&. BBB. pMBmmmBamHK?I3S!"35mWmBmmmmm" r"'Bmajte-. , -,-.T- . j?--T333!HIBPlMBHBlgKBlSBBK amflimmmvammmlmTmaaHmmwamaimwbiL'- - e ' a 1 ' m ssSSjmSSPSFWkSM3SS3Sm. ." EmWmw?mWmaj?"'mWmWmr"jmWmWmTs.mWmrl. M5-mWmWmWamar . - y-"J-. y -awJmpmWmWmWmwJmmS . -T mmmav jLrrJaLipj y .TjflMaf5mT'--fmmammm'm 'T-" tt'' " " - r ' "" " S.jxJsisfcscst- "''amaaaaamaa ama TamMmamar"? r'i"""""TJTZmamma'""' anw amB H mav.amm-Tmaw aamamaMaffrSBBSMjfc aaamatmajnasCa-'imcMamcrcBMaWiM "!!., By iH3HBSBL.it. . " 1 ' mmmr?jHmma''"mr'mmTn. " JI T mmmmB' wmmm mm Ji ' ' " ' mmma jk wmv mma mmi mm 'Sr LSfm " mmr"mmmmarr M" 'mmmi S'mmamfPi fimmm mK5flVmnmpmSmmammmr'z. " Jm " -- - - f -r- ". . 4fc ,maiSmWmm: . .- lisBaiB mrelilaaaaaaawamrMCrSffVM Mjn t .tmurS1' LlHBflHtHDHDHIHLMKN ffiL -' "-"JMMrfBiBBIWtMagKSNy-1 " i ! f" sLmaaaaLar r HIHPVBhBIBK - - :4kASBmuBmBanBmBw9!amTamTamTamTamTamTamTamTam " X'BkHEPvvV -aBVBmWBBVBBWamWBmWBmWBmWBmWMmW BmawBmWBmWBmWBmWBmWamWLBBn, aamWamWamWamma. i "" aam?aBMa"-" -aBB"BBamWBmWBmWBmrBmWBmWBamv- PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSVjnPBBBBBBBBBBBJPBBBBBPP'PXZSKTP'jr V v jTnSjPJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJPJJMPJjPJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJBMPJjrtjpj -7-?"PvPJPiF yHPPBBPf pvBH P8BBBBBBBBXr m,-fc'-'PJBBP PJ'VP8BB99BP8BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMiPBBBBBBBBBBBB3vpBBBBfP9M9BBJPBHk' . v By A. C. Hosmer, Decoration Day Daly Observe1 in Bed Cload. A beautiful day, warm but breezy, einilcd upon the .Decoration of our Nation's honored dead. The afternoon procession was led by the citizens choir, L. P. Albright leader, in the four-horse band wag on. Nest Chas. H. Thoeming command ed the martial baud, consisting of L. A. Ilaskins and Wm. Cozad filers, Arthur Cozad base, and Henry Cozad, Wm. Cline and Simon Cozad, tenor drummers. Then Firing Squad commanded by T. W. Hatfield, marched with arms reversed, followed by pupils of the public school, ia charge of Superin tendent Oaam. Then came the Garfield Post of the G. A, II. wndcr Post Commander G. W. Knight, followed by the "Woman's Kulicf Corps, in the full uniform of the order, commanded by the Presi dent Mrs. G. W. Dow. Then came citizens on foot and an almost cndlcBB procession of teams, decorated with flowers and flags. Lieutenant D. L. Groat, commanded the entire line as officer of the day. The ccmctcr, with flags fluttering in the breeze marking the resting place of sleeping veterans was already sprinkVd with teams and pcdcstiians on the arrival of the procession. After distributing flowers to the various organizations, the line of march encircled the grave; of the fallen heroes, leaving there the price less emblems of a Nation's honor aud a Nation's love, affording an obj ect lesson to those youthful ranks of the undying glory of him who offers his lire for his country's good. The ranks then formed a hollow square, enclosing the monument erected to the unknown dead, near which the further exercises were con ducted. A dirge by the band, and "Sleep Soldier Sleep," rendered by the choir, was followed by the Hitualistic prayer of the Order, reed by Chaplain E. L. Ely, who then gave a beautiful eulogy on the unknown dead, whose graves arc scattered over the lillB and vales of the south. At the close of the eulogy, he placed upon the monu ment a laurel wreath as a fitting em blem of the enduring gratitude of our Country toward her fallen defend ers. The firing squad thcu advanced and delivered the usual volleys as a re quiem to their precious dead. On returning to the opera hall, the choir rendered "Falling Into Line" and Chuplaiu Ely led in prayer. "Shed A Tear," duet by C. J Cot- ting and Mrs. Fred Dauchy and chorus, was followed by ths address given by Comrade G. K. Chancy. He iiiht rvlerred to the honors heaped by Anci out Natici upou their Soldier dead and traced the beinninir cr our own Memorial Ser vice. Then noted the beucfecent cf fei ts of these Services upon ihe hv injr and stated how the outh of France drink in patriotism and burn ing zeal while reviewing the victorious emblems of battle displayed in the Hallsof Versailles. He then con sidered the importance of .teaching the oiing of oar own couatry patriot ism by reciting to them the matchless valor of our armies at Gcttysbarg aud ihe oiher battles of the war as well as m tlie victorious wars of or past history. The noble part takcu by the women of the Nation in the hour ot darkest tria1, and the suffcriugs of the soldiery were vividly depicted. At the close the t-peaker rose above all party considerations and advised a full conciliation between the Blue and the Gray, and the laying aside of all animosities and prejudices be tween soldiers, that all may be broth ers and friends. Bis feeling allusion to the dropping away of the living tojoin in a glorious hereafter our ''Grand Army of the ' Dead" was a fitting pcroratiou to an ii VI a aililroca ... aj . . a . The solo bv Mr - Erslme aad chorus sweetly render! ng.the closing Blection, ' " 'Noble, Souls.' 'The Boys In Blue,-" and benediction by Chaplain Ely; closed a decoration service, "well worthy the efforts of the Garfield Post of theG. A. 15. and the V. B. C. or der under whose" auspices the pro gram was ably carried oat Sleep Soldier sleep, waiting the jtigBent day, ''Uaier the Ivmrel pie Blae, Uader the wilJow the Gray." Saperfer. According to invitation issued from headquarters of Nebraska and Kansas inter-Btate reunion, delegates from the W. It. C. met and organized a perma nent auxiliary. The following officers were elected and committees ap pointed: Emma B. Kight President, Inavale, Neb. Maggie B. Wood S V-Pres., Bun Oak, Kan. Sarah Church J V-Prcs., Chester, Neb. Kate Pond Trcas., Bed Cloud, Neb. Ada Billings Chaplain, Geneva, Neb. Jane Houghton Conductor, James town, Kan. Marie Aycrs Guard, Campbell, Neb. Belle Miller Secretary, Bed Cloud, Ncbr. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Addic Morgan Orleans, Neb. Mary "Walker Davenport, Neb. Mrs. 0. H. Durancl Mankato, Kan. Harriet Luce Bcpublican Citj-, Neb. Kate Judhon Inavale, Nebraska. COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS. Kate Pond, Fannie S. Dow, Marybc Olmstead. The following resolutions were adopted and presented to the encamp ment in session: Besolvcd, That our thanks arc ex tended to Commander C. E. Adams for courtesies shown and advice given us, and to Comrade Church of Burr Oak, Kan., for presenting us with communications. Besolvcd, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, and a copy be pre.-cnted to the encampment in session. The resolutions were adopted aud the organization unanimously accepted as the auxiliarj to the Nebraska and Kansas inter-state reunion. The Woman's Belief Corps are mov ing onward. Everywhere in the land, woman, the noblest and best educated, fair to look upon, earnest and true, are rallying to assist the Grand Army of the. Bepublic. Among them arc luuuy of influence and position whose patriotism, when compared with that of some of the men of this day and generation, overshadows the dwarfs and stands out as a beacon light to all lovers of home and country. Encour age them boys, aud these noble women whose duty it is to perpetuate loyalty and love of country, will not permit that those who bore the brunt of bat tle, or the widows and oqmans of the fallen shall be forgotten. A SlSTEK. I'irklcvillc. Ma. Editor It appears to us that Peck's Bad Sister is trying to slander some of her best friends, especially 31 r. Wes Street, wc suppose he has a right to get a new buggy if he wiints to. She sas it is the first new hu!gt' he ever owned. Mr. Jhiucs Wilson is running a fi-ih market at the Kcd Cloud mills. Stay by it Jim for there is money in it. We saw M. B. Bcnlley aud lady trying to a-glc the festive cat fish the other day, but they would not bite The eat fih belongs to. the Fanuors Alliance, and they kept out of the wa. QrACKKSBUSII, JadMR. The prospect for a gonl crop was never better thin it is at the prcsen time, the late rains has thoroughly oakcd the ground aud bow if it will come off warm the groand will be like a hot bed. Small train has a good color, corn does not look so well on account of it being so cold. We think the hay crop will be good this year lor it looks better bow than it did last year. A good crop and a fair price will do the farmers aiore good than any thing else, Wc took a trip to Smith Ccnter'last week aad every thing is looking fine, winter wheat is begiaing to head oat and has a good eolor, largest per cent is sbmUI grain, winter wheat, spring oats aad rye, aad quite a aumber of fields sown to fax, aad all ia good eondition. Bro. Hmsmel organized a Sun day school at Ml Hope on tl.e 34th of My, Mrs. Francis superintendent, Bev. Uamael will preach at Mt. Hopej next Sunday evening Sid. Married at the residence of the brides parents, on last Wedaesaay afteraooe, by Bev. E. J. Baadall, Miss Sadie 'Metcalf to Mr. Frea Bright The Great Family Waakly exteads its coagratnlatioas te the laaaayfjHfk. M Eternal Vigilance is Saath Side. The fanners arc busily engaged cul tivating their corn. Since my last correspondence, we have been blessed with another rain. That is what makes the farmer's coun tenance brighten. Plenty of rain sig nifies plenty of grain. The school being taught in Bist. No. 34 by Miss Lena Jones will close June 10. Lcn Wilmot has one of his horses sweeneyed so he can't use it Julc Wilber was visiting with his parents Sunday. Uncle Levi Moore will soon have the new addition to his house complet ed. I wonder if any of the alliance have asked Uncle Lee to join the farmers trust. The honorable board of the great republican township of Line, met on the first day of this month at the town clerk's office, for the purpose of equal izing the taxes of said township. The board found that O. Slockc the assess or had performed his duty faithfully. Wes Street, wife and son, accom panied by Mr. Ponsor, head miller of the Bed Cloud mills, were pleasant callers at B. Turner's last Monday evening. 0, say! Isn't that Charley Turner a rustler? He cut his finger to the bone a few days ago on a breaking plow and now he has smashed the plow; and 1 learn he contemplates on shaving his mustache smack smooth off. Look out then for a squall. I wonder what has become of Char Icy Gust Sr. and his widow? Havn't heard of nor seen them ride in the same buggy together for a long time. I don't suppose it could be possible that one or the other has got the mit ten again. Peck's Goon Sister Bladen. Fine weather for corn. More showers Monday. Mrs. Hicks was at Blue Hill Fri day. Eli Cox is giving his barn a coat of paiut. Chas. Nelson of Davenport, la., is here selling his corn. Dick Ackerman is here taking in wheat for Gnnd & Co. F. W. McLaughlin was at Hastings last Friday on business. Mrs. V. S. Hall visited friends at Guide Bock last week. David Byrne and F. W. McLaugh lin attended church at Campbell Sun day. V. S. Hall and S. E. Hicks attended the funeral of 0. II. Martin at Blue The A. 0. U. W. lodge is meeting with good success. They have taken in a new member at each meeting. C. E. Hicks will leave a competent man in charge- of his business while he is east. Our school closed Friday and the exercises of that day did credit to teacher and pupils. Prof. H. C. Pro- basco has done good work and gave us the best school ever taught in the district. Decoration day was duly observed and the program carried out to the letter. The hall was crowded to hear the remarks of Bev. Burbauk of Blue Hilt which -were well received. S . laavale. Wc arc having plenty of rain in these parts and the farmers are bap- ry- U . G. Knight started fcr Denver, Sua day. Mr. Knight and wife, Mr. 01 stead and wife aad Mr, Ayers, went to Superior Tuesday to attend the Dis trict encampment, held at that place. Mrs. Luce took the train Tuesday for Guthrie, to visit her rob, Ed Lace. Mrs. Hunter is oa the sick list this week. Mr. Yaace is havias; the Lagrippe. Jtfr. llaater is having a windmill pal ap. There was a very interesting game of ball last Satarday, between the! 1 Red Cioad team aad the laavale team, the score' stood 5 to !, is favor of Red Cleaa. There will be qaarterlj meeting here next Saaday, Love Feaat at ten. praaehiag at eleven. Mr. M. Wiboa, was ia the Vale Moaday. Ht. Eadj is haildiag a neat ieaee arsaad his place. Bcstlml Far Pare Italian bes for sale. Ia ire of Geo. A. Latta, Cowles. 45-t4 the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year Red Cloud, Webster County, IsMtallatlaa Service. The services held at the Congrega tional church last Tuesday afternoon and evening were of unusual interest to the members of tha. church and was somewhat new to many of the ministers who formed the council. The installing of a pastor, although customary in the east, is a service much neglected in the west. The churches represented in the council by delegates were Bivcrton, Franklin, Naponce. Cowles, Campbell, Bladen and Vine St. church Lincoln. There were also present Bev. G. E. Taylor, general missionary for S. W. Nebras ka, and Bev. J. D. Stewart, state sup erintendent of Suuday schools. The exercises in the afternoon be fore the council consisted principally in the examination of the candidate, Bev. E. L. Ely, who was lately called to the pastorate of this church and who had accepted the invitation of the church to be installed. T'pon re quest of the council he gave a state ment of his religious experience doc trinal belief and his evident call from God to preach the Gospel. This statement was so complete, clear and comprehensive and withal so strong in faith aud doctrine that it left but lit tle for the members of the council to bring out with questions. The public services in the evening were unusually interesting and instructive. The church was filled with listeners, the music was excellent aud the speakers in their happiest mood. The report of the. council wan a unanimous and most hearty approyal of Bev. Ely as pastor of the church Judging from the many words of praise and commendation which he received from the different speakers it wa evi dent that they looked uoii him a3 a man called of God aud a safe leader of the people under his charge Theser mon was dcliyered by II. S. Wnua maker of Vine St. Congregational church of Lincoln. The prayer of in stallation by Bev. J. D. Stewart. The right hand of fellowship was given by Bev. Mr. Haddcn of Bivcrton. The most interesting part of the service? was the charge to the pastor by Bev. Piatt of Cowles, aud the charge to the people by Bev. George E. Taylor. The counsel given by each was sound and well worthy of consideration. This service brings the pastor aud peo ple into a closer bond of Christian fel lowship, and wc trust it will grow and strengthen as the years go by. m ! i- Crete Chautauqua Assembly, Crete, Neb., June 30, July 10, Agents within 150 miles of Crete may sell rqnnd trip tickets to Crete at rate of one fare. Tickets to be sold June 29 July 10, inclusive. All agents in Nebraska may sell round trip tickets to Crete on lune 29-30, at rate of one larc for the round trip, return limit in cases to be, July 11. Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 4-11. Agents in Nebraska may sell round trip tickets to Lincoln, at rate of one fare plus 50 cents for ad mission tickets, to be sold Sept 14. Circular giving full instructions will be issued later. v- Tenth annual international con vention, young people's society of Christian endeavor, Minneapolis, Minn., July 9-12. Aucnts may sell round trip tickets to Minneapolis Minn., at rate of one fare. Tickets will be sold on July 7-3 good return ing to July 17. Opening of Colorado mineral pal ace, Col , July 4, Agents may sell regular form of tourists ticket to Pueblo, at rate of one fare, tickets to be sold July 1-2, god re tarsi ng to July 20, to be of the standard iron clad, signature for bearing transit limit of one day in each direction, to be executed at Paeblo, only and to be good for passage goias; aad retaraiag via the same liae only. v rner stone and commencement exercises York College, York, Neb., Jane 20-25, Agents withia 100 miles of York, may sell ticket to York at rate of fare aad one-third, tickets t be sold Jaae 20-25, good let ami eg to June 26. A. Cosoveb. Apt. li .V V. v r. -.... -, r h. t v.:.t .. coantrv over i.Ih R,r,k . . """-"-- -" ilJ IS HUWR le . . .a. tt , ' ,. that fattez, which the tiamiacr says sack c&stnei aestatthe Hollaad Bease. Maar . . e x.-- s i: Sec 10. TJh pranaeaa eT this act 1 remember the awe exhlhirl W- - J . fc- crL.Tr." r'-Ti.i.iiw -iu. fetd ik - .u.u.t, ncmMHe - jiia, ana .s mnai gymnasiam. Jar. .11. J i? r - IB. waatstomakc date throazk tkia circuit, and wj know he plsaoed the people whea here before, aad as he has several new attractions we thiak i he will delight them this time. Neb., Friday, June 5, Caaataaaaa Circle. Chautauqua circle will meet with Miss Bandall Monday evening June 9, 1891. 1 BOO RAM 2l WEEK. Bollcall Your favorite French writer. Table talk Interesting public events. Questions on walks and talks "in geological fields Mr. Cotting. Questions on French Miss Ban dall. Music by C. L. S. C. Bcadinc Amiel Mrs. Kalcv. 3D WEEK. Bollcall Quotations from anything you please. A review of walks aud talks. Chapters 1 to 5 Mabel Martin. " C to 10 Anna Bandall. ' 11 to 15 Mr. Cotting. 16 to 20 Mrs. Taylor. " 21 to 25 Mrs. Warner. 2C to 30 Mr. Albright. " 31 to 35 Mr. Kaley. 36 to 40 Mrs. Kalcy. 41 to 45 Mrs. Cotting. " 46 to 48 Mrs. Martin. 4th week. Bollcall Quotations from Hugo. Questions for 3d or 4th week on French Mrs. Kaley. Questions on walks aud talks from chapter 43 to the end of book. Mr?, Taylor. Beading anecdotes of French auth ors. C. L. Cotting. ITnivcrsltjr or Xcbrakit. As a result of the correspondence in regard to a summer school, the faculty makes the following an nouncement: The departments of Botany, Art, and probably History, will be opened. In addition, instruction will be giyen in Psychology, Physics, Algebra, Geometry, Descriptive Geometry, Latin, German and English, provided that there are ten or more applicants for any subject at the opening of the school. The session will continue from June 11th to July 3d. Matriculation fee, five dollars. Laboratory expenses and Art fees, a few dollars per student. Charles E. Hessev, Acting Chancellor. The Red Cloud base ball club arc coming to the front with filing colors, last Friday, they wrnt to Inavale and had a regular walk a way. Although Inavale paid $0 for a pitcher and catcher. The 1st basemen and Con or the hired pitencr, did some very nice worik. The Bed Cloud nine played ball to a man, with Miner and Higby as a batter-and II. Miller at 1st base, wou'd in all probability make eomc of our neighbors crawl in their hole. The finent play made was the last J ball, which was caught after a des perate ran in the right field by Sam Miller. The game was umpired by Mr. Miiler, an old St. Louis ball mm. who gave the best of satisfaction. OAMB Bed Cloud !. Inavale ;- A cordial invitation is extended to our neighboring ball teams. II. S. Ford, cafthtcrNcw York LiTc Insurance Co., Oinaba. Neb., Dear Sir: On my policy No. 119571 of $1,000 taken 15 years ago on the or dinary life plan, I am offered the f ol lewins options in settlement. lt con- tiaae the policy and draw theaccuma - lated surplus amount $149, 2d, take thecatire cash value amount $302,45, , ., .. n 44, take the paid up policy tor 0. Of these I selected the 2d option and nerebv acknowledge Company's cheek for $302.45 in settlement. Ia doing hie T m flad to exoress av entire tJ satisfaction with the result t? I fisd my insurance of $1,000 for 15 years ,J lias aleuaiiy com. me ?i.oi ec Truly yours, C, L. COTTISG. - We notice ia the San Francisco Ex - i.er an4er the head of an amde on "Twonev makin? adrertiscmeats," 'thai Mrs Clara WorOnngton of New - Staalislaaa coaaty. Califorala, caatmredavalsahlcrriae for writing . .. - f..'SKS ! .anJnuaun W ","' Wi "?' 7 - -, jj,- y jsalae artist, aad. . ... . j iAiu iw aUV. c w w -m.. -. ' M -t fV; , - . t -- mj mv "- c -a- wkewasan keaarea member e tke Waheter coaatj Vfaxl ef sapervis- We caagratalatc is the Price of The Chief. 1891 . Cheaper ! steak. By rvquMt ot our county superin tendent, D. M. IlunUr, u publiah b low House Roll No. iTi, which a bill passed by our last legislature tn provide cheaper text books, and for district ownership of same. Sec. 1. District school boards and boards of trustees of high school dis tricts and boards of education in cities of the tint and second class, are hereby empowered and it in made their duty to purchase all text booka necessary for tho fcIiooIb of such district; and they aro further authorized to enter into con trnctrf hereinafter provided with the publishers of such books for a term of years, not to exctd lire; providing that tho contract pnce of such boks shall not exceed the lowest price then granted to nny dealer, state, county, township, school district, or other in dividual or corporation iu the United StaU to be determined as hereinafter provided; and provided, that such con tract shall guarnntoo to such district any furtkor reduction that may be granted elsewhere during the life of such contract. Sec 2. Hoforo any publisher of school books 6hall be permitted to enter into contruvt with nny school district under the protiiiuus of this act, lie shall file with tho state sujienntendcnt of public instruction?, to be approved by him, n good and Hufflcient bond (in the sum of two thousand to fJU.OiDj for the faithful jorfonuance of tho con dition of such contract, and the ob Borvnnco of tho requirement of this act; mid such publisher shall also tile with the state superintedent of public instructions a sworn statement of the Ion est prices for which hb scried of text books are sold anywhere in the lTnited Stntes; and a failure to tile such bond and sworn statement of prices shall bo a good nnd valid defense on the part of tho district against payment for any books that may be sold by such publisher prior to tho date of filing such bond nnd sworn statement of prices, and nil such contracts to which such publisher in a party made subse quent to the passage of this act prior to tiling such lond nnd sworn statement of prices shall be null and void. Six. .1. For tho purposo of paying for school books, tho school district offi cers may draw an order on tho county or township treasurer for the amouut of school books ordered. Six. -J. The county or township treasurer shall pay orders, drawn by school district officers, for the purchase of school boolyj, out of any funds in his hands belonging to the district, except the money derived from that derived from th teachers' fund. Snc. o. Any contract entered into under the provisions of this act with any publisher who shall hereafter become a jarty to any combination or trust for tho purpose of raising the price of school text books, shall nt the wish of the school board of the district using such books bocomo null and void. Six. C. The state superintendent of public iufftructiou shall within thirey dnys nfter the filing of the hereinbefore mentioned sworn statement of price of text books have the same printed and forward a sufficient number of certified copies of the same to each of the county suerintendentn of tho stato to furnish all tho school districts of such county, with one copy each, and the county superintendent shall immediately after receiving said certified copies of prices of bxiks. send or deliver one of such certi fied copies to the director or secretary of each school district or board of educa tion in such county, to be tiled as a part of the records of such district and he shall also file one of said certified copies of prices in his office as a part o f the re- cords of said office. Sec. 7. It shall be tits duty of the state superintendent of public instruc tion to prepare c&d have printed a form of cor ,act between district boards and publ' ters of school books, and to far. nish ms same through the county swpeT intet lest, to the several district boards of th t state; and no other form of cos- :tnushaulwujdb7rachdjatrktbcrd and publishes us carrrio oet the pro- 1 J : ' Sec. S. Lpoa the filiag of a wnttoe . Rtt j pabUc icstractira oSotn " jy district board, chargayf aay pttbiiA- -witli violating the eocdrtioM of bbco i coctract as hereinbefora meatioaed. Tbe s attomer genera a hereby instructed. T " " 7 "f -J " "r" . the svse, and if be sd probaWe ca and it shall be his daty, to investigate for actjon fce tmmtmAtei7 i j proceedings xn the nam oi the state to ! ecforce the liability oo the bocd hema- I before nentkeed. ' Sue 0. A3 books purchJ by d- o-fc, , ahmjM , tc aad leaned !o sawk of the sekeal t bil fgrggjag a cocne of siady tkw lire otcn j', pm usa ubvk, wvruc shag fcetd sack yapgs t j wftih for say r'imsgT to, kaa of. or faSwre to rsUcra sweh books at tfee ti ate and to tk tlsatmtecWaat! by tha teat. af t sbaU isctsde aE school mmtom F-' Tided, that stbiss ikis act saal ha iziszi&zs - n - gsKX irrcrrur . .T ,uua mxi vs i.kcbkUW drsc Prorided fanW. tii ti board y cHagaato ma local dsalcr " tMww imas warn umiZTK, W7&B t "ca acreaae aun ecsa jna la any j g, to Mai aaoa be? iaaaawdaaiar. Eriex The caraka aasl Ka laler-ftialr Rcaato TO IE MEM 1.' Ki: C'MWB. ral r 14. I, 17. A. I a. The decision ot the old jolaicra en campment held at Superior unani mous in the location of the interstate reunion at Hed Cloud it will he one of the grandist affairs that ever look place in Nebraska, aud our people have alrrailv r.nmwirnnri iinin!tnH , , , , ' ,t For the event. Large aud cosjniod-1 p iou ground have been ccuicd within four blockt of the butnf. center of the city, and the committer have gone to work with a vim that u ,,. equaled to male it a succe. It l expected that fully forty thousand people will be here aud apjKiinlrd The officers elected arc an follows; T. L. Miller, Commander M. H. McXitt, Chief uf staff Ch Wiener, Adjutant general. portant iiiprovrmpl in railroad fK- C'knnacel MnHSfs tj" thai ha l )?t made tn Ckrlo ti it i m iv. i i. i. ftodthe W.U lle rnpU.lon f th The Hed tloud National Bank, hai rtaard guago of tho lemr and lle chsnged hind-, and i m.w tinder a Grande lUilnd from lmtPr. (lor.k, thoroughly new maiiacmrnt, Mr. overla saounlsm- U ()gln, I'tah Charles Clary. f St. Imiip, Mo., a , which Rr years mm w dMil an tm- banker uf wide experience ha. been !"'Wlity. Is oSTtatnly a triumph .rf , . f ii ' daring and engineering skill Tl new chosen caMncr, and is now fully in , ., v , ... , , , ... : t line is by the way of I ami rule, tuntxd charge of that responsible po.ulon, J Mg ToniMiWlhr4B;taa . he is alo a capitiliBt, Mr Jonathan 0f Kagj,, hM,i (.rand Kivww, ffie Cha., a capitalist of Lincoln has , virw of the Mount of the He Csaaa, a-uutnvd the presidency of the bank. , enroute. Uking it Ua.n Uintugh OWa Uc i a man of cxpcr.oncc and conic. ' .l Hpriiu.- and Uwn the i rand lUr . i, i ii i r i j .. ., to Grand Junction, thw to Salt Iak to lied Cloud fully imbued with the ,. .It. , .... , ., .,, . , . C-itj.Oregouan.1 han frarxn-v Uf unbuilding of 1W Cloud, and the Ujffl muU, mr , ffJrrn Rn u, two men combined with other men of behold thn mairntftnonrs of tjgl IUe means, propose to 5tart khuc uiior-j Canon and Uk nmriekm teauty ami Unt cntcrpriJies in Kcd Cloud that frailure of the fVnon of th. Uraaartt will make thinL's buzz tn a abort , . it t . i i ttt ncnmi. .Mr. j.cw Aiungut ana w. . Sherwood, have been fupcrccdcd bT the tsro gentlemen but till hold stock in the bank and with its intercut, will be A. idcntilca Hherwaaa, ' mm was elected as srsistant cathiar,Tlt CuiEr- winhcs the bsnk arasasrity aa - r r ' dcr the new regime. S. Stenger and wife of Mechanici-ithe town, Ohio, uncle and aunt of Mrs. D. M. Hunter, wife of our worthy county up;rititendtnt, spent a few day in this city while en route home after a pleasant trip to Dcnvsr, whert Mr. ? went ar a delegate to the rail way agents association of America. lie is igent of the h. V. A & S. rail way. He is a very genial gentle man and paid Tuc Cum a very pleasant Tisit, They left Tuesday fur a visit in Arkassa. Blaaalaiksm .llcr. Xoticc i hereby giren that the firm of Blakeftlee A Hatch is thi day dissolved by matual consent. Krank Hatch withdrawing from the concern. The baiuess aill be conducted by F. G. Blakeslce who aMsmc all is debtcdacss of the Srm aad to whom all Seconals are due. F. G. Blakkslck Kakk Hatch. May 22d, 18'Jl. The city aeheeis ck thU werfc. C W. FaiVr as4 dsiiter of CowVe. were sWwa Texaey. C 3'etler expeeteel to start fer Wffees Tse4y. He vs3 prowsMy retails o8 weeks. John Myerwirte' Hurrar-i. K,SU arday. espaetiag to rrtsra wrist m sleee. Hi Immtm Fre. F. M. KkanUow. I. S. IVai aad h C.i CMsa4ea4 were deinraWe to tfee Q.A. Ji. later Ute EaeampsseatTMiay. BtaAe Crsacetist "ae Ssaaptvc eteeael lakaMetisxaatthe Carittiaa ckarek vet 8cs4sy. iUaIaw rtiee mnt tt, 3Cra.Baaofcs! Aarara, .Vet axAer ot3Cra.V. J. Cozad. arrrred Tseadsyf errettMC for a lew aaya Tiit. SUmob srway toUPaoifeooswCtosead th The city cewaex! ef Red Cead wt3is as a boanl eC asjaafiiaf ioa Jaet,Saae! Gym&wiuek time gxkimwm wertaiaiac ioumtt laiatisa the Srst aad take falk ?m Vol. 18. No. 45. Watte IVaks asMl ar Cm Colorado t a land of h&rf ooatr, of bnihAQt light, ot inlnw nhjulow; j a Uad here htht nd depth sJ obvious the mnK tf th wrd aaUth ( ; a l&ed hrt every round in siad can rind an a&aencg tn.d uj catnntk The high, whiU minuUo( tb tuotiat aun, from t 1k leader pumar fkxl the wind-blown haacrw of lb mow, appes) with uleat returner to ti ty Mpirwlw&a of tin uj, tho aofubr cham chft by Titan fr through graalt hrtedhdl,witUin han depth tUrk h.-ulow throng and twirling Ur- ' renU dah fk to the h-t a Ungaag that UirdU, tnepirro aod ftrv Itkw not follow that U glorxw of w hit lak aad thi gkm of dark orxwi itfeclude the plut interval, the tunny ... . . . i I navkmn or U fxvftiihMi txk whnrtnn Ul0 tirj mtml ur wrtl U-ly may !itd &ceful rwt ami refugw from turmoil and toil. Tw making a nroy tn !Coknwi New .Mecworl?Uh. or tklog , a trrtoontuionl tour from f.at to I wnat, or vice erA, thr !rnec and IUo (!ramW ilAilruad otfer arommn!- ' tlon pqtial m elegancy tvwuitiiie ami luxury tolhoo with any other Moe with tho sddol attraction of the unrtvatWd K-wwry along it linn, abounding Jn nmguitirvnl upaUiHi t wMU frak and dark enuoo. Th nooth of Sovem lnr, i& witntvwd oti of th ttwt im- ornrlaml train 1 a mW iaijassf spct. Fntn the ei aWaatlrBt , . new, aad i! Oat matteWant atyU. .rf workataaasaa mva HsUh If any tulr VI BWLlit a.t SBom aUut Utrasi ia work of nature, writn UK K. Haoper, (teneral Vfnmmfttl:r Agwwf, TV.. r'.l..,! ... .1 I .11 . ..t ' . . , ' ,, ...,. I free of ajt, elegantly illustrated ljrA, giving a full dvript)'m of tit marrele I r.t J. C. I.--- Ut..l tt' I I- "CJerat Deride." u jT jjh4, .. trkui.i ,, yiRi m Rarklra'aArHirra aaltr Th Ht Ht tn th workl for cU, IireU, Bor, trirr, fiH Khas. fr Km. Ttter, ClppJ hand.. ChUlIla', Corn, anJ alt other KUn Krwptkts., nI KMitlvcly cr !, or nn jy r qoiii. It l guarant to glr t f-rt atltfaetionur tr.onvy ffsa4u. 'rl'7 cnU pr loi Vot l by L. II. f;o.M ii. . H. I'ntil Jurthor noUtc. rcgtilsr acct igs of Jamra A. Garfield l'&t o. SO. Drpi. of Xeb. G. .V. U. iH U held Mondaj eronlag ea or Mm each fall soon at 7J50 p. bb., sad two weeks thercalter t 2 p. to. YU itin$ comrades cortlially is Tlud to attend. G. W. Kxiot, 1. a V. ScHZjrciC. Ad'f. arkaalr Fssrfa. IVart & U 9sally ?yt4 te I iaesrchW, bl Hs pt'ofly trt4 a large prertl of e eaa bm ef4. Tow Xrt. Eiranm Xttr h of KlkkaM, laA. ax! Mr Mary X. Rar of OTU,Strh were csrI f trr 5eri 2Tlyr. K, C, L&fevrgtr til bWa Jo, lit, y thai Xu UAom' h'rw Hrt Csr. iieh wd Ik fecsMT, wrli 9vm4T to hi wife. Irri Ignf KrfwujiftXlk., wkok4 krt iUs for J3o yer. ey itm ltU sajuI Jarir "? lii " tf MaUe Kw Hrt Cwr U acoeraa lmm4 ttj C l"4sr. draCt. J-k wvft4rfi tiai If. f JUia Kjy rsg rfr4 the I grvig eref a4 t. He&aS grais Tr w4 Wli yft se al tki Ue ai ih year. Cwra Jstxprai lkt khekH -relax Tt rSUtf ot G-mm- Kfc swUkraUa Mnaorial Uy ky & Wt tmm ia th iUy iimt aavt a daac V aifc4. JV mIa44 sKiaUaa sal $. Utt) a?w ytnafaat tact tk tttmti isamty HA aH rmm t, aad a Vat Jt nnfka a mrrri U -rrct Frratiew :. hms aaa4 tfMit frml acksal yrW ia I. a !' CTW, is IT. Ti wfi wTtkJsata arv Dirirt ',. tmd IK. gm.i Sm CSfCU. V. SL GrtXaymrt, Aaf. i? JH Baking fowler N , i PV ISi'jr - .