The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 19, 1891, Image 3

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Rev. Dr. Tahnage .Discourse
Worldly Straggles.
The Lord's Help Ever Beady to the Need
The Strangles of Mem In Their
Joaraey Threvgh Life Comfort
la All BeresTeameat.
In a late sermon at Brooklyn Kct. T.
De Wilt Talmao took" for his subject:
"The Burden Bearer," and hU text was
from Psalms It. 22: 'Cast thy burden,
upon the Lord, and He shall sustain
thee." He said:
David was here taking his own medi
cine. If anylody had on him heav,
weifhts, David had them, and yet out
of his own experience he advised yon
and mc as to the Txjst way of getting
rid of burdens. This is a world of bur
den bearing. Coming into the house
of prayer there may be no sign of sad
ness and sorrow, but where is the mas
who has not a conflict? Where is the
soul that has not a struggle? And there
is not a day in all the year when my
text is not gloriously appropriate and
there is never an audience assembled
on the planet where the text docs not
fit the occasion: "Cast thy burden
upon the liord and He shall sus
tain thee." In the far cast wells
of water are so infrequent that when a
man owns a well he lias a property of
very great value, and sometimes bat
tles have been fought for the possession
of one well of .water; but there is one
well that every roa"n owns, a deep well,
r. perennial well, a well of tears. If a has nut a. harden on this shoulder
h has a burden on the other shoulder.
The day I left home to look after my
self and for myself, in the wagon my
father sat driving, and he said that day
something which has kept with mc all
my life: "DoWitt, it is alwa3s safe to
trust (.oil. I have many a time come
to a crisis of difficulty. You may know
that, having been sick for fifteen years,
it was no easy thing for mo to support
a family; but always God came to the
"I remember the time," he said,
"when 1 didn't know what to do, and I
saw a man on horsoback riding up the
farm lane, and he announced to mc that
I had been nominated for the most
lucrative oflice in the gift of the people
of the county; and to that oflice 1 was
elected, and God in that way met all
my wants, and I tell you it is always
safe to trust Him." O, my friends,
what we want is a practical religion.
The religion people have- is so high up
you caunot reach it.
I had a friend who entered the life of
an evangelist. He gave up a lucrative
business in Chicago, and he and his wife
finally came to severe want He told
mc that in the morning at prayers he
said: "0, Jxml, thou knowest we
have not a mouthful of food in
the house! Help me, help us!"
And he started out on the street, and
a gentleman met him and said: "I have
lccn thinking of yon for a good while.
You know I am a flour merchant. If
you won't le offended, I should like to
.send you a barrel of flour." My friend
cast his burden on the Lord and the
liord sustaiucd him.
In the straits of Magellan I have been
told there is a place where, whichever
way a ship captain puts his ship, he
finds the wind against him, and there
arc men who all their lives have lcen
running in the teeth of the wind and
which way to turn they do not know.
Some of them may bo here this morn
ing, and I address them face to face,
not perfunctorily, but as one brother
talks to another brother: "Cast thy
burden upon the Lord and He shall
sustain thee."
Kirst There nro a great many men
who have business burdens. When we
sec a man hurried and perplexed and
- annoyed in business life, we are apt to
sa3: lie ougni not to nave aixempieu
to carry so much." Ah! that man may
not be to blame at all. When a man
plants a business he docs not know
what will be its outgrowths, what will
le it roots, what will Iks its branches.
There is many a man with keen fore
sight and large business faculty who
has been thing into the dust by unfore
seen circumstances springing upon him
from ambush. When to buy, when to
sell, when to trust and to what amount
of credit, what will be the effect of this
new invention of machinery, what will
be the effect of that loss of crop, and a
thousand other questions perplex busi
ness men until the hair is silvered and
deep wrinkles arc plowed in the cheek;
and the stocks jo up by the mountains
and go down by the valleys, anil they
are at their wits' ends, and struggle
like drunken men.
There never has been a timo when
there have leen such rivalries in busi
ness as now. It is hardware against
hardware, liooks against books chand
lery against chandlery, imported article
against imported article. A thousand
stores in combat with another thousand
stores. .Never such advantage of light,
never such a variety of assortment,
never so much splendor of show win
dow, never so much adroitness of sales
men, never so much acutenoss of adver
tising, and amid all these severities of
rivalry ii business how many men
break down! O, the burden on the
shoulder! O, the burden on the heart!
You hear that it is avarice which drives
thee men of business through the
street, and that is the commonly ac
cepted idea. I do not believe a word of
iL The vast multitude of these busi
ness men are toiling on for others.
To educate their children, to put
the wing of protection over their house
holds to have something left so when
thev pass out of this life their wives
and children will not have to go to the
poor house that is the way I translate
this energy in the street and store the
vast majority of that energy. Grip,
Gouge !fc Co. do not do all the business.
Some of us remember when the Cen
tral America was coming home from
California it was wrecked. President
Arthur's father-in-law was the heroic
captain of that ship, and went clown
with most of the passengers. Some of
-them got off into the boats but there
was a young man returning from Cali
fornia -.yho had a- bag of gold in his
hand, and as the last boat shoved off
from the ship that was. to go down, that
man shouted to a comrade in the boat:
"Here, John, catch this gold; there are
S3.000; take it home to ray mother, it
will make her comfortablo in her last
days." Grip, Gouge & Co. do not do all
the business of the world.
Ah'my friend, do you say that God
does not care any thing about your
worldly business? I tell you God
krows more about it than you da He
knows all your perplexities; He knows
what mortgagee is abont to foreclose;
He knows what note you can not pay ;
He knows what unsalable goods you
have on your shelves; He knows all
your trials from the day you took hold
of the first yardstick, down to the sale
V the last yard of ribbon, and the God
-ho helped David to be king, and who
helped Daniel to be prime minister, and
who helped Havelock to be a soldier
will help you to discharge all jour
duties. He is going to see you through.
When loss comes and you find your
- property going, just take this -Book and
put it down by your ledger, and read of
the eternal possessions that will come
to you through our Lord Jesus Christ.
And when your business partner be
trays you, and your friends tarn against
you, just take the insulting letter, put
il down on the table, put your Bible be-
lUexthc insulting letter, and- then read
of the friendship of Him who "sticketh
closer than a brother.' '
A young accountant in New York city
got his accounts entangled. He knew
he was honest, -and jet he could not
make his accounts cone out right, and
he toiled at them day aad night antil he
was nearly frenzied. It seemed by
those books that something had been
misappropriated, and he knew before
God he was honest The last day came.
He knew if he could not that day make
his accounts come out right, he would
go into disgrace and go into banishment
from the business establishment He
went over there rery early, before there
was,anybody n the place, and he knelt
downhat the desk and said: "Q, Lord,
Thou knowest I have tried to Imj honest,
but I "cannot make these things come
out right! Help me to-day help me
this morning!" The young man arose
and' hardly knowing why lie did so,
opened a book that lay on the desk and
there was a leaf containing a line of
figures which explained every thing. In
other words, he cast his burden upon
the, Lord and the -Lord sustained him.
Young man, do you hear that?
0, yes, God has a sympathy with anj'
body,that is in any kind of toil! He
knows how heavy is the hod of bricks
that the workman carries up the ladder
of the wall; He hears the pickax of
the miner down in the coal shaft; He
knows how the tempest strikes the
sailor at masthead; He sees the factory
girl among the spindles and knows how
her arms ache; He sees the sewing
woman in the fourth-story and knows
how few pence she gets for making a
garment, and louder than all the din
and roar of the city comes the voice of
a sympathetic God: "Cast thy burdens
upon the Lord and He will sustain
Second There are a great many who
have a weight of persecution and abuse
upon them. Sometimes society gets a
grudge against a man. All his motives
arc misinterpreted and his good deeds
arc depreciated. With more virtue
than some of the honored and ap
plauded, he runs only against raillery
and sharp criticism. When a man be
gins to go down, he has not only the
force of natural gravitation, but one
hundred hands to help him in the pre
cipitation. Men are persecuted for
their virtues and their successes Gcr
manicus said he had just as many bitter
antagonists as he had adornments. The
character sometimes is so lustrous that
the weak eyes of envy and jealousy
can not bear to look at it It was their
integrity that put Joseph in the pit
and Daniel in the den, and Shadrach in
the tire, and sent John the evangelist
to desolate 1'atmos, and Calvin to the
castle of persecution and John Huss to
the stake, and Kbrah after Moses and
Saul after David, and Herod after
Christ Be sure if you have anything
to do for church or state, and 3011 at
tempt it with all your soul, the light
ning will strike you.
The world always has had a cross be
tween two thieves for the one who
comes to save it High and holy enter
prise has always been followed by
abuse. The most sublime traged3
of self sacrifice has come to burlesque.
The graceful gait of virtue is always
followed by grimace and travesty. The
sweetest strain of poetry ever written
has come to riciculous parody, and as
long as there are virtue and righteous
ness in tho world there will bo some
thing for iniquity to grin at All along
the line of the ages, and in all lands
the cry has been: "Not this man, but
Harabbas. Now, Harahbas was a rob
ber." And what makes the persecu
tions of life worse, is that they come
from people whom 3'ou have
helped, from thoso to whom
3011 have loaned monc3' or have
started in business, or whom
you rescued in some great crisis I
think it has been the history of nil our
lives the most acrimonious assault has
come from those whom we have bene
fitted, whom we have helped, and that
makes it all the harder to bear. A man
is in danger of being cynical.
A clergyman of the Universallst
church went into a neighborhood for
the establishment of a church of his
denomination and he was anxious to
find some on; of that denomination and
he was pointed to a certain house and
went there. He sa d to the man of the
house: "1 understand that you are
a Universalist- I want 3011 to
help me in the enterprise." "Well,"
said the man, "I am a Universal ist, but
I have a peculiar kind of Univcrsalism."
"What is that?" asked the minister.
"Well," replied the other, "I have been
out in the world and I hare been cheated
and slandered and outraged and
abused until I believe in universal dam
nation!" The great danger is that men
will Iwcomc cynical and given to be
lieve, as David was tempted to say, that
all men are liars O, ny friends do
not let that be tho effect upon your
souls! If you can not endure a little
persecution, how do you think our
fathers endured great persecution?
Motley, in his Dutch Republic, tells us
of Egmout, the martyr, who, condemned
to bo beheaded, unfastened his collar
on the way to the scaffold; anil when
they asked him why he did that, he
said: "So they will not be detained 111
their work; 1 want to le ready. O,
how little we have to endure compared
with those who have gone lcforc us!
Now, if 3011 have come across ill
treatment, let mc tell you you arc in
excellent companj- Christ and Luther
and Galileo and Columbus and John
Jay and Josiah Quincy and thousands
of men and women, the best spirits of
earth and Heaven. Budge not one inch
though all hell wreak upon you its ven
geance, and you be made a target
for devils to shoot at. Do you not
think that Christ knows all about per
secution? Was He hot hissed at? Was
He not struck on the cheek? Was He
not pursued all the days of His life?
Did they not expectorate upon Him?
Or, to put it in Bible language: "They
spit at Him." And can not He under
stand what persecution is? "Cast Un
burden upon the Lord and He shall sus
tain thee."
Third There are others who carry
great burdens of physical ailments
When sudden sickness has come and
fierce choleras and malignant fevers
take the castles of life by storm, we ap
peal to God; but in these chronic ail
ments which wear out the strength day
after day and week after week and
3-ear after year, how little resorting to
God for solace!
Then people depend upon their tonics
and their plasters and their cordials
rather than upon heavenly stimulants.
Oh, how few people there arc complete
ly well! Some of you, by dint of perse
verance and care, have kept living to
this time; but how yon have had'to war
against physical ailments! Antcdelu
vians without a medical college and
infirmary and apothecary shop, multi
plied their years by hundreds; but he
who has gone through the gauntlet of
disease in our time, and has come to
seventy years of age, is a hero worthy
of a palm.
The world seems to be a great hospi
tal, and you run against rheumatisms
and consumptions and scrofulas and
neuralgias and scores of old diseases
baptized by new nomenclature. O, how
heavy a burden sickness is It takes
the color out of the sky and the sparkle
ont of the wave and the sweetness oct
of the fruit and the luster out of the
night. When the limbs ache, vt hen the
respiration is painful, when the month
is hot, when the ear roars with na
J healthy obstructions, how hard it is to
be patient and cheerfal wmi
"Cast tby harden upon the Lord.'
yoar head ache? His wore the thorm.
Do your feet hurt? Hie were crashed of
the spikes Isyoarsidepeinfal? His was
struck by the spear. Do yaa feel like
giving way under the burden? Hie
weakness gave way aader a cross.
While yon are ia every possible way to
try to restore your rigor, yoa are to
remember that more soothing thaa
anodyne and more vitalizing thaa any
stimulant and more strengthening thaa
any tonic is the prescription of the
text: "Cast thy burden upon the Lord
and He will sustain thee." We hear a
great deal of talk now about faith cure
and some people say it cannot be done
and it Is a failure. I do not know bat
she chief advance of the church is to be
in that direction. Marvelous things
como to me day b3 day which makes
mc think that if the age of miracles is
past it Is because the faith of miracles
Is past
A prominent merchant of New York
said to a member of my family: "My
mother wants her case mentioned to
M r. Talmage." This was the case. He
said: "My mother had a dreadful ab
cess, from which she hail suffered un
told agonies All surgery had been
exhausted upon her, and worse and
worse she grew until wc called in a few
Christian friends and proceeded to pray
about it We commended her case to
God and the aliccss began immediately
to be cured. She is entirely well now,
and without any surgery." So that
case has come to mc, and there are a
score of other rases coming to our cars
from all parts of the earth. O, ye who
are sick, go to Christ! O, ye who are
worn out with agonies of body, "cast
thy burdens upon the Lord and He
will sustain thee."
Another burden some have to carry
is the burden of bereavement Ah'
these are the troubles that wear us ont.
If we lose our property, by additional
industry, perhaps wo may bring back
the estranged fortune; if we lose our
good name, perhaps by reformation of
morals wc may achieve again a repu ta
tlon for intcgrit3 but who will bring
back the dear departed? Alas! me for
these empty cradles and these trunks
of childish toys that will never be used
again. Alas! me for the empty chair
and the silence in the halls that will
never echo again to those familiar foot
steps Alas! for the cry of widow
hood and orphanage. What bitter
Marahs in the wilderness, what
cities of the dead, what long
black shadow from the wing of
death, what eyes sunken with grief,
what hands tremulous with bereave
ment, what instruments of music shut
now because there are no fingers to
play on them! Is there no relief for
such souls? Ay, let tho soul ride into
the harbor of my text.
Tho soul that on Jesus hnth leaned for re-
I will not, I will" not detcrt to Its foes;
That soul, though all bell shall endeavor to
I'll never, no nrvcr, no novcr .un.tko.
Now, the grave is brighter than the
ancient tomb where the lights were
perpetually kept burning. The scarred
feet of Him who was "the resurrection
and the life" are on the broken grave
hillock, while the voices of angels ring
down the sky at the coronation of an
other soul come home to glory.
Then there are many who carry the
burden of Ah, wc all carry it un
til in the appointed way that burden is
lifted. We need no Bible to prove that
the wholo nice is ruined What a
spectacle it would be if we could tear
off the mask of human defilement, or
bent a drum that would bring up the
whole army of the world's transgres
sions the deception, the fraud and the
rapine and the murder and crime of all
the centuries! Ay, if I could sound the
trumpet of the resurrection in the soul
of the men in this audience, and
all the dead sins of the
past should come up, we could not en
dure the sight- Sin, grim and dire, has
put its clutch upon the immortal soul,
and that clutch will never relax unless
it be under the heel of Him who came
to destroy the works of the devil.
O, to have a mountain of sin on the
soul! Is there no way to have the bur
den moved? O. yes "Cast thy burden
upon the 1-ord." The sinless One came
to take the consequence . of our sin!
And I know He is in earnest How do
I know it? By the streaming temples
and streaming hands as He says, "Como
unto Me all 30 who are weary and
heavy laden and I will give you rest."
Why will prodigals live on swines
husks when the robe and the ring and
the father's welcome are ready? Why
go wandering over the great Sahara
desert of your sin when 3011 are invited
to tho garden of God, the trees of life
and the fountains of living water?
Why be houseless and homeless for
ever when you 111113' become the sons
and daughters of the Lord God Al
Somrthlnc About tho I. Ire of n l'rlmltlve
Kach tent has its spinning wheel and
its loom, a hole for working the pedals
of which is dug in the ground, and all
the women of the tribe wore engaged
in making the far-famed Karamanian
carpets There is the wooden mortar
for grinding the roast coffee berries in,
the decorated wooden platter in which
they cool the same, the wooden water
jars made out of the hollowed stems of
pine trees Everything almost they use
is of wood, and gayly decorated with
rude patterns according to their fancy.
When reaping, a Yourouk uses wooden
gloves to protect his left hand from tho
sickle. When tending his flock, the
Yourouk shepherd has a long w ooden
flute, incased in a carved wooden case
made of two bits of wood glued together
and strung with ribbons and colored
beads across his shoulder, looking for
all the world like the African assegai or
some other primitive weapon of war.
In it he always keeps a long stick with
goat's hair at one end to clean it, and
and really the weird music that he pro
duces with this instrument, "known, as
the Nai, is very striking and suitable to
the surroundings
In one corner of the teat are the bee
hiveslong trnnks of trees hollowed
out and the ends stopped with dang
cakes The bees travel with them
wherever they go, on the backs of cam
els and their honey resembles cakes of
soap, for they boll it, wax and all, be
fore eating it The Yourouks have not
the remotest idea of letters, and carry
on their traasacUoas with the outer
world by means of wooden tallies
four-sided bits of wood, sometimes gay
ly carved, sometimes plain. Black
wood's Magazine.
1-arttaat r ATaeat ma flraaaaaar.
Teddy was caref ally trained, aad aU
little slips ia grammar were daily
weeded out of his conversation. Upon
one occasion he was seat across the
street to the village store on aa errand.
As he entered the proprietor playfully
addressed him with: "Well, my little
man, ain't yoi out rather early this
morning?" Ia a deliberate way peca
liar to him, and with all the dignity of
his fonr years, Teddie ro-achsafed the
replvr "Ain't is aa improper contrac
tion. Mister Farker."Caieago Post
It Was Sacred. First Baggage
Smasher (wildly) "Hercholdon there,
BilL Handle that 'ere trankcarefaUy.'
Second Baggage Smasher (almost par
alyzed with amazement) "Hev hev
ye lost yer wits?" First Baggage
Smasher (impresMvely) 'TJrt--trmmk
is my-wife'a,"
tMT4BT4BMff aaaa-ai- .-aaaaaaaaai . Ba-aBaTa.
aaara. WnBaa- - a a 0
Golden Days
An Ofejee of Veneration.
Mose Schaumburg and his clerk, ike
Silvcrstonc, were walking on Austin
avenue last Sunday when they met
Solomon Schivindlenieyer, who Is not
on good terms with Mose Schuurahnrg.
SilvcnOone took off his hat verj polite
ly, whereupon Mose said angrily:
"Yat ish den dot. Mister Silverslone?
You vas my glerk, and you takes off
your bat to a man who has schwindlcd
mc my mone3 omit"
"I dukes off my hat-to anypoddy who
ish aide to schwlndle you. Mister
Schaumburg. I have great reverence
for any man who vas schmart enough
toschwindlc Mose Schaumburg. Dot
is vy I dakes my hat off to Mister
Schwindlcmeyer. He vas a Napoleon
of finance." Texas Sifting.
RatlneM . Hoeletjr.
Magnus Scott I wish you would
wear all your diamonds at tho Bobs
Jones to-night.
Mrs M. Scott But, my dear, the oc
casion docs not warrant that.
Magnus Scott The deuce with the
occasion. Bobs-Jones knows that De
1'nyster drew on mo to-day. Jewelers'
A Onetlonnble. OITcrlnrr.
Mrs. New wed (handing tramp several
biscuits) Here my poor man, are some
of my homemade biscuits You will
find the saw and axe in the woodshed.
Tramp (closely examining the bis
cuits) Are they as bad as that, mum?
J u 13'.
Aaother Editorial Marnier.
"Laws a mussy," sighed old Miss Left
out, "here's another case of discrimin
ating against us women folk."
"What is it?"
"This yerc paper gives specinl terms
to mail subscribers He can jest let
that sheet never gits this female sub
scription." St. Joseph News
Thla la a Meehanlrsl Ace.
Mrs. Drown (at Mrs Smith's tea)
Oh, dear, that dreadful Miss Smith is
singing again. I wonder what started
Tom Brown (aged seven) I dropjKMl
a nickel down her back when she
wasn't looking. N. Y. Continent.
I.lttlo Kennnmlea.
Man of Family Johnny, take this oil
can to a tinsmith, and tell him to tit a
cover to the spout
Wife A raw potato stuck on the
spout will do as well.
Man of Family (angrily) D'ye think
I'm a millionaire? Good News.
Not So K3y.
Arabella So, Mr. Scairt has proposed
at last! Then it is all settled!
Itertha Well, no, not exactly; I man
aged to get him to pop the question;
but, somehow, he hasn't the courage to
question the Ton. nick
The Kinjrs Jester.
A rreraatloBary Mcaarr.
Fangle (to his wife) Oh. by the way.
my dear, I invited the minister to take
dinner with us to-morrow.
Mrs Fangle (who is familiar with her
husband's language when carving)
Very well. love. I'll have the cook
carve the fowls before they are brought
to the table. Judge.
Dirt Cheap.
Auctioneer (at sale of household
goods) Gentlemen, it's a shame to
start a portable bathtub like this at
half a dollar. It's just as good as new.
Prospective Purchaser Looks as if
it had been in use a long time.
Owner (righteously indignant) I give
you my word, sir, it has never been
used at all! Chicago Tribune.
Keealy DUspaolated.
Jack (tenderly) Yon are the only
woman I ever loved. Mabel.
Mabel Isthat so? (scornfully) Pshaw!
I thought you were a man of the world.
We will consider the engagement brok
en. Jack. Jury.
A ratal Error.
"I'm discouraged. I thought I conk!
carve my way to the front in hamor,
but somehow I don't succeed."
"The trouble with you is yonr tools.
Yon ase too many old saws Pack.
"Boot let me deprfre yon of yoar
seat," she said, as he rose.
"Don't mention it. taadame. It Isnt
mine, anyhow; It belongs to the road."
said he. Harper's Bazar.
He Was X4 la It.
Auric 10a seem rather fond of
pies. Miss Smith.
Miss Smith Yes bat oaly of fonr
legged ones. Mnnsey's Weekly.
Short. Cat SeaaHilr
New-Arrival Won't yon give me a
little advice aboat starting a garden?
Old Farmer Yes; doal commence
ae. Bay yoar vegetables from me.
A Batter 4 reHcr
Isaacs Ikeastein made a mistake Tea
he reat into de cloding pizaess.
Jacobs How?
Isaacs He opened ia a real ire
frooi anriMag. Pnchy
n 1 Ik
1 . ia - 1 ai 1 l r
ITa4at Call4. -
Mrs. Squatter Who lives in that
grand house jat buildcd over beyant?"
Mrs McShantee Shnre it's th Do
Fashion's, phawt cotne from FifL
avnoo. It's up town all th' quality do
be movin.
"It's near neighbors they aretoyez.
Have they called on ye?"
"N-o. I'm tow Id Mrs Do Fashion
don't go much into society now." N.Y.
la Oar Climate.
Maud So yon arc going to be queen
of the May U-morrow. Have you your
coatamc ready?
Paalinc Yes Papa bought mc an
extra hcavj pairof gum looU, a double
thick watcn,rof. a pair 'Jf f"r s't
tens, a pair of three-ply woolen stock
ings a pair of car muffs and a new um
brella. J ury.
A voJ Reason.
"So you haven't made Smndger your
partner, after all. eh?"
"No, and I'll tell you why. Sraudgcr
was engaged to my wife before I mar
ried her, and I don't Iwlievn in lroira
ing too friendly with a man who ha?
proved himvlf to la: more wide-awake
than I am." Fliegende 1 (Inciter.
YTntel to tin Ont.
A fly was buzzing ngainr.t the win
dow panes. Little Fanny noticed it
and slid: "Mozzer. shan't I open the
"Whv do von want to open tho door,
my child?" "
"llecause I s'pect that tly wants, tojgo
out." Texas Siftings
OM I (1 tic.
The Baron And can I assist, made
moiselle? Miss Liberty Certainly. Help me
on with ro3 rubbers Never mind tak
ingoff your gloves, I don't care whether
you soil the rubbers, or not- Munsey'i
Ills Correction.
Wife I've written something altout
gossip that I'm going to send to the
Ladies' Magazine. Begins to read.
"All the women who talk altout their
neighliors "
Husband You'd better leave out the
word "who" I think. Doston Herald.
Near-Sighted Obvirver That's the
best race I rrtr saw! Those bicyclers
have lcen round the circle three times
and that fellow with the striped Jer
se3' hasn't gained an inch. Puck.
Mllltarx Item.
Sergeant (to recruit) You are a fear
ful stupid brute. Have you any broth
ers? Recruit Yes, one.
"Is he as stupid as yon?"
"Oh. he is much more so."
"For heaven's sake, what is he?"
"Sergeant." Texas Siftings
Will Settle Down.
Cora I hear that 3011 ng Wroundci
has turned over a new leaf, and that
his mother hopes now ho will settle
Uany Well, he owes me alnnit forty
dollars, and I hope he'll settle up.
A IHamal Outlook.
Tommy Bingo There is another fel
low in the next room with sister.
Featherstono (waiting for audience)
Do ou know who he is?
Tommy No, I don't know who he is
but just Ifcfore he came she had the big
armchair moved in there. Jury
"What did the club do when Chappie
was caught cheating at cards?"
"Nothing. They said Chappie, as a
mpmlxr of the club, must lo a gentle
man: that a gentleman would not cheat,
and that therefore Chappie was inno
cent." Judge.
Obejln-j the Itnte.
Aunt Furby (in eit3 hotel) Why. yon
hain't goin to lock mc in. Si. are 3011?
I'ncle Si Dunno how I'm goin' to
help it. I've got to go out for an hour,
an' thar's the rule: "Guest must leave
their keys with the clerk on going out!"
Thlrty-Setfr If a lay.
Boston Maiden My father gives me
a dollar for evary year I am old on my
Friend Isn't that nice?
Koslon Maid Yes; but then one can't
do much with twenty dollars Juilg.
There the Huh.
Mrs Parvencer It Is quite a delicate
question to know just whom to invite
to a party.
Mrs I'pham-L'pham Not at all; the
delicacy comes in knowing whom not
to invite. Puck.
An Inference.
Mand Did George kiss you last night
when he left?
Ethel Certainly he did not; why do
you ask?
Maud Nothing, only he just told tae
that he liked your check. .Jury.
Two t;rieon Wrone-
"George, don't yon think it's very
wrong to marry for money?"
"Yes of course; hut it's just as wrong
to fall in love with one who has none"
SaTcIrnt O-xati.
Minister (on Sunday, to Tommy, who
is about to t a-fishing) Why are yon
digging worms to-day, my f-on?
Tommy 'Cause yer can't get roaay
thout yer do dig. Boston Herald
Aa tKaaacnaanlna Q-aeatla.
She (wistfully) 1 think I would make
you a good wife
He (a superintendents mechanically)
Have yon hail any experience? Maa
sey's Weekly
A UtcaltJe Doc
Fair Customer You say you trained
that dog yoarself Can he understand
me if I call htm ia Hnglkh?
Dealer Yah. OS yon whistle to him.
ne (accepted) Ah. what happiness!
Now I can call yon mine, love!
She Sh! Yoa haven't got throngs
with yonr interview with papa yet.
Texas Siftings
rTvlt HU WtkH.
"I hear that Trotter has failed for
half a milHoa."
"Lack dog! I'd fail myself for tha.
amonnt." Jadge.
Oataf MfkL
Iceman Shall I leave tee here this
aauaer. mam? I left it laet summer.
Mrs. Phligh-Did yoa? Well, ma
fimpportv By KvMer.
Geslcr? Who was tcler7" aid
Mrs Beck ram to her bnbanL
"He was a tyrant, my dear, and also
a life insurance ageat"
"What do mean by such BoflKOwr
"There is no nonsense about it, Mr.
Deckrara, I a,varc you. IVc not Wil
liam Tell say to Ossler in the third
act: 'Ha, tyraat. ht thon not
given rac as,sarancr of my life?" Yoar
husband, madam, never wake a state
ment that he Is not prepared to sapport
by documentary evidence." Texas Siftings
T Wta Jim
Mrs Peppercorn (reading) On of
the idola most revered by the Japaaew!
i that n-prrsenU-d by the figure- of a
woman seaUrd, resting her chin in lier
Mr. Peppercorn Very lntcrc-tiag,
my dear. Prove that the Japano are
ainnng the w Uest people of the earth.
Mrs P.- Hove jo
Mr. P. (imprcv.irc'y) Bc-auv; they
deify a woman who gi" her chin a
rest. Pittsburgh Bulletin.
Important Tra ' ItrrUlna.
Jud-?cTli4xer, of th t'nlted Sutc- Ctr.
cult Court at St- Ixuls has rcornUy handed
down an uninlon. andsranted a prri-etual
i injunction .altil the dcfctulaal lu tho of The HtMrtl-r Companv affalnl tb
j Bru-rirvman, Heinrrt DUtilllnc i.,
j "GoM Sprlnc IHtdl!iiir Co,' pn.hlhlUnif
the ailwrilMnp. roanularturtuK or cuitijr
of any article of umach tltur, cither in
buIW,by the gallon or otitcrwt-M. or In an v
way maklnK n-" of ihe name "lli-tettrr
except In connection with the aata of tho
f-rnuine bitter, which nrw alY) tnJd In
bottle avurely scaled; and alo prohlblt
iuR the a!e efanv bitter In bulk, thouch
tho n.uue "llitclter" be- not uW, twit the
u;getlon made to the purchaser that be
can put them In the eranty HoMettrr lu
ties, and purchaser- would netdievrr the
difference, HU decision np)orV- The Him.
tetter Comnanv in the exc!uMo um of th
name Ho-t-ttcr" In ernnvtkn with either j
the manuiaeturo or aiu 01 iwm:n umm
In any manner or form whato-ver, and
tirmly establishes lt ownership lu the
namo "Hosteller ' a 1 "Tuahc Nie.
jiriTn "I heard you lut nfty dollari on
the race $ e-Jtcrday." Jobnon "It 1 not
Iot. 1 know tvhero It la. Orcen tin It."
Detroit Free Fre-s
Do"t let the worms eat the verv life out
of your children Save them uitii tboo
dainty candle, called Dr. Hull Worm Do-1
It la hard fur tho young man .vho la Juit ,
right lifo. Soiitervlllo Journal.
It) not itiirgii nor weaken tho U)vel, but
net n-Hi'lully on the liver and hihi A erfet
liver corrector Carter' Llttlo Liver Pills.
When a man nulla down tho hado and
Jerks it off tho roller ho 1111 a curtain loo
ttiro. Oawcgo Palladium.
CWTTI.K-Milppln-jMcer. 1 31 J &
Kuirlirr fleer .
Natlvr ni-i
JIlH'S I'ihmI to choice hravjr
HI. AT No. 2. rrl .,
No. 21 1 aril ........
COUN-No. 1 .
OATS No. 1
KLOI It-Patent, per .irV ...
1UTI'lmlci creamery..
ClIr.KH'.-r'ul! cruam
Kliti Choice
KACt'N llniii
Mioulili' m. ... ........
I.A.!1 .... ...... .......a. a
I"or.TJKs -
M. ISll'Iai.
C.TTI. I. Shipping fleer....
lltlti'herV ter....
lliM.S I'm-Liut;
HIr'l.l lilr to elmlei,
r'lJi'LK Choice .
WIIUAT-No X rtil
C'MtN No. 2
KVK No. 7
rATT..K Hilpphist tecr ... I.'fl
o, 1'iK-Kliitf iiikI fhlpplni; '
rIIKKI KMlrlo choice 4 mi
KlaOUIt Winter l
WIIKAT No. 2rml i-i
CU.N N. 2 I"
r. n
10 Mi
ii ft
.T No.2
ItVI- No. 2
Ht'TTKI. Creamery .. .
1 aJiCiV
10 00
.K.V .iiKIC
rATTI.K Coiniiion lo prime, im i.
(); CimhI lo choice 47.
Kl.'ru l.ooil lociioici. 4 l' f
WIIKAT-.V0.2. red -...- It7,c
mitN-No 2 "
l,T Western fulled II
lltTTIMt-Creniery 21
I'OHK 1010
Sit SS!A
A series, pronounced to
r r .1
24 u 25 'fiwWffSjS
in ii u ijii laaaanirai ca
j magazine leature oi tne year, win ot: con
j tinucd in each of the .spring and summer
number--, of
The Ladies'
Home Journal
7j and present the portraits
7i of famous men whom
jfl have never seen
'r-V. ... .lt r.o.1!! .rl't-sita
WJ lilt M.llv3 "111 IIUUI J;i,ia4u aaiu
J d'flrhri of
WE w".-.w -
7ft Wrs. John wanamaker
I .- . . ... .
Vj I ne rnncess oismarcn
2 Lady Tennyson
5i Mrs. Will Carleton
" TPt f " I
JA I ariv Atrrifx; Mardonald
Sjj Mrs. Levi P. Morton
Mrs. James G. Blaine
3 And scvctal others to be
announced in the
For Yoar Daughters:
Side-Talks With GirU,". edited by
Ruth Ashmosc a page of wtv: coon
seJs and instructire coaimcBls on octaJ
aflaira and whoksome adnce for oar
growing daughters.
Some valuable axttcles in summer ntisnbexs
After Dark in the Country
"Those Little Summer
A Girl's Summer Danzers
The Summer
Young Man"
aa Itl-tl 1 I rt-l - t .
1 - 1 Z 1 .V-
-41 e-wi frnfla the had.
fSWc offer THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL on trial from
to Jan'y, 1892. balance of this year, on receipt of ONLY 5QCEN'
(m( 4 that
"-dBok - f&J 1
The hand of time
deals lightly with a woman in
perfect health. But all func
tional derangements and dis
orders rxrculiar to women
leave their mark. You needn't
have them. Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription con.c to
your rescue as no other mcdi -
cine can. It cures them. For
periodical pains, prolapsus and
, .. . i
other displacements, bearing-
, . in
down sensations, and all "le-
male complaints and weak-
nesses, it is a positive remedy.
It is a powerful, rcstoratici2IrTaii,iir mmm'
tome and nervine, imparting i
strcngtn to tne wnoic system1
in general, and to the uterine
organs and appendnges m par
ticular. It keeps years from
your face and figure but adds
years to your life. Its jfuar
anUcd to giyc satLsiaction in
every case. If it doesn't,
your money is relumed.
4 ttlaaiara
4lMaa- a a
Ijitll'i -
llllll t f
Jl-a"--1- la.
ta Wa
tT5-r MX aifc&- ,t
II.lH. - l
r-cl4l M -If,, tri
a -" aaaa.w. ...
Prf . Il.
! WabatilN iX
I a MiiLsaoTiu. r
I 5 T"aeyil!t-elf..owK.WUfl"n
I F th jlet... U.rtily r-irW t41l- "
I oi tt V. eoutiitlm bri ja
sW , inal.ti'iaL.tljM-ittery.aiiUik't W
k louiM-h ail lurr J.fcWOc-. J
-r Tbb ala-.. one nriea. H
3j :j a- at"
211 in I aP tltlM Il-Ulta. SO In rh Urftle, L
INS U 4l aa One!. . J
.,, n y DiLa !'. haiix, 40 In rclt "
e W .) L U4lk,Ia4.a.-. J
1 HU t 3 Buxar CkMtel. E 42 aa ItnuLantaaraivty. .
7 1 t jr. L 3ftrnU )r WoltU. 9
111) It li J b
m. !2t.. K j. F. SMITH t CO., ft
f km
'Mft 10 : C ' 2S7 (Jrr-nUi. Mreet,
lmif 11 2 Yvtk City. C
10 10(1 f
'' - -aa aa -aa. .am .aa. .am .am .-aa aaa.
,rf W mWwmwmBmnTmwmWmw "awfl
: :i .
llll H IJl
4V W ( f - -s.
3i) -.) y fT jaW"""
am im r --5rv 14 w7 I
4(', iW WTffltf'ritha.1
s : it- Kfimtial
: ;i UsarSiz
Ilk MIIII aa4M.M ffn,fca.a "apl.M rv.. .
all rnialiul afl . IhIhIImW'mIIhii a a. -m Qff
irnrNpi-iuiiii'Mh'?! ."'."?.
pj iipillt-fitli t the rare .t tlai.-lrr I'M ta -
PI.HOH KK3IKHT KUt tATAKKIl.rT. A aat 14 t.
llH-ntrt. -l I inuoeiiUK. A It aartate. Y-x
Cnlil III tle llra.1 It ha .mmiuL
it Man at-Vh a
iMiatriU. J'rtcc.tSir. rWAiUytlrurrl't-x-rTti j m
Aia4i-ea. K 1 llAirifi , iVn. !.
fVell-Known Men
be the "freshest
II -It 1
ol tne wives
tne public
A fVl'ff-r (Balance of this
fcSvM?it4. Only
wBm 50 p
aaLatl I iTm V fc
BK lUl7KB Cents ?
JbbbT b"L"; BBBBaaraal
K7 J-a. BBBBB3E7 '
ficS-aBr K5 I Vy
rJNa7BL aVafanBr-lJ. s m
B wBErr aTaaaHKf bt aa
fi HIPI . (
W m flaa"aTa. aTf 2 - aa aTaal a i.
r afftlafl'i -- m v
affPaar ?! atam a
Ifl bbI V k
BHti'K- WWWw
BaaKl" aaaV m K
BaBaffT&l -B-aGa-a m l
BlBifyfiSl BaBak A V
BaVBaaaBvl -Bix' BaaV9Bal aV Tm"
aVBVBVaVaAara---s-' BaVBHUB va laa f
-a-ai-a-a-BT ' -a-aCM.!--" m 1
PUBUSHiyO COMPANX ribddtJ-ta. t?i. ..
M ost
A Proclamation!
..; t-.u. , ..,.-
mmI a4fciM-iMTii"t
' . tiit.t re.....ej
thai mm (!.,. (,itr4l4MKlM a n .-. -,-
Tutt's Pills
Cnr All Billot. Dl
fe7M IS-.. Ml
Apa,--- i
.. ..
. a t-4 -k
-ahftara. .. ,fe
kl St T
a raitr
. 4TV-4iO
if 4WJ Tt tl
t .. a. i mt ,4iu
no... iiimMiii r a. a . . r. a.
rai fat tM mmmrmm,
I lViik4 . I l.4 IiWm'!' $-.
II fU J iur T IKa irwia iwf K4t
ika l.a t4ra t"t iittm. I Wj. rfttaaf ,..
fni lb.. f.-l I" aiM K
! WyaW4l araa4, a4 Vi . Wo.
U v, J 4
itrt-M -I r,r, (. t iVa
&ICTUIII l -. l imU' v.t--Mt,
Ad I nmn r uu4i..M, i.ut.i t.
i,2M'.' .irMoair -) fw
U ... U a Im'SaM. -- -
Jki.'-Ul Nulf.llrla, -t"'l ,-
xl-i llT a LTUS iu a as. . V CSi.
raa tut !-..,..-
Iim UnwaRMIkM 4NII,
iM In Mm II, 4M..W.
ar' '"' I'M,mp, .M fmA
YflUNI MFR '" T.i-iaer .i aitf.
(.! "Ml ft II.J It nnotl,-, 1444 -
araaaa tat i , r
A. N. K.- D.
araca wbitihu t .irMtinia ti.rK
4al tlai fa -Jaa A4,.U.t U lk
the KAMtam orrv
Far tHa Traalma! al all CKranea tMnt '
Suraiaal Dltaaaaa. -
1 (lalal .U WM., . iW(al l'Hl.
m1 tM. .t .,Nfc.a.. h, ,a. .a -. m r..a, .. ... .. a4
4 ta r,-a4 ( W 4V iM I -
aa.ta ar-aa- ' a-a a-a W --
i iaftaraa-M afiftU rfaa4 af a . a- TM-a f mm 4
' t a4 aa (( 4 a 4 - mi V t ' - ff
.-- -,, aaa-a f aaa-aaf a --, iintw
.' fW 4 ftaa-FM-M
- iil 1 - M V. -
-- .-iMa..i. re.!!'!-"
nmm.: i m iw iknin rxltfl a
a,.-w-., ,...,..'...."" 9mw,wwwt
f a.
ft C. M. COL PfaTaTaaWm.
.! W.i '
nth h. rontlwaw. KA-Jll fTY. MO.
- - - - - . - . m w .
mII ikui- i, h-i4i1 u tm
now FT
J0t&i& FROM NOW TO .
&& Januarvt 1892 fe
. ?
i. f