The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 07, 1891, Image 4

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Nebraska and Kanaas
Inter-state Reunion!
Bed Cloud, Neb.,
September 15, 16, 17 and 18, 1891.
Has been named in
The grounds are beautifully laid out and with
in five minutes walk of the city, and one
block of street car line.
Special railway rates, plenty water, over 300
tents, electric lights, good eating house
and hotel facilities.
Eminent :- Speakers
Will be here and address the old soldiers,
Come everybody.
J. L. MILLEP, Dist. Com.
(Heap, M Hoi &PxtfIfe
The Direct Boaie to awl ftem CkleejQ, Jallet, Ottawa,
Feoria, La Salle, Mollaa, Bock bland, la UXIKOI8;
Davtaport, Xaesatlar. Otteja-ra, Otaakxaa, Vn
Molar. WlBterart, Aaoubaa, Harlan aad Caend!
Btaft, ia IOWA; Mlnaaa-li aad M. Faal, la MIK
KESOTA; Watrrtowa aad Hmi Falta. la IUKOTA;
Caraeroa, SC Joe-fti aad Kauai CMy, la MISSOURI ;
Omaha, Uacola, Falrtmry ud Kttoa. la XEBBASEA ;
AUfaltoti, Lrarcawoita, Hortaa, Tsetka, Hatratatoa.
Wichita. BtllerU, AMtoae, Sodf CKy. CaMwtll. la
KANSAS ; KlagUktr. Km. aad Mlaco. la 1KDIAK
TERRITORY: IXartr, Colorado Sfrlam aad PatUo.
in COLORADO. TtaTtian atw am af ilea fcmlnf
and craitnf land, aSstdlaf Um e adUttw af latrr
rouBinaicaUoa to all tawaa aad title) teat aad weB,
notthwMt aad eatawtst of Calcat aad to Tedae aad
trant-octanlc etaport.
Lradlnf all coayiUMi la mltaaic af
betwrea CHICAGO aad DCS MODtH. OOtmCtl,
CARS, aad Falacc Ntrecn, raa XMalag Car Bar-tea,
aew coaaccUaa at Dmtct aad Othnta flatlata vtta
tilrergiBg railway llate, aew Ja-atac aa sew aad
TRAus-noacr mouxtaiw boot
Over a-hkh eatmaly -aalaaU traiaa raa daKy
Lake Citr. Ofa aad Baa Fraaea-e. TRS BOCK
ISLAND to alto ttw Dbact aad rarerie) Law ta aad
from Hanltoa.Flk1 Itak aad aH
cralc rMortoaadctUai mmm
-" fr
Fren St Jppa aad Kaaaat CRy to aad ftaai aH fca
pertaat towns, cRiM aad atcttaai la
Kabsm aad tb IniMia TcrrHary.
LEA ROUTE from KiaanCRy aad Cakaaato
town, Skmx Falta, anXXKATOLIS aad BT. TXVU
coanactioKf far all petata aorm
the lakes aad tae Tactte OaatC
For Ticket. XaM. Fatten, or deatfed
aprly ? Chapoa Tfckat Otka la the ratted
r Caaada, er aaarcai
3-1 Macaco1. GeanTkttlaatAjC
cfTcayu tli
HwFlt PBtratcteR))
OAee OMMW run Jaw -ikMii
Maaaaaa traaaM VT ii
rrohate Natlce.
.m hmid tmtmvfim ue mi-
. .ta.l
sd. tkat tke.thwe
ixriW-f.2E-r ISBSt. MM, ,xu
ssm "jTSiTa ! Hrsseat teir
MrMMare iWiffSwWff, of aM
- Mt tn ebMrdbefore tke
rrssiai 99
SWidoaT of KScb. im,
Jionor of the Gallant
Grace Episcopal Church.
Services every Sunday morning at
10:30. Sunday school at 0:45
A. M. during July.
G. A. JR.
Until further notice, regular meet
ings of James A. Garfield Post No.
80, Dept. of Neb. G. A. It. will be
held Monday evening on or before
each full moon at 7:30 p. m., and
two weeks thereafter at 2 p. m . Vis
itinc comrades cordially invited to
attead. G. W. KsianT, P. C
G. Sciienck. Adj't
For ShIc.
A good fpan of work marcs, or will
trade for much cows. Enquire at
Holland House.
Miles l Hayes'
Patent - Collar
Fop sale by J. O. BUTLElt
Ked Cloud, Buckeye
Harness shop.
Cwre Brapepaaa,
Clear tao Ccmylcxi
lesclicscnd Sail'
fanm o f ITc-zdaclte.
Tkc-r,ltUePllIautve UtoHadat rr
ctrtIon cnl mleajnat emVct raay.
pUlcvoi aade. Sd-I - Ira?Sae or
acat b y wail T r 0"
yfiffl- iRmWaBBnBBnBBBYmWaW
'id!' nshfafafsHYsafsmwaf
'-Mi- saBBaBBaBBaBnaBBaK
'-"" 'tamaBwsSfessmwnBnBnHA
fc: -criBBJnmWaBW&BnHmnHSmaji
-- HyBWBBaBBaBgNtj'
'"- llJSWmHaBBafSS
w 1 BvvTXESJvv KHBWBWfEac rf,
ifctJ BaE-SmWOBBBBtilL
"r wlBBBmirj It BBBmBBmBBmBBaBBna'Iaf
t3lliBm 3BM5?nBBaBBaW
T. rt?x? . tSg&flnfafBTCS
T rTsamWHnBa aB? ,
raeB care wranr
Friday, Aa. 7, !!.
Bntered at the roet Offlee Ib Bad Cleat, Neb.,
as wall matter of tbeweead daae
To tlic Red Clone! AmcIIshi
Store, at tkc Red Flat;, fsr
Bargain of all Kla4.
A fine Hoe of notions are being
eold at less than wholesale prices.
- Job Its of ladies', children and
gents underware, ladies' and missel
hoscry and gloves, boy's half hose
gents fine shirts laundried and
laundried, torchon and Valenciennes
laces, bead trimming Irish trimniBg,
velvets and other ribbons, corsets.
Hat trimmings, hat and hair orna
ments, beads, sewing machine and
hair oils. Perfumery, buttons and
thread, needles and pins. Japense
fans and parosols, clothes lines.
Zephyrs, Saxony and cotton yarns,
darning cotton, frilling, ladies' and
gents neck wear, cuffs and collars,
(Irish linen,) scarfs, handkerchiefs,
albums, playing and visiting cards,
pencils, clocks. Great inducements
offered to country dealers. Millinery
goods for one half price wholesale.
Goods must and will be sold at any
sacrifice. Auction every Saturday,
consignments solicited.
To Callfbrala, Orecm, Wash
ington and other Western
points In Pullman Colonists
Sleepers Via, the Union Pa
cific. The constant demand of the traveling
public to tbe West for a comfortable and
at the same time an economical mode of
traveling has led to the establishment of
what is known as Pullman Colonist Sleep
These cars are famished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, warm
blankets, enow white linen, curtain
which seenre to the occupant of a berth
as much privacy as is to he had in first
class sleepers, plenty of towels, combs,
brashes, etc. There are also separate
toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
Another fact not to be overlooked is
that these Pullman Colonist 81eepers are
attached to the daily fast express trains
thus enabling passengers oeoapying
these cars to make the same time as
occupants of first-class Pullman Sleepers.
A charge of $3.00 for a lower or upper
double berth is made between Council
Bluffs. Omaha or Kansas City and San
Francisco or Portland
For those furnishing their own bedding
free berths are given in Pullman Colonist
Cars running between Counoil Bluffs,
Knnsas City and Portland.
The Pullman Colonist Sleeper is es
pecially commended for the use of the
homeseeker who is moving to the west
with his family, and who desires com
fortable sleeping accomodations enromte
bnt cannot afford to pay the first-class
Pullman Sleeping Car fare.
Formatter descriptive of any state or
territories through which the Uniom
Pacific runs, or for rates, time of trains
etc.. etc. amlv to E. L. LOMAX, Oeal
PasH. and ticket Agent. Omaha, Neb.
Leave Orders
and I will deliver fresh bread to any
part of the city every afternoon, or any
thing in ray line of business.
Jos. Herburoer, the baker.
Notice to Teachers.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers ofthe publio schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on the third
Saturday of each month.
D. M. Hunter, Cou nty Supt' .
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorlcv
Dray Line.
People who desire draying done
with promptness and dispatch should
always hire John Barkley's teams.
John is an old hand at the business
and will do your work well. Terms
casonable. 1-tf
Hack Line.
T. IL Hayes, has purchased the
Valley House Hack and is now pre
pared to respond to calls at all hours
of the dav and nicht. Orders should
be left at MjcAvoy's livery stable east
of the Holland House. Price 25cts
to any part of the city. tf
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
When Baby was sick, are save ker Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Caatoria.
When she became Mfas, she cluay to Oaatorm.
F. V. Taylor, has just received a
car load of new furnitire and will
make you the lowest prices ever offer
ed in this country.
The concert at the Baptist church
last Sunday evening, was the finest of
its kind ever given in Bed Cloud.
Wc arc torry that we have not the
space to give the exercises in fall this
week, but will suffice it to say that
they were excellent.
A fellow from Cowlcs. came down
to Red Cloud, the other day to have a
time. When he came he had $70 or
thereabouts iu his jeans, but during
the night he visited some unquestion
able resorts and says he was relieved
of his $70. He don't like that kind
of contraction of the currency, especi
ally his.
It really seems strange that there is
not enough enterprise in Red Cload
people to get oat to as IsapoiUat a
meeting as a creamery caterprise. The
meeting Tuesday afternoon was very
lichtly attended. It seems to us that
a creamery woald be tbe best thing
to revive oar town that eoald .pos
sibly be introduced. The people
should get a move on thea mad try
and do something that woald give
our city a new lease of life.
Mr. AWea is
qiite feeble
Cabiaa Parets for sale by
Coaditioa powders of all kiads at
Devo keeps the largst stock of pat
ent medicines."
Forgcnnine bargaas eall at the see
end hand store. 2 1.
W. N. Richardson shipped a car ef
hogs to Deaver this week.
Go to Deyo aad see his bargaias
in ramaaats of wall paper.
Charley Mehagaa of tbe Chicago
store was in the eity this week.
Qaite an iateresting daace occur
ed at Garber's grove oa Taesday
Nice aew goods just received at
F. V. Taylor's, remember his prices
are the lowest.
Pr. Schenek and wife Suadayed
nearRiverton with their daighter,
Mrs. Sam Polly.
Go to J. S. Parkcs' for groceries,
provisons, notions, etc. Prices rea
sonable, come and see us. tf
Anthony Arneson, of Inavale,
added his aame to the greatest paper
in the county, this week. Thanks.
Remember that Coud 4k Co., will
not be undersold on furniture, ear
nets, wall rjaosr Ac. at Tavlor's old
Call on T- . Penman for fine
jewelry watches and clocks, silver
ware, specs etc. Cottiag's drag
Kraft, the man who got into trou
ble at Grafton, as alleged, was at one
time a bar tender in a Bed Cload
It appears that the Denver market
is pretty good for hogs, the priee paid
. a a m WLfWL t
ap in mar nurg oeing irom inuj
cents per pound.
Go to T. E. Penman for fine watch
cloek and jewelry icpairing. Artis
tic letter and monogram engraving.
Cotting's drug store.
Go and sec Oscar Patmor. He has
purchased Conover and Dickcrsoa's
feed store and solicits your patronage
and assures vou fair returns and low
Red Cload did not get the world's
fair commissioner. It went to
Adams and Phelps counties. Red
Cloud baa three good sen for the po
sition. After years of experience we make
tbe intelligent care of the dead a
specialty, and are prepared to attend
all calls in the city or country . F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
Undertaking by F. V. Taylor who
has had yea.s of practical experince
in the scientific care of the dead aid
is better prepared thai ever to eon
duet the business in all its branches.
F. Y. Taylor will duplicate any
prices offered by othtr houses oa all
olases of Undertaking goods, aaa
guarantee better goods aad better ser
vice. Funerals atteaded free ia eity
or couaty.
The county seat question seests to
agitate our friends of the north part
of the county, but the efforts are all
ii vain and only calculated to give
Blue Hill a little "no-toriety" as the
Irish man would say.
F. V. Taylor never has charged any
thing for attending fanerals. He
carries the largest stock and gaarea
tees satisfaction. Remember he will
duplicate any priee offered by others,
on undertaking goods,
Mr. P. Conover and wife go to the
Hot Springs, JDakota,'in a few days,
where it is hoped that Mrs. Conover
will be materially improved. She has
been sufferiBg from rheumatic troa
bles for some time past.
C. W. Kallej is home from Dakota.
Charier thiaks that Hot Spriags is
the place to take a hath aad advises
all to go there aad be elean. We do
not know whether Charley meat the
last clause for democrats or aot.
Why doa't the marshal enforce the
ordinance iB relatioa to the hitching
or lariating eattle or horses aersee
the streets? It has become to be
qaite a aaisance of late. Some day
it will cause a horrible accident aad
then it will be only too late.
J. C. Waraer eame near having a
serioas accident the other night while
coming into tfea cioaa on a ioace
wagon. In some way he relief aad the
wagon nearly ran ever him, as it was
he escaped with several iajariea that
might have been mare aenema had he
aet had eoasiderable presenee af
We dislike to hare ta keep eaUiag
the atleatioa of the citixeas to the
horrible coaditioa of the cemetery,
bnt it is nsver-the-Iets a fact that the
Red Cload cemetery is a disgrace to
civilization ia its pretest condition,
and steps eaght to be taken at cacc
to remedy the evil. Will yea do "it
or not, citixeas of Bee! Cload.
Treves at Deyo's.
A. 3. Marsh was ia Lincoln, this
Hammocks and croquet at Cot
ing's. Jim Sawyer has moved back to Red
Frank VaaDyke arrived in Califor
nia all right
Rev. Wiaters aad wife were ia the
city this week.
Read Darker s new ad ia this iue
it will pay yoa.
O. C. Bell visited his family in Li a
cola, Saturday.
Charly Myers was doing Superior,
one day this week.
The best stock of machiae oil is to
be fouad at Deyo's.
For machiae oils eheap eall at the
second hand, store. 2 1
Bev. Harrison of Franklin, was in
Bed Cloud, this week.
Miss Addie Beigle was visiting in
Guide Bock, this week.
Mr. S. Beckworth, has purchased a
fine surrey for his family.
Cotting is still selling lots of wall
paper at way down prices.
Mm. Earl Newton, of North Platte,
is visiting with Mrs. Henry Cook.
Miss Ada Howard has returned
home from an extended vistit in Iowa.
George Guilford has been on the
sick list but is able to attend to busi
ness again.
Daniel Snyder returned home this
week from Iowa, where he has been
for a few weeks.
John McMillian, at one time an em
ploye of this office, was killed the
other day by the cars while making a
Oar eastern friends will bear in
mind that Nebraska has the largest
crop this year ever known in the annals
of her history.
Buy your paint of Cotting. He
sells the strictly Southern and Globe
leads and the Lincoln mixed paint
that cannot be beat
Do not fail to eall aad see F. V.
Taylor's stock before buyiag. He
buys by the ear this saves freight aad
ean sell cheaper than anybody.
Don't-forget the camp meeting at
Deweese, Aug. 10. The ground has
been fixed ap in fine shape, and it is
hoped that all who can will turn out,
.J. S. Cromwell, the handsome con
ductor of the Hastings and Red Cload
passenger on the B. A M. route adds
his name to the Great Family Weekly.
Call on Oscar Patmor for lour,
feed, Ac. He will sippiy you with
the best goods the market affords, at
Ceaover aad Diekersoa's old stand
Moon block.
Mr. David Kesler has been repair
ing the room lately occupied by R. M.
Martin Son. Mr. Martin has not
determined whether he will reopen the
store or not.
The time for the old soldiers' reun
ion is fast approaching. There will
be the largest crowd in Red Cloud,
that toh ever saw. so make your ar
rangements accordingly.
The Epworth League will give a
social at the Chapel, Friday eveaiag.
A short program will be readered
after which cake and iee cream will
he served. .Come everybody.
Qaite a number of ear yoang peo
ple are prepariag to attend the Frank
lin Academy this fall. The term be
gias Sept 1st There are maay mora
that oaghtta have the advaatage of
this exeelleat school.
Geo. W. Baker, of Amboy, was 53
years old Thursday, his friends to the
number of 75, congregated at his pleas
ant abode for the parpose of comemo-
ratiBg the event He was the recipeat
of nameroas preseats. All report a
pleasant time.
D. M. Piatt has returned front Dsa
The city has pat ia aew grates in
thaeagine at the city water works.
Mn.CoLHoovsr.of Blue HQL died
last Wsdaesmar after a brief il
Mr. Frank Taylor of this city
bytslagram to embalm the body. Mr.
Hoover haatha sympathy of bjs maay
frisads in Red Cload ia hie sad
Mra.LS.Beal was eaaed to
sTlvaaia tais wash, by tslearam to tha
death bed of a sister.
J. ft. Bailsy, wsQ known in this
tyhanrjeeaaMBtieaedhT the
antnartraaa sessiWe
caadiaats for
tUosaca of district 'ckrk of
coanty. Mr. B. comW ill tha ottos with
ability sboald as be siseted.
Oa Saturday arstth case of George
Cooava. M. B. McNitt, was tried ia
JadMTrwakwvs comrt It wffl ha m-
mambared that tan ease was
abnat br ths aMsned Hffiag of
Isatra.teMr.Cooa. Tha reemK af thai
trial was a verdict ef 187 ia favor of
ths district for
iwyar for ths po
of Jadgs of thaslnenctcoartnad
f ths awst able jaristia Neaawska,
The Cxi7tahaa great pleas a re i
with ether
Jsaamf McNsBT. A
Jaaas shsalrl seaman BaliamsTlsa
from all party bias, a xaaa who
rise abovs svsry sit meat aad bacon
iadsw ef ths mwais, aad thai is the
of amaaMr.McXeay-- Hs woald aV
ths ranee wita a h i nmiag dtgaiir, aad
as a lawyer eoald ast ha
If ths
latest Mr.
saswang ia ccajaacaea
To whom it may concern:
P. W. Bodaoa aad Jo, a Hart: Yon
will take notice that I rrchaatd from
thetreaaarerof Webatar county. Nebr.,
at private ta sale, for tbe cMiaaaeat
taxes fof-yeerlBaaaoaatiBff to SM3.
tbe foUowiaf lands Asairitisil towit: N
w 1-4 of a w li sec 18, 1 1 r 12, coataia
iaf 40 acres. TIbm tor redemptioa ax
piraa Nov. SO. 1801, and if not redeemed
at that tiaae I will apply for tax deed.
TaxsdinBaaMof P. W. Hodsoa,
23 L. Bauai.
John Davlia. Jamea W. Dawes Fay.
etta I. Foas aad James Heaton: Yon anil
take notice that I purchased from the
tressarer of Webster county, Nebraska,
at private tax sals, for this dsliaausat
taxes for year 18S8, aajouhtiar to IjuXX
the foUowinf lands described towit: N
s 1-4 of as 1-4 sac 26 1 1 r 12, contaiatng
40 acres. Tims of redemption expires
Dec. 2, 1801, and if not redeemed at that
time I will apply for tax deed. Taxad in
of Jofca Devlin, 'i-z u. Haum.
John Devlin, James W. Dawes, Fay
ette I. Foas and James Heaton: You
will take notice that I purchased from
the treasurer of Webster county, Nebr,
at private tax sals, for the delinquent
taxes for tbe year 1698, amounting to
83.99, the following lands described to
wit : Nwl-4of sel-4sec3G, t 1. r 12.
containing 40 acres. Time for redemp
tion expires Dec 2, 1801, and if not re
deemed at that time I will apply for a
tax deed. Taxed in name of John Dev
lin. 2-3t L. Ileum.
Peter Hansen, James If ahady and C.
W. McAlhrter: Yoa will take notice that
I have parchased from the tressarer of
Webster coanty, Nebraska, at private tax
sale, for the delinquent taxes for the year
1888, amounting to 811.88, tbe following
lands described towit: S a 1-4 of sec 2,
1 2 r 12, containing 100 acres. Tims of
redemption expires De? 2, 1891, and if
not redeemed at that time 1 will apply
for a tax deed. Taxed in name of Peter
Hansen. M. Baum,
2-3 L. Basin, Agent
A. U. Becker. Jane G. Hutchins and
Mark M. Patterson: You will take notice
that I purchased from the treasurer of
Webster county, Nabraska, at private
tax sale, for the delinquent taxes for the
Tear 1888, amounting to $15.71, the fol
lowing lands described to-wit : bvM
sec 8, 1 1 rl2, containing 100 acres. Tims
for redemption expires Nov. 30, 1891, and
if not redeemed nt that time I will apply
for a tax deed, Taxed in name of A. U.
Becker. 2-3 I Baum.
P. W. Eodson and Joseph 8. Hart:
You will take aotice that I purcharssd
from tbe treasurer of Webster county,
Neb., at private tax sale, for the delin
quent taxes for the year 1868. amounting
to 83.83, the following lands described to
wit : M e 1-4 of the ae 1-4 sec. 18, 1 1 r 12,
containing 40 acres. Tims for redemp
tion expires Nov. 30, 1891, and if not re
deemed at that time I will apply for a tax
deed. Taxed in name of P. W. Hodsoa.
2:3 L. Baum.
P. W. Hodson and Jos. & Hart: You
will take notice that I purchased from
the treasurer of Webster county, Nebr,
at private tax sale, for the delinquent
taxes for the year 1888, amounting to
84.47. the following lands described towit:
8 e 1-4 of the ne 1-4 sec 18, 1 1 r 12, con
taiaiag 40 acres. Time for redemption
expires Nov. 30, 1891, and it not redeem
ed at that time I will apply for a tax
deed. Taxed ia name of P. W. lodeon.
2-3 Ii. Baum.
P. W. Hodson and Jos. 8. Hart: You
will take notion that I purchased from
the treasurer of Webster county. Nebr-
at private tax sale, for the delinquent
taxes for ths year 1888. amounting
83.83, the followiag lands described
wit: 8 w 1-4 of the ne 1-4, sac 18, tl, r 12
containing 40 acres. Time of redemp
tion expiree Nov. 30, 1891, and if not re
deemed at that time I will apply for a
tax deed. Taxed in name of P. W. Hod
son, 213 L. Baum.
Oliver McCall: You will take notion
that I have purchased from tbe treasurer
of Webster couaty, Nebraska, at private
tax sals, for the delinquent taxes for the
year 1888, araoanting to 83.C4, ths fol
lowing lands described towit: Sw 1-4 of
these 1-4 seo 12 tl r 12, containiag 40
acres. Time for redemption e pires Nov
30, 1891, and if not redeemed at that
time I will apply for tax deed. Taxed
in name of Oliver McCall. L. Baum.
Oliver McCall: You will take notice
that I purchased from the treasurer of
Webster county, Nebraska, at private tax
sate, for dslisquent taxes for year 1888,
amounting to f3.C4. ths following tends
described towit: 8a 1-4 of these 1-4 sac
12 town 1 range If, containing 40 acres.
Time for ladamptioa expires sov. 30, I8tl
and if aot redeemed at that time I will
apply for a tax deed. Taxed ia name of
Oliver McCall. 2-3 L. Baum.
Oliver McCall: You will take notics
that I purchased from ths tressarer of
Webster ooaaty, nsbr., at private tax sale
for tha dsliaqusat taxes for tbe year 18M
amouatiag to $4X1, ths followiag lands
described towit: Ss 1-4 of tha na 1-4, sec
12, town 1 range 1?, containiag 40 acres.
Time for redemption expires wov. 30, 1891
aad if aot redsemsdat that Urns I will
apply for a tax deed. Taxed in name of
Oliver McCall 2-3 L. Baum.
Oliver McCall: You will take notics
that T purchased from the treasurer of
Webster eoenty, Neb., at private tax sals,
fo ths delinquent taxes for tbeyesr 1M8
amouatiag to $4.13 tha following lands
described towit: as 1-4 of ths se 1-4, esc
12, town 1, rangs 12. containing 40 acres.
Tims for redemption expires sov, 30. 18f 1
aad if not radssmed at that time I will
apaiy for a tax dead. Taxed in name of
Oliver McCall, 2-3 L. Beam.
Eliza PisrstoC Henry A. Gliddsa aad
John Mitchell: Yoa wiU take actios ithat
I Mrebaasd from the treasarsr of Web
ster osaaty, Nebraska, at private tax
ate. for tha dslnsnsat taxes for year
1888, amoaating to $7.45, ths fallowing
lands Isscriksd towit: Sw 1-4 of tha aw
1-4, sec a, town x. rnaga 12. containteg
40 acres. Tims for radsmptioa expires
Dae. 2. HOT, aad h? aot red is mi J at that
n'BMlwillaasiyfora tax dsatL Tassd
of Ease Fjsrseosi. z u. nsam.
Eliza PteratosT. Henry A. Gliddsn aad
John Mitchell: You wil take notics that
I warchassd from ths treasurer of Web
mWmaatT. Net, at nrfvate tax mte for
thsdslhewsBttaasB for th year lsea,
moan to $7.13. ths following leads
described towH: Nw 1-4 of aw 1-4, sac.
at, town 1 rnaga 12, coataJaia 40 acres.
Tiras for redemwtisa snirss Dee. 2. 1W1
aawl if aat raasssssd at that time I will
mIv far a lax dsa 3 Taxed ia asms of
EtoTiaraiosT. 23 L.
A.Gliddea aat
Jaha MiachsU: Tow wit! take aetics ikat
I aetfaasssdrrsmtsa treasurer or veo
ster cuaaty, Nessaaka, at private tax sals
for tha eamaaneat tease for ths yssr lftes
to sa.13. ths roaowmg
tawk: Swl-4ofnwl-4
acSR,towal. rasnjs 12. . ceatajsmtT
acres. Time ter rsssmptisa sayiras Dae
lata sad if aotfiliimHat.hattims
I wil aaajy tor a tax dead. Taxed in
23 jjbCaant.
fetfe m acfTSTgNsa ..?,
rsratcis? as arsrvaf aaa aam-4 froaal
af C B. lYaar.fmvS ef May snsriirfa
- - mmlrr wHfcaa as4 far
treaan aVii
far Wrftwtcr
aiarte w as anm
E. Onrarx--to Wis
tkma a torn Vtrm
Ttmsaaya-rJair !!
MeawrtT 10-vtk: Iax Xt- a4 5
aaelBcraa4 2"'
. bjl af aai4 4T toemf -
ar aaoJ t a ir af Ja. .a.
c. Xr tL MsTtr
" . f.Teet. PVr.
C.XCaaatr.rWaaJaTiAaararr. . a
Far nasaf MSSera aa ate ac mi
awimsar at Aajaa San at --a a-m.
sBsanaarBBmaat BatalBafnTaV IS Wt9999 sBBmBtfasaa"eJ
----- - juiota
SVmeasaamaawamafm-it emm -
aiatS C A.TBSX. aaartST
7 KsafNfe
- ( oJsWir72
All tre
1U yrmt Ofw
mi mt Kv
im. -jmL I
aV -m7 Hl 1
i i "LF
-T W
- v. i
-- sy-Trg
Read! Read! Read!
Of Caaarer aad Dlrkcraon, and la now prepared te aril aa)tktag
In kle llac aad at Ike Very Lowrtl i'lgarr far rash
Nothing but the best oods kept. Call
see mc when yon want anything
in my line
Red Cloud,
now open
Groceries, Fruits Etc
Best Coods Only. Come and sec mc
The Cash Grocer.
I. X. I.
I take produce and pay the highest market
price. I also keep a large stock of
Come and sec me if you want good goods and
fair treatment at all times.
HIHHHMIIIMIIlllIttt -----,------------ --.,--T-TT
Fort Abstract Co., Keel Cloud,
L. H. FOHT, Manager
btiaets of Title,
Farniihed to all LbdcIh in Wt)ljr County, AcciiraUjly nd
HatlHf b-4 Irn Ta etrr1r' In t f rrrd i4 - S u- -t tint4tm t of ja
tract took la lh" tt. - rur m tu.tril. fr lr wt&itt
All wUrx SIlnl ifwapU- Vit'n tUi Um4 a4
ami nM"" Mf -itx
a 11 w J
Lower than anyard in the world
Attorney And CuontJor
At Law.
WiU practice in all ocurU.
RibClocp, - - - - Nrna.
D. b. Spanog.
Real Estate
and Loan Agi--Red-
MacHsTeaaJc.'ai imrrt
r?c5 - 1ZZ I
-w- - S M-tTSfm .M
M aaas ubji W--aa -a . -" u
ftaa-wm --. ..
.. - mrr - - - - - i.
-iVY-4 Jfca H Criea alasT.
aa3-si--' " r-r -. s
--..- t m, AnAfvp - ta $s
-- -.--.- tJ &ntt,M t, t
. l a j-f - . . ., . -. m w.r n Kjm
-- f . " r. . -
e7teaTJiCfa-B ;
t -6Ss sar A-arasC. A- P tK
Tt2mJt 7a.. i --
-rj-rrai I ifert tota ok wm sk-- ".rrr
." - m .n Lj.Vfun i
14 r
: -
f ar -J few m xz J
T" -r. . - .j-mm.
i :: J? TT.. - . HC.mT naS&ST.
mm 0t -ija-i -
f-m ? iaa at a- r """ "
Saiata , ...... , i:.x.
. .-.a.. W .JS-y
utarm,erm7 w .- "---"-'
a ieja.
fL m--TMU&nS
, o.cTigJ
Like Humpty
on m wo.ll.
soaps h ve ak greal fel
corries tfCJr way;
FlaS C0incPI3say
Lumber Co
and Goal.
Grocery House
Sab avr aaa ar W. I
If mt Mf ia rr Hia aaS tf
Sratar ta mnd- far ratal . - tmm
Marr. a4l mrt taaaa Car aa.
M snXST SMOC W BaTU nnjlnjaaaVr
' aa taaa Saa aaf.
-aav .m
-w. a
-mB- --: - - - --
m lfcj inn
a, i mm
? vrt
. i m Om. a
"- w -
mm. L . . '
S eajfLaisi em-eaj at
vpv .. wm
) umira
tnrt tas. rtaai
i tr. tM4 a
.rr. . w mtm wv Bflv iar aw
j ia - jaao lynajni, n aaaaa) aaaav- -,
i -i--m mmtmt - Sua) f aua r
arja SSti4 Mae aaana aaaaaaaaiV
, mu rrr . mm m-, atat amsa aa a
f t wra , Va- taili fM sua aaa.
ftavi rami . BaanaS aaa
-yaaai um aamii
-aa-jm jea aajp-ajaa aaaa
- . .. vapvaMHk. rm a.
T r ta i j wj taa miMfai
y"- g m y i aaa aai ifc. jaepaaSaaaaa
r C3iS,Maa aaaa
'safcaav nnaaaav aaav
" Tf aasaar
aas'BjBwB, Baaal Ceaanab
sjVa :;
BHW "-" Tla 1BB11. I
m W -' -
..., kl...w-t i
--r t &---
sr' 'trrvss?
y V s? ;- v . .
- s&J&S&&&. '
iim. mi i n',
TJscdim Mffliocu of. He