THE CHIEF Friday, .laly 3,1891. Hnterca at the Tost Office lu Itctl Cloud, Neb., as mall matterof. the second rla ELECTRIC SPARKS. Fine watch repairing, artis tic letter and monogram en graving at T. E. Penman's Red Cloud. LOCAL DRIFT. Machine oil at Deyo's. Go to Deyo for fishing tackle. Machine oils of all kind at Deyo's. rt . M. Dickereon is in Lincoln this treck. Hammocks and croquet at Cot ting's. Miss Kate Spacogle is liome from the weft. Prof. Goody and family were in the city this week. Harvest has hegun in this county in good earnest Mrs. Briggs of Superior, as in the city this week. Miss O'Brien of Hastings was in the city this week. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fireworks at Deyo's in endless variety. Dr. J. S. Emigh is home from an extended trip to Illinois. J. L. Miller the harness man has a full line of ruhher and leather hclting C him. Cotting is still selling lots of wall paper at way down prices. If you require spectacles go to Deyo and got the hest and most perfect made. A District Asscmhly of the Knights of Labor will be held ia Red Cloud, July 2. Bear in mind that Deyo is "in it" LOCAL PUFFS. Mrs. Wm. Buckbce has moved to lied Cloud. Don't forget that tomorrow is the 4th, and every good American should have a time. Mrs. Ella Garman has taken a po sition in The Chief office as typo. She formerly worked in the Maukato Western Advocate office. D. J. Judson of Inavale, lias re ceived notice from the pension de partment that he will soon be allowed a aice pension and $1350. back pay. Several of the old soldier boys are being rewarded for valiaut service in the late war by Uncle Sam, who is now, after so many ycais of vexatious delay, paying good pensions. I hat is right. The other night while lipse team No. 1, of the Red Cloud fire depait mentwere practicing, some one turned on the water before the hose was un reeled, and in conscquncce the hose bursted. The little fight that took place on the streets Wednesday was quite fun ny in which one of our leading ladies and a well known gentleman took part. It was ever thus from childhood's gentle hour. There will be a camp fire in Red Cloud, July 20, Ex-Governor Lewis P. Han back, of Kansas, and O. II. Coul ter will bo here. A big time is ex pected, notice and program will be given in due time. Garden Seeds Of the best lot in the city. When in want of anything iifcthis line re member Perkins & Mitchell's old stand one door south of Miner Bros. Insurance Against Hall. Geo. 0. Yeiser is prepared to insure crops atrainst damage from hail. Now is the time to insure also against loss from fire and wind. when it comes to prices in paints, oilsi varnishes, etc. Mr. Wm. Fhlors, who has been in Oregon for the past 15 months has returned home. Two sisters of Mrs. Dr, Emigh arc visiting with her this week. The iadies are from Virginna. Deyo's celebrated sticky fly paper will catch anything from a fly to an elephant. Buy no other. For oatp, rye, and corn chop of the finest quality call on, C. M. Mycr Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. t2 The Baptist church social last evening in the court heusc park was a success, and had a large patronage. Congressman McKcighan was elec ted by the district, assembly, Knights of Labor, to tic Philadelphia conven tion. A. S. Marsh anl brother, have been awarded the contract to furnish the State prisoners of Wyoming with food. Remember that Cozad & Co., will not be undersold on furniture, car pets, wall papsr &o. at Taylor's old stand. You fliould go at once to Deyo's and take advantage of his remnant sale of wall paper. Don't miss this opportunity. F. Y. Taylor has greatly increased his stock of furniture, carpets, cur tains &c, and won't be under sold, call and see him. Buy your paint of Cotting. He sells the strictly Southern and Globe leads and the Lincoln mixed paint that cannot be beat. Flour of both winter and spring wheat, groceries and garden seeds. First door south of Miner Bros. C. M. Myers, Prop. Mrs. M. Grant, wife of M. Grant, a prominent merchant of Alton, Kan., and mayor of the city, is visiting with her sister Mrs. S. L Umphenour. Sec Cozad & Co., for funeral sup plies, coffins, caskets, robes etc., who are fully prepared to conduct funerals in the city or country, at Taylor's old stand. Mr. Floyd Reynolds is again the happy papa of a cooing baby boy. He now slogs "Rock dat baby Shak y, und don't you forged dot tot I told you." After years of experience we make the intelligent care of the dead a specialty, and arc prepared to attend all calls in the city or country. F. V. Taylor, funeral director. The Hon. Francis P. Hadley, Esq., is now holding down the responsible position of aid to "His SatanicJ ma jesty" in The Chief office. The devil will bow be to pay. Kdpard Cook while cleaning a plate glass ivwfew is his father's drag store, slipped and fell through the plate glass crushing it into smithereens. Loss about a hundred dollars. UndertaklsghyP. V. Taylor who has had yea.s of practical experince ii the scieutiic care of the dead aid is better prepared taaa ever to con duct the business in all its branches. Matinee: Mutlncc! Commcnsing Friday June 12th at 3 o'clock and each succeeding Friday. There will be a series of matinee races at the fair grounds. There will be good horses on the track and you are invited to attend. Notice to Breeders. ILreafetr Prince Bayard make the season of 1891, at the of J. C. Hclcomb, Red Cloud. I$m42 W. Gates. will barn Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves aB candidates for teachers ofthe public schools of this county, at Red Cloud on the third Saturday of each month. D. M. Hunter, County Supt' . Bill of Fare. Granulated sugar 20 lbs. $1. Dried peaches 3 lbs. 25 cts. 1 box soap 32 bars $1.10. California pears dried 2 lbs. 35 cts. 4 cans beans 25 cts. Solid packed tomatoes 3 lb cans 10c. 3 lbs can apples lOcts. Pope Bros. Hack Line. T. R. Hayes, has purchased the Valley House Hack and is now pre pared to respond to calls at all hours of the day and night Orders should be left at McAvoy s livery stable cast A Card. Mr Editor: I deem it just and proper to the public, and to myself to reply to an item in your last issne relating to the quick time in which H. B. Simona statas that he, as Attorney, procured a pension for Air. MiUiean of this city, and of which ho takes occasion to herald around the street corners to thoen ho seeks to meet I regard it doe to myself for the reason, that since the publication thereof, clients Wa Iflsiered my office, some with "lire in their eye," to know the cauae of my delay in their cases, when Simons geta cases through in a four montnaT my valuable time has been much consumed by having to reply to divers inquriea in such respect in order to avoid futher personal inquiry, I will reply publicly through the press, first Mr. Simons is no pension attorney, neither has he ever been admitted as such, and has no know ledge of the laws of evidence, or the varied rules and regulations of the pen sion bureau. Second, he never got a pen sion claim through from the "stump up" by his own skill, during his short career as a self constituted pension agent 3d. Tho Milligan pension was allowed through pension attorneys in Indiana, who have his case under the old law and who some months since procured his examination by a board of surgeons apon which the commissoner of pensions found sufficient evidence to grant pension under the Act of June 27th, 1890 and the claim was filed over a year ago by his Indiana attorneys; Mr. Simons ought to know that the people are not foolish enough to swallow so large a "fish story", every old soldior knows that from the date of filing an application it requires many months to ever get an order for medical examination, and after that many more months, generally before the issue of pension, they also know that no attorney however skilled can prevail upon the pension commissioner to grant'of his reg ular routine of adjudicating cases. McKeighan himself could not do it neither could the president of tht United States congressmen of natonial rep utation much lees Simons who is a mere novice in the buisnees and who boldly nndnrtnok to nubliah that he COt a pen sion through in about four moths, a good plan to cheat the printer out or. we cost. oi an advertisement, It J, Porter Jr. Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for National Educational Association Convention. Toronto Canada. July 14- 17,1891. For the above occasion rouna trin tickets will be sold to Toronto, Can ada at the lowest one-way nrst ciaem rate plus two dollars, the rate authorized applies only via Detroit Port Huron and tho Canadian Routes and not via Buffalo or Niagra Falls. Dates of sale from stations in Nebraska and Kansas. July 8-13 inclusive trip must be began on date of sale and tick- eta will only be good for continuous pass age. Tickets will only be good for return on trninB leavincr Torouto July 14 to Sept 23 inclusive and will have a return limit of five ilavs from the time they ore stamped and executed for return by the agent of the terminal line at Toronto. Tickets will not bo good for return nmuiure after Sent 30th. 1891. The Bur lington has been chosen as the Official route to Chicago ana a special train wm leavo Omaha about 9,20 PM Sunday July 12th, which will run through to Toronto without change, unusually low excursion rates have been made from To ronto to Canadian points in the New England States, New York, etc, This will ,be an excellent opportunity for a trip to nil points east Fourth of July excursion Rates Round trin tickets mnv be sold from all stations to points on this line not more than 200 miles distant at rnto of one fair tickets on sale J uly 3-4, good to return to July Gth. A. .Cokovek Act b m. Finmaaa rfctsle. Itch oa human and horses aad all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. H. Devo, druggistRed Cloud. Therre is a roomer in the air," as the landlord remarked when he kicked out his dead-beat boarder. It is qaiU the fashion now to Uke De Witts Little Jrlr Risers for liver, stoaach sad bowel disorders. They are amall nills. bat miirhtT zood ones. c L. oottiag sells them. Jack entering Hello, Tom, What's on the carpet ? Tom Our feet ! Fsrefies the bleod, increaes the circula tion, expels poisonous humors and fcsilds ap the system. What mare do yon wast a Bsedieiae to perfom? De Witt's 8arsapa rilla is reliable- Sold byC. L. Cotting. Ft! HAB1WA1E ft STOVE t Maraart's. He has the f nest line of etores ever reea an me cuy. u naa iu celebrated Airland cook and beaters, and a full Hue of others equally as good. Hardware at the very lowci-t figures for cash. Do not buy jiovr or hardware untit you see rur. Opera house block. Webster street. Leave Order and I will deliver fresh bread to any part of the city every afternoon, or any thing in my line of business. Jos. Uekburoer, the baker. wnffHSJinainiTiirrri -inrrrrTirTrirrnmn m wm mwsar Hfsatunos vxm x ito;t u tug uir c wc Some men are slow about everything but running into debt Very popular, very De Witt's Li small, very good. ittle Early Risers, the pill for constipation, biliousness, sick htadacbe. For sale by C. L. cotting, Druggist The corset is one kind of a waste-basket A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet beath, good appetite, vigorous body, pare blood and good health result from the ass of DeWitt's Sarsaparilla. It is sold by c. r- oottiag. Pupil:-Thank you, sir! That's the first time you have called me perfect in anything. bbbbssJL -sbbsTKIZsiX. 15VW "Basil aaaS?XSaBa w9rkVSesW&tadEa mrSA VnJaBaJOsrSsatr rTw&'f "jsii sTJj Pra' NOTICE. To Aujmstus I). Cot. aal William O. Cot an. J Wm. a. 1 laker Jr: You art he retr Usrtl that I. the nnOf r 'snrtl. ific.tli Wyof Nrntrntr A. 1 1S3 porctu t paVIo tat alr. of thc HirJUMier of WcbUr countr. XrbrxOc the !47mlne lrcrlli Uad l: itu aicl .i Websirr county. NctraV to-nll. TbeS. K.t of wlion I townttp tanjo II. And that aM !onMoi uttU to the jrarlNS.mtfcJtwBKof AcuU l. (. anJ w$ sold fur thc tTW of w jsr . AihI jou Arc tanbirootiQcO that the time of lrlffflptlon will cxnlri'oii the Tth tf.r f No- TMnttr. A. 1 Jrtt, ami that a tax Jel fftr salil Urnilot mil Nr cxccutol to rcc Vf the Trrxv urer of Wehtrr countr. XcbrftOia. j r irtnpilon from !ald i? 1 nUc on -r b-f"rv saMTtu Oajr of Notcmttr. A. l. tsl. Yon will ffOTero ycurc.lf accorvllasljr Dated ! lt dy of July. A 1). l)l. Jitan L. Burtoa, p rchiixr. Hr O f Trg . agrnt ut NOTICE. To Ifcwld Herj: You Are hereby notified that I. thc undtr slcncd. did. on the 6th dor tl Nm-mt-r, A. I. lis) purchase at public tax !?. of the I re urcr of Webster county. M-br.uxs. thr follow ing described Und lot mtuatrd In Wetntcr county. Nebraska, to-wlt l"art of S. K. U ol X W. of section 3 township rancw lt. con talnlnc3 acrv. And that vld land lot hi taxed for the j car ls. in thc namv of liavtd Ucrj; and wu oJd for tho taxes of Mid year lws. And you are further notified taat the Hue of reiteiniitlon will expire on the OUi day of November, A. I). 1S?1 and that a tax deed for vild land-lot mil be executed to me by thc treasurer of Webster county. XebrasWa, unlrs redemption from said sale Is made on or before Said li day of November, A jroxemj outsell accordingly day or July, a. u. irJi. J .lines L. llurton, Purcliaser, nyO.c Teel, agent. Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism, and mnt diseases originate from impure blood. Cleanse it improve it, putefy i.j with De Witt's Sarsaparilla ana neaitn is restored, strength regained. Sold by'o.s L- cotting. Teacher: Ned jou are a perfect block head. If food sours on the rtomach, digestion is defective. DeWitt's Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous littlo pills that nevr gripe and never dis appont. Sold by C. L. Cotticg.' Someone wants to know how to treat a watch. If it's a night-watch, just use some of tho essence of rye. De Witt's Little Early Risers nover gripe or cause namea lit I r. s nro, assist rather than force. Best little pill for sick headache, chronic constipation, dyspepsia. Sold by c.x..cotting. Most girls think that all they to know about cooking is how to makeukissos.n oomnipaton, blood-poison, lever! Doe tors' bills and funeral expenses cost about two hundred dollars; DeWitt's Little Early Risers cost a quarter. Take your choice. For sale by c. L.ootting. A bank cashier is one kind of a fortune teller. Skc Was Sick But Twenty mim" jutes. Six years have passed since roy nrt coiiBne- iiun a nrliloh I ll'LVn UllftVrfd UOttl lonC Jtlld Intensely. This time, altlioiudi i had used bvl one bottle of "Mother's Friend," I suffered scarcely any pain, and was not sick more than twenty minutes, and did not afterwards exper ience that weakness iwual m such cases. Mks. Axmik Gaue Lamab, Missouri, January 16, 1891. I Have, Yoa Know, been selling Bradticld's Female Kejmlator for years and have had a steadily increasing de mand for It; It Klves the very best satisfaction. I frequently selllt to physicians, who use it In thpir nnrtirn with the most satisfactory re- rr- - ,, ,-..... - Oicaio,MIxM& Pacific" Bf. Th Wrtct KMte to and frota Orfcaso, JolUt. Otuva, Peoria, La Salle, Hollae. Eock bland, la 1LUN0I3; DaTtaport. MMcatlae, Ottutawa, OtkalooM. Dm JfoMMt, Wlstcmt, Audubon, llnlia and Cogocil BlaSk, la IOWA; M1udi:1U and St. Paul. In MIX XESOTA; Watertewn and Blooz Falls. In DAKOTA; Cawroa. SL Jowph aad Ktsxma City. In MISSOURI ; Oaaka, liaccln, Falrbury and Xtlton, In NEBRASKA ; AMfalaoe. iMTraworth. Ilortoa, Topekt, HuUhlnsog. Wichita, BllvlUe, Abilene, Dodge City. Caldwell, la KANSAS; Klafsaher, El Rmo and Mlnco, In INDIAN TERRITORY; DeaTtr, Cblorado Spring and Putblo. ia COLORADO. Tramr new areas of rich fanalnf aad graxfaf land, aSbrdlng th bwt fadlltits or Inter coBunaaleaUoa to all town aad ritln eatt and vest, BortheftaadwmUiwtof Cbican and to Pacific as4 traas-ocMfilcMafwrU. MAQNinCXXT VTSTJBULX rXPRISS TRAINS Lradlnf all competitor In vplrador of equipment, between CHICAGO aad DE3 MOIKES. COCXCTL BLUFFS aad OMAHA, and between CHICAGO and DESVER, COLORADO 8PRIS03 and TUEBLO, tla KANSAS CITY aad TOPEKA and tU ST. JOSEPH. FlratClaM DayCoachM, FREE RECUSING CHAIR CARS, aad Palace Sleeper, with Dining Car Serrlcc Coft coeaecUona at Dcnrer and Colorado Sprlogi with direntinf railway lines, now forming the new aad rlctarctqae STANDARD OAUGE TRANS-ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROVTX Orer which forrbly-eralpped trains run dally THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE to and from Salt Lake City, Orden and San Francisco. THE ItOCK ISLAND Is abx the Direct and FaTorite line to anl from Maaltoa, Plk's Peak and aU other Military aad cenlc morti and cities and mlnlngdUtricts In Colorado. DAILY FAST JCXPRXSS TRAINS From St Joseph and Kan-at City to and from all lm portaat towns. clUm aad sections In Southern Nebraska, Kansas aad the Indian Territory. Alto via ALBERT LEA ROUTE from Kansas City and Chicago to Water town. Sioux Fall. MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, connsctlong for nil points north and northwest between th. lakes and the Pacific Coast. For Tickets, Maps, Foldtr, or drelred lnfonnauasj aprly to any Coupon Ticket Cficc In thc United States sr Caaada, or address suits. 1C. THOMAS 42-Jt I. ST Otn JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN. Cea1Tkt.4rass.AfC CSXCAOO. XIX. of the Holland House. to any part of the city. 'rice 25cts tf Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfe - Quick nd Comfortable Trip. Two new trains have been added to tho already excellent connections east that the Great Rock Island Route has been offering to its patrons. The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern has put on a new train, leaving Chicago daily at 10:30 a.m., and the Fort Wayne (Pennsylvania Lines), one at 10:45 a.m. These are daily trains, scheduled on fast time, and arrive at New York .City next afternoon at 2 o'clock, and via the first mentioned Boston passengers reach their destination but two hours later. The Rock Island Route Sleeper leaves Omaha daily at 1:30 p. m., and arrives at Chicago at 8:05 a.m., in time to make this important through connection. "For rates and tickets apply to J. L. De Bevois. Geu'l Agent Pass. D&pt 16th & Farnam sts Omaha. E. St. John. Jno. Sebastian, Gen'l Manager. Gen'lTkt.JcPassAgt. We the teachers of Webster county at the close of one of the most suc cessful of our annual institutes, un animously adopt the following reso lutions: Resolved, That wc thank Supt. D. M. Hunter, for the able and courteous manner in which he has conducted this institute to a successful issue. 2. That wc regard with the highest appreciation our able instructors whose services have, Mrs. Iinwcn Profs. Thornton, Damn and l'robasco. 3. That wc tend our hearty thanks to Rev's. Randall and Ely, for their interesting and instructive lectures. 4. That we also thank the Red Cloud board of education for the use of their school building, also the janitor fur his services. 5. That a copy of these "resolu tions be furnished to each of thc county papers. Committee, J. T. Drcsback, Mar gar t Thornton, Carrie Brakeeldr N. L. D. Smith, J. .- Haamoad and Bctsie Wr -hit DBPRICK , ' affl RalrincS - -,C MP Wll I IW ..v3Lt Bsv:,haje ; - 1V .JJU SJSSSBp - -WSBMFa 45S--' r 'M Powder: XJmi fa?ttikmMrf Homes 40 Yors the SUndard j" '& When Baby was sick, we gate her OaHoria. WhejisioinwaCiUd.shecrted.forCastocia. When she became Mto, she cluag to Ctatoria. Vbs0wlaiildixn,aUcTtJbCatori4. -- Good looks. Good looks are more than skin deep, denendinc- unon a healthy condition of all tho vital organs. If the liver be in activo, you have a Dihous look, if your stomach be disordered you have a dys- oentic look, and if your kidneys be afTected you have a pinched look. So cure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great al terative and tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches. boils and gives a good complexion. Sold t T. IT TIava's rlmnafnn fA narlw-kffla ClU A4. U AVTU 9 V MW&.,WW. fV wwmw. 4 To CallfomlR, OrccB, Wash iMsien and liter Western saolnts In Pullman Calaaltta Sleeper Via, the IJalaa Pa cite. The constant demand of the traveilBg DUblio to the West for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment of what is known as 1'ullman uoioaist Sleep ers. These cars are furnished complete with cood comfortable hair mattresses, warm blankets, snow white liaen, certain which secare to tho oeoapaat ef a Berth as maeh privacy as is to he had ia irst- class sleepers, plenty or towels, eeeabe, brushes, etc. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies aad gentlemen, and smoking is absotately prohibited. Another fact not to be overlooked is that these Pullman Cokmist Sleepers are attached to the daily fast express trains thus enabling passengers ooeapying these ears to make the same tsaie as occupant of first-class Pallman Sleepers. A charge of $3.00 for a lower er afper uoubte berth is made between Uowncil Bluffs, Omaha or Kansas City aasV San Fraaeiaoo or Portland For those famishing their own bedding free bertha are given in rallaaaa Uolonut Cars running between Coencil Blnffs, Kansas City aad Portland. The.raUmaa Colonist Sleeper is peciallr commended for the use of the homeseeker who is moving to the with his family, and who desires fbrtable sleeping aeeoaaodatioaa esromte bat cannot afford te pay the Ant-etaes Pallman Sleeping Car tare. For matter descriptive of any state or territories through xrhien the Union Pacific rams, or for rates, time Of trains to., etc apply to EL. LOMAX, Geart Pass, and ticket Agent. Omaha, Neb, s sunn snw When a few yean ago .tariff waejpt on bunting the nsUriotic howl that went up over the lanalamoag the free tradera ia something thai atill ringa in the ears of sensitive people. We were taxing the American Has oat of exieaeaoa, yoa know. It was an outrage. We boaght auorourDUBHngm rtngiaan utea, pay ing $25 for enough of it to snake aa av ene sized fine. When the school children -f to-day look tip at tho stars and eUipae aa they noat rxoaa wetr acnooi mmmm ii,wui be a good thing for then to reflect thai boat ing naa, on account of tan vassasr dropped down abowt SO par sent a aad 18 will bay eaoagk far a aW aad tnat tbera ararauWsooaMsatto.Uaited States wsavinst it. Andkniaalytwslm a . -v w years siaoe ue wioasea rasaaanf aaeaoad to "tax th AaMrieaa I State Joaraal : at , 4 v MAD) m ' Yaldosta, ua. Some men can talk for hours at a time and yet Bay nothing of moment. Motker's Frlcad. Is the Rreatest blessing ever offered chllil-bear-Iiir women. I have been a rnidwKo many years and in each oase where Motliei s Friend baa been used. Unas accomnnsnea wonoex relieved much sufferlnK. It lathe Bestreedy for rising of tho breast known. ant worth the price for that alone. Mns. M. A. OaswsTKK, Montgomery, Ala. radsioldfrt vrfSHSile Krsralater should be used by the young woman, she who suffers from any disorder pcculuir to her sex, and at change of life Is a powerful tonic; bene fltsallwhouseit. Bold by airdrugglsts. 4Mt Lawson: So Miss Lofty, who jilted you, has married old Doubloon, the banker. Dawson: Yes. She's check-mated at last D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and L.oan Agent Red Cloud. Miles Nerve and Liver Pill. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach aud bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles pills speedily cure bilouBness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Un equaled for men, women, children. Small est, mildest, surest! CO doses, 25 eta We admire a rascal for what he might have been and hate a fool for what he ia. Baeklcn's Aralcca Salve . The Best Salve in the world for eats, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all other Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L. H. Deyo. 33 The workTgivee its greatest rewards to those who learn not to care for them. The Greatest Strike. Arsons: the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his Mew Heart Care has proven itself to be one of the most important. The demand for it has became astonishing. Already the treatment of heart disease is being reolatioaised, aad many unexpected cares effected . It soon relieves short breath, fluttering, pains in sidegajBB, shoulder, weak and hungry speuPSjppression, swelling of ankles, smothering aad heart dropsy. DrMOee' book oa Heart aad Kervoas Diseases, free. The aaeqaaled New HeartCare is sold aad guaranteed by C. L. Cotting, alee his Re storative Nervine for headache, its, sprees hot flashes, nervous chilfit, opium., habit, " -r All truth ia old, but there. is much art in making it appear new. r- Wlll Be Gives Away. Oar enterpising draggist C. L. Cotting who carries the finest stock of drags, per fumeries, toilet articles, brashes, sponges, eet, are givng away a large number of trial botUes of Dr. HUea celebrated Re storative Nervine. They guarantee it to care headache, dizziness, nervosa prostra tion, sleeplessness, the ill effects f spirits, tobacco, coffee, ect. DrsggkU say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, aad is universally satisfactory. Theyalsogaar eatee Dr. Xfles' New Heart Care ia aU eases of nervosa er organic heart disease, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine beak aa "Neivoes sad Heart Dis- , fB 4 Saved. The intelligent compositor asy not be hypaotict bat be frequently lays a aaser spall on a writer. Yet Frosa a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. HurdofGroton,S.Dweqaote: "Was taken withabad cold, which settled on nty lungs, cough set in and finely termi nated in coaumption. Foar doctors gave me up saying I could live bat a short time. I gave myself up to say Saviour, determined if I coald not stay with my friends oa earth, I woald meet my absent oaas above. My hneband was advised to get Dr-Kiaaja New Dnv eovery for consumption, .coagha aad cold. I gave it a tnstook m all eight botttes; it ass cared ana, and thank God lasanoarawaU and asavrty vaanaa." Trial battles free at I, fl. Deyoa drag stare, laejajar size, 50c aadiLOO. 4 F. R. GUMP, Attorney ftnd Cunszlr At Law. Will practice in all courts. Red Cloud, .... Xebr. V LADW A1KCS sgllk HORTCnS -LCSSMSrAlN- i)MNI5HESmm TO LIFE SMOTHER CHILD 0WTO, r Mxr 7ftS itormtc. SOV.D Uf M.U Oa)GGV5T3. ATLANTA.CA- FOB SALE BY . L. COTTING bbsvs25SSj feyTjaw jaaaaaar. a4 nfjBSBSBSBSBaasBssnsBSa aV """toasaassssssBSVsy ajJanSBBBnsBSBaK Bdscj ivSSS'nf! T""a " "TJaBjy'yr1 fci-'-l Ji?5Cfe!r Ss3tS3C? Miles r. Hayes' Patent - CoUar For aale bv J. O. BUTLEli Bed Clond, Buckeye Harness shop. ChlldrsNiCiyfM DE WITTS r LITTLE& D, 11 . l)atcl You mil this lit W9 'J,'aaBBw7a sw sasBPa,,", a aaaaj EARLY 3 eeesasfSMsi assa saesssssss eaares asrasry j jft STrTi- . Bcel Ctawsal. TSRISERSS tfeMWifT ac4aa.etwTa Csss-e oTiii:. To John 11. Clark and Francis M. Vrotiian. Vou are hereby notified that I. tho under s'cuctl.tlldoutheTth tlsy of NotcmUr A. I). lSOnurrhav! at tmbllc tax vIe. ot the treas urer ol Wrtntw county. Nebraia. Uie follo inc land-tot ultuatnJ lu Wetwter county to-wlt: Lou 7 aud 9. In sect'on 17. tow u- ship i. ranee n. contalalnt; & iih arrei. Aud that .vild land-lot imt tansl for tho r."r tK.. In thc name of John It. Clarx aud xvas sold for thc taxe or vUd year isw. and you are further notified tluittlietimeot reIemitioti will eplrvnn UieTtlt day ot oremter. A. 1 IVJI. and tlut a tii d-vtl for ald land-lot m III be ex ecuted to me liy the treasurer of Wcbiter ciuu ty, Nebraska, uu!ch redriunlionfrom wiJd a! is made oa or before ald 7th day of Xovctntier, A, D. l-ol. Viiu will Rovern ytKirself aectrdlu ly. Dated thf 1st day of July. A 1, lot. janics L. Burton. Purchaser. Ityo. C. Teed, atrer.t. OIIK. To John K CLirk ami Francis M. Vromati You arc hercbv notiflecl that I. the under MKiied, did, on the 7th day of Xotcinbcr A. 1). K iiutcha.tu at rubltc tax ale. ot tlio Trrasrer of Webster county, Nebraska, the following described land-lot situated in Webster county. Nebraska, to-wit: The south , of S. K of section K . township t, ntUKe 11, Aud that s;ild hind-lot was taxed for tho year IK., lu the name of John K. Clark, aud wm xold -for UieTaxetot said year lwx. And you arc fur ther notified that the tluio of redemption will expire on the7th day ol November. A. l. ItOl, and that a tax dtvif for said laud-lot wilt be executed to me by the Treasurer of Wcbtter county, Nebraska, utile redemntlon from ald sale Is made on ot before ald 7th day ot No vomber. A. D. 1501 . You w 111 eovcrn youneU e acconliUKly. Dattnl this flrnt dayi.of July, A. I), l&M. James I. llurton, Purelunor ItyO. C. Teel. Auent. otici:. To tho lied Cloud MilllnR Comjuny. dcr- Your are hereby notified thut I, tin it . L. stoned, did on the 7th day of Nocmlr. A J 1n3, purchase at public tax snlo, of tho trow urerof Webster county, Nebraska, the folluU' liiU described land !otsltuatci In Webster coec ty. Vobraska, to ml: Tart of lot three In s to tlou 10, lu towuslilp l. rane II, contalnlu;; a.- aud four lOoih acre, and that uld land lot w d taxel for the year !. lu the lumr of ln Cloud .MIIlliiK company and was sohl for the taxes of said yer IMv. atul jou are further no tified lhat the time of redemption will expire on the 7th day ot Noxciuber, A I 1W1. and that a fcix deed for said land-lot will be executed to me by the treasurer of Webster county, Nebraska, unless redemption front aald sale Is madf on or IteforosaldTtn dny of November . A. I). 131. You will Koveni joun-clves accordingly Dated this 1st day of July. A. I) 1BI. Janus L. Jlurlou, l'urchaser Dy O. C Tccl. aKnt. l .otici:. To the lied ClouJ Milling Company: You are hereby notifleil that I, tho under sluiiesl, dhl, on the 7th day of Novemtwr A. I lsiU purchase at public Li a,ile.of thoTroasurer of Webster County, Nebraska, the following described land-lot situated In Webster county. Nebraska, to-wlt: Part of lot 4, In section 10, township 1. ranee II, containing 4 ncrvs. And that said land-lot m taxed for tho tear laV. In tho name of lied Cloud .Milling Com pany and wait sold for the taxes ot said jear KM And jou are further notified that the time or redemption will expire on tho 7th day of November, A. 1. 1!M. and that a tax deed for said land-lot will bo executed to me by the Treasurer of Webster county. Nebraska. unl redemption from ald sale i made on or Iteforr said 7tn day of Novemler, A. 1). 1&31. You will Koxcrn yourself accordingly. Dated this 1st day of July. A. D. ll. James I. llurton, 1'iuchaser. Hy O. C Teel. ttgeiit. Komi olicc. To all whom It may concern. The commissioner appointed to lirntea road commencing nt thu houth west ct-rner of -c-t Ion twenty-se veil, town three, ran go twehe. west: running thence north between section St and 'Jd, thenco notli between Mellon 21 nnd ?i. thence north between action 15 aud lc, tuenco north between section 9 and 10. thence north between section 3 and ion the line as estab llshed by a survey mado by the county surveyor of Weli-ter county, and completed on thc sith day of May, liy, to the north llur-ottowti J, mnge li, has rtiorteil In favor of the establish ment thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims tor damage must !c filed In the comity clerk's office on or before noon tho 13th lay of July, lhUl.or such road will b ctabllhel wltnont reterenco thereto. Dated Juua, J-', U-JI, 42-St H. D. llAW.vr.x-, County Clrrk. "SncrlfT's Sale. Notice Is hereby irlven that under and br vir tue of an order of side issued from th ollfce of C. II. Crone, ricrk ofthe district court of the eighth judicial district wtthln and for Webster county, Nebraska. uion a decree In au action pending- therein, wherein i: CiK-hmno Is pUln tlff and against Noah n. Thomas nnd Jrflerson U.11iomasJefendtnis. I shall otter iora!eal public vendue to thc highest bldd-r for cash in hand at thc cat door of the courthouo In Km! Cloud. In said Webster county, Nebraska. (Uiat b lng tho bulMing wherelu tho last term of said court was ko1den)on the 71k Day or July, A. I. !!, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day thc following des cribed projxTty tow It: Atn five and six la block one in Kal-y and Jackou's addition to the town of Ked Cloud, Webster courty. Ne braska. Given under roy hand this 4th day of June, A. D.ltoi. C A. Trai.. Sheriff. O. C. Trr.i, Deputy. O. IL aiancy. l'lalntlff's Attorney. V, 'A on, 1 I. 1 AilMCMnacat .Nellcc. In thc District Court of Webster County. A. J. Tomllnson, vs. F. D. Hummel The defendant herein 1 hereby notified tha on the :tst day ot June. 1531. plaintiff filed his petition acalnst him In thr above court, prajlng judgment for the fvm of H. which plaintiff alleges to be due him frora said defendant, and that the derk of said court on the ZM day of June. 101, lsrwd an order of attachment against him for said win. and the defendant Is hereby notified to appear before said court -n the 3d day ot August. 1391. and answer id pe tition and attachment proceeding. CI1ANKY 6i McNrTT. llafatlf 's attorney. Bed Cloud. Neb.. Jane S3. !!. Ask sty esesrte Ssr W. t. Ssctae aaS. irses for ! Is rear ilaet aak tesiler ! was far etmlaae( eecsr Ike mmrmer, ssaS tt ibtm fmr y. aa-TAaUC K caTITCTE.i aaaaaBBr Bai SBBBy.yaafsf IS TKST WHY Wt L. DOUGLAS S3 8HOE oafl . TK SSST SHOC Tat aau m Taf. mmt ItktaMM)MasSkvrnkateeSor vsjc SHsnM to krt ta ftve saetf at Vk tc St rav. scmss raw Lt4- a4 mrmJ SWta (wrfSV(WOW rrsB asat MttMskwHa sSw errr oCd for SU: "isnw Ttwtk MS WIN Nwti WfK mm m iii i i ii f mn m lm em rwrt attrtr a tfcja art $3. MSSdMa. (awott ssta. aesrry Santa ClausSqap. You tsi me wLjy 'tis SMtA Claus?, s good 5xi?It Nicr5 1 tie r0flTE sA,rM OO I7'5 TE: fVOFlJL: aSqRjr. BY NKfAIRBANK&Co. CHICAGa "aBnsnBasm nanaBaA i J . i k n iaBSUBSV k 'f rsxi wmmsmBkSQ: 9 ' -3iiw rsmm wmm. GRAND SPECIAL SVLE ! OF LADIE'S SHOES AT Cincinnati shoe store. All This Week. AU of my Ladies' VI and 2.25 Shoes this wcttknt l 2.50 Shoes tliis week at 3.00 Slioes this week at s?3.50 hand turn Shoes this week $ 1.75 2.00 2-50 Ji.00 10 per cent discount this week. On all other uoods. This is .1 bonified, sale and no goods will be duplicated at the prices named after July 4th. F. G. Blakeslee. REMOVED GEORGE W1UTSON, T .Hcritrlnmra Old IhhU, t'urncr rVrllcr Irerl Hiitl Ilk ,Wr. llicre lie will kfrp on liunti Mil or tho hrat hHrlvHrc guods lo he foil 11 l. A new aklpatrHl of grHMlno Baker Wire and Charter Oak Stoves. Job work, tin rooflHg tiatl rlly wnlrr ork plMtnklNg, gani hh4 iimiitiilloii, apcrlalllo wllk u. I'rompl gHHriiiii-r4 mI ur work aolk'ltcMl. Come tuul vv mk two JHr norlk F. ,. UhhU CEORCC WHIT80N, Vwht rrHHl and Toiler Mllrr Traslr rri-v- TIJK Faviaei' lumljor (Bo succkssoks to n. a. uandv. Lumber and Goal. Red Cloud, - - - Nebraska. Cash Grocery House NOW OPEN Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables. First Class Coods Only. Conic and see me T. C. I1ACKEK The Cash Grocer. - staMtrartarw, K raaJa iajssopu. md t for SUS); T trxisaaUKtal - .; " - m 1 St K S.e swt eas. i bUC Tmtfrt iw 1 VM. . a. 1 rau mm l-w so wj- Fort Abstract Co., Jled Cloud, L. H. FORT, MaKr. Ahstvueim ot Title, Fomirdied to all Lands in W?Mr County, Acnirately and OS SHOUT soncE. llarirr hl t jrr esttf Vrc to ttmtiy rxr4 a4 taw4 li H rfir rrt Ut la to- AJU, xwV titarVru Vr 1 ri w AB otdi m4 yrvmyOf Vpm tKt U i u$ zpr?t4. A&U m .... L. I J. FORT !.5Afitm IU4 Ovi. b THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKK- m m POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world rlj Wi fiain l-il 1 LrUOTQarrtrrsaasnfi4r: asters. tOOt SSM. am mAM. r tMlr wm. miilm mcHttmhrMrrtttatrrrrtM'rrfdu. SFSfe. rv; tmm srsai rv btsboi svSjs wast a sfcne tar cenCari ac mrriem. mm asa SA.SS tTrSil ia' WVa assa rf m M iU. TSca t ar glrcsi Vtm a VUl mm w ao er saakc sanrjaT msruurnisp4)RBoi e aii m m m m sss tie warn. wg mss w mh. wiSTsiai naiass"1a t ta f Tiiasliig vrrj rttm. t iriVirrraxS LOBBABS Ladles Cm' -jaTaVaa ai. tTmamt I- Usmittr au lm ut rae mm- 7T. I. OOCOCLS, Tsr aafsf nSTsvBV SviEsHilCll, fstHK- neater, steal Claa. far, TtlXEfa75u. ra4hlr ffc USa, OS efpmmie yk Xtifmi vents-- IM21M. tzr srw tt J3. issy S lfirm-XTAm ONE FPU ba. Off Lmz9 ta w mts t aakrl-BBa. aaaaaaVa aasssssi mu sbbsbb aaaasi aaLsaaaaaBasaws!"' CSSaaBaBaaaaaBaaA Psfes 1. jf3a2jajasijatw SmKmmmamwrmmS JtaO sTfMMa. S2t 5HHrh.vii.-i LT frm. W M m M V OURHAANCSS ar lLffmmmm ', v.. - $ . rr sr- iTT " . '. sCe2r Ossfers-!!?:--- - JS. , j