The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 05, 1891, Image 2

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A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
General Manages William M.
Greek, of the Big Four, has resigned
and the position has been offered to
Joseph Ramsey, Jr., assistant to Presi
dent Ingails.
Cut worms are doing much damage
to growing corn and potatoes in parts
of Iowa. Many fields have been re
planted. The worms are taking all the
sprouted stalks.
Tiie French chamber of deputies has
adopted tariff duties of 8 francs per 10
kilograms on swine, 10 francs per head
on cows and oxen and 15J francs per
head on sheep. The protective propos
als of the tariff commission are gener
ally approved over the more moderate
tariff of the government
Nike Japanese women, who were
brought to this country and who were
refused a landing at San Francisco by
the customs officers, on the ground that
they had been brought to this country
for immoral purposes, were brought
before the United States judge at Port
land, Ore., and ordered to be set at lib
erty. Thk executive mansion at Washing
ton contains, among its most prominent
attractions, portraits of the ex-presidents
of the United States. To this
gallery of the country's greatest men
has just been added a life-sized oil
painting of ex-President Cleveland
made by a New York artist named
Owing to the disastrous failure of the
banking house of Utienoll &. Scranton a
bill has been prepared at the instance
of financiers which will be submitted
to the Connecticut legislature next falL
The bfll is intended to secure deposits
of money with persons or copartner
ships not incorporated as banking in
stitutions. The agents in Paris of the Chilian
congressional party deny the statement
made by the Ilalmacedists with regard
to the success of the president's party
at Iquique. They declare that the
ItalmacedLst ironclads fled at the ap
proach of the insurgents. They have
plenty of funds and will soon attack
Italmaceda in the central provinces.
Mr. Kozaki, of Hartford divinity
school, is not the only Japanese who
will take part in commencement exer
cises this year. Masayoshi Takaki, of
the same nationality, and a student in
the Syracuse university, has been se
lected by the seniors for the oration.
His command of English composition is
said to be excellent He is editor of the
University Herald.
Tin: papal encyclical has attracted
but little attention in ltcrlin whore the
labor movement is altogether under the
control of socialism. The socialists
claim to expect to have a majority in
the rcichstag after the next general
election. The encyclical is not alto
gether satisfactory to the wealthier
class among the German Roman Cath
olics who consider that the pope lends
too much encouragement to labor agi
tation. Qukkx VicrroniA has decided that the
Duke of Fife's daughter (the recently
born granddaughter of the prince of
"Wales) is to have only the rank and
title to which she is entitled as the
daughter of a duke. The queen came
to this decision in spite of tho fact that
the legal advisers of tho crown con
curred in tho opinion that tho prince of
Wales' granddaughter should rank as a
princess of the royal blood. The
queen's decision, however, is final.
Inspector Rathronk has been ad
vised of the sentence of Henry Miller,
the stage robber, to ten years in the
California prison. He is regarded as
one of the most desperate and danger
ous men who has ever engaged in this
business on the Pacific coast He has
been concerned in numerous robberies,
for some of which ho served various
terms in jail It is said he robbed the
stage twice in Texas and it is positively
known that ho committed six robberies
in California.
The London Times' Rome correspond
ent gives a gloomy view of the finan
cial and political situations in Italy.
He presents facts and figures to show
that constitutionalism in Italy is falling
into degradation and that the state is
liecoming bankrupt Patriotism has
declined since 1870 and everything is
given up to personal ambition and a
struggle for existence. In case of a
crisis the Catholic voto would probably
be thrown again and a reactionary gov
ernment put in charge.
Rich Jewish merchants of St Peters
burg propose to follow the example
of the Jewish merchants of Moscow,
and abandon the city entirely to'
the Russians. They are calling in
all the money they can, much
to the disgust and embarrassment of
their Russian debtors, many of whom
may have to go into bankruptcy. In
tli is way a good deal of private capital
is leaving Russia for Berlin, Paris, Lon
don and other places. The police do
what they can to stay the exodus of the
wealthy, but without avail
1'rinck Lucien Bonaparte, the sa
vant, who lives in England and has
been practically a widower for the past
lorty years, can scarcely be said to have
been bereaved by the recent death of
his wife, who passed away on the same
day that Prince Napoleon did- The
prince married Marianne, the beautiful
daughter of the sculptor, Conchetti,
nearly sixty veers ago, but the union
was not happy and the couple finally
separated, the princess, however, de
clining a divorce, although her consent
would have been paid for with a for
tune. Mrs. J anna Htnnicks, a German
immigrant, 71 years old, who arrived ha
Baltimore on the steamship Muenehen,
was debarred and ordered returned
under the terms of the immigration law
which excludes all aliens afflicted with
a loathsome or a dangerous contagious
disease. She was suffering from an
aggravated form of lupus or tubercle
of the skin. A-onbf Mrs. Hinnicks
lives at German Valley, III, add tele
graphed that he was willing to support
his mother, but the law is mandatory
in this direction, leaving no discretion
in the matter to the department
The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
has jnst completed what is said to be
;he most elaborate time service system
in existence. A code of signals giving
the exact time will hereafter be sent
automatically over the entire Burling
ton system at 4 o'clock every day from
the central oficeis Chicago. ae per
formance begins three misates before
Tn nd after eleven consectioss are made
ST&'jBgenious piece of mechanism f s-i-J.esthc
work. Three thoshasd tele
j;XHp' instruments from Chicago to Pea
yT't and the Black Hills and. from St
Louis aad Kansas City to St Paul sig
nal thVeeeoads in unison with the big
c-Wi -?
Gleaned By Telegraph and MalL
As address of lialmaceda on the re
bellion in Chili has been published.
The cause of the war he declares to be
due to the ambition of his opponents.
The cause of the death of Congress
manjlottk, of Tennessee, was a strong
sdlutiorrof arsenic which he took in
mistake for other medicine at a drug
store in Knoxville.
Judok McAllister, removed from
the judgeship of Alaska in President
Cleveland's term, has been refased re
dress by the United States sapreme
Senator Call was re-elected by the
Florida legislature in joint session. He
received fifty-one votes ont of the fifty
four preceilt, the anti-Call men ab
senting themselves.
Senator W. M. Stewart proposes a
constitutional amendment making the
president eligible for one terra only.
Gov. Wixaxs, of Michigan, has ve
toed a bill appropriating $30,000 for the
entertainment of the G. A. R. at Detroit
Gen. James G. Lonostreet Is in very
feeble health. He has been so ill that
he has given un work on his history of
the confederate war. .The book is near
ly finished and will contain much that
no history has yet published.
The decree granted to Capt O'Shca
in his suit for divorce from Mrs. Kate
O'Shca six months ago has been made
President Harrison's speeches made
during his recent southern and western
tour are being prepared for book form.
They will be used as campaign litera
ture. Each speech will have an intro
duction giving the circumstances of the
visit and the details of the reception.
The German kaiser has telegraphed
the pope that he is greatly pleased with
the encyclical on labor. Cardinal Gib
bons has cabled to the pope that it pro
duced an excellent impression in Amer
ica. A monument to the late Gov. Luke S.
Blackburn, of Kentucky, was unveiled
at Frankfort on the 97th.
A question has been sprung as to
whether the arrival of foreigners to as
sist in the world's fair displays is not a
violation of the alien contract labor
The French war ship stationed at the
French shore of Newfoundland has re
fused to allow American vessels to buy
or take bait Tho American consul has
telegraphed to Mr. Blaine for instruc-'
The Ohio farmers' convention refused
to indorse the third party idea, contrary
to expectations. The vote stood 04 to 63.
The Marquis di Rudini has had an
important interview with Mr. Porter,
the United States minister, and the
New Orleans question has assumed a
fresh phase.
News from Lourenzo Marquizce,
South Africa, reports another battle
between the British and the Portuguese.
This time the scene of the engagement
was on the banks of the Bembe river.
The British were victorious.
The Prussian authorities have or
dered the strongest measures on the
Posen frontier to keep Poles out of
Germany. The roads at the boundary
are patrolled by troops and the rail
ways arc carefully watched.
Archuishoi Croke is afraid that the
cause of home rule is lost KO many
friendly persons believing that "we
arc at present utterly unfit for home
Judok Bhkckiniuikir, of St. Louis,
an elder and a delegate to the Presby
terian assembly, suddenly fell dead
while addressing the convention at De
troit Mich., on the legal aspect of the
Briggs heresy case The sad event
caused an immediate adjournment
The Pennsylvania senate has agreed
to the house amendments to the ballot
reform bill and the bill now goes to the
The Canadian senate has passed the
bill renewing modus vivendi for the
fishing season of 1891.
The case of Rev. D. P. Robinson, of
Knoxville, has been finally decided by
tho Southern I'rcsbytcrian general as
sembly standing by the action of the
judicial committee in doing nothing
further in the matter.
The statements that a secret clause
exists in the commercial treaty with
tho United States relating to Cuba and
Porto Rico and that a hitch has oc
curred is serai-ofncially declared to be
It is not generally known, but it is a
fact nevertheless, that Prof. Briggs'
resignation is in the hands of the
trustees of Union seminary. It is be
lieved that Prof. Briggs has now under
advisement an invitation to join the
faculty of the Cambridge divinity school
connected with Harvard university.
Henrv Strahn, of South Carolina,
the colored messenger in the treas
ury department who was connected
wjth Green B. Raum, Jr., in securing
appointments and promotions in the
pension office for pecuniary considera
tion, has resigned on the request of Sec
retary Foster.
Yellow fever is reported ravaging
the ports of Brazil
An intimate friend of Dr. Graves, the
Providence, R. I., physician who now
is on bail to await trial for the murder
of Mrs. Barnaby, announces that Den
Tjr will hereafter be tho permanent
heme of the accused. In a recent con
versation the doctor expressed a fear of
returning to Providence. It is report
ed thai the sentiment in Rhode Island is
changing in fa7or of Dr. Graves. The
hearing of the Barnaby will case has
been postponed to JuncSS.
Omnirus drivers of Paris are on a
strike. They want the hours reduced
to twelve a day.
A Berlin correspondent telegraphs
that fearful misery exists among the
refugee Russian Jews who are travers
ing the city and becoming a public
The wife of Douglas Green, the New
York broker who run off to London
with Mrs. Sncll-McCrea, of Chicago, has
been granted a divorce.
The members of the Virginia state
debt commission will meet at Rich
mond to hear a plan for the settlement
of the state debt
College students and police had
quite a fight at Iowa City, la. The
boys were celebrating a baseball vic
tory. The action of Eugene Kelly, of New
York, in transmitting $15,000 to Justin
McCarthy for distribution among the
evicted tenants in Ireland is to be re
viewed in court
The notorious boy fiend, Jesse Pome
roy, again almost effected his escape
from the Massachusetts penitentiary.
Three men were killed recently by
foul air in a well at Ccntralia, Wash.
The military at Spandau, Germany,
forced 150 penniless Russian emigrants,
who were journeying' to the coast with
the intention of embarking to Brazil,
to return to Russia.
The Hebrew sabbath will probably
be abolished iaEassla. The holy synod
of the orthodox church, is considering a
plan to that end.
Considerable rioting was reported
ia Paris over tho strike of the omsibos
The English derby was won by the
favorite, Sir F. Johnston's Common, a
browareolt by Isoaowy out of Thistle,
who wpa the 2,090 guineas.
GEOROEENiiis and Charles Waldron,
each about 15, of Aberdeen, were
drowned in -the Ohio near Maysville;
Ky. TheyJ were boating, when tkfc
skiff was swamped by waves frosuthe
ferryboat Gretna Green. - ?i
The revense cutter Rush, under
sealed orders, has left San Fraacisco
for Alaska waters. '
The late millionaire, Wbn T. Farish,
of New York, left 9280,MG to various
charitable institutions.
Twentt-seven Mormons ia Arizona
have been indicted by the United States
grand jary of the territory.
The Charleston has arrived at Callao,
Per. The Itata was not sighted.
It is reported that the pope and his
advisers are consideriag a radical
change in the economy of the Catholic
church in the United States. Bishops
and priests of the various aatiotaalksris
are to be appointed, am an to preserve
the languages, etc, separate and dis
tinct The official report on tho Vesuvius
as a torpedo vessel was not satisfactory.
Another trial was ordered.
Dr. Garrison, who shot and killed
Dr. Baird at Wheeling, W. Va., last
March, has been convicted of murder
in the second degree.
The Dalton outlaws gave their pur
suers the slip in the Creek mountains.
Neapolitan papers bewail the
"frightful" exodus of Italians from
southern Italy, and that they have been
made to leave their land for the "land
of the assassins." During one week
5,500 emigrants embarked at Naples
alone for the United States.
The schooner Thomas Hume with a
crew of seven is thought to have gone
down in Lake Michigan.
Plenty Horses has been acquitted of
the murder of Lieut Casey. Judge
Shiras said it was established that a
state of war existed and therefore the
prisoner could not be convicted of mur
der. The French exhibition at Moscow
has proved to be a complete fiasco.
French priests intending to visit the ex
hibition are not allowed to cross tho
frontier without first obtaining a
special permit from the czar, to secure
which two months is required. All
visitors to Moscow are narrowly
The organization of the American
university at Washington was effected
on the 28th.1 The board of trustees
comprises representatives of the various
The Alta California, tho oldest paper
of the Pacific coast has suspended pub
lication. It was owned by the Stan
ford railroad monopoly and was run at
a loss. To prevent it getting into the
hands of the opposition it was killed.
The Northwestern Miller says: "The
dullness of the flour trade caused quite
a decline in the output of the mills last
week. The aggregate production was
112,530 barrels, averaging 18,775 barrels
daily, against 141,075 barrels the pre
ceding week, 107,340 barrels for the cor
responding time in 1890 and 105,000 bar
rels in 1889. The mills arc running a
little stronger the present week."
A letter from Chili says that the
Araucanian Indians, who have been
submissive for some years past are
showing signs of hostility, owing, it is
believed, to an impression that the gov
ernment is weakened by the civil war.
It is said that a foreign adventurer has
made his appearance among these In
dians and is endeavoring to re-enact the
romantic experience of King Orell I.
Troops have been sent to the disturbed
It has been practically decided to ex
tend the 414 per cent loan at y percent
and to give the holders of these bonds
the necessary ninety days' notice.
The proceedings in the Claritta John
son case at Boston were deferred on ac
count of Gen. Butler's illness.
The board of officers appointed to
conduct the trial of the guns of the
cruiser Vesuvius has been ordered to
meet at the Norfolk navy yard to de
cide upon a day for a further trial of
the guns and to determine the method
in which they shall be tried.
The assistant secretary, Spaulding,
has decided that tho paintings belong
ing to Miss Mary Sherman, of Wichita,
Kan., in the hands of the surveyor of
customs at Kansas City, Mo., are en
titled to free entry.
A relief committee has recured a
long railway tunnel at Charlottcnburg,
Germany, to shelter Russian Jews en
route to Hamburg for embarkation to
New York. Clothing, tea, coffee, bread
and brandy are in readiness to relieve
the misery of the crowds vomited froth
by the trains. Heartrending scenes are
A well known American, who has
returned from a long trip in Sicily, re
ports that the people have been in no
manner excited over the New Orleans
lynching. He says most of the Sicilians
seemed to know nothing about it and
those who had read the accounts pub
lished in the newspapers seemed to care
but little.
Clearing house returns for tho week
ended May 30 showed an average de
crease of 21.5 compared with the corre
sponding week of last year. In New
York the decrease was 28.8.
The international peace congress at
Milan, Italy, has approved a motion
that the difficulty arising from the New
Orleans lynching ought to be referred
to the international institute at Ohnet
for arbitration.
Mrs. Sheedy and Monday McFar
land, a negro, who were on trial at
Lincoln, Neb., for the murder of the
woman's husband, hare been acquitted.
The negro desperado Murray, who
killed Deputy Sheriff Robinson in Fer
nando, Fla., some time ago, has since
killed Marshal Alvarez and a negro
known as Prince Albert who were at
tempting his arrest near Hampton.
President da Fonseca, of Brazil, is
lying in a critical condition at Petropo-
lis, a town wenty-five miles north of
Rio de Janeiro, from an attack of asth
Sir Antoinr A. Dor ion, chief justice
of the Quebec queen's bench court and
formerly leader of the Quebec liberal
party, is dead. He was for many years
one of the most prominent figures in
Canadian public life.
Sac and Fox Indians have expressed
dissatisfaction with Agent Patrick, who
formerly lived at Ottawa, Kan.
President Harrison has finally de
termined not to appoint the nine new
circuit judges until next December. He
says no member has yet been selected.
Political belief, it is understood, will
not be the dominant requisite for ap
pointment to these positions.
Last December the Hughes Lumber
Co. and D. W. Hughes, of Chattanooga,
Tenn., made an assignment involving
nearly $300,000 of liabilities- Final set
tlement has now been made on the
basis of 100 cents on the dollar and in
terest The big lumber mill is to re
sume operations.
President Harrison and members
of bis cabinet attended decoration day
ceremonies at Philadelphia. The presi
dent delivered two speeches to a large
number of persons at Independence
hall and Laurel Hill cemetery.
Decoration dav services at-Grant's
tomb. Riverside, N. Y., were marred by
bad weather. John S. Wise, of Vir
ginia, delivered the address.
The home of Henry Phillips, at Tay
lorstown. W. Va., caught fire aad Phil-lips-sad
his wife and a three-year-old
child were burned to death aad a fifteen-year-old
bay so badly scorched
that he died in a few hoars. Phillips
bad been driaklmg daring the sight
Torias is to have a sew louring mill,
the capacity of which will be seveaty
ve .barrels a day.
Superior will make an effort to lo
cate the inter-state reunion at that
place for the coming five years.
The little son of G. W. Bede, of Bart
ley, while lately playing on the bank
of Red Willow creek, was drowsed.
Fob the first time is the history of
the town no saloon licenses have bees
granted in Tobias thus far this year.
The work of the state relief commis
sion has closed and so more supplies
will be shipped except on special re
quest Mrs. Helen Barge is in jail at Kear
ney charged with the murder of her
child a short time ago by drowning.
She feigns insanity and the general be
lief is that she is insane.
When Bishop Bonacnm denied Patrick
Egan the privileges of a communicant
in St Theresa cathedral at Lincoln,
Egan refused to pay a $500 subscription
he had made to the building fund The
bishop sued Mr. Egan for the amount
and Judge Tibbetts decided that Egan
must pay the subscription.
The wholesale liquor stock, house
hold furniture and horses of William
Darst of Omaha, have been taken un
der mortgage by his father, Jacob
Darst of Peoria, III, for 542,000, and
by the Merchants' National bank of
Omaha for 913,000 and a quantity of
discounted paper. The stock is worth
Samuel E. Brown, a farmer residing
seven miles southwest of Friend, while
recently returning from a working
men's lodge at Exeter, was thrown
from his road cart One foot caught in
the bottom and he was dragged to
death. His family found him fast to
the cart when they arose next morning.
He had been dragged nearly a mile.
Gov. Thayer recently received a let
ter from President Harrison in relation
to the interview concerning the
Thayer-Boyd controversy. The presi
dent says simply that it Is unnecessary
to make an explanation, as he could not
and would not have indulged in a dis
cussion of the gubernatorial muddle
while a guest of the people of Ne
braska. All western Nebraska rejoices.
Spring rains have been plentiful and
crops of all kinds are in excellent con
dition. Rye and winter wheat promise
a bountiful harvest Spring wheat is
looking well, while corn is showing a
good stand. Farmers all declare that
prospects for c. large crop of all kinds
were never better at this time of tho
In Keya Paha county the other day
Schuyler Dayton and John Rivers
were shot and killed by George Co
vilL The trouble grew outof a quarrel
over stock and the chargo that Dayton
had been intimate with Rivers' wife.
Covill circulated the story and Dayton
and Rivers started to hunt him up.
They found him, and the result is told
While a party who had just captured
a cattle thief named McAlver near
Dunning, were taking the prisoner to
town the other night they met another
posse. The night was very dark and
each party mistook the other for
thieves. Fire was opened on both
sides and before the mistake was dis
covered Judge Aikens, treasurer of the
county, and McAlver, the cattle thief,
who was in his care, were killed.
Augustus Kountze, a wealthy bank
er of Omaha, has donated ten acres of
land with 100,000 and $50,000 in cash
to the general synod of the Lutheran
church, provided the Lutheran church
raises $150,000 by July 1, 1892, to build
in Omaha and maintain there a theo
logical seminary of that faith. The
synod, then in session at Lebanon, Pa.,
immediately accepted the proposition
and within an hour $25,000 was sub
scribed. Pensions lately granted Nebraska
veterans: Original, James Newton, Wil
liam R. Harper, James Burke, Charles
E. Winnen, Joshua P. Burdick, Frauk
A. Bcnolken, John Belles, Herman
Bootger, John Zaln, John W. Taylor,
Andrew J. Baldwin, Stephen A. Signor,
William A. Hunter. Additional, Francis
M. Straight Royal A. Jenkins, Joseph
N. Shaw. Increase, Jacob A. Force,
Josiah M. Rambaugh. Original widows,
etc, Margaret, widow of Collins Rob
ertson; minor of George Tappan.
The tenth annual meeting of the Ne
braska Pharmaceutical association con
vened at Beatrice on the 20th with rep
resentatives present from all quarters
of the state. The proceedings were
opened with a brief address by President
C. J. Dunbash, of Lincoln, introducing
George A. Murphy, city attorney, who
welcomed the visitors on behalf of the
city in the absence of Mayor Fogg. E.
Shultz delivered the address of wel
come on behalf of the local druggists,
and James Reed, of Nebraska City, re
sponded. TnE other day little Claude Burcham,
whose mother and stepfather, William
Lewis, reside one mile south of Chap
man, was found wandering about the
streets in Kearney barefooted and with
out an escort At the station he re
lated a sad tale, saying that owing to
his stepfather's constant abuse be ran
away from home about two weeks pre
vious. A band of gypsies captured him
and promised flattering inducements if
he would be content to rove about with
them. They went to Kearney and the
boy was detailed by them to steal
boards for fuel and on his refusal was
unmercifully horsewhipped. At the
first opportunity the lad escaped from
his would-be benefactors.
The other day S. Gestwite was killed
near Berwin by being thrown from his
horse. He was 50 years of age.
The officers of Winside, Wayne coun
ty, have caused the arrest of Thomas
Lound because he refused to pay a dog
Patents issued to Nebraska invent
ors: Chair spring, Adams & Paters,
Lincoln; bee hire, O. C Ferguson.
Odell; harness saddle. J. Smith, Ash
land; wall paper exhibitor, O. D. h warts,
A horse lately kicked Christian Ja
cobson, residing nine miles south of
Dakota City, and injured him so badly
that he died.
At Wahoo Frank Tobin, Elmer Nel
son and Jesse Ruby were recently tried
and found guilty of attempting to rob
the Valparaiso bank. Tobin was
sentenced to six years in the peniten
tiary. Nelson five years, and Ruby three
A number of Posca'B capitalists are
about to form a stock company for the
purpose of building and operating as
extensive packing bouse at that place.
People are greatly interested ia the de
velopment of this project as the pros
pective prosperity of the town depesde
not a little on the establishment of tone
institution of the kind.
Ex-Gov. David Butler died at
Pawnee City the other day. He was the
governor who passed through the
famous impeachmest trial is the early
history of Nebraska.
Peter Cbocnse pleaded guilty hi the
district court at Beatrice to robbing the
Germaa National baak some mesthe
ago of valuable rare coias belonging te
Frank Harper, aad was sesteseed to
two years is the sesitestiary.
While George Marquis, of Komeya.
Phelps county, was filing the knife of
a stalk cutter the lever few hack aad
cut him oa the head, ialictisg isjariea
which may prove fatal.
Rh toTMaCoaetry
riaaa qmtt ! Far Sfcattfao.
Oat triMfeolruMe laaaaJgrmata.
Washinoton, May 29. "It is time
this government did something ia the
matter of regulating immigration.'
said Gen. Grosveaor, chairman of the
commiftskm recently appointed by Sec
retary Foster to investigate and report
apoa immigration to the United States.
"Just what is specifically expected of
the commission," continued the ges
eral, "I don't know, for we have sot
yet received oar instructions, bat I do
know there is pressing necessity for
actios on the part of the authorities,
Never was any country the receptacle
for such a stream of immigration as is
pouring in on us sow; all our previous
records as a receptacle are being
eclipsed. The increase which has be
come so apparent of late has its
origia principally ia soathers Italy,
and as most of the material
now arriving Is non-assimilative
something must be done to decrease
the volume. The labor organizations
complain that sufficient employment
cannot be secured for the people al
ready here, and there bra very general
demand for more rigid immigration
laws. The country is rapidly becoming
too strongly tainted with f oreigu odors,
Take Wisconsin as an instance a state
that is almost a European province.
The people there demand tho conduct
of the schools in a foreign tongue and
give other marked evidences of their
alienism. In a little while they will
insist on having the records of their
legislature kept in their non-American
languages, and on top of this will come
an endeavor to have the courts operate
in the language or languages native to
other lauds than ours. This Is all
wrong. We cannot afford to welcome
those who will not Iks of us."
Washington, May 29. Secretary
Foster enunciated a new line of policy,
holding that the polygamlsts come un
der the debarred class of immigrants,
and hereafter should not be allowed to
enter the United States. The case
arose on the landing in New York
of Polyer Peterson and wife of
Sweden. Husband and wife were
both held in custody by Immigrant
Superintendent Weber on the ground
that being polygamlsts, they came
under the excluded classes. The case
was referred to the treasury depart
ment and Secretary Foster, de
cided that they were polygamlsts, and,
being such, were excluded by the im
migration laws from entering the
United States.
ritlfnl IteauU or the Fall are or the Gljrft
tic Coke .Strike.
Scottdale, Pa., May 2'J. The rush
of old men for work at the various
plants continues. In most instances,
however, they are turned ofT with an
excuse and given to understand that
their services are not wanted. Hun
dreds of the old miners are drifting
from one works to another in
tho vain hope of finding work,
but everywhere they go they are met
with the same statement: "No work
now." This simply means that the
black list has gone through the regions
and a man refused at one works is cer
tain to be refused at another. As a re
sult, they are cither preparing to lcavo
the district for another field or are
drifting aimlessly about and more
homes have been broken up by the
strike that has just closed than by all
of the strikes that have preceded this
most gigantic failure.
Reports arc comintr in hourly of the
helpless condition of hundreds of fam
ilies. Heretofore many of them have
leen given credit at the stores owing
to the idea that at some time or other
they would return to work. When the
operators refused them work, however,
they .were at their wits ends. With
no work, no supplies and no credit
hundreds of them are in far worse
condition to-day than they were at any
time durinir the strike. Hundreds of
others are living on a bare subsistence,
and had it not tecn for their garden
product that every miner takes pride
in lefore this they would have been
obliged to do more than ask their neigh
lwr.i for temporary assistance.
roMtlhlltly or England Joining Hand With
Thla Country In Happreaaing the Catch
ing or Keala.
Washington, May 20. The president
yesterday afternoon received a cipher
dispatch from Minister Lincoln at Lon
don saying that official notice had been
given in the house if commons that a
bill would le introduced on Monday to
authorize the queen to prohibit British
subjects from taking seals in Bchring
sea. The question engaged the presi
dent's principal attention yesterday
and he had conferences at differ
ent times on its various phases
with Secretary Foster, Secretary
Tracy, Secretary Proctor and Acting
Secretary Wharton. One point consid
ered was the advisability of sending
war vessels to Bchrlng sea to reinforce
the revenue cutters in preventing the
taking of seals in case a closed season
is decided upon. This fleet would, of
course, co-operate with the English
war ships now in those waters in the
enforcement of the agreement as con
cluded. It is understood that the sec
retary of the navy reported that there
arc three naval vessels that could be
prepared for this service without much
Fugitive Jew.
Berlin, May 29. A relief committee
has secured a long railway tunnel at
Charlottcnburg to shelter Russian Jews
en route to Hamburg for embarkation
to New York. Clothing, tea. cofTee,
bread and brandy are in readiness to
relieve the misery of the crowds
vomited forth by the train.
Heartrending scenes arc witnessed
and terrible tales of suffering arc told.
Many left home on a day's notice and
were compelled to abandon everything
but what they wore. Others, many of
them octogenarians hardly able to
walk, staggered under sacks which cos
taised all their worldly possessioas.
2 Th fngltlve S)tr.
Tallaiiame. Fla., May 29.Tbe fu
gitive members of the Florida senate
arc reported to be at Thomasville, Ga
A dispatch from one of their number
said that they would start for Talla
hasse Thursday. President Browse or
dered the aergeaat-at-arms to go out
arrest and bring thera before the sea
ate; however, should they pledge theh
word to appear here immediately, sot
to keep them under arrest A posse
was again organized by the sergeaat-at-arms
and started out in search, but
subsequently reported that the missing
members could sot be found.
Dcslin. May -ft. Archbishop Croka,
speaking oa the subject of Irish affairs.
said: "I am greatly afraid that taa
cause of home rale as lost. Within the
last four mostaa I have heard several
staunch, iatelligeat Irishmen say that.
masHrrisg all that has ovcarred rises
the revelatkma ware made ia the ashes
divorce case, asd she strange tars some
of the Irish party ami a certain sectiea
ef our people have takes, preferring
the iaterestaf erne sub to the cause of
their coast -. e have gives both
fries asd foes ransom to believ tint
we are at pretest mitt for ham rate."
a CUU rn4 RmI to
Hanlerer AltvwpU lr!4.
Ualrxa. Kaa.. May rr. Severs
weeks ago Mrs. Blanche Mackcy with
her two chlldrem. aged years asd It
moats respectively, came from Sea
Juan eoaaty. Colorado, where she liv4
with her hsshasd. to visit her mother.
Mrs. HalL About a week later WiUiasi
Alvord also came from Colorado, asd
derelopmesU soon showed that he had
followed Mrs. M acker, aad that aha
probably knew of his comlag aad per
mitted his attcatioss.
Susday about soon Alvord asd Mrs.
Mackey, with the two children, were
sees going toward the river, aad about
i o'clock parties saw them at Chkro, two
miles west of here. This .was the last
time the mother asd yousgeat child
were aver sees alive.
The older child returned home about
4 o'clock asd told her grandmother that
her mother and Alvord were out in the
woods and that she became frightened
aad left them.
Ahout midnight Alvord went to Mrs.
Hall's and asked for Mrs. Mackey, say
lag that he had agreed to meet her
there. Mrs. Hall inquired for her
daughter and was surprised at not fad
ing her in company with Alvord.
Monday morning searching parties
started out but no trace of the woman
or chitd be found.
In the afternoon, suspicion being
aroused. Alvord was arre-strd and cloac
ly questioned by the officer. He stated
that he came from Colorado; that he
hail known Mrs. Mackey in that state;
that he had followed her here; that she
had met him on Sunday alniut half a
mile west of the city and that they had
gone to the river and returned about 4
o'clock; that they parted pleasantly oa
the outskirts of town, and that he had
agreed to get a divorce from her hus
band and marry him. He firmly denied
knowing her whereabouts. He was
held for further developments-
Yesterday the searching party found
tho mother and child hanging to trees
in a place of dense undergrowth seldom
frequented about a mile north and west
of the city.
The child was hanging by a riblwn
which its grandmother had tied around
it early in the morning.
The mother was about thirty feet
away hanging by her apron from a
small sapling.
When tho news came Alvord was told
of it by the officers, who then left him
alone in his cell. About & o'clock lat
evening some men returning from work
went to the city prison out of curiosity
and found him hanging to one of th
bars of his cell window, lie was im
mediately cut down and, although neur
ly dead, was finally resuscitated, lie
still denies knowledge of the affair al
though things look black for him.
The laatie or Nllver Certiorate The roar
nl Hair lr Cent. Loan.
WAHHlNGTON.May 27. Attorney-General
Miller has decided that the secre
tary of the treasury has no authority
under the act of July 1", l!90, to issue
treasury notes provided for by that act
except in payment of the bullion pur
chased each month under its provis
ions, but that the gain of seignior
age arising from the coinage if
bullion under the act when paid
into the treasury becomes a part of
the general cash and as such may
be used under existing law like any
other standard silver dollars, and that
silver certificates may be is-sued against
such dollars as may be offered at tba
treasury for exchange whether such
silver dollars represent profit or seigni
orage or otherwise. The seigniorage
fund now amounts to 94.000,000 and un
der this decision the Issue of silver cer
tificates may be increased to that ex
tent Tho secretary of the treasury is also
considering a proposition to issue silver
certificates against the 920,000,000 sil
ver half dollars now in the treasury.
'Fit. M,Aai,. ftirftnl.i. in ittrmrt t, tlin
H per cent loan will probably not be
issued before next Monday. In it the ,
department will give notice of its resdi-.
ness to redeem September I the f.V),O00t-
WW ? IC( I.XUU IH.MHI3 uunaiiuiiii
all cases where the holders are not will
ing to extend them at an interest rate
of 2 per cent Secretary Fostcrsaid that
he supposed he would be able to
pay the entire loan at maturity, but
that he did not want to tax the treasury
to that extent if he could avoid it He
said that the bonds, if extended, would
be, of course, subject to call
An ImllanapolU Attorney' Jaer Way ol
Meek lag Kevenge.
iNtiiANAroLis, Ind., May 27. At the
trial yesterday of Lemon K. Rcinhold,
a young attorney of this city, charged
with conspiring to burglarize the resi
dence of Hilton U. Brown, city editor
of the News, Frank Thorn and Harry
Horton, two famous housebreakers re
cently convicted, testified against him
and incidentally recalled the operations
of Reinhnld throughout the country.
j Through clever detective work the entire
, crowd was bagged after the city had
, lcn the scene of the numerous robber
ies. Heinhold was the attorney of the
gang. His wife committed suicide, and
in commenting upon the act the Even
ing News severely reflected upon the
attorney's home relations. This so In
censed him that in a spirit of revenge
u nl.niuul l no mhlvrr nt Brawn's
house. He called upon Horton to do
the work, but both of the burglar at
tempts were unsuccessful.
A WMalgfct Rev.
Trenton, N. J.. May 27. Counsel for
the Star Rubber Co. waited np Sunday
night until raidn ght and then by s
special arrangement had the county
clerk's office open to record mortgages
aggregating nearly fSOe.eOO against the
property of the concern. This hasty Is believe!. as due to
the fear that other creditors than those
preferred might get a receiver appoiat
ed before the mortgages could br made
of record. The company's counsel aajs
that if the companv is not poshed for
money it will get through the crial all
right as there are plenty of orders oa
TIht Kufcairy rtaamerf.
Dcs Moines. la. May 77 American
Express Agent Mstthews at Carroll,
who was found tied aad gagged Satar
day night has confessed to complicity
in the criasc He says the
robbery was planned by himself
Craig NwoBger aad Anson Jsehara
weber. twoyouag mes of CarrolL He
went with Seperiateadeat Garner, of
Omaha, to aa eld vaeaat house west of
town and took out from conceal me at
93.TW, which lacked only tC9 of tb
amount stolea. awoager aaa senaru-
weber were immediately aiace4
rAssirrox. May 27.-"vTkea
Ttu Af!arlfciw. rod to the seat
eratie amaisa'isc eaaveatsos. saM
Stor Beans, "the members will
suad the seleetaos of a westers
fr mMwsVmt- Grar. ef 1
would he a fooal maa ear Morrises
Dos DiekhMcs. If CSere!aa4 is m
lasted Texas as4 Arkasaaa
aalr states west of the
mm earrr. If the
do sot kaowtbis uowtWywOl
out whes they try the
TWraaskasst Mim ml she
wast 4a set wast CTe1aaw "
Berlin. May m It has Wen lm
slate to taeuraaMstfft the aigsatarea
of the memorial prescstam la the pope
hi regard to aaperrktea over Catbolie
emigratism from Karope. The docu
ment itself, which was presented to th
nope along with all the letters asd rec
emmendatieM la Its favor that Herr
Cahassly.ef Prussia, could get i gi
herewith la fall that it may be sees -actl
what the petitioners ask for:
reeraary. Matatom Holy rather Tas
prmkreula. ral seeratsrlea ! da
gstea of tse ArcaaagaJ Kthal aeeted for
th pnHacthm e hasiNrvesta. earoarste-4
try ha Memiag whit h ysr hjettsea eoMa.
se-aee4 1 kMM pea tltm, m Is later,
aatieasl eoagrM M Laswaa reebr
IsrttaoMtertoeovshier adtat artanaet
procurlag tha aplrttast ssS poU wat
far of their Cat hoi te fallow ewatrynaa
vka aalgraia ta tha Aaaarleaa at the rata of
apwsnt of . a vesr
HnnMr r-raarrate at tha feet nt voar hall.
aa they moat reapectfaUy take tha liberty
of prentlng to you that thee mnnwm
ImwIgraaU eonld eonatttata a great power
aat a mighty faetor In tha development of
Catholicity In the dlSerant partaof Ameflea.
thus contributing to the moral greatnea of
their new country, aa I, aioreovrr. byara
flex action, whleti would ason heeotm ap
parent, giving We to th religion aplrlt of
oli! Kurope. The trtiechoreh. of whleh your
hotlneai la the aaprem head, ran alona
bring about thee hippy reulta. innmorfi
a she la the aource of alt prwg ree and cl I
Hut In order that European Cathollra In tha
country of rhelr adoption my preaerve and
may hand down to their 9prlng tha taltb
and the twnrflt which It !.. w the under
algnel have the honor to ubmlt to your
hollnetathe condition which, aa I ahown
by esperlcnce and tha mium of thing
mut ,-aaenlla ly be etabt!hrd In cv ry
country toward which emigration I te ng
dlrcclr.l "Il lt.te which the church h
aU'tiltird In tha t'nlt-d Mate of North
America amount to more lb n sfinuit
Klrat of all It won d te necrtary to form
Into vrparatf parlahei, eongrgUlon or
mllon the dirt rent groupe of Immlgranla
of different nationalities In all cac wherein
their r-prctlve nirmtwr a'id resource al
low of eo doing.
hecondly Tile direction of thr p irUhea
hould le rounded to prlett of IIumim
nationality a Unfaithful In thl wle th
aweetett and mull cherNhed recollection of
the fatherland would be contntly brought
back to the Immigrant, who would love the
church alt the morn for procuring for them
lhee benefit.
Thirdly In thoe pert of the country
where Immigrant of itlSerent natlonalltiea
have rttleJ. but In too limited number ta
form themtelvca Into separate parUhc ao
cording to nationality. It I highly dralrahl
that the priest selected for the direction of
audi group.i should Imconveraant with their
rcwpecilTe language. Thl priet should be
strictly obliged to teach th catrchlam aad
to glvr Instruction to all such different
group oJ Immigrant la the language pecu
liar to :4i-h
you i tli y Whr'rvrr there are no ChrUttan
public schools parochltl schools are to be
cstablivhrd and. a far aa possible, a s-par
ati school should bj provided for evry na
tlnnatlty. Th list of simile for ilteao
achoo'a hoti'd alwaycomprle tha national
langiltKO of the different races of ililml.
grant writ as the language and history
of their adopted country.
fifthly The prlct who devot them
solves to llm Tvlro of the Immigrants
hould Le given ull tha rights, privilege,
favor nud the II e which are rnjoyrd by tho
priest of the country Tills cpiHable pro
vision would have the effect of attracting to
tha immlgranla priest of every nationality,
Imbur I with piety and Seal ami the delre of
aanctlfylug souls.
Mlathty It would !- desirable to fonnd
and encourage I'miIioIIp niclatiios of illt
ferent kinds, such a confriiternltlea. mulu
al aid and prutectivu soclril-s. etc. Ky
these, mean Catholics Woul I ! krpt to
ether and preserved from til Wlcke! so
cletlraof Free Masonry and other of klndretl
Hevantlilr It would h most deslrabla
that aa oftrn a might be Judgcil feasible tha
Catholic of every nationality shou'd havn
In the episcopate of tho country to which
they have emigrated eotnn bishop of their
own rase. It seems that such an rgsnlta
tlon of the church would be perfrct KtrTf
different nationality of Immigrant would
b repreaente I and their respective Intrreata
and nrede protected or cared for at tho
meetings of the bishops in eounrlls, eto
Klghlhlr finally, the under!gne sat
forth that In onl-r lo conlribu a toihi resit,
gallon of the mean they Iibvj abovit ttium
crated It l very much lo ba detirel and
Ihey thc'iia-lvi-a ar lently hop that In a I
Catholic rutin l rl s from which crnigrstlon Is
taking place t ie duly will favor aad
sholfrr ii'iUer lis p irllrular goo I will flrl,
the apeclal seminaries anil apoafnlle schools
wh ch hv. been Instituted for the dtira
lion of mllonarle for emigrants, and
S com! y. the Archangel Kiphael aoeletlea
fur the protection nf Immlgranla We d
moreover hope that the holy sea will recom
mend to tli-lr orls tip the bishops, tha
fnundillon of these s Klelle In all emlgra
lion countries where they do not as yet
eiltt, and the placing of Ihi said ocelles
under Ihe guardian. hip of a rtrJInal pro
lector, from thl organization and these meaa
urj the un trrlgned hopo for moil for.
lunate and moat peefy reau'ls. A nnmlr
of missionaries tralne! under the guidance
of an eminent Italian blthop have already
gone lo America. Other, of nation which
arc neighbor of Italv. before setting out lo
undertake their Important and saintly mln
lairy are waltln for the supreme pastor of
the unlvi rtal church to gusranlee them tba
uatrammnled agerrle of lht ministry by a
decree of hi Infillih e wis lorn. Thus, pro
Vl'Jcl the fioiy see wilt lend Its Indlspen
slble co operation. mirt"nm reautta
will be obtained. In thl wis Ihe peo
pie will find again upon the soil of Acner
lea their ow i pariahea. their own achoola.
their own r-eie. their own language, aad
they will prove tha mean of attending the
limit of Jcu Christ's king lorn nson earth.
for the grtater good of sou's and for tha
glorlflcatlon of our holy mother thefeHr-Si
among the (119 irent nallo s of Am-rlca. tha '
undersigned, protesting ih-lr faflbfe! a
tarhotent to tha holy apoetotle aee. do j
piiCBicyowr noiiajea 10 inraiow jnur iin,i
approval upon the ni-aaara whl h tly have
herein propoad. Wdh lh tnol profound
and Iht moit raspeetfal Teievetloa, titer
profee themselves, most hoty father jttt
ettbtnlsdv. hnmble and ob)ent aona
It i !rs!neaat that thl whola move
ment ba beeacBd'ttctedao far withost '
the knowledge or advice of the Ameri
can hierarchy. Tbe campaiga baa haxa
directs solely by th committee Is
Germany, which by Ita srtlvity has se
cured the support sad approbatioa ef
other Earopean eoaatriea.
TerrtM MalaeasM m rxrews Be-
!rKittg. N. V.. Msy 7K-A fir
which started jeatertler la a petroleum
rellaery at Cwa4elteriwe taraa tmt U
be more aerioua thaa wsa at Srat p
poaed. Tea peranaa have Weu hmrn4
to death.
The flames are tiU aprradtaf aad
maay houses in ta raekikr of the re
flaery have heea tmrsed to the grrowa-l
There are elfht laqre petrotajum tt--ervoira
cJo to the scene of the ire sad
frest saxtrty prevails let they
OwvssaasTa Saa m 0a raw
Nrw Voaa. Msy 2.4irmTT Clsrve
laad. a referee la tfce erht Leaffe
aterfroal-itaCslatthe city, kaa
fouad that Walter res
plaintiff, are ca titled to tw per laaeal
foef. Mr Cleveland previously deeiaVd
that tl Pr foot wne all Uey
were entitled ta. hat the eai
mwrmUd ka sad seat the
to him to take rrideace oa aaotker
meaaare ef damace. The platatlCs
wasted t.W per foot. TWdaim with
httereU was for aaout lt.saa.aat. taut
apoa . per foot hoth -ea wfJl
prohahly appeal
LeaimtxE. CaL. MeyJ, Aa aect
eVral eecarrvd ia she leashes tassel ky
wkJck two mes were hilled ssd arreral
is fared. Themes kilns were Morris
Doaevas. asd AaVdf Haaamas. The
were wtarkias; at a drBl m tk tas-
L IKmovas was wsrtthasj fscsssot
id had searJr completed his work
kea the drill strsek as U
kirk had failed
a aad C
r. taarriaVe
the Aria smarts mrWeaJv
Sahara awvaral e take
temst Ommas aAmsVl smmrnl mMmmMsVsV
WMr WWW rnsVImM sssmssmmsm
Swr straw a4 Kara.
Home, treatment l.m nd for n,ueUon
Mask. ffAnrt for a ra wo cannot cur,
th- VT II Klmbenln. Kn City. Mo.
To L,rw' It tvotjM seem that a rot
ter ahouUJ t at homa In a cboppln a
Beaton Courier
Pretty strong
reasons for trying Dr. Safe's
Catarrh Remedy. In the vs
place, it cures your catarrh
no matter how bad your
or of how long standing. It
doesn't simply palliate it
cures. If you believe it, m
much the ' better. There's
nothing more to be .said.
You get it for 50 cents, from
all druggists.
But perhaps you won't Ik
Iieve it. Then there's .another
reason for trying it. Show
that you can't be cured, and
you'll" get S500. It's a plain
business olTcr. The makers
of Dr. Sages Remedy will
pay you that amount if they
can't' cure you. They know
that they ' can you think
that they can't. If they're
wroiv1;, you get the cash. It
you're wrong, you're rid of
Both tbe niftuotl ami result when
6jrrup of Fi is taken; it ij pleasant
and rtfrreliiiiK to tlio taate, ami arts
Entlr yet rntnptlr os tho Kidneys,
ivcr ami liowcls, rlratiars the at a.
tern effectually, tii"cht ctl!, lirsii
srhrs am! fevers ami cuira habitual
coiitijatinii. rMrup of Fis ia tha
only remedy 01 its kind ever pro
duced, IcaiiiK to tho taato and ac
ceptable to the etomsch, prompt ill
ita action ami truly In-tir final is its
effects, prepared only from the moat
healthy and agreeable eubstance-. its
Biauy excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
feymp of rir U for !n In 60c
and $1 bottle br all lesdinf drug
gut. Any reliablo tlrtipjirt who
way not have it 011 hand will pro.
euro it prosiUy for any one who
wwbes to try IL I)o not accrpt any
CAUFMMM no syhup co.
aH fauacacv. cil.
l9TrfU. ft. tW t0M. m. r.
Martinsville. N J . Method!! Tar-
annagc. " My aai.tMint.-itirc with
your remedy, liovrlicc' (Jcnnan
Syrup, was made lout fouflern
years ago. when I contracted a CoM
which resulted in a Hoarscncs and
a Cough which dtMlilcd me frost
filling my pulpit for a number oC
Sabbaths. After trying a I'hystctaa.
without otrtaimng relief I cannot
say now what rcmetly he jrrcsenbed
I saw the advertisement of your
rcmetly and obtained a little, I
received such quick and permanent
help from it that whenever wc have
hatf Throat or Bronchial trouble
since in our familv. Hovrhce's Ger
man Syrup has been our favorite
remedy and always with favorable
result.. I have never hesitated to
report my experience of its to
other when I have round them
troubled in like manner Rxv.
W H IlACoaaTV.
of tbe Newark, New a Saf
Jersey. M E. Confer-
esce, April 25. V Ramody.
C G. CstO. JWe sUa'fr, VastVry,JI J.
ia arm Laem.
sB BsBsBsal CS W k2?S?fc
r awawawj , mmmmm CMa. maw
aurr ?p iaU iCLD,
bwbVb sat S VsaTafa
w m m
-ifilTV -2-mmm.
uaV TPml vV'af Bw mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
" f lrPWi
CbbBbBbBbBBI M Bsl'' W
i 5 alKUaWns.
aar 1
W mm gfasi-msv Mm't "( - 5
BbbBbb .asasaan aaaaasnataSBa aVaaaaassa SakaSStdslataT SWSwaTLa BsaaW
waast aSBsB sBBBBBVamw sjasBsssvsiaBasanBw swarwar- -
W awSay iwane1aarT. aaataJ m
Sacs Saaaa. m saw aaa&a, E
3 Save Saaaa) Setr t as bbbb ft,
C J. F. atTTst CO.,
gmrdhmm?sm oTaQeaatasiia..-..a
BJUIDBtJI Sway Baa, wSjSTSaay M SB
M f 3S
' irs
. ., - ,.,
?tv? "
r"ia aaVaevaW'taasfwaTsaPtaarsai