The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 26, 1891, Image 1

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    - anna. ., w fca ensssssssssls7mTlrnnnTTrHn' W jBs wanVai aaaaaaaaaWi iManwTTTwBJr -- i hhmii , . ..- . -
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ITternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty " and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
1Y A. f 1 1()SM'R.
Money expended in poor shoes, no matter how
little, is like throwing it in the street, you
gel: virtually nothing in return.
1 Nkall keep netklnic tHt tkc beat or eod, andl will fiimUk
F. G. Blakeslee,
Popular Shoe Dealer of Red Cloud.
Te McrHrlnwiP Old Imb4, Comer ef Wcknter utrect and 4tk Arc.
where he win Keep on nana
to me roanti. a
Baker Wire and
Job work, tin roofing and city waterworks plunking, fn and
HntHiiition, upeelalticii wltk u. ProniptneM gvarantced and jronr
work solicited. Come and cc nc two doors nortkF. dc 9. bank
Tear Servant and Toiler alter Trade
Famere Lumber Co
Red Cloud, -
Cash Grocery House
Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables. First Class
,. iCoods Only. Come and see me
The Cash Grocer.
4 J
They are giving a HAT with Every Suit !
Summer Coats and Vests at
an or ine hem iirtwut
new uninmcni or gcnnlne
Charter Oak Stoves,
and Goal.
- - Nebraska.
The Chicago Clothing Store I
1 Tkc Institute.
The annual session of the Webster
county teachers' institute convened
last Monday with 95 pupils present,
which has since increased to 110, and
it is expected that 125 will be present
before adjournment
The instructors Mrs. Elizabeth II.
Brown, I'rof. Thornton, Prof. Probasco.
Prof. Daum and Prof. Hunter are
busily engaged in carying forward th'j
good work.
Mrs. Bowcn is an able teacher and
is doing her work at the institute with
perfect satisfaction.
Prof Thornton who has charge of
the penmanship department is suc
ceeding admirably and displays beau
tiful work.
Prof. Probasco, has in charge the
geographical department and presents
many new ideas to the pupils.
Prof. Dsuui with his usual easy and
manner demonstrates to his classes
that he understands those branches
thoroughly and imparts his knowledge
to the pupils in a way that they can
not help but vnderstand it. Mr.
Daum also gave an interestiag lecture
on the "lurst day of school which
was highly edifying and interesting.
Mrs. Geo. Cather read an able and ex
haustive paper on the "Duty of patrons
to the teachers." The paper is said
to be a very valuable paper and full
of pithy points.
On Thursday eveniag, Bev. Ran
dall delivered a good lecture to the
teachers. It was highly appreciated.
Prof. Hunter has oae class and
along with his many other duties fads
time to give them some sound points
on school laws and civil goverameat.
The teachers all manifest a spirit
that Thirstest after knowledge' and
are very much in earnest in bettenag
their condition as teachers.
Rev. E. L. Ely will lecture next
Thursday evemiag, Jaly 2, o aa in
teresting subject-
Examination a Saturday.
4tkof JoJyat
Form la line oa Maia stieet at 10
o'cleek, headed by the Ceaad Baad.
March to ground oa teath street.
Opea with prayer at 10:96.
Reading Declaratiea of Iadepea
dcacc by Miss Mamie Heweehslder
Oration by O. H. Trnaraa.
Afteraeoa: Trotting races, Foei
races, Sack races, Bewery daace.
R. C. Beet, President of the Day.
Red Cloud Neb, June 24, 188L
The Ladies Aaxikary to the Web
ster county fair will give a grand
lawa party shertly. the nreoicds te e
need for txiar up the Focal HaB.
Thk being to the interest ef everj-
bouy we hope that their efferts will
prove successful. Date and place
published hereafter. Br order ef
. . -
1ed G OTjn, Wkrster Counit, Nkr., Friday, J UNK 26,
Greatly reduced
Will nc Celekrated Wltk IHie
Pomp In Bled Ctond.
Don't forget that the 4th of July
will be celebrated in fine style in Red
Cloud this year. You should make
your arrangements to attend and have
a good time. Every body come and
see the elephant.
A Sad CaeoT
The following from the World
Herald will recall to the miadB of the
citizens of Blue Hill and vicinity, a
very sad case which occured ia that
city a few years aiaee:
Grand Islahd, Nkb , Jane 3.
The woman who was found waadering
around oa the streets a few nights
ago by the police and in a demented
condition has proved to be Mrs. Mary
Francis Brown. Her aaidea naaie
was Dexter. She was born in Nar
rowsburg, New York, March 3, 1S.
The woman's sad story arf near as
can be learned is as follows: Her
father's family moved to Blae Bill,
Neb., where he now lives and shortly
after she married a man named
Thomas Brown. About oae year
after she was eonined aad became
deranged aad shortly afterward de
clared iasaac aad was seat to the
asylum at Liaeoln, Neb. After
proper treatmeat she rapidly improved
aad was sent away cured. Aboat a
year after leaving the asylum another
child was bora aad the same sad
story was gone over again. She was
seat te the asylum aad in a very short
time was eatirery eared, hat oa re
turning home her husband had dt
serted her. She was left eatrreJy aleoe,
with ao eacto help ight the battle
the storm of life. Leet wiater she
had beea workiag fer a couple ef
ranchmen, who live near Taedfard,
Theaus eouaty, Nebraska aad whea
the raaehmca discovered the wemsa
was eaceiBte they gave her acme
drags to produce aa abertiea te
keep them from getting mixed ap
ia the alair. Whea the dd symp
toms returiag the raachaMm became
alarmed, feariaf sue wemM die c
their haade, leoied her in a wagsa
aad sent a mam te take her te Thed
ford, where she was pleeed ia the
Thedferd heaee wiU a few dollars in
meaey and no friends to leek after
her. .Mrs. Brown told the laadkdy,
Mia. 2. F. Itill, that sieved frioade
ia Grand Ialaad, hut did net have
ej te pay fair aad her heard, the
hill fer which was $2, aad ihe daaHce
teboddtarot.. 8c she left her trunls
fer aeeuritj and came here, a
xae wemsa bmac wH
ef by Mr. Sheeord at the
mcrcial heaee, aad is rapidly
in anier the ears ef Pt- C. TLB
The authenrics here are Irakiaa; iate
tae BMiier aae. are ceaiomat, with the
esicers ef Taeaaae esoatr. aad ao
dcubi the giky parties wiM be brcufbt
-FOR -
Thk Chief acknowledges the
receipt of two baskets of.'chcrriesfrom
the Crete Nurseries. The fruit is
large and well flavored.
K. F. Stephens Ins thanks for hi.-
thoughtfullncss. lie alo inform. us
that in addition to their extensive
cherry orchards, which usnallv yieM
from 400 to COO bushels of fruit,
they bavo vincyardn which promise
15,000 lbs. of grapes and 80 acres of
orchards a small portion of which
only is coming into bearing and which
will yield this season 10,000 to 12.000
bushels of applet, at the price likely
to prevail the crop of fruit having
failed in the east, this will yield a
handsome sum of money.
Ths nursery, established in 1572,
has grown by clooe attention to busi
ness, to one of the largest in the west.
They aim particularly to sell directly
to the planter, to encourage direct
trade aad as fir as possible avoid the
intervention of middle men and deal
ers. They wish to encourage people
to deal with home nurseries Tbcy
also built up a large business in the
planting of timber claims in which
they have been very successful.
Those who wish to procure fruit
trees or plants, shade tree, ornamen
tal or forest trees at very moderate
prices, should address E, F. Stephens,
proprietor, for catalogue.
L. H. Rust of Red Cloud, will furn
ish any of their stock at listed
still of Fare.
Granulated sugar 20 lbs. $1.
Dried peaches 3 lbs. 25 cts.
1 box soap 32 bars IL10.
California pears dried 2 lbs. 33 eta.
4 cans beans 25 cts.
Solid peeked tomatoes 3 lb cans 10c
3 lbs can apples lOcta.
i'OFK ISftO.
The tea aad cofce trade in this city
has received a serious black eye since
the Celebrated Yaa Houten's Cocoa
came here. Ia fact you cannot go in
to a family but you will find a delic
ious eeeee, occupying its place on the
breakfast or supper table. Van Bon
tea's Cocoa, is so pure so cheap aad so
healthy that we feel coafident that
this firm is going to have quite a large
demand for their celebrated beverage.
AD ether cocoas are imitations. None
ef the ether cocoas hare ever equalled
Yaa Hewtea's. Hactiacs Nebraska.
Prccehiae; ailw-.3 4 S.
Saaday cancel 11 .3).
eitTrs 7.
Wednesday erca-
Al are iaviied ic aiiead these ser
vices. E.L. Elt, Paster.
JL M. CdCaaaJO, Sap., & S.
want to show you
Cutting is still selling lot of wall
paper at way down prices.
If you require spectacles go to Deyo
and gt the best and most perfect
A District Assembly of the Knights
of Labor will be held in Red Cloud,
July 2.
County Alty. Hopkins was expect
iag his wife home Isxt week to keep
him straight.
Mrs. James Walters and son of
Aurora arc visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
0. C. Tccl.
Bear in mind that Deyo is "in it"
when it comes to prices in paints, oils,
varniihc-, etc.
Dcyo's celebrated sticky fy paper
will catch anything from a ly to an
elephant. Buy no other.
Thomas Blunt ef Codes died sud
denly last Saturday, and was buried
Suniay. His sge was 75 years.
The wtst bound pcssenKer train
broke down Saturday evening wet of
Kivertoa. and was delayed about two
Remember that Cozad A Co., will
not be aadersold on faraitare, car
pets, wall papr dec at Taylor's eid
You should go at once te Deye's
and take advantage of his reanaaat
sale of wall paper. Don't miss this
M. Stern ef Hastings was ia Bed
Cloud last tuk leckiag after his
bastaes house recently. Taeated by
M. M. StcfB.
F. V. Taylor has greatly i
bis stock of furniture.
ULf etc, aad won't be wader sold.
call sad see him.
Buy tout paint of Ccttiag. He
sell the strictly Southern aad Glcoc
leads and the Lincoln auxed saint
that cannot be beat.
See Coaaa Co., for faaeral sow
plies, castas, eaekets, rebec etc wbc
are f ally prepared ie c sodas fansrsls
ia the cUy cr country, at Tayicra aid
After yean ef experience ve make
the iatelltgwat acre cf the dead a
specialty, aad an prsparcd te attend
ail calk ia the cky cr ecuatry F. Y.
Taylor, f at al director.
H.B. giaaoM the peaticn aaty.,
reports tbic week a paaaica far oar
worthy tcvaaaca, She M. Misunsi of
12.flL par rnsoae, wbich we
ia jeot fewr ssoachs freci date of
Yemeaa't aot any ncad tea or
good ccflee. Caeca ie takSe toe
place cf loth. Van eotea'e Cccca
ie rsccmaieacta to yew, ealj
yew half aa stack ae tea or
our goods !
Call oa the grocers aad taste a cup
of Yan Houten's Coosa which U served
Harry Cenover was in the city visit
ing his best g , well, the boy wc
Call en the grocers of Red Cloud
and get a sample can of Yaa Houten's
Ed Puliifer has built a Ine res!
deaee which is a crdit to Ed's in
feaaity. A Wether of Wan. Pizca located In
Colorado, was ia the city this week
G. M. Plumb wae in the city this
week, viMliur. with his brother Mr.
Fred Plumb.
The professor elect cf car public
schools left the ether day for a brief
trip to Kureve.
Mr. IHedrich cf Oueae, aa eld
friend cf Jet Tesaliasoa's is ia the
city this week.
Several leads ef aw bay bae been
oa the Bsaruet. Quite a eoatraet over
last stoma's ere.
The editor af thle aoaor has jest re
turned from a tea days nip to the
"wild aad wcely west."
A good hemaewife is always oa the
luskent fer a beekhy Wreraew for her
family. TJse Yaa Hcwtoa's Cocoa.
Yaa Hcotea's Caeca take Jike hot
cakes aad ic cafe to say that toa
aad eouTco will be girea the shake.
cac wae bind wcaih to take
of a bansh af rod tccs'icao Mrs.
soace hod hsaiiBsot for a sifa.
The kuttsc of the W. X, C, gwos
ana amnwema awenscsm w aowsvwoonmnanL i
at tactr hoB
Mr. C IsadaM cf Darecocrt. Sob
ef Fall
- a
City, oai
Z. J.
Yaa Heotoa's Coaaa has beea
awarded she hnjrhsof mcrito at a the
psiaciaal exfeaiuens al cvar the
wcrid for sic parity and raeeMaata.
Oar lad dead boa hoi oko is
OTMwa oW omM aVofML JaM eWTef ojsfw?
opwTw SowawsTa'sf cawawal wa'wBmM wswaf VPV90C eW
maca iaaarr aad sson
tkie mack,
fv- nWnsyalimt be don't
carahor BMJk to
Mto the aaM into
Vol.18. No. 48.
and I will deliver frh brrad Ut any
part of the ntr rtery aftrrotif or any
thing in my line of bui.
Jm, Ur.acaorx, tW bkir
IVlerUVlsgby K, Y Tajlor wbo
has had jea.s of praUesl sp-rie
in the scknUae ears ef ihe desd sad
is WtUr prpard than ev t r to
daet the Wines ia all its breeches.
Service at Gracr Cfturca ery
Sunday al 10 30 a. m. Ta kw for
Sunday School will W at 9 30 darina tb
hot sraaea Rrv. M. Myers will Wld
serrier on Tuesday, the 3Xb iaet. st
8 p. BL
Sal bids il! be roomed up to
aad tneladinf Ju(y 15th, 1891, fr
the delivery f 20 erd f mwiI
four foot woodt 28 toa ef bsy and 15
ton of iraw, all to be deliver4 al
Reantoa camp areaade before 0t.
1st, 1891. bsy cad strew to be etosked
ia good shape. All bids eddreased
to J. U Miner, led Ciead, k
If t are intewtod la atUnT a
healthy, pare aad drink atra4
the Caeca Festival at the XTry
stores of Miner Brca, K. MeFnrieee,
B. J. Miaer sad T. C. Meeker, Frv
day getardey aad Moaday. Yaa Hea
ten Cocoa, the bt, h to be givea a
pablk trial CaM aad get a free rap.
The peopk al car eltr are al re
spectfully invito t to peioiatet
f9sr eatcrlaiaiac; exhibUIwa of Yea
Heotoa" CeWwatod Coaaa at tkc fl
lewiac storr Miaer bVol, . Mc
rmmi, 1. J. Miner, T. C Meeker,
oa Friday Saturday d Moaday.
Beraafetr Frioae Bcyard all
the inns of lotl, at to
ef J. C, Bleomb, Bol Deo.
l,m 42 W. Garaa.
Satie ie hereby irrea tkoi 1 oil
to owor themealtas aa sea diddle for
eeauT. t lei Good en cat
& "' 9Mtb,
D.M Ilt'Ttx. ft ioat.
Pare ItaKaa boas fer sale. Ia-
A. Uaaa. Cowiea. 45-tf
Miles r. Hayes
Patent Colkr
Ftrramiolrj h O. BUTLXH
JKotX vcOVsm, -PJnxmwyc)
HaiMMiiN .MbIbBBBbV'
t. MU.C.
Try k aad yaw wil aot at