Free. -v 3 The Famous Cocoa of Europe. The people of Red Cloud are invited to call on MINER BROS, THE CHIEF Friday, June 3, lBtl. Entered at the Tost Office la Red flood, Neb., as mail matter of the second class ELECTRIC SPARKS. Fine watch repairing, artis tic letter and monogram en graving at T. E. Penman's lied Cloud. LOCAL. DRIFT. Machine oil at Dcyo's. Go to Dcyo for fishing tackle. Machine oils of all kind at Dcyo's. Hammocks and croquet at Cot ting's. Crops are looking fine and great results. promise Mr. S. . Coxed is ii Linooln this week on business. Sam Foe and G, A. Miller have re turned from Denver. The wheat and oat harvest is almost here and is abundant. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fireworks at Dcyo's in endless variety. The hottest day of the season must hayebcen last Wednesday. The board of supervisors meet July 15, for transaction of general business. Fred Sterner has secured a job in Lincoln, where he goes in a day or two. The trains were delayed yesterday by washouts caused by the heavy rains. J . L. Miller the harness man has a full line of rubber and leather belting C him. Amos Cowden has gone to Hot Springs, Arkansas, to work for Geo. Holland. Charley Kesler was arrested this week for a violation of the Sands law and fined $20 and costs. For oats, rye, and corn chop of the finest quality call on, C. M. Myers, Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. t2 Don't you forget it that the reunion of old soldiers and sailors will take place atfRed Cloud Sept. 15 to 19, '91. MissLillie Smith is home from Lincoln on a visit. She is taking in structions oa tnc piano and in voice culture. Tke rain Thmrsday was very hard, Nebraskans cam't say it sever rains it is all rain and the ground is thoroagaiy soaked. Tie Ladies B. H. M. Societym will give a social next Thursday evenig in the Court House yard. Come, and have a goo4 time, and plenty of re fresomeats. Lycurgms, omr proauneat Bed Cloud korsevroafratawmey tke other day iallliaois aad Made it it 1:22. He is gettiaf lis tinu eTowa croatx aad 'dcWaadwillBMke itia20 keftrt loag. TaWneaTjraia fall all em tke eoaatrr. aad tke frequent cloud burst MtatiagsdkaTOc. la away cue affcts, ana bants, aad tke over lowiog of streams destwyta MMfcprtftrty '-r - . id -nr- " , 6 A special Oar Reel Clonal Boys. While on our western trip Tni Cmir met quite a large number of Red Cloud's former citizens. At Denver, we saw Mr. George Able, aad family. Mr. D. M. Piatt, Mr. Brubaoher, U. G. Knight and C. B. Hosford. All were doing nicely. At Gecn River, Wyoming, we met Char ly Chase, Billy Buckbee and Johnny Holts. These boys each have a lu crative position on tho U. P. Ry. At Poeatella, Idaho, we saw George Young, formerly of Red Cloud. At Ogden, Utah, we beheld the familiar figures of our old and esteemed friends, John R, Shirey, D. H. Kaley and Laird Wallace. All art prosper ing. Messrs. Wallace and Kaley are both in lucrative businesses and are making money rapidly. At this plaee also we met Mr. W. F. Cover formerly of Red Cloud, and a son of George Guilford. Mr. D. Frank Parker and wife are also there and getting along in good shape. Walter Warren is also there. At Salt Lake City, we run onto the familiar and genial Will Smith and wife. Mr. Smith is en gaged in the wholesaling of lumber, land is rapidly getting to that position in life where he will not always have to labor. Will is the same old fellow and always pleased to meet a Red Cloud citizen. At the same place we had the pleasureof meeting an old time friend, Rev. Faulkcnburg and his two sons, who are engaged in the job printing business, and are getting along splendidly. Representatives from Red Cloud can be found in most every quarter of the glebe, and what Is better all are getting their share of the world's good and The Chief is glad of it. Success to them. Garden Seeds Of the best lot in the city. When in want of anything in this line re member Perkins & Mitchell's old stand one door south of Miner Bros. Iaiuraacc Against Hall. Geo. O. Yciser is prepared to insure crops against damage from hail. Now is the time to insure also against loss from fire and wind. Kotleo. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the late firm of Blakeslee 6s Hateh, will please eall aad settle ac counts. F. G. Blakeslee. Matlaee! Matlaee! Coamensiag Friday June 12th at 3 o'clock and eaek succeeding Friday. There will be a series of matinee races at tke fair grounds. There will be good horses on the track and you are invited to attend. FOR HARDWARE 4k STOTES Go to Moraarfu. He has the inest line of stoves ever seen in the city. He has tke celebrated Garland cook aad keatert, aad a fall line of others eqaally as good. Hardware at tke very lowest f cures for cask. Do not bay stores or hardware aatil yoa sec me. Opera house block, Webster street - Lime. T. R Hayes, kaa purchased the v auey Mouse Hack and is bow pre pared to respond to calls at all koars of tke day aad eight Orders skeuld be left at McAvoy's livery stable east of the Hollaed House. Price 25ets to any part of tke city. tf -" A FREE TREAT to the Best and Goes the the following grocers E. McFARLAND, invitation is extended Garfield Mr. John L. Springer has gone to Grand Island to work in the sugar factory, Mrs. Hacket, who has been quite sick is improving under the care of Dr Mo ranville of Ked Cloud. N, I. D. Smith rand wife, were north of the river last Saturday' visiting their daughter Mrs Reed. Miss Lsisy Croft was the guest of Miss Smith this week. Cowles. Childress day exercises were held at the Congregational church on the 21st, the house was nicely decorated the mus ic and recitations were good and the col lections for the times, liberal. Mr. T. Blunt, who was stricken with paralysis two years ago, was burned from the M. E. church Sunday. Several of-our young ladies are attend ing the teachers' institute at Red Cloud. Mr. Hollingworth from Iowa is visiting his sister, Mrs. Hanawalt Pastor Ely and daugters of Red Cloud, were callers at the Cowles pesonage on Wednesday. The farmers are making the dirt fly and the weeds die this iae weather. tt X. Koala Side. Rain seems to be the order of the day, and is giving the fanner plenty to do in the way of riding their corn fields of weeds. August Woberman is still suffering from the effect of his fall, and hp re covery is very doubtful. M. L. Hill a resident of Line township but at present at working in Blue Springs Nebr was struck in the eye by a small scale of iron which causes him to carry his eye in a sling. The annual school meeting of district Na3t takes place at 2 o'clock P. M. on the 29th day of June 1891, every person that is intersted in a good school should be presentThe republican river has been on a boom for the last few days aad it is rumored that Red Cloud contemplates on taking one in the near future it is hoped that the scheme wont subside as quick as that of the river, so go on with the good work enterprise is what we want and need and the sooner the better. O if the Red Cloud boom Should only prove true We will fill a glass to every lass And wish all our friends most dear Many a happy day and many a happy year. J'eckjb uood bistes. . National Educational Association Convention, Toronto Canada, Jar 14 17,1891. Foe the above occasion rouad trip tickets will be sold to Toronto, Can ada at the lowest one-way Irst dees rate plus two dollars, tke rate aatkoriaed applies only via Detroit Pott Huron and the Canadian Routes aad not via Buffalo or Niagra Talk, Dates of sale from fetiiasiaNeorsska and Kansas. July 813 iadaaive trip must be began aa date of saw and tiek eta will oar be goad for aoatmaoas eaae age. Tickets will car be good for return on trains leaving Toronto Jar 14 to Sept. 25 inclusive aad will hrve a return linut offivedaya from the time they are' stamped aad executed tor return ay the ageat of the terminal ha at Toronto. Tickets will not be geed for re tarn pamage after Sept 30th, ltti. The Bur lington has been caceease the Oafcinl route to Chicago aad a special traia will leave Omakaatoat 9 F M Sunday Jurla,wkiah mitt ma tareemh to Toronto withont carnage, nanenaav tow ezoarskm rates kve ansa ssadetrem To ronto to Caaadiaa nomas in tke New England States, New York, etc, tum wm;ooaa tor a trip to aa nenms Fwixtkof Jarveneesa triptkketsmeybeeeUti to points ea tnm hem not milm distant, at rata of onsoJeJar34,samu to Jab tJUK J or a a a. Flour of ketk winter aad spriag wheat, groceries aad gareea see First deor eentk at Miaer Brae. C. M. Minis, Frep. The Coming and taste a cup of this to every family to come Use Van Houten's Cocoa. Use Yan Houten's Cocoa. Read our new ads is this issue. Mr. A. L. Funk was in the city this week. Mr. Bently has sold his buggy horse. Van Houten's Cocoa, once tried al ways used. Your doctor recommends Van Hou ten's Cocoa. Van Houten's Cocoa once tried always used. Van Houten's Cocoa has the largest sale in the world. Don't forget the 4th. It will be here in full bloom. Van Houten's Cocoa has the larg est sale in the world. Some one poisoned Anson Higby's big dog the other day. Mr. Burr formerly of the Blue Hill Times, was in the city this week. Bud Tulleys and Miss Montie Tul leys are home from the no rth-west. Call on the grocers and taste Van Houten's Cocoa, which is served free. Van Houten's Cocoa awarded the highest merits at the principal exhi bititions all over the world. Van Houten's Cocoa takes like cakes and it is safe to say that and coffee will be given the shake A good housewife is always on lookout for a healthy beverage hot tea the for her family. Use Van Houten's Cocoa. The teasher's institute is now in fall blast with a large number of stu dents present. All seem to be inter ested and alive to the interests of ed ucation. Prof. Hunter, has an able corps of assistants and is doing good work. H. A Houghton, for many years a Sromineat traveliag man for the State ournal, is now proprietor of the Dearer Live Stock Record, one of the best stock dailies in the west It is a rustler and every stock man ought tokave it. AL Aaltx is aow ranaiag the town kerd aad has succeeded in dsing a eice business. He has a large number of cows, and will be pleased to take a few more at rcasoaable prices. AI is a carefal fellow aad will take good care of year stock if entrusted to him. Tke State board of public lands aad baildings are sow iavcstigaiag ike misdealiags and general crooked ness at tke issaae hospital at Has tiags. It seem tkat the manager of that institution kas been running tkings with a kigh kaad. Til Cnixr is still on deck -aad can aad will do job work jast as cheap, aad ia jest ss good style as asy offee in tke valley, aotwitkstadiag the na derkaaded iasiaaatioas of aapriaci pled contemporaries whose bamp of self esteem is semewkat larger than their expeneace. Come sad s?e for jearaelve. Mr. Jacob Fisker, tke baker, kas koaa kenered nitk special permission ta supply tke table af tke Van Bon tea's Ceeea exikitiea with chocolate sake made from Van Heaten'i Cecea. Tic aesple efHastiags skoald call aad sample this delicious cake whick U sxvtd free witk tke eecee. Haa tiaaa VeWeate. PEOPLE Cocoa of America. delicious beverage, which will be served free on B. F. and bring their friends. The Great success of Van Houten's Cocoa has led to niaiy imitations, hut comparison will prove that none can equal it. This wcok the Great Family Weekly has been the victim of a strike, where by two of His Satanic Majesty's imps have decided that the hardships of the printing office were too great, and so they layed down their sticks and walked out, to pursue the derious, and uncertain passages of the average tourist of the profession. Thus the world do move. George Guilford and Frank Kuehn have now in full running order, their new meat market. George has been in the moat market business since childhood's gentle hour, and fully un derstands the business, while Frank is fully competent as to what composes a good beef, and togathcr they pro pose to do business, and do it on a cash basis. The Chief wishes them success. The plans and spcciGcation for the new electric street railway for lied Cloud are now under consideration. This road will put Ked Cloud on a good footing for rapid transit pur poses. We undestand the new car line will be almost five miles long. Ked Cloud has a good horse car line, but is not content with the old style of street car trasit, but proposes to keep pace with the larger cities of the state. The great popularity and large de mand for Van Houten's Cocoa in Kearney has stircd the grocers there to push this as one of their specialties. The elegant exhibition in the grocery stores there have been the means of calling out old and young. The sales have been simply immen?c, and from the efficient way that this Cocoa has been introduced the grocers arc sure to have quite a demand for it. Has tings Nebr. To California, Oregon. Waa lagtoa aad other Western polats la Pallasan Colonists Sleepers Tla, the Union Fa cile. Th constant demand of the trareilB? pablictotke West for a comfortable aad at the seme tine an economical mode of trarelisg; has led to the establishment of what ia knows as Pullman Colonist Sleep ers. The car are farniabed complete with good comfortable hair maitrtsee, warm blanket, Snow, white Uses, esrtaia vhieh secarvtoth occsp&st of a berth as stsch privacy aa is to k had in nrst dass sleepers, plenty of towels, combs, brashes, eta There are alo separate toilet rooms for Udiea aad gentlemen, and smoking is absolutely prohibited. Another fact so: to be overlooked it that these Pellman Cokmist Seepers are attached to the daily fast express train thm enabling passengers oeeapying these cars to make the same time a oeeapanta of lnt-dass PrnUmaa Sleepers. A, charge of $3-00 for a lower or spper doable berth is made between Coeseil Ks. Omaha or Kansas City and San Francisco or Portland For those farsisbing their own bedding free berths are given ia Fcllmaa CeJenut Cars ranning between Cosaeil Brs, WTsen City and Portland. Tne rnSman Colonist Sleeper is es pecially eemmended for the see of the lionueastfr who is soring t the vest witn nis family, aad who desires cem sertaat sleeping accomodations enroste ken eaonet aforf te pay the irst-dass Penman Weeping Car far. Ferameiter descriptire of any state e? territories tareegh lue& the Union Paoine ran, or fee rates, time ef train etc., sic. apply e E.L. LOMAX. Genl Pees, saw ticket Agent. Oaaaha, Ken. W ' . of MEB 3LIJ T Farthest." MIZER. Ladies Bring Your Xotlcc of Male. Notico ia hereby given, that by virtuo of n chattel mortgago dated on tho first day of Juco, 1S91, and duly tiled in tho ollico of tho county clerk of Welwter county, Xobraaka, on tho 1st day of Juno 1891, and executed and dohvered by John J. Ducker to Geo. A. Ducker, to secure tho payment of four thouwiml 800 and iivo and 11 lOOths dollars upon which thero ih now duo tho sum of four thousand six hundred and ninety-oun 11 lOOths dollnra. Default having bonn matlo in tho condition of nnid mortgao and in accordanco with tho terms and conditions of said tnortffago I will wll tho property therein described towit: All that stock of dry goodfl, notionn, cloaks, furnishing goods and wares nod merchandise of cvory namo nature, and description now in tho fitoro room in lot elov en, block twenty bix in tho city of IUxl Cloud, Nebraska, also tho safe and etoro fumituro therein and all book no counts (tho snmo being tho stock of goods and property owned by and in the possession of said John J. Ducker firm to the 1st day of June, 1991,) at public auction at tho etoro now occupied by me in said lot 11, block 20, in tho said city of Hed Cloud, Nob., on tho 3d day of July, 1S91, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated June 10, 1691. GkokceA. Dccxr.R. 4G-3t Mortgage. Sheriff's Sale. Notice I hereby giten Hut under and ly vir tue of kq nlrr of sale Imuc1 from th oCfce el C. H. Crone, clerk of thn dUtflct court of the clKhth Judicial dUtrlct within anU for ttcr county, ycbnmka. ujon decree In n action (ending therein. hcrr In K Cochrane I plain tiff and against Xoah O. Thomxi and JcIteron fl. Thomas defendant. I thali offer for sale at public rendu to the hkrht blddr for ca.h In hand at the at door of the courthouse In Rrd Cloud, in said Webster county, Nebraska, i that ti-lns the bulletins wbcrtln the lau tera ef said court was holuen)on the 7tk Day or July, A. D. Il, at 1 o'clock p. ra.of al! dar the fellonlng Ar erlbcil projicrty towit: Ixtl nte ant ill la block one in Kalry and Jackson's addition to the town of Ked Cloud. Webster courtjr. e braks. Ulren under my hand this Ith day of June, A D.I&I. C A. Tkzu SbeiifL O.CTbxu Deputy G. R. Chancy. Malntfari Attorney. OU Ailaehaseat .Votlcc. In the District Court of WcMter Couaty. A J Tonlinson, 1 F. D. Hnmrad. J The defendant herein h hereby notlfrd tha on the nt day of June. IB!. pUiaUS filed w peUttoo against hla ta the shore eourt, praying Judzaieat for toe uas of HM2 which ptajaUa alleges to be doe hiss from said drreadact, and that the derk ef aideort en th day of June. IK)!. Hael aa order oi aiurhsnt asaicst him for said am. aad the d'fesdast Is Berebrnotl8l to appear before said ert oa the 34 day of Aujtw. 1. a4 aarwer said p- IlaaUrt XHaraej. Eed aood. N'tlu Jane S. 1W. W. L. DOUGLAS 5 SHOE ?" Ofjsst ir r uuri:i ia ror salehr HELsll MEsHUCal, . W. TUIXinfa, as. a Meansfesmtaic sTarsseSnas, Closssl, OOce eseorite tmt Sirta1 tlmlc rtmmn m tf -a n 'rtemmmmfilk jemmll ' OV'ammnamaJsii A2x fammmmmemla i .1 jppfc 'P'- s T Once Tried, Always Used. FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY T. C. Husbands. -r-tJJR'a. Jf t- S. HERBURGER, City Bakery and Restaurant, IH emeiBMaTml w TaTfcaW 4?"raaaf . Ban7BaaaaBaBaaaBr bbbjw SCO Free i J' - -t HACKER. 8 9 ' 53 JOS, HEJlBMGEr, a 3 v i '3? V mmMuteN0ol&ii0&i&!'yi nffinwniij"aiw rirfnnniMQiijMliiapapanag 4-'.'- - B,