The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 19, 1891, Image 2

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A. C. HOIMER, Publisher.
TnE storekeepers of Madrid have de
cided to close their stores one day as a
protest against the increase of the baBk
note issue.
Senator Plumb and ex-Gov. Osborne,
of Kansas, called on the president and
had an extended interview in reference
to the deep water harbor to be con
structed at Galveston, Tex.
Peter E. Johnson, the Gay Head
(Mass.) Indian who figured so conspicu
ously in the savin? of lives at the City
of Columbus disaster, was foully mur
dered on an island recently by some
person unknown.
The London Official Gazette an
nounces, under date of June 12, that
the name of Sir William Gordon Cum
ming had been removed from the list of
officers in the army, as her majesty has
no further occasion for his services.
Da GmrFiTn J. Thomas, .resident
physician at Merced hospital, Pitts
burgh, Pa., died from blood poisoning,
lie had presided at a surgical operation
and the poison entered his system
through a boil on his wrist He was 29
years old.
There appears to be no doubt that
M. De Lcsscps will be prosecuted. His
wife declares that the impression that
the family has become enriched is with
out foundation. On the contrary, she
eays their whole fortune was invested
in the Panama canaL M. De Lessens is
now ill and weak.
The Colorado conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church at Denver
voted to admit women as la3' delegates
to the convention, and dropped from
membership in the ehurch the ex-Evangelist
Sam Small. The lattcr's alleged
hhortagc whilo presidentof the Method
university at Ogden, Utah, was the
The czar of Russia has presented
Stanford university, San Francisco, a
complete collection of Russian and Si
berian minerals taken from the St
Petersburg museum. The collection is
valued at about $35,000 and comprises
some 800 specimens. Mrs. Stafford
will in return send the czar a collection
of California minerals and precious
The council of the Russian empire
has approved a new tariff of a strongly
protectionist character. It is expected
that it will be published in July. The
ministry of finance is about to estab
lish special agencies in Great Britain,
France, Italy and other countries con
suming Russian corn to supervise the
work of extending grain imports from
A LARGE stream of lava Ls issuing
from a new crater of Mount Vesuvius
at the base of the general cone. Signor
Palmicri, the director of the observa
tory, states that the flow is directly
connected with tho recent earthquake
in Lombardy and that seismic disturb
ances generally stop when an eruption
commences. He does not consider the
lava stream dangerous.
At an carty hour the other morning
a dynamite cartridge was placed in
front of the police station at Clichy,
France, and was then exploded. The
police building was greatly damaged.
The explosion is said to le a plot by the
anarchists who seek to revenge them
selves upon the police, who, it will be
remembered, were very energetic on
May day last in Mippressing a demon
stration of the anarchists.
The graduating class of sixty-five
cadets at the military academy. West
Point received their commissions as
second lieutenants at the hands of Sec
retary of War Proctor, who delivered
an address full of good advice to the
3'oung soldiers. Cot John G. Wilson
presided over the exercises. Congress
man Burrows, of Michigan, was the
orator of the day. The leader of the
class was Cadet Cosby, of Kentucky.
Six miles from Douglasville in
Georgia there stood the chimney
of a cabin which was destroyed years
ago. The other day the new owner of
tho ground, needing the material of the
chimney, tore it down and found imbed
ded in it, SI, 000 in gold coin, the latest
of which was dated 1825. The chimney
was built by Ernest Mitchell, who was
one of the first settlers among the In
dians. His heirs will contest the own
ship of the money in the courts.
Judge Bruce, of the United States
district court at Birmingham, Ala., has
ordered the temporary suspension from
otlice of United States Commissioner
Ferguson, of Clebourne county, pend
ing an investigation of charges brought
against him by District Attorney Par
sons of selling corn from his mill to
illicit distillers, of knowing of viola
tions of the revenue laws which he did
not prosecute, of consulting the inter
est of prisoners more than of the gov
ernment and of negligence and care
lessness. The Greek historian, Constantine
Paparrhcgopontos, died recently, at the
age of 76. He was born in Constanti
nople, and, having been adopted by rel
atives living in Odessa, was sent to
Paris for his early education. Having
gone to Athens in 1S30, he took to writ
ing historical essays, and in a few years
was installed as professor of that de
partment in the university there. From
1S63 to 1867 he was engaged upon his
monumental "History of the Hclenic
Nation," which ranks high in the
esteem of European scholars. He trans
lated this work into French himself.
A merchant of Chicago has imported
a couple of light Japanese carts of the
kind drawn by men in that country.
The vehicles arc capable of accommo
dating two persons and it is said that
tnc wiry Human draught animals are
capable of drawing two persons six
utiles per hour in them. It is intended
to put them into one of the city parks
for the delectation of the women ni
children. The question has been raised
wneiner or not their importation is in
violation of the alien contract labor
law. At the district TUTnm,.v .-.?.
the theory is advanced that the draw
ing of carts being a new industry in
this country, the importation is not a
violation of the spirit of the law.
The separate coach bill, passed by
the last legislature, went into effect on
all roads in .Tennessee on the 12th.
The Nashville, Chattanooga Jfc St Louis
railway ran a coach exclusively for col
ored people at the front of the train. In
It no smoking was allowed and it was
eqnml to the .other coaches on the train
in-appointments and comfort. The law
is construed'lhat if the remainder of
the train is overcrowded the conductor
may put white passeBgers in the coach,
but sot otherwise. - The second coach
may be used for smgking, if there is no
objection from "the passengers, other
wise bo smoking will be allowed ex
cept ia Pallman cars. The Louisvilln
Naauvflm railway system will Bee
partfttewed coaches for white and colored.
Gleaned By Telegraph and Matt.
PbinckGcstavb, dake of Vermelaad,
eldest son of King Oscar II. of Swedes
and Norway, and heir apparent to the
throne, is dangerously ill with influ
enza. The jury in the baccarat scandal at
London returned a verdict adverse to
Sir William Gordon Camming.
Gex. Johx McNeil died suddenly at
St Louis recently. He will be remem
bered as ordering the so-called massa
cre of confederates at Palmyra, Ma,
daring the war.
It is reported that Minister Porter
has been instructed to qaietly leave
Jobs D. Rockefeller is at home at
Cleveland, O., sufferisg from nervosa
The Portuguese senate ratified the
African convention with Englsnd and
the king at once signed it
Sir William Gordox -Commino, the
hero of the baccarat scandal, was mar
ried the day after the trial to Florence
Garner, daughter of Commodore Wil
liam Garner, of New York City.
It is now admitted in all quarters
that Senator Abbott is to be the future
premier of Canada. "
James H. Caxfield, late professor of
history in the University of Kansas, has
been elected chancellor of tho Univer
sity of Nebraska.
W. J. Penrose, editor of the Mining
Journal and member of the legislature,
has been assassinated at Butte, Mont
The president has appointed the court
to adjudicate land claims. Joseph R.
Reed, of Council Bluffs, la., is the chief
Bank Examiner Drew, of Philadel
phia, has been suspended by Secretary
Foster. His dismissal will doubtless
follow. This step is due to his careless
ness in allowing tho Keystone bank to
conceal its real position.
Much excitement has been aroused
in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, by
the news that the French have seized a
part of the Libcrian coast near Cape
Palmas. An appeal will be mado to
the United States.
W. II. Prescott, of Toronto, Ont,
has been elected president of the Inter
national Typographical union.
According to a special from Wash
ington, it is reported that Presi
dent Harrison has decided to send ex
Governor and ex-Senator G. A. Pierce,
of North Dakota, as representative to
Ex-Senator Blair may get the Japan
mission. The salary is the same 812,
000 a year.
Stanwood Dodge, a brother of "Gail
Hamilton," died at Beverly, Mass.,
aged 65 years. He was engaged in the
smoked fish business all his life.
Cot. John Albert Moore, a veteran
of the civil war, died at Providence, R.
I., of hemorrhage, caused by cancer in
the jaw. He commanded the artillery
camp of instruction at Washington.
Just before final adjournment the
Illinois house passed the senate bill
giving women the right to vote in
school elections.
J. W. Harris, superintendent of the
soldiers' orphans1 home at Knights
town, I net, committed suicide in New
Joseph C. Sextro, of Cincinnati, has
been elected president and Henry
Rikoff, of Cincinnati, secretary and
treasurer of the National Furniture
Makers' association.
Jacob Schaefer, the champion bll
liardist and Miss Lillian Kammercr,
with whom the champion has been ac
quainted for fifteen years, have been
Indignation in middle class English
circles Is reported increasing in volume
over the gambling scandals affecting
the prince of Wales. Radicals demand
that tho prince and his cronies be offi
cially reproved.
Samoax advices say that there is con
siderable agitation among the natives
with a view to unseating Malietoa and
putting Mataafa on the throne.
The first of the bribers at New Or
leans has been convicted.
Clyde ship workers to the number of
7,000 have struck against a reduction.
Tool sharpeners employed by the
granite manufacturers of Concord, N.
H., have struck. They want an ad
vance. A CHArLAtN ascended the Orsburg,
near Salsburg, Germany, and while
gazing enraptured at the scenery made
a false step and fell over the precipice.
He was, of course, killed.
Bardslet, the defaulting treasurer
of Philadelphia, admits his guilt
The miners of the Tuscarawas, O.,
valley have indorsed the action of the
executive board in postponing the eight
hour movement
Full returns from the Irish census
show that the total population is 4,70ft,
162, a decrease of 468,674. The classifi
cation according to religion shows
3,54,745 Roman Catholics, a decrease
of 411,146; 600,830 Protestant Episco
palians a decrease of 38,744; Presbyte
rians, 446,687, a decrease of 34,047;
Methodists, 55,232, an increase of 6,396.
The Barnum estate shows: Personal
property, S1,2S3,599; real estate, $2,
993,33; grand total, $4,279,532.
Chicago jewelers have been warned
not to use gold, silver or nickel coins
for use as bangles under pain of prose
cution for violating the coinage laws.
Orders have been issued to the North
American Commercial Co. to cease kill
ing as soon as 7,500 sealskins have been
The balance sheet of the liquidators
of the Baring Bros, show liabilities of
$35,000,000, assets of $43,000,000.
A disastrous wreck occurred on the
M., K. & T. in the Indian territory.
Three men were burned to a crisp and
six were injured. Two freight trains
met in collision.
A dispatch from Halifax, N. S., says
all the inhabitants of the Magdalene
island arc down with la grippe. No
fishing is being done.
Trusted employes of the pope have
been using the Vatican funds to specu
late in Argentines. Considerable ex
citement prevails.
There was a street car strike riot at
Grand Rapids, Mich., on the 10th. One
man was reported fatally shot by the
Great damage is reported by floods
along the Red river in the Indian terri
tory. A novel method of smuggling Chi
nese in from Canada is to give them
sleeping car berths on midnight trains.
The investigating committee finds
Sam Small $1,000 in arrears to the
Methodist Episcopal college at Ogden,
The once renowned Concordia
theater, Baltimore, MA, has been de
stroyed by fire. Loss, 50,tea
The Reformed Presbyterian church
has expelled five young ministers for
Father Curci, who-was expelled at
one time from the Society of Jesus ami
later was reinstated, died recently in
Italy. He was born in 18.
The ashing schooner Alice has arrived
at Provincetown. Mass., from a twenty
months' cruise in African waters for
mackerel The Alice is the pioneer ves
sel in this fishing, and her cruise was
sacceesfuL She brings about fifty bar
rels of mackerel and sent home nearly
X,W barrels.
The trial of C A. Benson for the
murder of Mrs. Mettmaa at Leaven
worth, Kan., ended ia conviction. The
trial of Mrs. Raatzahs, his accomplice,
was postponed.
The grind jury at Walla Walla In
dicted seven soldiers for the lynching
of gambler Hunt CoL Compton was
mildly censared. r '
A Piute Indian known as Poker
Tom has been murdered by Chinamen
at Bridgeport, CaL
The Dallas (Tex.) Land & Loan Co.
has made an assignment The liabili
ties are 930,99; assets on "boom" val
uations fi.set.wo.
The natives of Matonga have massa
cred, masted and devoured a French
axuedition from Loango under M.
Cram pet
The Campbell cotton mill at Mana
ynnk, near Philadelphia, has been de
stroyed by fire. Loss, 240,600.
A TEmiUFic hurricane, causing much
damage, has swept over eastern Galicia.
Daring the storm an entire forest was
partly uprooted, and the towns of Pod
kamin and Pruikwa suffered consider
ably. Br orders of the authorities no more
Russian Jews are permitted to enter
Berlin, and their passage through Ger
many is being hastened as much as pos
sible, very few being allowed to wait at
Charlottenburg beyond the intervals
between trains.
Le Nation a lb, of Paris, announces
that M. De Lcsseps will be legally
prosecuted for having misled the
French investors in the Panama canal
The famous crater of the Solfatara,
near Naples, is showing signs of re
newed activity. This volcano was act
ive long before Vesuvius was hut for
ages has been nearly extinct
A well known citizen of Rivcrton,
N. J., states that the fugitive president
of the Keystone bank, Gideon W. Marsh,
was seen at that place. Detectives are
running down the clews.
The Chcrokees propose to try to make
the hay cutters in the strip pay fifty
cents a ton for hay and the cattlemen
one dollar a head tax. Both have re
fused to pay anything and say they
have as much right there as the Chero
kees. Three editors of Quesaltenango,
Guatemala, have been arrested and
loaded with chains for adversely criti
cising the government They are fed
with bread and water and arc com
pelled to work on the streets several
hours daily.
James Ixoram, of San Diego, a pros
pector, has died of starvation in Alaska
and his body has been devoured by
William Blaxev has been hanged at
Baltimore, Md., for killing his grand
mother and aunt May 2, 1890.
Three trainmen were killed by a
wreck of a coal train while coming
down the mountains between Lloyd
ville and Bellwood, Pa.
Investigations into the Bardslcy
case at Philadelphia implicated Comp
troller of the Treasury Lacey in having
a knowlege of the Lucas defalcation,
and which he was concerned in conceal
ing. Mr. Ncttleton, assistant secretary
of the treasury, also came in for a
smirching. The revelations caused
much comment
At Haramonton, N. J., Daniel Cross
and two of his children were killed by
Business failures (Dun's report) for
the seven days ended June 11 numbered
244, compared with 247 the previous
week and 212 the corresponding week
of last year.
The Germans recently captured by
Turkish brigands and released a few
days ago have arrived at Dresden.
Banker Papa died in consequence of
wounds inflicted by the brigands.
Julio Merziiaciiek, South American
agent of the New York Life Insurance
Co., Is said to be a defaulter for about
half a million dollars.
The New York Mail and Express
wants the Metropolitan museum opened
at daybreak each week morning, so as
to allow workingracn to visit it and
obviate the necessity of Sunday open
ing. Two children of William Stewart,
playing with matches in a barn at Fos
toria, O., set the structure on fire and
both of them perished in the flames.
C Mason Moodv, for eight years
treasurer of Franklin county, Mass.,
has confessed the cmbcsslemcnt of
$16,600 of the county funds. The money
loss has been made good.
Henry Miller, a notorious stage
robber of Arizona, escaped from his
guards at Cana Grande, Ariz.t while the
officers were asleep He even picked
the pocket of one of the guards.
The supreme court of Pennsylvania
decided that the Philadelphia city coun
cils would not have the right to select
the successor to City Treasurer Bards
ley. Richard G. Ocllcrs is thus ousted
from the office, and the appointment of
W. Edwood Wright by Gov. Pattison is
nox. J. J. C Abbott has been re
quested to form a government in Can
ada Advices from Buenos Ayrcs say that
the Argentine courts have rendered a
decision recognizing the belligerency of
the Chilian insurgents.
Fire in Dothantown, Henry county,
Ala, destroyed ten stores and several
dwellings, causing $"iO,00'J loss.
The chief of the bureau of statistics
reports that the total value of export
breadstuffs from the United States dur
ing the month of May, 1891, was 812,
330,231, against $13,673,620 in May, 1890.
The financial position of Portugal
has much improved and the govern
ment has decided that it will not bo
necessary to prolong the moratarium
expiring July 10.
Clearing house returns for the week
ended June 13 showed an average de
crease of 20.1 compared with the corre
sponding week of last year. In New
York the decrease was 26.7.
The report that Rudyard Kipling is
suffering from consumption is denied.
The Chinaman who killed the Indian
Poker Tom at Bridgeport Cat, was ac
quitted. He was immediately seized
by other Indians who took him to a se
cluded spot where he was cut to pieces.
Sixtt persons were killed recently in
the canton of Basle, Switzerland, by a
passenger train going through a bridge.
Monet was easy but trading was dull
on the London stock exchange during
the week ended June IS. The Paris
bourse was active, at Berlin dull.
Comptroller Lacet has published a
statement of his connection with the
Keystone bank failure in which Drew
is held primarily responsible.
The Philadelphia Abattoir Co-'s
property has been destroyed by fire.
The loss was $376,600, covered by in
surance. Advices from the expedition sent into
the interior of Cameroons. Africa, say
that the natives cruelly tortured their
German prisoners before executing
them and that many of the prisoners
committed suicide in order to escape
Tn victims of la grippe ia China are
numbered by hundreds of thousands.
A 8KXSATIOX has been caused in
Madrid by the arrest of the Duchess
Castenoiquez on the charge of mal
treating a maid servant
Ole Nishtiex was standing in the
doorway at Glenwood. Minn., watching
an approaching thunderstorm when a
streak of lightning descended, striking
him. killing him instantly. Three
others of the family were serioealyl
hart but may recover. - -
JL camp of the Sons of Veterans has
Wen organised at Columbus.
Ix three days during the strawberry
season a Merrick county farmer picked
M quarts of strawberries.
NEta Nelson, a Swede, wae found
dead in bed at his boarding house ia
Lincoln the other morning,
Fike at Madison the other morning
destroyed the store of M. F. Thomas
and 87,600 worth of merchandise.
The farmers of the adjacent country
will join the people of Uoldrege in a
grand celebration on the Fourth.
Charles Scott, of Harrison, had his
arm caught in 'the cogs of some ma
chinery and the muscles were torn out
Gus Koehleb, a real estate dealer,
was seriously injured by his horse run
ning away with him at Columbus the
other day.
The Sons of Veterans held a very
successful encampment at Genera. The
next encampment will be held at David
City the second week in June, 1692.
Prof. Caxfield, of the University of
Kansas, has been elected chancellor of
the University of Nebraska, to succeed
Acting Chancellor Besscy, who has
held the position since the retirement
of Irwin F. J. Mannott in 188S.
Cornelius Meter, an expressman,
was recently arrested at Nebraska City
charged with cruelly treating his young
son. The arrest was made upon in
formation furnished by Meyers' neigh
bors who alleged that he chained the
boy in the cellar and left him there
over twenty-four hours.
While at work building a stable on
his farm about two miles north of Wy
mote a scaffold fell with Dud Davis.
He fell on the stump of a small tree,
which struck him in the lower part of
the abdomen and penetrated his body
about four inches. His physicians had
hopes of saving his life.
S. R. Clark, a prominent young
business man of Elm Creek, was ar
rested the other day for the alleged
murder of his room-mate, W. H. Wat
son, on May 30. Watson was supposed
to have suicided, us he was found in his
room with a bullet through lm head
and a revolver lying near. The cor
oner's Jury so decided, but later devel
opments led to the arrest of Clark.
A drink of embalming fluid, which
he mistook for whisky, nearly ended
tho earthly existence of Will Herrick,
living in the northeastern part of Kear
ney county. He had been sitting up
with a corpse and thought he needed a
bracer, but the wrong bottle was given
him. He discovered the mistake be
fore it was too late and his life was
saved by generous doses of emetics.
Mrs. G. W. Brown, the keeper of a
boarding house atChadron, recently got
into an altercation with one of her
boarders a railroad man named Wheat
on, who had been drinking. Wheaton
used abusive language, threatened to
throw Mrs. Brown down stairs and final
ly slapped her face. Thereupon she fired
two shots at him with a revolver,
neither of which, however, took effect
The fourtcen-months-old baby of
Frank Artz, of Tecumsoh, was drowned
in a tub of water the other afternoon.
The mother had been washing and had
set a tub of water on the floor while
she went to another room to speak to a
neighbor who had called. A few min
utes later she went back to the room
where she had left the child only to
find that the little girl had fallen into
the tub and drowned.
One year ago George W. Hubbie was
divorced from his wife at Lincoln, and
then married ngain and moved further
west The other day the rejected wife
brought suit to have the divorce an
nulled, alleging that her husband had
procured it by fraud in not giving her
right name, and publishing the notice,
although he knew of her residence at
Clarinda, Iowa Tho court granted her
prayer and now Hubbie is the hubby of
two wives.
The other evening William H. Doyle,
cashier of the Western Union telegraph
office, shot himself in Syndicate park,
South Omaha He had not been at the
office during the day, as he said in the
morning that he was not feeling wclL
That was the lost seem of him until his
body was found. Ill health was the
cause. A letter was found in his pocket
addressed to his mother in a very ten
der tone, and in it he inclosed a check
for 8300, dfaWh in the mother's fdvor.
J. L. CAM 1'id X; who for several years
had been Cashier of the Consolidated
Tank Line Co., at Omaha, was recently
arrested by Inspector Bowen, of the
New York Fidelity Surety Co. Cam
pion's peculations exceed $5,000, and
covered a long period. He kept two sets
of books one for flic company and the
other in a secret drawer for himself.
In the latter he kept a record of his
stealings. He was superintendent of a
Sunday school and had stood well in
the community. His stealings had been
known for some time but he was spared
arrest on account of his family, he hav
ing sons and daughters married
The superintendent of the Genoa In
dian school, upon the strength of reso
lutions passed by the workingmen of
Norfolk, suggested to the superintend
ent of Indian affairs that Indians ia the
school be prohibited from working in
the beet sugar fields the Indians being
looked upon in the same light as aliens.
Commissioner Morgan says in his letter
to the superintendent that the Indian is
the original American citizen and has a
better right to work when, where and
how he pleases than any other citizen
of this country; that the Indian orig
inally owned this country and that
white people are in point of fact tres
passers upon it
The assessed valuation of real estate
and improvements in Springfield pre
cinct Sarpy county, amounts to $89,704
and personal at $32,565. The real estate
and improvements In the village is $17,
654 and personal property $3i,92l. The
report shows that there are eighteen
union ex-soldiers in the precinct
The people in the vicinity of Blanche
enjoyed a genuine buffalo hunt the
other day. A buffalo supposed to have
escaped from Buffalo Bill's ranch at
North Platte strayed into that neigh
borhood and an exciting chase began.
Alter running a number of horses down
the animal was captured and held for a
Five farm houses near Salem were
entered by burglars the other night
but little of value was sscured by the
Ax old man by the name of Charles
George was recently killed by the cars
while he was walking on the track near
The store of C A. Lindstrom, at Co
lumbus was entered by burglars the
other night and $208 worth of clothing
carried off.
A young man named Sherman was
fatally hurt the other day by falling
from a train, upon which he was steal
ing a ride, near Fremont
Patexts lately issued to Nebraska
iarentors: Hame, A. V. Croak, Ord;
permutation lock. Hall A Eldridge.
Omaha; temple guard, W. P. Helliags,
Aurora; animal poke, W. P. Marauis,
A Farmer residing near Stuart re
cently sent his hired man toaAtkisson
for a load of corn. Instead of taking
the corn home the "unfaithful servant"
aald it and skipped out with the team,
a good span of male.
During a storm at Fremont the other
ia Use clothing store of B. ma-
athal was struck by lightning sad
of the good
tea T taam
PniLADELmiA, Jane IS. Assistant
Bank Examiner Jones appeared before
the Bardslcj investigating committee
yesterday afternoon and explained at
some length, in answer to questions,
the methods of examining national
banks, and told when the Keystone had
been examined. The discrepancy of
the ledger of the Keystone was first
discovered by him January 9. 1991,
but not by any information
famished by Examiner Drew.
Afters the discovery nothing was
done to stop Lawrence from attending
to hla nasal duties except to see that
he made bo more false entries. Feb
ruary S, he said, by orders of the ex
aminer, Mr. Jones took omeial charge
of the heeks ef the hank. Even after
the hank examiner took charge, de
posits were received from February 5
to March '20. He did not know what
was done about discounts, but did know
that depositors were allowed to check
out their deposits if they saw fit
After the committee bad asked all
the questions they wished Mr. Jones
said: "There is another thing which I
wish to state. Upon the 13th day of
last February CoraptroHer Lacey waa
in this city. There was a reception
held at the Hotel Lafayette which he
attended. After it was over Bank Ex
aminer Drew brought Comptroller
Lacey over to the Keystone bank and
showed him the books and explained
to him the condition of affairs as we
then knew them to exist I explained
the padding of tho New York bank
ing exchange receipts and in
formed him of the due bills which had
been found. Tho difference found in
the ledger and the stock and bond ac
counts for which the Lucas estate was
held responsible at that time was
thoroughly explained to him. Comp
troller Lacey understood at the time all
about the Lucas defalcation, which at
that time was understood to be $600,000.
Then tbe assets were considered and
Comptroller Lacey called the Spring
Lake property worth $700,000 instead
Of $500,000."
This statement of Mr. Jones caused a
great sensation, as Comptroller Laeey's
visit to the bank had been kept a close
secret and Bank Examiner Drew had
never, under severe cross examination,
allowed himself to give the slightest
intimation of it
Before the committee adjourned to
go into executive session Mayor
Stuart's private secretary, Louis Reit
lcr, arrived with a message to the
members of the committee. It con
tained the report of the experts who
are now investigating the accounts of
John Bardsley, and created another
sensation. The experts reported that
they had discovered another embezzle
ment of City Treasurer Bardsley,
and that it amounted to $400,000 this
in addition to all sums hitherto report
ed. The missing $400,000 is money
which the state had paid over to John
Bardsley a city treasurer as the share
of Philadelphia's school fund to be ap
plied to educational purposes. The ex
perts find that tho money was paid over
to Bardsley, but that it was never
turned over to the citr.
Ills Alleged Remarkable Cure of Nick Folka
Maid to lie True-Crowd Struggling For
an Interview.
PlTTsntTROH, Pa, June VI Though
the doings of Father Mollingcr, the
priest physician, have lately furnished
material for many sensational stories
sent abroad, there is much in them
that is true. The time of the reverend
father is now occupied between his pa
tients who have grown in thousands
and denying sensational rumors about
fakirs working the crowds so those who
paid money would have the preference.
From the steps of the school house he
said no preference would be shown any
The incidents yesterday were more
thrilling than on previous days. At
the parochial school the people strug
gled and were pushed about for a place
near one of the three doors. The won
der ia that half a dozen babies in their
mother's arms were not severely hurt
and that only one woman fainted.
Male and female invalids climbed into
the house through the windows that
are eight feet from the ground. No
cures df miraculous nature were re
ported, though a number of visitors
felt iniproved iri health after a consul
tation with the priest
Fearful Wreck ef a Heavy Coal Train la
Altooxa, Pa, June 13. While com
ing down the mountain from Lloydville
to Bellwood on the Pennsylvania &.
Northwestern a heavy coal train got
beyond control of the trainmen an-1
dashed down the grade at a fearful rate
of speed, was piled up and smashed into
kindling wood at a curve on the side of
a deep ravine about three miles north
of Bellwood.
The engine and twenty-five cars which
had been loaded with coal lay piled up
in a mass of broken wood at the bottom
of the ravine and among the debris
were the bodies of the conductor, en
gineer and one brakeman, with almost
all semblance to humanity crushed oat
of them. The other train bands escaped
with their Uvea
The track is torn up and blockaded
for a long distance and passengers arc
belBg transferred by way of Altoona
and Crcsson. The accident Is supposed
to have been caused by wet rails and
the air brakes refusing to work prop
An Agent f the Xew York Lire Inssres
New York, June 151 Julio Mcrz
bachcr, general agent of the New York
Life Insurance Co. for tbe West Indies
and Spanish America, is a defaulter for
The robbery was discovered by Merz
bacher's partner, Joaquin Saachez, last
December, when Sanchez returned
from a six months' trip through South
The amount of his stealings is esti
mated at $300,000 to $M0,wa The of
ficers of tbe company admit that it is
over $150,960.
Phil Amev"! Xew Stork Tarda.
Cari-sbai, June IS. Mr. P. D. Arm
oar, of Chicago, is here at present
with his invalid wife, on account of
whose health he came to Germany. Mr.
Armour said he had just received a long
dispatch from his home, stating that
ground had been broken at Tolestoa,
lad., for the new stock yards in which
he, Mr. Morris aad Mr. Swift are inter
ested. "We have 4,999 acres of land
there," he said, "where we propase to
'establish packing houses aad stock
yards. We have fise railway accommo
dations, pure water and excellent se wer-
Ca yUiataj Ex;
New Yeas. June 13. Henry La
bouchere, ef the London Truth, don
sot believe that Joha L. Sullivan wffl
elevate the stage. Hear him: "Ther
is a ruflSaa in the United States of the
name of Jeha L. Sullivan, aarofessiesal
pugilist. This ssaa has taken to the
stage. He announces that he has ao ia
teatien ef quitting it but that no in
ducement will tempt him to act ks En
gland, and he desires it to he uni
versally knows that he holds the
English people ia coatempt for they
are absolutely Icstitafe ef d:
HWU WsT aaaw
a Mara la Ba-
Loxdox, June IS. The storm rising
around the prince of Wales ia fast eh
intensity, endangering his
of succession to the throae. if
set the existence of the EnglUh mon
archy. None appear to be stirred so
deeply as the great middle class, the
real strength of the country, aad hith
erto a solid and stolid prop of the mon
archy. Wherever its voice becomes
audible its earnest denunciations of the
prince of Wales are accompanied by
regrets at his nearness to the throne.
Representative gatheriags of religious
hodiea CongregatioaaL MethodUt
Baptist Uaitariaa and Presbyteriaa
have already recorded their condemna
tion. Boards of guardians are going
oat of their accustomed paths to dUcuss
motions branding the gambling pro
pensities of the prince of Wales as a
disgrace to the country. Several lib
eral societies have adopted resolutions
against his continuance in the army.
The agitation has every character of
permanence. It has not yet touched
more than a fringe of the political par
ties, but ere long the glowing tones of
the people mut penetrate the core of
polities, causing party action within
and without parliament
The radical members of the houte of
commons are opening the attack upon
the prince of Wales, but they have
been warned that Mr. (iladstone re
sents the movement and that the lead
cars of the opposition will actively
show their repugnance ,to associating
liberalism with an agitation tending to
cast disgrace upon the crown.
Conferences have been held at the
war office, attended by Mr. Stanhope,
the duke of Cambridge, tin: duke of
Connaught, (Jen. Redvcrs Buller and
CoL Tracey, and H is reported that they
decided that the prince of Wales cn.
Williams and Lieut Lcvett had com
mitted no offense agrlnst military law,
but only a techuical breach of the reg
ulations. Mr. Stanhope, therefore,
basing Monday's response to the ques
tions on the decision of the conference,
will probably declare that the com
mander in chief will deal with the case
privately without regard to regulations.
It is understood the prince of Wales
is keenly stung at tho adverse criti
cisms which have been showered upon
him from all quarters. Especially Is
this the case in regard to the newspa
per comments which practically accuse
him of revealing the secret of the Tran
by Croft scandal and referring to tho
fact that he was not asked if he had
spoken of the affair to anybody after
Sir William Cordon dimming signed
tho incriminating document, while this
question was put to all tho other wit
nesses for the defendants. lie emphat
ically denies that he divulged the secret
to anybody.
I'OMlMe Heveranre of IMlumatln HrUIInn
With Hay II.
New York, June is. A special from
Washington to the Herald says tho gov
ernment is seriously considering the
question of cutting off all diplomatic
relations with Hayti. The letter writ
ten by Minister Firman to the special
commissioners of the United States in
reply to a request for a lease of the
mole St Nicholas has been taken up in
During the uprising two years ago
Hippolytc sent a commissioner to this
country, who virtually pledged to the
United States the lease of a coaling sta
tion and certain commercial privileges
in the event of the United States lend
ing her moral support to Hippolyte.
This the United States did, and it
proved the turning point in the uprising
in the black republic, for shortly after
ward legitime was deposed.
Recently a commission was sent to
Port au Prince to receivo a fulfillment
of the pledges. Instead they received
a very irritating reply; in which Hippo
lytc absolutely declined to enter into
any negotiations for a lease of tbe mole
and objected to the continued presence
in Port au Prince of United States men
of war. He completed ignored any ob
ligation toward the United States.
Minister Douglass will soon arrive in
this country on a leave of absence, and
it is probable that liefore he returns all
diplomatic intercourse will have ceasd.
It will then lie with Hayti to make
stlch apologies and reparation as may
be required.
On ef ia t'aptlfre German Will Hate in
Kintal ftodd Ileal.
BV.RLix, Jnnc 13. A peculiar story of
domestic trouble ia the family of a
well known banker of this city has
been revealed as a consequence of the
recent capture of a party of tourists by
Turkish brigsnds. When the news of
the daring outrage by banditti was first
published it was accompanied by de
tails of the agonizing grief displayed
by Mme. Oraeger, who was in Adrian
oplc, over the fate of her husband, who
was one of the prisoners. It so hap
pened that Ucrr (Jraegcr had left his
real wife la Berlin when he started on
his eastern journey, and she read with
much surprise the story of the grief of
the woman who was known to tho au
thorities of Adriaaople as the wife of
the imprisoned tourist She discovered
that her husband had been joined at
Pesth by a handsome young lady whom
he introduced as his wife Hcrr Oraeger
is now on his way home, having been
released along with his fellow unfor
tunates in consideration of a large ran
som. He will receive a warm welco
Mrs. LaXOTBT Is said to have im
350,000 at tbe Derby.
Ms, Batakd TatloB has returned
from Germany and will henceforth
make her home In this country.
Ladt IIarkis, wife of the governor
of Bombay, Is an excellent cricketer,
and handles her bat in masterly styfe.
LADT Habcocbt. the historian Mot
ley's daughter, is very handsome and
has more than a local celebrity becanae
of her wit.
Mb. Elizabeth B. Ccsteb the cen
ter of attraction at
she is rerj grsckms sad el way
says just tbe right thing.
0cab WrttEs mother has suffered
heavy losses through loss of rents from
her Irish estates, but she U as bright
and refreshing as ever.
Catbxexxb Weeii Baxxea, a niece of
ThurlowWeed. resides at Albany. N.
Y.. and recognised as the leading
woman amateur km this cmrntry in the
art of photography.
Miss PaDDooe. the daughter of Mag
gie MHchelL looks very much like her
mother. She has hardly crossed the
threshold of a dresmg-room or seen
the glare of the footlights except f afartly
and from far away.
Mas. Mackxts new London boose
contains two ideal -bathroom, the one
ia PompeSaa style the ether Japanese.
In each of them abundant use ha hern
made of ekmoaoe enaaeL The en
trance halls to the mansion contain
of tbe finest decorative work ever
in England.
TaxBriaceof Wales
of n million dollars that, the British
public pays for the anaaurt of himself
sadSMfaastty. The vneesu in addition.
gives km am aamnal aUewaaee of abewt
- rats Wale ray at.
Gaixesvuxe, Teav, June 11 Nswa
was teeeived here to-day from rraskr,
Greer county, of destruction to life and
property caused by a terrible water
spout, aecompanled by a windstorm,
which visited that town and vtclalty
Tuesday night Tbe rain had been
falling several dsy. and Teedayalgkt
at 11 o'clock a waterspout burst, sml In
a few minutes the treU were four
feet deep in water, preheating the ap
pesrasce of a raging, angry river. All
the business houses were fiooUL Men
secured baggies, aad with grest difit
eulty suceeeded ks aauliag the women
and children to places ef safety. Tur
key sad Salt creeks, two stream In
that locality, overflowed their banks
and carried death and destruction tn
the wake of the flood. Three persons
wenc drowned in Turkey creek
Pomp Polndexter, a young farmer,
hla fcUtcr and a young man named Al
bright The family of Capt Phillips
were in their dwelling, a vrry large
house, when it waa atruck by a large
wave, which lifted it from lla founda
tion. It wsa carried mwr.l by th
waters nearly a mile, when It waa
hurled against a tree and wrecked.
Phillip and one of hi daughters caught
on to some flosting debris and wrrt
washed ashore half a mile from where
the house was demolished. Mrs. Phil
lips and her babe caught on to a plank
and wen washed into the branches of
a large tree, where they caught aad re
mained till the next day, when they
were rescued by parties reaching them
in a boat A large number of houses
were blown down and many others
washed away Dug-ouU wrrr filled
with water and hundred of people ren
dered homeless, nnd all their lire
stock, crops and other property
swept away. The damage done by
the overflow of Bed rircr in the
bottoms along the north line of
this (Cokc) county Is much greater
than first suppo.rd In Warren's and
Sivel's Bend-, le, wa acres of fine crop,
cultivated by some fifty families, werw
destroyed, houses swept awsy, work
stock, cattle, hogs and chicken
drowned, and the families barely es
caped with their lirev A young farmer
named Burdoue, while trying to reach
tho shore in a ferryboat, took fright at
an approaching high ware, leaped from
the host snd was drowned.
Gainesville. Tex., June 12. Parties
in tho city from Leoa, I. T.. near Red
river, thirty miles northwest report
! the finding of the dead liodiea of a man.
woman and babe in the bottoms nil of
whom hail lcen drowned The baby's
body was embraced In the arms of Its
dead mother when found. The bodies
have not been identified, and are up
poscd to have liecn washed down sev
eral miles from aloro during the high
water in Bed river last Saturday snd
W. W. Lynn, a fanner residing twen
ty miles north of here, while endeavor
ing to cross Hickory creek wa drowned.
The creek wan very high, owing to
heavy rains, and Lynn undertook to
ford the stream on the back of a mule,
but lost his life in the attempt The
animal swam to the shore.
the kki kivkk nr.i.roR.
Boxham, Tex., Juac 12. Bed river In
tho northern part of thU county I
higher than it has leen known to to
since 1871. The plantation of Col.
Ollnhant comprising 1.200 acres. Is un
der six feet of watrr. Large numlwrs
of cattle and other animals have Wrn
drowned So far as known no human
lives have been sacrificed to the flood,
all dwellers on the lowlands having c
caed to the hills. Untold damage has
resulted to crops.
Senator Plewart 1'errelvea It Coming In
Nlle of All Obstacle.
Wakihxijtox, June 12. The mrctlng
f the free sliver coinage rxrcutlre
'ommlssion, which was to )e held in
V'ashington to-day, will x held at the
Hoffman house. In New York, instead.
next Thursday. They will take up the
work for the promotion of free coinage
where they left it off at Ihelr lat
Senator Stewart ssid speaking of
free coinage prospects, that he waa con
fident a free coinage bill could be
passed through the next cotigrcs over
the president veto. Of courv he said
there conld be no doubt about a two
thirds vote for free coinage In the
house. Slid In the senate it hail been
shown that there was a good ma
jority. The question was what
llif senate would do ia rax) of
a vcUt If all tin democrat in the sen
ate should vote to psaa the hill over the
president's veto there would be no
trouble about the matter. The repub
lican votes in the senate countrd a
sure for free coinage were two from
California one from Oregon, two from
Washington, two from Idsho, two from
Montana two from Nevada, two from
Colorado, one from Wyoming,
two from South Dakota, one
from North Dakota two from
Kansas and one from Pennsylvania
Cellom, Stock bridge and Davis he re
garded a doubtful. The vote countrd
ss sure would give trrr eolaage sixty
vote, if the democrat voted solidly for
free coinage, a policy might indue
thrm to do. Fifty-nine voir wrnt
enough to carry the bill over a veto.
The only senators on the democratic
.side whom Mr. Stewart regarded as
doubtful were Grsy, McPherson and
Mora ratal
Bl'RIJXOtox, N. J., Jane 12. Charlie
lerd, Dan Franc! nnd two brothers
asmed John aad Will Alexander, all
about 12 years of age. broke kstn a store
room of Edward Toy, a hotel keeper of
this city, and stole a large quantity ef
wine. They carried the liquor out la
tbe suburbs aad engaged ia a wild de
bauch. Two of the boys, fteed and
Alexsuder, were found lyiag on the
river bank la a semi-exmscioes condi
tion aad'brought to their homes. Med
ical aid waa aummoned. but the physi
cian efforts proved assvailisjc aad
their live are deapalrvd of. The other
two boys cannot be feund.
TBe War hiCBM.
Iqrtuce, J3 1 The amaeatyro
prd by the American miBhter at
Santiago to Balmacrda was net ac
cepted, bat the latter offered to enter
tain a proposition for aa arrangemeat.
hemdicallfftblsi. Tethmtaaav
grcjabwul party refused to aaseat. The
armed transport Imperial, with the tor
pedo eruhers Lynch aad CeeAell Is ward
at ToeopUla yesterday, cut the ttale
telegraph Uses and then re-embarked.
Then theae ship made a 4W monstratkm
at AutofsgaUa similar to those at Pt
sagua aad IqsMjue. No damage ( re
ported. Wncxuxe. W. Va, Jae W. There
is a aerial jsunatien at New Cumber
land, Haaesck county. Seme wwki
aftss the sarriff mi Jen Crnsrfsvd aad
Mba eth WjiSe, members ef two
wealthy aad prosshaent families, was
Baaoeaced. The event was to have
taken place last Bight- Jst hefere
the time set fur the erressfwy Crswterd
received a nete frees MUt Wylie. aad
enepeaiag it f sssnd iechrd a lettr ef
asm ardent native frees MiaaJTitW e
Jamee Ewm. a ffersner lever. It had
been placed as tmt f ag saveloys- He
at enee Taramt 4f she amatcsv
TuriHiln a-4 Mtr.
w mil th- public's attaatlnn. pe
cUHy cbl nj-rlnt,nJnl ssd &
r. u IH f iri that on "snl of t !
Ikiaal tvlBentHnal AMxitlvi mating
tn t- h-tl t T.rnt-. Jlf '
th Jrlnv!l S-thtra U sad
Hnl F rqt-Hl !! round trip Uet
ttfm v U n snd U point on IM Ha
atO.tKKAllK.ida. tl rarsMp f.
Tlck-U MU 1- M Jutr 'h to 13th. snd
Use Hmit will ! rranet o tat Xk
h- lh esn mfc U r tk M
trip to r-lt lnta:l and lb Kt
reilaee,! rsl. tar ral l U Colesa0
and any direct Hnr f,nt Oh!-v IMSl
fall to call ca or writ to rtlmd t
f r rrti-nlr f th- KI Ktpr
Uerna te finest ehlr n-l eompsf t
ret SWplos tr w lh rM.
I. W Kin. Spt JcX..i.rHt. UL
It. A JVTTt.a tio" Ac-ni P'r tx'pt.
d3 Chestnut stft ji. lul.
W. VT. Kst, Oon'l rr .nt, Je-
onYtile UL
Tut Deret b ever " to twits fa a
Barrr." U s aa of tl BJ.Iate1iV
bor, U In ruMii th granHr. Va
torter !Vt
vrf1 in thvir lr.
So tthtle nl lrti.-4tu l Ihf flm el
BiaUrU. ltvt miT pr'" aCJIelcd tiiiii it
nerr, hnuh hf ret rtl ol the irnm in
tfeelr ) Mrnia Su'h ppU rw t l
foaftd SIKonff Wfco HoUttret
Stomach inter, wHWU vsnttpJ "r!l
0tr it Mt bent iUf Ul r
clflc. It I lo , eri'len rrtncMy fnr bit
iotuttcvK UUucy trouble. wttveor sad
Cntnais taX a ! loul mt lairri
tn hi tntne." "Nvnr V tan lea j-r
cent' replifd CWilo 0tifw. tttta
tga Washington lvL
A runB so et lr. hn lb!t Hr
sapsrills lit cle aervf ul Sml tdt.
uoo aytuptonia tf lapp' Wl pimpfc,
sore, acae, p!t, fc.Jny and Wxrr rr'k
no a, rtc, vanish like anow before tM at
day whet thirvtim!vtast It Umlai
the entire ttmn ami It tafHtiflctai tSsM l
tell al enee lit eterj part.
tinntT JMT'n Hero, )wh; ! n
muklng aittHictl in (M liuMiKax rMJt
but tVmpctrnt liwv l s'l wekSc
aloud " lUviUm I'wtrwr
All dlv.ilert-aHr4 b AaaWne Jsleef
the rtM un lr . tml hj ; Mrr
Utile !. r Tiii N !. ! v l,,'
eoaifort Uenlin thetr . Trj Uwn.
Ana reu Is faror of erwiwUont" So to.
quired, "la tho sopo of ttMtiUttn talk
'Vr,'' h rp!lol. leecrrmt.'
Wah!tih'tm PomL
No rr irn for hvat kin lroe ejal
file nn' Sulphur Sap
Hill' Hair ami VMki'r Jji, MermU,
Tit Uran t cvmlnif In ila tho man
who esrna his brvu. Uy tnt ! at at
brow uci not work tvrr ImnJ Ih mmtnr us
do lu llichnmixl It'-wnktr
Tn l-t mC H"lelrt l !' n
for to'OH,l'a SM ovrr - Y
l.iro l a uncertain. i fi r h ! 't
ni'hlRA. You nn fct v vr ftitu lr.M
ami JtfH way fiM loft S V II '!
Cur Atoo.i
Frost bit,
All Aches.
Cats. A. VcjjeUrCo.,
StlUaarr, M4.
Both the method and rrulU when
Syrup of Fix in Ukrti; It i plrAwit
and refreshing to tho Uute, and act
rmllj jet prompt! on the Kidiiejt,
Liver and iJoucl. cJran Urn y
kn efTeclunJl, ltpej co!l, h!
achvs and fevers and curra habitual
cnntipalion. Kvrtip of Hg is tho
only remedy oi its kiwi ever pro
duced, plrartiijj to tho tte and ac
eeptalde to the stomach, jirompt in
its action and Irul beneficial in lt
fleets; prrparcd onlr from th nv-t
health and arrca!le ulstanc. It
teeny excellent qualities commTid it
to all and hare roado it the nvxl
popular remedr known.
Syrup of F$n h for fain is Vh
and $1 bottle hr all leading dru
gwU. A 8 refiahle drurt uk
mar aot have it or hand tll pro
cure it prenspti for may one who
K rj K. uo aw nocrpv uj
cmufoma no srwr co.
tit llAClfA. CH.
iHpriHii, it. tm tct 0 r.
"Wcaresixinfac;- '
A Farmer at ily Wc live ki a
place where wc :
CdomTxas subject to violent
Says: Colds and Las?
Troablcv I h3V
med Gcnsia Syrup for six years
KxefaH for Sore ThroxUCooxh.
CoW, HoarssrtHrt. Paww tn tfc
Ch1 and Li. aad sptttisx cp
of Blood- I have tncU ntany di&r
et kinds of coagh Syrup in tny
tiase, bet kt me y asone wact
tg suck a wttdxiacGcrmn Syrup
is the be. That ha bres ray ex-
pcrKjKc If wc it oacr. ycsi
will ro back: So it whoever yo
awed iL. It &r toeal nrfxrf a! is
a quick cure My a4vke i crTry
oae sBns with Long Troubled
Try L Y will sec be coa
vjaced In all tbe fcusilk where
yonr Gtrraan Symp
t5 Kcd we have o John
vr!Lblf J1,?0 Franklin
Ijsfegf at a&. It
the aaediaBe foe this jQn
fc ss.MItt.Snfc M fr.Wss7J-
v9nmP maff T Bmamammaf
awL Jmammm li - mLLLLLLLLLLLLmK
mfmgfmmAmuimnimmmmvmmtvjtiiit "."
r &