-Vi'J-- te I F -? -I ;t i i i w Ki 3. 3 THE CHIEF - FrMnjr, July 31, I81. Entered t H-r l'ost (Mice In Ked Cloud, Neb., an mail mattemr the second clan LOCAL PUFF. Fine watch repairing, artis tic letter and monogram en graving at T. E. Penman's lied Cloud. were in on a Cloud First Satur- Cubian Parots for 6ale by J. II. Smith. tf Condition powders of all kinds at Deyo's Devo keeps the larg.it stock of pat en medicines. Forgennine bargans call at lb sec ond hand store. 2 t. The board of supervisors session this week. Miss Bell Spanogle is home visit to her parents. Go to Deyo and sec his bargains in rsmnants of wall paper. Every once in a while the stand pipe gets full atid overflows. Judge Gaslin was in Red Thursday enroute for Crete. 0. C. Bell, receiver of the National bank was in Lincoln day. Nice new goods just received at F. V. Taylor's, remember his prices are the lowest Go to J. S. Parkes' for groceries, provisons, notions, etc. Prices rea sonable, come and see u. tf Mrs. W. J. Kacpper, and Mrs. Itobt. Service were in the city this week, guests of Mrs. J. H. Smith. Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Van Ripper leave for their eastern homes Monday, after a fine week's visit in Red Cloud. Remember that Cozad & Co., will not be undersold on furniture, car pets, wall papsr dec. at Taylor's old stand. Miss AJjrtle Jones has gone east on a visit. Just before she left the young people gave her a very pleas ant surprise parly. Fred Caulkins will be the guest of bis nephew, A. Hedge for two or three wcekfi.Mr. Caulkins is a resi dent of St Louis Missouri. The Blue Hill people are still talking of moving the county scat It will be some time before it is moved from Red Cloud, and don't you forget it Flour of both winter and spring wheat, groceries and garden seeds. First door south of Miner Bros. C. M. Myzrb, Prop. Go and see Oscar Patmor. He ban purchased Conover and Dickcrson's feed store and solicits your patronage and assures you fair returns and Jow prices. Brewer, the old time grain buyer of Red Cloud, will have the elevator in running order and be ready to buy grain of all kinds by Monday, Aug. 3 and thereafter. Lew Vance's hand which he hurt last week coupling hose is slowly get ing better. The injury was quite sovcrc, we are pleased to learn that he will soon have the use of it again. Don't forget the creamery meeting at Judge Trunkcy's office at 2 p. m. Saturday. Every business loan in Red Cloud who is interested in the welfare of the city should be present It is wonderful what tremendous crops there arc in Webster county . this season. Small grain is simply immense and if there is no preventing providence there will also be an im mense yield of corn. After years of experience we make the intelligent care of the dead a specialty, and are prepared to attend all calls in the city or country. F. V. Taylor, funeral director. Undertaking by F. V. Taylor who has had yea.s of practical experincc in the scientific care of the dead and is better prepared than ever to con duct the business in all its branches. F. V. Taylor will duplicate any prices offered by othtr houses on all olases of Undertakiag goods, and guarantee better goods and better ser vice. Funerals attended free in city or couaty. F. V. Taylor never has charged any thing for attending funerals. He carries the largest stock and guaren tees satisfaction. Remember he will duplicate any price offered by others, on undertaking goods, A. H. Shiikle was 51 years old on the 25th and a number of his friends gave him a surprise party in honor of the event. At the conclusion of the event he was presented with a handsome badge by the members of Sherman circle. The healthy growth of wee-is in our north ward school yard should be cut and we would suggest that the board give our friead D. F. Scanion a job. It is a f hinic to allow the weeds to grow up that way right in the face of our tenple of wisdom. D. M. Plait of Denver is in the city. Sam Gather has purchased a steam threshing machine. Our old friend W. B.- Hoby was on our streets this week looking as hearty as ever. Do not fail to call aud see F. V. Taylor's stock before buying. He bins by the car this saves freight and can sell cheaper than anybody. Arrangements have been about completed, we arc informed, for the reorganization of the First National bank. Wc hope it will be-dooc soon. Call on Oscar Patmor for flour, feed, &c. He will supply you with the best goods the market affords, at Conover and Dickcrson's old stand, Moon block. A. II. Kaley has, owing to poor health, closed out his business in Lin coln. Mr. Kalcy was informed by his physician that he would have to do so if he wished to get well. L. II. Deyo, one of our popular druggists, is quite happy these days, all because his wife presented him with a fine baby girl the other day. The happy parents are accorded the congratulations of their many friends in Red Cloud. Deputy Sheriff, Oscar Teel is pro bably feeling larger than most any tee in Webster county. Just ask him how much that little boy weighs that came to his house Thursday morning, and he will inform you that it tipped the beam at exactly ten pounds. Oscar is doing well at this writing. Bleeds. A quintet of Red Cloud's jolly boys, towit: Hcyde, Simons, Kaley, Cummings Miller, who got jsticked on some of our handsome little schoolmams while they were at tending the institute at the Cloud a few weeks ago, decided to appease that "want-tolove-you-feeling" by driving to the Hill on Sunday. Wc will not neglect to mention the fact however that the lads got rained on. Blue Hill Leader. There should be a fnnd raised at once by the people of Webster ccunty for the farmer. who lost their entire crop last week by hail. The loss in every instance was complete and tiDw is the time to show charity when it is most needed. The people should remember that these same men lost their entire crop last year by drouth and now by hail. OF course they may be able to stand it, but then "a friend in need is a friend indeed." Let some one make a start. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. IIO FOR DETROIT. The f . A. R Mutiomtl ment. Eiicuui The Chicago, Rock Island & Pa cific Railway will sell tickets to De troit for the G. A. 11 National En capmenr, at the rate of one lowest first-class fare for the round trip. Dates of sale will be as follows: From all stations in Kansas and Nebraska, July 30, to August 2d, inclusive. From all stations in Colorado Oklaho ma or Indian Territory, July 29, to August lot, inclusive. Return limits on these tickets will be same as other lines. For full particulars adress T. J. Anderson, Ass't Gen'l. Ticket and Pass. Agent, Topeka, Kansas, or apply to any Ticket Agent of the Rod Isl and system. Jno. Sebastian. G. T. & P. A. Chicago, 111. . ' e Caucus. A caucus of the voters of the In dependent People's party will be held at the usual voting place in the first ward of the city of Red Cloud on Thursday the 13th day of August, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of electing four delegates to the county conven tion to be held at Cowles, Aug. 15, '01, and for the purpose of electing- a committeeman for the first ward of the city of Red Cloud and for such other business as may come before F. N. Ricuaiidso.v, Com. GO! To the Red ! Aactlem Store, Hi the Reel Flaf, Tt If HrgHinN r all KIbmU. A fine Hoc of notions arc being sold ut less than wholesale prices. Job l'-ts of ladies', children and gents iindrrware, ladiea' and misses hosoiy and gloves, boy's half hose gents fine shirts laundried and aa laundried, torchon and Valenciennes laces, bead trimming Irish trimming, velvets and other ribbons, cornets. Hat trimmings, hat and hair orna ment?, bead, sewing machine and hair oil. Perfumery, buttons and thread, needles and pins. Japease fans and parosols, clothes lines. Zephyrs, Saxony and cotton yarns, darning cotton, frilling, ladies' and gents neck wear, cuffs and collars, (Irish linen,) scarfs, handkerchiefs, albums, plaving and visiting cards, pencils, clocks. Great inducements offered to country dealers. Millinery goods for one half price wholesale. Goods must and will be sold at any sacrifice. Auction every Saturday, consignments solicited. F. V. Taylor, has just received a car load of new furniture and will make you the lowest prices ever offer ed in this country. Leave Orders and I will deliver fresh bread to any part of the city every afternoon, or any thing in my line of business. Jos. Herbcroer, the baker. Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers ofthe public schools of this couuty, at Red Cloud on the third Saturday of each month. D. M. Hunter, County Supt'. Dray Line. People who desire draying done with promptness and dispatch should always hire John Barkley's teams. John is an old hand at the business and will do your work well. Terms casonablc. 1-tf For Sale. A good hpari of work mares, or will trade for milch cows. Enquire at Holland House. tf. Hack Line. T. R. Hayes, has purchased the Valley House Hack and is now pre pared to respond to calls at all hours of the day and night Orders should be left at McAvoy's livery stable cast of the Holland House. Price 2octs to any part of the city. tf Garden Seeds Of the best lot in the city. When in want of anything in this line re member Perkins & Mitchell's old stand one door south of Miner Bros. G. A. R. Until further notice, regular meet ings of James A. Garfield Post No. 80, Dept. of Neb. G. A. It, will be held Monday evening on or before each full moou at 7:30 p. m., and two weeks thereafter at 2 p. m . Vis iting comrades cordiallv invited to attend. G. W. Knight, P. C. C. Sohenck. Adj't When Baby was sick, we cave her Carter!. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorie, When she became Hiss, she drag to Caetoria. When she bad Children, she gare Ikes Castoria, TAX SALE NOTICES. To David Xtearas: Yoa sre hereby Bottled that J, the aadersifate, ditf, oa the 4th day ef We reaaber A. D. 1869, parehase at eeeUe tax sale, of the treasurer of Webster eoanty.Kebraska, the followiag described land-lot, sltaated in Webster eoaaty, Nebraska, to-wit; The s w qaarter, of the a e quarter, of section 90, towsship S, range 9, eoatalalag 40 acres, aad that said land lot was taxed for the year 188 in the same of David Meatus and was sold for the taxes of said year 1888. Asaoaat $5-94, aad yoa are farther noti fled that the time of redemption will ex pire oa the 4th day of November A. D. 1891, aad that a Ux deed for said laud-lot willbti executed to me by the treasarer of Webster eoaaty, Nebraska, unless re demption from said sale u made oh cr before said 4th day of No-ember. 1891. Yoa will govern yourself accordingly. Dated Jaly 17th, 1891. L.. Baam. Michael Karl and Mary Newman: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did on the 4th day of No vember, 1889, parehase at pablie tax sale, of treasurer of Webster county, Neb the following described land-lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska, to-wit: The n e quarter, of n e qaarter, of sectionf 35, township 8, range 9, containing 40 acres, and said land-lot was taxed far the ear 1888, in the name of Michael Karle, aad and was sold for the taxes or said year. 1888. Amount 3.86, and ion are farther notified that the time of redemption will expire on the 4th day of November 1891, and that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to rre by the treasurer of Webster county Nebraska unless redemp tion from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of November 1891. Yob will govern yenrself accordingly. Dated July 17th 1891. L. Baam. the meeting. Something Interesting. Everybody come to tho musical en tertainment at the Bant;st church. Sunday evening, August 2d, consist ing ot vocal and instrumental music. The following program has been pre pared: Hymn. Prayer. Duet Anthem violin accompaniment Scripture lessons. Violin solo. Hymn. Duet Solo violn accompaniment Trio instrumental. Anthm vio'in accompaniment Duet Solo violin accompaniment Hinir. Anthem. Collection. Closing h.imi. Benediction m PRICE'S rrft3in Baking Uaed Idlioiis of Hones 40 Years the Standard Anna C. Coon: You are hereby noti fied that I, the undersigned, did, on the 4th day of November, 1889 purchase at public tax sale, of the treasurer of Web ster county, Nebraska, the following des cribed land-lot situated in Webster coun ty, IS ubroska, to-wit: Thes w quarter, of tho s w quarter, section 10, town 3, range 9, containing 40 acres, and that said land-lot was taxed for thej-ear 1888 in tho name of Anna C. Coon, and was sold for the taxes of said year 18S8, amount $6.33, and you are further noti fied that the time of redemption will ex pire on mo n ciay ot November 1881, and that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, unless re demption from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of November 1891. You will govern yourself accordingly. Dated July 17th 1891. L. Baum. W. H. Butterworth and Reirina Wein berg: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did, on the 4th day of No vember, 1889 purchase at public tax sale of the treasurer of Webster county, Ne braska, the following described land lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska, to-wit: n half of tho n e quarter, and the h w quarter, of the ne quarter in section li, town 4, range 9, containing 120. and that said land-lot was taxed for the year 18SSin the name of HT. H. Butterworth aud was sold for the taxes of said year 1S88, amount $13.75, and yoa are farther notified that the timecf redemption will expire on tho At h day of November 1891, and that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to me by the treasarer of Webster county, Nebraska, naless re. demntion from said sale is made oa or before said 4th day of November 1891. Yon will govern yourself accordingly. Dated July 17 1891. M. Baam. By li. Bs.ua, ageat To California, Orcgra, Wash ington and other Western pointsIn Pullman Colonists Sleepers Tin, the Union Pa ri De. The constant demand of the traveling public to the West for a comfortable aad at the same time an economical saode of traveling has led to the establkhaaeBt of what is known as Pullman Coloaist Sleep ers. These cars are furnished complete with good comfortable hair mattresses, warm blankets, snow white haen, curtain which secure to the occupant of a berth as much privacy as is to ho had in first class sleepers, plenty of towels, eoaabs, brushes, etc. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smoking is absolutely prohibited. Anomer in.es not to oe overlooked is that these Pullman Colonist Sleepers are attached to the daily fast express trains thus enabling passengers occapyisg these cars to make the same time ma occupants of first-class PaUaaaa Sleepers. A charge of $3-00 for a lower or apper double berth is made betweeat Goeaeil Bluffs. Omaha or Kansas City aad Saa Francisco or Portland For those furnishing their own bedding free berths are given ia Pcllaaaa Cbloakt Cars running between Council Blags, Kansas City and Portland. The Pullman Colonist Sleeper is es pecially commended for the ase of the homeseeker who is moving to the wee with bis family, and who desires com fortable sleeping accomodations earoate but cannot afford to pay the first-class Pullman Sleeping Car fare. For matter descriptive of say state er territories through which the TJaieai Pacific tubs, or for rates, thae ef traias etc., etc, apply toE I. LOMAX, Garni Pass, and ticket Ageat. Omaha, New, Robert S. Denny: You are hereby notifiddthatl, the undersigned, did, on me n day or sovember 1883 purch at public Ux sale of the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, the following described land lot situated in Webster county, xebraska, to-wit: The n e quar ter or me a e quarter, of section 83, town 3, range 9, containing 40 acres, and that aaid land-lob-was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Robert 8. Deaney, aad was ooia ler me lazes or said yesr 1888 amount $3.87 and yoa ars further notified that the time of re demption will expire on the 4th day of November 1891, and that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webster county, xebras ka, unless redemption from said aale is made on or before said 4th day of xovem- uer loai. iou win govern yourseir ac cordingly. Datad July 17th 1891. I. Baum. David Vearns: You are hereby notifi ed that I, the undersigned, did, on the 4th day of November 1891, purchase at public tax sale of treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, the following described land-lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska, to-wit: Then w quarter, of the s e quarter, of section 20, township 3, range 9, containing 40 acres, and tnat said land-lot was taxed for the year 1888 in the naze of David Mearns aud was sold for the taxes of said year, 1888. Amount $5.56, and joo are further noti fied that the time of redemption will ex pire on the 4th day of November, 1S91, and that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to me by the treasarer of Webster county, Nebraska, unless redemp tion from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of November 1891 . You will govern yourself accordingly. Dated July 17th 1891 L. Baum. Michael Karle and Mary Newman: Yon are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did on the 4th day of November 1889, purchase at public tax sale, of the treas urer of Webster county, Nebraska, the follbwng described land-lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska to-wit: The s w quarter of the n e qnartsr, of section 35, towns, range 9, containing 40 acre, that said land-lot was taxed for the year 1888, inthenameof Miehael Karle and was sold for the taxes of said year 1888, Amount $2.56 and yon are forth er notified that the time or redemp tion will expire on the 41h Jo nf November 1891. aad that a tax deed for said land-lot will bn executed to me by the treasurer of Webster county, Nebras ka, uuless redemption from said sale is mane on or before said 4th day of Novem ber, 1891. Yon will govern yourselves accordingly. Dated July 17th 1891. L. Baam. Robert 8. Denny: Yon are hereby notified that I, the undersigned did, oa the 4th day of November 1889, purchase at public tax sale of the treasarer of Webster county, Nebraska, the following described land lot situated in Webster couny Nebraska, to-wit: The s e qaar ter of thes e qaarter of section 38 town 8 ranged containing 40 acres, and that said land lot was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Robert 8. Denny, and was sold for the taxes of said year, 1888. amount $2. 96 and you are farther noti fied that the time of redemption will ex pire on the 4th day of November 1891 and that a tax deed will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webster county Nebraska, unless redemption from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of of November 1891. Yoa will govern yourseir accordingly, uated July 17th 1891- . L. Baam. Robert S. Denny: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did, ob the 4th day of JVbvember 1889 parehase at public Ux sale of the treasarer of Web. ster county, JVebraska the following des cribed land lot situated in Webster coun ty Aebraska, to-wit: Thee half of thee half of the a w quarter, of the a e qaarter, section 33, town 3 range 9 containing iu acre, anu mat said land lot was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Robert S. Denney and was sold for the taxes of said year 1888, amount $1.64 and yon are further notified that the time of redemp tion will expire on the 4th day of Novem ber 1891 and that a tax deed for said land lot will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webster eonny, Nebraska, unless redemption, from said sale ia made oa or before said 4th day of November 1891. Yoa will govern yourself accord ingly. Dated Jaly 17th 189L Ta Hal mm To David Mearns: Youareherebv notified that I. the undersigned, did, on the 4th day of No vember A. D. 1889, purchase at public tax sale, of the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, the following described land! Jot situated in Webster county, Nebras ka, to-wit: The s e quarter, of the a e quarter, of section 30, township 3, ran 9, containing 40 acres, and that said land wwwMarorttieyear 1888 jn the Maaow wm steams and was sold forUie taxes of said year 1888. Amount vm ana you are further notified that Jk jVF j "Ptioo. will xpire on the 4th day of November A. D. 1891. and that a ta.r deed for said Iaadlot will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webster county, .Vebraska. roles re demption from sid sale i aaade on or before said 4th day of November 1891. Iou will govern yourself accordingly. Dateu thit 17th day of July, A. D 1891. It. Baam. Alfred White: Ynu im kmw noti fied that I. the undrsm1. i;,1 , th 4th day of November, 1889 purchase at public tax sale of the treasurer of Web ster county, Nebraska, tho following des cribed laad lot situated in Webster couaty, Nebraska, to-wit: These quar ter, of the a e quarter, of sectioa 31, town 3, range 9, containing 40 acres; and that said laad-lot was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Alfred White and was sold for the taxes of said year 1888 amount $10.05, and you are further notified that the time of re deeaptkxi will expire on the 4th day of Noveaaber 1891. Aad that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to aae by the treasurer of Weoster coantv; bra6ka,a&Ieas redemption from said safe m made on or before aaid 4th day of o yeaaberlSOl. You wiH govern ToureeK axsccrdiagly. Dated July 17th" 1SL . Lt Bansx. Services every Sunday moraiug at 10:30. Saadav sohool at 9:45 A. M. daring July. s Alfred White: Yoa are hereby noti. IdthatI,tbeuBdsTigMd,did,o the 4th day of wovsasber llsw parehase at pablic tax aale of the treasarer of Web ster county, nebraaka, the following des cribed Iaed-lot situated ia Webster eoaa ty aebrasks, to-wit: The a w quarter, of the n e quarter, of sectioa 31, towd 3, range 9, containing 40 acres, aad that said laad-lot was taxed for the year 1868 in the name of Alfred White and was sold for the taxes of aaid year 1888, amount 8&50, and you are further noti Bed that the time of redemption will ex pire on the 4th day of November 1891. and that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webster county, nsbraska, unless re demption froan aaid sale is made on or before said 4th day of November 1891. You will govern yoursdlf. accordingly. Dated July 17th 189L L. Baum. Corneliua . Robinson and Carolina F. Roberts: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did on the 4th day of november 1888 purchase at public tax aale of the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, the following described laad lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska to-wit: The west half of the east half of s w quarter of the a e quaraer section 8, town 3, range 9, west of the 6 p. m. con taining 10 acres, and that said land-lot was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Cornel i usx. Robinson and was sold for the taxes of said year 1888 amount $4.68. And you are further notified that the time of redemption will expire on the 4th day of November 1891 and that a tax deed for aaid laad-lot will be ex. ecuted to me by the treasurer of Web ster county, Nebraska, unless redemption from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of November 1891. You will govern yourself accordingly. Dated July 17th 1891. L. Baum. Cornslius m. Robinson and Carolina P. Roberts: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did, on the 17th day of November, 1889 purchase st pub lic tax sale, of the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, the following describ ed land-lot situated in Webster county Nebraska, to-wit: The w half of the s w quarter of the se quarter, section 8. town 1 3 range 9, west of the 6th p. m. con taining jn acrws, anu mat saia isnu-loi was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Cornelius n. Robinson, and was sold for the taxes of said year 1888, amount $2.49, and you are further notified that the time of redemption will expire on the 4th day of November 1891 and that a tax deed for said land lot will be execut ed to me by the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska unless redemption from said land-lot is made on or before said 4th day of November 1891. You will govern yourselves accordingly. Dated July 17th, 1891. L. Baum. Cornelius N. Robinson and Carolina F. Roberts: You ere hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did, on the 4th dsy of November 1889, pnrcbase at public tax sale, of the treasure" of Webster, county, Nebraska, the following described land lot situated in Webster county, Nebresks, to-wit: The w half of the e half, of the n w quarter, of a e quarter, sections, town 3, range 9, west of the 6th f. m. containing 10 acres, and that said nnd-lot was taied for the year 1888 m the name of Cornelius n. Robin son, and was sold for the taxes of said year 1888, amount $1.44, and you are further notified that the time of redemp tion will expire on the 4th day of Novem ber 1891 and that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webeter county, Nebraska, unless redemption from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of No vember 1891. You will govern your selves accordidgly. Dated July 17th 1891. L. Baum. Cornelius n. Robinson and Carolina F. Roberts: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did, on the 4th day of November 1889, purchase at public tax sale, of the treasurer of Webeter county, Nebraska, the following describ ed land-lot situated in Webster county neorasKs, xo-wii: xne w nair off the a w qaarter, ef the a e qnarter, sectioa I, town 0, range v, west or me bin p. m. containing 20 acres, and that said land lot was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Corneliua n. Robinson and was sold for the taxes of said year 1888. Amount $3.67 and you are farther notifi ed that the time of redemption will ex pire oa the 4th day of Novembirl89l, aad that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to me. by the treasurer of Web ster county, Nebraska, unlees redemntion from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of November 1891. You will govern yourselves accordingly. Dated July 17th 1891. L. Baum. Robert S. Denney: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did, on the 4th day of November 1889, purchase at public tax sale of the treasurer of Webeter county, Nebraska, the following described land-lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska, to-wit: Thee half of the e half of the n w quarter of the s e quarter, of section 33, town 3, range 9, containing 10 acres, and that said land lot was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Robert S. Denny, atid was sold for the taxes of said year 1888, amount $1.82, and you are further notified that the time of redemption will expire on the 4th day of November 1891 unless re demption from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of November 1891. You will govern yourself according. Dated Jnly 17th 1891. L. Baum. Michael Karle and Mary Newman: You are hereby notified that I, the aaearsicaed. did, oa the 4th day of Xeremeer Itev parehase at public tax seie of the treasurer of Webster eoaaty, Nebraska, the followiag described laad lot situated hi Webster coanty. Nebras ka, to wit: Tke a e qaarter, of the a e quarter, section 35, town 3, range 9, containing 4o scree, aad that said laad lot was taxed for the year 1S88 ha the Basse of Michael Karle, and was sold for the taxes of said year. Amount $4.83 and yoa are further notified that the time of redemntion will expire on the 4tb dsy ef November 1891 and that a tax deed for aaid land-lot will be executed to me by the treasurer of WebeUr couaty, Nebraska, unless redemption from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of November 1891. You will govern yourselves accordicglv. Dated Julylith. L. Hautn. Robert T. White: You are hereby notified that I. the undersigned, did, on the 4th day of November 1SS9 purchase at public tax sale, of the treasurer of Webeter couaty, Nebraska, the followiag described land-lot situated in Webster couaty, Nebraska, to-wit: The n w quarter of the n e quarter, of section 31, town 3, range 9, containing 40 acres, aad that said land lot was taxed for the year 188$ in the name of Robert T. White, and was sold for the taxes of said year 1886. Amount $5778. Aad yoa are further notified that the time of redemption will expire on the 4th dayof November 1891, and that a tax deed for said land-lot will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, unless redemption from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of November, 1891. You will govern yourself accordingly. Dated July 17th 1891. L.Baum. William X. Howe: You are hereby aotified that I, the aaderslgned, did, on the 4 day of November 1889 purchase at pablie tax aale ot the treasarer of Web star eoaaty, Nebraska, the following des cribed laad-lot siaaed ia Webser eoaafy, Nebraska, to-wif : The s e qaar er, of t ion 14, fowa 8, rang 10, eoa faiaiag ISO acres, aad f haf. said laad-lof. was faxed for he year 1888 la he nan of William B. Howe aad was sold for fhe fax of said year 1888, amosa $73.42 aad yoa are fsrhsr aoified f ae f he line of redemption will expire on be 4h day of aevember 1891 aad fha a ftx deed for said laad-lof will be execeed fo ms by f he treasarer of Websfer count y, aebraska, aalesa redemption from said aals is msde oa or before aaid 4f h day of aovember 1891. lot will govern your self aecordiagly, Dated July 17th 1891 at. Baum. By L. Baum, ages. Michael Karle and Mary Newman: Yoa are hereby notified that I, the undersign ed, did, on the 4th daj of November 1889 parehase at public tax sale.of the treas arer of Webster county, Nebraska, tho following described land-lot, situated in Webster county, Nebraska, to-wit: The nw qaarter, of the n e quarter, sretlen 85, town 3, range 9, containing 40 acres, and that said land-lot was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Michael Karle and was sold for the taxes of said year 1888. Amount $2.i!l, and yoa are further noti fied that the time of redemption will ix pire on the 4tb day of November 1891. and that a tax deed for said land lot will be executed to rae by the treasurer ot Webster county, Nebraska, unless re demntion from sad sale is made on or beforrt said 4th day of November 1891. Yoa will govein yourselves accordingly. Dated July 17th 1891. L. Baum. Robert T. White: You are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did, on the 4th day of November lb89 purchase at public tax aale of the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, tho following described land-lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska, to-wit: The n e quarter, of the n e quarter, of section 81, town3, range 9, containing 40 acres, and that said land-lot waa taxed for the year 1888 ia the name of Robert T. White and waa sold for the taxes of said year 1888, amount $5.24, and you are further notified that the time of redemption wtl, expire on the 4th day of November 1891 Yoa will govern yourself accordingly Dated July 17th. L. Baum. To David Mearns: Yoa are hereby notified that I, the undersigned, did, on the 4th of November, 1889, purchase at pablie Ux sale of the treeaurer of Webster eeaaty, Nebraska, the following described lard-lot i tea ted in Webster county Neb., to-wit: The aej of as quarter, section ?0 tewaship t, raage 9, containing 40 aerse, aad that said lond-lot waa taxed for the year 1888 ia the name or David Mearss. aad was sold for Uxes of said yearr 188S Ataoaat $8.C, aad yoa are farth er notified that the time of redemption will expire oa the 4th day ef November 1891 and that a tax deed for said laad-Int will be executed to me by the treasarer of Webster county, Nebras ka, naless redemption from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of Novem ber 1891. Yoa will govern yourself ac cordingly. Dated Jaly 17th. 1891 . L. Baum. Read! Read! Read! OSCAR PATMOR, HAS n RCUAKH THK FLOUR ANBPlEUDgTOHE ore cr Ilckcron, mtil U non tirctinrnl it mil omiiuiu In hie llac ami nt ihc tcry l.mrt rimtrr for rh Nothing but the best .notls kept. Call see mc when von want anything in my line aiKl THK Farmers Luim.1oi. (Go SUCCKSSOKS TO K. A HANDY. Lumber and Coal. Red Cloud, Ncbmsk; i. seaeseeaeseeeeeeeeeee Gash Grocer Best Coods Only. Grocery House -now oim-:n Fruits Conic Ami sec nic T. C. IIACKEK Tlic Cash Grocer. ies, Etc. I take produce and pay the highest market price. I also keep a large stock of GKFEFLOll Come and see me if you want f ir treatment at all D good times. goods and C. M. MYEltS. mm e a Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. II. FOKT, Manager Abstract of Title Furnished to all Land in Wulwlfr Countv, Acciirntaly and ON SHORT NOriVK." Ifsvlnjthati ten yr etprrirnr lit mint? rwnJ rl mir ( tin- mmt nnt,U f at tract took In tli- Oalr.nr purnlr- Mtifctinn Y.r f..r Jk-lt! Atl niilrt Sllril niuUy lu) ilo'tar lt.l l nl irivpi AJ(Jf or call on h II FOKT Manaokr, IM Cloud, Nb. w Anna C. Coon: You are hereby noti fied that I, the uadersifrned, did, on the 4th day of November 1880 purchase at public tax sale, of the treasurer of Web ster connty, Nebraska, the following des cribed land-lot situated in Webster county, Nebraska, to-wit: The n w 1-4 of the a w quarter, section 16, town 3 range 9, containing 40 acres, and that aaid land-lot was taxed for the year 1888 in the name of Anna C Goon 'and was sold for the Uxes of said year 1888, amount 18.44, and you are farther noti fied that the time of redemption will expire on the 4th day of 5oremDer 1801, and that a tax deed for said land lot will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, unless re demotion from said sale is made on or before said 4th day of soressber 1801. You will gurern yourself accordiafly. Dated July 17th 1891. I Bauaa. T9 ThnasjM it. Blue Henry r Khclton ! Wm. "errnn: You are hcrcur eotlaW tat I, the undcnljrned. did on tne 4th Uay of Nnvrm- uer iws parcBsa si public is we ot lite treasurer of Wrb ter countr. Nehnwks, tle following deitrltwd lsn4-tot tUstd la Web tr emiuty. Nebraska, to-lt: Then c mi.rter of sections town 2 ranre 9, ami that slt land lot was Uips for the rear Ism In th nam of Henry T. MheKsn and u soM (or tae taxr of id year lass and ou are further noUflrd tnat the tlsse of redemitlon will eiplre en the th da of NorrmtxT uel ana that a Ux deed will be executed to Me by tbe treasurer of Web ster county Nebraa nnlen redemption from saMsaielsasadeonor before nld 4h day ot JtoYemter issi you win corern yourselves ac ted June It ItOl. Janes I. Hrltton purrliavr. MT t?. U. reel aeni. THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WIU. MAKK '( IS POSITIVELv Lower than any yard in the world Yf 1 aAHAtt vat mtMSU Nrsttunca rs a truer Mki rt eordlofcly Dat Children Cry for r.tcnit catttri r st SherlaFa Sale. Notice h hereby ctreB. thai HBder aad by vir tue of aa order nc sale teaed frees tbe Sire f C. B. Crone elerk ef district eesrt ot the eight iwdteaU district, witfcia aad tar WeNrter eeaaty Nebraska, epea m decree la aa action peadtac. therria.waereia John H. Crextee H Bkmiatl. aad atainst Kfcadraek Crextee etaJ defeadaats. I hall asTer for sale at public retHae. te the highest bidder for ease la haod. at tbe east door o! tbe coort-boase. at Ked Ciod. la aaid Web ster cKtrtty. Nebraska, (that briar tbe buikJiac wbvreia tbe hut tens of said eeart was hoiden) oa tbe Stb day of Auras. A. D. lt. at one o'clock p. at., of sat day. the following des cribed property tow It: tbesoath iof thes w ?4 and tbe a 'i of tbes w H of eetiea 4 north. rxaceX westof theCthpSB.!a Webster eoaaty. Xebmka. t;tren under arbaad this rW darof JsIy.A. D M31. C A. Tsu, Seeri. O.C.Tax,Ieptfy. CaseftMeXeay, swad ITaiatirs Attersrjs D. b. Spanogte, Rkal Estate and Loan Age'1 Red Cloud. Notice 1$ berebyriiee os4er aad by virtwe of aaorderef sale aaed frees tke eaVe ef C. B. Orwae.eJerfc ef Jke distrteteewrt eftae e4rkhJUeMdYietwMktaaa4fer ?r etty. Nebraek. Bpea a decree Ut aa arttew peseta tWrtia.were!aC Cleans fci NsJk ttYaaTaaeJattNeeh B.TkBBiisacd JeaVsm B. The aa defeadanf. 1 Aag aaTer Ut mb at pe,bHcvsaete the khrhest bfclde--tor cask te Mad at the east deer a te roart-kew hm S4 CaMd.SHM Webster ensbty. Nebravaa ftaat briar tke baBdlac wherda the last term saM eeart was keasea) aa the Tth stay T J-iJt 191 at 1 eVtoek a. as. ef said day Ike feBcwtac des cribed neauti i-wit: lets le aad tic la Mec each staler aa jaefcauas addftiea te tketewaat Bed OoaS, Webster eeaaty. e Uieea cadet Bty kaad Oris tk dayef Jsee. K. V. A. leei. aofrw n mm. o.r. Teel. Deaarr. ft Xt rfcimer. PlalaSbr AOararr. - r urn flil llfii Thar tie ef tke deserfaedseveertrfc hereby tsatiassl asAF as 1Kb day at Aaraat MSI at IS aeteeK a. O.C ataat c a. aYaVaTaaaaal iPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aHaxaaasataaiV mBBBBBBBBPBV3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBb jj :'riBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTBaa" Vr cv!uI'Saaaaaaaas sr 1 ."B. I I JFW-" aaVPPCdaa-w 3sXrfcm atavaMfsaai t'?v5Er7V',,. r, ,IA. f..gss tea, k ,., GsamM Hoi & Pacific Rt, Tbe XXmt awrv W t free aWr JSUt. Cw. FWW, te SrK XH, Sr UiM, U !LJ50Mi Darveport. Mumati. Ottstsw. Okktvn. Ir Jtef, WtatenK. Atut, HaUa t frtl . I IOWA; Mta09ftH s4 M. fil. ! MIX XttOTA: Water. mi SVats TiXl. fa TjUC?Ta. CaJMron. St i-mnh mt Kjmm CM, U MIMOrftf . OtM. Lincoln. TlrUtrj iM X tOa VZZAKJ. AtebMoe, LeaTvwwart. HvrVm. T-yki. MwlcVt&w. WkMta. KRrrttSe. AVOw. In4 Qr. Ci4 I I A WAS; ttreSfW. U Bn tcA yinra. a JXUIAX TZaJUTORY: tMnr. OIrai yr 4 rv.Ua. la OOLOaA&O. Trerera aew arret f rirfc tmrmltg swlesafertre'iUl IWlKOt f Iter rnwBiM'ierii" M t rt nM serf . aocttwSai A mm tti1ef OpiK t ttt.U tA tT.W fH tltC MAOXind-MT vzmtibuij: zxrmras mints f XBBBBaaae9 ajev (jraT k Baaa ill few? If iifi 9 ? Mfg ST. t, SJeealaa see. VSaWaTw' aaaMmexaa aaaawa avaaea Sr Uwttmg sU riniiMlMil ra lrm-r tt CHICIOO aad BBS WATtX. COCWXL axcrrs owama. mu, tMww chjcaco t warrrs, cocobao srxaxes a rvzrto. KAX1AS CTTT a4 TOtXXA trA ia ST MmztK. rintClmm VmrOAm. VtXX. XZCUX1JU1 CXAXS CAM. aad rater Meo wta Uthxj Or ImK CT l rewi rtt e at T-mrrr 4 Crtiral ffte wab eirftaf raiJeay aae. aww hraUa SU are STAJfDAXD OAVGK 77UMSM0CXr MOUWTAOr MOC7X Orrr tiek mptJT-r1tii tn&am ra 3 THBOCGH wmiOCT CHAX3TC t. mo a-saa tmM LtOr. Ogirm a4 rnwtn. TXX UKX. If LAS U aM tb XKnrt 4 Vw limm to mm fnet KttilM, ntt ri stt aS er aaSSaey aaf mC rwMdCK aa4 w bi i-a SKBrteM la OiiltH, DAILY rAST ZXFMXm TJLA1XS ttmzj'z?:'z: SeaUr te aewd tmr wialeaee eea tae t. d set tbraa foe few. trriKK a t;avrTlTCTB.a amaaail W. L DOUGLAS I38HOE eaatrlMe. rafral Mlk-i T. Hnyes' Patent - Collar For sale by J. O. BUTLKRi Ked Clond, Buckeye Hainew ahop. f n Timmm CSsr te aad trvtm 3 b potvKt3mymumbmrttimrmtiMAnmi, Xjtm af aw IJUa ZttiHwj Aim i XlXtXl vzx ayYHecjMmr-oiaartwtoe. twra. Smx FS, XrsJtJUrotM maA ST. MO. KstbriaMKi!faw "n iir tat aw TmOAr. OawC mawzrrsHocaiTat IIUi meim . si m a awn w fr am w sa lave awe . auaaa Mr bMw mm mjt Mr a mf fv j a n mm mam tm 1 1 iiiiw Vawl a Writ tsfe trmm mt.jm a ar.i. ex, aT twt Ma and. Ska ; aaaaacaar WW Mka. mm ar ftTtaih i.ianti.1 iif. -.. .tT - - lt A . -. " " - . -rw vkt aa mum jfrwm t i a at ww mm rmm t SW ao.jXbr at.dl ee Head wd mw-m wj JOHH, - JOHM MaUrnAaa. OelTbtA CJOCASCtZi. W. TfJlalaEVB. JaL faatatlc trUya F. R. GUMP. - Attorney And CuonszJor At Law. j. nnt fstfcaaa! sUak. a eea. treiet be saati. Will practice in all Cwtirt. lf i Sa-a rwK I aw V m-xAi m Vittm Kr aa ton aaat 19 waee weeat m -- aWaam ae ' b wawaw-aa-a, laMrNT darlWSrxeaQ sivaBswax aaaasBBw S3) sxawaaTaa dS'aWsaV aaHiaa4F aWaaaa l.al aaaaaai ?ri!cr?2K. ---i45 j ... .. . -. paaraBnwv W.X.J I'-W Ssltwss- fthme stealer. K-rairaar 15? A - V ! F t WJi'inflPz -V 'i- Zcr? j- ' aa