The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 07, 1891, Image 2

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A. O. HOSMEft, Publisher.
Vesuvius haa again burst forth in
eruption. The lava has reached a Til
lage. The theosophical constitution, as re
vised, amalgamates the American, En
glish and European sections. Lady
Caithness, by virtue of her millions as
well as her enthusiasm, succeeds Mad
ame Blavatsky as high priestess.
A delegation from Mobile, Ala.,
-who desire that Mobile shall be the
starting point of a postal aided line of
steamers for Central America and other
ports, had a conference with Post
in aster-General Wanamakcr on the sub
ject Proctob Knott, atone time the most
famous horse on the turf and still the
pride of Kentucky, has been ill with
lung fever. In making a trip from Chi
go to Saratoga he contracted a cold
which developed into the most danger
ous of diseases.
TnE English registrar in bankruptcy
holds that Mr. Parnell's objection to
Cnpt O'Shca's serving the order of
bankruptcy on him upon the ground of
his (Parnell's) non-domicile in England
is untenable. It is still open to Mr.
Parnell to appeal the case. Otherwise
he must pay the costs of the divorce
proceedings or be declared bankrupt.
Sknhok Salvadok Mendonca, the
Brazilian minister, is the wealthiest
man in the diplomatic corps at Wash
ington. A portion of his fortune he
made in investments in Brazil and a
very comfortable sum camo to him as
his wife's dowry. Mme. Maria Men
donca is an American, and the minis
ter's four daughters have spent almost
all their lives in this country.
The hold of the steamship Utopia,
which was wrecked at Gibraltar a few
months ago, is so charged with gases
that it haB become necessary to sus
pend the work of searching for and re
moving corpses, of which many still re
mniu in tho hold. The body of n
woman has been recovered with that
of an infant clasped to her breast and
that of another child clinging to her
clothing. .
Second CoMrrROLLEK Gilkeson has
approved bills of tho Western Union
Telegraph Co. amounting to SI06.000
for the service of the United States sig
nal bureau, at tho rate established by
the pobtmaster-generaL The company
has notified the secretary of the treas
ury that it will accept payment at the
rates named under protest until the
question of the legality of tho present
rate can be judicially determined.
Jamkh A. Godfrey, tho most dis
tinguished descendant of tho Miami
Indian tribe, which for so many years
lived and battled about old Fort
Wayne, is lying at the point of death
at his home on the Indian reserve, two
miles from Fort Wayne. Ho was born
at Peru, Ind., in 1810, and is a son of
Chief Francis Godfrey. There are
seventy-two residents on the Miami
reservation, all descendants of tho sick
Indian. -
Senator Chandler, in an editorial
to the Monitor, of Concord, N. II.,
speaking of the ships of the squad
ron of evolution, asserts that ex
Secretary Whitney did his best to
damn tho ships and succeeded in ruin
ing and killing John Roach. "It may
be added with truthfulness," continues
the editorial, "that the man who did
the most to help Whitney to damn the
ships and kill John Roach was Commo
dore John Walsh, now in command of
those very ships."
Mayor Grant, of New York, in an
interview reviews tho existing ex
cise law. He says it discriminates be
tween citizens and therefore it is
wrong. If it is right for the hotels on
Broadway and Fifth avenue to soil
liquor on Sunday he says it is right for
the hotels on First avenue and along
Tenth avenue to do the same. A law
should be passed which can be en
forced. It would require a police force
ten times the sizo of the present one in
New York City to enforce tho law in
vogue there.
From two hundred to threo hundred
school teachers are wanted in New
Mexico under tho now public school law.
The examination of teachers is now in
progress in every county of the terri
tory aud in no case have the applicants
been above one-third the required
number. Theso boards of examiners
consist of the county superintendent of
schools and two citizens appointed by
tho United States judge of the district
where the county is located. In many
cases the boards arc publishing a sec
ond call for teachers.
An officer of the cruiser Charleston
states that there is no money in
Iquique, Chili. Every firm issues its
own currency. The currency of tho
country is paper and it has depreciated
to 25 cents on the dollar from a gold
standard. Pill box lids are a medium
of circulation in Iquique. A round lid
is good for 25 cents and an oval box lid
goes for 50 cents. The mercantile firm
issuing these lids stamps its name upon
them and is supposed to redeem them
in gold and meanwhilo to honor them
with their face value in goods.
The governor of Indiana refuses to
give out for publication the report of
John W. Coons, who investigated the
alleged frauds perpetrated against the
state at Washington. It is said Coons
made sensational discoveries and
learned that fSOO, 000 was due the state.
While in Washington, it is said, he dis
covered the most glaring frauds in con
nection with settlements of Indiana
war claims, many of the vouchers being
duplicated. One voucher in favor of a
well known physician for S5S.70 was, it
is charged, raised to $5,S70 and paid.
The present shah of Persia, recently
reported ill, has been one of the most
progrcssive'monarchs that country ever
had. During his reign Teheran has
changed from a dreary old town of
100,000 .inhabitants to a city of thrice
that population, and has been beauti
fied with fine promenades, elegant resi
dences and handsome public edifices.
He has introduced banks, gas, tele
graphs and street railways and mod
ernized the army; and he is the first
ruler of Persia to form a regular min
istry oh the European model and to
nominate ambassadors to foreign
The other Smaday at Chicago an in
sane man was found praying on the
steps of tbe First national bank. He
claimed that bis Bane was Pierre Mil
let and that he was an artist and the
brother of Jean Francois Millet, the re
nowned French artist who painted
"The Angela-'' A letter was received
lately from Iter. Narcisse Cyr, of Bos
ton, who aaya Millet is undoubtedly
wthelaimstobeand that he an
artist of merit He formerly lived in
Boston, where he lfa15m
severe caeepf jwnslroke, which affected
hfcraiaL Hehaa apparently folli
.urercd frow - attack.
-, f rtf r. is .
Gleanod By Telegraph and Mail.
Representatives of the Chilian in
surgents in Washington assert that
Vallenar and all the Hnascrviley are
in the possession of the insurgents or
constitutional government
A private cable dispatch received
from Colon, on the Isthmus of Panama
announces the death of William Sirotas,
of Virginia, United States coBSulat
that port He was a leading repub
lican politician of his state and figured
as tbe central target in the Danville
riot in 1883. - -
Minister op Marine Tutj'er, of
Canada, contends that according to the
line laid down by the last geodetic
survey the part of the Bay of FHndy is
which thenitcd States fishing boat
were seized recently is clearly in
British waters.
Samuel D. Sands, supposed to be the
oldest printer in the country, died re
cently at Baltimore, Md.
Dr. Henry T. Helmhold, the
"buchu" man, has been placed in a
madhouse at Trenton, N. J., chained at
the ankles and wrists. Ills mania was
considered incurable.
Collector Erhardt, of the port of
New York, has resigned.
The republican national executive
committee met at the Arlington hotel,
Washington, on the 2'Jtli. Hon. M. S.
Quay tendered his resignation as chair
man and Col. W. W. Dudley tendered
his resignation as treasurer. Both
resignations were accepted subject to
approval of the full national com
mittee. Letters from Guatemala say two at
tempts have been made on the life of
President Barrillas and that a revolu
tion is inevitable. The dearth of corn
and other articles of prime necessity is
causing great sufFerinir.
The wedding of Miss Lincoln, daugh
ter of Robert T. Lincoln, and Mr. Isham
will take place early in September.
The president has accepted the resig
nation of Joel B. hardt as collector
of the port of New York and has desig
nated J. Sloat Fassctt, of Elmira, N.
Y., as his successor.
The act of congress providing for the
adjudication of Indian depredation
claims by tho federal court of claims
will throw a large amount of business
on that body. Already more than 3,500
cases have been filed.
Frank Brown has been nominated
for governor by the Maryland demo
crats. The president has removed the disa
bilities of Capt Armcs. The captain,
it will be remembered, got into trouble
by pulling Gov. Beaver's nose over mat
ters growing out of President Harrison's
Messrs. Dillon and O'Brien have been
released from Galway jail. Neither
one showed much trace of having suf
fered from the confinement aud both
seemed to be in the enjoyment of ex
cellent health.
A teleoram from Dr. William R.
Harper announces that he accepts tho
principalship of the entire Chautauqua
system of teaching. Chancellor Bishop
Vincent, however, still remains at the
head, and George E. Vincent will be
vice-principal and the Chancellor's as
sistant The motion of Sir Henry Parkes in
favor of granting suffrage to women in
New South Wales was rejected, 57 to
34, by the legislative assembly.
O'Dwver Gray, editcr of the Free
man's Journal, publishes a letter in
that newspaper saying that in view of
the revelations of the Campbell lawsuit
and utterances of Dillon and O'Brien he
will henceforth reject the leadership of
Mr. Parnell. .
The reciprocity treaty'wilh Cuba and
Porto Rico was proclaimed by the pres
ident on the Hist
Miss Emma Eameb, the operatic art
ist, was married in London at the reg
istrar's office to the son of W. W.Storey,
the well known sculptor.
Commissioner Morgan, of the Indian
bureau, proposes to take a brief trip to
Europe for his health.
The Ohio republican campaign will
bo opened by Maj. McKinley in the
western reserve, August 22.
The retirement of Lieut J. F. Meigs,
of the navy, for color blindness has
been recommended by the naval retir
ing board at Washington.
The motion for a new trial in the Ed
Noland case at Jefferson City, Ma, has
been overruled by Judge Uurgess.
Frederick C Havemeyer, founder
of the Havemeyer sugar refinery firm,
died at Throgg's Neck, L. I., on the
28th at an advanced age.
The strike at the Dobson mills,
Philadelphia, broke out afresh on the
afternoon of the2Sth, consequent upon
the proprietors enforcing a black list
GRASsnorfERS arc reported ruining
crops along the borders of Ohio and
W. J. Elliott was found guilty at
Columbus, O., of murder in the second
degree. With his brother, P. J. Elliott
he killed Albert J. Osborne, of the
Sunday World, and a bystander. The
cause was inflamed personal journal
ism. Collector Erhardt, of' New York,
has made public the names of eighty
four attaches of the custom house
whose salaries are reduced or whose
positions are abolished altogether, ac
cording to the department plan of re
trenchment Secretary Foster does not fully
agree with Superintendent Owen in the
opinion that the alien contract labor
law does not prohibit the importation
of skilled laborers for employment in
tin plate factories.
At Warreu, O., Ed Caldwell, colored,
and John Tumason, took refuge under
a tree during a rain storm. Lightning
struck the tree and killed both men.
The New York Herald's Philadelphia
correspondent wires that the books of
the Keystone bank show that the 945,
000 represented by due bills actually
wont into that bank. This fact has
been established beyond a doubt by
Expert Ueins and Wheeler, who have
been working at the books. The ex
perts will not talk.
The culvert at Charlestown. Md., on
the Philadelphia, Wilmington ,fc Bal
timore, was washed out by a cloud
burst South bound freight 117 ran
into the washout and was wrecked.
Great damage was done to crops.
While preaching to a large audience
at Houston, Tex., and when in the
midst of his discourse, some people on
the outside turned out the lights aud
rotten-egged Rev. Sam Jones a?d his
audience, most of whom were ladies.
Hogs are dying in great numbers
from cholera in the vicinity of Water
loo, la. II. J. Lachly, an extensive
farmer in Orange township, has only
seven animals left out of 850 which he
had three weeks ago. "
Reports from different parts of
Placer county, Cal., show fifteen per
sons have manifested symptoms of
yuiauuiug aiicr paxKimj oi pressea
corn beef prepared by a batcher of the
town of.Loomis. A miid!of Mr. J?.
TV.- . T1-" , .?fc " yi 3. 'Xi
uee, oi uNn lis, asaaaa.- J
.A SV r
Great feaas re
-r . .-"
wiiuu uwtoiuraunoBC i
:.:'.: a.-" . Ai?-t--a
the cotton worm, which has not been
seen for years, is now reported in Jil
directiona'-lf ' thej increase a paaiwa
toe larminf r wna. i
Iwaseiscoastant'raia?-. ;?
-- .r - --r-
The Baltimore United (a' tanks
at Canton, Md., wcrofaUWalv ligk
ning and set on fire reeMMy. The loss
exceeded $100,000. ' .-X w . .
The London committee of Wabash
holders has secured from the directors
a formal engagement to distribBtesg
nlarly aU sarpiexs net ? "f
the "J!" debcirtare kolders on the Mats
of ther officiaUyamblifhed asoattly
statemeats. Sl ,
It b reported that Fra -gl large
ly reduee her .tariff on aafifc wheat
and wiU impose a lWWtff "
Iadian wheat is order to akMaw iaapor
tation of Russiaa-Wheat- b
The Cbieago A Onmi Traak 1 4a
elated eff Wjeott aau sae xm.
emmo Altos.
- ,
"f-""?. V i
Twana area aaneu r w
t recently by a collision aW Jap-
lost recently by
ansae coast - .
Commissioner MonAN has
Archbishop Ireland that no discrimina
tion will be made against Catholic In
dian schools, though no farther con
tracts will be made through the bureau
of missions.
The Union Pacific has granted the
Rock Island and the Milwaukee the use
of tho Omaha bridge track until the
new rules and schedule now being pre
pared are completed.
Exi'eriments have been made in
Dane county, Wis., with the inoculated
chinch bugs from Kansas. The inocu
lated bugs were placed in the field
July 8 and the insects are dying by the
J. G Avert, of No. 115 Broadway,
New York, who recently failed in
the brokerage investment business, was
a Kansas City map. and organized the
Equitable Mortgage Co. of Kansas City
in 16S4. His liabilities arc over Sl.000,
000. Fifty kegs of gunpowder exploded
in the Great Southern railroad depot at
Birmingham, Ala., doing considerable
damage. One man was slightly injured.
Fire in Seattle, Wash., destroyed a
large livery stable, a saloon and four
stores. George Williams lost his life
and a negro couple were badly burned.
It is reported that tho Big Four-Stock
Yards trouble, Chicago, has been set
tled. The packers will not go to Tol
lcston, Ind.
The new Balmaccdan cruiser, Presi
dents Errasiurez, has left Lisbon for
Sylvester Young, cashier at Lonis
villo Ky., for the southwestern division
of the Chesapeake & Ohio railway, is
missing, and is alleged to be a defaulter
for 550,000.
During a heavy thunderstorm near
Dry Run, Franklin county, Pa., the
barn of Phillip Skinner was struck by
lightning and totally destroyed by fire.
Two children of Mr. Skinner, aged 12
and 15, were playing in the barn at the
time and both were killed instantly.
Miss Lida Keith, a young woman
who lived at Sydney, N. Y., was taken
with a severe illness some time ago.
Her parents are believers in tho faith
cure and would not allow a doctor to
be summoned to attend her. She suf
fered long illness, during which she
wasted to a mere skeleton and finally
There was quite a serious accident
near Bcllairc, O., on the 31st, a train of
the narrow gauge running off at a
curve. Fourteen persons were serious
ly injured, some, it was feared, fatally.
Grasshoiters are doing considerable
damage to the oats, pastures aud mead
ows near Van Wert, O. Many farmers
have cut their oats before fairly ripe in
order to savo the crop, but the pests
work on the grain in tho shock. No
damage to corn is anticipated.
Business failures (Dun's report) for
the seven days ended July 30 numbered
247, compared with 254 the previous
week and 189 tho corresponding week
of last year.
William Caldwell, a negro, was
hanged at Houston, Tex., for murder.
He was a "Woodpecker" in the notori
ous Jaybird-Woodpecker feud of Fort
Bend county and was the only one of
the murderers to grace a scaffold.
Reports from North and South Da
kota aud Minnesota arc all thai, thu
wheat crop is in the finest shape.
Appraiser Marvklle W. Cooper, of
the New York custom house, emphatic
ally denies the rumor that he has re
signed. A Wichita firm has been awarded
the contract for the irtm work on the
public building at Denver, Col., at S1G,
075. The Norwegian schooner Lorina was
sunk in a collision in the British chan
nel and eight seamen were drowned.
A petition has been filed in the fed
eral court at Fort Smith, Ark., for a re
ceiver for the Fort Smith, Paris & Dar
danclle railway.
Fire iu the cotton warehouse district
of Liverpool destroyed property worth
5250,000. '
J. Kimmelberuf.r'h large flour mill
at Morehouse, Wis., was destroyed by
fire. Loss, 550,000.
Dom Pedro, ex-emperor of Brazil, has
suffered a relapse. He is again con
fined to his bed.
Clearing house returns for the week
ended August 1 showed an average de
crease of 14. 8 compared with the cor
responding week of last year. In New
York the decrease was 19.7.
Parnell met with a remarkably en
thusiastic reception atThurles, Ireland.
Secretary Blaine is showing much
improvement in health. He takes long
walks and drives and is steadily gain
ing strength. He seldom visits the vil-
It was reported that Texas cattle in
the Lherokeo nation attacked a cow
boy, a woman and two little girls and
gored all four to death.
Checotah, I. T., was struck by a tor
uado on the night of the 1st Much
damage was done, several animals be
in killed.
Col. Henry R. Misneb, of the Seven
teenth infantry, has been placed on the
retired list of the army.
Hon. Bayless Hanxa, of Indiana,
late minister to the Argentine republic
under Cleveland, is dead.
John Frog and Jackson Wolf. Sem
inole Indians, were executed by shoot
ing at Wcwaka, L T., in the peculiar
fashion of the Seminoles for the murder
of John Harg.
The public debt statement showed a
decrease during the month of July of
Ix Wayne county, W. Va., a Mr.
Brumfield, his wife and five children
were beaten to death by a gang of in
toxicated Italian laborers. After rob
bing the house the miscreants burned
it to the ground.
In Henry county, Ala, a mob took
from the officers four negroes, two men
and two women, who were charged
with burning a dwelling house. Ob the
way to the river one of the men es
caped. The others were .placed on the
bank of the stream and shot The
body of one of the women was recov
ered. There was quite a serious fight be
tween Slavs and Huns in St LodFs
Catholic church, Cleveland, O., re-
-cenlhr. ' - . 1
Riotous Bohemians drove out work-
-men aima umana s urani smeiusg
FworksOmaha, Neb. .The troMe
?nrifTinaitl oTcr thte wight-hoar-law.
shot aid Mlyfoiale by
i?nringf adbpStar Bodprtl
cupied the same dwelliar aad the
iUes C8mtaaiayarrei.
Alliaxckxex have shecribec 84,900
to build an elevator at Minacn.
The New York Biscuit Co., of Omaha,
has ge 'into a cracker trust, and prices
were Immediately advanced.
JTiiE buildkigs on the Commercial
Cattle Ga's' ranch, twelve miles from
Pierce, prcre. recently burned. Eight
imported horses perished. Loss, 550,
000; insurance, 525,009.
Charles Keyes, a laboring man and
stranger, was run over by a B. M.
switch engine at Omaha the other day
and bad both legs cut off. He died
scon after. Letters found on him showed
that lie had relatives in Kansas City.
The North Platte Irrigation Land
Co., recently filed a notice with the
secretary of state that it has appro
priated a water right in the county of
Lincoln, twenty-five miles long, and
that it has taken from the North Platte
river a volume of water equal to a dis
charge of ,33t cubic feet per second.
TnE other afternoon Florence, the
eighteen-months-old infant of William
Smith, of Blue Springs, fell into a fifty
foot well that is being bored on his
premises. The town people turned out
and in an hour succeeded in getting an
iron hoop-hook under her arms and into
her clothes and pulled her out safe and
The son of the postmaster broke into
the post office at Stanton the other
night and stole 525 in cash and some
stamps. The father of the boy says
his son wants to get married very
much, and to the union he is opposed,
and that the son's object in stealing
the money was to pay his wedding ex
penses. John Nolan, a noted horse thief hail
ing from Cambridge, while attending a
danco at the school house near Uyanues
the other night was rudely prevented
from having a good time. In the midst
of his enjoyment the sheriff made his
appearance and arrested Nolan for hav
ing stolen horses in Wyoming and
jumping his bonds.
David Crockett, a cowboy about
nineteen years old, claiming to be a
descendant of old Davy Crockett, re
cently went to the farm of old William
McKenzie, near Winside, for whom he
had been herding cattle, to secure a
balance of 510 due him. A quarrel and
fight ensued in which both parties were
severely cut with knives.
A large catamount, belonging to
Bogart & Knee, managers of the Ne
braska City exposition, escaped the
other day and created great excite
ment A crowd soon collected and
went in pursuit of the nnitnal, which
was captured after a desperate fight,
the assistance of a dozen or more dogs
being brought into requisition.
Mrs. Russell, of Yankton, S. D.,
arrived at Norfolk the other day in
search of a runaway daughter. By tho
aid of the police she succeeded in find
ing her in a house of ill fame under an
assumed name. The girl had run off
with a girl connected with a theatrical
troupe. The young woman is the
daughter of a retired clergyman.
A man named Tom Henderson wns
recently arrested at Plattsmouth
charged with stealing some meat from
a butcher shop. He is well known there
and confessed to the deed. He said he
was out of work Hitherto he has
borne an excellent reputation for in
tegrity, and claimed to have committed
the crime in consequence of his desti
tute circumstances and failure to pro
vide food for his wife and three small
Leannia Jackson, of Dunbar, ar
rived in Lincoln the other day to find
out whether or not she is married. She
was engaged to Waldo Wilhnan, a
student at college in Lincoln. Willraan
was taken sick and she went there to
nurse him. On recovering Willman went
through a mock marriage with her, de
serting her three weeks afterwards.
No record of a marriage license and no
minister of the name given were found
after a long search
Recently I. W. Ncely was engaged
in cleaning a well ninety feet deep at
the Berger school house, near Louis
ville, when he became affected by the
foul air. He signaled to be hauled up
rapidly and his helper had him within
thirty feet of the top when he was
overcome and fell hack head first a
distance of about sixty-live feet When
finally hauled up he was in a stupor
and died in a few hours. He left a wife
and three children.
Nebraska railroad managers are
actively engaged in an effort to evade
the law of the recent legislature which
went into effect August 1, making eight
hours a day's work. All the companies
prepared instructions to their employes,
declaring that all will be employed and
paid by the hour after that date. Tho
new law inflicts penalties for attempting
to avoid its provisions, and it was only
after consultation and legal advice that
the railroad companies concluded to
fight the law.
In the United States circuit court at
Omaha Judge Brewer recently handed
down his decision in the famous
Island-Union Pacific bridge
in which he sustained tho
Island in every position It
The court held that as the
contract was signed by the presidents
of both roads, attested by the secretaries
under tho seal of the corporations and
approved by the executive committee, it
is valid. The ground that it was not
approved by the stockholders at their
annual meeting is held not to be well
taken for the reason that tho stock-
holders, by resolutions, delegated thoir
pow crs to the executive board.
TnE vicinity of tlm Creek was re
cently visited by one of the most de
structive rain and hail storms of the
seasons. Hailstones nearly two inches
in diameter fell, leveling small grain to
tho ground. Garden vegetables were
completely ruined, while the corn crop
was fairly riddled and cannot recover.
John A. alighted from the
west-bound passenger train at Alliance
the other morning before it had stopped
at the depot and was caught under the
wheels and instantly killed, nis neck
was broken, head mashed and leg
crushed. He was section boss at Ash
bv. He was married and about 3S years
of age.
The residence of James Pace on BeU
street and Grimes' beer storage house
in the south part of Beatrice were
struck by lightning the other night and
considerably damaged during a heavy
Henry Kinney, aged fourteen years,
son of F. M. Kinney, living near Am
herst, was instantly killed by lightning
the ether evening. He was in a shed
near the house making ice cream when
the bolt struck him.
Louis Lonquest, the youngest son of
A. P. Lonquest, a conductor running
out of Wvmorc, was badly injured the
l-other dav bv the bursting of a gun.
James Cronan and John Ennis were
arrested at Beatrice recently as ts
grants and locked up. The pair had a.
ouantitv of clothing and shoes in their
,? possession that were supposed to have
been stolen from tianover, nan.
.Ciiairman Watson has abandoned
la project of electing a governor this
rear. He has come to the conclusion
tantsnch a proceeding would not be
Wal and so has decided not to call a
ceatral committee.
1Thf. Methodist church at Arapahoe
struck by lightning the other aigat
sustained a loss of probably $-
Wby Collrctvr Krbart trrraJn4 a Ft
OIHrt II DM Xol Believe t to O
Being Ran My OaUitirrs.
Washington, July 31. Secretary
Foster, when asked whether it was true
that Collector Erhardt had resigned six
weeks ago, as reported, he replied:
"Yes, his resignation was in the pre
dent's bands before I went out to Ohio."
"Were the reasons he assigned the
same which he gave to the press last
"Substantially the same. He had aa
idea that Mr. Piatt was interfering with
the appointment of subordinates in tbe
custom house. I dou't know just what
special grounds in ba5cd this complaint
upon. Mr. Piatt has not interfered In
anything of the sort since I became
secretar3' of the treasury. I fancy tho
feeling between the two gentlemen was
of long standing. The reason why
the resignation was made final oc
curred, however, after the collector's
letter had been in the president's hands
for some time. I refer to the cutting
down of the custom house force. We
were obliged on account of tho refusal
of congress to make adequate appro
priations, to economize on all sides.
We entered into correspondence right
and left, and the collectors generally,
to whom we applied, signified their
willingness to submit to reductions.
Col. Erhardt stood out howevor, as-
sorting that he could not get
along with a smaller force and
do tho business of his otlice prop
erly. We sent special agents to
investigate the matter, and on tho
strength of their report, we decided to
reduce expenses in New York by some
SbO.000 a year. CoL Erhardt took this
very much to heart, I believe."
"Is Mr. Fassctt still Mr. Piatt's choice
for the office?"
"Mr. Fassctt's appointment was de
cided on by the president to tho best
of my knowledge, without anybody
pushing him. The president has had
him in mind for some time."
Frank Ilrown, 1'oatmaater of Balti
more Nominated I'or Governor The
Baltimore, Md., July VA. United
States Senator Gorman did not come
over from Washington to tho demo
cratic state convention yesterday. The
delegates and other democrats who
packed Ford's opera house were not the
less enthusiastic, however. "Three
cheers for Gorman," were often called
for and given with a will before tho
convention was called to order, tho
band joining with "My Maryland" and
"Hail to the Chief"
Barnes Coinpton, as chairman of the
state central committee, called the
convention to order at noon and waa
greeted with thunders of npplause.
Ex-Gov. Henry Lloyd, of Dorchester
county, was chosen chairman. When
nominations were called for Dr. Frank
T. Shaw, of Carroll county, placed
Frank Brown in nomination for gov
ernor. Frank Brown, postmaster at Balti
more under President Cleveland, was
nominated for governor by acclama
tion. The remainder of the ticket is:
Comptroller Marion D. Smith of Kent
county; attorney-general, John P. Poe,
of Baliraorc; clerk of the court of ap
peals, J. F. Ford, of St Mary's county.
The platform contrasts the present
administration with that of Cleveland,
declaring that the people had shown
their approval of the latter by their
verdict at the polls last fall: criticises
the profligacy of the republican party
in wasting the surplus in the treasury
left by an economical democratic ad
ministration; declares for tariff reform;
favors gold and silver coinage; ex
presses sympathy for the Jews in Rus
sia, and indorses the re-election of Sen
ator Gorman.
Cardinal Gibbon' Narrow capw
Baltimore. Md., July St While
Cardinal Gibbons was ont riding in his
carriage yesterday afternoon along the
Mount Royal drite. in Drnid Hill park,
the horses, two bays, was frightened
bv a fractious pony a youth wa
riding and started on a run down tbe
drive. The driver. James Martin,
Jr., held on to the reins and at the
Mount Royal exit on North avenue ran
the horses against the stone gates,
causing them to falL The cardinal
then stepped out and taking the driver
by the hand praised him for his cool
Ckarc By Bra
Toulon, July 3L The horse car
driver strikers yesterday demolished
the kiosks on the principal thoroagh
.farcs and tried to destroy the tracks of
the horse car roads. Later they gath
ered large quantities of wreckage into
heaps and set fire to tbem, making
huge bonfires and shouted in triumph.
Finally tbe sitnation became so alarm
ing that the municipal authorities called
nrmn the ireneral in command of the
military to send troops. A stroag force J
of drag vms quickly cleared the streets.
During tbe charge many people were
injured asd a nam ber of arrests made.
CatHaa Crwferr.
Lisbon. Jnly 3L The Chilian cost
gressioaal party, through repre seata
tives here, have appealed to the Porta
gaese government not to permit her
subjects to embark on the Balmacedaa
Tcsael, the Presidente Eirrazurez. which
has by a recent order of the courts beca
turned over to the Balmacedaa govern
ttat It - stated that Eoglaad has
trttL in the event oi perm skw
to see that Eaglish en who are sap- i
posed to neon BotrawevBumiw j
being refused, thx the English charge j
Caaaa-s will nave xaeai ware ;tj -
teased br a BnUa war res t
i5v i
C.rwmt.lmtrtm mt I
WiuivnTox. Jalr ML The ba
of statistics of the treasury department
has issued a summary statement aaa
review of the forciga commerce aaa
Immigration of the Uaited State dnr
Ing the fscal year eaded Jnae 39. IWU
and a comparison of the imports aaa
exports of the past aiae mouths, darinff
which the new tariff law has beea in
effect as compared with the corre
seondiag nine months of the precediuf
fiseal year.
The statement says that the total
value of the commerce of tho pest fscal
year was tbe greatest in the history of
the governattBt aBd exceeded the total
value of tbe commerce of 1690 by S2,
191,80& The commerce of 1990 waa the
largest for any year in tbe history of
the governmeat np to that time, ex
ceeding the coauaerce of the prior year
by Sl&?.t6,3. The total commerce
during'the past fiscal year amounted to
S1,729,S30,S9&. During the year there
was an increase in imports of merchan
dise in the order of magnitude, in the
following articles: Coffee, tin plates,
hides, and skins, fruits, chemicals and
drugs, India rubber and gulta pcrcha,
sugar and molasses, etc. There has
been a decline in the value of imports
of wool and manufactures thereof, silk
and manufactures thereof, hemp and
jute and manufactures thereof, bread
stuffs and animals.
The total value of Imports of mer
chandise during the last year was $SH.
U05.VJ1. The total value of exports of
merchandise durintr the same period
was $5S4, 424,053, which shows an excess
in favor of exports during the year of
339,519,914. There was also an csceaa
of exports of domestic merchandise
ovcrimporUof the prior year of S'-O.PU,-737.
The increase in these exports has
been In the following articles, stated in
order of magnitude of Raw
cotton, provisions, refined sugar, cotton
manufactures, copper and manufact
ures thereof, iron and steel and manu
factures thereof.
Tho value of the leading articles of
export from the United States during
the past year was as follows: Cotton.
$-290,70S,fcyS; breadstuff. St-J7.bo8.0U2,
and provisions $138, 179,638.
Since the new tariff law has been In
operatiott from October 1890, to June
30, 1891, inclusive, the total value of the
imports of merchandise was W30.1I0O,
OCi. as compared with $59S,7fi9.905, the
value of such imports for the corre
sponding period of 1890 which shows an
vxcestA for tho nine months of 1891 of
$3!,4rrt,10O. The valuo of tho Imports of
merchandise admitted free of duty dur
ing the nine months ended Juno :'.i,l8'Jl,
was SJ95,9t3,0.Vi, while thu valuo of
such imports for thu corresponding i
period of 1VJ0 was Si08.903.873, showing
an increase in the imports of freo
merchandise during the past nine
tnnnth of SSV!t70 l7 Ihirinir the same
period ended June 30, 1891, the imports
value of 331,242,340, as compared with
Ul iuci i:iiuiiu:j 'j "K ",? i, -. wiv
S38J.7M5,o:R! for the corresponding period
of lb'.K), so that It appears there hah
been a decrease during the last nine
months of the fiscal year of 1VJI In tho
value of dutiable import of SV,543,Glrj.
"It will lo seen then, "says tho state
ment "that during tho nine mouth
since tho new tariff went into effoct of
the total value of merchandise import
ed into this country 4UH) per cent
came in free, while during the corre
sponding period of lSiK), 34.92 per cent
was admitted free. In fact, it appears
that tho value of merchandise imported
free during the last nine months of the
past fiscal year was greater by SOOO,-"
000 than the valuo of .such tuerchnndisz
Wtrnm tfee jf
T 2 TaH-
aluo of such tnorchandto , ,rom u,"" l,K com J"rr " -ng
the whole of IS'JO, and j Th 'V' " U "1 frA' e ' ''
1,000 greater than .luring , l h""'1 roaring for nearly 200 yard,
:al year ended Juno 30, : A bucket of water vrt over the opening
admitted duri
nearly S 10, 000
the prior hscal y
The exports of gold and silver during
the hist fiscal year were S10S.729,2s8.
and the imwrts were $36,21'.!. 33 1, an ex -
cess of exports of $72 . 10,951. The ex -
exports of gold of S08,117,ll0-thc
largest in any year.
There has been a large increase in
the volume of Immigration into the
United States during the last fiscal
year. The total numlcr arriving wa
5M,4.r0 as against 4S1.2I9 during the fis
cal year 1800, showing an increase dur
ing the last fiscal year of 101,277. This
increase is largely from the following
countries: Italy, -23.351; Austria-Hungary.
14.S01; Germany. 21.12.!; Russia,
including Poland. 28.245.
Thcfnrr Unally Ilreidr fpn a Vrrdlct n
Murrirr In the ."rrond Ircrrr.
CoLL'im.'9. O.. Julv 29. William J.
Elliott the former proprietor and tsl
or of the Sunday Capital, who, with his
brother P. J. Killott killed Albert .1.
Osborne, a reporter of the Sunday
Worlil, and W. I Hughes, a bysUndcr,
besides wounding a number oi people
during a shooting affray on High street
in this city, on the afternoon of rebrn
ary 23 last vras convicted yesterday
of murder in the second degree.
The trial has been In progress since
May 11.
The crime was the direct result of
personal journalism.
As the verdict of the jury was read
Elliott became so enraged that be
pulled the G. A. IL button from the
lapel of his coat and threw It spltefnlly
in the direction of the Jury. The em
blem went bounding from place to
place and finally rested on the raked
desk under Juror Aubert's chair.
The Capt are- toalrr.
Victokia. B. C, Jnly 29. The schoon
er Annie Point returned from the north
yesterday with 10 seal skins. The
captain of tbe Marvin states that wba
the Marvin was overhauled the officers
of the United States steamship Bush
took the guns and ammunition from
the schooner and lowed aer to Oaaalav
ka, where twenty-one of the crew were
placed on the steamer Alki and kept on
hard tack for two days, when the men
and schooner were tarsed over to the
officer of her majesty's steamship
Nymph, who ordered theaa to proceed
to Victoria.
VfcUtl -lhsfatr ta Ka-ta4-Pi.TMoirni.
Jaly 29. The historian,
Worth, conducted a party of viOtisg
ministers to varioes places of iaterest
la the district of Flyaaoutk. including
the spot where the sae a of tae
Mayflower embarked ta IS. la
the party were Bee. Mesars. Hyde.
Itraad. Sturtevaat aad Patterson.
of the Uaited State. Afterward
lsDcbeoa was served, at wfcka Prof.
Aathoay presioed. aad toaat were
drank to the health of Qaeen Victoria
and President Harrfsom. la the rres
mg a mayoral reception waa givea at
the Guildhall ia bosor of tbe visitors.
Wrbfe Tia rtal.
LOSDOX. July 29. The ressaptioa of
Welsh tia plate works I oalr partial
aad by firma fortunate eaoegh to se
cure orders. The wotk will ly coa
tiaae while the orders last by week to
week cos tracts wita tieKca. Xo ap
preciable redaetioa of stocks la Aater-k-a.
is noticed. Prices are still aare
aaaerative. Daria Jaly tie siip
aseats from Swansea save feeem aader
UGO tons weekly, aa agahsst a,M ta
S9,e loss ia same month ia ISM,
while the stocka now la aaad aassvat
to 4ir3 boxes, agalast t$at etm
m tae carropoatjia weak ia J
port, of gold during tho last fiscal year I K'Xnd for So SK
were SN), 303,622. '1 he imports of gold , BilvertlseillnihtpjM:rhy tlioT H JiuKpyAC
were $18,240,512, showing an excess of Curt Co . t'ineinnali, (, leader of low?
. . I
M.t it la aM Owar
There are Ihrea well-"" cl
of tar. judged by the qnallty of HgM
they yield, Is the first claw are the
clear white and blh white trs llan
Sirlu and Vega. These are supposed
to be the hottest atars aud the ot
luminous ta proportion to the extent of
their surface. Then there are the
golden yellow or pale orange stars, of
which Arctarus aad CapclU are flue
examples. Tbetc have begun to cool
KifiallT- we have the deep orange and
red stars Aldebaraa and Antarcv Thee
hate advanced still further in the cool-
Ing process.
Now the spectroscope laforms utnat
our sua belong to the orange or Arc
turus type, aad If we could view it
from dUtaal space we should see a
lovely tar of a pale golden yellow
The question arisem. then, how far
would our sun have to be rrmoTcd In
order to shine with brightness no
rmfer than that of Arcturus? Ac-
cordinff to Mr Maunder. It woulu nsre
. . .,....t irt t ooo times lis pres
cnt distance, or about half the distance
between us and Alpha Centaurl
Hut Arcturua U U.500.0W time a far
sway ax the aun, and if our un were
placed at that enormous distance Its
diameter would hae to be eighty-two
times as great In order to give a light
equal to that received from Arcturua.
I hesitate to present such tignrea. im-
plying magnitude far beyoud JT lo
which re have been accustomed, yet
they are but th
e logical deductions of
l ,,thr wordv uton
In other woniv upon
observed facta.
Mr Maunder a reasousoic auHiM"
Arrturti mut h a tflrautic tberc.
W0.000 larger than our sun. with a dl-
amcter of 70,000.000 miles, or more than
"-"- ' " -- -
larcc enouch to till the entire orbit of
To make this contrast clearer, let us
institute a simple comparison. Jupiter
I larger than all the other planets ami
satellites of the olar ayateui. The sun
is a little more than 1.000 times InrKcr
than Jupiter. Hut Arcturu. If our In
formation Is correct l aS0.000 times
lurmauuu "wi
larger man we ami. j '"""" -1"
a majeatii orb our sun, grand and over
whelming as It Is In our own system,
would dwindle to an insignificant star.
Contemplating a work so vast en
dowed with such mighty energies, and
mailing with such resistless force
through the great depths of space, we
cannot resist the questions. Whence
came this blazlug world? Whither la It
bound? What is its mission aud des
tiny? Is it olmply a visitor to our side
real galaxy, rushing furiously through
it like a comef U it being constantly
fed nud enlarged by the world it en
counter and tho meteoric matter It
gathers up in Its wonderful Journey?
What would be the effect if U chanced
to pas through a nebula or a star clu
ter? Was tho new star w hich suddenly
blazed forth in the nebula of Androme
da In ISTfldue to a similar eattso?
As the mighty abrogation of attract
ive energies sweeps along hi colcslutl
' path, thickly lordered with stellar
world, how many of those worlds will
yield forever to his disturbing forces?
How many will Iw swerved from their
appointed courses by hi Irresistible
jHwer? How many will pltmgo Into
liis fiery bosom ami lw swallowed upas
a H'bble ! swallowed bylhooeeau -Scientific
Near Dayton, (In., there i a well
locnlly known n the "well of frozen
air." Iu drilling the well a stmluin of
frozen clay and if ravel was encountered
, nt .'pt " thirty-live feet After
, P-'"g through live fret of Hit
numerous eavitle were encountered
will freeze through and through within
a fw hours
Sml .Monrj- nml Mitjr rrrt
, From faetry Avoid iiiMlilh-nn-ii pro lit.
' f" u,l bupjjy onlj f.1 f JU four pas.enjjrr
nrice, und who I-luii),' to no jool or cotu
uiimiioii w ii ic ii euarKe iiontiio price.
"Tiirw: nro somo implrjto.uit ftittiirr In
ibis buiue,' tuuitrinl tlio phutographi-r
a Jk siirvrjnl a mw of Ids pat run, -lull!
taore Amerienu
All claim not consistent with tho high
clura.ter of H rup of Kl aro purjKcly i
avoiuiii y ir.ct m. M.MrupUotiipsny It
ati eeiillv on tbe kidnj llrcr and bow.
ei,cifaninKth? si-m effectually, bji it
?".,lJ".',!r.' ,.""''' ?". rrt,l,ac :
.ww. .. . w. j wv ..... V. VHW.WSMMWiV
Tub inlaister wli, prepar-i tb tore
serinn I renf rally tho bot ymp'rr
Itntchsmtoti l-.i r
VERSUS? ?'r,,"?P;CJ:?.r ."f "!
Uirouh tbe.j.iem every portion of
-j-'-- '- --- w ta-. w. ....,. lr". iiHW4n
l ubjci Tbe blinxl la paln
wjc iKjy ii pure, carrying I rr nirib uml
vitality; If impure, Ulseac snU ita
Iilood poisoning Is inot dsmcerous Prickly
rilftt'er'f, reXXTCTTw!.'
and will reulaic the ytCBi o that teaJUi
will be a sure result
The scholar who takes tho 8rt prlw la
arithmetic 1 only a fijrure-bad ikuloti
Dos'T let your catJdrta look rale
sickly noo'lkreptactn cro. peeriibatxi
comptalninjc Kevp tbem wall by ores ion
ally irivlsr them tbe daisty casdles, Ur.
Uall's Worm Destroyers
Tnocon not catchy, tho otig of tito bck
fetwx; warbler I utnloubtodlj ml-chla 1
dlaospolt Joorns)
ASK snllk all ether pitta Noparciser;
ism set prriaii; on utm liver asi Bite
Carter's Utile Ltvr Pills Oce piil a 3r
I castisg sbut tor a uabcnaJ awer, tw
Hnafm Transcript
Kzu.anerv eruplloz ybtM to theactlea
of Olcnn rwjJpbar Soap
iiill Uit ami Wbisscr Vir.Vi recta
CATTLE sl!ptB It m Sli
eaenr lr?r. tT m T
Vsttveco J a? 9J
UO;s CooJ to rbotc karr sat
WHEAT 5a. 2. ti . . m
JaJhirt . Tt m 7TH
0OE5 Jfa.2. . . . .-. Um sits
OJlTl Jfo. J. . . ., 3TH ?T
ETE Xa.1 - a
I rLOL'K-rteoU. -tS )U 7
rscy . .. 2H Jt5
HAT-ftie4. M
r TEK Cae crYaasory Urn H
CHKEtE ra m .... 3St h
kaOOX if bjsm . )t
SarMr ......... Sj
LAKO . - ,.. 7 TV
rOTATOE . - ... ...)
CATTLE Shipping trr . .
flOCS rxklac- ..
MEEf-rsirtsHsoJcwt... .
.X rei ., .....
ft Si
COS' 3f-J.. -OAT
So. 7
ETE Sa. J-
. ...
WTT TEE Creassery .
CATTLE hipptmt trs .,, !
MOC9 rCBtX aavl Mf4 a tt
aHEEP-rirtrfc.4... . tm m in
FLOCE WrW.. ... tt
WHEAT 3f J r -... jCtj ,
COE-Jf.2 . ,.,-.. m ;,
OATS 3f.l, - ,,.,. 77H TT
ETC ? X. . ...-., 7t m rj
ECTTEK CrrT. ....... H wt
roax. .. . . ii ) urn
CATTLE Ut ariata. W lie
MOC-Gtcal... 7 w
rLOtnt ca ta esM..
WjrEaT-3t.rxt4..... n 5fs
CO3f Xa.1. -..,.. ..m. Vi m 5s
OATs Waa ra aus4...... M I
aCTTEE CraaBury..... H M
ray."--'. .., it as 9 IsV
What 9cat Shall I Nay?
TlU ctJon l asXol by many. CrU!a
ft l that of all articles a scalo huM b
aeneatly teade ami accurate. A low prte
erwbatareia to txkw,If It means an In
ferior tmpIrJPfnt, 1 bad bargain
T&crei MsafomaScer who ha had a Urz
aad honorabS career In tho husttf "llf
paja thfl freishl You pmbwbljr hro
hCMrdofhlm Mr-av of ! cal "V?n
tter It on trial, cuarantrrinjf It U U fUtr
lh4B anrMw tol and tht SoaH
Mgh prK-rd or low priced, i t-(tr uin
With no traveling mm, no Msh rents er n
fcrtblnffpf publk; weigher t itrtw ai
some twr 8rJ".o'4r erT an Jr
that wo can afford to e a first-cU Sck
at a fair prlcti
Tai Is tbe war Jours of Mnbirolu ij
Y ) talk, and it Minl jMir If fan rm
B uc ubj
urllrr nriln ir in tmnrtwu
:b.Kt, which will tw rt freo.
Krs-sv Old t.i..nri.'s--Tlrs
lit on your noe. mum " Irclble tiki
kady "Well, he ain't yours. Is her
Uoston CJlobe
The Oalr 0
Kr rrlnel.
Ct Yn rioJ
ttt Wrl."
Each week, a different 3 1 nob dUptey U
pqbJtihed lt th a paper Tert at m ia
word allka In either ad , eiept Om wanl
ThU word will t found In lh ! tor l)e
t - . . . .
; Harter's IronTonKs, l.llll Ulrer n aa.:
, nuu , ... .'. - ...
trade mar. Head tho aa eiwetnlly at
u hea you And the word, rnd ll t Ukwh aat
tsey will return voit book. IxautUut tltav
graph aad ik Iro.
"I . t. aM tbo iren ear J river.
road the market rer-ort, a he. rv.! nr
bl whip, -that I will ha to de imisv
to overcome tbi t:uatlnu In Uvk.
VahltKtou SUr
Amour Vahaimr WCch
f The nervous Individual alia a leadlac nv
itn-rstlOB overthrown, Jeep reu aa!
uarcfreaUlarf, srieUtecaprieJou. -
Irritability, morbid ajtreheM-a. t
lbrejMblj. carw.r of u,r h,rtlW, u,
rvvrroc of Jolty Mrencifcrn i !
, Imnrovo dii:otlon with lbleter Mw
". -k - .
jej .Ihttcr, ., thot of
wllUrU am, rlM!uatu.
CXltOK Wilt
er Muplatitt
"IlertrnK we nerv iHrrirl, fel ,
hl dipltys of affectum tm ptttt
overdone "And itortl" -Tfcoy aw rj
-- - - -
Loot Bppllcatloas will never etire boil,
carbuncle, tore, pimple, rltrisAMi,
f Mhln,. Mint, ete lltood inipurttr l Um
enue of tlien aliment, ami a nHdy at
I taken that w. I restart, tho M u.
healthv condition r'uch a remedy i lr
John Hull" 8ar.parll. I;m it aal yn
will havo iHrfeet health
You wfi; jor
self If you fall to try It
"IHlbe's million In it,' uld th4l drk.
a hoifiuisl over the feiiee at Ihw ntw
melon patch Uiiis;hritiittH ltriHbtiit
Alwats avoid harsh purgative pill Th
flrt iimUo joh slcfc and thou imo
Upalrd Carter's l.lttio Liver I'tlU teUte
the bowel 4iid make jwu well lKse, ot plM,
WurBK tholruu colors luUi the i
tbe shoemaker's. -Ml nnl ltprr
Ukosviiitis i rurrd by ffejuHt
diSi' of Pio Cure for Ooi.uiiiptn
S Saift't Sascific S
SA TmM RcMly S
ftr All J?
Bleed an. Skin
A ttllsbl cur for Ceollou
lilooJ I'oUon, Inhf f lit J So.
fuU oJ Skin Cn(r
As tonic far driiesU Wohhh
ant Chlhlictt it tut jl
irlo purely veetbl, i hm.
let in Its flct
X (trail nn UK.I ?WI Shin Pt
rax rtitltnl rtu mi t'l'l'i"
ltritgit l It,
Drar J.AIisais.Ca.
Mrs. Sarah M. HIacJc of Seneca,
Mo , during the jat two yearn Imt
Ijccii alTcctcd with Kctiralgi.t of the
Hcatf, Stomach nnil Womb, nnl
write "My fcyA tltd not seem to
strengthen me at nil and uty appe
tite was very variable My face
was yellow, my head dull. atil I had
Mich pains in my left Mdc In the
morillllK whett I KOl Ut I WOtlld
hivr i flmvof tnitrtK in tin- mrmth
. "wt0! '""C" ' C motJlll,
and a bat!, bitter tatc ocmcttinc
my brcalh became short, and 1 had
such queer, tumbling, palpitating
sensations around the heart 1 ached
all day under the shoulder blades,
111 flip left !r nnil down thi- t.nrk
of my hmn 1 1 Mcmed to !c wooc
. ,'
in the wet, cold weather of Winter
and Spring, and whenever the spell
came on. my fcet and hand. would
turn cold, and I could $,cl no sleep
at all. I tried everywhere, and ;ot
no relief before using August Flower
Then the change came. It has done
mc a wonderful deal of good during
the time I have taken it and t work
ing a complete cure," )
C G GKEE.SlcMaa'frWfcirv,.SJ.
W rrf HLOf. r SM
a r';m&4 U9J, 9vr
liCtSM. Sfc4 ill -
tmrvummiiUmli ttt terni.
Mi 12trt. n
ct. tafm k- llx9.
.mtrrHkC trm ieiiiU Pa-
m. tStttt M . M4U ii. 3
a , rrim rt.
t. l.fcl. fmww &ftmj
. S-i
Z?Z T7wm7 c
ixi Wr
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aTti ilErt ft- f 1
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