?? hi 1 1 t.'.L.f Jtt-sae --.,'-- jy- .w.- . -., 5r- -5ri "I THE CHIEF Friday, Hay ff, INI. i fjrt, Ksteretf at Uw liest OSVc la Ke4 1owJ, Neb.. aa stall mutter ot the areead claw JaBHnw'ONirr'' BY Bs9Il E2 a .CHCAC9. Tq S tl ; s , : t ; i 1 ; I i r M i i ' m m - m r v " " V oy ''BBBBnBnVnVnnBBssVoB"1" TRY JOS.HEEBURGER, Proprietor of the ty Bakery and Restaurant, For a good Square Meal. Boarding ana' Lodging by day or week All kinds or Frcsk Bread, Pies and. Cakes. Headquarter Tor Oranges, Lemons and Bananas, All kinds or fresh fruit and Candy, Nuts, Cigars, Tohaeco, fresh Oysters, and ICe eream In season, Jos. Herburger, niimtiiw.mwM.MM.iili..n.M.Mimi.iiiiitimM Fort Abstract L. H. FORT, Manager. A Jh (mcts Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOTICE. Having liad ten years experience in county records and one of the most complete set of As .street books I n the state, tre guarantee satisfaction. Yost favors sol icited All orders filled promptly. 19.000 dollar bond filed and approved. Address or call on L. H. FORT Manager, Red Cloud, Neb. BSOMT& MYERS Abstracters, Real Estate and Farm Loan Agent. Red Cloud, Nebrasra. Abstracts of title furnished accurately and promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. $10,000 bond filed THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WUX MAKK --E POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world What it nff fVfU BaTaMt W"m nLnW Won! BhTsBa m tnTsf-'-nnf nffsl B I Bl Vsnl I Hf i PbbH I 1 iVl BaV M ' Ot B Mnl neaV Am I nnv m ABA wE BKBEaBmMiSnBBBBBBaBmBVlBBfl.Bn Castoria if Dr. Waaanol Fitoaacr'a prcgeriftiosi lor Infants and Children. ItcomtalMoitaerOlani,Mormlanr other Narcotic NhssMe It Si harmleof oabotUnt for Paregoric, Drop, Soothing Byrne, and Castor OIL It if Pleojamt It gvaraatoo if thirty yean' am hy MiUloasofMothon. CoMorUdostroyaWonMaadaDajf feverishneos. Cootoria nrereaU Tontitlac Soar Card coxes Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Cattoria retterr teething troahlof. cares eonstination and flatmlessey. CMtorWaatlsmilatos the food, regalates the vtosmaeh and bowels, giving healthy and matvrai sleen. Cat toria if the ChUdron'f Paaaceo-tho Mother's Frteaen. f Tssliiili li in i imBial wulUlssi fU aTea. XoUMcikTipwtoftlxnMsMS(SBi "Castoriafctae teat rssaeay far sUcaIaaaceaaiaei. X far Cmgtoria. CastoriaV gwdeaiectesraaslr iMIkaa." kaswrntossO Pa. O. C Passes, A.A.Aacaaa,at.SU LssB,Mass. Ulf.Oifri8C,lrwtrym.lLT. QlhW WBBBBBBBBsB wBBBBBBBBBTBBBSWBo BBBB mm MBBar BWBBBBi BCWBBAD WBBBaTB& AmmiBAl0Ja'fc&tgJBUJgEL aB?BBBBBl.nnWMwBBB Bff CflBBnBB oWMw- MnB Osswsr. Art I Atum C Sana, Asa, pifc Ckwaaar Coaassnr, Tl .afftmy noraot, Bov TfkCBh a-m-HBHBanBBHHBnBnBnnnBnBnBnn - 1 . . ? J Co., Red Cloud, of II Cf- Tul ill lian ill.liaiiiltn lninlfcat EOCCTBJC MABK8. Fine watek repairing, artis tic letter aad sosogram en gravisg at T. K. PenraarTu Red Cluid. if o to Dcjo for f hing tackle. Garden and lower seeds at Deyo'e. Two weddiags in one week is not bad. Mis.s Lulu l'otter went to Rladen today. Haranjocks and croquet at Cot tisg's. L. Bauni and daughter Sarah are in Chicago. Geo. Gilford is home from Newcas tle, Wyoming. A. H. Kaley and son Walter arc in Lincoln this week. Base balls, bats, hammocks and croquet sets at Deyo's. Cotting is still selling lots of wall paper at way down prices. Mr. Milon Wilson has been on the sick list bat is now around again. Geo. Lemming and wife' left this week for Denver, their future home. Dcyo has no old patterns of wall pa per to work off. His stock is new and fresh. Cleanliness is like unto Godliness. We will have clean pure water in the near future. The firm of Blakcslce & Hatch have dissolved, Frank Hatch withdrawing from the firm. There arc numerous dors in this city that should be dispatched to the happy hunting grounds. Don't forget that Decoration day is Saturday. Everybody should make it a point to turn out and observe the day. In this issue of the Great Family Weekly we give a fair illcstration of some of the leading business houses of Bed Cloud. The ladies B. H. M. Society will give strawberry social at Mrs. Mc Bridc's, Tuesday evening June 2d. Everybody invited. Vanity Fair, the Lincoln sheet, that indulges in scandal to a certain extent, had better change its corres pondent in lied Cloud, bo say boys, for she or he docs not get facts as they should be. the the Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattoria. Month Side. Rain! rain! rain! Who says it can't rain in Nebras ka. Dave Anderson found his lost hogs, some ono was mean enough to kill them. Dave might have considered it a clever act last fall, but aftct wint ering them he can't help but call them mean. The girls say Charley Turner's slippers arc very neat, but O, my his big feet! O, my don't Wcs Street sail since he sports a n6W carriage. Shoo fly, don't step on me. Bill Walden's lovely countenauce was to be seen on the South Side last Sunday. W. J. Turner has returned from visiting his broth sr, in Texas. Peck's Bad Boy is in Lincoln, just as I expected. O, my what will be come of that boy. Peck's Good Sister. Height or Cruelty. Nervous women seldom receive the sympathy they deserve. While often the pictures of. health, they are con stantly ailing. They have a weak heart causing shortness of breath, weak and hungry spells, and finally choking, smothering and dropsy. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is just the thing for them. For their nervousness, headache, weak ness, etc., his Restorative Nervine is un equaled. Fine treaties on "Heart and Nervous Diseases" and testimonials free. Sold and guaranteed by C L Cotting. c Take it as you catch it A rabbit A Mystery Explained. The papers contain frequent notices of rich pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps, and coachmen. The well-known specialist. Dr. Miles, says all such girls are more or lees hys terical, nervous, unbalanced; subject 'to headache, sleepleness, immoderate cry ing or laughing. These show a weak nervous syeteru for which there is no remedy equal to Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a fine book, containing testimonials, free atCL Cotting', who also sell and guarantee Dr. Xiles' New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics. G "This is a tropical climb," said the monkey as he started after the cocoa nut A Little CUrTs Experience In n Mr. and Mrs. Lores Treseott are keep era of the Gov. LigathosM Saad Beach. Mich., aad are Massed with a daaghter f oar years old. Last April she was taken down with Measles, followed with a dread f el cough aad tmraiag iato a feTer. Doc tors at borne aad at Detroit treated her, in Tain, she grew worse rapidly, until she wasamereaadftiof boaes". Then she tried Dr Kiag's New DiseoTery and after the ase of two and a half bottles, was eosiplataty eared They say Dr King's New Discovery is worth iU weight ia gold, jet yea saay get a trial bottle free atLHDeye'adragstore. 6 Death is a woodecfafaiimic. He can take aaybody of. Feraaaa yea are na doom, saa't eat, t iisoa, eaa taaw, eaai oe aaytawg te yeor saiiefaaaiem, and yea wooder waataat yoa. Toa saoald heed the war aiag. job are UkiogaVsart step iato Ner Teot PieeicaUea. Tea seed a Nerve Toaie aad ia Basiria litters yoa will fad the exaet iisaedy fee issawiag yoar aervoas eystesa to its aorssal, healthy eoadMeau farprieiag teeahsfo&ew the ase of this great Herre Tease a ties. Tear aaosttto reeatae, i Altera- k Uoa is rseeed,ead the liver aadfcidaeys leaasaa asaltay asajaa Try a bottle. Prise foe, a I at leyrt dragsters. 5 fair WHAN TOST MS AMr SN5C . Aid many rare HLl&Bt HER CENTS FOB A USEFULCAKC OFfAl RBANICS'SANTA- CL AUSS0AP 1 lMStaMMMMH..MviMHHsnfl Garden Seeds Of the best lot in the city. When in want of anything in this line re member Perkins & Mitchell's old stand one door south of Miner Bros. Insurance Against Hall. Geo. O. Yciser is prepared to insure crops against damage from hail. Now is the time to insure also against loss from fire and wind. Notice to Breeders Hereafetr Prince Bayard make the season of 1891, at the will barn of J. C. Hclcomb, Red Cloud. I$m42 W. Gates CUT Tlll OUT. If you buy $5 worth of goods of C. Wiener for cash and present this slip you will receive in return 25 cents. Not good after July 1st, 1891. Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers ofthe public schools of this county, at Red Cloud on the third Saturday of each month. D. M. Hunter, County Supt.' Wanted.. Farm hands, inquire of G. A Lat ta, Cowlcs, Neb. tf . - i ---pp.. For Sale. Four new buggre and two sets of double harness, at the City Livery Stable, just csat of the Holland house. 42 if Flour of both winter and wheat. Groceries and uarden spring feedt;. First door south of Miner Bros. C. M. Myers, Prop. M. Wilson, Ag't. Children Cry for Pit sr's Castoria. FOR HARDWARE c STOVES Vo to Horharl's. He has the finest line of stoves ever eccn in the city. He has the celebrated Garland cook and heaters, and a full line of others equally as good. Hardware at the very lowest figures for cash. Do not buy stoves or hardware until you see me. Opera house block, Webster street. When Baby was sick, we gaTe her Cattoria, When the was a Child, she cried f er Castoria. When he became Miss, ahs clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gare tfaem Castoria. Itch on human and horses and all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. H. Devo, druggist,Red Cloud. Pliun and Phlslc. It is qnite the fashion now to take De Witt's Little Errly Risers for liver, stomch and bowel disorders. They are small pills, but mighty good ones. c. v. cotting sells them. Fashion and decency should bo always on good terms. rarefies the blood, increaes the circula tion, expels poisonona humors and builds op the system. What more do yon want a medicine to perfom? De Witt's Sarsapa rilla is reliable- Sold byC. L. Cotting. Thomas A. Edison began as a telegraph operator. Very popular, very small, very good. De Witt's Little Early Risers, the pill for constipation, biliousness, sick headache. For sale by C. L. cotting, Druggist The man who lies at all must neces sarily lie low. A beautiful skin, bright eyes, swret be ath, good appetite, Tigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of DeWitt's Sarsaparilla. It is sold by c. t. cotting. Who is your neighbor? Anyone re ceived in good society. Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism, and most diseases originate from impure blood. Cleanse it, improve it, purely i. with De Witt's Sarsaparilla and health restored, strength regained. Sold by o. L' cotting. What is religion? An outward pro fession of inward respectability. If food sours on the stomach, digestion is defective. DeWitt Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous littlJ pills that nerr gripe and aerer dis appont. Sold by C. L. Cottitc A meaty suggestion: Roast beef, corned beef or ham, sah? De Witt's Little Early Risers nerer gripe or canse nausea'll Ibii h are, assist rather than force. Beat little pill for sick headache, chronic eoastipatioa, dyspepsia. Sold by c.x.cottiag. No man is accountable for the mistake of his friend. consipato8,blood-poieoB,ferer! Doe tors' bills and funeral expeases east abeat two hundred dollars; DeWitt's Little Early Risers cost a quarter, rake yoar choiee. For sale by c x. cottiag. What is fashion? The latest frivolity practiced by the ssnallaet aasaber. Miles' Xenre sued Urer PIHs. Act oa a aew principle regale Hag toe Urer, stoaaaea aad bowels tareaga the aerres. A aew diseorery. Dr. Miles pflls speedily eare bfloasaeat, sod taste, torald urer, auee. TJe- feqaaled for ssea. I . . est, auldest, aarest: so ChlldrofflCryfor f!tclm'Caetttrii be we hope, Bncklenv Arnlcca ShIvc The Best Salve in the world for cuts. Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. feTer Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all other Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L. II. Deyo.33 She Was Sick But Twcn iy Bin utes. Six years have rawed since my first cotiflne Mtit. at which I have suHerel both loni; ami iuteutelr. This tune, although I hal tued but one bottlo ot "Mother's Friend." I suffered scarcely any Ialn. and vas not sick more than twenty minute, and did not afterwards exiwr lence that weakness usual In Mich cae. Mhs. Anjub (Sack Lam.vk. Missouri. January 13, ik)j. I Have, aa You Know, been selling liradtleld'.t Female IteKulator for years and bate hail a steadily Increasing- de mand lor tt; It Rives the very best wtWactlon. I ireuuentiy m.')I it to iinvsiciaus. wuo use u in their iiracticv with the most satisfactory re- suits t.TiioiA. M. !., 4Mt Valdosta, Ca. lJoth tho dreBsiuaker and cook have a chance to show taste in dressmaking. Mother's Friend. Is the sreatot blessing ever offered child bar Iiik women. I hae teeu a midwife many tears and In each case whern Mother's Friend has been used. It has accomplished wonders and relleed much sutferliiK. It I the best remedy for rising of the breast know n, and worth the price for that alone. Mrs. Jl. A. IlKKWTi:n, Montgomery, Ala. SJradfleld'a Female llcgulaf nr should be used by the young woman, she who suffers from anv disorder peculiar to her sex. and at chango of life is a powerful tonic; bene fits all who use It. Sold by all druggists. - to MAN BJUeQUAMTEOKlTH THE GtOGUrHT Of THIS COUxm tUU 0BUH SUCH UU'ABU tirORL'ATION fROU STUST OF TKtS HIT OF THE CMcato, Rock Island & Pacific Ry, The Dirtct Route to and from Chirac. Jollrt. Ottawa. Peoria, La Sal If. Mollnr. Kock Itlaml. In 1M.INOI3; Davrnport, laatlnr, Ottumws, Otkatocsa, TVt Moines. Wlntcrart, Amlubon, HarUn tuvl Cminclt Sluffk. in IOWA : Mlniio-jll an.l M. Paul. In MIX JfESOTA; Watrtown atxl Sioux Fallj. In DAKOTA; Cameron, SU Josrih anl KaniULs air. In SIIS.Olni; Omaha, Lincoln. Fair bury and Ntlon, In NKIIRASKA ; Atclilsnn. Lravenwortb, llorton. Topeka, HutrIiInon. WIclilta, nelltTlllp, Abilene. Dolce Cltjr. Caldvrll. In KANSAS: Klnjtnbrr, IU Keno and Jllnco, In INDIAN TltRRITORV; DenTtr, alordo PprlnRs and rutl.to. In C0LOR.VDO. TraTtrsra new amis of rich faralnf and crating lands, affording the bet facilities of Inter communication to all towm and cities cast and writ, northwest and aoaUiweM ofCblcaco and to l'aclc and trani-occanlc Kaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS Leading all corapetltort In splendor of eqalpaxnt, between CHICAGO and DES MOINES. COUXCIL RLUFFS and OMAIIA. and betweta OflCAGO and DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and rUERLO. tla KANSAS arv and TOPEKA and via ST. JOSETTT. Flrst-Ctam DarCoachea, FREE RECUNING CHAIR CARS, and Falace f leeperf. wltli Dlnlnc Car Serrlct. Clcxo cnnnrctlona at Denver and Colorado Springs with dirci-plug railway lines, nor fonalc? the new and plctorwiue STANDARD GAUGE TRANS-ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROUTE Orer which superbly-equipped tralnt run dally TIIROl'GII WITHOUT CHANGE to and from Salt Lake City. Ojdrn and Han rranclco. TTIE ROCK ISLAND is abo the Direct and Favorite Line to a&J from Manitnu, rike' Trak and nil ether sanitary aad cenlc resort and cltha and mlnlnsdhtrlctsin Colorado. DAH.Y FAST EXPRESS TRAINS From St. Joseph and Kan.. City to and from all. Im portant townK. cities and v-ctlons In Southern Nebrajka, Kansas and th Indian Territory. Alo via ALBERT LEA HOCTE from Kanis Oty and Chicago to Water town, Plmix Falls. MINNEAPOLIS and ST. rATJL. connactlong for all pnints nnrth and norihwet betwtta Hie lakes and th! Pacific Contt. Tor Ticket". Maps, ToMcrs. or delrrd Informatloa aprly to sny Cnpn Ticket 02i In the Tnlted States or Cnna'la, or addrcs E. ST JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN CenT Tkt. &. rats. Art CIIICAOO. IU.. 'tZG? .H 9 ri8rilv59 IU UnZ -fe5p?rll .7- et v foUEU-S. mm EpoTCi!i&L:: fisn.iss. E-ll lal DE WITT'S sur LITTLE IsO evsT BaeMneMnMneMneMnei AJn7VRf39'l j cWtl JPwtJtVSiyie.-r UBV'hNJ,vSig. I- rhtM rfJPlL VV'.iK5j ?33Vr I'WEatW,VV4J-ir fTfe. jSeaeaaoS sp zrt it JlS.nS IUIKl.Ma k.20aE 3 3IEZS.TB sAAIa9R I d? n if om i 3 SJBJaUrlD- aaaaiyiBBBMrT P JmW mW 7v rnrlar BaeBaeaanBnl WP ffBS aBBBBBBBBBhasbnBael tLLaBn oaanM -m M . 'I.a3M7l s s ,M,ET'' - - sr . - ipca.annna . anaawrPlll. - ass: EARLY S TaWae lissle ffHw kaTe Ike as ManSWflanNLI oaaBaE VMefaaBaawS araeferero tntiwsl OeM hr 9rma0M af IrTsers. Xc!WwiTTt0teeIlt. lAXO ggifeg HORTCrtS LADi--lEsse5rAu DMM5HE5WGER TO LIFE fMnTUiTRrrun n imiv''vi iitae, mwTo MOTMCits-Sr. r 4mntormit, yfrlvV 8iabficL0.55aVa45To ATLANTA. GA ATLANTA. G A FOR SALE BY C. L. COTTIXG D. B. Spanogle, Real Estatk AND L UAN Ac!-w Rerl Cloud. Miles T. Hayes Patent - Collar For sale by J. O. BUTLEK Red Cloud, Ruckeye Harness, shop. - DUCLAS; .. litem. tnm. J-J-Xbr r ler aict r I IIF.VRV DICDRIt.II. Boot suHlj HUnc Dralcr. Rett Clone). Road .ollrf. t To aJl whrni tt but cowm rtniBJac at Uic uti t r rttrr f -1 tkn twtDtr-eo. Uru tUtf-. rnrr '"';! est fwnolns thrtx-r tnrtb Urt """ liiT aJ 2. Icw- tKUi!-t-rn rilIla"Jii ttCJ- nrlh lmrta wjjja i at4 16. lr , ttttitU bn stUM ICtbBc- rtl J lWfl ty sartry mxlr j Uk tttty twrsrycr ot elrlrrriinir. i-X oworri dajoCMaT.l.!" s Berth ljt t X' n-nl lbrrmf. sad all r Wtteras tfcrrrto. nr I witivcrtt rrfprrfKr tfcfttCo. 4M II. H KATXtr. ftfceriaTs Hole. Soils h henbr rfsra t"1 taJr . tirtw-of aaorilTaa f ream tweVl ( r B. Croee. efc-rk C ta Wrta tmtrt eC l I dgfcS, iadkial district wKk msd tor Te asaetr. 5rtasaa. t a rr la aa aciis 1 re? tfcmis. arfcerrte . H. Ckac; U Biiif'ur tui mninzTt Strm KadaR-t Matt- zrnse rfearSjCaweajfj' irttvtivti. I alf-" terror Je at r TOsr to ifce Mete -1 W- lor cad m &mA ax tt Ar t ; ctr. ytbexx. (taat lic tasr UtWmg ?jTri3 ie t ira t wn " aMn Bar efJast. A. 9. . at It o'cVck a. as S M dr tfc hem -awa UnJaef aBaeBaeBaBal ' BBaBBaBBaBBaeBaBBaBBaBBaeM na Mf VBaeBaBar i gjaBntl aw BBBBBJL, iBaVlBaBaBaBl JBBBCsBBBBBflB -naaBaeaaaneBaBann I ' 4wBJsVnBB;;BBKli trtaej ,av ,. aaaaaaanjev 3JaBa .a -isj BBBBQ 1 y 'jTBBBBOMJBBBBBBMBM .- a -sBSKBBBVMBBBB: C&a yrneBaeFaBnXlfAi ,fT i7 HyBBBK A.eBaBaBaeBtV '" 'BBaBaBaBoof ws-tr et f I r.?rrf taw ar& psartr xieai a, Caerf1tcrmiM. rt. wre . lOWli J tat.. a. i- T.ttJTglH Gift Ccr asr&aa4 KJt, aKJa UjmlMr CJLTm. J. 8. tiaaeaa. naisUri AHeraer, WHEN times art? hanJ and inotiwy is wan: mud you winh to make a dollar go nn far at it can and pan-hat) a much a poihlc. THEN i the time that unycTiipulou th'altirx itching to ix)(ve8o tltoee dollars olTor for jour inspection Cheap, Worthies Goods, pjHiiig ih merit except cheapnet. Q EWARE f these goods for though attrao Ktive in outeide ap(xiratu-e and sightly to look upon. They are built merely for looks, and are not intended for durability or service. The Cin cinnati Shoe Store rather than sacrifice quality for cheapness have bought goods entirely of man ufacturers whose reputations have been built up by strict honesty and sending only goods out that are reliable. WE SJELL them. We warrant them. Wo repair tTiem. We invite your attention to our stock of men's, women's and children's shoes and ask your patronage. F. G. BLAKESLEE. Popular Shoe Dealer of Red Cloud. OMMENINJ II I Wc will offer to the people of Webster County DRY GOODS at prices so that all can afford to buy. Our entire line of DRESS GINGHAMS at 9 cents. The iroods are of the best brands. Latest Styles;, Colors Hositivelv Fast. e Don't fail to examine ihetn. Dress Goods Henriettas, lJrilliaiitines, Orgaudos Indian Linen, Black Flouneerv, Together with an entire line of Dress Goods Go at 15 per cent discount in this sale. Parasols, Jackets Summer Wraps The above named goods will lw sold for the next f days at actual cost; also mam rtthcr bargains will be found on our com titan. R. M. MARTIN & SON. Red Cloud Nebr. Removed! Removed! GEORGE WHITSON, To Bcrartana's OM 1nmI, rersersrWrsMrr .trrrl isoel tn ,. wfhrre he will krrp on hatnel nit of Iter tor! Iinr4warr fe ac ressil. Baker Wire and Charter Oak Stoves. Joe) work. Itn rmrin mo4 ell) walrr werk oloaskltis-. gaM avaxl sunnnlllon, ercllllrw Ilk m. t'mmptnr twnrmntrr mm jaaser work eollrlfrsl. C'oaer nod M-r wr Iwe demr nrth V. Av t. mmmm GEORGE WHITSON, Yesr arrsraiol mshI tmilrr atllrr TrnMr -- 7J1K Fariuei- ILiiinber (Go SWCCKSrORS 10 li. A flA.VPY Lumber and Coal. T) 1 4,t. Gash Grocery House NOW OrOCCriCS, V lUllS, Vegetables. Coods Only. Come and see me T. C. HACKER The Cash Grocer. MAY nrw niomroc r grMSHSM- -" Nebmska. OPEN F"irst Class t L-... " . .- . , - s? . . liLfeSA.., iv .v -2 1 t . ij-. '- J- ftiSH" s SgaMwPSSfeta iirr-ez.-n-L-.