" Jr tti -'- ,fIbC: -?& ga" TlSaBrf rByyT' j s,Bmmaaaasmssnsn..MMMMii hafammmmmmmmmmmaw av HVlH9WHUiHflBKnar 7; - w '7:r-JBBm2tMmxm95iS- - .WHiBBBrMiKBBBMBBBlC-BBBMMBBBHfcfcaa. "samsniiii'mBmmmmmalBaaam la YUBBBBftBKHHBBSU!f ' i -iaa"5?Tsia)ammnjsMgs. ,it u "'y- ' - . . 'BBr.KiBB.BBBiBBBBBBvB aaemaBPrTtieaaamsm..... aammmmmmmmFaaamawa'ammmmmpfTaeC"f i ? ;r 1 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. 9 By A. C. H OSMER Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, July 10, 189 J. Vol. 1H. No. 5U Special Clearing Sale ! OF STJIYUVTER DRY GOODS At Ducker's Cash Dry Goods House, i jjk mJb A Lambkin Plaids Syc per yard. Ladies' Hose 5 and 9c per pair. Children's Summer Vests at 6c. Indigo Blue Calico 5c. 7c Unbleached Muslin for 5c im THAN COST. Be sure and see them. Children's fast Black and Colored Hose at 6c. Silk Mitts at 14 and 1 9c per yard. 10c Bleached Muslin for 7c Ladies' Handkerchiefs 5c usual price 10c. x Fast Black Organdie Lawns 12jc Parasols and Umbrellas at less than cost. - Fast Black French Satine at 19c. . - Spring and Summer Jackets at half Usual Price, ie are determined to CLOSE OUT OUR SUMMER GOODS And arc making the LOWEST PRICES ever heard of, Come at once and get some of the bargains. Geo. A. Ducker. Departed Hale Life. Died at the residence of Kev. Geo. O. Yeiser, his brother-in-law, in this city, on the morning of July 5th, 1801. r. John Dillard. Dr. Dlllard came to this place in Dec. 18S7, in feeble health, and finding that his health im proved, niado it his home and became interested and identified Kith the in terests of this community. He was the son of Kev. R. T. Dillard, I). D. of Lexington, Ky., and was born June, 1830. lie chose medicine as his profession and practiced it very successfully, until about 18SL, then gave it up on account of failing health. In the fall of 1890, hi health began to fail and he took a trip to California. He turned to this city in April last, in very bad health, his nervous system greatly racked. He was not able to go upon the street after his return. The evening before his death (4th) complained of noise, cat heartily in the evening and walked through the house, appeared in usual health in past month. In the morning his room was visited and not answer ing call, his niece went into the room and found him dead. Friends of Dr. Dillard and family thought it better to hold an Inquest and post mortem examination. It was found that, "lie died from natural causes" latty de generacy of the heart, lie evidently died without a struggle, calm and composed as in sleep, doubtless passed away in sleep. . He was laid away by kind friends in the cemetery lot by his sister, Mrs Yeiser, as he requested to be. On paper was written lately: '-For months and months, brain and nervous system gone. Help mo, I pray, U, God ! all aid must come from Thee!" Ho v. J. D. Pulis, D. Dr, pastor of th; Baptist church, officiated. I.OCMI, ii:rrv Condition powder. of all Mud. at Deyo's. Deyo keep the target Mock of jwt ent medicine-. Tin? best tock of machine oil i to be found at DoyoV. T. J. Wright of Glennwood, Iowa, is in the city this week. Go to Deyo and .ce hi bargain in ramnanl of wall paper. Chas. Hansen is the guest of I'eter Hill, of Cow lea, this week. The W. C. T. lT meets with Mrs. Overing thi. month at 3 p. in. 4'llHM MM I'ptM DtM l. ' K.wu the Unrota ivruxl' M A. Upton, Jonathan Chao and Chariot M. Chao brought uil ngs'&t J.W. Sherwood and I V Albright, hu i m.law, to tcuro the rovernal of n tnulo u heroin plaintiff eichangod lot 1, bUvk .H Lincoln, located at the north ont corner of Twelfth and Q atrrot and valued at 33,KM. sub.oct to a motgago forflSW, for Mock in the Ued Cloud National bank of far value f fc2AA. Defendant amumed cTV0J of tha mort gage and ChoftO and Upton put up a lgid for d'A) to ercuro the parruont of the remainder of it. Upton wan prom imsI tho pcwiitiou of ctuililir tn tl Iwink undor CIirm, but tho annua! i1cvIkq of ollk-orn fruBtratfnl thu dcnign, aa a man Jl ., , GO! K. L. Tinker and wif', wore the namod Clary wan ltcdcahu'r through guests of .Mr. and Mrs. crson on -the 4th. M. V. I)lck- TKY JOS.HEKBURGER, lriirieIor or the City Bakery and Restaurant, Tor a good Squnrc meal. Hoarding and Lodging by day or week All kind or Fresh Bread, I'ieN and Cakes. Headquarter Tor Orange, Lemon and Banana. All kinds or fresh fruit and Candy, Xnl, Cigars, Tobaeeo, frewli Oysters, and ICe eream in scaon. Tos. Herburgek, niVi lmynifty What is W BpWA MW M Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infknts and Cbildrcn. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food regulates the stomach -nd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas- 5 iA is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. pol-- Castoria. - Cartoria Is aa excclleat medicine f or chil dren. Kotheri have repeatedly told mo of its good eff et upon tbek chHdrM." Da. G. C. Osgood, LowdUlUsB. Castoria ts tho bet remedy for chfldreB of hleh I am tcqoaintcd. I hope the day is eot far distant wienmothers irlll com! k the real Interest of the children, aad use Castoria in stead of the raiious quadc Boatrums which are deatroyifig their kyred oaea, by foreias opium, morphine, sooOjiafr ayntp aad other hortful vgents down their throats, thereby Beading i to preBaataregraTec." -' DB.J.F.EscB9bOC Coewsy, Ark. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted taehQdresthat I recommend it as superior toaay fraflcripttaa known to i." E. A.Aion.KIX, HI So. Oxford St., Drook'tm-K. X. '0r phyaidaas in the chUdrMv tfefart ment hare spokes highly of their cxaeri eace ia their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only hare among ocr medical suppliea what is known aa regular products, yet we are free to confess that Uw merits of Castoria has won as to look faToroponit." Uxrrsa Hoarmi. as Diaiai usr, AaOMttMr juuk C. Samx, M, Ctmfwy, TT Mmj ItrMt, lUw zanctxaj. Cowlc. Jlrs. JIarry Hopkius has returned from a prolonged stay with her chil dren in Omaha and Chicago. A colony or two of English spar rows have appeared here, If now they would get iu a little work on the worms that infest tho lettuce and cabbages), wc might think better of them. Harris & Hanawalt have just re ceived a ton of granulated sugar and a half ton of other grades. If wc do not keep sweet, for the present fu ture, it will not be their fault. Mrs. Fanny Adams, of Uplarid, has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. Hag.-r and Mrs. Waller. On the fourth several families had a pleasant picnic in a grove at G. Latta's. Another group had one at Miller's grove. No orations at cither. The lack was supplied by musiuitos ga lore, who gave us pointers in abund ance. Deacon Wilsou has opened a meat market at the old stand, Thomas Paul will serve customers when the Deacon is away with his meat wagon. II. J. Sheldon welcomed a new daughter, early on Monday morning, the girls are in the majority again in that family. The nice residence of II. C. Cutter was burned with all its contents dur ing storm on Monday night. It was probably fired by lightning, early in the night and when discovered was too far gone to save anything. Mr. Cutter arived witli bis bride, or Tues day afternoon while the ruins of his house were still smoking. It is a great disappointment and a heavy loss to them. Kvery body is sorry for them. The storm of Monday night was a big one and Kim creek has seldom been on such a tear. It was as if all the clouds held a meeting here and north of here, ana shed all the tears they could. X. Electric Bitten. This remedy w becoatag so well kmovc and 50 popular as to seed bo special meutton. All who hare nsed Electric Bitters siag the same song of praisa. A purer csedidne doe not exist, sad it is guaranteed to do all that is daisaed. Elactrio Bitters wrfll care all aaisaati ef tbe Li?er and Kidneys, will renter Pisnnw lea, Boils, Salt Rheum aad other efcctiMw caaaed by impure blood. For earc ef Headache, constipation aad ladigestSoe try Electric Bitters Entire saliafafltica isaaraateed, er money refnnded.Ptiao Writ, aad fUQD per bottle at I H. Deyosdxagitort. The 4th of Jnly passed off in fine style in Red Cloud with the the ex ceptions of the rain which fell in just enough quantity to mar the pleasure of the people. The program was ful ly carried out and was splendid. The fire works in the evening were the best we have ever seen in lied Cloud. The afternoon exercises were fair, and every one seemed to have an excel lent time, if the streets were slushy and wet. The young Americas did their part shooting firecrackers and keeping up the national honor, while the older heads took in the more se rious sports, and the ladies, well they had all that they could do to Keep out of the rain. Altogether it was the ocst 4tn oi duly celebration, or would have been, that was ever held in Red Cloud, had it not been for the rain. It seems to us that the upecch of M. L Wheat, the 4th of July ora tor, was the most wishy washy stuff that was ever perpetrated upon a class of all kinds of political people. He took particular paias to deliver a purely third party speech, to the dis gust of every other party there, who had paid his or her mosey for a 4th of July speech, instead of a political harangue thai contained neither sense nor abi'ity. Wc do not know who was to blame for it, but the speech was very mach out of place for the occa sion. No o&e objects to a maa's po litical views, if he delivers them at a proper period, but Wheat's speech was aot ia the least appropriate for the 4th, iaasmach as it was a rehash of his campaign speech used last fall whea here. ef A Wemater Worker. Mr. Frank Hat man. a reea BatUagtoa Ohio, states that he had nader the care of two preniaent pbj skaana, aad meed their treatnaeat aata he waa cot able to get aroaad. They pre aoaaeed hia ease to be CeaaampUem, and iaeerable. He was persaeded to try Dr. Kiaafa New Diseeverr for feaaamplLja Coagae aad eaUs aad at that time van met able to walk aeree the etreet witacmt resting. He f oaam, hefare he had aeed half ef a dollar betties, that he wae maeh better; he eaatiaeed to aa is aad ia to- iday ajojtag good health. If yea have aaj Xwfoat. Law eheai Treehte try it. we narasMt Miwrawaaa. Trial Polftics that is fall politics are coming on apace. Tin: Ciiiek is in favor of a straightforward republican ticket, which is good tnough for us. This is free America and every man has an inalienable right to vote and act as sccmcth best to him as long "as he keeps within the pale of the law, and it is our undivided opinion that there is no party, pat or present, oaganized or unorganized, that is any better, or has any purer record, than the grand old republican party. It has been assammed that because the In dependents carried the coujity last fall that they will do m the coming election. In this prediction wo be lieve that it will be found to be an error and the republicans will be found in the race as cnthusastic as ever, inc present republican om cials have managed the affairs of their offices as well and honestly as any set of men could, and wc do net believe that any party new or old could elect more competent men than hold our county offices. People have not gone wild on theories that are flighty to that extent that they can not re ward an honest official for work that has bcea worthily performed. Messrs Ranney, Crone, Iluotcr, Trunkcy, Tecl, Schenck, ctt., have each and all been faithful to their trusts and should be renomina ted we believe and elected. The Fowrth at Bladen. Owing to threatening weather the exercises were postponed until after noon. A large number of people were in attendance. R. C Best was President of the day, and well did he discharge his duties. The Red Cloud Martial Band furaished the music, and your editor delivered an address. Besides the reading cf the dcclaraion by Miss Householder, 3Iiss Charlotte Hunter of Monnaoth, Illinois, recited the "Drummer Boy of Misioa Rid tee." Her rendition of that thrill ins: piece surpassed that of many pro fessioaals. The Xatioa editor and the Red Cloud band were highly pleased with the hospitality, kiadaeas aad courtesy of the Bladen pfxiple. Loag will the event be remembered by thi participants. A HawbemtVa 31 Make. Busbanda too often permit wires, and j parceta their children to suffer froea hwnmcheVdlzzineaa, aeuralgis, fit, whew by the ace of Dr. Milee' Retoratire Xer- tub each reealta could be prevented. Drag& ata every where say it given ttairer- iin.iii.w, hu amm nn imaaeaeemue. Woodworth Co, Fort Wayae. Iod.: f cepUWe to tte ecaa ram tfeaa Saow ACb, Syraeaa. X. V aad haaWaaj other cUns, becaaw the timalet I fret It UM. Veres (Jo and sec the way prices arc cut at Ducker s cah dry coods slorc f.r today and tomorrow. Charley Bundiow, of Colby, Kan., was m the city, on the Ith. shaking hands with old friends. Crops arc booming right along and the prospects arc greater than ever before for many years. It would nol bo a bad idea if the people would cut down the wccd.i in front of their residences. Charley Seclcy's familiar face was to be seen on our streets, on the 4th. Charity is now located in Omaha. Nothing new with the banks an yet that have failed, except that C. G. Dorscy, of Beatrice, has been appoint, cd rcccitcrof the Red Cloud Nation al bank, and U here and assumed hii duties. The institute has closed and the prospective teachers have returned to their various homes to awatt the com ing of "school lime," when they will again instruct the young idea how to shoot. Mis Jennie K. Sillin, of Pratt, Kansas, is visiting with relatives in the city, and in the vicinity of Cowlcs and will prohbaly make her home for several months in this city with her grand-parents Dr. and Mrs. Schenck. Pension attorney Simons, has just received word that the claim of Zach ariah Rusacrans, dependent father, has been made special in the pensiog I office oa the state of facts presented in the affidavits furnished by him Mr. Simons has bean admitted a a regular pension attorney and is folly authorized to procure pensions fox soldiers of the late war. It. If the people of this country do not want so many paupers they should restrict emigration. The fact! arc that nine-tenths of the tramps that arc heralded around over the country by our demagogue speakers are from foreign land who are to laiy to work in the land of thir nativ ity and were sent here to gat rid of them, and arc ."till to lary to work- here. Our old friend and well-known citi zen, Mr. A. J. Welch, formerly B. 51. Agent in this city has strack a streak of luck. He was recently appointed Acting Freight and General Passes gcr Agent of the Padncah, TenaeaMC and Alabama railway coapany. A. J. is one of the best of fellows and The Chief extends it- congratula tion. on his appointment, know ing that it is a deserved acknowlcdg. raeat of his ability to fill the respon sible position. afHrklea's.nrnirrii Itc lhe Kert 5jIto in the world forcaU, Urcie, SoreT Ulcer-, Salt Rhesm. f erer Sores Tetter, Chapped hand, Chilblains Cora, aad all other Skin Ersptiens, and poiitircij care pile, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money ref saded. Trice 23 cent per box. For sale by L. IL Dvyo.3 tho mthmiooof S, Vh!, raWrof the National Hank of (.'umtnerc. KanNt City, n lirary criMhtor of tho KsJ t'loeil bank in conmvnnco with th iWndanu to tin' hUiL PlainllfTa mV that the nt4K"k wns r?rtvntMl to tliui to 1 rnl-1 tmblo when thoy miulo the trad hint March, but that they havn mnco liM"0r oivd Ibat th liabilities of thrt bank at that Litno woro imo$7r,) more than tho aNt, nml tho capita! stock of no valuo. Defendant Albright af thi auditor nt tho Hum of tho abuo trad and in tho party jpho Is allow! to hato led pluintiir into tho deal by faW rop roKontnliomt ns V) tho condition of the bunk nnl of tho U.ck. Plaintiff say that among tho nnnoU wart a fO0,X mortgage glvon by tho IUsl Cloud roller inilbi, which wan roproaontwl to bo a tlrst lion, but which pruvod to bo about fifth, nnd tho bank had to oxontl ?7t0X in aatiRf) ing'othor claimo. Thoro aa 1j $10,(M) noU-H givon by tho IUhI Cloud Klectric Light company and ondornol by tho milling company. " Tho oloctrio light jHoplo now claim that it wasonly au accommodation nolo, and havo succooa fully rotated llo cilloctoii. Allbrtght had agrood to turn ovor tho control of the otvctnc light company to Chaw.but rofiiMii to do m. PlnntiffM aak that their two notort for ?2p) each, thoir 3TJ bond nnd thoir Lincoln projxrty U ra turnod to thorn, and that plaintiffs b ro qurietl to tnko back thoir worxi thnu worthier bank aUx:k nnd awiuino all iia biliU'ri tncurrod thorton bocauw of tho allcgeil fact that Clary nnd tho defend, anbi cntarod.into n conspirwy to and did linnlly wrc;k th oank by depleting it iiKfoUi und Hcattoring lU fumU. ,, It Mms that tho Lincoln chafa, wka enmodonnto ahow Ketl Ckwd fewopk) how do thingn, got Irndly left oa their own propunitionH. Tlioy ought not to fujueal whon Uioy trado with thoir oyo ojxin. Tw the Kril 4 (oust .MtdUMi Mrr. nt I he Nrt t'tam, tmm HursnlM or nil latstet. Adoelof htdn trr l$g wld at U th-tn n)csle prlc Jb Uu f Udk. chUdtra aa4 gonta andorrv. Udt aad thlasea horry and pWtew, Ihj. half aoe? gents Sue shirt Uuadtied nl af hundrird, trchn n4 rtUniane lacc, bead iHnttuiwg lrih trldiatUj;, rcNci ind ether tiwbo. clrtx liat tritnttJlnjj., hat aid hair oraa mtuU, bJil, etin luichinf hJ hair ulc. PetfutoorT. button and w thread, nuedtc ! ptn Jppt fn ud jijooI. tktbt line. Zcjhr, Saxony and cotton yraa d4rting Milm. frilling, Udloa' aad KCHt IjccV. wrar, cuffs and cellars, (I rub linen.) crf, haadkrrchlrfa. album, pi i J log and Mitln,f cards, prnrii. olovks. tireal mducsavnls oflctod t country dealer Mllliaery good for "nr U( pn wholnale. (IkKl. iiuit and will be sold t any aorttlc Auction very 5,Uurday, cooingnturnts 4icilu, ... i .... Tho Kort ,ltrapt ivMujvmy har otry transfer up ti tnto.'utid through tlswui Ui tha only roltnUo w.r.- by hth It ia poeaiWa In eVory uu'.m y l got an L. lutoiy correct aUstrat I toJad.U in W.UUi county without apjdying toUiotarn! offtVw ia many raao for varlliU08 of t.Uo ThoolUcontandatSjaslfaficn' Utootmi pnny, otermily Mr L II Kart, M Mpert a'vountait and n'wirmr, KaabaaT Uaf iKTwmal sutiorvision f this aot flf 1 from tho foundation. Uking On of oacfi and orory j.tut froui th UnI ofllco, nUiming dato of Ijmuo nnl to hom isaiiotl. Cr)n thi foundattmi ovry trans fer hiuboon rocmlNl in it projor nrlcr ami mujwi of alt dttvoa and ubl u loan boiiig at iio-o rnatprhotuH!jti nam rrlutMo. Attorney ta,a!iw a ? an s. Almal fMSBMinako. During intense fceai, such aar is now prevailing, phytkia&s look for surtromm and prostrations by beat at any naosnaat. Any one ia liable to be oTercom, aad tA penoual care will do a good dl In pre venting a au&atroke, Whea the beat ooa ticea through the night aad humaairy deprived of refreahlcg wt,the coostitB tion aooa becomea weakeced asd tb chaxiceaofaaatUcatWrebyiicraaasJt The leaat expoaara to tha Wat ia tl beat always, asd wha peopSa ara eoaraaBad to to expose thecBaefrea it is a good idea to ware x small apoea or wet cJoth ixtl bat. It adriaaba not to axoaaa is tkia Idfid cf weather, but tkia ia aot aa iatpor tact aa drifikni rVnsoaa who ara add; ted to Xh aa of afaoeolic laoa a The nummcr KlMf . Thw ia UK I'm Btandio' in my I'arn door. Smoking city ae'gara Which tho men folks (Jivo mo a-hopin To bribo mo fur IJettor grub. Don't you knowMK! Why, I'm tho fanner Yahoo, hayfied, greeny Hut I Uko Summer borders? Yc. an I kinera Tw. Whe city board Coca down. Mine goe up Way up, to 100 ia the shade. Do I Work? Well. I gwwff no. Not now, Iut way a, Sor when city geota And their ladle Want air an Condensed milk An' kptrn An' comshuk UkU. Oh, no! I give 'em aS thewe, Uw Fur a pnee- My wife aa me au" the gabr Drinks cres in Summer, you bet. Hoard la high-priced. The dal- u hMrh-tosed' aim hous t bigu. An' wa lire high Iaaosaaier. Yd, isdeed ! As I smoke Ia tha oarxyard 'Cause it cold The only cool plac? Os the farm. -Am I in Hr Aa the city feHer mez Well. I Sce Ve! altmrtor, prt&Mon a!J work fstaalwaaw nQlro and if any irrMtarftjpisaahp. currrI ititho cousAaaMile1r cu. tinorii got tha bayjait ffaiaf hi vKloa asd eakawav-IM 0ud I)mocra4. -" Attorney Porter kaa, thU far fc"i like mozik of Jsly pnxared tx - joa, tmd if dooUed. refercao- caa W Txit a4 t t$ hid to ht recora. J rede ef ethara say -it the greatk aaUer taey ever saew." Tnal Lo-t! cad iae bookoaNerroaje Pis nam, frccstC.Ii. Cettiaca at all Ure the tamnajcaUira. The uses bboski ls i3 KM tfie KmwaUtre aa low aa poasib. Ia the dty fajy sine. tea tits of the eaaaa of heat aroatno -Sara mew addicted to te we of Int-sor. U. Smith reoptewae are weak meauay are aiso Ed Smith. a ef J. ra.med this week ra MfMeafiSrTrrrt ana left this ere a m r far Salt Jake .'aeariy aHwaya raawllW ia iaaskr TJ-.T where he teee tale the leaser basi aea witli kia WfUer WiU. tforeasaa of icebama Wthakaary. a?w! !! " i?'f lH" Hrrrrl oi arre, 6 CXL. Coiling dragglat, Mmro that the Ja&Trt of u-va l ;rafraooe. Therefore he jr)ta in kopng th o tlntft lino of pffimf-rioi, ami u Ut artlclo, tlrtjgw atd brtnirn) cmUrf markat. Hojorally invJtll Mr?e who halo palpiUt'm. ahorl breat. ) in aitlo or houlb-r. drot-y hvrt ittwaa, to try Dr Miba' uno'iunll Sow (aart Curo, beforr it m k Uto. ft ha the largoat ialo of any imtar rruvHJj. Dr. MllM'fetoratuoN"rvino iaunuriaaiJ U.r !ooplown, ttoniUvohn, nit srpj it coatnina no otnatx (firuVlJ !wsti!-,0. A. JL, Mil give a camp fir Monday cvssinjr, July 'J', 101. Kfnlocnt p4akr will be pro?nt t$9tn abroad to a-MttM the Sieellng. hrwi Hanback.ex-eoa grcmau from O.'br', Kaass. U. II. Coulter ef the Vnprn V?lft, T peka, Kan , Col. J. 1. Oaye of rVaak lin, and Capl. C K. Adita of jp--rior, Neb. Krerybfy inrito! to comi yt and lUtcn te the music of '0 yeate ago. 0. W. Kmuwt, CewaaaJor, Tfttt, "o. ii, Jload Iacitr dTertiiata em the firft page. Thry sre har!a a big clearing ale. and tie t44e should take it in if tbrr vast V-r gain. lrcd lia4)l, the f able n4 courtcoa. m.Dser fully asderU4s lit Intikrf. ao-J wilt treat roe iily. Kctrartlei. A le the cani ptiblthevl hj a fa tie la M0of The Ci:r, oa far ther infonna;Ha ti fiAltuUm 1 led thr fact U r that Hts4& ea the 5ct nho worked op th MiW raa ptl'c:io fer a rate uitirT set of Jaae Zl. 11$Q. and lit tstt considered the a;ft tn th? e that he rerjTcd th? claim ahe fear month trfiaf to thr i ef ptaiit-a, that the claimant had a msdteai a aaciaatioa by the board at IU4 CU4. jal-rst or UVfr that ti ly tfUt af hit atUraey ia a m aa4r the e!4 law Therefore -ra ix4l 4 June to which hsc-v at agtal fee ieamr tfrd';ta tie ar?St in tha rate. I '- Mt !fie hai Wcm admitted -, . n yrMW ties tf sa:oe if m der tW ... t SarWaleW dVpanmeat. J. Focrxa. Jk, ms. .'J.-JtaJe.vr xrniu' fjjjay rFtzXJS. CtH 1wt,AC- 7 Baking fbwder ABSOtuiEiar pis mi r -&" v'-