13& 1fi ,j f t it t i in i i i "i l THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. A. O. HOSMER, Publisher. RED CLOUD, - - - NEBRASKA- CURRENT COMMENT. Michael Davitt's Labor World has suspended publication. The Italian wheat crop is at present in a strong and healthy condition, and there is every prospect of an excellent harvest. The czarewitch opened the first por tion of the Transsiberian railroad at Valdivostock, and laid a memorial tab let amid a scene of great enthusiasm. Wheat rose seven marks in Berlin after It became known that Chancellor Von Caprivi had stated in the lower house of the Prussian diet that the ministry had decided agaipst any re duction in the corn duties. Henbt Clews says there is no doubt but Secretary Foster will agree with the bankers that it will be to the best interests of the country to extend the maturing' of the 4K per cent bonds afterSeptembcr at '2 per cent The British consul at Hamburg re ports that the time is not far distant when that place will be lost to the Brit ish coal industry. The English coal producers now send about 1,500,000 sterling worth of coal to Hamburg. The jury at Indianapolis, IntL, in the Lemon-Reinhold case, in which Rein hold, a former lawyer of that city, was tried for robbery, returned a verdict against Rcinhold, sentencing him to ten years' imprisonment and to pay a fine of 8500. It is reported that the czar, in re sponding to a personal appeal made by an exalted personage on behalf of the Jews in Russia, said he was determined to continue his measures of Jewish re pression with a view to a solution of the Jewish question. Thk Baltimore World announces the formation of a new political party at a becret meeting of prominent citizens. It favors only Americans for public cflice and is opposed to foreigners on the ground that they will eventually disrupt the union. M. L. Boldeit. a guard at the Pied mont (Ga.) broom factory, ran away with Eliza Randall, a female convict They were located by the sheriff and captured after a long chase The Ran dall woman is a life prisoner, having received sentence for tho murder of her stepdaughter. The miners who were shut out of Westphalia after going on a strike have nearly all drifted back to work, the employers finding that they could not do without the skilled labor of their former men. It is also said that the government gave a hint favorable to the exercise of lenity. Richard Goiidelieb, a music teacher In the Pennington, N. J., seminary, says he has sent a challenge to the Emperor William to fight a duel with pistols. He claims to have had his business ruined in Germany by the emperor and Bis marck for revealing state secrets. He is regarded as insane. At the Galveston, Tex., city election It L. Fulton was re-elected mayor for the sixth consecutive term, making a period of .twelve years continuous ser vice' He defeated W. II. Nichols who, during Cleveland's administration, was doorkeeper of the house of congress, defeating him by about one thousand votes. The marriage of Miss Uattic, the youngest and only single daughter of Secretary Blaine, to Mr. Truxton Bcalc, minister to Persia, son of Gen. Bcalc, of Washington, and brother-in-law to John It McLean, proprietor of the Cincinnati Enquirer, is announced to take place early next fall. Miss Blaine has gono to Europe for her trousseau. It is stated ex-President Cleveland has secured a lease with purchase op tion of what is known as the "Joo Jef ferson place" in Saddle river valley, near the line that divides New York state and New Jersey. Tho estate comprises about fifty acres. The large stone house upon it which it is .said the cx-prcsidcntwill use for a sum mer house, is long and low, being built tn Dutch style. The farm is in the prettiest part of the valley and the house is surrounded by beautiful lawns and shade trees. The American nurserymen's associa tion, in session at Minneapolis, Minn., tok a shy at the world's Columbian ex pedition, the object of their attack be ing the horticultural department One of the members read a paper in which Wnlter D. Maxwell, head of the depart ment was characterized as a "dude" auti "a man who wears a new necktie crery day and buys a pair of patent levther boots every week." After a long discussion resolutions were ad )ptcd unanimously protesting against Maxwell's confirmation. A Berlin dispatch says that the bankers of that city have given no tice to their agents and custom er that Russian- securities will no longer be dealt in by them and that onlers for such securities will not be filled. It is said that similar action has been taken at V'nna aad Frankfort and that in London an identical movement is un drr consideration. As to the effect upon Russia opinion is divided. The c?ar's government is amply supplied with funds and has given up the idea at present of converting the loans which it-was proposed to redeem with the aid of the Rothschilds. Rev. Mr. Moodt, a well known Win nipeg divine, went to Portage, Man., to conduct the prosecution of half a dozen hotel keepers who had violated the liquor laws. He secured a conviction, and whea leaving the court room was mobbed, but escaped with slight injur ies, taking refuge in theIethodist par sonage. Later in the day, when Mr. Moody arrived at the depot to take the train for Winnipeg, he met a warm re ception, the liquor men first covering his clothes with rotten eggs and then assaulting him. He was badly injured. Rev. Mr. Duncan, who went to his as sistance, had his nose broken and was otherwise badly handled. A Madrid dispatch says that accord ing to current report the revolutionary party of Portugal intends shortly to make another effort to overthrow the laoaarchy and that newsof the encoun ters between British and Portuguese in South Africa has greatly strengthened the movement for a change. Among the people the feeling toward England is one of the most exaspe Ating, which is none the less hitter because theyieel their-inability to'da nay aerionshnrm. Appeals tore been received for rein foreamaam, hat the only mattage to Aftjn"ince the- eneonnter has keen one directing the Portuguese to remain within bonads and not under' any cir nieiittTt" te fight with the amgiiah, c0maMt)an WiU repay aaj damage ar trtapaas done. Sj- .& f "5 -. NEW8 OF THE WEEK. Gleaned By Telegraph and Ifafl. rCBSOKAX AJTD POLITICAL. A disi'atch from Vancouver says that parties interested in the Behring sea fisheries are known to be getting ready to sail under tho German or Italian flags in the event of aeloae time arrangement between Great Britain and the United States. Considerable surprise is exhibited in English and Irish ecclesiastical cir cles at Rome at the failure of the pee to appoint an Irish cardinal. Two no blemen were sent as special envoys to notify Monsignor Rotelli at Paris aad Moneignor Gruscha at Vienna of their deration. Dispatches received at St Petera burg from the districts of Samara and Simbersk state that the peasants re cently revolted against the authorities. The revolt was only suppressed after a number of desperate aad bloody con flicts between the peasants and troops. Prime Minister De Fretcinet, of France, denies that French men-of-war are interfering with tho bait supply in Newfoundland and discredits the re port that a French officer had warned the inhabitants living near St Pierre bay not to sell bait to United States fishermen. The pope, in order to provide against all possible contingencies, has just con cluded a definite wilL In this he be queaths all his personal property to the holy see. A Chilian insurgent cruiser recently defeated the government flotilla. The people's party of Iowa has put a full state ticket in the field, headed by A. J. Wcstfall for governor. The state department has been offi cially informed by Consul-Oeneral Kim berly of a change in the ministry of the government of Guatemala and of the appointment of Senor De Leon as min ister of foreign relations. The confederate monument at Jack son, Miss., was unveiled on the 3d. The Connecticut supreme court has decided the "for" ballot case in favor of Morris, the democratic candidate for governor. This decision favors the democrats and is a point gained by them in the contest for the governor ship. Judge T. N. Edwards, district attor ney of Carson, Nev., committed suicide by shooting himself. He had been suf fering for some time from nervous prostration, brought on by acute ill ness. Bisuor Flasch, of the Milwaukee Catholic diocese, is suffering from can cer of the stomach and his recovery is doubtful. There has been another fight be tween an insurgent vessel and the gov ernment flotilla at Valparaiso, Chill. The flotilla was defeated and the cruiser steamed away. Benson J. Lossino, the well known historian, died at his home in Chestnut Ridge, N. Y., on the 3d of heart failure at the age of 78 years. The deceased was born at Beck man, February 12, 1813. Georoe W. Turner has resigned the office of publisher of the New York World and has been succeeded by Man ager Dillon, late of St Louis Post Dispatch. Mr. Turner goes to the Re corder, in which he is said to have ac quired a proprietary interest The new Chilian congress convened by Balmaccda, which is now in session and in which Balmaccda's friends claim all but two provinces arc represented, has placed absolute power in his hands. Baron Ludwio Fischer Von Naovs Szalatuias, proprietor of the great Wernberg estate in Hungary, is about to join Emin Pasha in German cast Africa and link his fortunes to those of the African explorer. The president has appointed William D. Owen, of Logansport IncL, superin tendent of immigration. Mr. Owen is 45 years of age, represented the Tenth congressional district of Indiana in the last three congresses and was t'ic author of the new immigration law. He was strongly backed by labor or ganizations for the position. The report has agaiu been started that Secretary Noble will resign on ac count of bad health. MISCELLANEOUS. Harris A. Smiler, James J. Slocum and Joseph Wood, all tinder conviction to suffer death for murder, but who had appealed to the federal courts, have been resentenced by Judge Barrett to be. electrocuted at Sing Sing prison dur ing the week beginning July next M. Jouanno, a banker of the Rue de Richelieu, Paris, who acted as trustee for most of the exhibitors at the French exhibition now being held in Moscow, has absconded, leaving liabilities esti mated at $400,000. The recent rainstorms covered nearly the entire area of the United States. Two or three tornadoes attended the storms. In South Dakota three lives were lost Walter P. Franer, of Williams port N. J., and William It Smith, of Hallcsville, N. Y., freshmen in Rutgers college were drowned while bathing in tho canal at New Brunswick, N. J. Three white men have been killed by Shawnee Indians on the north fork of the Canadian river in the Indian Territory. The Indians asserted the men were horse thieves, but a good many believed they were Oklahoma boomers. Tho Indians bear a good character. All the section men on the Wheeling fc Lako Eric road, 250 in number, went out on a strike for an increase in wages. They had been paid 91.10 a day, but de manded SL25. A frame building on the west side, Chicago, fell the other day, killing three men who were carousing under the structure. On the Grand Bay plantation in Coupee parish. La., a number of ne groes were playing craps. A dispute arose, which resulted in the killing of Willie Jennings. Levee hands at once hanged Alexander Campbell, Sam Hum mell and another negro. The president has reduced the six years' sentence of Robert Sigel, son of Gen. Sigel, to two years and nine months, and directs that a pardon be Issued to young Sigel then. A boiler explosion at DusartTs saw mill, near Bedford, lad., on the 3d killed eight men. Bill Wtatt, alias "Six Shooter Jack," who killed the telegraph oper ator at norton, L T., last fall, has been captured. A sudden gale caused a panic on the Latonia race tracks, near Cincinnati. Fortunately no one was hurt in the mad rush. Gales are reported to have done: con siderable mischief to shipping on Lake Superior. Nine persons were killed aad many houses blown down by a harricaae la the Susa valley, Italy. RcssELtufc Co.. with houses ia China, London and New Yorkvis ..reported in difficulties. tX- - The German government is rednciag tae staff or. bpandan arms factory l;teo to 400 men. Thee is -much content among tae meaacoeeeqi The ceases of Ireland ho we a-kaje reduction lariaf; the deeade. Thx presiding omeer.of tea Par: boar announce thai ILYereim,, broker who did arj extaamve ba nana a. defaulter on hmcoatvae.. HJsliahmties are estimated to initial 4eMe,M franca, py i.awo h MaJm.iLii mmi,ISSsseifftsateA The ShafeMt distillery. Chicago, on ire the other day. The lose iiuim iwu u tla aUatillerr the whiaky treat fa said to be energetically endeavoring to destroy. Liohtnino ceased a terrible explo sion at Waach Wleehaw'a dynamite factory, at Schlebueeh, near SoUagea, Germany. Several persona Were killed, aad many were injured. The Hew York Dmpateh Pahlkalag Co. is ia the ahermTa himmier exeenttaaaacfreratiacfHlTi. Capital etoek, fUMM. The eneay pnb mM feeBew York Dhmateh, the DaJly Call V oi the Ceaacll-HaU-M eLeetei Cev, ef Nashville, Team, useae aienment Liabilitiea, t4Ti,ae. eat misted attTOMtl -' Tan Itata waa quietly eerrendered to Ada. MeCaaa on hererrival at Iqaique. The surrender had been prearranged. The whisky trust has at last secured posaetsion of the Shnfeldt and Calumet distilleries, Chicago. TrfE Wichita and affiliated tribes have eonuacnoedjngnlng with the gov ernment commission. Peasants are reported starving to death ia parte of Russia. The exactions of tax collectors continue nevertheless. The Shawnee Indiana who recently killed three white men in the Indian territory have been discharged. The dead men were recognized as outlaws. The Shawnees, on being released, headed a party in penult of the Dalton gang of train robbers. Cait. Moonet, of London, England, defeated Murphy, of New York, in a pigeon shooting match at Hollywood, Asbury Park, N. J. The score was 87 to 82. Twenty-five thousand dollars was was wagered. The stakes were f 1,000 a side. Three bull fighters have been killed in Spain. They were given pompous funerals. The secretary of the treasury has called upon a number of national bank depositories to transfer to the sub treasury a portion of the amount of public moneys held by them and not needed for the transaction of public business. The band of brigands who recently seized a number of passengers on an express train between Constantinople and Adrianople and who sent one of the prisoners to secure a ransom of 940,000, now decline to receive the ransom un less Israel dismisses the escort accom panying him. A correspondent at Odessa tele graphs that the recent heavy rains have benefited the wheat crop in southern Russia so greatly that the harvest will probably be but little below the ave rage. It had been expected that there would be an extensive shortage, owing to drought John You, an inmate of the county hospital at Reading, Mass., deliberately starved himself to death in that insti tution. He went without food for twenty-seven days. He was terribly emaciated The census of London shows a popu lation of 4,211,056. The outer ring has a population of 1,422,270 a total of 5,033,332. The schooner C F. Hill brings news that the grip is creating great havoc among the natives of Alaska. Hun dreds have died, at the rate of a dozen per day. There arc no doctors on the island and no medical stores. The Union seminary has voted to re tain the services of Dr. Briggs, thus to a certain extent defying the Presbyte rian general assembly. Tub kaiser is said to be utterly aston ished at the baccarat trial, as in Ger many nobody playing against the heir to the throne would think a moment oi winning. A passenger train on the Denver & Rio Grande ran into a rain washed cul vert about fifteen miles south of Den ver, CoL The passengers were consid erably shaken up. While engaged in a row over a game of monte at Fort Douglas, Utah, Rufus Smith, a private of company C, Six teenth infantry, shot and fatally wounded William Carter, of company 11. Business failures (Dun's report) for the seven days ended June 4 numbered 224, compared with 254 the previous week and 205 the corresponding week of last year. M. PontEDorosTSEFE, chief of the holy synod of Russia, has issued rcgu lations which provide that students of all religious denominations must attend lessons in the orthodox catechism and that all industrious establishments must have an orthodox church within a distance of twenty kilometers. The machinery of the steamer Itata is in a bad state and it will require some days to put it in order again. When the necessary repairs are com pleted the Itata will leave for San Diego, Cat, convoyed by the United States steamer Charleston. AODITIONAI, DDTA1 n. T. McCabb, the husband of May Inez McCabc. the murderess of Jadge Stein, of Hidalgo, who was confined ia the Hidalgo county jail, Mexico, on a charge of conspiracy to murder and rob, broke jail. The buildings of the Cleveland (a) Hardware Co. burned to the ground. Loss, $150,000; insurance, 9100,000. The brigands who recently captured a number of Germane from' a railway train between Constantinople and Adri anople, whom tbey held for ransom, released their prisoners. The Vienna correspondent of the London Standard says that at least a dozen persons were killed ia the recent lightning storm there. The northern part of Italy has been visited by serious earthquakes. Four persons were killed and seventeen in jured. Clearing house returns for the week ended June 6 showed an average de crease of 2S.2 compared with the corre sponding week of last year. In New York the decrease was 29.5. Omnibus drivers of London have struck for shorter hours. After a loag aad exciting debate the Portuguese chamber of deputies by a vote of 105 to 6 ratified the convention with England. The census office has ran out of funds and many clerks will have to be discharged. There is a coal famine ia northern Iowa consequent upon the strike. Skcrktakt Bras, has issued orders prescribing the rules aad regulations to gorcrajthe shipments and transpor tation of cattle from the United States te foreign countries under the aew law providing for the safe transportation of such animals. Doccxexts which have been dis covered at Bonn, Prussia, where Beethoven was bora in 1778, prove that the Beethoven family came origiaaUy from Antwerp aad that they were pro fessional musicians. Sin John A. Macdonald, premier of Canada; died on the eight of the th. Mrs. Duncan, who was recently mar dcroasly assaulted by her husband at Bcttwa-Y-Coed, in Wales, is dying. The rennblican candidate was elected mayor of Wilmiagtoa, DeL Financial conldcacn has been re stored in London. Prices are much firmer. Won has beea received of thekOliag of Frank Cathehy Apache Iadiaaanear Arizpe, Ariz. Cathe was employed aa a swamper on a male traia. There were two ether aaea with the taaaja theladiaaaiWMhit, NEBRASKA STATE NE W& HrtufAX ZKixnr waa recently drowaed while bathing in a iah pond near West Poiat Elxex Youno, a farmer aged M yean, who Uvea with his mother near Lincoln, died recently from glanders, which diaraert waa contracted f: aome horses that he was treating. ORbcextlt John Beckmaa, a G living twelve miles north of Oelambaa, eommltted aaidde by hangiag. He waa TO years old. The only reason that could be aaafgaed i or the act waa pov erty aad poor health. Tee large dwelliag hoeee of Frank JoUnek, a farmer living three miles aonthof Crete, burned to the groaad the other afternoon. Lose, heavy. The feaikUag was lasured ia the Nebraska Sc Iowa Co., lately defaact The total aaseeaed valuation of rail roads in Nebraska, aa determined by the state board of equalization, ia 130, 265,917.80; total assessment of palace cars, $158,534.12, and total asaesaaent of telegraph companies, 1210,184.34. Henrt Baldore, a dairyman living northwest of Irvingtoa, was fatally in jured the other evening while unhitch ing his team at home. The horses be came frightened and ran, dragging him over the rough ground. Death resulted one hour after the accident Two safes were cracked at Lincoln the other night by burglars. The one belonging to the Consolidated Tank line was drilled and blown open and three city warrants worth $8,400 taken. The safe of Therod &. Chandler waa treated in a similar manner aad $440 taken. The house of Valentine Beck, a farmer residing near Bearer City, took fire during the recent tjmporary ab sence of Mr. and Mrs. Beck and their two children, a girl of six and boy of two years, perished in the flames. The parents were within sight of the fire, but were unable to reach home before it was too late. During a late storm near Merna the residence of H. B. Anderson was total ly demolished by lightning, and al though at the time it was struck there were eight persons sleeping in the house, no one was injured. The light ning tore every bedstead but one to pieces and bolts of lightning went through every room. The nine-year-old son of Patrick Guinane was picked up from the side walk at Columbus the other evening in an unconscious condition and died the next morning. It was found out later that he, in company with other boys, had found a number of bottles of medi cine that had been thrown in the alley back of a store. He drank from one of the bottles with the result mentioned. According to reports from every sec tion of the slate the outlook for farm ers haa not been better since the first sod was broken in Nebraska. There is a large acreage of small grain in nearly every section from which reports are received, and corn will also be largely increased, although planting had just fairly begun in many parts when the reports were made. Now that Mrs. Sheedy has licen ac quitted at Lincoln of the charge of hir ing the negro, Monday McFarland, to murder her husband, it is stated that she refuses to pay tho $2,500 expenses incurred by her uncle in her behalf during the trial, and in addition left him responsible for $3,600 for an attor ney's fee, and also shows a disposition to repudiate the fee of $12,000 promised Mr. Strode. In the United States court at Omaha the other day James Moore, pension attorney of Valley, was found guilty of defrauding Mrs. Mary Qugin, a decrepit old woman, of a large sum of pension money. When the verdict was an nounced the judge administered a se vere rebuke to the convicted attorney and remanded him for sentence, warn ing him that he would get the full ex tent of the law. A feud of long standing between two farmers living eight miles north of Hartington culminated the other after noon in a shooting affray in which Joseph Drees fired five shots at Bernard Koch. None of the shots took effect One bullet pierced Koch's hat while another cut away a portion of his whiskers. Drees was arrested and waived examination. He was placed in jail in default of 81,000 bonds. Charlet Shepherd and Christian Fuerst who murdered Carl Pulsifer December 10, 1889, and then robbed the body of $20, were hanged at Fremont on the 5th. Shepherd nearly fainted on the gallows, but Fuerst acted en tirely unconcerned. When the men were asked if they had anything to say, Fuerst replied nothing," but Shepherd said: "We are the men who did the deed, and therefore no one else can be accused of if While the family of Louis Cedar, re siding near Genoa, was at supper the other evening Mrs. Cedar saw a man lurking about the premises with a gun. She Informed her husband, who started for his gun, and his wife again stepped to the door when she received a charge of shot in the face and breast When Mr. Cedar reached the scene he saw a man, who proved to be his own father, Peter Conrad, running across the prairie. The next morning old man Conrad was found dead at his residence from the effects of a dose of poison. He had been a hard drinker and whea un der the influence of liquor waa very abusive to his family, which caused his wife to take refuge with the yoaag man, and the father had threatened to kill the whole family. Tracet Garter was bitten by a rat tlesnake while recently on her way to school near West Point She displayed great presence of mind by tying a string above the place where she waa bitten. With the aid of a physician she has recovered. Jacob A. Narrow, one of the cap. tains of the fire department of Lincoln, has been arrested on a charge of arson. It is intimated that he set fire te his house to get the heavy insurance and to avoid the foreclosure of certain mortgages. Nebraska did full honor to the mem ory of her heroic dead on decoration day. Emil Kubcke, a Bohemian boy of IS years, was recently arrested at Geneva for raising a check from $34 to $84. At Fremont the jury in the case of the state against Fulton Cramer for committing criminal assault upon Mes Spaagler returned a verdict of guilty. W. BL Watson, an Elm Creek barber, recently committed suicide by shooting himself because he was amitten with a fifteen-year-old girl whose part ate far bade her marriage. James A. Coolet. ex-conaty jadge and aa old soldier, waa found dead ia bed at Niobrara the other morning. He ne a bachelor aad waa alone stricken with n fit of apoplexy. The bam of Montie Wheeler. Albion, waa lately struck by lightning and burned together with three horeea, two males, a baggy, mower, hay rake aad ether implemeata. Stanton, waa recently his wagon by n runaway aad instantly killed. Urn aad four children in poor Dcrins a late storm at 03feUl Mm Akmao Bier waa killed by lightning while standing in her 4oor. Two of her ehOdrea were staadiag near aad shacked considerably, hat net BMOOS SUSTAINED. Dtrectan ef V BIT Um Tese m the I New York, Jane a. The directors of Uaioa theological seminary have met aad declared their position on the ques tion of the right of the general assem bly of the Presbyterian church to veto the transfer of Prof. Charles A. Briggs from the chair of Hebrew to the chair of biblical theology. The resolution paaaed at their meeting held yesterday aftecaeea ia aa fellows: Resolved, Thai the hoard ef directors. after having taken legal advice aad after dae consideration, see no reason te ehanga their eiewa on the aabjectef the transfer ef Dr. Briggs, and feel bound, in the dieeharge ef their duties under the charter aad constitution ef the semiaary, te adnre te the same. The intent ef the vote paed by the general aseemhty at ita receat semioa ia Detroit waa that Dr. Briggs sheaM cease to be a professor in the Uaioa seminary. The effect of the resolution given above is that it ia the judg ment of the directors that the veto was a usurpation of powers never given or iateaded to be given to the general assembly, and that since the veto was illegal, the appointment stands, and Dr. Briggs will continue as professor dur ing the coming year as during the past seventeen years. The fact that a struggle n in prog ress behind closed doors was evident when Prof. George A. Prenti.v stag gered out into the hall after the discus sion had been under way for two hours, and nearly sank to the floor through weakness brought on by over excitement The venerable professor's body shook like a leaf and he had to be assisted to a private room until he had recovered. Thee Ih Hastings left his place in the meeting and accompanied the professor to his home. Only one ballot was taken on the resolution and the vote stood 20 to 2 in favor of its passage. The directors of the seminary express ignorance as to the duties of the committee of fifteen appointed by the general assembly, but say that they will receive them with all the courtesy possible when tbey visit the city. It is evident now in the face of tho present action of the seminary directors that the visit of the general assembly committee will be useless. THE BENSON TRIAL. Hla Wife aad Daaahter Will Hit Noth ing to Io With Hlm-Mctttnmn on tbr Htand. Leavenworth, Kan., June 6. The wife and daughter of Benson, on tria here for the murder of Mrs. Metttnan, have repudiated him. John Mettman, husband of the murdered woman, was on the stand yesterday. He testi fied that he gave all his earnings to his wife, the murdered woman. He saw her for the last time Sunday evening, March 23, 1890, at 5 o'clock, in the yard. He was fixing a swing for Mrs. Rautzahn's children, a hoy of 8 and a girl of 5. Mrs. Rautzahn and Henry Mettman, the son, were at home at the time. Mrs. Mettman wore a "dark complected suit" he said, and they were both in good humor he and Mrs. Mettman. He saw her leave the gate due cast He next saw her the day she was burled, while he was un der arrest This was the Sunday fol lowing. He did not remember that she took anything with her and noticed nothing unusual in her manner. They had been married thirty-four years. He had married her in Platte county. Mo. Cross-examined by Judge Webb the witness testified that they had always lived together pleasantly. Kight years ago she had tried to get a divorce, but she took it back. She didn't get the divorce. They didn't get married again. They had lived apart for three months. Mr. Webb asked if this trouble was not due to his drinking habits and his bad treatment of his wife? Judge Riner interfered here on the ground that this was hardly relevant Mettman went on to say that he was under arrest three weeks, but did not know on what charge. THE IMMIGRATION WAVE. Statute Ned Krpalra to I'rerent an Orrr wbelMlaa flood. Washington, June A. (Jen. Jamc G. O'Bcrne, deputy commissioner of im migration at New York, who is in Washington conferring with the treas ury officials about immigration matters, says the new immigration law, while effective as far as it goes, is not yet comprehensive enough, and that con gress will be compelled to amend it next winter. The law, he thinks, lacks the positlvcncs usually given to health lmards. Some thing, he says, will have to be done tc prevent the arrival of unskilled laborer? who displace Americans in order that corporations may pay leas wages. De spite the contract labor law mea who have beea foremen or superintendent? go abroad and secure large gangs oi men, bringing them over to this country in detached sections and keeping se cret the matter of their contract He says, also, that this state of affairs can only be remedied by the watchful ness of officers of the labor unions, who can aid the immigration bureau by no tifying it at New York or Washington when gangs of workmen appear in their town under suspicious circumstaaccs. The facts would then be investigated and the mea, if tbey came here under contract and arc discovered withia a year, caa be returned to the country from whence they came. Cfcaaaa of Manager Cincinnati. Juae . The directors of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis railway met and declared a quarterly dividend of l per cent oa the preferred stock, an! a semi-annual dividead of IK percent on the common stock. The resignation of General Manager W. M. Greca was prescated aad accepted with regrets, and the board elected ia his place Joseph Ram sey, Jr., who has beea assistant to the president the last earned office being abolished. Presideat Ingalls will go to Europe July 1. leaviag the newly general manager m charge. Philadelphia. Jaae a. GW Marsh, the fagMve presideat of the Keystone bank, is said to be ia hiding withia a few- mile of this city, and while the detective have beea scouring the country for him and watching the departing ocean steamers for South American porta. Marsh haa remaiaed snugly hidden away at the little town of Uawood. So asserts Francis W. Lawreace, a reputable dtiaen of Taar lew, aear Chester, who claims to have traced Marsh to his lair. Law reace haa beea made a constable te catch him. Cincinnati, Jane . Mrs. Anna Mey heaT, aged 71 years, waa foe ad hi her 517 Sycamore street iaahalf- half-kneeUac aoekiea and to death by natoat twine by which she hanged herself. Terror at electrical- storm ia said to he the San Kl- erC P. Mill ewa that the grip mereatiag great trresof Alaska. heroa amonrthe at the rateaf a arc ao doctors ea the k mad. 35" standing. Srtaa aiaa FaAncsece. Jui fj a n. s a - n VavmnawB B6v HI'i AeunyeTw AN INDIGNANT ARCHSISHOv. Irilaed laetaueat at tao At- laterferenea a rclf ra VHk St. Pacu Mian.. Jane i Rlace the publication of hie interview regarding the cable repot U of the petition to the pope for the districting of foreign Ua migraaU ia America on national Hera, Archbishop Ireland haa aa4 uaaay tele grams aad letters of Indorsement of his views. Yesterday he took up several nointaaet heretofore touched aad ex preened himeelf very freely aad em phatically. The prelate aahi that as the details ef the plot were unfolded to American Catholics er Protestants the fecliag eonld not hat grow in intensity. The whole proof edieg waa an insult to American nationalism aad revealed the fact that certala Europeans imagined America to he a sort of African Congo, without aatoaomy ef ita own aad in capable of life without a constant ap plication of European galvaaic bat teriev Catholics wrr mortified -thai their religion should be made. the occa sion and the pretense for this in solent foreign intermeddling. "If things are allowed to go much further," he continued, "we may soon expect a cablegram announc ing that Herr Von Scbloezer has claimed, in the name of the Kaiser, a right to veto our appointment to a dozen episcopal see in the United States Archbishop Kalzcr. I am urr. is personally innocent of alliance with the representative of Prussia, and will take an early occasion to warn this gentleman that his 'cordial approval' of American matter must be dispensed with in the future. But the audacity of the Prussian Is to he noted all tho same as an indication of foreign thought and action in our regard. The con tagion spreads, and to an extent that compels a smile of amusement in the midst of our indignation and anger. So long as the church in America i fit only to be portioned off to the cans of foreign countries, why would not any foreigner, however small he be, ask for a piece? Hence we have M. Mrrcier, minister of the province of Quebec, a mere colony of England, who happened to meet la Rome Herr Cahcnslj. running to the Vatican and praying in the name of his little constituency that a Canadian bishop be named for the sec of Ogdcna btirg, in the state of New York. M. Mercicr, wa must say, is modest He should, when once started, hare- aimed at higher game and asked that tin see of Boston or New York be handed over to his patronage. Hut appetite come in eating and who knows what monsieur might at tempt another time. We can eally picture a further extension of this for eign ambition to rule Catholic officer in America. In a few year the ecclesi astical map of the country would show tho fingering of every foreign princi pality whose emigrant chose to touch our shores. New Orleans, we Imagine, would suit Italy; Bohemia might be satisfied with Chicago; Detroit a a matter of course, would go to Posea and Gnesen In Poland, etc, etc. Possibly a few see. James town or Charleston, would be left to Americana This attack of forrignLsm upon the church in America i killed by ita audacity. So long a It worked stealthily by secret embassies and back entrances, it wa dangerous and doing harm. It ha now entered into open combat The outcome will be most favorable to church and to country. Catholics in America, whatever the raco from which they spring, will be more vigilant in the defense of their rights both a Catholic and a Ameri cans. "I have seen the official denial of the representative of the Deutsche Amcri kanlscher Priestcr Vereln or German clerical society of America disclaiming all knowledge of or co-operation in the Cahensley memorial. What this repre sentative will not deny l that the Ca hensley memorial i nearly word for word the document which the St Louia German priest, tho founder of the vereln, sent to Rome in l&sfl, by Rev. Abbclen, of Milwaukee; nor wil'. he de hr that a few day ago the Araerika, a paper which i fed on vereln food, de clared openly that it will ceaselessly work for Cahenley' program me." EMPHATIC DENIAL. The Meeratary at tha (iarasan-Aaiarleaai I'rleat ftortety a tha t.araraa ralllla. St. LotTI. June i The published report that the Deutsche-American clergymen' society of this city was the author of the so-called Lucerne petition to Tope Leo XIII. in reference to the Immigration of Catholic priest ia charge of Immigrant to this eouatry ha called out from Rev. William Faerher, corresponding secretary of the society, the following sweeping denial: "I hereby formally and officially de clare in the name of the DeuUche Amerikaaischer Prieater-Vereia that said society waa ia ao way whatever, directly r ladirectly, connected with the so-called Lucerne memorial; that said society had aot the least Mea of Ita existence prior to its being made pub lic through European cablegrams and American paper, much lea ever oc casioned it origin. Kag-llahaaaa Altar OmaJta'a Tarda. Siocx Citt, la, June i A gentle man who haa large stock yard iavest meats here and important financial con nections in England states that aa En glish syndicate ha completed negotia tions for the purchase of the Omaha stock yard. The price Is said to be 8,060,099. aJeeta4 ay ta WfosHs. Paris. Tex, Jane 5. The Wichita Indiana, with whom n commhwioa m bow treating, have decided that they will aot accept the proposition to take 1W acres each ia allotment and sell the balance of their land at fifty cent aa acre. They will make a counter prop osition to sell all their land atil.M per acre and eadeavor either to estab lish their claim epon the lands now oc cupied by the Cbeyeneea and Arapa hoe, or, failing in that to purchase aee among the Choctaw aad . bick wa, where they thiak they will be re secure from disturbance and - terrupsien. Hta By a) CUctrlr Car. KAAsCmr, Mo., June S-Joha F. Fogerty was inataatly killed last aight at the iateraection of LealngV and Prospect aveaaea, by a ear upon the Northeast Electric rail way. He wa 34 year of age, was married and lived with hie wife aad ten-year-old boy en SeUefoutekae. near Iameaeadence avenue. He waa walking aloe the track of the railway aad stepped into n hole hi the street aad fell in front of the car- It wheel ammed over him. cattkag hi body ktto two niece. It h dalmed that Fogerty S. Jean Tee, i "Warr JJatle Dot "XykittJe ,L,lijinstja- ;ti'X- - KxABtne. Mam. Jan Taheratelyatarved himaalf to dmukjn maaTe amaveafJmTmaV aTmTAa uurmmarm far tunte-rrea amen. Be was terrieSy imaimlii Mi iiTmWr --y-- lis aeamde and aft the time ef hi death neat reen ner nee. uuaaaws a aav. MONUMENT TO OKANT. fa laV. Gauuta. IlL. Jaae . The town which seat to the treat the greatest norther general of the late civil war witnessed yesterday the aawlWeg of tetur to U. Jv Grant aaav tae ef a new nark braekag hie katheeeateaef the city. The atom? sraa the gift of IL K. KehUaet, ef Chtcagw. aad the park, a tract ef six acres from which the build ing whieh formerly ecnel It have m the entorewut or a he Jamea W. Scott The statue U eight feet fa height aad stand unoa a granite neaeatol tea feet alga. It reareeeata the eht a 73JiJ Inr bareheaded with his milltarr coat unbuttoned and thrown back. The In scription on the base n?l: "tJrant, Our Citizen." Throng of eop1n arrived during the forenoon from every direction. t-i.-. I public schools in Ihibuqur, Free port ,,-.,.... ..w ... V i aad other nearby town were rloaed t .-i , i ,v . ....I...... aad large delegation of their cillacn . . , . . . i - came to tako part ta tne ceremonies. Iluslnrss In tlalcna wa entirely sus pended. Two steclal trains from Chicago brought delegations of tJrand Army men and distinguished ritixciis The ceremonies of the day were In augurated with a parade participate'! in by ttraad Army veteran, visiting military and civic bodies and eitlaent gathered about the atatuo In the park. The exercise were opened with the j "Star Spangled Manner rendered by I the Fifteenth regiment band from Fort .-merman, aikt pryer oj me map lain the bands, (fathered In uuUoa, struck up with "Hall to the Chief a little Ml Paullnn Kohl. aat a daughter of the donor, unveiled the statue, ami the (fathered multi tude applauded. Ex-dov. Hoard then formally presrnU-d the statue to the city on behalf of the donor. The s tat no we accepted in a brief address by Park Commissioner McCleanaa on behalf of the city. He waa followed by lion. Chauncey M. Depew, who delivered the oration of the day. He met with an enthusiastic reception. Addresses were alao dellrerrd by (lov. Fifer and Judgo Crabtreo. NATIONAL TREASURY. A oee to Kalee4 tha rr a4 a MaM atoaaa at Om ae Ilalf-The Treasary Wall Nall4Tfc Clrr alatlaa. WAaiilXfiToff. June i Notice hat been given by Secretary Foster that tho principal nd accrued Interest of the V per cent bead issued under the acta of July 14, 1970, and January M, 1871, out standing September 1, 1st 1. will be paid at the treasury of the United H tales on that day, ami that tho Interest on tho bond will then cease. Suggestion have been made on the part of the hold ers of some of these bond of a desire to extend the payment at thn option of the Ualted State at the rate of ii per ccat per aanam. and the secretary of the treasury will hereafter consider whether the acceptance of uch offer of them will be profitable to the government aad in that event re serve the right to except uch lnd from this calL It I officially atated that the sugges tions aa to the extension of the 4J-f per cent lean added to the call made to day is made more a a matter of prece dence than of nrcelty. The treasury department it is said, is abundantly abln to pay altnf tbe5l,OO0.0u9 4VperrenU outstanding, but in vfow of the uncer tainty of future receipt and expendi ture it I judged better to take the side of safety. The secretary net only be lieve that he has ample means to ee fray all the expense of the govern ment but I confident that he will m able to retire a considerable amount of the public debt In addition to tha V 00.09 already paid during the present admlaUtratl n. One of the purpose la suggesting an opportunity to extend the matariag loaa at a nominal rate of laterest ie the desire to avoid the en forced retirement of a part or all of th ass,, national bank circulation now secured by the h per rent txmd. During tba month of May there wa a net decrease la the circulation of f!V om,ZH. There wa aa innra! of fl.ew.02 ia silver treasury note ami 4t.?ie ia subsidiary IIver. bat a de crease of f IS.7e4.WI in gold eertiaVab', i2.:W2,erV.; in ilver certificate, ff.31. ft7 in national bank note, af.3ee.orje ia gold coin, fl.W. 10 in tandard llver dollar aad 1 1.115. 17J lu Ualted Stated note lTrT"Hf roh. Pa.. Jane t. a IL Chhv aolm. a millionaire iron operator of Cleveland, was arrested by aviatake ia a lotel here for pasatog eeerlrrf4i money. He seat a nwsnfrr from a detective and electrical call agency to purchase him railroad and alevplng ticket home aad tendered two aew are dollar note to tW egerl-oy. and the detective jumped to the eeectesiou that it wa tne oa eoege eeW wwtj by endiag a boy to work off beat money. Cabholm wa ahnrtly after arrested and take ha-fer lawpvetwe McAtecr aad proved hi saratity CntCAOO. Jane 1 rir wa 4 eovered in the Ary wea ef ebf4dV distillery at oVhsrh thk awwnksjr A large aamtor of rngtaw were elW4 to to the en and at 4it f f yeared to be under etrl. Why vs laed to the reeae ta whfch ilararil The lean la ressgtdv ietsi at ft,- The is st petted to have veWaWd fcvs ffrerhrated tev The . W dfct. Ifr U tW aatti-whhkhv testst t-MJk for a coaeplracy to da-Ovvf tV Hs dynamite Secretary Gito W V uy lawwwv Jtaw Oak Je l. v- U4 Bay afaalattoa ia CWfu an4)V day. a anaaher d a r ran, A aaenta rnv ate fwa hi thehnHssf vttttm Jr W at one haasl At. t-a.rKK, NneMaeU bract. Jan ,TTa el freee Mr, renU -d f V and )' ! to 4 Mteaeet thn haas tarv aWtoiwe! Mm to tat a p mBpwvT- Hr ip " Win W wa eeuaiac eeeaanaamar ataauV p S caht If 11 fla-l' K mVmhul mtmW4s latf CfesBarmTsMi -aWiffmaH araW THE CONFEDERATE DEAD. revatMac t HmkikmI at Jks. m Uaaafctv t Jfffna Bevta. jAraanjt. Mis-w. Juno S. Tho eerf monte incident to the unveiltn; o? th confederate monument attratot U lh city crowd Ureer than the Imiwnw thrvng that Slled the strreU th- iUy l fore. Delegation after delejrtkm. rrp reentlng alt part, of tiw emintrr. ar rived arwl were awt bf Vr Henry and hi aides, accompanied by a band. whU, the treel were Hoed with veterans mt eathualaaisc nrctatorx AJpfv?c)ock lh national eitnt WU t&f under nMnmiM o( 'wn. jmiup, marched from their quar ters to the citr ball, where th grand proreaakm formed, and f ter marchm through the streets pnceedctt t th monument ltehlod tho trfps came a toat bearing IfU-en beautiful younff ladlea who reprrsente,! the different southern states at the uneiHntf. as fol low: MU Anale HUmr. the ..ulhcrn confederacy: MUs Annie U Mon MU aoari. Ml Courtney Walthall. Vir ginia; Mis Cmlaao llortme Sjke, North Carolina; Miss Annabel iN.wer. Kentucky: MUs EUvs FeathersUne. CeorrU; Miss E1U tJovan. Flori da; Mis Nellie FewcIL Alabama. MU Mary Hell Morgan, 1nWUn. Ml Caroline Kerr, Tesa. Mlvs lr glala lluut, Arkansas; MUsSaW F.lean or Cowan. Tennessee. MUs Marie Umry. MLsUjpl. MUs nnle Hem ingway. South Carolina. Ml Ktto Porter. MarjrUmL Then ohiih car riage cmttalnlni? tho tfllrers .f the ladlea eafslerto mnamenl oU tion with Mis Sallle It Mrgn as president and 3dr Hare, the dauffhtor of Jefferson Davlv a-vmnpanled by her husband nl sn. Nest came earrtai -. !!.. .ti.tl..at!t..t tinfc.lirrv&tc. i fnnMif iij, ', -- -.. -.--.-- - veterans, followed ! the ittfauii . I i-inii. of nuifniitrttr Vct-r.-n alio tJB " . , .. , ..... i. rrmnani 'i nan a uttxen i.im"n .-,-- ftluippl confederate rern,,-s- The ceremonies were oj-i.ed with imtlc by the hand, ftcr whtoh Iter Father S. A iWkerrt, of Y..Ulurjr. lellerel a prayer lie m iimii " - Hooker, who ' " , , I f the ladUV monument s j ..... , . i i I MUsUslpnl, assilna brief ado ho, In t-ensii asMwlatlon f re In prw- ntatlon of the monument U the state. after which. amM the booming of ea noit, Mrs. Margaret HaTe, daughter of Jeneron HaTis. pulled the string that connected with tho veil, and the nest moment the while statue of thn aoldW surmounting the monument "m dis closed. CoL Mcintosh, of Meridian. In behalf of th confederal veterans and tho state, then made an appropriate re sponse to the addre of lot llWer He was followed br en K. ' Walt hall, who amidst cheers and appl addrrsard the assembled crow.l An original pem ws then recited bj Mr, Luther Manshljv who was followed by tlov. Iowry, in a tribute to JelTerson Havls. The lenedlellon wa prnaehed by ChapUln Iter II. K. .sprolcs. THE TREASURY. arrf jr rMtr Talks wa laa r.M.im -t IS MalbMMsl Trutf, UnooKI.Y.s:, June &. Secretary Foster waa the guest of the loUn league club of ilnmklyn last evening Afterdlnnwr a reception was held at which the mitp tary spoke In part as follon liur demiM-ratlc friends have had a g-l deal to say of late about the billion dollar congress. Ilia Ute excellency ilrorer Cleveland would seem to !i trouble! on this score lo, Tlfx' gentlemen forget U the while that IhUls a billion dollar country (Applause) Coiigre did make largv appropriations fr jen- slons and for all kinds of pul He servlcn. In no (. so far as thesfl appropriations are; concerned,' were- they greater than the Heredity called for. I am not defending the a proprUtions. Some of them 1 would not defend- Hut CTiry mote w make our democratic friends wmn to think Indicates poerty in the treasury do rartment Kecently I thought It wl aad prudent to propose an xtenUm of the 4H per cent bonds, Thn treasury depart me at ta aliendantiy able to pay the bond when tliey mature. "In view of the faet that .V.0O0,0o-l In gold has been expended within a short perhal of lime, I deem It unwU to do anything just now todeerraw tho volume of currency In Umj national bank, SURRENDERED. TTs fasarcval C hlltaa aiaar fist r ra4ere4 In lfc I nJll !. lut'lUt', June 5. The Ital rri-l here early yesterday and was at ona surrendered to the American men-of war In thl hrlr. It I expected that the United Htates war ship Charleston will arrive here b-dey All the. arm take at Han I hVgo by the Itata. consisting of 5.ouo rlrt. were turned ofer.wtlh the rs-.l. The commander of the Itata slab- that the arms wer not embarked at n Diego, but at a point many mttea at sea. The Iqubjoe government elalro that this clrcumstanc? modlfl th sit nation conskterabl aad will probably reult la a prefy solution of lh diffi culties latwrvn the admiral and thn junta. The authorltU at th nv time declare that Uh carjfo of the I tola U of little Impm-tane. taklag Into coo skWation the small number of arms, Taa nur cosriBuru. tVai.ot5, Juae &. A cahte dU patch 1rm Vre ha te reeel here annouaeing the surrender of lh Itata to the commandant of tise VnlUi Mates naval fovre there The Itata arrived at TowpUl VWIrerly and w as ordere to go to Iqnfjoe, abrs lha astboritte sumeaderrd her na mm tntur, oty n - Tfiary. Wiiai.forMs, Jane X The rt r pln In the immrj U .. smaller rp then ha la treaaery within the many of tiw obt est official. To laerre this srpas Secretary Foster ha eUl i a,.tw of deposit fmoi national bask. Th call rvadw "The -rrUry of the trr ury ha thh day ralV-i ttp-m a nnmlr of aaLknsal bank 4-rpc-4tei to trans fer to lb sua-teeaary a portio h aa7at of pnWV awsy hW by lhe and not eited fce tha trrUn of puMie Wj!. tmp nns J ?. m. JC fct fx At."r, Ok., JmtxK 5. TTs trial &t the fvr !w f44 fcr arii- th tikrsve aliB9 vhrve uvea m NrUk Kxk last taoxtty MfMrW4 jvWrvlr At tt Wsisf ttor trial it seeeaed a VW to lawllaavs rr gavajf eiaedee, sWf to the toahility 4 th totorpresee to aV mm ta Lte- d t- Tvsas, tort f cether v-sti- awsn fly ikw4 Vlsat im aW.i hJI s d ftvfmtff to toekr pnsTw Ar MavUwr he evWtence CBj UfcUii ki t4i4th to4 la w- $d&Xi a4 wedvrsl thwir releaae. rssauiaawt ex. hatHtiai, T-. Je ,M-Mt- ahjht te yer na seeA to Ve lafee'n twenn VrUg Ms sV ae aad teh4 a ana ah hia t SPNhB,wwA a lew awMrwi wwtf naaaaftpawa am mavem-akeamamnA - - -tt ifc ai . a-I-ar,-rt aufmmjaamema; mj umameeajfa Wj smrm; nmnunsaa. n TtoatocMl witd to arrest toe ev tort mmMBda BmaBmaUbamBsJl - aenabmW tfa.mJ fematta aTmVsv VapsTr a"sBjsmrsx, jmammj maamF jm anuatani mu lWB wnarr aHPrWTpTjMk tHiNe Jeura ?1san, T' af-man imaim a ea ejansw 4ma f-sawam v-e-"f w ar - V -" ' irtfr sVN9 1?w ftWfll me tattresl Free rreaa. L.