f f ,. maasesBwav . esmemmaam a iiifMPWMiMMBBMBfcwJfcfcL 1 lP'iiiPWI"t' " "'" -- " iniffi "j- t- -- - 'fismmmmmffsmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - - iTinm.iii.iri M --- - . - Mr-j:" - ' . wT ' jb3MPK'PL-a- LJpt . jaavasmmmmmmmwssma PBilSiMBHvx. " T jjf m ' nrArgS!SlSnanSSSm Ummtmt Ysma 4PSmmVmm ISmr "" " STB'hVnBYAwm ym YgWgWafe vsmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmw' BBfc- l X . i i 'FfiaTMfiejMmJr sSaTSmmmi 'i'J,aSmsa YgWgWgWtmlmV piBM kwafau mw SvtH'LKXBBBBBB&BBBBSVSsk ei mmmBrnFSKamaSmmmmmwmmmBr'n ' WSmmmmmmaam BmmmmmmmmBB' P fHHvKvBflklb Cv e tnSSmmsmj tSW ' ::ii' - usBas2Rs I BawawawawammmaBmr I saawi I 'ii32il4i ;-i-n'Sggha'S-'SiFlSWnSSSSSSSSSSSW eu biBlk'' C.ifVK --licXV - -aaTvisKidaaallHia - '-av wwaki-ammEPawawawaw3sm ji lis&naSSawawm rliimiawawHa BWfBB fgi ti K9BillBRi cv' By A. C. Hosmer. HURRAH ! FOR 4TH0F JULY, Celebration AT RED CLOUD. Let Every One Turn OUT AND Have a Glor ious old 4th. Red Is ill the lead SHE HAS PROCURED THE N ebr aska t4 -, - mi 'v. ' j r1 , 1 . r - Inter-State Reunion, Which will be held in Bed Cloud September 15, 16, 17 and 18. THE Cloud once more. - , ' -. ' Kansas , " Eternal Vigilance is MEMORIAL 8EBMOX By Iter. JT. D. Palls. Tkxt: 3d Timothy, i:1. l have fooffht a good fight.' These words are from tho lipn of the apostle rani. They Bammarize his life as a Christian soldier. In Baying, "I hare fought a good fight" he means that he has been lojal, deroted and aggresshre in maintaining and adrancing his 8Tior'a truth and kingdom. "I hare fosght a geod fight" is a su perb Bmnmary of a life, and he who can truthfully say it pronounces on himself the imperial enconium of living. Panl has spoken justly of himsolf . This sum mary baa no flavor of egotism. The magnificent life which stands behind it vindicates it from boastfolnesa and at tests its truthfulness. Fan! is worthy of this tribute. It is the honor due him an a soldier of the cross of Jeans Christ, and we sanction his claim, we echo the plaudit, sayinp, "Yes, Brother Paul, thou has fought a good fight, and it shall be a memorial to thee through all coming eternities." But next to the soldier of Christianity stands the soldier of nationality. It is the acme of glory to say "I have fonght a good fight for the cross." Bat the next thing in glory is to say, I hare fought a good fight for my flag. That is the purpose of this gathering today. We are come to commemorate our national sailors and soldiers, oar he roes, those who gallantly fought and glor ious died for flag and constitution and country. If they fought a good fight, then this occasion is significant. It is a beautiful expression of gratltnde and a righteous hoaoring of noble patriotism. Was their fight a good fight? I think there aro none who seriously question that now. The war for the Union needs no vindication, certainly not to those who witneesed and participated in its ongoing history from the Northern side. And even those who were on the opposite Bide in opinion or arms, now that the mists of political and sectional prejudice kavo passed away are regarding it as both right and just And we are quite sure that when the white light of impar tial history shall illuminate it causes and methods and aims, it will stand jus tified to ail mankind as n righteous and patriotic war. Still, on an occasion such as this it ia eminently appropriate to review the question ''Was the war for the Union a good fight? Our purpose in raising the question is not so much with the view of imparting information, as to stir your memories and to show that the wreaths we weave for our heroes brows ore worthy. Nor do we wish in stirring your memories to awaken animosities ovor the past and gone. We come to the review, "With charity for all and nialico towards none" to show if we can, 'that in the fight for tho Union, tho boys in bluo made a good fight. There aro several aspects in which the war for the Union was a good fight To turn one aspect sharply to view we say that in the war for the Union the character of the fighting was good. Why, do we say when two men face and batter and bruise each other in the manly art of self defense, as they call it, that is brutal? Or when the Indian tomahawks and scalps his enemy, that is savagery? And then when two armies meet and shoot each other to death that is glorious? Why, simply because you recognize the ethical element in fighting, you distinguish between good and bad fighting. You know the differ ence between savagery and civilization infigthing. And you know that tho quantity of the ethics you pack into a fight determines the quality and enhanc es the merit of the fighting. Cromwell and his Old Ironsides poised victory aad march gloriously through history as in vincibles because they made God and the Bible as the Guidons of battle. And that is the reason why our battle for the Union was a good fighL We recognised God. The Bible was a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We had brains behind our muskets and sabres, and moral conviction in every shot tired and in every stroke that felL In a swift review of history, ww nay recall Iieonadea and Alexander and Cteear and Wellington andNapoleom aad Moltke and their magnificent campaign and armies, Thermopyle, Marathoa, Ar belaand Blenheim and Waterloo and Sedan as historic battles. And yet we find no generals, bo cam paigns, bo battles and no armies more grand or scientific or brave and cairal- ric than ours ol the Union. Nor is this opinion to be regarded as aa expression of partisan partiality and pride. Itie only the revoke of the opinion of the aa tirwui of tfin arnrUI bji t)uv r taftiifijw) t k; .x,. .l mAm;i. - j --...- genera aaa aim us ana taetr oruuaai achievements. Weareaot saytag that there are bo spots on the disk et this luminous sua, we only say taat they fail to obscure ttaflamiaf brilliaaoe. W remember that "there were times of panic, times of retreat, timatet dettat aad times whea oar foe of kindred blood and mettle gained briHiaat triamahs, still we say that the white alsmeditasK JBcoaaaicaoaary a "waoraa away to live aad igat day" were a dim shadowy ogoaptioa ta ttt galinmt AUtitadiao8 heat that the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year Red Cloud, Webster County, composed our armies. The Poet des cribes it well in saying, "No taougat of flls'it. Nose of retreat, no unbecooilBf deed That argued fear, eat one himself relied, A' In his arm tbe moment lay Of victory." We might pause here and prove the fighting good by detail of campaigns and descriptions of battles, only we know not where to begin. As we contemplate the glory, its brightness is dazzling and we are unable to select tbe peerless ray. We might speak of Antietam with its four miles of battle, and call it the Golgotha of the war. We might say that at Get tysberg the struggle reached its highest point and that there broke the fiery crest of the decisive battle, and that Vicksburg struck the blow that sent the confederacy reeling to its doomed des truction. But comparisons are invidious. Every battle was pivotal and decisive and all were glorioup, and each one, whether on the mountain top conspicu ous or in the valley obscure, on land or water, from first Bull Run to tbe final Appomattox was beneficent to the Union and contributed to national victory and honor and glory. We might make a further pause and do honor to the peerless number of lead ers. We might lift up Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Farragut, Porter and Terry to your view, but that again would be in vidious. They are only a conspicuous few in a royal line of officers and privates who are equally deserving. Each and all have a peculiar splendor of their own, that none other in the resplendent gal axy can dim. Bat we must return to the splendor of the fighting. One beam of its splendor was that it was volunteer fighting. The Hessian and the conscript had a small place ia our armies. The Persian whip and its snapping lash were unnecessary to push the fighting of the boys in blue. In the recruiting and the fighting the ir enthusiasm cried "Here am I, send me." That fact is illuminated when we recall the truth that out of twenty-five millions of population in the North 239,132 en listed in the four years of the war. And then how is the splendor enhanced when we reflect sadly that we laid 289,730 sol diers on the altar of death in the four years of fighting. But the imperial splendors bursts forth when we remember that it was patriotic fighting. Fatherland filled and thrilled their hearts. They said: "My aative country tbee. Land of the noble free, v TJiy name I lore." The uprising, the enllstneats, the girding for battle and tbe struggle for victory were all In spired by that lore. It was a contest not of regular amies, nor of mercenary levies to gratify dynastic anbltloa, to extend empire and secure martial glory so tomasesi in the old world, but of republican ertlzeas self orgus Iwsl Into military heste's to bold and msJntala the national domain bcqueUied to them br their revolutionary fathers. Is tbe better sense, it was not an offensive war. It was sim ply ttcfenslre of tbe nattaul territory and auth ority against secession and treason under the sancUons of tbe constitution and tbe preced ents of the tuition. Some hare assigned it other objects and affirmed It as aggresiirely nimed at the institution of sUrcryas fostered by tbe South. But while the conscience of the North regard ed slavery as a national ?ln, one which In both justice and mercy ought to hare been elimina ted from the aattoaal life, nererthetesa the war was not alined at Its destruction. The war was simply defeiutreef tbe Union. The South was aggresslre. She forced the war upon us. The North conki do no otherwise than Ight. llerearnlest desire was to do otherwise. She held out the olive branch and urged its accep tance. She was willing to arbitrate. She en tered the react) congress. She considered the Crittenden resolutions. Hhe offered every corn promise that honorable magnanimity could suggest, but the Southern Oligarchy was Implac able and defeated atl efforts for a peaceful ad justment. And after all peaceful overtures were rejected by the Sooth, even then patriot ism sat In silence and wailed with folded arms unUI tlie war challense came by the wanton assault on 8emrer. Tbm. bat not till thra, did the war storm burst over the North. Tbes, whea patience ceased to be longer a virtue. Northern patriot ism arose and ald with Kttfas Cheat "We join oursHres with no party that dees not carry the tag and keep step to the music of the Union." Then they responded to Mr. Lincoln's call for troops saying In echo te Asderew Jack son, "The federal Uckm shall be preserved." And It was dan, done in the wage of battle, aad done bravely, honerahly aad glortowslr. Surely with these sirns foDewlmr 1L the Ictus for the Union was good aghtisg. Bnt secead, te war (or the UMe was a good Ight la the eaases for which it was waged. Bat we mast interpret these saws as from the teachings af Ms history rather frees any personal er ases oamtoa then la varae. Ia Its am the war was waged he sreatrvi 1 steace, te saw itself fratn aa splracy, to sstesetfrrmaaa armed reketTtaa. er If tbsi cheese te dsgmlfy the term, to save HaeUfrmaarevidatMa.hasdea tat aoHttaal heresy that one party has the right te framasstieanawaaalcawsfaet. That lysattrs the attltade ( the Saath ta the aa tieaallUc It was a deliberate cesumiracy. aa armed reeearaa asjaJasC a sacred aad cemaart fee the arryetaal Uatea the The electma ef Mr. Lhscela either as amsw- aee ar as Inimical te the isavleatiaw ef shmrjr as we aB knew, waa a mere pretext to hid the cutne4raey aad Jastlfy rrteWaa agatasthhe tTaJea. History has madeKmata that if Mr. Ikmfftts had hea iiiliimsirhaiilsim.tti. uaceav weals have bww defeated, fa , Uea ef Mr. Bmkmi grfje to TMeH anj aad anew tae twrtlun eCthe dMsse.aadaBrwiiiallimte the wah the Oat thefwesjervatleejefthe htm at ac traHerswasaetal. Ia Me the war waged teryraaet the Jtte as Krhea existed. The aeee&decy ef the rtsmbUram sartyht tne castfral ei tae ffeeerea plate nay ivnatatieemry ihist.it la ihi efsheaatiaa; The etsilerthcaaeistM taeaartr. Tad- rfatj was aet ta daaarhstla the wak eatered ehe t7aiea waitr the erhji- aaacm. hat te restrict II to Neb., Friday, Junk 12, That was Its highest hope and iuter.Uon wheu It came Into power. While slavery was rvoog alzed as a gross Infringement of mans' natural rights, and a strange Inconsistency with our Declaration of national independence and a wicked system of Inhumanity. Still it Massa cred la tbe limits of the constitution. Mr. Lin coln la his Irst Inaugural tells us . He says "I hae no pun10! directly or indirectly to lu terfrr with the insUtutiin of slavery I" the sUtcs wVcre it ciiata," "1 belleb I have uo lawful right to do so and I hate no inclination to do so. Those ulio nominated aud elected me, did so with the full know let! go that I had made this and many similar declarations and bad never recanted thrn I now reiterate these sentiments ami in doing m, I only prrss on the public attention the most ooiicluiheevl dence of which the awe Is susceptible, that the property, peaco and necuiily of no section are in anywise endangered by the now Incoming ad ministration." Thwx: utterances unsuhucully Indicate thai the star was not waxed to abolUh slarery. Toaarethe L'nlouas it then existed was the first and prime and only dolga of the war at Its Inauguration. The snhationot the Union was the heart of the contention, and to save It It was w Ithout repard to other Inter ests. Mr. Lincoln lucidly outlines that in his great "JJnlon Letter" to Horace Hreeley. H says, "My paramouut olJNrt is to ae the Union and not elUiertosave or destroy slav ery." If I could save the Union ithout free ing any slaves I would do It, and if I could sate It by freeing nil tho slaves I would do It, and If 1 conld save It by freeing some aud leaving others alone I would abo do that." The old Union was glorious and it was worth saving. It was our herltago from our patriot fathers, a heritage which wa.s lorn lu i Ightful revolution and Sealed In heroic blood, a heritage of domain and constitution and Hag. a heritage of liberty and history which were haloed with glory. The war was wiiged for that, but he who Is always better to us than our fears and keeps step with maus truest needs gave us one more excellent than that, one that was purged of slavery and replete with freedom. Surely fighting to save the Unlou was a good fight. Then third, It was a good fight In its achieve ment. The building of the gomnnu-ut of tho t'nlon was wiser than men knew. They realized more than they Intended or expected. The Urd God ws presiding at the helm or the ship of state, His mighty hand which hitherto had guided the destinies of the nation, was thereto pilot It Into the port of righteousness. IIH be uigncd Providence sliaiicd and marshalled events and precipitated them to "consumatlons most devoHtlj wished tor" by the truest locrsof their country. Under his mildancc tho bight aspirations andlrtrophccles and axioms nl the patriotic poet aktesman were all rcaltrcd. He set the JrTflssJPeVle conflict and then ns MIn the beauty ot the IIIHos Christ was bom across the sea. With a glory In bis bosom thai transfigured you and me As be died to make men holy." The boys in blue said "let us die to mako men free, while God Is marching on." And pralso Ills holy name they did It. They crushed the deliberated and matured and infamous conspir acy and defeated its armed rtlwllion of traitor. Tliea that tbe nation could not exist half slave and halt free was provcu. Then Daniel Webster's saj lag "liberty and Union, now ami forever, one and inseparable" was rcalUed. Then, the old and glorious "Declaration of In dependence "lliat all men aro born free ami equal" was cryttalUcd into Its dMnest express Ion. Then slavery died, but It was shot and not legislated to death. It was dnnl, not as the Intention and aim of party policy, but hecauv; It was an enormous sin in the sight of n Just God. The time bad coraeluthe wlllnndpur posoottha Inflnlto when iLscnmes and cruet ties should bo avenged, when the tears ami groans and prayers of Itsvlctlms forilbcrty were to be answered. Then itdieu limits takiiiguH, was a war measure for th- preservation of the Union. Emancipation is the brightest and rlhtmt event of American history. Vor when slavery died, national consistency was vindicate and the golden gates of f rcedom were thrown wide open, and Liberty In the trinity of Its perfect aess, physical, political and rellgloui was en throned as the law of the Kcpublic. And then as tb anal achievement, there eventuated that which was designed at the beginning, the sal vation of the Union, not tho old Union be queathed to us by our fathers with Its entail ment of slavery, but a regenerated Union, tbt old Union purified r-y tho fires of battl: and the blood ol a heroic soldiery, and transfigured Into a temple dedicated toths freedom of all men. without the dlsUnctlon of race or color. Mr, Lincoln's ideal Union, as he proclaimed It at the National cemetery at Gettysburc "A nation having a new birth of freedom and a government of the people by the people for tbe people which shall not perish from the earth." The war secured that Union, for now as never before, the perpetuity of the National govern ment is established and assured to history. Now as sever before, it Is settled and deter mined that tli majority shall rule the nation, ul now as never before. It Is true that "The star spangled banner shall wave O'er the land of the free And the home of the brave" The battle has been fought and the victory won. The nation's baptism in wraUi and fire and blood Is now an epoch of Use past- Its eharacter and censes and achievements are nowr htstorr. and it only remains to render trtbota U waem tribute Is due- To God belong thaak far the victory. Te tne noWe mothers aad wives and sweethearts who sarrendered sons aaamawwesa ioei .: t.-. aad emartrr thanks are m. ana to iae Beroes, the heroes of Uaiea aad liberty we give this day of ommrmnrstinn It Is their monument. The earn jjiiis snakes all over this nation to daj are their eosaely praises, tbe beautiful flow ers which shall be strewn over the graves of tae dead arj the symbols of the cation's fra grant memory of taIr patriotism. Tin pen stems aeeerded ta the living wfeUe lsa4eqnalr, ssttt are the nation's exwressJen of gratitade fer services readered, aad iheJruasst dawn the aisle af the eeatartea as asset -those set hen tedte" make apagVwVxts memorial efl wrfreat sense at their werthlsek. Aad yet. tav7altaawdatdare not the best trXmte that taeese that entshlaes them wiS enmmiiil tbeir atghnS airUytte-Rthemax, -whe awidedscatteaef eenelvcs totae peraetaakiieB at mm Uatea waka taelr vaJer woa. The Catea needs yretecttms. There are smavaatafca the air aad rf aam n aa abeat the Catav TasarstrntTtomrTitof the ceaatry two eeatartes aad a half asp was made ias?carral hr trhaadwerthy eteaerra. New the wrds c the oM rarKaa -God strted a whetc ever late the hue the tutmtrj has IeaersUtMt .awtsasaadaetwKh the seeded aajassss fmraavyeaattaa matrradyamre hter- saa asrr ether reaawy. Yei artst f : raiew. a esuhrattaaa fisr murt bush aw. aaafatiesa defeaee e a itatioa. We wjdfrthemV U wesrtsjid preserve ear atemtewmttearttltm ef the eivmewamami aatiaathataen nawuatua.'" aJaaaat: sesat, aa aa asc. They mefc vwnirJt Is the atarai lrtaray is the Price of The Chief. 189). The suffrage is the Hulasprtag. Um heart of our common life and whatever affects M tajr kmsly uapalis the national security. We must look to It that we have a fair ball aad a fair count a count aad a ballet that whi carry a national conviction that It Is fair" If we would pertrtuate this Uepubtic. Hut beyond theae there otlwr equa'ly tigs If cant dangrr. I might c't the Hqaor daalaa tion, the tendency to make owe hraaeh of oar congress aristocratic, tbe Intent austerity which neglects eltU;i duty and igwr the re lations of morals to politics. We msnt remem ber that It Is righteousness which exaltcth a natlo.i. The Invincible safeguard of ta Ualoa is an environment of righteousness. If we would uplift tho starry banner to psvrpttnal Kt-r it sustaining staff must t th cross that roS9oticaltery. It we would build "a govern meut for the people by the people." which shall remain on the earth until the last syllable of recorded time, we mutt build It oa the granite foundation f God's wont. That la sot a personal opinion It is the lessen ot human history. Tne permanent things of all reaturies) arc the word of God and ths cross of his Christ. !car friends, ma w wrest from tho aagel ef this hour any blessing so priceless as the earn mou resolution, that we shall not have cease to this tneinoiU) day only to declare eur)oysaBd gratitude, nor oulv to cherish prot4 and ttnder memories, but also to pledge aad coeeecratc ourselves to tho Uuloti In Its sabllmest algal! cuice. If so, then our heroes aad human liberty and our God will be hoaored la the ob servance of the day. ;KAXI C'FXF.BawATIOM AT RED CLOUD July 4, IMtl. VKOGaVlM. Yut July 4th, 1801, at the celebrattot at ltcd Cloud. Salute at iiuiiritic III guns. I'roccjston to ground Band, May or nml city council, carriages with speakers, citizens, cilathurorHans. 3Iuic by hand. Prayer Chaplain Pulis. Music (Jlpo club. Address of welcome J. S. (Hlhsra. Mumc Hand. Heading of Declaratioa of ladepcnd ence Rev. Kly. Munic Glee club. Orator Col. M. h. WheaU Mutic Rand. Basket dinner. Rise ball game 1:30, prise $15. Ho.sc race, $15 to It, 10 to 2d. All companies invited to compete. Slow mule race. Every man ridos neighbors mule. Prize $5. Fporta Sack race, greased pole, greased pig, foot races, etc. Grand display of fireworks $500, purrfiniNTOK hat, Marshal G. H. Whiton. Mnxtcr of ceremonies J. L. Miller. VISJB rREMinEHTf. M. C. Fulton, Walaut creek. O. McCall. Line. Geo. Coon, Garfcld. R. S. Proudfit. Guide Rock. Wm. Thompson, Reaver. C. W. Fuller, Ncaiunt Hill. G. H. Prentice, Iaavale. IOtiic Gencreur, Cathertoa. Holt. Ifarri.o, Ratio. Febatin Wclli, El at Creek. W. R. Guthrie, Stillwater. Al. Rcilcy, Oik creek. Sol. McadlcbaHM, Potsdam. W. R. Householder, Glenwoee1. Xavicr iHraara, Ilaranoay. J. W. Wanlin, Red Cloud. Committees appointed for earrjiag out program for July 4. On procession II Cook, J Miller. On ?pori5 and ataaMsjients Aaaoa Hif bj, AI Galtmha, Geo Waitaon, F Hatch, C II Piatt. Calathumptaa proceatioa F Blakea Icc, Will Yci?er, Will West Ceaatry i tovs invited. On Firework G H Wkitnoa, T C Hacker, L II Dcyo, II Cook, On salute Tow Hatfield, Skiakle. On rcccptioa C F Cataer, AS Marsh, G W Barker. Among the avaay attractive fea tures of the day will he tae races at the fair groaads. Gao4 ksrsss fiam abroad will Vc rrcseat to esattst fer parsej. Coimaiittee oa privileges T J Ward. The Barlingtoa as the Roate. The sof iWee oa utioa from NeVraska, Kansas aadj Colerawo of the yatjag poapte 's ox ehnttian eaaeavrar, rave e the Barliagte as the ooaoi The eowuatUee beae that aH endears members aad taatr will arraae fe go to ea theaasae date. tiea as to date of dsaaHin si oafotal traia nrill W far list ad is a low aWys. J. Fejicw, G. F. ok T. A. Preaaratieme are kciag ajade ta hold a joint school alcale ta Goa. DeWiat's grore Jaae IS, taatmad af kwaatr aeld ia I. B Haavaaea's as aaore cm W mreoaaatjfnai thaee. A efswiap aadaaaateaa W free af cast. Art are rsisisWi to aaaas. Wnu ar Koo. Ik Mdr. Mrs. Peter McXiti fell down the cellar slurs sad injured herself qaitc scriouslv. Elsacr Anderjon wss licked by a kore. Aagast Wobcrmico fell froat the roof ef lis hoa a few days ago, aad wa serioatly injured. The Red Cloud school had a picnic at the river bridge last Tuesday. All report a good time. On last Tuesday cvcni'sp, a joung man that is said to live ia the vicinity of Picklcvillr, was scn in the rtver with a cultivator, it is uppoeu ir imagined be could make his mark better there, than in the field among the weeds. Will Mime otic tell mo where Pickle title is local 'd, does the cars run close to it, s there a high school there, has Qiiaekrnbush any concep tion in this country, my father raited a squash once that I think he called by that name or something .similar. Pr.CK'rt GoodSikter. JtldlftttN. Plenty of rain, thegrouad is wetter than it has been for many years. Small grain has a good celer. Some people say l hero is lets of chintz bug in the small grain, but they seem to be all old one and we think the Oung ones will not do much damage while it i: o act and cold. Wc had a nice rain last Friday eveniag. Dr. Elliot is improving and thinks he will get well again, his leg aro not swelled as much as they wore. Rrother Hummel will preach at Mi. Hope next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Every body should turn out and hear George preach. Sunday school at 1U o'clock a. m. Mr. Ed Dcboil had a cow killed by lightning two weeks ago, the only cow they had. K. of L aad the Alliance arc get ting very strong in Smith county. Sll. Sere Far ftttlc. Pure Italian bees for sale. Ia- qairc of Geo. A. Latts, Covle. 45-t DleavavtatleMs KeHlcc. Notice is hereby given that the I ret of Rlskcice & Hatch it this day dissolved by mutual con "cut, Frank Hatch withdrawing from the concern. Tbe business aitl be conducted by F. G. Rlakeslce who assumes all ia debtedsetn of the firm and 10 whom all accounts are due. F. G. Hlakkklke Fkasoc Hatch. May U'Jd, 18'J1. i ! s a ii GftASU Iilam, Nci. The Ox aard Reel Sdgar Cnmpany arc very much in need of help ia the Sugar Beet fields at present; we can find emplojmest for mes, women and keys, wages for men $1.25 to 1.50 per day according to tbir ability, the others ia proportion. We should be very maeh obligee if yea weald make this known ia yoar neighbcrLtod, that there will be plenty of work fer three months to come. Mr. Connor here kindly sent you posters to that elect. Thanking yea before hand, wo are, Respect! ally years, OXXABD RlCT SCOAft Co. saatcatlem's Anst ra INhlvrc. 1 The Beat Stive ia the world fee ru. Ulemra, aaM hmeaat. fever amtlaar ilaaarwamami si sasa Mm s ImaS f I AOvamrajf wsawaw awawsat saaawammmtp aawavssjsBBBBwsa Corae, aad al ether aaia Enrpiieaa. savi peefUvatj earae ptfaa, or aa psj r- ejoirad. It is guaranteed t ftfre perfect satiefae4leaeYBaaey rvvaadssL J'HeeSe roe sale ay L. tL Vju.32 Arsstml fatal mietake taataar. taosiaaf asaaadsreaf Itttte t. Dr. aeatat- a w art We mar he at C. L. Cootrsaa, wha faaraa ir. tae kuaaetj mM - - - I .t , m 7m Tn sfTsas atisT s snTi heart2L sasa, aaort h ret eh. aaerm. ( m saawsaTaaat aa sale, arm ar she af is t, lm aatwaaT foamafamj laaaaaMawJJp, faaallsawflftf . tJrlwMlstjr sad sr aVlea avsaasmatsasSkf eavm. m mm f . . a asrwafa maam smsrmesmi w ssv mwarx wewasaw BEaerawmi BKsmvam a aBaBHBBMaaBamBak aasaatafalkl4sa 'Vol.18. No. 40. F. R. GUMP, Attorney And CounfcJor At Law. Will prtlai in all GCurt. Kkd CuU!, - Nkaa. Mn. EniToa- There U a very erroneous epinton cntcilslned In cer lain uarten, as to the objects and sunn of the orgshuallon of the ladies of tbe G. A. R. Circle. Some have gone f far ss to y tnt it wss net eisaa i a .a recounts m! i.t llel t,lHii, er uy the Grand Army, and never would be. Sherman Circle is cow posed wholly of soldier, mothers, wives, daughters and sister, besidrs members of the Grand Army are eligible to member ship, and msny belong to L The er- gaaitslton has'qtsbursrd thottsandaef dollars for the bcueit of the eld Army veterans and their dependent ones throughout the country and hat a mumbenliip wall up in the thousands. Tho soldier, tic widow and their orphan art the object ef their ssrelal car. Sherman Circle is a new oraaita lion, but during it brief career it has contributed nineteen delists for the alleviating of the tuffring and aredv in Red Cloud, Now hitters aad comrades there is work fer all. Tho Udiet of tho Grand Army are aet in opposition te any kindred orgtiJiatioo), or are they clamoring for rffcngnlttai k an? one, but stand upon their Offs) sntrwaV Whether as has been said, they aff not reeognucd in ltcd Cloud, the faw$ remains that they are a part ef tho same Grand Army that did service fr their country tn her time of need from '111 (o '(. and have eeme to stay. FArr. Svhlte lritka tutaf Dark C UJiumiKi is a ianu tn esHsmfiasi , i i . i .. i . ut bnll.ant lufhta, C, aaaat jsJmmVwi a lnnl where hsfaal.Sjaal emptha maaa obvtoue thatawaaaaf af thawonl axitllhe 4s; a hawiwfioro every m In mld earn fioisf M anawrrin? mkl tu nature. llWhhti, whlto iniwarclji f the nvMint- aia. from wImw sleuUr !innacjr Hunt thn wiml blown lnnn f tho awrw, appeal with ilnt liUfnc t the lofty nspirntions of th ul. th mbfa cIiamim rhft by Tilan frri U.ruf 1 CrnmUtJc&rtlhi!KwiUii vm depths dark tlimkrwi thnmtf anl twirlina tuf. ronb ilaah, jV tit th hart Ufttfua that thrilU, in"plre arwl awew. It hsa not follow that th (f!rie ot white rftks nntl tl gUvrnte of dark eaaoa prelude thn plnwuuit tnUrvat, U sunny avtlra vr tho srlnJl iv1mi hfla Uio tirwl mind r warll Uly may nad pearfful rt and rfiic frrm lrmoI and toil. Touti" making a ymrtx'j ia Colorado, Nw Met ten vt I' tali, or takinoj a tranAcrKitinonal Unit fnim rUat to smt, iv vic vera. ti Ihsnvee aad JUoGrab'ht iUilruatl oTers accrnmoJ linn equal In ehifascv ajftvwaleeea aad lutur7 to tixma with any other line with the added altractxxM A U uari varies! eceoery aJoo;; its line, abounding; ia a majrsif.cnt opnUmc of whit peaaa aad dark crot a Th month of Nevee. Ler, 1&J), wtto' mm d oae of tint nvstt Im portant impruvse8U In railroad faciM tla that haa yrt bn saada in O ii rado aad the Weet. The emspkdisa ef th ftUndard ffnai of the I)er aad Kit Grzade Railroad from Decver. Osbrada, OTerthe nwsntaiae to Ogjvlaa. UtaM whch live years aro wan Jtems 1 aa hav poanbihty. m certainly a tnamph es? daring and eacineenasi tkiSL TVe aav tine Is by the way of LaadrUa. taaaol tug Teamanm Paaa, ihrraKaf tha casMsta of Y aad Graad Kir era, girhaj view of tUMosst vt tU III Cexaa, oaragte. takiaa; if trsina Utwamit Csta wood SpnssT aad down taa Graad Xtror to Graad Jsac&e, tlseaca to 8aH Laea Qty, Oratoa aad Haa Krtr.emwa. uj this reals cma Is givea aa irmj parloaily to ltosthawatadwwat! Kssjia KHe Otssaaaad Uto awrreewat httsaty aad raeftlseCaaoriaaGrtwsl. Taa ovatiaad trsin Ss a aaodel k ovary fa- Frota Uaafhaa to taa hot i mdt orarythiasj v atmwmav odwaw ewawawanj savdastiaa. If tokawaatea aWat waraaaf sataa, wrila tolLX, Dw. Cffcha, aad he wJl smad yam frees tart. iTiaaofly crm a fall iivsMeTHdJeai m? the ef tha'tteaaac Lr." SW Wwd im . an CawAlsYJaatyeVsfi ij9 ibvvder a- glMajfe " . ? ' H 1 Assoivnaypaw