The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 19, 1891, Image 1

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4 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
rvz i-sajTT!.-- -. . jk x
t t Tr-wsTamaaa frAi-" tt
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1:i?si rfjtet' MB.iailaBBBmmtmw 3.
" .1 . . "
By A. C. Hosmer.
Let Every One Turn
Have a Glor
ious old 4th.
Is in the lead
inter-State Reunion,
Which will be held in lied Cloud
.September 15, 16, 17 and 18.
once more.
.- -.-j
- j
Children' Day Ahh Ike
"Suffer little children, and forbid
them not, to come unto tne," and "Ex
cept je be converted, and become as
little children, jc shall not enter into
the kingdom of heaven," arc words of
the Savior that indicate the impor
tance of greater efforts to enlist child
ren in His work and secure their per
fect faith and pare innocence in ad
vancing the interests of His king
dom. The gratifying increase in Sunday
school work and the gaining interest
in "Children's Day" noticeable among
all denominations, evidence a growing
popular appreciation of children's
power to do taliant work for Christ.
Appropriate services were held in
each of our city churohes Sunday, and
amid singing birds and beautiful flow
ers the children aided by older mem
bers of each congregation carried out
the programs of their respective Sun
day schools in a manner creditable to
themselves and entertaining to the
crowds in attendance.
The Congregational school used the
morning hour, and under the Inscrip
tion, worked in ovcigrocn, "Consider
the Lillies," carried ont a beautiful
service entitled "Our Sunday School."
The soprano obligalto by Mrs. C. J.
Pope and Miss F. Schaffnit in open
ing anthem, tko recitation by class of
five little girls, the rocttation by Miss
Daisy Warren arid the story reading
by C. L. Cotting scemod to bo no
ticeable parts in a program that de
serves especial mention for every
At tho close, Rev. E. L. Ely admin
istered infant baptism to thoso little
ones whom thoir parents desired to
consecrate to the Lord's service In
the evening the Pastor supplemented
his sermon to the children with co
pious blackboard exercises.
The Christian .church gave the
evening up to the children and a full
house listened to their exercises. Su
perintendent Willcox had chargo of
the program and the success with
which it was carried out reflects ample
credit on his efforts, as well as on all
who took part The solo by Miss Trix
Mixer with organ and violin accom
paniment by Miss Campbell and Mr.
Tnad McNitt, and the duet by Pearl
Skeen and Dora Henderson with guit
ar accompaniment, were entitled to
special mention.
A crowded house also greeted the
Baptist scheol in the cvining, and the
simplicity of decoration and the sub
dued tone in which the order of ser
vice entitled ' Sunshine and Song"
was carried out, were in harmony
with the occasion, and indicated the
directing oversight of their Pastor,
Rev. J. D. Pulis.
Except in opening exercises by
Pastor and choir and responsive
reading led by Superintendent Deyo,
the children and youths carried
on the services in a manner creditable
to every one engaged. The recita
tion by Eddie Emigh and the "Child
rens Day Anthem" by chorus, iufant
school, duet, 6olo, and class of march
ing girls, appeared to be favorite
parte with the audience.
An afternoon serviec was held in
the Mission Chapel under the super
vision of the Methodist Church.
The building is known as the Asbury
Chapel, and a leading feature of the
decoration was an A, composed of
flowers and evergreens, reaching front
the ceiling to tie alter rail. A
crowded house attested their interest
in the occasion. Rev. E. J. Baudall
gave an interesting addrcs. The
ladies wlia devised the progtam and
worked untiringly for its suoccful
rendition, and all who carried out its
several parts mtv rest assured that i
I then efforts arc appreciated bv the
Methodist Pastor and alt present on
that occasion.
Space alone forbids an insertion of
full programs and an appreciative
amtioa of every part therein. T.
Who say it does not rain in Ne
braska. We think our Iowa poet had better
compose another song on Nebraska
Mr. Geo. Sintpkins front Iowa was
on a Tisit last week to nee his suter,
Mrs. N. L. D. Smith.
Mrs. Ailcs has been qnite sick bmt
is much better.
Pickins cooseherrics seems to be
the order of the day. SrisiK.
Pare Italian bees for aale. In
Haire of Geo. A. Latta, Cowk. 45-tf
Red Cloud, Webster County,
Crael!sM, Orcgoa.
Editor Chief: After many days
I fulfill my promise of writing you,
and will endeavor to give you as near
as my poor command of the English
language may permit my impression
of Oregon. Everything in nature
smiles and only man is vile. This is
a country of short distances, the views
are all close by and arc unfolding like
the pages of an interesting book with
something new every moment moun
tain, hill, valley, vale, river and lake
every moment something different and
always beautiful. On the hillside and
away up the mountain can be seen
white cottages embowered with living
green with orchards and vineyards
nestling cozy and cool, an ideal home
as it were in an ideal land. Tho peo
ple and the country have a drowsy,
sleepy look. One would judge that
the loves and hates of the people liv
ing hero were not so intense as they
are in a less favored climate, that man
would be more just to his fellow men
that there would be less cause for
bickerings and strife. Perhaps there
is; but a change is coming, nay, even
now is here. In tho language of the
Behind the squaw's light birch canoe,
The steamer rocks and raves,
And city lots are staked for sale
Above old Indian graves.
I hear the tread of Pioneers,
Of nations yet to be,
The first low wash of waves
Where soon shall roll a human sea.
The rudiments of empire here
Are plastic yet and warm,
The chaos of a mighty world
Is rounding into form."
'Yes, is rounding into form The
poet may not havo been a prophet or
the son of a prophet, but seldom has
more truth been condensed in the same
space in the English language than in
those verses. The squaw's light birch
canoe is almost a thing of the past.
The steamer is here in all its beauty
and seems almost a thing of life
And not only arc city lots staked for
sale but are sold and the city is built
and is building on and over the old
Indian mounds, and they arc still stak
ing, still selling, and still building on,
over and above that low green curtain
of the tent of the dead, whose flap
never outward swings. Tho pioneers
are here. 'The first low wash of
waves has deepened until it has be
come a steady roar, and the sound of
the ax and the hammer, the saw and
the plane, the plow and the harrow,
the seeder and the reaper, the anvil
and the loom, the mill and the factory
are all joining in with the bells of the
schools and churches, and the whistle
and rumble and roar of the railroads,
and truly the human sea is beginning
to surge and roll. The rudiments of
empire arc not so plastic as they were,
tho chaos 'is rounding into form.' The
chances are not so good as they were,
but this country is just awakening
from the sleep of ages and lucky will
be the man that gets somewhere near
the front of the procession. About
one man in four is engaged in farming
The crops never fail and if they did
there is a grat many other things to
depend on for a living. There is
plenty of hard work here and a good
opening for men of muscle who are
not afraid to use it; but there is a
poor chance for a man who wants to
live by his wits. There are graduates
from our best eastern colleges ont of
employment because the demand is
not equal to the supply. But to a
man who has some money or is able
and willing to work and 'wants to
avoid the cold weather and winds and
blinards and the heat and dust of the
prairie states I think this would be
the place for him. There is a great
many here from Nebraska and Kansas
and the most of them arc here to stay.
Respectfully yours,
Oliver R. Downs.
i Imli Xertlcc
Notice is hereby given that the
irm of Blakealee (latch is thl Jay
dissolved by mntual consent. Frank
Hatch withdrawing from the eoncern.
The htaeincss mill be cendeeted by
F. G. Blakealee who assames all in
debted Bess of the firm and te whom
all aeceanta are dee.
F. G. Blakklk
Feakk Hatch.
May 224, 1801.
i'wArmlccm Smlrc
The Best Sato ia ta vorM fer
Brali at. Seres, TJleera, Melt !. ftm
8era, Tetter, CfcappW eaaaV, Cksftiam,
Cans, sad aH ether Skia Ktaptiams
asi pesiUrsly cares piles, or so pay r-
It as saraati te ffrsawrfeet
nfsaWaO. Price
per hex. Far sale hyL.aTIe7.M
Neb., Friday, J une 19,
cwic. ;
Last Sunday morning "Nashby" of'
ine ucmocrai was xounu in a very pit
iable condition. He was probably
getting fresh inspiration for his cease
less and senseless drivel about the hy
pocricy of the people of Cowles.
Mrs. Harshbarger of Topeka came
on the 13th to spend the summer with
her parents at the iar?onairc. She
will give music lessons on the organ.
Several pupils havo already engaged
her service!".
Children's Day was observed at the
M. E. church on Sunday last with in
teresting and appropriate services.
The ladies of the Congregational
church gave an ice cream and straw
berry festival on Tuesday evening,
which in spite of the threatening
weather, netted a handsome sum for
tho treasury of tho church.
Rev. Steely and wife hay c just tikeu
their departure for Jasper Co , Mo.
They arc both accredited preachers
among the friends. The best wishes
of a host of friends will follow them
to their new field of labor.
Rev. II. D. Piatt officiated at the
marriage of Mr. M. W. Hathaway of
Tekamch, Burt Co. with Miss Minnie
Bailey, at the residcnceof the bride's
father, Mr. Isaac Bailey, on the lCth.
Tho couple left next morning for their
new home.
The Congregational church have
just re-insured their church edifice for
5 years agaiust loss from fire and light
ning. X
Who says it can't rain.
Inavale is going to have a new
Abe Irons mm in Red Cloud last
week, meeting with the board of
Mr. Hartwcll is making mure
cheese this year than ever. He makes
500 pounis a day.
School closed last Friday with 00 c
of the beat years of school luavalu
ever had.
Miss Nye will make a success and
giyc satisfaction where ever she
Mrs. Petre was visiting Mrs. S. .
Woolcett last week.
Miss Myrtle and Miss Florence
Sawyer spent Sunday in Riverton.
Miss Weston of Rivcrtou was visit
img Miss Myrtle Sawyer the first ot
thi week.
Mr. Wilson runs a meat wagou to
Inavale every Tuesday and Friday.
Every one should turn out to the
school meeting on the 29tb.
Mr. Davis was showing his beat
girl the sights of the Vale last Sun
day. Rustlsb.
The Webster County Teachers'
Institute will open at the high school
building, Red Cloud, at 9 o'clock
Monday morning, June 22. The in
structdrs arc Mrs. Elizabeth II.
Bowcn of Lincoln, and Profs. N. F.
Daum, J. R. Thornton and II. C.
There will be a lecture by Rev. E.
J. Randall at the Methodist church
on Tuesday evening, June 23, atS
o'clock .
It is desied that all tcichers be
present at the opening of tbc ses
sion in the morning.
All persons interested is educa
tion are cordially invited to visit
the institute when ver they rlsh to
do to.
D. M. IIcijarERi
UftAi Island, Nj. The Ox-
Bard Beet Sur Conmpany aro very
neb in need of help in tho Sugir
Beet fields at present; wo can End
employment for men, women and
boys, wages for men $1.25 to 1.00
per day according to th-if ability, the
others in proportion.
We should be very much obliged
if yoa would make this knows in
toot neighborhood, that iheic will be
plenty of work for three months to
come. Mr. Connor here kindly sect
j en posters to that effect.
Thanking yoa before haad, we axe,
BespecUoJly yoars,
Oxxakd Beet Svqsz Co.
. A.B.
Until laither notice, regular uect
inrs of James A. Garfield Poit No.
gw, Vrfi. 01 iet. u a ii. win &c
held Meaiay eveiiig ea or heforej
each fall moea at 7:30 p.m.,
aw S" V m f- tl
1 wo weeks thcreItert 2p. m. is-
it iax comrades cerdtallv iaviud to..
alUad. G. W. K-fionr, P. C.
C Scusck, MY
Z. Jadl't.
189 .
Western UtrlttlawE4eaYerEi
curslM. The 10th International Convention
ot Christian Endeavor will be held at
Minneapolis Minn.. July 9 to 12, in
clusive. The program will be one of unusual
interest to Christian Endeavor work
er?. It contains speakers of rare
talent iu religions work from all parts
of the world. Bihon Vincent will
give the opening sermon. The pro
gram appears each week in (he Gold
en Rule, copies of which ean be ob
tained by addressing their offce, 50
Rromfield St., Doston, Mm. It will
a)o be found in the Mmnc poll Bul
letin, which will be sent to each to
ccity in the state.
The Western Excursion will con
sist of two special trains, one from
Denver, Col., and the other from
Kanras City, Mo., over tho Burling
tun Route, joining at Couaoil Bluffs,
Iowa, and from tbencc via the Sioux
City & Pacific and C , St. P., M. & 0.
Ry's to Minneapolis.
Rate A special rate of one fare
fur round trip from all points in Ne
braska has been granted us by the
Passenger Associations Fare for
round trip from Omaha, $11.06; from
Council Bluffs, 10.S1. Tickets will
be on sale iu Nebraska July 7 and S,
good for return to and including July
17. An extension of time for return
passage until August 31 may be se
cured by depositing tickets with the
joint ngent of the terminal lines at
Minneapolis, who will make thrm
good for the return journey, to be
commenced not later than August
Accommodations in Minneapolis.
''The committee of '91" are arranging
to have state delegations placed in
the Christian homes of that city at a
price not to exceed 11.50 per day.
Your place of abodo will be assigned
you while en route, and there will be
no delay on arriving there, as tho
church having our delcgition in
charge will at once conduct tho dele
gates to their place of entertainment
Train Service. Special chair and
Pullman cars have been secured for
t!i3 delegation, which will run throngh
over the official linos without any
change, Those wishing Pullman ac
commodations must forward the
amount, together with their names
and address, to S. R. Boyd, 1819 Cor
by St., Omaha, Neb., Pullman rate,
Omaha to Minneapolis, $2.00; Lincoln
to Minneapolis, 12.25.
Meals while en route. We have
arroged for first class meals at a great
ly reduced rate. Sapper at U. P.
Transfer. Breakfast in Minneapolis,
for the Nebraska delegation.
Notes It is not necessary to call
your attention to the advantages de
rived from an attendance upen the
scs.Mons of this great convention.
Ik-gin al once to make your arrange
ments to go, and to go with the great
Western C. K. Excursion. You will
meet Christian Endcavorers from ail
parts of the wct, and will derive
much gopd from an acquaintance with
workers from other states.
These reduced rates may be taken
advantage of by any one desiring to
visit the beautiful lakes of Minneso
ta. One of the features of this excur
sion of especial interest to Nebraska
delegates will be the new state ba-
Icr, which was provided for at our last
state convention, and is now nearly
Delegate badges of elegant design
will be provided for til who desire
them at actual iot, 25 cents each
j These badges w'Al serve the dewble
purpose of convention heares aa
souvenirs of the excarsioa, aad ean
be retained in remembraaee ef the
occasion. They can be secared by
sendins name aad amennt to Mrs.
Nettie P. Kayser, 2835 Barst St.,
Omaha, Neb.t after Jan 20, and ean
also be secared on the exemrsiew.
A fpecia) eirealar eeaUiaiag fall
information as to time and foal ar
rangemeats will he seat to each so
ciety within a very few days. Watch
for it,
I request that all societies ef Ckra
tiaa Eadearer who send delegate,
aad all who may wish te jein thw
special ezcareiea, scad their as men
ssd add re to me at eeee, ae that
-cnar name mar W daeed ea fie aid
issare tea a circular eoauiaiar
! - fc.
the iBforraaUos aetre4. ise net
poetpeae this matter, bmt take actio
at are and forward name te the
, , 1
. 'rTr.r. !an itl arir
aad pray
- .t,,. j ,,' fcuv tiw
a muA .,arMa .. k, "--- t
n i.-. -. : ..j..
at asv u 0 aiiaii.
Ttee Mimeuatrc.
"It t the !eopl that are wnw:"
So Joe and FYiday id;
-Hut ar, when U our helot throe?
Are loyal men all dead?
That we aloae our voice rala
Half wetintf half m pn"
That thoy araln may leant to priae
And terro th millionaire."
Though very naughty trick boll play
lfe is gentle a a latub
It la his the patent right to ptay
The public may U d L
Ho built our rarth, adorn'd lis top
And Hvm upon tho air.
From htvivcn he ooniloscrml to drop,
Adoro tho Oh tntlltooaire.
Twaa when rrblllon raised ita head
Ho did um woll dofrmt
When aftked by Undo Sam ho said:
"My credit 1 vull lend.
My bonus is two dollars for ono."
So filial and o fair,
la Unclo'it baso born Knjjlbh too.
(iood pfl'riot millionaire.
To lukw uwny their rob! tlittfa
A aulrtlitutt ho bought.
And iMvf boh i ml Inn money basn
Tho bloody battle fought
A vuU;nr thine b killing men.
And wake tho trumpet blnn
Utttiidm ho hod other buainvro then,
llrnvo coldier millionaire.
With pauer bona of other houta
He may a cuutmcl fill.
And thou turn loo the brigand bnnda
On railroad, mino and mill; .
iiut nil ho doc in for the beet,
Ho loyal men will nwear,
Ily foreign thuys nnd l'inkey bleat,
Uhvw jo tho milhountro.
Tho saintly fin to Eypt'M Cul
A stately church did build,
ThoUKh tittlo fet ho left unnhod
Ami stomachs hcldom tilled.
Now in itu bell' sweet ailvory nound
Ilia hIuyoh too hitve a ahare.
Ily gratitude, nnd duty bound,
l'rnisod God and millionaire.
Ho owns hia pulpit and his prca
And judge too, to boot,
For seo they quickly chango uddreui
Him royal nibs to suit.
To him this (toothing ttong they Dine:
"Vilo radicals beware,
Lost you offend tho Lord nnd King,
Our God, the millionaire."
Of low-bred tillers of the noil
Ho often think, yo ken,
Sec, ho protects tho mm eat and toil
Of Urangeru' old blue hen.
Vot the alliance they fealty tow
And boldly do declare,
For plaster placed on farm
They blame tho millionaire.
? '
The day tho people left ite
Monopoly Ions; may mourn.
The angry torrent aweep it banks
liut never can return.
From every aido tho cry rings out,
For "D2 prejare,
So traitors noed no longer doubt,
Good byo, dear millionaire.
Want at Poor llettee.
When wc ay that thia county
sadly feels the necessity of a poor
farm, and that properly arranged for
the reception and care of pauper,
wc believe The Leader voices the
sentiment of at leaat four-fifthv of the
people especially tbc tax payer.
What wc deairc to get at, and that
in a few words as poMiblc is this
Kvery year the people are called apon
to afford relief to fjuitc a number of
those whose only ambition seems to be
for the present. In PoUdam town
ship about f.'lUJ has been paid out the
lxt year for pauper purpoes, and wc
take this position that if there was a
poor farm where thce people could be
sent in their dire extremity, there
would be more activity oa their parts
to shan the prospects. It's a shame
and a disgrace that big. strong, healthy,
able-bodied men will staad idly by
and allow their families to suffer.
Gentlemen, we knerv that this step
will meet with some opposition, bat
every fair thiakcr knows it U badly
needed. Instead of feeding thec
cusses who impoe apon tb public's
gen entity, we sheaW send them to
the poor ftrm, there woald he a great
er degree of crablig amoag thess
to keep oat. Mot of theie chtn
get bold, ijrcrally so, nothlag bt
the fat of the land will do thesa. We
all knew this to be true hy expenewee.
By the poer-hea"! sseth4, every tax
payer weald share Cally aad thui the
heavy weight of Saasce weI4 sol fall
upon the ssmMcrs ef a few, and the
a 'few everybody knew em W9id
set derive sweh a beat fit swr get sweh
afatlivinfe. Let all whe feel tm4r4
aid ia agitating tii mack ceeded ssat
ter. Bhse Hill Leader
rTTajinsr q in
ssnV 6359K9
Vou 18. No. 47.
Attorney ftnd Counselor
At Law.
Will practice in all ccurU.
lltt Cwft, Nxna.
CHHirrintl tliasrra).
Preaching at 10 .10 k 8,
Sunday oheol U HO.
Young People mocrij; 7.
Prayer meeting Wrdedv rtett'
ing at
All arc united to attend thr -rr
K. Ii. Kt.r, Paator.
It ,M. Cochran, Suj.l., S. &
The llutlttiglon a the oAdUl
Houte. The committee on trampo
tatiun freut NebraVa, Kaaa and
Colorado of thejuutig proplc'a otjlely
of chriatian endeaver, hare checa
the llurlingtan a the fucul roato,
Tho commitUe hepa that all christian
cudoatur members and their fmads
will arrange to go to Minneapolis
on the aatuc datw Dcfinale i a forma,
lion a to dttcof drpartuto of c&eiai
train will be furnibed In a few d),
J 1'itA in, G P AT. A.
Mnrtllug I'hcI.
Ths American j-ojte e ltly !.
eemimc a raee of m rTo r , au.l Um
foUowwt: aggu th IimI r (! 1
AlpUoaaeHmipHlBg.of ItutWrJ'a., .ra
that whan hi aj.chlr frum
Kt. Vita daae Dr. MHa gtt rur.
tlto nerTino caret! a let. Xr J. IU Mill
er, of ValparaUn, aaJ J, D, Tajlr, of
!xganport, Iml , aeh gslnei aw poa&oa
from taking It, Mr. II. A. OsHtas, of
Victuli, Iml , waaeurcnlof W t ) -
uUlon- n day, anil much htiaW,a
sine's, backache nnl ntrvoM prtMtralfawi
!y ono until. Trial tattl. ami fin
hook of marteloa euro, f t at Colt! tg'
who reeitnuind ami guaranUr llu tta
pnilel rmnrily 3
Whllr I'raka and llMrk CiattfaM,
Colorado ia n Innd of aharai fSBsstilBSsS
of brtllinnt Iiht, of lBlaWaSS)JsTmsss)WW;
n lnr;d whor. hihU ssjtiaaa1s7rRsakii
obvioun tho msanlngea'tssiweetl antitho
i;a land w kef every mvtd m mind
can hd sav aswwsrW mo--l in nature,
TWfcsflt.whlto niirurrt-of th mount
saHfrom hrntalndor pinnaoU tkwt
the wind bLn lnnncra of th aoow,
apjKl with silorit olo-jurnr! to li
aapiratton of thn aoul; tho wmibr
chaama clift by TiUn tttti- through
Kranito heartod hilln.ithln h ! ilptta
dark alimhjws thronj: and twlrlinc tor
rcnU Atvh. ik to U haaftalanatuae
that thnlla, innplfti and swcm. It tine
not follow that thn glori of whit
traka and th irloma of dark casKee
prrclud; Um pl4Mant jnUrral, Un uny
tnnadoiaa ur Um mxc1uI1 rfoka whms
tho Urrl mind n mrriml jnly may ir4
y)rrftil frt and trtago tvmi larrooil
and tL To on inakln? a joorr7 la
Colorado, Nw Mfiwj or t'Uh. or taJciesj
a tranjounti8H)al toor frvis rlasl to
wast, or vtcn veraa, th J)fiTer xd
Ilio C J rami lUilnavI onr acoofsmola
ttoca tjual in lvanr cntritKM a&d
luxury to Uto wJUi aay olhr lift with
th addxl attracttooa of th ttftrital!!'
noecery a ' l'r a'ofMlietf ia a
matfnJtic.'O. o;ulrnc of whit ke
and dark canon. Tli month of NVrrew.
ber, liW, wiUj"m1 vb of th bk1 1m
jrtaattnproroGt 10 radnl faoli
tM Uiat ha yt Un mtla in Cokr4e
and tl Waat. ThA trmfkivm of the
Uxjdanl jcoa of the Vhor-r avl tLie
Gracd lUilroul twm thai, O4ofafit
orcr tho nwuntai&a to OiTrl, CtaM
which tli ysavra iro d"MI &o fjs.
pQssilIity, oriauady a trieanph ef
laritf aad er,ji&mniC akilL Th srw
Its 1 by th way of Lcw'tiB. ItJsjM
m? Tcase !&x, Uindif Us racnssi
of aad QnsA !Urra. at js m
tUw of the Mouet of th lloij Crsaw,
eroate. laki4? it trxia thrweh GleaW
wo1 Sfrii atd ikr the Gra4 Kiraf
to Gran! JaocLxm, Em to BaJt LaJaf
City, Oroo aJ Hl rracaatrA. 2y
thta rvut oe c gir a cyfHm&y to
Ushoid th asatfmfkwstew U Kagrl Krre
Catm sol ibm mArr1m bawty aeaf
jrralurof UwCa (' rssvl Tk
oytUod Uxik a ts4 ut nwry t
tytcL I'tom th riifc to ikm isaH &TU
eiaw coach etrUjcjf i Witrh-. aav4
sew. adc lh t&mt 4ras)t style ef
wttfkssaawhe d njii. If a issessT
daarM to ksow s?r aWst thajas st
assvdeiea wveks vC &MG9 writ to Jt IC
io-rv Gejerai Psaassamr Ax,
Desvr fs&nruW sa4 k vrkJE sa-ad ys
irmot ciU f.ib.j ii!n4r44 knsm,
fivhaz a fc. iier&zm A & mraja
of the -Swcx: J.tK.- HuSr Wwal hi