The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 19, 1891, Image 4

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Proprlolor of tbe
fir Bakery and Restaurant,
Klv ii'jMMM Jsquirc xncnl. Boarding and Lodging by day or week
4aU kiuaV of sFrctJi Bread, Pies and Cakes, Headquarters
jm trmigJK, Ixanon and Bananas, All kinds of fresh
jfef tty. ;-mJ fjuiidy, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, fresh Oysters,
and ice cream In season,
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. H. FORT, Mantger.
FimiishefJ aJIXaads in WebBter County, Accurately and
Wi&tiWUCU.tin yo:crYrotf once In county
Mat ouojupi 11 ue sisic. u guarantee
au (peers iiiieu promptly,
il aiders nlled promptly.
m m
'itftanf? iban any yard in the world
--' Rp-- r-? rfrsaa-r
.mm'mM)i - . .. y
What id
&L jiBk VH laamjB Tw JBnVI
Castaria 13 xWfifcmuel Pitdtor pntocriptiMi for InfkaU
anxJjbirdrQjiv I eontolns neither Oplam, Morahiae nor
other Narciir snbstaaoe It is a harmleai rahstUnto
for PaTCgojIypv.Bropt, BootbJnc Syrups, and Caivor OIL
'It i J?teasanrt Its guarantee is thirty yean ae by
JiimiousSo3IolBEX9. Costoria destroys Worasc and allays
fevcrtsiiinsv Oastorla prevents vomiting Soar Cord
cupcS Diarrfitea and Wiad Colic Gaitoria relieves
tcet1n!f3 trouljfcs, cares constipation and flatnlency.
fcastoTia aknihUea tha foad, regnlatea the staamrh
mul bowels erring heaMhy and natnral alagf. Cas
loajia is the Children's Panacea-the Msthar's Fri L
, .
tfren. JIotAersbarbaepeatedlytaUlsMoCai
coodIfcct: upon tliefr tftilSrea.
KhldiIraacqialBtei. laopetbedaytaaet
far distant wbenmotheAyiU eosfir thereal
interest ottlieircfcadrca. an
Oastorla te-
siead of the wpousqaacc
iporphtoe. sooaws ST1
igeata down their Pn)g
The 7 wit w.-m tw --
.. i - Ti marn
a -W
H& V
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ri v
Jos. Herburger,
records and ono of the most complete set of At
10.000 dollar bond filed
sausiaoiion. yow xavors solicited
io.odo aoiiar Dona niea
pproTed. Address or call on
b. II. FORT Manages, Red Cloud, Neb.
Atua C Skxtb, Hea,
T atsa.!? X
t"fcn .A.Illlll.M.IX,
esae ia (Mr evtssto fnettM wssaCMsstla,
medical sapstaB wkaft is hw m lesjelar
Friday, Jane It, MM.
Entered at the Tost Office In Red Cloud, Ke!.,
as audi matter or tbe second class
F inc watch repairing, artis-
ic letter and monogram cn-
g raving at T. r. renman 3
Bed Uloud.
Machine oil at Dcyo's.
Go to Deyo for fishing tackle.
Machine oils of all kind at Dcyo's.
Hammocks and croquet at Cot
ting's. Mr. M. 11. Bentley is iu Omaha
this week.
G. R. Chancy is digging a cellar
under his house.
Mr. S. E. Cozad is iu Lincoln this
week on business.
Firel Fire! Fire! Fireworks at
Deyo's in endless variety.
Cotting is still selling lata of wall
psper at way down prices.
The Republican xivcr is higher
than it has been for years past.
Teachers attending the institute
should go to Deyo for their supplies.
Miss Sylvia Cook, sister of Mrs. M.
R. Bentley, returned to her home in
If you require spectacles go to Deyo
and get the best and most perfect
Miss. Pearl Skeen has gone to Oma
ha to visit with her sister Mrs. Jno.
Mr. J. H. Smith has returned
Minnesota, where he has been doing
Bear in mind that Dcyo is "iu it'
when it comes to pricos in paints, oils,
varnishes, etc.
Mrs. A. C. Hosmer and daughter
Rthel, returned home, after a weeks'
visit in Denver.
Miss Mattic Croxton has returned
from a few weeks visit with her
brother at Cowles.
J. C. Holeomb returned Thursday
evening from Central City, where ho
baa been training horses.
Dcyo's celebrated sticky fly paper
will catch anything from a fly to an
elephant. Ruy no other.
Go to Wm. Zoluff, for a good hair
out, shave, shampoo, or sea-foam, on
east side Webster Street.
Mr. Chas. Wiener has his nephcwj
Mr. Alf. W. vV icner of New York vis
iting him for a short time.
Remember that Cozad & Co., will
not bo undersold on furniture, car
pets, wall papsr &o. at Taylor's old
You should go at once to Dcyo's
and take advantage of his remnant
sale of wall paper. Don't miss this
F. V. Taylor has greatly increased
his stock of furniture, carpets, cur
tains &e., and won't be under sold,
oall and see him.
The ladies B. II. M. society will
have their social Thursday evening
June 25 instead of the 15, as was in
last week's Chief.
Buy your paint of Cotting. He
sells the strictly Southern and Globe
leads and the Lincoln mixed paint
that cannot be beat.
Mr. Cowdes's sister and daughter,
who have boon visiting in our city
started oast over the B. & M., for St.'
Joe on Tuesday morning.
Mrs. F. G. Snyder will soon give
guitar entertainment. It is to be of
home tdetft. Miss O'Brien, a noted
singer'of Hastings will take part.
'"'Owing to the hard times and scare
ity of money I will sell goods at cost
and somo below cost. Please call and
I be convinced. Mrs . F. Nkwhouse.
Sec Cozad & Co., for funeral sup
plies, coffins, caskets, robes etc., who
are fully prepared to conduct funerals
in the city or country, at Taylor's old
The heavy rains of late have caused I
three big washouts between McCook
and Red Cloud compelling the trains
to go around by way of Holdrege and
The ladies if Grace Episcopal
ohurch, will give a lawn social at the
residence of Mrs. E. Ferris, on Friday
evening, Juno 12th. All arc cordially
Mr. J. S. Emigh started for Au
rora, Illinois, Monday morning. He
expects to see Lycurgus win first
money at that and other places wher
he will run.
Our City Marshal is putting in his
time n pairing sidewalks, which has
bees in need of repairs for a long
time. That is right William, let the
good work go on.
WTith a Fourth of July celebration,
G. A. R reunion and fair this fall
Red Cloud aaght to coma out in fly
ing colors, and wake up from itd Rip
Van Winkle sleer.
After years of experience wo make
the intelligent care of the dend a
specialty, and are prepared to attend
all calls ia the city or coaatry . F. V.
Taj lor, funeral director.
Attorney J. Porter Jr. reports since
the Sth iusL eight more pensions al
lowed through his agency, five of thea
bcisg for citizens is our midst, thus
iacxetsisg aoaej cirsmUUoa.
Undertaking byF. Vr Taylortrhw
has had ya.s of practical expense
in the scientific care of the dead and
is better prepared than ever to con
duct the business in all its branches.
Married: At the residence of the
bride's parents iB Red Cloud, Neb.,
June 14th, 1S91, Mr. Lilburn P.
Guinn and Miss Edith Tubbc, both
of Red Cloud, Neb., C. Schenck
Eiq. officiating.
Great excitement prevailed un the
streets of Red Cloud last Monday
afternoon, while 3Ir. II. B Simons
was capturing a swarm of brcs which
had pulled stakes and stirlcd for bet
ter camping grouuds.
Last Saturday night the east bound
passenger train met with an accident,
which way delayed it an hour snd a
half between Amboy and Guide Rock.
Upon examination of tbe engine it
was found that one of the ecccntries
was badly bent
The Red Cloud juvenile orchestra
under the direction of Miss M. E.
Campbell, will give a concert at the
opera house Tuesday June 23. The
proceeds of tho concert will be used
to puchase new instruments for the
orchestra. Admission 15 and 25 cents.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Sealed bids will be received up to
and including Jujy 15th, 1891, for
the delivery of 20 cords of seasoned
four foot wood, 20 tons of bay and 15
tons of straw, all to be delivered at
Reunion camp grounds before Sept.
1st, 1891, hay and straw to be stacked
in good shape. All bids addressed
to J. L. Miner, Red Cloud, Neb.
Mrs. F. G. Snyder, the popular mu
sic teacher who is at present located
at this place, will give a grand enter
tainment at the opera house the last
of the month. Everyone should at
tend this concert as it will be one of
the finest. It will be mostly of horns
talent, although Mrs. Briggs of
Superior and Miss O'Brien of Has
tings will take part. They are very
popular singers and you should not
miss hearing them,
Tho many friends of our townsman,
I. S. Real will be painod to learn that
ho in arrain snfTprinc frnm fiin riA
malad and gund cycni
last taken to Lincoln for treatment.
For some time past his family and
friends noticed that his mind was
again becoming unbalanced, and on
Thursday night last while on the
street he became so violent that it
was iound necessary to place him iu
close confinement, and as his condi
tion did not improve, but grew worse,
he was removed to Lincoln as above
stated. The Chihf extends sympa
thy to Mr. Bcal and family in their
sore affliction.
Matinee! Matinee!
Commcnsing Friday Juns 12th at 3
o'clock and each succeeding Friday.
Thcro will bo a series of matinee races
at tho fair grounds. There will be
good horses on the track and you are
invited to attend.
Phnnand Phlsic.
He who knows little, and knows it
knows much.
Itch on human and horses and all ani
mals cured in 30 minutes by WooUgrd's
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold
by L. II. Devo, druggist,Ked Cloud.
Christ was the only
lived his teaching.
teacher who
It is quite the fashion now to take De
Witt's Little Early Risers for liver,
stomcb and bowel disorders. They are
small pills, bat mighty sood ones. 0. t.
catting sells them.
No man is in the minority when he
is right
Paretics tbe blood, increaes the circula
tion, expels poisonooB humors and builds
up the system. What mere do yon want a
medicine to perfom? De Witt's Sarsapa
rilla is reliable Sold byO. L. Cotting.
Pooplc borrow trouble because it is
easy to get, and need not be paid
Very popular, very small, very good.
De Witt's Little Early Risers, the pill for
constipation, biliousness, sick headache.
For salo by C L. cotting, Druggist,
In the matter of "lying out"
isn't in it" with
A beautiful skiD, bright eyes, sweet
bratb, good appetite, vigorous body, pare
blood and good health result from the
use of DeWiK's Sarsaparilla. It is sold
by c. l. cotting.
Visitors to the Zoo should sot
tempt to make light of the tapir.
Catarrh, nenralsia, rheumatism, and
most diseases originate from impure
blood. Cleanse it, improve it, purely i.
with De Witt's 8arsaparilla and health is
restored, strength regained. Sold by c.
L' cotting.
This is the season of the year when
potted plants want the earth.
If food sours on the stomach, digestion
is doreenve. Dewitt's Little isarty
Risers -will remedy this. The faaoa
littlj pills that nevr gripe and sever dit-
appont. Sold by C. L. Cottir.?.
Before plunging into housecleanisg
consider well the point of a tack.
De Witt's Little Early Risers aever
gripe or eanse Bases 4H lit 1 ara,
assist rather than, force. Best little pfli
for sick headache, chronic constipatiaa,
dyspepsia. Sold by ci-cottiag.
The little barber is
a starppimr fellow.
noae the 1
consipaton,blood-potsoa,faver! Doc
tors bills and funeral ezpeasea east abaat
two hundred dollars; DeWitt LitUa
Early Risers cost a qaarter. rak yoar
choice. For ude by c.x.cottiag.
An owuer of a butting properly
1 he suburban resHaut who keeps s
Pitcher's Cattoria.
Children Cry for
"-m w""w""ain"nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnw'nnnnnnnnssnr"B --- apanrnr waw w am anvsmt as wwvay nwnrTS
. .. .- m - -an, uiaBssawssV awards , awUa inrvsMsntssmnhws amtnswi ..- - -
M rt SiMMS la by far Ue no fre
4et saves ef ssddsa death, which is
three ot si fosr eases is nnssspected.
Tbe syayptoM are aot geserall asder
stood. These axe: a habit of lying on the
side, short breath, pais)- or distres la
side, back or shoslder. irregular pulse,
asthma, week sad hungry spells, tad in
stomach, svsUiag of ankles or "'dropsy,
oppression, dry cough and smotfcericg.
Dr. Miles' illustrated book on heart dis
ease, fre at Cottings drag store vho sell
and guarantee Dr. Miles uneqnnlcd new
heart ear, and has restorative nervine,
which cares aervoasasss, headache, sleep
lessness, effects of drinking-, etc. It con
tains so opiates. 3
lies Werre ausd Llrcr F1IK
Act est a aew principle rrgnl;rg fcs
liver, stoaiaeh aad bowels through the
aerves. A new discovery. Dr. Milts'
yiUs speedily cure bilousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Un
equaled for men, women, children. Small
est, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25 eta
Garden Seeds
Of the best lot in the city. When
in wast of anything in this line re
member Perkins & Mitchell's old
stand one door south of Miser Bros.
Insurance Against Hall.
Geo. 0. Yeiseris prepared to insure
crops against damage from hail.
Now is the time to insure also against
loss from fire and wind.
Notice to Breeders,
Heresfetr Prince Bayard
make the season of 1891, at the
of J. C. Holcomb, Red Cloud.
I$m42 W. Gatis.
Notice to Teachers.
Notiee is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teaehers ofthe public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
D. M. Hunter, County Supt.'
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the late firm of Blakcslee &
Hatch, will please call and settle ac
counts. F. G. BlaKISLIE.
Children Cry for
"Uchcr'8 Castorla.
Good girl for general house work.
Enquire at this office.
I !
i?lour of both winter and spring
wheat, groceries and garden seeds.
First door south of Miner Bros.
C. M. MrERS, Prop.
M. Wilson, Ag't.
Go to Morhart's.
He has tho finest 'line of stoves
ever seen in the city. He has tbe
celebrated Garland cook and heaters,
snd s full line of others equally as
good. Hardware at the very lowest
figures for cssh. Do not buy stoves
or hardware until you see me. Opera
house blook, Webster street.
Waea Baby waaafck, we gave her Cast oris.
Wfcea ska was a ChUdehe cried for Castorla.
Whsa ska becasse Kiss, she olusg to Csstoria.' gars them Castorla,
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will
surely do you good, if you have a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, chest,
or lu ngs. Dr. King's New Discovery for
ooug ha, and colds is guaranteed to give
relief, or money paid back. Sufferers
from la grippe found it just the thing,
and under its use had a perfect recovery.
Try a sample bottle at our expense, and
see for yourself just how good a thing it
is. Trial bottle free at L. H. Deyo's,
Drugstore. Large'sizo 50c. So 91. 3
iraw nsw ituct f tm s or rsi
The ntset lsatsts 1
1 Seat aaaasa, UUt. Oam,
, ia XLU9T0ZS:
aa4 Ceaadl
1 sai SL raal. ia rx-
: raDa, te DAJCOTA:
ickt. laxasorxi;
IWil .fatyPSASXA;
, DaJf CRf , CaMvtH. la
IHORTr!rtSSrw Klsai
RnanannnnSkiMCjShauatV v R
ssnnsssnnni -aMSHMsnrBSB9tsnjSMisjHn
asjnv . a j. aiisgTSjgfwJtayinj
Wi 4aI p naaaThi -ifTTl
aawass; aJaaiaar.Biasassasmaa,laiyi)iaw aaSST Tr Mf - Swn3asTJS"aBaM ; VBBBBBBB
TOUUTOST: Dmr, OUatase Sstlasi aa fiUa. HanjhMRVjMfhnmABjnjBfRS M .,JfJsPnl
laCOLOBASa Tiaitsu aew awai ef rtea fcmtat nWawSawwinTEBWWWiYaBBPaT" gfRv-Rl
aapBsbiish, m 1 intte fcaajsrnwiai ef tenr RJRjRJMSjJRj nnjjRjRj BssWafaL ssrssl
hnhrtnWnssl aTtSaal SsanAhaaant wr aTasaaSBaa Sandl aaa Vawsns aaasl nWsswsmwp vaannraTs nwaaWaWaaa a 4waa bbwbmRRH tm nT
MAOMJF1LMM1' EEiSmzS'S2 ftSSnraW 3ad2J
m.- .- - - - Rwa?55j"2IfaSi AfcaaaWsr S"!
wvcwwm aaa oaxsLa. aa Meaasa caocaoo aaa onjTnnjfnna
Ksrn, coLoaano srazsos as rcmux via ani
rtcavq nr on pn. rmsx snanrrso caAOt .
? ? i j ? fara'naBBrnraninFSnra'nnBnBSBnan '
mAMS-mocxTMOWMTAiMBOwrm tandi nC WITT'S S5f!
Twaoccx vrmocT cstanav aac aass sss onrw njapawaBB sw . --- mm mmm mmm ! mm. aafaaasSsBa KSvara. OasasaaaBa, w.LiTTLEff&
- B?mu' manAMMri'fa "1" bSstisVs -
awsR ShmaR) RRA ftfass VaaRfa 4haawL TKJaWawRw awsTawHawaw aTanrlhs ahwRww ohnnsT answsassas JJf
ST. srr iniiai JAaiaaaaaiAarTiaJL. wat aSassfjaa afa fa sna aa snamaaa oav
- " " " raai aaa am las. wm. sv L"' ' " u.,gnaiaw
Me. V wmt TA. .
Sit yean hare passed jJncr rit flnt confiae
im,W. at wbteh I aare mSenM both Umt: mtn
tateoaetjr. Tbl tuse. allhouxh I bl uvtl brt
one bottle ol -Mother's Krienl." I $rcfl"erttt
ncartrlT any jaln, an4 was not lck more than
t slv Minutes. aa4 did nolaftcmarrii ciper
trnce tnat wrakncs utua! In nch cac..
Mv. AMitK Hack Lamab, Mt5ouri. January
IS, ll.
1 Have, aa Te Knew,
been atlllng MradUtW KrtHale Urstatrr for
yean and hate hala :r?ljly 1ocjpjIiu ile
mand tor It; It Rtvc tlic rrj twt wUf-ctloit.
I treqacnUr cl It tu nhlcUn, h- ute tl in
their pracltn nlth the most Ja.w' :tney re
sults. 1LTHOWA-. l I).,
Mt VaMoCa, (la.
Much wo'rying is mental cowardice.
Methcr's Friend.
Is the srratcst Ncslns evrr offerrtl chlUl-bar-lnc
wointi. I have be-a a ialdtf e masy ran
and In each cavs wUer Mohr r's Frtrtxl ha
beenul ltha arcurapJUbct wm!er and
rellered much t)Jtcrlns. It l the l retnedy
for rising of the brai know. atKl wwta the
price tor that nlotic Mas M. A. Brkwhter.
Nonfcomcry, Ala
RradSeM Vrmile Kcculator
sliould be ued by the yonnc woman, he ho
suiters from anv disorder peculiar to her oex.
andatchanco of life U a powerful tonic, benr
flUall who use It. Sold by all dnyrsts. 4lMt
SpcclMan C'Msea.
S.H.Clifford, Kew Caascl rTis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism
his stomach was disordered, his appetite
fell away, and he was terribly reduced ia
flesh and strength. Three bottles of
Electrio Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, ITarrisbnrg, 111., had
a running sore on his leg of eight years'
standing. Ufced three bottles of Electric
Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and
well. Sold by L, H. Deyo's Drug store. 3
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorta
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby Riven that under and Inr vir
tue of aa erder of sale Iwu-d from the onfee of
C. B. Crone, clerk of the district court of the
elshth Judicial district within and for Wcbucr
couniy, jNeorasaa, upon a decree in an action
pendiuK tliereln, wherein K. Cochrane i plain,
tiff and aalnt Noah B. Tliomas and Jefferson
B. Tliomas defendants, I shall offer tor sale at
public venuue 10 1110 nix nest bidder tor casn in
hand at the east door of the courthouse In Red
Cloud. In said Webster county, Nebraska, (that
blng tho bulldlne wherein tho last term of
said court was holdea) oa the
7th Day or Jaly, A. D. 1891,
at 1 o'clock p. ra. of said day tho following des
cribed property towlt: tots five and six iu
block one in Kaley and Jackson's addition to
the town of lied Cloud, Webster county, Ne
braska. Given under my band this th day ot June,
A. D.1S91.
C. A. Trbi.. Sheriff.
O. C. Tbrl, Deputy.
O. R. Chancy, l'lalntifl's Attorney. nil
Road Notice.
To all whom It may concern.
The commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the south-west corner of sec
tion twenty-seven, town three, range twelve,
west; running thence north between section Tt
and 23, thence north tetween section ?1 and 'J2,
thence north between section 13 and 16, thence
nertli between section 9 and 10, thence north
between section 3 and 4 on tho line as .estab
lished by a surrey made by the county surveyor
of Webster county, and completed on the uth
day ot May, 1690, to tho north line ot town 3,
range 12, has reported In favor ot the establish
ment thereof, and all objections thereto, or
claims for damage must bo filed In Uie county
clerk's office on or before noon the 13th d.iy of
July, 1891. or such road will be established
without reference thereto.
Dated Juns, 12, 1KM.
42-ot H. I). KAk.vkv.
County Clerk.
Xollcc or Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtuo
of a chattel mortgage datod on tho first
day of Juno, 1801, and duly tiled in the
oflice of tho county clork of Webster
county, Nebraska, on tho 1st dnyof June
1801, asd executed and delivered by
John J. Ducker to Geo. A. Ducker, to
secure the payment of four thousnnd
800 and five and ll-100ths dollars upon
which there is now duo the sum of four
thousand six hundred and ninety-one 11
lOOths dollars. Default having been
made in the condition of said mortgago
and in accordance with tho terms and
conditions of said mortgago I will sell
the property therein described towit:
All that stock of dry goods, notions,
cloaks, furnishing goods and ware and
merchandise of every nnmo nature, and
description now in the store room in lot
eleven, block twenty six in the city of
Red Cloud, Nebraska, also tho safe and
atore furniture therein and all book ac
counts (the same being the stock of
goods and property owned by and in tbe
possession of said John J. Ducker firm
to the 1st day of Juno, 1891,) at public
auction at tho store now occupied uj me
in said lot 11, block 2G, in the said city
of Rod Cloud, Neb., oa the 3d day of
July, 1801, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated June 10, 1801.
George A. Dccker,
4G-3t Mortgagee.
AnlMIorse Thlct Association
The Webster Cotraty Xstual Protection
snd Anti-Horse Thief Association meets
at Cowles oa Saturday previous to fulliag
of the moon each ateath.
F. Hobosos, Sec'y.
s' TRnnYinssssssssssrSssT
nvnnsBSSsrlC vjahnshk ashnLal
nr"V9lsaBwEVGs5nwr saaaawl
aaawaars anssitf. .aaar .w -t
J& &A sft
.SSSfWSBSaw .BV.Sw .Ba nL
dnBafHnWnVawsBiW.nnlB2awiBBBBBB .bbbVbsbW J ' ir
A efsjd a vAasn nay spin,
ra.awasn nwwwaiony.
Money expended in poor shoes, no matter how
little, is like throwing it in the street, you
get virtually nothing in return.
I shall keen nothing bat the heat or goods, anal will raraNh
theni to my Customer at the LOWKftT lOMIRI.t: TR1CIUU
F. G. Blakeslee,
Popular Shoe Dealer of Red Cloud.
Removed! Removed!
ToMcFarlanaVsOhl land, Corner or Wc bale r sired n Ith Ave.
Where he will keep on nana! all of the feral harelwarr
goods lo he round. A new shipment r genuine
Baker Wire and
Charter Oak Stoves.
Job work, tin roonng and ell) water works nlamfelng, guns and
amunillon, specialties with us. Ihromplncas guarnHtrcd and y uur
work solicited. Come aad see me two doora north i. A. 91. bank
Yonr ftenrant and Toller alter Trad
Red Cloud,
Cash Grocery House
Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables. First Class
Coods Only. Come and see me
The Cash Grocer.
Miles T. Hayes'
I Patent Collar
For f1 bv J. O. BUTLEH
JJel Ulond, Hockeys j
H.ime wop.
i. W. TUiXJKl'mR.R.
HmmrtmmU ff
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and Coal.
M.lmiHtlUiJkmn'htmMmmm, a4
For aalcbj
afcwJer. Red Clausal.
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