5T-- - " ' " Ea'aaaaaSaaaai- " "'" ' '" " iBEIEIaaaaa "' aaaMTT"5' " raaaaaaTr"""T"T'pjiiiii t.B &T- i, i. .. - ,LJL.iraifig)'m5,t't5i j sBCm - pjtr - 11 y e BfcT"Tlfc"'JMBy j awaaaaaaai?aPaawafc?SaaBaaaaaaaT yfc. ajaaaa ajyajyf Am j aaaalaBaaBaaaB -v aa-fiianav --yDppjBaaaaIC3it' aaaaaaw "" bh .m h ? -,c t X jm i "i1 ..-iwjJchJV-BBBBBBBB t. lBa " jMMBfr'""iSBjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjj BBb vBBi j BBB 4 BBBBBBB ja ,mTm -?- BBBBB aaak jbbbbbbw bbbb BUj BBBKjf 'BBBB"w4BBB L -BBByiiJfiiftBBBt BBBBj BJBB fc-'lMaTLJi' jb"" m. f . a l JHftoa ,., . --"-1- r .1 ,-BBM- l- B t.rtMteT'BB?r'c'fcfej f Caaaf awL 1 aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaI -BawP&j25 """" 'BBBBBTriBPBBB JfT?T TBBBBBBBM aaV aaal " BMBBBiBBBBBBl iBaaaVjBaV . rB aaal 4bBBBm BBBBBBBBm aaaaaaaaah H "g T-yfc A. -SBlBII - .Vfar--- - .1W r ., --JM ---gwBasB&glBJiy tPAt aaaaaPataaialrk - jfc?fwaaa5:23SW H 'I v I BaaaraX BaajaaBa aa Barfl -pfe, : ifc- fSitaflfofeS tfciJBBBBBBWBl aTft A W Laj aa r , ."-"dffi 3'ilt jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMMSl&ilaMHPaTyBMBl -- --&jdaJBaKl$i4&l M rtff(KifariBfcBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBii ' " " "n i" Ta ta aaaaT ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt BBBaaaaaBBBMi TvBw K'aL'BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBT b BaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB -r -' RBY"BBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr4Z: -f- -" f ioaBBaaBBaaBBaaBBaaww'air .BaaBwj i r - BiBBaBBaaBBaaBBaaBBaaBBr a aBBBBBBBBBBBiBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBJBBmJBBAIiSBBBBJBJBnsJ ' flEBViBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS Tf IJHBlnHL'-BBBHVVPJHBBrMB'BBMf 9HBBBHBHBflBJBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF BBBBBBBBBBBBBPJi'BBl''BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9T2BBPBBBBBBBBnlv bWCIY1JbPIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi 1 PWtl!K I JPa it- - - ' i.yfrMrBTafSBBBJBBBBBMBBBB M. KKgltmtmkamtBmBLml- -BBJBjKHf.ypBnBBSpBBBBJBMv J3BBBBBBBBcv7ukBBBU3Pv pPBFbVMBBBBBBBBJm1 jBBBBmW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBPWBJiir' " EPJBBBBBBBBBBBBBl fTB yiABBBBBBBBflBBBBBBAMPBJBBBBBBBBHBBBBBrlS' vf ':4BBBBBBBJB'vBIBJlBBJBiBx!3V?? -!. " ST wllBBii bKjBB rjMMMMjBMMMMMMMMMMMMiJ" JBI3- BJ!FBBB HBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBHP8BBBBBBBBBBBBra It .crf" j" - . -:ySiBBBBBBHBBWBMr'frBmf-,,Y iPS BJBJPIBBbBpjwCBCS ZmKKHm&fir-9't i i. " Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. V By A. C. Hosmer. Nothing to Fear From I,cproy. The close commercial relations be tween California and China have in troduced quite a number of lepers in to the former from the latter country. A leper hospital in San Franckco has taincd ah man' a.i Gfty-tvro unfortu nates, all of whom were Chinese. No cases, however, have developed from these anion; the inhabitant of any of the Pacific States. In New York city theie have been half a dozen isolated cases during the past ten year.-, and at the present time the writer knows of five cases of lepros within the city limits. Leprosy is a relic of the bar barons ages, and it i, J think, .slowly disappearing from the earth. Civi lat; mi and piogrrs will in time com plete its cflacemenL It is but anoth er instance of the 'Belated Crab" of .Mr. .lackson. and we may join with him in praying heaven to soon remove it We must not neglect certain safe guards against it, however, for it is an insidious disease. Half a century is often necessary tu effect its dcveloj iueiit in a community, and it may gain a foothold Avithout attracting alien- tiou. J lie action of the government in rigidly quarantining against it is commendable. Lepers, to say the least, are not desirable citizens and such as n':ich our .chores should be sent back to the place whence they came. The establishment of a ualion .ilVayaictto has been advocated for snob itjso as haw developed among u I believe it Hiould be done and hope to M-e it in the near future, as it will undoubtedly prcve.nt some eases from oecuniiig that would otherwise uceiti. A- a nation we have nothing it) iVar ft oni leprosy. The conditions do not exit here to cause or even per mit the spread of the disease, and it is not conceivable that they will exist until civilization proves a failure. Xoilh American Jteiew. Meeting of Herman Baptist.- Hag ers town. Md., May 28 to June f. I'or this occasion a rate of fare and a third on certificate plan has been made from points in Kansas and Nebraska up to Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis. Tickets should be sold to these points May "JO-27 inclusive and certificates will be honored for return at one-thiri fare if presented at our depots in Chi cago. Peoria and St. Louis, June f-o0 inclusive when signed by "W. S. Kieh ards, Secretary Hagerstown. Md. Be yond Chicago, Peoria and St. Loui-. rate of one lowest first class fare for the round trip has been made, tickets to be sold May 20 to June 1 inclusive rood to return until June 3G. Below 1 give you rates to Hagerstown from Chicago. Peoria and St. Louis. From Chicago, $17.20; from Peoria, $20.10, from St. Louis, $20. Tenth Inter-national Convention, Y. P. S. C. K., Minneapolis, Minn.. July 1-12, ISiU. For this oceasiou a rate of one fare for the round trip has been made. Pates of sale from Pakcta. Kansas and Nebraska, July 7 and S. Further information regarding this eonwiition will be furnished la ter, d. Francis, . T. & P. A. The Knights of Labor entertained their friends last Saturday nigtt ia fine style at the K. P. hall. They served ice cream and berries until a late hour. During the evening the rain commenced pouring dowa, and it lasted until Sunday, but the people went home with a feeling that they had been well entertained. Hon. W. A. McKeighan, gave thea a very pleasant Ulk during the evening, which was highly appreciated bj alL I AaiaJkv -'vwlfS-sjSO sg$&pt;3 JdlV lgjBu BBjA9BfASmmjmiA2limWv .'" bP-IJ .fl BrmiCSmBmiTS&SKmBmBmBmBwmaA JumSmEmimBmi jaaBBjmjmK iBnis'mBmBmBSamBlml MBi mmmlmlmmmma KI&L WflmmDmBft tlJBk. BBBBBBVBaKbHLSBBBBB BaaiBBjBBBBBlBBBBBBIBBBBBWAiajBwaW BHizbBBBaHHBHBHBBBBBBHBBlBl mBmiEiBmBBtamBVBr BamamamBmLBmTtEmi MsmPHB9BESBS!BmBtHBmmaa BmammmBmimT'r'WI mimBmBmBmBmVmBVimVBmBUmaRi 3wsmmimBSi5imBmBmHmml BmaBaffBBjBBii I , mimBmBmBmBlBmvcBTBmBmBmvaiLa xaSmBBmmiimBmBmsBnsjBlSHm3 mammamamawM. a i n imwmaaaaaaaaamaav aaaa'aaa"Tiaaaaaaaaaaraa'aarm r?!iaaaiaaMaaaaiamaiai BmBmBaHmmBmaKMllmBmBmlBTHmmamBmmmBmmlBmBmM :-t ammaWmntsl BmBmamKBrnamBmKHamaVmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBRmmK ''I'-BmamVammamltml afaaaaaaaaBBajawBaBaaaavnavaaBBaaPwm iiBSHaa mamammamamamamamaMMMmamamammmBBSrS hEIftma aBBBIBPKBMiBamB5JBam BmamBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmam HBIHJjBBHBmmmmmmmmmmammmH Bank Failure. The closing up of the First National bank of thih city by order of the comp troller of the currenc', is much to be deplored just at this time. Our peo ple have just passed through a very hard and trying year and have lost heavily financially and otherwise, and now to have one of the oldest banks go to the vail is certainly a deplorable disaster to our city and people, as a failure of that kind always takes oth ers with it. As to the cause of the closing of the doois ot the First National bank, wp are unable to ay, unless it might have been caiiicd by the stringency of the times and an inability to collect outstanding paper. It is much to be wished tb.it the institution will soon open its doora and wc have heard it rumoied that such would be the case in a few da s. Examiner McKnight is in charge at present and we believe that the stockholders will be able to put the bank on its feet again. p ii . 1 1 i. i HaaBmmimSmV A , ammmTOjpjbft.'-ll -BMm avPaSSHSE9HmmKaaL9msaNmi9hf a BBBBBE BaBE.faVBjr Ba9S2Bv5S3?&?BlpSNBBKaBvrX59BBBSk!9BH BHBr mmlL .mlmY I EBSri msef wmlvJ&BBrv3MAS8llBb9mBBma36&3B9mBVimt I ammmLa 1iaJdm rai IP3 JSaKBmXrwt'aiBBmamtmSHmMmMmW 'm ''-A mamimB wjjg I PkST R5g3 wf?7 J 2 !9MSiyBBjHHQhkAK B laaBCTimamamErimamfimmYmlBmTmamatmamamB KmmammaHmaffSSfe1 SmPBKKSBBpttlM FmmmHBmfiliililli 'fltimSPT'3 The Ciukk wishes to state that it thinks that the board of education should reemploy most of the present corps of school teachers, if not all. The work during last ear has been vciy perfect as far as we can learn and satisfactorily to the patrons of the school. Then again our city can af ford young ladies who arc just as com petent as any that can be produced from any other portion of the country, and it is no more than light that they should have the first opportunity for the positions if desired by them. Wc always have believed that it is only right to give our own people a chance as long a they arc the equals of any who may apply. The aim of the school board should be to employ home teachers and pay them well for their work, and they will be wonderfully surprised at the good work that will result. If you pay cheap salaries you can't expect anything but cheap work. That is one good thing we can ay of our board, that they have paid fair sal- , aries. but they should increase them wej believe. I WEBSTER STREET LOOKING NORTH. Mr. L. Soderberg of Cheyenne. Wyo., sold his farm io this county the other day for a good round sum. He was quite fortunate in his sale and will now invest it in Cheyenne town lots, where he expects to make a fortune soon. Our public schools, will close in about two weeks. Then our Young Aneric&s will have plenty of time to angle in the rippling waters of the republican for the festive nau P. E. Goblc and Attorney McXeny were im BtoomiBgtofi tkis week. A Second Great Commerce Drftfrojx-d. Only one large war ship will be contracted for by the Navy Depart ment during the present year. This is the new cruiser No. 13, a sister ship to cruiser No. 12, popularly known as "The Pirate." Cruiser No. 12 is now being built in the yard of Cramp & Sons at Philadelphia. When Crashed she will be the speed iest and most powerful protected cruiser afloat She has triple screws and engines of unusual power, is of 7,400 tons displacement, h designed to acheivc a speed for short distances of twenty-two knot, and will carry coil enough to enable her lo steam around the wotld without stopping. Her plans have aroused intense in tercut abioad among naval expert. Neither England nor any other power ha- a cruiser that can compare with her in destructive efficiency Bids for the construction of cruiicr No. l.'J will be opened at Washingloa June 1. wirxr.H BLOCK facing i:at. These two vessels arc the pspecialpets of Secretary Tracy. They will be more effective than battle ships in teaching other nations a wholesome repast for the United States. Either of them could make havoc of the commerce of a hostile rower. Act ing in co-operation they could nlmost sweep the sea clear or an enemy's merchantile marine. The superiority of these two great commerce distroy ers is lecoguizJ as fully by European government as it is in the Navy De partment of the United States. This recognition amounts to an acknowl edgment that Americans again lead the world in the science of maritime construction. A large number of our young folk took the Salem" band wagon ronte for Smith's lake for a picnic patty on last Wednesday, with Oscar Patmor as conductor. nd Will Yei-er as head brafceman. They report a vcr plcas- ant time. If nlcj to IWh. but Oil. how lutter, T hmifc a li-ti mill then not 'Vli' Vr." The W. C. T. t will liold a temper ance 111.-.SS mceUng at tbc Methodist church next Sundav evening. Mav 31. 1 All arc cordially invited to attend. Bev. Ely will deliver the address. Copies of the "World's Petition" will be circulated through the audience. Lew Soddcrbcrg of Cheyenne, Wyo ming, gave this office a fine piece of crystalixed lime stone that he found at the foot of a hill near Cheyenne. Service at Grace church Tae?day crcnifig, Jane 2d, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Myers will oficiitc Ber. Red Cloud, Webster County, An Old Seldter of Ike Laic War, About lo he Rewarded. Our fellow townsman I. S. Bul, is one of the oldest serving soldiers in Nebraska. Karly in the sixties he enlisted in the Union arm, and went south where he served his country valiantly for several years, receiving promotions for gallantry, until be reached the promotion of First Lieu tenant at about which time he as wounded and resigned his office, but up to the time he has never been dis charged, and has technically been a member of the army for more than thirty-three year, and therefore en tilled lo his wages of $110 per mouth from il.e time he was irouuded until now, which amount- to upwards ol $40,000. lie recent L made applica tion for discharge, and filed h- claim Tor the "-mount of his salary for 33 years, with a fair prospect of getting it. TlIK ClitKK h'ipes he will l" t the amount as he lichl dusi-the amount. JSt"" Icmorial Servicer Last Sabbath morning the opera house was crowded to its utmost, with our people for the purpose of taking part in the memorial services. The churches all closed and each congre gation invited with their pastors to take part in the ceremony. The meeting was opened by prayer and singing, after which the Bcv. J. D. Pulis. delivered the memorial sermon, and right here The Chief wishes to be put on record as saying that it was a master piece and one of the best sermons for the occasion, that wc have ever had the pleasure of listen ing to, and it was fully appreciated by every person prcacnt. The sinc ing was especially beautiful, and went to make the exercises grand. One thing is certain Bed Cloud has ome excellent singers, and they can always be depended upon for all such occasions. The Gracd Army folks, the W. B. C and G. A, B. circle, were all well reprcscBted at the services. i Bed Cloud people arc alwavs iatri- otic, and turn out to memorial services ' with a becoming spirit of doing honor i to those who laid down their lives for j the perpetuity of the Unin. May j tie ZBCBory ef the old soldier?, both here and those who have passed the portals to the world beyond, be ever kept fresh and green. It is a duty that we, a; a people owe them, for the part they took in overthrow ot the grt rebellion. Attorney PortcTj of this citj has lately p rocarei peasioas for Stephen Barles aad Dcaais Liadacy, of Rc4 Cloud and for Harrison Saaadera ef GarSeld township. Xattee. All jcrsoas knowing iheaxsclkcs ia dehted to the late first of Blakesiee A j Hatch, will please call aa settle ac- otuiU. P. G. Blaksslkx. MtM I ml -Sf B'H H H ml mPavXam Neb., Friday, May 29, LOCAL DMIFT. Mcf Henry Clarke of New York state is in the citv on business. There will be a tern perance ma- meeting at the M. E. church next Sunday evening. Go to Wm. Zeluff, for a good hail cut, shave, shampoo, or sea-foam, on east side ebster Street. Remember that Cozad A Co.. will not Le undersold on furniture, car pets, wall pap;r Ac. at Taylor's old stand. Prices reduced on mv entire stock of la lies dress good, no tion, hosier) lace, hambiirgs, etc., at Mrs. I. New house's. Frank Talr g't h- finccr bndl fijured last Friday night while turn in: an ice cream lr'z.r .t hc Meth odist festival. i F. V. Taylor has gieatly increased his stock of furniture, carpets, cur tail. &c., and won't be under sold, j call iud sec him. Buy vur paint of Cotti ng. He sells the strictly Southern and Globe leads and the Lincoln mixed paint ' that cannot be beat. Just received the latest sUle.s in ladies summer wraps," Iflark sattceu, j Challies black brilliantines and gloves j at Mrs. F. Newhouse's. j --.--.----.-.. There seems to be a tendency of lhc tuning of the Confederate war some children to dc-troy gardens oer(5 wou!d bu.v a pair of shoes anywhere the city. Lisa piece of bu-mc- in thc u- A lhc " f that the Little America- should stop ! money increase the shoe roe in pro Oingtothchard times and scare j war a pjir aj ,jad CQ?t f. WM Ml! f, n even more widely M.paratd ityofmoneylwill sell good, at cost ,chtaJi at m a bjirrc, of fi(jur poin, Soll0 f Ulc ,rllflM wrrc and some below coU Please call and that M uj wst $1Q hrQQhi from MfficiUurcc ao.l ,ll.ci f.om he convinced. Mari. F. Newiioi sK $;:()r nol bocau-e flour was gcarcc but intending or po,siblo cxhibit,. See Cozad it Co., for funeral sup-' 1 r "r"' "askets, robes etc., who arc iuuy prepare . . i . - in the city or country, at Taylor's old stand. The ladies of thc M. E. church gave a very pleasant ice cream social at Perkins & Potter's old stand last Friday night. The receipts were about $40. If it keeps on raining in Nebraska the city water worts win nc "mnocu-; ou- desuetude" as thc Great Clcvc-t At a joint special meeting of Gar land would say, at least an far as the J fjc,j 0t X0. g0r and 1L ('. No. lawns arc concerned. j i if iC& at their hall after the close After years of experience wc make of thc memorial services held at the thc intelligent care of thc dead a j opera bouse Sunday, May 2 tth, a vote specialty, and arc prepared to attend j of thank; wan unanimously given all calls in thc city or country. F. V. ' to .1. I Pulis for hi? sermon delivered Taylor, funeral director. on thai occasion, and Adjt. of thc Undertaking by F. V. Taylor w,0 has had jea.s of practical cxperincc in the scientific care of thc dead and i"a h..Mr T.ron5iri.l th.n nvt-r tn rnn. duct thc business in all its branches Thc wettest season ever known in Nebraska has occurred during thc .... . last fortnight. Almost an unceasiug Don't fail to get your day p supply rainlall has Liken place inside of that of water on Tuesday moriiing as (om period and it ha had thc effect of misioncr Ward going to ihut off makinc thc farmers happy t least. the upply. r .".,', .aj rc-s-soijn Mil I , '" ' fcflSg5e - St - 1SS m& I. O. O. F. HALL Andy Cuamia, a reidcBt of the South End, hs a hea that haj a mo nopoly on eggs. The other day when the family went oat to gather the hea fruit, they were soaiewhat iarprbed to Snd as egg that ia ixe &eat the largest Saratoga traak. it was hrought forth aad iato the paatry, aai there the aaeieat hatchet was pre dactd aad aa the keea edge west, plaagiag throagh the shell, beheld there eaate t view two perfectlv fonaed rjrgs, shell aad all ea thc la nd ef the ether ahclL A a praliie eeaatrj Nehraaka take the ba. The Secoad Aasaal Fireatea bea eit social givca by the ladies of this city wfll take place Jase 6. Every body iavited te tan oat aad help the frebwj. KaffiSrsa-sl&SJt - --; - -y, N.MSa!JBaSrl g y,:aaawaagaWaMawaiawiawaaaaawa?,1B1' 'iek ciTfBBBHBaaaaBaBMaaMiBW-'6awaawiifaMaBa -- rtfBHiaKBlaa W-.-sSam.rf7i. v3BSalaaB3a?J W-i$5 M H 1 Ti " naF aMaMVagliiiwi - - - mT wj"tTrjCc. T jaro iWaBMa"laTfc7Ziu III rs!!I t?j m awaaaaacajaM.jaaaxvaah,aaaaaaaaar i jsk fB aa I - j aa "3 mil M- aft.aaaaa I S -aaaaaa mzs zO Br " ' r &7c!,,i. m -.--aW - ai - '-aaV - a Ji arJaaaifa - ' L?fig B : -J.r- aV . J ..rfi3Mi----?-::j C ;j-frf 'MiMiirta.'. wm,3 ugtia?aaaawaaaaaaaaiaTaMMaaaaMaaaawaaaawrairr- .?3 jgsaaMaMWnilffHaJi1. jaKJaa1aM1w,1BJMM---aaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaar,- ?- 51 rv-'fJcViBawMUMiTj " " , --;!rgsari;?riZvJjc3ui.-j?' llfVjaVaaTaaaEcaa 1 ' X 53ac . , "Th-T" r ,5af,Ji"it ,tfc.J SSW'B!" a3H-Xwn. JkaBaaw.4K.iaiw aaa . jsl ". 1 189J. t'oHrcdcralc MotM-jr an Object LeMMt. j Le?aj lcndcr otc waoledt Iccon ing to the ntw people's party's plii form, -'in sufficient volume lotrtmact the burincss of the country on a cih bai.."" Experience lu shown that no matter how groat the volume the relation of projK.'rtyt money wou'd remain where they are today. At ................................ lti:i portion, until about ttic clo?c ot the btcau money wai too voluminous The Confederate war showed another those who toil for wages. Thc pay ol labor did not go up in proportion to the increase in value of good, so that thc mau who paid $150 for his shoes did not get as much shoe for his work as when he paid 15. SecJonts "Diary of a Bcbcl War Clerk." Vole of Taaak. 1 Vt mj intrurtcd to rcquwt of him, " lurnuh a copy or thc same for publication in the papers cf thc citV. G. W. K.MOIIT Pont Com. rilEVClC. Adit. Fannie Dow, Corps Prcs. Ilr.i.i.E Miller. Corps Scc'y "' " - l ' ' ' i-M , ., , m tav n fXf JwfilaBVBBBBBBIBBVIHlBTlBBBBBVBBB -T -sawaiaqaaaaaaaagr"""----' - --ri iTT.fwygiyaaaaMC --faBLgaaataaaiiiii ,' ' , fmu mK3tmkBE3&1 affiVIBBBBBBBBBaBaBf bBK WaaaaawaJaaaaaaaatWaiwaaaal iln iaaiaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiaTiaaaaiaaaiaaiiaaaaia iaw iia . .. . ..j i wn ! i i . jjiii . j ' " . ' i i . ' ' i -afc Affl FIRE DCPAKTMEVT HCtatTABTCBA. One of the S3st beaatifal s'ghtt ever witacsscl ia thi ceaatry, wa observed lat SsmUy afteraooa, at abest foar o'clock, ia the shape sf a gcasiac water spat, jat aawth of Bed Cload, bat teo high p U de aaj caatae. It eaald he plaialy it farmed, aad the satioa af it visible to thc caked eye. aad iaattj after it had traTcBad bmbj aaiaa it broke, aad a hage velaaw ef wafcr was sees fa fall fraai thc faaaal haaed afair. The whak pictafc beiag ose set earilr deaarihed, bat verv UaatifaL Ifaadrrds f aar ! pejle watcae it wua a canaaa eye, j ! if i had cmk ficrwa to the earth it wsa1d hare eertaialy created rjtat ! I havoc as: it was very targz aad ap peared to he getag at a pecd. rorclgaer are Aaala ! Kmw. How wideaprraa tbrosgh tbc aorld ii the iateret ukca tn th World's Columbian Exposition it well hea by thc daily asail rcceirrd at head quarter. For illustration, thc mail of a single da j brought letters from Havana, San Doaaisgo. Passes, Lima, Liverpool, London, Mantilla, Ljob, C'LOI'D N ATIO.VAL UhXU. HI.OI Borne, KrjtiLforton Main, Herliw, Mi'an, Pari Aix la Chapelt, GU gow, Brlfat, Perth, Manchctrr and CvnUintimplc. The foreign ne- panrrs recount were inur" uutacroiiR Neatly all were loiters ltllUlt. Cnlil Ihtf dtcjuliation of the formuu .-unit the f -ii i .. ii ." uch in Uirtr mil be attended to, a .-. poxible, by thc department of pub- licit y and promotion He pit is are ncnt in the language of thc country from which thc inquiry come. ConGrtuition of thc intcrct abroad in the cxjKisilion is found in the r- ports of the conu!i of our govcrawal Tbey report that the iwprtHWli H fat growing and WctamHK geacral that thc exposition wiH We a gigantic and fucccsful world's fair, and that manufacturers and other, according ly, arc anxiou to gam too re definite information, with a view of becoming exhibitor Such information i rapidly being applied to them. Bishop tJravcs of Kearney occupied the pulpit in Grace Eptw-'opal church lat SumLiy There wa one confirma tion in thr evening. Tlie church i bcgitiuing lo propir again Thc Congregational )pl will ia tall thir"ncw miniler next Toeday cveuin at their church. The pro gram OjUitc rxtenTc an I creral prominent tnrmltcr will le 'rcHnt. XMr-. Notice - hereby giTea that ike firm ef Blakesiee it Hatch it th! day dUaelred hy aalaal eseot. Fraak Hatch witkdrawtag fresa the eaaeers. The Vsiri a HI he cad acted by F. G. BUkealce wk arsaaea all ia dehtedaM ef the araafaad fa whaa aJ accewata are dae. Y. G. iLaxutLtt Ymjlvk Hares. May 22d, J&L The Mi Ileitie aad Nettie Kadekraf , were the gaeata f 1ta-JW. week. D. I. Sottof littif.iii.ivedthc aad latiafgaaii thia Vf&ff a th daai kk - - 'lfc VtmMm VflV W JVM WWv .VPVW KWW p Saatt, af Qaiary, PL, at the age U .f Vol. la No. 44. oiler. Tt tke jamti tf thif nly water iv lew On TucokLv Jutc , tnj I ill Ihc npri tn bluwiu MUt ihe main od olntn tle tmlpip'. You w all pi' pjly joar-! with water early tn tht? Morning of Wjt dt- TuavA J. W.vai Wa'cr CttftLtntitr K. HOK lMO'.9IATIO llrrttrHtimH l. ed that Saturday ajMaJI1 annual tafHioriaLdajrH!tfart uational heJidaytia'vmiioriaui of th acrilJ-aaaih altar f Lojalty of af aaliradefi. who Ml drfepdiBjr. th rnjri " fttf of their country Oat of rrpect fr that Jay aad that it may b fittingly fbrrt4. jou ar hrby rpatd to lrw yor rcpetlvp plirr af botiB, fraw one to 3 ItO o loek p. w. of lht dajr M. H MrNiTT, Mayor While lrk. anal Dark i lA'UtTUil't i a in! of harp nmtracU, tA hrillinnt IrhU. 1A int JiWj a Uml wlwfi bsht nl lUplim wak oliTKn llw mi02 i U ttnnl ntill , Inl hr ty m! in iwUmJ ran Uml an antnrtf ttvm n natur. Th bitfb. whilA minrrt f Um nvwint mn, fnm ! ltwUr o6cJ titml tl wirnl UVnrn ljnrurni of mkw, RifjiMil with n!int J-jiti U U Wtr Mfriratwn ff ll mm, U wimht chtutmm olift 07 TiUn Uv Urtjwh sranlt rwrtl hiIU,:Uun wbrJjUur dark haIr lhfnj? aoI lwiflir2 twr rit Uh. ik t U lart Uiruar that thnlLk ioitrf intl , It 't et MUmr Ibat Uhmi zUxvm ut whit tk rl th jVw ni ,Utk cG pTdu'l U j4rfcwRt Srtl, t 87 t&Afrt or tin reIjWl rvnit ilixu tb tirJ xouxl o-r wcaril !Jr mT flt'l rTul rtt wA t4tiS9 ttvm lurmtnl asJ VnL To vo roAl(Bjr rmj Olorvlo. 7nr Mrt$m nr Uui. nf UicJar a tmawjstir4j3l Wor trum Jtt t wmt, or tk r. U lbmr ! Xmibm eual o Jfftc, trmiwr ad Hixarj Xn Uk- ith y oW ! Ki th A W UnKtnM "f tW om!SJ optsry aJoiT t1" It. alwa4fa w rstacaiAoMBt vpaJo i4 vhlto imk acl dark ca&tm. Th tuottik ot 2itnwm f, VHH, mtati o&9 A tix anott waa jrtAt inprmc&ilt u ndnjtl funk turn that h lims a&4 Ia CeSaratfe mtul tkm H'K. TS er.ws4UMi d ti irATl gvg 4 'Jtm iVftTM 4 Kin Graft Kiirna4 twm IYf QtfrjnA, wwl) tevsataua 0iav. Utah bda f;t je jpt m riwmaw I am tm ytmttbtUlf. m rrlf a tnswjA f dxti&z mutl ytaniar 4tiU. TV form la m by lfc9 way tA tJrigg. lnt tC Tt-ftfiMBM J'jaaa, latfndMC th . tA KajcWaad Graad Ritaey. ! tmm td V Mnt f f K IMy Crztm. waoJ Hyriag -! Jr tl irtmd tti9t V Graavl JfwatUtx, ttara- wSk Lava City.Oraaaacxi Ha Trmmmm. Ky Uwa rust rm m jprt a afewtaaity k haU tWaaagaifeea af aW Klir ti acarraienM iaaty a4 efthaGaaxit Taw tram tea awnaii ia areer rav laaaet. rrsaa tiearataeaV eaaa rrxyrtuac heh-t aad ,aJ at tk avwi I't.ait t;h aih. Ifaay t fcaow ami aaewt taaa ha of aataray-writo tCJC Gaaarai JPaaaaw Ajaat. Daa,Cb4eraiHaatlipiXaaad ymt fraaea aeaCiTnaaUx tvtac a taa ea-ia r all "T. -, .t vx 3 -,. ,-ca t---.. &J&&gA'. - " 'r?f. TC - .- . &, ILj.t. y r- -A"'--. -.v.K3.. 0 .Stof-J pj-S- - ,