Tburman, Colora
do, died a few day ago in PcTer.
aad was broabbt "to Red Goad, for m
teraeSt. The fsseral occared at the
residence of Mi Mollit Ferrii' asd
wi largely attended. Mr. ad Mrs.
Reed bare the apathy of the pco-
I pie of Red Good, in tbcirsad brrTc-
The it union is prgTrsicg 5ely
are betsg cwo-
for a j:oci
snven a follow
Cnrnrt had; SlaO rrt IMK
i -w- - - --
S75. tecond trix io, third p-xe
ii; Land 50 First p-ix
Jlin,al ,J ? JSt P
f30, CCOD!l PTIC T-U.
' Bet drilled company of "ebraka j
and Kansas .iUOal Gsard 1100.
Bes dniied coaspacy of Soss of
Veteraas $50.
Sbootiag tosrsasent with prize
I of IMUtkebeji
ume. i rues win tc
the Price of The Chief.
arc receiving over
Fucking not all done eL
Win. Buker contracted hia wht at
eightv cent
Jack Fn-t -hoved np Simday mora
nig in thos wrt..
Kev Kly, of Bed Clouil adiIrood
the picnicker- Thurlay
Mr. Bartlettof Kcuvilla la ,i hjMrt
inga few week- with hi- nephew. Nrl
fon. Bartlctt.
The hum of tho thrua-lung machine
l-heard m every direction
The Plainvicw Sunday School picnic
Saturday, in Jn. McCullum - grwve
wa a tucc-.
S Bartictt of Salem, Oro-on, i-it-ing
hi -on. Nel-on, anl looking after
hi- farming interests
The Congregational picnic held ii W.
K Thome's srovc lx.t Tlmr-day ac
!iiteruptl by an approaching -ton
Mi-- Leltie HoSman. eiitortatHwl
jmtc a number of her little friends
Fnday afternoon is hoiwr of hcrntath
The Farmer - lH-nmc Co. f
Grand !-laitd are bay at work repair
nig th Baptist Church, which wa
dantagei br lighting orae Umo ag.
C K. Kihlcr wa at R-d Chwid. ht
Satunlny. S
IMrHHiil Hill.
Young Birry, a son-in law of Mr.
Charley. w taken to Red CWud.
onclnrgeof hre tcalmg in Coiorade.
one day lst week.
Farmer arc busy potting up Uy
r. W Baker i buy farming
Kd Hmr i putting n turn -wall
hay ?tac- between cornfield J-t
the g'od work g on
1'luma and peache re gctUngrir
The tKightor- think 51 C. Judd u
a -mart nc to get women flk to wore
in the bay field-, but wc dsn't.
We arc tufgplntjof rtaa lately.
Th' Scnday School, ptcste at the
Mycr" grove i a nccet
The Isavale bc Wll nir weat v
Bloomingtos Saturday. Aug 22d. to
w:a a purse of i-0 but tbey were loo
seek for tbra. their tallio were id
to IT is fivor of BlovBiagtoa.
Mr McHaghba? a Uggy. He
say he can rig the boy oat with a
Sr-t-la rig now
Mi Florence Sawyrr ad Mi
Maude Knight tart to Franklin,
Monday where they will attend school
the coxing jear
There will be preaching next Snadi7
night at eUiek. KrerT UAr i
Mr. Aver is buildms aa addmoo
to hi havr. 31 1 Ka.-twooi of Rtvor
toe w- Tttiung Mi Myrtle Sawyer
SatardaT aid Sandav
Ml. Mable and .Mary 'ye, of Red
Clotd, are nitir.g Mra-'WoIeott thu
week. Purrrtt.
Married. - Rd Clcsd. el- As
iS.l91. Mr. Tboaia B. dan
Cnioo coasty Oregon aad 5fi KlH
I) Browa of tbi oonty I F
Tranter C?aaty Jaige, 5etUor
Haat of aftk
EAR! -k
The am) Ujrm that fell Ut TW
day aftcmooo -ltd a great drol of dam
jjjf It took a -cope f roimtrj iboot
six iMiies m4 ami Ammttoyrd knot
t'Vrythtr in U putk. Mr. loMii
Mr Uau Mr. Steiien ad Mr. Will
ing- are the vttrt w Uav o4M. twttr
a tiHmber of Wor-o- wvre rnt tn wir
feje Mr MovMtford bad tlrrr h-T'
cut m thr wir. Mr C Fraur .o I
will f a M wa dwo Mr Irrin ( !
Iib- aud K. U WiUo Mtt Um oi
faf bed-i Utany tWr Thr .it
did much liutar' in blow tog lwr,
granarn- and -WW-, ad Uyyuoj )
ami grain Urk wTrr aad u iwi.
ca-t? lakiHK them away Tli- r-
in the chut o1 tb Wrw i rut
chtan a it eoeM ht cnlwltii r
It I. ver bard for Um (-tor frilo t
lo everything tby knvf aficr I ;n,r
their crop la yar Tbry kar
help from tbo .wko mofm forton
ate or tbev wntt -rtier fr thr r il
more or hr in drbi aad it u vy d
eottragiiMt for tboa afur bat tag ak
good pro-peei. SlU.
n!Utii Ilriitli.
Hrort ftMf bj tr th
aitm Hi
ar iMit of ftmr M
lh)myUHn arc Mt k'w4l7
Uhk1 1liMwt a katt of IrttMC Ur
riht KJf. rt brib. pita or
la !. Uaek or 4k)W. Irrigotar
aUMi. weAi and koogry il. l4 m
toti, 4lRg ff aakln or 4fff. op
rroo ilrj oook xd tWmg tr
XltM iUoUawi Uk oo Iirt t)mnm.
Itt i C 1 ' otttag W Q hmd gmtumm
Ir ICtl"-. joJJ $w ltrt Or
Bd XUjrettT .-Tf, vWiHk tr o
Twr, kKlfcJ. , 4mm wS
of iirtoVg Lr 1 1 aHt to a
i. A. K- p-rlal otlcc.
Ail (mrtri of rS-ld Po4. 'o
5D broy pillj rrjrid
to auntd tb itrxt rzlir 8oc ol
the 1W toWkH MooJjj, A 31 '
at 2 P M a- hut faMaM
wUi ko tra-".'4
;. K..T P C
C Smi: x. Ad;t
Mrtinri 4'n-.
S. if ItJTod. CWH. H'M.
tffMM -vit'i .rnit f4 Jtfc jHo
hi -ummm, do-44. !v
t J4I Yy. 4 O mrrPMj nitl1
ISOithttirr--4. x
"-Ott SoKMrrti Mmrrmbmrj L. 4
a romtaf - Hf of MC
ilaoaliij L4 Urt-- ooV44
Stt aw Unu rU i A
boti, ai j c i worf Ma1 wft
Jobs Sfftlor. Ca4TU. , kmd tn
lrg Frtf tt oo lc.
BUc md s ! Itakt
aajTwtI Jwac oUrt rw4 oy I Ji
f 'err ret ien.
la i ! ; ror lt
!j tku JKcirka 3ahI ao
aoisso'itao (t korai I o .
tbit W mdo S4 bo jMrar
Mw Hxt- LsX. weM-k
Rtd GoaJ, wbo U bws is
for3ssbt.r ?f jer. b rrt'srsed t
Rd Goi. Per tk ?Ji lear b
i beea linag ai Pbi, bat fi
13 braltb ci4 bf Tftnrs Ut iN
ferxk. f-ix lk- gs-t 4 br t
;- Mr Hoiltwr f tb e j
U. S. Cor't Rspoet, Asf. x;, 2
v .1 i N :
SO X t t
V.l oaiM W V
m bo at4 a. WT1 i
b tk m x ttmfc H 4,) ' t
iwi 1.11
to, Hit! ifli & PaoifRj
- U149IO
4 tolot
t -tH swl
rarrxrtr zxrnxm tkixxz
" rtm aa" m4 Mai r nncu,
crv jo p. ratvAMan
wmta. xsLt ororow i r-jiov.
ti ti arf nmi OaoJTW
iv . iiio , nut kuiiicxi.;R
CaJOi aat 'Ti . aO OaOor '"" f
au i
rw-- orravarv rwjox,c . at n us
rV jOw om r i -. TBW Jktrx
raO aM afl m ,'
it t tmojiii - igyr
!' ar.x t -. o wiato.
rc itra' or rarr.
MJle L Mayes'
Patent - Collar
Frrai"tA J. O. BLTUBR
lltd Ciotitl, Hwrkeyd
aw?. omt ' i m m m r. Mt
J0Ji i lj-- .Ok. - t yft' tWiijli
-, t-. J- II " oo
T3UU1T t w ' li - r i
at rtJUMI,. Ti i n in r ti win
- - J ,HkOBaO h.aW aOJokOOOOK. OOhbk Ob w - aKd
BoafafjajaraMpa4fkiOk a oA feMxwa Mi oMa
tawwok awl MaytlM of ftMk
tmm i 04 00M0
Ba"W Wt
MMBaai c4iii)nn)i,
Bljf W ooro fe)RoojJa) OBjiyOl9 tVaBW a-oojf SaiWyaJoaaaj
r-r Otp I i Onwaat iOiii iQi-
40 ' v ' ' - TartV - Mi Oj tov K
1' il ,
aaflaaaaV WaV
aaaaa aBBL!BBBBVBBarh VaWaLw
laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal?VK X
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat'i .
i &.
isywytirwr .r;iwfv